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Mar 7, 2023 7:28 AM

Nov 2011
Ah, Tsuyoushi prepared those meals with perfection. Fel and Sui globbed up that food so fast...and seems like he continues to improve his culinary sills.

His friends are truly lucky to have met him. Pretty chill episode. 
Mar 7, 2023 8:01 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Nom nom. So many good looking dishes again.

And Sui was cute as always. ^_^

Mukoda made some really big money this time.

SerafosMar 7, 2023 11:06 AM
Mar 7, 2023 8:24 AM

Jun 2019
Looks like Mukoda finally ranked up to C-rank and now he can restfully stay in that country without any worry. That's nice. Also, they got a very nice sale from all those monsters. It was so funny to see him considering the price of the items he bought even after he got that much money. LOL.

The food was delicious as always. Sui and Feru eat a lot and Mukoda was having a lot of nice time once again in this episode.
Mar 7, 2023 8:38 AM
Jan 2023
Another episode of showing off sui-chan’s cuteness and fer’s “meat, i love meat” ft. mukouda’s cooking and I love to see it. I can’t wait for the next ep where they subjugate the metal lizard, or “mithril lizard” is what I mean 😎
Mar 7, 2023 9:20 AM

Jun 2014
I overlooked this show at first when deciding what Winter shows I wanted to watch, but I'm glad I went ahead and picked this one up. It's such a relaxing feel-good type of show, with tons of appetizing dishes presented each episode (anime always makes the food look 100x better lol).

Mukoda caught a break, getting into the good graces of the Guild Master and being promoted to C-rank. Looks like he also found a country he can peacefully stay in. Sui is adorable as always and seeing it and Fel scarfing down Mukoda's food ends up making me hungry. Sui and Fel sleeping together at the end was cute. 
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Mar 7, 2023 9:23 AM

Dec 2022
finally some non oiled food that is not bread also mukouda reached rank c thats quite a big jump from g but anyways mukouda is filthy rich
Mar 7, 2023 9:27 AM

Mar 2021
sui is just so cute every time he is on screen and Mukouda now has so much money he could open his own restaurant with his culinary skills if he wanted to
Mar 7, 2023 9:56 AM
Dec 2022
finally the oppai goddess will appear next week 
Mar 7, 2023 10:10 AM

Jul 2015
Serafos said:
Nom nom. So many good looking dishes again.

And Sui was cute as always. ^_^

After the Cabbage Incident, food in anime must always look good and be well animated.
It's nice to see MAPPA's first isekai being a very solid one.

And yes! Sui is adorable, precious and must be protected. It's impressive how they made such a lovable character with just his personality, mannerism and voice acting, despite limitations of his simple slime designs. Those squeals he makes melts my heart. <3
PiromyslMar 7, 2023 10:17 AM

Mar 7, 2023 10:29 AM
Sep 2015
Mukoda food was already very oily but in this episode he went further and twice fried them, the fact that Fel and Sui feel full in this episode should tell you that that food is not for human anymore.
Mar 7, 2023 10:48 AM
Jul 2018
The two familiars sleeping together just like pack animals. <3

Mukohda is living the life! Gotta say I can understand why Japan specifically produces so many isekai like this. Going to a fantasy world where one could just chill and eat with familiars does seem like a nice escape from a rough work culture.

Mar 7, 2023 11:16 AM

Mar 2022
I think this is rapidly becoming one of my favourite shows, I don't know why its just the right amount of fun, doesn't take itself to seriously and just feels like the Mukoda is just having fun and chilling out, which I love the most.
Mar 7, 2023 12:00 PM
Dec 2022
Wow Mukoda earned so much money!! With his Online Grocery skill, he'll be set for life now! He's looking more like a fantasy world resident with his new accessories!
Hmm do they other goddesses like sweets too?🤔
Mar 7, 2023 1:20 PM

Feb 2019
why do these episodes feel soooooo freaking short?! i wanna watch them nonstop from start to finish--and then some lol
Mar 7, 2023 2:10 PM
Mar 2022
This was most definitely one of those episodes that really makes you hungry from like, 4 different meal preps. Truly a mastercraft episode of food animes.
Mar 7, 2023 3:13 PM

Apr 2021
Hands down this is the 4th best Isekai I've watched till now, better than Reincarnated as a Slime lmao
Mar 7, 2023 3:20 PM
Jan 2023
o cara achando caro algumas moedinhas de ouro é de fuder sendo que tem 2k
Mar 7, 2023 4:18 PM

May 2019
I always get a little hungry after watching this show, although I think sometimes it does get a bit repetitive. At least Mukouda is a Rank C adventurer now and they'll fight a metal lizard, some bulls, and probably make delicious beef dishes in the next episode. Also, the goddess scenes at the end are amusing and her friends know that something is up.
Mar 7, 2023 5:20 PM

Jan 2021
Mukoda has got quite the cooking skills. Everything this dude makes is delicious, I wonder if cooking was his hobby back home. He also let Sui pick their bag, dude is too sweet for his own good. Its a good thing Fel decided to become his familiar, otherwise he probably would have been left in ditch at this point.

More action in the next episode, I'm looking forward to it.
Mar 7, 2023 6:05 PM

Mar 2016
I thought at some point Mukoda's accomplishments could get to the ears of the kingdom who invoked him and be called to serve in hero's party, but with the letter he got that's no gonna happen.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Mar 7, 2023 6:32 PM

Dec 2018
Mukouda and the boys are really going places, his worst fears of being found out and making a scene ended up working in his favor and now he’s able to freely chill in the kingdom with some exceptions, but I still call that a win. And with that Mukouda got a few upgrades like a belt with a sword holster, new shoes and a new backpack for Sui which imo is the most important lol.

Now Mukouda has two new quests to do that will probably be done quickly thanks to Fel, and the dishes this time looked quite scrumptious once again, I also like that even though Mukouda was trying to cut back on the greasy foods he ended up making double fried meat later lol. And in the after credits scene we catch the other goddesses being jealous once again as Ninrir enjoys her sweets, I’m wondering if they actually appear in this season or if this is just teasing lol.
Mar 7, 2023 11:37 PM

Oct 2017
Need more of Ninrir.
Mar 8, 2023 12:08 AM

Jan 2023
Felt like maybe kind of a filler episode to me.
It was a nice episode, but maybe one which was only there to prepare for the next narrative arc (finally going to the sea/ocean).
Sui was really cute when chosing its bag though haha.
Mar 8, 2023 3:14 AM

Sep 2022
Mukouda now doesn't have to worry over any noblemen or the country now that he is a C-rank.

The food as usual made me hungry.

He really got paid this episode huh, with a obvious big shoutout to Sui and Fel for the kills.

That merchant from before hasn't forgotten about Mukouda and kindly gives all the items that Mukouda wanted to buy for free for saving his life before. A very nice gesture.

Those other goddess are about to get their hands on Ninrir next episode lol. Seems like Mukouda might have to make more offerings soon

Mar 8, 2023 5:21 AM

Jul 2017
Welp, Mukohda has reaped too much off the goblin hunting quest to be involved in major affairs.

The guild master Willem sure is surprised of Mukohda, and a royal summons for royalty not to bother him, it's freedom well earned. But raising from G-rank to C-rank, it's a huge leap that requires high-rank adventurers to complete the job, and the legendary Fel is more than capable. And having too much oily food isn't good, so Mukohda goes for healthier, but still succulent approaches with rockbird chicken. For Mukohda to earn a fortune frm hunting S-rank monsters and the goblin quest, almost 2000 gold coins are handed to him, which makes him a prime target.

The 1st of 2 quests to hunt a metal lizard and buying a bag for Sui to replace his tattered bag, along with a change of wardrobe at merchant Lambert's place, it's repayment for Mukohda's heroic duties. Once again, a hearty meal to end the day, and while both Fel and Sui ate their offerings, Mukohda gets his fill of karaage, the first food in awhile.

Ninrir, you'd better be careful of the other goddesses stealing your food offerings.
Mar 8, 2023 6:01 AM

Feb 2016
I expected Ninrir's appearance to be longer than 20 seconds... lame.
I thought she is gonna join lunar lunch with mukohda, but nothing happened.
Mar 8, 2023 6:27 AM

Nov 2013
following last week's goblin quest, the stupid amount of kills they gave a ton of work for the guild's girls lol
the guild master called him to reward him for beating the goblin camp, together with giving him a new special message from the palace... the guys who summoned him? he is allowed to be free but in case of emergency, he must help them
having a fenrir is already enough threat for other countries
ofc, a fenrir owner being G rank is stupid, so he got promoted straight to C, but with a requirement, a few A-S rank missions for Fer... who can easily do anything
mc decided to show them the quimera and all the other rare monsters, but some of them really can't be sold lol
Sui wants to be strong like ungle Fer, so he can pewpew stronger opponents

next, time to eat, and Fer wants meat... like always
Sui helping mc prepare the meat is cute too
lol even slimes don't like green peppers, but sui is a good kid :v
Fer who is used to sleep on the floor, this time was not ver confortable, until mc gave him the futon, and he fell asleep right away

the next day, mc went tog et his c rank card, as well as almost 2000 gold coins from the quest + monsters sold, damn ...... the quest for 80000 coins is going well lols
better be quiet about it tho, or people might go after him... why is he even worried, fenrir would save him
lastly, the guild special quests for the rank C are a metal lizard and a heard of blood horn bulls
LOL Fer beat a metal lizard before, it's probably not the same one or they would know... right?
the bulls meat is sold for a high price, so the guild would like to get a part of it... but ofc it won't happen, as both mc and Fer are already salivating to eat all the meat lols

since it will be night before they can complete the quest, they decided to leave it for the next day... first, let's visit the guy from last episode, who can sell him a new bag
there's a lot of pretty ones, but since it's for Sui, they got the softer one
there's also other items like boots, a knife holding belt and a wallet... a total of 11 gold coins... but for mc it's free, not only he saved their lives, he also gave them high level meat... next time it won't be free tho
he also would like to buy some serpent skin from mc, but too late... maybe next time

it's getting dark, so time for more food, this time "red serpent karaage" (?)
meanwhile Sui just wanted to jump on Fer's back, they literally repeated the same scene like 20 times "oi sui oioi sui" :D
they really couldn't wait for it to be done ... but frying it twice makes it even better ... and they ate it even faster than usual lol seconds please
they ate until they were full, just what mc wanted to hear, he won :D
he also started making some to store, so he can eat whenever he wants
he also got to calmly eat alone, since the other 2 weren't asking him for more food like they usually do

lastly, more offering to Ninir, and as usual, she loves every single one of them... mc asking if she won't get fat, while the other 3 goddesses keep watching like last time
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Mar 8, 2023 3:34 PM

Dec 2022
Ya me dió hambre :(
Gran cap.
Mar 8, 2023 8:22 PM
Aug 2016
I really like the cooking part and the story that isn't too exaggerated
Mar 9, 2023 8:45 AM

Sep 2018
Is it just me or did the cooking animation go extra hard this episode?? That bag shaking was smooth as hell, MAPPA goats are back at it again. Can't wait for the otherworldly beef meal!!
Mar 9, 2023 10:08 AM

Apr 2016
Up until range c and now they have a hard mission !!!! kekeke
Mar 10, 2023 12:54 AM
Oct 2019
It's a mistake watching this Anime when i am hungry 😭

Definitely gonna cooked Karaage tonight for dinner.
Mar 10, 2023 6:22 AM
Aug 2021
muito tops adorei esse anime cada episodio mais legal que o outro
Mar 11, 2023 5:28 PM

May 2018
That karaage looked even more delicious now! God why am I making myself hungry at 1am?
Mar 12, 2023 10:56 AM

Oct 2008
this episode has a lot of rotoscoping animation wold notice it because of how realistic the movements of Mukodas's hands...

Mar 13, 2023 9:29 AM

Apr 2009
Aww Sui doesn't like the green peppers but finishes them all anyway. A very good kid...uhm familiar. LOL

Hey free stuff...for now, he's gonna have to pay for the next ones.

I always make the mistake of watching this past midnight and I regret salivating on the food he was serving. XD
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Mar 14, 2023 4:21 AM
Sep 2020
matias067 said:
this episode has a lot of rotoscoping animation wold notice it because of how realistic the movements of Mukodas's hands...
This is what MAPPA really match about realistic movement, no need big budget overall production. Just pure slice of life and it's now a cooking tutorial. + the ASMR
Mar 14, 2023 7:53 AM

Aug 2019
LOL at Mukohda and Fel laughing together in front of the guild master XD

This was a pretty chill episode! Mukohda, Fel, and Sui now have a pretty big quest ahead, and Mukohda is pretty rich now! Mukohda also decided to get some new gear which is nice, and also offered to sell the guy he saved some high quality materials. That's totally gonna come back to bite him right? Something about that felt off at least to me
Mar 15, 2023 1:12 AM

May 2020
Let those big booba waifus make a proper appearance. Atleast maybe then something will change, as for what it is right now it feels like someone started a recorder and same things are playing again and again.
Mar 25, 2023 5:27 AM

Apr 2018
It's nice how he managed to max out his reputation that fast, getting so many gold from the guild and even free items for the merchant since he saved his life, the fry food made me so hungry though xD
Mar 26, 2023 7:50 PM

Aug 2022
another fine episode in the only isekai worth watching this season
Mar 29, 2023 11:03 AM

Sep 2012
Softhenic03 said:
Let those big booba waifus make a proper appearance. Atleast maybe then something will change, as for what it is right now it feels like someone started a recorder and same things are playing again and again.
they are hes future harem lol

first time in anime history we have harem of goddesses lol
Apr 5, 2023 11:45 AM
Mar 2023
Very relaxing anime so far.
KnighttttApr 5, 2023 1:16 PM
Apr 16, 2023 9:06 AM
Aug 2020
Good comedy, delicious looking food, Sui's cuteness
Apr 20, 2023 9:26 AM

Oct 2022
The MC should get big pots and stove already now, it would be nice to just cook in bulk as it takes a lot of time cooking so much meal on regular sized utensils.

Those goddesses better give him some blessings if they want his food.

Apr 27, 2023 11:07 AM

Jan 2023
This is probably the first time Mukoda has drunk two cans of beer. 

I watched this episode hungry and really wanted to eat.
May 7, 2023 7:57 AM

Jul 2015
With Fel as familiar, Mukoda's rank would sooner or later reflect that which makes me kinda curious to how the other summoned heroes are faring.

May 29, 2023 4:23 PM
Apr 2019
Cute companions, tasty lookin food. what more could you want?
Jun 26, 2023 12:33 AM
Mar 2018
Just realized this is Shaggy and Scooby-Doo the isekai
Jul 8, 2023 3:47 PM

Feb 2012
The humble MC is rewarded for his and his party's actions. Saving wealthy merchants, and providing soldiers with delicious dishes.
Less greasy options this time! That sandwich looked so good.
Is MC going to make Isekai-gyu out of those bulls?

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
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