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Sep 14, 2014 1:50 PM

Jan 2013
Was a decent anime, the start was kinda meh, but it picked up the 2nd half.
Also ... where the hell did Asa get that long hair from, as I remember she had short hair.

Anyway, everything was wrapped up nicely :)

Sep 19, 2014 6:27 PM
Sep 2014
I thought the whole premise of the show was about him becoming a god or a demon king so i thought the ending was utterly stupid.
Oct 8, 2014 3:52 AM

Sep 2014
Yet another series in which I found the manga version considerably superior to the anime. And this will likely be undetailed cause I'm really bad at explaining why I like or dislike something.

I feel bad for Kaede but even worse for Primula. She escapes the devil world to seek out Rin, the one person she wants to be with. Hell, Rin even risks his life to help Primula & bring her back, then ups & moves out leaving her at the house w/ Kaede.

I give the anime a 6/10... I seem to be the opposite of a lot here, in that I enjoyed the first half more than the second. In fact, by ep 23 & the dramatic scene I was so disappointed, bored & uninterested that I was completely unmoved. It also doesn't help that I found Rin to be particularly unlikable...

Oh! Primula was awesome this episode! I find myself wondering if she hadn't planned the rooftop scene where he passes out on her. *Laughs*

Ugh. I wish I had a computer so that I could play the visual novel! *Mine broke'ded*
CasyleOct 8, 2014 1:21 PM
Oct 18, 2014 1:11 PM

Feb 2014
Man... i felt/feel so bad for Kaede..... she suffered (and i think she is still suffering) a lot about everything that happened since her past.

Anyway, i think if he had stayed with Sia, things could have been different.

I mean, in the world of gods, polygamy is allowed, so, he could have ended with more than 1 girl. However, the other girls have to accept the polygamy... it has to be reciprocal between the girls involved and the main male. For most of the girls (Sia, Nerine, Primula, Kareha and Mayumi) is not a problem... I think for Kaede and Asa is a little complicated seeing their personality and what they think.

If it had ended like a TRUE HAREM, would have been wonderful... since I'm badly searching for an anime that ends in a TRUE HAREM END.

Vi-Feb 1, 2015 1:04 PM
Jan 29, 2015 1:12 PM

Dec 2012
Rin slitting his wrist was really well executed. When a series that hasn't had a single drop of blood suddenly starts to pour it out, even a wrist's worth of it can make a more profound impact than other shows that dedicate themselves to bloodbaths. Although with that said, the aftermath felt kind of underwhelming and it felt like the whole situation was just completely swept under the rug.

So now I want to ask what on Earth happened to the art in the second half of the episode. The character designs looked extremely funky and I just couldn't get behind the sudden shift which distracted me from immersing myself into the conclusion. Putting aside that gripe though, I thought the conclusion was very "Shuffle" like, although unfortunately for me was rather underwhelming. I can't say I was a fan of everyone still being head over heels over Rin either, it just feels like no one really grew from any of the arcs that focused entirely on developing the characters.

Anyway as a whole I found Shuffle to be a mildly enjoyable bit of harem fun. The first half was filled with fun and hilarity while the second half brought in some moving drama. I wasn't that invested into Nerine, Sia, or Primula's struggle but Kaede and Asa's arcs felt very strong and well done. I do wish there had been more relevance and world building related to the fantasy set up though. None of it really seemed that important and it was just like "Hey there's a world of gods and a world of devils and magic, but let's all chill!"

Another mixed thought regarding Shuffle was the harem itself. I really liked Asa and found her to be the most enjoyable character in the show right off the bat (which is why I'm extra happy that she was chosen and expanded on the most). The other girls, however, felt a bit monotonous. They had distinct personalities and the differences were there, but none of them really added any flare for me and sometimes Nerine, Sia, and Kaede could only be distinguished by their hair colors with the constant "Let me cook and clean for Rin" submissive mannerisms. I did develop an appreciation for Kaede thanks to her arc though and could understand where she came from more in that regard, but it doesn't change how I wish there had been more diversity.

6.5/10, that Sia x Kaede moment in the credits was a huge win. Somehow I just thought "they're gonna go gay for each other" early on as a joke and wham, what do ya know?
Apr 26, 2015 10:27 AM

Apr 2014
Asa ftw 7/10

Jun 16, 2015 11:04 AM

Apr 2013
Damn what a waste of time. Boring anime with dumb characters. 1/10
Jun 18, 2015 12:42 AM
Jun 2015
The ending sucked!I liked beginning. It was sweet and everyone had a fair shot. At first I was rooting for Sia. She was fun, flirty, and Rin liked her. But the I started liking Asa because I thought that it was nobel of her to keep her feelings for Rin hidden. I almost wanted them to get together. ..but then she turned into a backstabbing bitch! She just starts dating Rin without even talking to Kaede who is now my favorite character after her beautifully portrayed break down.
I think that if the writers were going to let Rin pick one girl then the other girls should have gotten lives. The only character I actually respected in the last episode was Nerine. She moved on from Rin. She may still like him but he isn't consuming her life. Sia is still fighting to become Rin's wife and okay, i can get behind her spirit but Kaede needed some hint for something happening for her. And sure her relationship with Primula is Cute it's not exactly healthy to replace Rin with Primula. Because if you think about it Primula was like Kaede and Rin's daughter. When they were going through what my sister described as a messy divorce, Primula was the one who was forced to watch Kaede's melt down and I think that makes her too involved to actually be able to help because all she wants is for Rin to live with them again and Kaede needs to distance herself from Rin and find herself.
Plus, the whole Asa dying so her mom won't cry was stupid and Rin cutting his wrist was just as stupid. Why couldn't he just go get her mom? I would have loved to see what her mom had to say when she finds out why Asa won't use magic.
Jul 12, 2015 9:23 PM

Mar 2011
Looks like this episode has three or four different animations and also some hidden gems (Tsubomi was reading Shuffle on the last scene). lol

It was a very enjoyable series and a nice ending indeed.
Jul 13, 2015 8:38 PM

Apr 2014
i found it weird how this series had a big thing for "worst girl winning" but in all honestly i was for her all the way i was soo happy she won man. this was a dope ass anime id rec it
Aug 26, 2015 6:29 AM

Sep 2014
Most of this series was pretty typical.
The only parts I really found interesting were Sia's split personality and Kaede's breakdown (episodes 16-21).

The "twist" of Asa being half-demon I felt was kind of silly & far-fetched, even for this story...
Also, did I miss something, how did Rin know that she had healing-type magic?
The ending was unexpected though I didn't feel it was unexpected in a good way.

Ratohnhaketon said:
So now I want to ask what on Earth happened to the art in the second half of the episode.

I was thinking the same thing! The budget/time ran out at the end?
Mirai, zura~!
Dec 12, 2015 7:00 AM
Jun 2014
This visual novel didn't go too well as a anime. Rin was way too unnatural with the girls, and was leading them all on almost the entire anime, and that's most surely because he went an universal route that doesn't exist up until the very end. Wish the anime crew spend a bit longer planning this out.

It sure didn't help that the storylines were laughably similar and way too coincidental. This sure can't be a good visual novel after a route or two.

And Asa being the end girl was obvious almost from the get-go.
Dec 18, 2015 7:04 PM

Apr 2014
Enjoyed this anime pretty well, it depresses me that he chose one of them though T-T i really wanted them to all be together, be a nice big happy family, having nice orgies, no one left out T-T.
Feb 14, 2016 12:18 AM
Jan 2016
After living with a possible psycho fit from Kaede all those years, I don't blame him for not picking a girl with those kind of psych problems. Sia was in the running until her twin took her out. Nerine was sweet, but just did not click.
Feb 24, 2016 9:34 PM
Sep 2015
Hey did anybody catch the last half it seem like the animation was scaled back. It just looks funky. It's like they at hit deadline and they didn't finish cleaning up the animation lines. And they generate whatever Cell they had to finish the last half. Is just weird.
May 25, 2016 3:20 AM

Mar 2014
Finally , MC was able to do something , only he can do . I commend you for it .
Perfect episode . With that ending , I'm with , at ease ~ .

This show is good in making faces . like literally , Personality-wise . So many ups-and-downs that ends up in a really bad situation , which makes it hard to watch . “Don’t bite off more than you can chew .” Just an advice but meant to take it ‘seriously’ . Nevertheless , they managed to patch things up with a good amount of drama and sorts that all looked well up until this point :D
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Aug 4, 2016 2:31 PM
Aug 2016
Gods live in a polygamous society so if they all move to the land of the goda we can have the ultimate harem that they all wanted. 👌👈👍
Oct 30, 2016 1:32 PM

Jun 2016
Decent, 7/10. Didn't like how dramatic some parts where, also at the end Asa not using her magic was incredibly annoying.
Nov 10, 2016 11:21 PM

Aug 2013
Rare to see the MC not ending up with one of the main girls early in the show, so this was refreshing. Asa was awesome and super cute anyways.
So glad everything went back to normal, 2nd half had too much drama and yanderes for my taste, but all went well, 6/10.
Dec 15, 2016 6:39 AM

Mar 2015
Noooo, dont use the wrist, instead use it on neck for sure kill. In the end, he ended up with Asa after all. Asa long hair is sexy though.

This is my final ranking:
1. Primula
2. Mayumi
3. Kaede
4. Nerine
5. Sia
6. Asa

This is why I love harem genre than ordinary romance genre because we dont know who will end up with who. Shuffle is special because I cant predict who will Rin choose but other harem anime is predictable. Not to mention, Oreshura was the worstest of harem anime -_-*


Overall: 5/10
Raijin-sama619Dec 15, 2016 6:44 AM
Feb 26, 2017 7:42 PM
Sep 2012
For the 1st time in a harem anime , MC ended up with who i was rooting for so BANZAIIII!!! ^.^

Also couldn't see much of people commented on that but i liked 1 secene spesificaly in the final.

Where Ama-San(Asa-Senpai's Mom) met with Kings...They recognized her , while she was sweetting of fear , they went on the "oh she looked like someone we used to know" route and apologized to her outloud by sayin "if it was that person we used to know , we would say sorry to her , we did terrible things to her" etc.

And she turns her back , takes her hat off and salutes them.

Imo this was a very well made , strong and important scene.I loved it and shed a tear for it.Seeing how much Ama-san suffered on her early life , on her subject life and on her life after Asa-Senpai was born..This was actually painful to watch from my side and the way they concluded that was georgeus.

I also loved how they showed Ama-San and Asa-Senpai as the side characters at 1st but in the end , they were the most important and crucial characters of the back story.Everything was a move to this ending , like showing us the tests and subjects over Primula story etc.

That was a nice scoop to me.

I know lots of people hated this anime or atleast not liked it.But if someone watches this anime for the deep story of it and tries to understand every single and little nuance in it , instead of just looking it as a "just another harem anime" , i believe they would love it.

All the girls had a great and crucial stories behind them .All of them had a 2 different personalities/souls/stories behind them.And it was satisfiying to watch and understand them all spesificaly.

Well all in all , sorry for taking this too long.But somehow i've given my all heart and mind while watching this and managed to grab the actual "Thing" behind it.Behind all the fun , all the drama there was a single bit to grab from this anime , mostly about how strong everybody , especially Rin was even thought it was shown the opposite way as they were all somewhat weak inside...I've seen how strong they were all even thought they all had a soul breaking life stories this way or another and kinda crossed it with my own...And ı came to respect every individual in this show...I wouldn't mind any of the girls to end up with Rin cause for me , that was just the side story of this anime , just a way to continuation meanwhile actual thing was a lot deeper...

Oh well im still making this longer...Last but not least , im happy that i was able to see this anime in a different and deep way and get the most feelings out of it...Sorry for whoever couldn't manage that and haven't enjoyed this show.

This will be one of my favorite animes , i can surely say , somewhere close to Clannad...

10/10 , got myself in to it hard , took the most out of it , and loved every moment of it while doing so.
Sep 6, 2017 6:50 PM

Jan 2010
I'm sure a number of harems have addressed this in the past, but actually deciding on an end is pretty difficult. You can have the one true end that burns every other bridge (though friendship might still be maintained). Or, you can have the harem end that has its own issues in its noncommittal indecisiveness going towards its logical conclusion, as well as the issue of polygamy not being really socially acceptable in a lot of places. Plus, with the waifu/husbando culture about, it's difficult, from a creator's standpoint, to give portions of their shows' fan base hope that their favorite characters can win. This is even more pressing in titles where the main character is a stand-in for the viewer.

Shuffle! for the most part was fairly vanilla as far as harem titles go. In fact, the magical elements that tries to spin the story in different ways? For the most part, they seem to be second to the real-world antics and felt quite underutilized. The supernatural elements are definitely crucial to a number of the characters, but they seemed more driving specific character plots or explaining back stories, but the core of the show seemed to be the love polygon. There were some definitely standout moments, such as Asa telling Rin off at the amusement park, Sia and Kikyou both breaking down in their room, and the explaination behind Kaede's and Rin's relationship. Most of the show did, however, feel inconsequential, but I suppose they were set in place to let us know the fun side of all the characters, if just to let the viewers feel sympathy for when bad things happen to them. This narrative flow reminds me of a number of other similar titles with lighthearted and comedic beginnings, offset by harshly dramatic ends. I prefer shows that establish and maintain a strong initial image compared to shows that change to try and draw viewer investment.

With regards to characters, I want to care about them not because of what happens to them (suffering, trauma, etc), bu rather, just simply who they are. This is why the slice of life aspect of this anime functions adequately enough, but I don't necessarily feel the dramatic portions hold up consistently. For the ones that do, they were because they, in isolation, were actually interestingly written, as opposed to me feeling an emotional attachment to the character in question. This is particularly problematic when Rin, the central connective point between the entire cast, doesn't really have much of a presence, which is kind of a shame really. By virtue of being voiced by Tomokazu Sugita, Rin certainly has some personality, but the character spends most of his time reacting to everything in his world, choosing to maintain neutrality and indifference over making any commitments. And, of course, when he's forced to take action, it's done through self-sacrificial, self-destructive means which, somehow were the correct choices to make. This may be an artifact of the show's visual novel roots, where the multiple choice routing lends to a middle ground of touching on every girls' story, limiting the amount of possible depth and investment any one character could possibly get. That being said, for what the show had to work with, it's actually did quite well.
Oct 3, 2017 10:20 AM

May 2016
Wow, that was a hell of a ride. I expected a mediocre harem but then it turned into something else near the end. It was good, but not satisfying. I dont like how Kaede simply went from broken and unstable to sane in an instant as if everything was fine. It makes it feel like all the built-up suspense was for nothing. And I didnt like who Rin ended up with too. Tbh, I didn't like Asa initially (b'cos of her hair color, shallow I know) but then grew to like her after seeing her personality. She was who I shipped the mc with. Then she had to refuse to use magic 'for the sake of her mother'. That was the turning point that made me dislike her again. She should have some inkling of what it is like to helplessly watch a loved one disappear before her eyes knowing there was nothing that can be done( her dad was gone). Yet she brought that torture upon her mother and avoided magic to 'avoid' bringing her grief. What. The. F#@*. As if watching your daughter die wont bring you grief. As if knowing she can be saved yet watching her die anyway wont bring grief and regret. What kinda sick logic was that? And the moment Rin brought on the prospect of him dying and her watching with their roles reversed, she immediately resolved her own fear and worry without hesitation. I just...just. Damn. Selfish bitch. Holy... I rarely feel so negatively strong regarding fictional characters but she takes the cake. Either she's fine with torturing her loved ones or she lacks the basic intelligence to even comprehend that her death would sadden her mother the most.
Nov 12, 2017 10:01 PM

Nov 2014
The last 7 episodes were really good.

I'm glad I managed to get through this. I liked that there was actual romance, and on-screen kissing. The MC was sometimes boneheaded, but not utterly impotent. I agreed with the choices he ultimately made. Some of the magic stuff was a little shark-jumping. As an ecchi/harem, it was generally satisfying.

Not bad at all.
Nov 22, 2017 10:32 PM
Mar 2017
~Onii-chan~ <

Prim wears glasses

The emotionless loli, apparently now is very expressive

she ended up using magic and exploiting the place haha

Step in the ending, I guess they insinuate that in the novel there is a yuri route ... but I do not think it was necessary to show it, it made the final ends up with a bitter taste

FireCrauterNov 22, 2017 10:37 PM
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Nov 25, 2017 1:26 PM

Dec 2014
well they still made it look like harem in the end...nice end altogether... I really enjoyed it
Mar 6, 2018 7:37 PM
Jan 2017
I just finished re-watching this after about 8 years, its a lot more dramatic than I remembered.
Mar 14, 2018 5:43 PM

Apr 2012
Sugram22 said:

after seeing this i wonder dose Kaede starts to date Sia or what, cause in some anime's romance starts from a accident like this one, it happend in Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi between mane guy & girl, fall like that & kiss, after showing this kind of videos in the end they shod make season 2 or OVA'S, after story wold be nice :)

Oh, you underestimate the "impudence" of anime fanservice, especially in an anime based on visual novels. Moreover, it would be rather rash to "turn" into lesbians two of the most famous heroines of the series, one of which even has her own sequel. On the other hand, the reaction of girls to a kiss is so unclear that it makes it difficult for me talk about, what they wanted to say with this scene, especially after their words in the last episode.
Mar 28, 2018 5:35 AM

Aug 2014
I am confused. How did she know healing magic if she never used it before? How did he know she can use healing magic? Pretty stupid resolution if you ask me.

Anyway, I am glad Asa won. She was my favorite, second is Kaede. I still think he does not deserve any of the girls as he is a trash MC. One of the worst MC in a harem imo.

I would give it a 5, but I enjoyed the Kaede backstory and drama. The rest of the drama seemed forced. 6/10 series.
Oct 6, 2018 10:30 PM

Apr 2018
Had a feeling Asa would win because Kaede was too yandere, and I already knew the other girls weren't going to win when Rin barely gets any 1 on 1s with them + them being side lined for most of the second half of the series
Dec 1, 2018 7:01 AM

Jul 2015
it was a fine anime i guess. The start was kind of boring for my taste and its was rly slow but im glad i didn't drop it and continued until the end.

One problem thought, in the Recommendations section of anime its compared to "School Days" witch is wrong as it give a wrong impersonation about the ending, hell even i was w8ting for something to go wrong until the last episode!

So overall ill give it 8/10, it had a mix of everything and it was fun.
Mar 17, 2019 4:05 PM
Oct 2018
Great show overall. I started liking Asa right from the beginning but I didn’t think she was actually going to be a real contender. As the episodes went on the entire story and developments felt a little bit flat and I was about to drop it at one point, than I saw the episode of Asa (I think it was episode 7) and that gave me the will the go on... and then Boom! The best choice I made, the last episodes were awesome, it got me badly, and even tho the scene of Rin almost dying might felt controversial, I liked it a lot.

I gave it a 10/10, well developed story, character (especially the MC who was not the usual puppet that you may see in many other harems), and I enjoyed the ending result.
Dec 5, 2019 5:21 PM
Feb 2018
i liked most of the characters except Rin. I absolutely hated this guy. He completely ignored Kaede and was absolute shit to her. I didnt like Asa either personally for some reason. Either way I cant stand Rin. He doesnt deserve any of the characters love and should just die in some shit hole. He doesnt try to make up with Kaede and just sits there like oh no Asa,is going to die. He probably wouldnt give a shit if kaede died and I wouldnt give a shit if he died.
Mar 15, 2020 6:38 AM
Nov 2017
This will make me out to be a bad guy but seeing how it’s an eroge and Kaede wanted to pay him back and she came in his bed fully naked I would’ve at least got me some dome or some cookie. Also Sia and nerine both would have done the same especially sia. Instead of free meals from Kaede I would give her some free meals every night lol. I do like Asa but mainly from Monica being her VA, I loved primula as the resident cutie but also wish Sakura was in this one too
Jun 15, 2020 8:26 PM

Aug 2018
I wanted to like this anime but it was really boring and I pretty much forced myself to finish it. Main problem were the shallow, almost non-existent personalities for most of the characters and all the pointless and illogical things that happened in the story.
Sep 8, 2020 5:25 PM
Jun 2020
Grimwolf said:
Okay I had some major problems with this anime.

First and foremost, the entire premise that the show set up was utterly meaningless to the plot. It's set up that he meets these two girls, one being the daughter of God, the other the daughter of the Devil. The whole premise of the show is that he will marry one of these two. Neither is the "winner" and actually neither even seemingly come close.

This brings me to the next point. Asa, really? Why is he in love with this girl? In terms of actual development throughout the story, Asa is almost a nobody.

Out of the four girls, Kaede was the most obvious and probably the most chosen by fans for him to end up with. I'm fine with her not winning. But what the heck is up with this psychopath all of the sudden? She becomes an obsessive nutjob out of like nowhere. Yeah they explain it, but her whole personality took a 180.

Actually this brings me to my next point. Sia. Seriously, it seemed like he was getting really close to her. He goes on a date with her, they get intimate at the beach. Things just seemed to go right for them. All of the sudden, everybody is like "he loves Asa" and after they say that, Sia is just randomly neglected. For no reason at all, he just seemingly stops having feelings for her. This is one of the things that ticked me off the most.

The Primula storyline, what was the point? That's all I have to say to that, because I thought about quitting on the show at that point.

Nerine, this girl got like nothing. Her arc was shorter and had less of a romance to it than the others. It was like she was never ever in the running for winning because she never got to do anything.

The ending was terrible. So Kaede goes from being a loyal and normal person, to a complete psychopath, to a normal person so easily? This makes no sense. Everybody being happy in a harem ending is pretty normal for the genre, but Kaede as a character does a 180 then a 180 right back.

In conclusion, there was a lot I disliked about this show. I can't say I completely hated it because I did enjoy it at times. I didn't really hate Asa as the choice, but I felt like there really wasn't a reason she should've won. Rin was pretty typical for the genre, but I found myself hating him more than the typical lead. I give it a 5/10.

Man, I agree with everything you posted. Just finished this show and the way it starts off as light comedy then proceeds to go downhill into some deep drama with potential tragedy only to end on a sunny, positive note made every episode after the beach made me question if I was even watching the same show.

It's funny how this show started as your typical harem comedy right up until Rin out of nowhere decides he doesn't like Sia anymore for no real apparent reason other than not wanting to be pressured to get married right away. Ironically it was the whole town and her father pushing marriage asap, not her, then the show goes dark with the psychological drama and random medical emergencies.

So let me get this straight, Kaede was mentally unstable as a child, but doesn't feel the need to go into yandere mode when Nerine and Sia are first introduced, sure she's insecure but doesn't lose it like she just did over the previous 3-4 episodes. Prior to that she has devoted her life to Rin, cooking, cleaning, trying to show how much he means to her, for nothing it seems.

Next we have Rin who comes across as a good guy with a hero/white knight complex, but always seems to make the wrong decisions. He fucked up lying to Kaede about her mom, then proceeds to get tormented by the person he thought he was saving... attempts to spare everyone's feelings instead of being honest and direct with everyone's feelings but only manages to give them false hope only to string them along for half the show. Next, he cries about how much he wants Primula back from the Demon World and how much he cares for her, will do anything including risking his life to see her, then a miracle happens and Primula gets to come back home, as a member of Rin and Kaede's family only to immediately forget all about her and leaves Kaede to spend time with her, just so he can chase after Asa. What a fucking prick.

If anyone has a gripe here is Sia....Her split personality notwithstanding, he initially goes out with her, they get some major alone time on the beach, and even when stranded (or so they thought) he tells her he genuinely cares for her and right before they kiss, she tells him she looks forward to having his babies. How the hell do you go from practically engaged to no longer interested?? Even when Sia offered to take things slow and he agreed, why lead the poor girl on?

I didn't feel as bad for Nerine (though she was my personal preference along with Kaede) since she later admitted her initial attraction was probably due to her clone. With that said, the more time she was around him, she was sure she was starting to develop feelings for him on her own, but just wasn't as assertive as Sia was from the get go.

I don't have anything personal against Asa (other than her annoying habit of smacking Rin every time she greets him) but it seemed too forced and convenient to make her and Rin endgame. I get that they were childhood friends, that were no longer as close as they used to be, but never got the vibe from either of them that they were into each other. She turned down the jock who asked her out because she just wasn't into him, while he was a supportive friend who wasn't jealous at all and just wanted her to be happy. She seemed like the one girl out of the harem who genuinely was ok just being friends, right up to the Primula arc, then shortly after they get back is the one he picks over all the others.... Seems like she was picked if for no other reason than it was the least likely girl he would end up with. I felt bad for Kaede when she ran into her at the bridge and apologized to her and finally confessed her feelings for Rin, with Asa acknowledging that for the longest time, she didn't want to get in between them because she could tell how Kaede felt about Rin. So while Sia sees the pain Nerine is going through while she was getting closer to Rin and decides to slow things down with him, Asa was like, "sucks for you Kaede, I'm with him now even if it means you have a nervous breakdown," because her mom is dead, dad is always gone and literally the only other family she thought she had is leaving her alone...again... So much for their friendship.
That said, it had its moments, I liked most of the episodes, (at least the first half) so I give it a generous 6.5-7/10
Dec 5, 2020 7:31 AM
Apr 2020
Hmmm.. I don't know what to say about this anime..

It ended properly with choosing the other best girl, Asa (I still prefer Kaede tho), but the romance is too twisted and dark to the point that I almost dropped it. I also hate that this Male MC, Rin is too slow-minded, hurting the other girls before he knows it.

*sighs* Anyways, I'm just glad that I finished this. I'll rate this 7/10 overall.
Oct 26, 2021 2:52 AM

Apr 2019
They really did Kaede dirty on this anime, tho Asa's route is one of the best in the game (Next to Primula) so I'm not really that bummed out.

Also Rin VN > Rin Anime, Kaede VN > Kaede anime.
Jan 5, 2022 10:13 PM
Jan 2022
Hated it. All the girls have one date with the protag, date doesn't work out, so now they just give up. In the end all the girls basically say you and your friend should hook up. The girls are still in love with protag after just giving up. 2 of them become lesbians out of the blue from an accidentally kiss. Trash ending to a wtf story line that wanted to get super dark in second half.
May 11, 2022 1:49 PM
Nov 2010
Man, it would've been better if the only way to save Asa is through having sex with her.

All that drama was unneeded in the end. So lame.

Asa got my favor by having that long hair. She really looks pretty on it! Then lost it again whe she decided to have it cut. tsk!

Yuri moment between Sia & Kaede was nice!

This show could've been potentially good. 6/10
Jun 19, 2022 3:22 AM
Jan 2020
I feel like Rin was bleeding out a little too fast for having only slit one wrist. I figured he would've picked a bit more tragic of a wound. But, whatever works I guess.

The back-half of this episode was kind of weird. It felt a little weak for a finale. But, overall I enjoyed the series. I liked the boobs and it was fun. I might actually check out this VN sometime.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Jul 6, 2022 10:58 AM

Dec 2018
they really threw this show in the damn dumpster half-way through just to try and pluck it out at the end, slap a bow on it, and pretend it's all good now
no, it's a terrible show. horrible execution and writing all around.
Aug 16, 2022 3:14 AM
Jul 2014
Man, the show was pretty good but it feels like it kept shifting genres every so many episodes. It's weird how Kaede snapped, then magically went back to normal in order for the happy ending.
Nov 6, 2022 4:17 PM
Oct 2022
Star trek el remake
Mar 26, 2023 12:18 AM
Mar 2016
Solid harem anime. I really don't have many bad things to say about it. Honestly way less fan-service than I was expecting, but every show has its own level that feels natural. Could have definitely used a few spicier scenes here and there though.

For the longest time, I really couldn't choose between any of the girls. Even the side characters like Kaheru and Mayumi struck my fancy. After the beach episode, I almost thought we'd see different VN ends for each girl as arcs in the show. But the way they wormed out of Sia ended up making sense if not being a bit contrived. I mean can't exactly decide who to marry if you spend all your time with the first girl who throws herself at you.

Primula was a great character, but once she took on the pseudo-daughter role, I was glad she took a back seat in the romance. That dynamic would certainly be fun as well, but I wouldn't have wanted it for the canon ending. And ultimately Sia and Nerine just didn't have much of a connection with Rin, so it didn't make sense for them to win either.

I'm glad Asa won. For once, I feel like the protag made the right choice (my precious little Chiwa T.T). I understand the Kaede fans, but I think a lot of people fail to realize just how horribly she treated Rin. It's not necessarily their fault because the show really glosses over this. I definitely wanted more episodes on their past talking about what happened. Real lost opportunity there.

Rin's parents went on a trip with Kaede's mom. Notice that he only remembers Kaede's mom asking him to watch out for Kaede. His parents never said goodbye, and he never mentions missing them throughout the show. They die in a car accident. Kaede completely dissociates for a few weeks, and so our little trooper Rin makes a decision. If caring for her won't give her reason to live, hating him just might.

Rin tells Kaede that he begged his parents to come home early, causing the accident. Kaede wakes up and immediately tries strangling him to death. They start living in her house. She physically abuses him all the time (including cutting him), regularly trashes his room and breaks his belongings, ostracizes him at school (unless she's bullying him), locks him outside the house when it rains, and repeatedly tells him to die. This goes on for years. The accident happened when they were in elementary school, and she doesn't have a change of heart until well into the second year of middle school (8th grade in US). This means her abuse went on for at least 3 years. The events of the anime take place 3 years after that.

I don't know about you, but I personally couldn't just look the other way from all of that. Especially when you consider he lost both of his parents, and Kaede's dad was never home once they started middle school. It doesn't take a genius to imagine just how much she brutalized him. Asa even recalls Kaede telling her just how much she tormented Rin when she was learning to cook. You can't really get over that. And even if they did, that relationship would have to change anyway. It was toxic as hell and would have eventually exploded at some point.

Also when people say Rin treated Kaede like crap when Asa was hospitalized. Kinda sorta not really. He told her not to make food beforehand. He never asked her to wait up for him. His girlfriend was in the hospital after being seriously ill. Yes, Rin could have thought more about Kaede's feelings in that situation; but neither of them was getting any sleep. Kaede could have also talked to him about it. They both contributed to the rift because they were desperately trying to avoid noticing how there codependent lifestyle was collapsing.

I still like Kaede. I'm not mad at people that ship her. I just thought those criticisms weren't exactly fair because they left out a lot of nuance.

Easy 8/10 for me. I wish they spent more time on the backstory.
Mar 26, 2023 12:28 AM
Mar 2016
I just realized a few more things I wanted to comment on. For one thing, I actually think it makes sense for the protag to be slow on the uptake in this show. Considering what happened to him and how he seems to genuinely fear intimacy, it really reminds me of Haganai.

Also, a lot of people saying that his friends pushed Asa and Rin together. In reality they all finally stopped trying to force their way into his heart and actually asked him who he genuinely liked. I mean if they really cared about him, it would make sense for them to consider his needs eventually. And then once he's made his decision, it also makes sense for them back off a bit and wait. Constantly trying to interfere would only hurt their chances in the long run at that point. Better to wait for stormy weather.
Sep 29, 2023 4:35 AM

Dec 2022
First pragmatic decision Rin made. Solved all that drama with Asa in an instant.

Impressive episode. Was pleasantly surprised to see it finally giving Primula some attention. Not only did she get to narrate a portion of the episode, but she had plenty of emotive and comedic moments in some of the later scenes as well. I obviously would've preferred to see her date Rin, but this isn't bad either. Better late than never, so to speak. Primula alone stopped this anime from being entirely mediocre, as any best girl does.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Aug 19, 2024 5:37 AM

May 2010
Decent ending (although quite badly animated). Gotta say, for a harem protagonist Rin isn't the worst, he actually makes his mind up in the end, and I'm not just talking about picking a girl - he moves out, gets a job and starts standing on his own feet instead of constantly depending on the friendzoned girl?? Honestly props to that.

Other than that it wasn't particularly good series though, I didn't really like any of the girls that much other than Primula. I enjoyed how her and Kaede's relationship grew into something sister-like, that was cute. 6/10
Sep 26, 2024 12:47 AM

Aug 2014
Shuffle was an enjoyable anime for what it was.

At first, I was a bit "scared" to watch it since its a two-cour (20-26 episodes) harem-anime with comedy-ecchi in it, and those are anime are only good for like for one cour (10-13 episodes). But the anime has great graphics, great voice acting, VERY NICE FANSERVICE, and a nice flow to it, that its an easy watch.

Male MC was a bit on a doormat side, but he was saved since he has a great voice actor.

I loved episode 18-26, especially with Kaede. These episodes were INTENSE.

I also liked how in this episode 26 in the end, the two dads and Asa's mom made peace with each other; that was nice.

And that Yuri-kiss on this episode 26 on the ending credit between Kaede-RedHair girl.
oooo3333Sep 26, 2024 8:02 AM
Dec 10, 2024 12:13 AM

Jul 2012
Epic suicide mission 😭😭😭
Asa senpai no baka!!

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