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Jun 11, 2023 1:28 AM

Nov 2011
This episode was kinda for being able to buildup anticipation for the final few with preparations and drama. 

The tomato jokes aside, it seems everyone is on edge about the recent events, even Suletta. She's definitely going to play a major role in this conflict soon enough but for now, I really hope she knows what's she doing.
Jun 11, 2023 2:30 AM
Jun 2017
prospera and Quiet Zero just showed us how powerful that is by wiping out those entire assembly fleets 💪💪💪💪...

lets see what will happen in the remaining episodes
Jun 11, 2023 2:33 AM
Apr 2017
I'm curious about the type of Gundam Suletta will ride later

I hope it won't get her killed
Jun 11, 2023 3:05 AM

Sep 2022
Why do I get the impression that everything will end with Suletta and Miorine dead, or at least the first one?

Jun 11, 2023 3:11 AM
Sep 2015
Guel should be the one who interrogate Shaddiq, privately...
Jun 11, 2023 3:14 AM

Feb 2021
The conversation between Nika and Martin was wholesome.
Have we heard about the Calibarn gundam before? I don't remember.
The scene at quiet zero was brutal.
Noo not the ending (T⌓T) Poor Miorine man
The end card is by LAM nice!
Jun 11, 2023 3:15 AM

Jun 2015
Man the school really was wrecked by Norea's little rampage. Though im glad that Petra didn't end up crushed but still looks like things are dire for her. Quinhabor sure proved a massive shock for Miorine. While it was idealistic the way that Shaddiq went about it was the wrong way. Quiet zero sure looks imposing and rightly so as the final boss for the narrative. The outer structure that housed it kinda reminds me of the death star. But it sure made the battle against the assembly league a turkey shoot. Lauda just keeps taking the wrong paths thats for sure. But they really did well to set up the empress as the final villain for the narrative and from what we seen its gonna be a tough fight.
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Jun 11, 2023 3:26 AM
Sep 2021
Quiet zero has begun, how will suletta stop both eri and her mother is the question??
Jun 11, 2023 3:26 AM

Jan 2013
petra survived but at what cost? she will become the next darth vader. lady prospera not soo smug anymore now that she has been reduced to mama whithera.
Jun 11, 2023 3:30 AM

Jan 2019
Another great track on the OST, can't wait for its full release.

Jun 11, 2023 3:48 AM

Oct 2009
So Suletta knew about everything from the start. Huh.
Jun 11, 2023 4:08 AM

Jan 2009
Suletta changed so much and now she accepted that her mother only loves her original daughter Eri
Jun 11, 2023 4:13 AM
Apr 2023
The name of this episode could be "Death flags rise up"

If Chuchu dies, my score goes to 1 automatically
Jun 11, 2023 4:18 AM

Sep 2021
I would've felt sorry for the Assembly fleet. If only they didn't try to use Suletta as a weapon to achieve their goal! I'm glad this was shown before, so I could enjoy the beautiful annihilation of them! Quiet Zero sure is impressive!

I hope Suletta won't do anything stupid in the future. Please, don't go doing something for the sake of doing something! Prospera, Eri and Mio did so much to protect you!
I do want to see her back in a Mobile Suit. But in Aerial. Fighting Peil or Delling.
Although I'm sure neither Prospera nor Eri would kill Suletta, I still have a bad feeling about this.

Aside from that, Peil still seems to be plotting something and Lauda is up to end Miorine's suffering with his Gundam. Perhaps Guel wiil face the same fate as his father?
Jun 11, 2023 4:26 AM

Dec 2020
Suletta has really changed a bit she now want to talk again with her mom and eri so we now know about ericht story and the past about her.
Miorine has it rea hard she must be through this pain and the situation on earth.
I want to see which gundam suletta now used.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Jun 11, 2023 4:34 AM

Jan 2009
Aozure said:
So Suletta knew about everything from the start. Huh.

nah she only knows the truth in not so old episode when Eri talk to her so offscreen she got all the memories of Eri from the data storm
Jun 11, 2023 4:42 AM

Sep 2012
Nice episode, and really good reference to The Tempest with the (Gundam) Caliban.

Aerial is definitely going to sacrifice herself because she loves her little sister though, there's no way that Suletta can beat Aerial.
Jun 11, 2023 4:55 AM

Sep 2014
What the fuck is up with the writing in this show? Do they hate worldbuilding? So Space Assembly league which got no setup in S1 pulls up with a military force rivaling benerit group hunting a superweapon which actually is a weapon I guess even though I thought it was not? Did Benerit group actually develope this for Aerial or did they conveniently build a gundam sized control center just in case? Is Benning working with Prospera for real? This is kinda all over the place. I thought she was still searching for it?
Oh Prospera also has her private army and somehow got to quiet zero, did I miss an episode?

Investigator dude straight up tells Suletta to become a CHILD SOLDIER TO KILL HER MOM AND DIE IN THE PROCESS wtf
how is he even allowed to walk around school, arent they kinda opposing factions now?

This is all so confusing and now with only a few eps left we will get a Lauda villain arc? Is this really going to end with this cour?

I like how Miorines and Sulettas relationship is completely pointless to the story now lol
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jun 11, 2023 5:15 AM

Feb 2012
Fortress_MaximusJun 11, 2023 2:40 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jun 11, 2023 5:15 AM

Jan 2015
A build up for the climax. Quiet Zero is HUGE and dangerous af. Also it’s going much faster than expected, I wouldn’t be surprised if the story will conclude with this season.
Here we go with another nasty cliffhanger… Miorine is in danger
Jun 11, 2023 5:29 AM
May 2023
Gustwire said:
The name of this episode could be "Death flags rise up"

If Chuchu dies, my score goes to 1 automatically

If ChuChu dies, we riot!
Jun 11, 2023 5:48 AM

Jan 2022
if only Gundam started off like this and left all the stupid woke crap alone. The show is still bad, but when it comes to war and fights, they really know how to show out. The quiet zero scene was awesome aside from that. story wise, it's such a shit show. ( I mean that respectfully)

It's weird that they want to flesh out Little reds character and give her a personality instead of the happy go lucky gal portrayed before.

it's even weirder they are proping her up to be a hero, but by her admission, she's not that special as a pilot. She was protected by any and all side effects of the machine.

it gets more weirder, that the school decided to take full military action after the second terrorist attack on the school. All while students create havoc on earth while still enrolled in the school.

All in all, can't say I care what happens to our "hero's."
Jun 11, 2023 5:55 AM

Jan 2019
Gustwire said:
The name of this episode could be "Death flags rise up"

If Chuchu dies, my score goes to 1 automatically

I think Chuchu is safe, Martin is 100% gonna die though.

Jun 11, 2023 6:06 AM

Jul 2011
Hey, at least Petra is just real, but real in bad shape.

We had a heart-to-heart between the everyone with exposition.

I hope that, Elan joining, means Peil will go down.
Jun 11, 2023 6:09 AM

Aug 2020
once again, it was a great episode.

we feel bad for Miorine and her sister...

can't wait for next week
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Jun 11, 2023 6:27 AM
Oct 2019
Prospera is the main villain all along.

Look at the growth from Suletta.
Jun 11, 2023 6:40 AM
Apr 2022
will suletta be a tomato for a change, guess i'll have to wait 2 more weeks to find out
Jun 11, 2023 6:59 AM

Jul 2021
Fortunately, Petra has survived, defying the grim predictions of a widespread massacre within the Earth House. Although there remains a possibility for a selfless sacrifice, perhaps by a character like Martin, it's worth highlighting that this show doesn't adhere to "destroy all humankind" mentality. While the Earth House and the supporting cast are recognizable, their roles are not pivotal to the overarching narrative. In fact, they could have been abruptly eliminated in past episodes of random terrorism without causing major disruptions to the plot.
Jun 11, 2023 7:00 AM
Oct 2016
Quiet Zero has been unleashed. Through the machinations of Prospera to manipulate Miorine and control Suletta she has obtained the ultimate weapon. Something capable of destroying an entire fleet in mere minutes. Aerial as the catalyst creating that giant data storm to override the mobile suits it anyone whom gets close. A terrifying power that can be used to destroy so much. Miorine is now getting her own trauma after Suletta has gone through an immense amount, just recently starting to come out the other side of her trauma. Her handing the tomatoes to students recovering from yet another attack last episode. Suletta coming to the realisation that even if she doesn't gain anything she has to try helping these people. The antithesis to what Prospera has been telling her. Great scene of Suletta standing up and saying she'll pilot that Gundam to stop her mother. She knows that Prospera won't listen to anyone expect Aerial so negotiating isn't happening. Suletta will have to be the one to stop her mom and this Quiet Zero machine. Miorine must now do whatever she can to protect her people and herself. Everything around her has fallen apart but there's still work to do.
Jun 11, 2023 7:05 AM
Sep 2021
Again, when this show is going over the conflict between Sulletta and her mother and the stuff at school, it's fine. As soon as it moves to the corporation/political stuff it falls to pieces. The Space Assembly League was shown before as what? An oversight committee? An investigative bureau? Now I guess they're also a large military force. It just feels like they make up what's going on this part of the show from week to week.
Jun 11, 2023 7:16 AM

Jan 2020
BBLKing said:
Nice episode, and really good reference to The Tempest with the (Gundam) Caliban.

Aerial is definitely going to sacrifice herself because she loves her little sister though, there's no way that Suletta can beat Aerial.
The entire series has been a reference to The Tempest. Prospera's exile, her rise to power using this fancy new tech, her daughter getting engaged to the President's child, and Aerial being instrumental in her plans for revenge against those who wronged her... 
Jun 11, 2023 7:18 AM

Jun 2016
i can feel it  a " Death flags" for sullete and her friends is beginning LOL
Jun 11, 2023 7:39 AM
Oct 2020
Nahh, at this point I become clearly believe some people will die
Jun 11, 2023 7:42 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Death flags, death flags everywhere. Good to see that Suletta was able to somewhat overcome the recent events. Also, we finally get the explicit picture about her relationship with Ericht and Prospera.

Build up episode.
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Jun 11, 2023 7:50 AM

Mar 2020
This is just all over the place, but I'll say what I liked first, and what I've liked throughout this series, and that has to be some of the action sequences and accompanying OST. The scene with Quiet Zero was quite solid indeed. Story-wise, half of the time, I'm just confused at this point, suddenly this Space Assembly League comes in when I barely even remember their existence from S1. The pacing is just going at warp speed that there's little investment at all here for me. I just hope they don't kill off Chuchu, that would be a travesty.

Also, how does Miorine and Suletta's relationship even factor into the story at this point? Was it all pointless after all? How are they gonna cram in that, plus all the drama with Prospera all in the three remaining episodes? Of course, unless there are more cours... but given the pacing, I'm not sure about that.
Jun 11, 2023 8:05 AM

Apr 2015
I wonder if Suletta has the potential to fully synchronize with the data storm and they haven't realized because her sister has been taking all of it so far.
Jun 11, 2023 8:24 AM

Jan 2012
I actually laughed at Dote's words about Suletta change. I really hope that's some meta irony from the writer. Like, come on, may be she is a more dedicated and less shy person now, but do I even have to consider this a change after all these episodes?

Suisei no Majo continues to be lame on most aspects of its story and characters, but I would lie if I say I'm not interested. The main plot is still kind of cool and I hope for some nice action in the last three episodes (and may be a few twists).
trampler8324Jun 11, 2023 8:28 AM
Jun 11, 2023 8:53 AM

Apr 2021
I'd been wondering which of the characters corresponds to Caliban. No wonder I couldn't figure it out.
Jun 11, 2023 9:03 AM

Feb 2019
Jesus prospera really just showed us how scary quiet zero can be. Taking out that entire fleet in an instant.

feeling a lot of death flags with chuchu and Martin I swear they better not kill them off man.

I’m glad petra alive… but man at what cost. She looks pretty bad off

So he’s going after miorine?? Oh man these next few eps are going to be wild. I wonder how they’re going to wrap everything up here in such a short time
Marinate1016Jun 11, 2023 9:10 AM
Jun 11, 2023 9:18 AM
Mar 2015
The Space Assembly League moved against Bennet group but they were too late to stop Prospera from deploying Quiet Zero which destroyed the Space Assembly Fleet
Jun 11, 2023 10:21 AM

Aug 2017
Prospera's quiet zero plan is OP as hell. The entire Assembly League Fleet got absolutely obliterated by the massive data storm wave in a blink of an eye.
I got goosebumps seeing Aerial activate her data storm. It felt like the death star charging.

Suletta has one more chance to reason with Erict and Prospera. But I have a bad feeling about her earthian friends that are coming with her. I highly doubt that they will survive the data storm.
Suletta is the only one who can with stand the data storm wave.

Jun 11, 2023 11:34 AM

Nov 2021
Wow, this is really shaping up to becoming one of my favorite shows of all time, even though this is my first time watching Gundam. I hope they go for another season.
Jun 11, 2023 11:47 AM

Mar 2014
Prospera finally got a gundam army, I'm kinda surprised that Eran was acting cool after Norea death I thought he would be more vengeful and it looks Lauda is gonna do something stupid becoz he misunderstood something.....
Jun 11, 2023 12:42 PM
Jan 2021
uh oh
lauda is going to die and cause Bob even more trauma
Jun 11, 2023 2:37 PM
Aug 2017
LS_11 said:
I'm curious about the type of Gundam Suletta will ride later

I hope it won't get her killed
I have a weird feeling that this is the ending we are heading towards. The ultimate defeat of the "evil mom" will be her losing both her daughters, the real one trapped in the robot and the clone she never knew she loved. At least that's my gut feeling right now. It wouldn't be a first Gundam series with "nobody wins" ending, just like Iron Blooded Orphans.
Jun 11, 2023 2:48 PM

May 2016
man miorine turned into a total pussy.
Jun 11, 2023 3:35 PM

Jan 2011
So Peil Tech AI epic fail again. They should dump that shit, it has not taken a single right decision since the show started, lol :D
Jun 11, 2023 4:21 PM
Jun 2023
gtetrakai said:
BBLKing said:
Nice episode, and really good reference to The Tempest with the (Gundam) Caliban.

Aerial is definitely going to sacrifice herself because she loves her little sister though, there's no way that Suletta can beat Aerial.
The entire series has been a reference to The Tempest. Prospera's exile, her rise to power using this fancy new tech, her daughter getting engaged to the President's child, and Aerial being instrumental in her plans for revenge against those who wronged her... 
or it can be used as a misdirection either way we have to wait 
Jun 11, 2023 4:21 PM

Apr 2018
Suletta telling everyone her backstory was pretty good, I like how she's doing after all these events, meanwhile it's Miorine's mental torture simular, at this point it's almost comical. Now I'm sure we'll get quite a lot of deaths or tragic events to happen in the next episodes
Jun 11, 2023 4:40 PM
Dec 2020
Kast2 said:
Why do I get the impression that everything will end with Suletta and Miorine dead, or at least the first one?

Probably Suletta
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