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Apr 22, 2023 8:33 PM
May 2017
Good episode fr. Most of the guild members are cool except for that lil shit Runa. I wonder what she's plotting on MC, because no one simply switches up from hating their opp in a single day lol. To top it off she even called her a bitch to gigi. MC didn't hear that piece but still, she should have been at least a LIL suspicious at that quick change of heart. "what is she cooking?" type shit

Quanda1eDing1eApr 22, 2023 8:39 PM
Apr 22, 2023 8:47 PM
Mar 2015
The meeting did not go well and now Runa has set her up
Apr 22, 2023 9:25 PM
Feb 2023
best romance anime
Apr 22, 2023 9:57 PM

Aug 2019
She caught a glimpse of that Blue Steel™

Ahora, triste en la pendiente, solitario y ya vencido yo me quiero confesar

Si aquella boca mentía el amor que me ofrecía, por aquellos ojos brujos, yo habría dado siempre más

Apr 22, 2023 10:11 PM

Apr 2012
But okama is literally a derogatory Japanese version of trap and androgynous gay...Japanese also call male characters playing female characters traps, lol?
Apr 22, 2023 10:19 PM

Nov 2012
I totally thought Ruruhime was the bad guy.
Apr 22, 2023 10:59 PM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
Cute ep. The thing with Runa feels like a setup
Apr 22, 2023 11:13 PM
Sep 2021
Yamada's past a little was shown, a lot is mysterious about him hope we get the answers soon and we were finally introduced to all the guild members of akane's team.
Apr 22, 2023 11:49 PM
John Titor

Jul 2017
First, they left me waiting for one week to know who among those in the meeting was Ruri... and now, that mysterious appointment the very same day when Runa proposed Akane to see her.

This show surely knows where to end its episodes.
Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
Apr 23, 2023 12:02 AM
Apr 2023
tishan_navod said:
Most wholesome gamer meetup, so happy the old guy is nice and calm, the way he tried to help everyone get along especially.

yes i liked that a lot too:) that they didn’t make him creepy or soo!
Apr 23, 2023 12:23 AM
Apr 2018
Decent episode. We get to meet 3 new characters. 
Wholesome guild member meeting with lot of unexpected stuff.  Rurihime as i supected is not the little girl but eita, he is really passionate/enthustiastic about his in game persona but also to a degree its a little weird but in a fun way, but most importantly has a nice outgoing caring and bubbly personality. I like it. He looks out for people around him even listened to Akane about her dumping and then has nice little talk with Yamada with his girl situations and how aloof and unaware he his. I feel he's gonna be our wingman for sure.  It was funny when akane thought he and yamada were a thing in the game, but can understand why, he's that sociable to a point it may seem it can cross a certain boundary. but its in all good faith. 

I loved the old guy takezo, mans really wholesome, cheering everyone up and trying to get everyone along. Its interesting seeing an old man in the mix as i previously mentioned, would like to see his personal life and lifestyle. it would be interesting.

Finally eita's little bratty sister ruri, shes not in my good books for now, rude, possesive, assuming, and now also add scheming to the list, ofc it might be her childish side taking over but still gonna keep her aside for now and see what shes upto especially with that "sincere" call at the end. Also it seems yamadas giving her tutoring that too at the same day

We had some more progress between yamada and akane. He's more aware of akane's perspective towards unlike their first meeting, maybe somethings stirring within him, The train scene was funny with all ladies staring at him like he's a national treasure, ofc with that looks its obvious. Both of them still not able to hold a conversation alone together, but slowly working it out, Akane still thinking of what yamada means to her. Also nice of her to give yamada proper food, mom instincts kicking in xD but it was sweet  nevertheless.

The after credit scene with eita/ruri showing off her fashon tips and dresses was funny. i like these after credit scenes like the last episode with yamada conversinng with his onliine team when akane was sleeping in the room. these little tidbits are interesting and fun, hope they keep it up. 
Apr 23, 2023 12:33 AM
Nov 2016
Another great episode. Loving the adaptation so far. This is easily my number 1 favourite series of the season :D

Marinate1016 said:
Offline meeting was way better than most lol. Rurihime being a Nakema was not something I expected. What a siscon. Sucks that Runa doesn’t want to accept Akane into the guild. If Runa’s inviting Akane to hangout while she’s getting tutored, what’s she planning? To make her jealous?

I wish the romance was more nuanced in this tho, having Akane like Yamada basically because he’s hot is just so shallow. Hopefully there’s more characterisation later on

Don't worry. Both Yamada and Akane will get more characterisation and development way before the season ends ;)
Apr 23, 2023 12:47 AM

Oct 2020
Yamada is a aloof character.

Apr 23, 2023 1:09 AM

Feb 2019
dodoxdo97 said:
Another great episode. Loving the adaptation so far. This is easily my number 1 favourite series of the season :D

Marinate1016 said:
Offline meeting was way better than most lol. Rurihime being a Nakema was not something I expected. What a siscon. Sucks that Runa doesn’t want to accept Akane into the guild. If Runa’s inviting Akane to hangout while she’s getting tutored, what’s she planning? To make her jealous?

I wish the romance was more nuanced in this tho, having Akane like Yamada basically because he’s hot is just so shallow. Hopefully there’s more characterisation later on

Don't worry. Both Yamada and Akane will get more characterisation and development way before the season ends ;)

Thanks goat. Appreciate it
Apr 23, 2023 1:24 AM

Nov 2010
So, the protagonist was shocked by what she herself said unconsciously.
Apr 23, 2023 1:29 AM
Apr 2023
It was such a fun episode. It seems like the villain of the show has made her entrance. I'm wondering what Runa will do the day she met up with Akane. I'm looking forward to the episode of next week. Also, it's very cute that Akane made all that food for Yamada
Apr 23, 2023 2:55 AM
Apr 2023
The more we advance in the anime, the more I began to see that the parts of the story in which there is a connection, whether direct or indirect, between our two main characters are the best, the second part of the episode was rather beautiful, the firstt part concerning the guild members meeting was very empty, at least for me, When I got to have a first impression many characters, but by the end I did not find myself intrested in any of them.
Apr 23, 2023 4:28 AM
Aug 2022
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I kinda ASSUMED that Ruri was a guy cos of his personality in the end of the prev episode!
AND DID ANYONE SEE YAMADA SMILE when Akane was like "Ima hang out with Runa'---and he seemed CONCERNED FOR HER AT THE END?
Apr 23, 2023 5:23 AM

Oct 2008
HAHAHA! This episode is so fun because of Runa being so hostile to Akane and she discreetly told her that she's a bitch because it looks like she clings to both Yamada and her bro! HAHAHA!

Apr 23, 2023 5:29 AM

Nov 2013
The show is so good!

After credit "creepy" made me lol.
Apr 23, 2023 6:03 AM

Feb 2023
This episode flew by, didn't want it to end at all. That guild meeting at the café was so awkward and it looks like Runa just wants to meet Akane to make her jealous of Yamada and get into a big fight or something. I thought the game element of the anime would become tiring but it's actually the other way around, it adds so much flavor to the comedy and the romance. The second part of the episode was delightful, love how slow things are between Yamada and Akane yet still with every word they share together feels like something is blossoming beautifully. 
Apr 23, 2023 6:07 AM

Mar 2014
The main female and male characters are boring, luckily Runa is interesting enough for me to stay
Apr 23, 2023 6:28 AM
Jan 2018
I should’ve expected Rurihime was a guy after all lol, also that imouto of his, kinda sus…
Apr 23, 2023 7:15 AM

Aug 2017
Cute OP. Cute main girl.

Glad senpai called out Yamada on being abnormal. He needed to hear it.

I don't trust Runa.
Apr 23, 2023 7:20 AM

Aug 2017
jtredenick said:
Do people really let staff handle broken glasses in Japan lol if I dropped it on purpose I'd definitely offer to pick it up

She didn't drop it on purpose. She got mentally stunned and dropped it.

Customers would never handle broken glass. Too much chance of getting cut and bleeding.
Apr 23, 2023 10:14 AM
Jun 2015
If Runa only plays for about once in three months, how is she so attached to Yamada? It makes no sense. It must have a plot behind it.
Apr 23, 2023 10:30 AM

Jul 2014
So the guild leader was a catfish, I expected that lmao

Runa must be cooking something, there is no way she changed in like 5 mins
Apr 23, 2023 11:56 AM

Oct 2017
Akane's a bitch lol. I like Runa, she's amusing. Though did she just lie to the bitch?
Apr 23, 2023 1:29 PM

Jun 2019
I hope Runa is not mean to Akane on Saturday. Akane is so sweet and looks like she's developing feelings for Yamada like any other girl. I hope my girl wins. She even gave him dinner and is looking forward to hanging out with Runa.
Apr 23, 2023 2:09 PM

May 2015
Another good episode. Yamada and Akane are so cute together. I hope we dont get too much drama in the series and keep it as wholesome as possible. 

Yamada is a pretty interesting character. Not often you get this kind of male lead in a romance. 

But damn Runa is a bitch. 
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 23, 2023 4:43 PM
Aug 2020
no story that has a romantic development based only on the characters's appearance is good, shoujo are horrible things produced by the desire of the authors, it has no story and much less romance
Apr 23, 2023 5:04 PM

Jan 2022
Another nice episode in which we get to see 5 guild members at the same time, we get to (officially) see the real Princess Riri and his sister, who's pretty possesive towards Yamada and his brother, lmao. I don't think the meet up that they will do next week will be succesful however, she wouldn't have changed opinion so fast imo. Excited to see what will happens next week !
I like everything, ok
Apr 23, 2023 5:18 PM
Jul 2018
Well this was an…awkward episode, and I absolutely hate Runa already. Fun.
Apr 23, 2023 6:11 PM

Oct 2012
I hope Akane and Runa can be friends, even though we all know what she is after.
The best Yamada can do now is to cancel her teaching session... although he really needs that money, right?

I can already see Akane coming to her home and finding both of them together in some precarious situation... and then Akane will run (insert Momoko, her friend). Let there be misunderstandings.

I guess that is what this story is after, right. But I would rather if whole triangle was resolved differently.
Apr 23, 2023 8:01 PM

Feb 2011
oh boy getting into some drama

Akane giving yamada all that food was hilarious, hope she isnt broke now lmao
Apr 23, 2023 8:09 PM
May 2020
love the crew!!!!

Apr 23, 2023 8:45 PM

Mar 2014
Yamada gets praised for doing the bare minimum and is called handsome for looking like a background character. I don't understand why she doesn't go after Rurihime instead of the kid who is still learning geometry. 
Apr 23, 2023 9:43 PM

May 2022
Another great episode. Anime of the season for me. My favorite thing is the mood music. The soundtrack is full of instrumental ear candy.
Apr 23, 2023 10:54 PM

Aug 2016
Some great direction this episode

Apr 24, 2023 12:38 AM

Mar 2011
I mean... in terms of human behavior and reaction to certain situations I have to say it IS pretty accurate (like when Akane turned hher back on Yamada because she was flustered and he misunderstood) or the awkward "forced" conversation while they were on the train. That's perfectly realistic... Then again it has some typical shojo anime elements which isn't bad.

So far this anime is nothing extraordinary but maybe slightly better than some other average animes/stories out there (although I usually don't like stories where the female protagonist is older than the male protagonist).

I'm sure Runa is plotting something.

My only real "complaint" about this is that the characters come off as a bit bland. Except for maybe Eita whom I for some reasons love (even though he was kind of catfishing as princess Ruri but I feel like it's just his character and he didn't mean any harm by this. Honestly it waskind of obvious in the last episode it was him but still a very nnice turn of events).
You're the light shining over The black and gloomy nights
So long I've been waiting To run into your arms
Oh, my only one desire You're the one I need
Through the thousand years ~ Evermore

"Midnight Sun" by AleXa

Apr 24, 2023 3:37 AM

Mar 2013
After having a menacingly rude behaviour earlier, Runa went and apologized on the phone... Runa is so Sus... 👀
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Apr 24, 2023 4:20 AM
Oct 2021
I want Runa to go away. But I loved that Akane ran to her house and back just to feed Yamada. I wish we'd gotten a scene where Yamada actually eats the curry. And I love that Yamada seems so attuned to Akane's mood. I'm finding the pace a bit slow but will keep watching!
Apr 24, 2023 5:35 AM

Jun 2013
How old is Yamada and Akane? I'm just curious. 

Runa doesn't look like she's older than 13-14 years old but damn she's jealous of Akane and I'm sure she's plotting something.

I hope Yamada shoots down Runa soon. I'm already tired of her character. Boring.
Apr 24, 2023 5:44 AM
Oct 2019
Yup, i knew it Rurihime was the glasses guy Eita.

wow it's interesting seeing the old dude hang out so casually with them.

i don't trust this bitch Runa. seems like she planning something.
davidyodo24Apr 24, 2023 5:47 AM
Apr 24, 2023 6:03 AM

May 2018
Yeah, I hate Runa now, hopefully she won't make things unbearable. Akane and Yamada are precious, and Yamada finally smiled, that was nice.

    Grant me one hour on love's most sacred shores
    To clasp the bosom that my soul adores,
    Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours
Apr 24, 2023 7:32 AM
Oct 2021
Bibimbapski said:
How old is Yamada and Akane? I'm just curious. 

Runa doesn't look like she's older than 13-14 years old but damn she's jealous of Akane and I'm sure she's plotting something.

I hope Yamada shoots down Runa soon. I'm already tired of her character. Boring.

I think Yamada is 18 if he's a high school senior, so Akane must be 19-20 as a college student.
Apr 24, 2023 7:57 AM

Jun 2013
poisonivy0325 said:
Bibimbapski said:
How old is Yamada and Akane? I'm just curious. 

Runa doesn't look like she's older than 13-14 years old but damn she's jealous of Akane and I'm sure she's plotting something.

I hope Yamada shoots down Runa soon. I'm already tired of her character. Boring.

I think Yamada is 18 if he's a high school senior, so Akane must be 19-20 as a college student.A
thanks! I figured they were just a year apart so it doesn't make it as creepy I guess tbh it was one of the things that put me off of it at first even though I liked the story. 
Apr 24, 2023 1:44 PM

Oct 2018
The last segment before the ED seems to be a straight up bait as she has tutoring classes (unless I'm getting this completely wrong), so Akanecchi is going to be disappointed.
Apr 24, 2023 6:14 PM

Jul 2016
Poor middle-age man. Trying to enjoy the cafe and these bitches ruining the experience.
Also no wonder Akane has low Intelligence stat given she didn't recognize the only guild member who calls her "Akanecchi".

Underwhelming episode. Damn shoujo anime that use annoying side-characters to "develop" the non-existent romance of generic main leads.
Apr 25, 2023 12:06 AM
Dec 2021
At some point you have to wonder why she likes him.
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