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ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister!
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Jan 12, 2023 3:05 PM
Dec 2020
Again I've been reading the manga for some time and this episode brought back some nice memories. I was again amazed by the character designs. and the gags in the manga coming to life in animation was amazing. also really like how they brought womanly troubles into the story. naisu!
Jan 12, 2023 3:40 PM

Feb 2019
Nahh lolicons feasting this season lmao, studio bins are AMAZING at towing the line between legal and illegal lol

In all seriousness though this show is so damn cute. Mahiro and Mihari relationship is genuinely so wholesome. Mahiro realising everything Mihari and girls in general go through every month was cute. Also like how he’s slowly getting more comfortable with the new body as seen by how he sits now.
Marinate1016Jan 12, 2023 3:43 PM
Jan 12, 2023 4:23 PM

Feb 2022
Each chapter is weirder than the previous one... And this is the second one that comes out...

This episode was kind of funny and weird
 I'm not a critic or anything like that but I like to give my opinion

Jan 12, 2023 4:33 PM
Dec 2020
cine, arte, locuron, 20/10 muy god basado
Jan 12, 2023 4:48 PM

Dec 2018
Ngl this show grew on me this episode, I wasn’t big on it initially but this one was more chill and I liked that lol. I noticed a lot of gaming references in this one, first showing straight up Guilty Gear which was really cool, I see what they did there with Bridget lol, not sure if that was intentional or not. I also noticed a game resembling Call of Duty and someone mentioned the beat-em-up was River City Girls which was cool as well, it’s nice Mahiro is keeping up with his gaming despite his new life.

The bits in this one were good too, the bath scene was good despite the crunch version just being a white screen, the joke still connected tho that long hair requires more maintenance lol. The dress up bit was cute, and the period bit was really good, it’s something you don’t see touched on much and I found it pretty interesting, I also saw it coming a mile away thanks to the episode title lol.
Jan 12, 2023 4:50 PM

May 2019
I still feel bad for Mahiro since he didn't choose this but there were some funny moments such as how his sister wanted both of them to use the public bath together but when she realized Mahiro would see her naked she had second thoughts but it looks like she didn't like that Mahiro didn't care either way to see her naked lol.

The part about the period was a little awkward but at least he's getting used to his body and is mostly getting along with his sister. By the way, I noticed the video game he was playing the second half of the episode was River City Girls, a good beat 'em up.
Jan 12, 2023 5:29 PM
May 2018
god i love this anime
Jan 12, 2023 5:34 PM

Sep 2022
I see Mahiro slowly is getting use to her body as well as some bit of fan service in the bath scenes. Also the animation is so smooth for this anime!! And ouch he really went through his first period.

Jan 12, 2023 6:09 PM

Nov 2016
WoSen said:
I begin to hate this "because you are physically a girl you cannot behave like a man anymore". "You must turn into a beautiful flower and you can't be attracted to girls". This feels overall like a bad lesson to men and women alike.
you are jumping to conclusions, the author is actually a fan of yuri
Jan 12, 2023 6:20 PM

Feb 2016
300% kino. Studio Bind continues to push boundaries. I'm so glad I decided to check this one out.
Jan 12, 2023 6:36 PM

Dec 2022
im confused.. i watched the uncensored version yet i couldnt really figure out what possibly wouldve been censored.. does anyone know?? anyway, great episode, so cute and i love love love the art style
Jan 12, 2023 6:38 PM

Dec 2022
Star_lord69 said:
Stark700 said:
Lol, Mahiro trying to try herself to be more fit physically is amusing. Gotta admire her effort at least.

This episode also had a lot of fan service with the bath scenes. Hope Mahiro can get used to her new lifestyle lol

where did ya watched it ?
zoro has the censored version or u can find the regular version on nyaa
Jan 12, 2023 6:40 PM

May 2021
sleepful said:
im confused.. i watched the uncensored version yet i couldnt really figure out what possibly wouldve been censored.. does anyone know?? anyway, great episode, so cute and i love love love the art style
Mihari washing herself off during the first few minutes is shorter in the censored version, (before she goes into Mahiro's room to let her know they don't have hot water & would need to go to the bathhouse to bathe). The bathhouse part is really steamy. I'd suggest watching the uncensored version first for the other episodes when they come out & then watching the censored version & it'd be easy to see what was taken out.
Jan 12, 2023 6:50 PM

Feb 2020
Mahiro's belly button is way too erotic during the bathing scene

and showing off that catgirl outfit...

Jan 12, 2023 7:14 PM

Oct 2022
Very rare to ever see periods address in anime. Good on them.
Jan 12, 2023 7:32 PM
Feb 2021
cute. well animated. i can say that this anime it is perfect
Jan 12, 2023 7:50 PM
Sep 2020
Softhenic03 said:
Bro what?? They really went there.. periods and stuff. I thought I'll stick around but not even a minute anymore.

Keep it fun and simple. It's not really difficult.

everyone likes vaginas till they start bleeding typical
Jan 12, 2023 7:53 PM

Aug 2017
DreadfulControl said:
1. The most outragous thing about this anime is not the loli fanservice but Crunchyroll's censorship is which can ruin the artstyle.
2. Pretty good second episode, the humor of this show works very well so far but my favorite part was when Mahiro says he doesn't care about his sister's naked body, so the show tells the viewers that isn't gonna end up as a degenerate incest comedy.
3. Mahiro and Mihari had quality time and did girly stuff they have great chemistry as well. Mahiro also had his first period which can be shocking for a person who was born a boy, the scene wasn't great, it took too much time ro realize what's going on but it still made me laugh.
4. I may review Onimai next week as a preliminary review because I know that some oversensitive bastards (who are actually insensitive to others) will trash on this unfairly underrated series.

There’s censorship? Laughs in uncensored version

My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Jan 12, 2023 8:17 PM

Aug 2015
Another nice episode. Looks like this ep had even more censoring than the first one in the Crunchyroll version.
It's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Jan 12, 2023 8:32 PM

Nov 2016
-sigh- i hate that i find this entertaining lmfao
Jan 12, 2023 8:36 PM
Apr 2021
WoSen said:
I begin to hate this "because you are physically a girl you cannot behave like a man anymore". "You must turn into a beautiful flower and you can't be attracted to girls". This feels overall like a bad lesson to men and women alike.
This! This show says that if you're a woman you have to take perfect care of your hair and skin and you have to dress in typically "girly" clothes. I think Moriko from MMO Junkie would beg to differ...
Jan 12, 2023 8:54 PM
Jul 2020
As a 19 year old I can't enjoy this show. All i see is a woman forcing a man to be a woman and that's uncomfortable to me. I'd enjoy it if I was younger but being who I am now and knowing what I know I've stopped enjoying anime like this, were men are treated like this being a man myself I can't enjoy watching some one force a man to be a woman.

Yes she did force him. She drugged him took his clothing among other things and deal breaker for me is the brother transformation plan at the end. Alas am not a horn dead virgin not saying you are if you watch and like this stuff but you get my point. It's a good show but sadly I can't enjoy it.

Edit: Feel like I must say this. Not against shows where guys become girls the isekai (2 guys isekai's one turns into a beautiful girl)  one from last year was nice it's all about the execution this one was done in way where I can't help but hate sister making me almost (almost because i laughed a couple times) impossible to enjoy the jokes. 
josi_fergiJan 12, 2023 9:07 PM
Jan 12, 2023 9:01 PM
Jul 2020
Yea can't help but feel bad for the guy it's sad I can no longer enjoy this stuff anymore plus it's not made for me anyways can't complain most people here from what I read love it.
Jan 12, 2023 9:18 PM
Jul 2020
Hehe. I don't know man maybe I am to sensitive nowadays I could watch shit like this and not bat an eyelid but being older living life I can't enjoy it man. As a fellow man it feels "uncomfortable" to look at a fellow man being forced in this anime somehow for this show I don't find it funny just depressing. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes and trust me if I were the sister is dead.

 Can't turn my brain off to enjoy it lol
Jan 12, 2023 9:26 PM

Jul 2008
My candies:
Jan 12, 2023 9:50 PM

Mar 2013
The fluidity of the animation in the ED keeps throwing me for a loop after every episode, it's a weird feeling...

The more I see of this, the more I think this whole scenario could've worked just as well without the "I used to be a man" aspect. Sure, there's some specific things like "I need to be more manly" that wouldn't be as natural, but so far the whole thing is basically just "I'm going to take this person who has the appearance of a young girl and train them to be a more productive member of society". Maybe it's on me for having gone in expecting more comedy more specific to gender-bend shows or shenanigans overall. There's still 1 more episode in my 3-episode test run, so I guess I'll see how I'm feeling about it after the next episode.

(To be clear, I don't think this is a bad show, necessarily, just not quite what I thought I'd be getting. If I rate it, I plan to be fair in how I go about it and not do something like "this didn't appeal to me so I'm giving it 1/10")
Jan 12, 2023 10:00 PM

Aug 2021
Today was a good episode.
The bath scene was good to watch, there was nothing too over the top about the echii and it showed that brothers see each other as brothers, nothing more.

I just think that Mahiro having to dress and act like a woman is overkill. After all, he was once a man, so even trying to act more feminine, the right thing would still be to have masculine traits in his way of acting. He just takes it all too easy like he wasn't a man before.

And about her first period. How old is Mahiro not to know what those symptoms could be?
In his place, in the first few minutes I would be freaking out, everything is so new that it's hard to know how to deal with it.
Jan 12, 2023 10:28 PM
Oct 2022
Jan 12, 2023 11:00 PM

Nov 2018
All I can say is that this show makes me laugh and feel embarrassed and gush so much that I'm glad I'm not binging it at the end of the season like I usually do most shows. I'm love that they put in a section about periods and other small details of a woman's life, hope we see more of those things. Very refreshing to see in a show.

Also the animation for this is great. I love how lifelike it seems especially with the perspectives and long shots/panorama.

The sumo bit killed me.

I think they were trying to do something by suddenly showing you Mahiro's perspective with her long hair. hmmm.

Amazing show!! AOTS !! 
PureElusionJan 12, 2023 11:03 PM
Jan 12, 2023 11:17 PM

Oct 2016
Wholesome! Also, it shows how it is to be a woman. Being a woman is f*cking hard, it's like a 24/7 job for them. That's why we gotta respect them queens.
Jan 12, 2023 11:33 PM

Jul 2012
This anime is my guilty pleasure. But I don't mind.

"There are three things you can never get back: The word after it's said, the moment after it's missed, and the time after it's gone."
-Koe no Katachi

Jan 13, 2023 12:01 AM
Dec 2022
I don't think he will be a able to be back as a boy ... Typically not good to watch
Jan 13, 2023 1:23 AM

Jun 2017
Piromysl said:
DreadfulControl said:
Well, Mahiro is technically a transgender right now

He was born as a male and still identifies as a male, because his memories and identity remained unaffected.
I'm not gonna overanalyze this completely unrealistic scenario, but it's pretty clear, that forcing someone to conform to their biological sex is not really a proper message to send.
So far as we know his sister caused him very severe Gender Dysphoria.
I think by "technically" you could interpret it as trans by legal Japanese standards. In Japan you're not legally recognized as the gender you identify as until you surgically modify your body to have the genitals that match the gender you identify as. If you're a trans girl/woman you're not allowed to use the women's restroom until your genitals match that of a biological woman in Japan. It seems Japanese law only sees gender through one's genitals, therefore Mahiro counts as trans female by law regardless of if they still identify as male or not.

But technicalities like that are stupid. The appeal to this show among the trans community isn't so much the scenario but the parallels. No trans person chooses the gender they're born under; their biological gender is given to them against their own desire just like what's happened to Mahiro which gives Mahiro one thing in common with the trans community immediately from the start. Mahiro also is a poor realistic example of someone who has had their gender flipped based on their reactions. If that someone who flipped genders was comfortable in their previous gender, they would be super depressed, miserable, unresponsive, etc. whereas if that someone who flipped genders was comfortable with the gender that they just changed into they would happily engage in the new clothing options, mannerisms and social expectations given to them by their new gender. Mahiro is an awkward blend of both which importantly captures both the highs and lows of the trans experience in one neat package. If Mahiro was immediately accepting of the gender given there would be no struggle or conflict, no hardship that could feel relatable to just trans people and thus Mahiro would come off as a Marry Sue in terms of trans wish fulfillment. And on the opposite side of the spectrum, if Mahiro was nothing but gender dysphoria and depression then the struggle would feel real, but the tone and direction of the show would be a downward spiral of depression and self-loathing... which doesn't make for a good watch either. Mahiro the character is all about exploring gender dysphoria and exploring a new self-identity which together is the core aspect to good trans story writing or at least when developing any traditional trans character. No, Mahiro is not trans but what Mahiro experiences and feels is very much trans to the trans community. Yes, I do know some trans people who would rather watch an anime about a trans character, and that this anime does come off as insulting to them as you perceive it, but that in no way diminishes those in the community who feel otherwise. I also know some people who are super in the closet about being trans themselves and they feel incredibly shy about associating with the label or feel that their identity might be too political or weird for how society or their local community already sees them. The manga and this anime are a blessing for them, because it explores a lot of trans feelings and experiences without having "trans" branded all over it and that much helps as the steppingstone to working out their own inner feelings and discomforts. This is not a perfect show when it comes to trans matters, because there's no way to write a story that perfectly encapsulates trans matters without trans characters, but the parallels and comparisons this anime makes has a lot more heart and thought put into it than if you were to just read the premise alone, or at least that's how a lot of my trans friends feel about the manga and this anime.
StopShotJan 13, 2023 1:30 AM
Jan 13, 2023 2:39 AM

Sep 2010
Just for reference:
Episode 1 ~ chapters 1, 1.5, 2, 3
Episode 2 ~ chapters 6, 6.5, 5, 5.5
There are some changes, additions, and changes to the transitions from one scene to the next, but it's mostly a straight adaptation.

erikkamirs said:
Knowing these bastards, I was convinced that they'd show the blood. Kinda disappointed, but also relieved that they didn't.

One thing I like about this anime, is how many weird angles they "film" at. Especially compared to the somewhat bland presentation of the manga.

Some of those camera angles appear to be imitations of surveillance cameras, or at least just a fisheye lens.

CocoaGalaxy said:
The ep as a whole is still quite cute though, although it feels as though things sure happened really quickly yet not much happened.
I wonder if mahiro's hair is going to be a recurring trend.
Well there's another chapter in the manga where Mahiro goes to the hairdresser and

josi_fergi said:
As a 19 year old I can't enjoy this show. All i see is a woman forcing a man to be a woman and that's uncomfortable to me. I'd enjoy it if I was younger but being who I am now and knowing what I know I've stopped enjoying anime like this, were men are treated like this being a man myself I can't enjoy watching some one force a man to be a woman.

Yes she did force him. She drugged him took his clothing among other things and deal breaker for me is the brother transformation plan at the end. Alas am not a horn dead virgin not saying you are if you watch and like this stuff but you get my point. It's a good show but sadly I can't enjoy it.

Edit: Feel like I must say this. Not against shows where guys become girls the isekai (2 guys isekai's one turns into a beautiful girl)  one from last year was nice it's all about the execution this one was done in way where I can't help but hate sister making me almost (almost because i laughed a couple times) impossible to enjoy the jokes. 
Depending on where you got your translation, that line at the end of episode 1 might have been written as "big brother rehabilitation project".
I guess whether or not you can like this depends on how much you perceive Mihari to care about Mahiro, and whether or not you think forcing Mahiro into this situation turns out to be a net positive for him.
Then there are anime like Nagatoro-san where the main heroine comes off as kind of a bully, but at least that moves the plot along for the protagonist.
At least ReLIFE got consent for the protagonist to take the drug, if I remember right.
Still, I'm also reminded of an eromanga where the girls show no care for the guys before transforming them into girls for the yuri genre, so I find that kind of a turn off.
Jan 13, 2023 3:50 AM

Sep 2013
A really good episode. Lots of well animated shots and they never miss a beat with the designs. A little bit of a shame if they're skipping chapter 4 of the manga, but if some things need to go, I can live with that.
Jan 13, 2023 4:26 AM

Jun 2019
Such a sweet show. I like both of them. Kaori really cares about her sister and guides her wholeheartedly through her transition.
bassyeyJan 13, 2023 4:30 AM
Jan 13, 2023 4:40 AM

Jan 2013
josi_fergi said:
Hehe. I don't know man maybe I am to sensitive nowadays I could watch shit like this and not bat an eyelid but being older living life I can't enjoy it man. As a fellow man it feels "uncomfortable" to look at a fellow man being forced in this anime somehow for this show I don't find it funny just depressing. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes and trust me if I were the sister is dead.

 Can't turn my brain off to enjoy it lol
You might have some other issues going on if this gives you that much anxiety, just saying. 
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jan 13, 2023 5:02 AM
Apr 2021
Anyone noticed the cameo of that certain game around 13:57? ... iykwim haha
Jan 13, 2023 5:04 AM
Jul 2020
LostSpectre said:
josi_fergi said:
Hehe. I don't know man maybe I am to sensitive nowadays I could watch shit like this and not bat an eyelid but being older living life I can't enjoy it man. As a fellow man it feels "uncomfortable" to look at a fellow man being forced in this anime somehow for this show I don't find it funny just depressing. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes and trust me if I were the sister is dead.

 Can't turn my brain off to enjoy it lol
You might have some other issues going on if this gives you that much anxiety, just saying. 

nah just can't kill my brain like dweebs for this one all I see is the issues. Where did I say that I have anxiety? 
Edit: Another reason I don't consider myself much of anime fan anymore grown out of it. Can't enjoy it like I used to specifically anime like this.
josi_fergiJan 13, 2023 5:09 AM
Jan 13, 2023 5:06 AM
Jul 2020
Well I hope it's a translation issue. From the way it's filmed and the her facial expressions it came off as she did this for perverted reasons not from I care. She kept putting my dude in compromising situations. And well the dude so down bad he starts enjoying being a girl. (he starts enjoying being a girl due to the amount of stimuli as well as the fact he has a life now) Now it's based on you see this you can say it's a good thing because he's better now but to me it's not good because we now have a guy who (potentially) believe that being a girl is better for him which I disagree with and this being an all girl show cements that idea. (I disagree because him being a girl is fake he should be doing all these things himself again this is subjective because you could believe that girl him is still male him.) how does quotes work anyways hope I did it right this time. Hehe.
Jan 13, 2023 5:12 AM

Jun 2016
this really enjoyable and fun to watch !!
Jan 13, 2023 5:19 AM

Jan 2013
@StopShot I really don't agree with the notion that if you're comfortable with your sex/gender that you would automatically be miserable if you somehow ended up in this situation. I feel like people with more conservative viewpoints on gender roles, higher levels of sexism and homophobia, etc. would be the people immediately freaking out, even if they knew the change was just temporary. Like, if I knew it wasn't permanent I think I could manage easy enough, but I wouldn't act super feminine for no reason, I'd get a haircut and dress low key. The biggest obstacle would obviously be in terms of anatomy, that would be a mindfuck, but I wouldn't be overly insecure about having sex as a female, etc. 
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jan 13, 2023 6:16 AM

Oct 2016
Man, this might actually be one of my top shows this season, wow, and again, it's actually so wholesome lmao. I just love how full of life it is and we owe that to Studio Bind.

Holy shit, Mahiro was playing Guilty Gear Strive and against Bridget too lmao. THAT IS BULLSHIT! BLAZING!

Mahiro was super adorable when they were doing all those hairstyles. Wow, they actually showed and talked about periods, well lowkey, but still, that's nice. 

Really loving the brother sister relationship, very wholesome. Really looking forward to the next episode.

Also, that one scene in the middle of the segments with Neko-Mahiro was so well animated, wtf. 
Jan 13, 2023 6:48 AM

Jun 2017
LostSpectre said:
@StopShot I really don't agree with the notion that if you're comfortable with your sex/gender that you would automatically be miserable if you somehow ended up in this situation. I feel like people with more conservative viewpoints on gender roles, higher levels of sexism and homophobia, etc. would be the people immediately freaking out, even if they knew the change was just temporary. Like, if I knew it wasn't permanent I think I could manage easy enough, but I wouldn't act super feminine for no reason, I'd get a haircut and dress low key. The biggest obstacle would obviously be in terms of anatomy, that would be a mindfuck, but I wouldn't be overly insecure about having sex as a female, etc. 
If that's how you feel, that's good for you. Mahiro doesn't seem to have the same constitution as yourself though and dysphoria can affect any demographic. To some people, being in the wrong body to them can feel like missing a limb to you. Sure, they can still function, but it can leave a gutted feeling like something that's a part of them is missing. I bring up dysphoria because it's usually a common struggle you tend to see in the genderswap genre despite how common or uncommon it is in the real world.
Jan 13, 2023 7:00 AM

Oct 2017
Him freaking out over period was funny but damn that experience must have been so damn freaky for him, poor guy.
Jan 13, 2023 7:03 AM

Jan 2013
StopShot said:
LostSpectre said:
@StopShot I really don't agree with the notion that if you're comfortable with your sex/gender that you would automatically be miserable if you somehow ended up in this situation. I feel like people with more conservative viewpoints on gender roles, higher levels of sexism and homophobia, etc. would be the people immediately freaking out, even if they knew the change was just temporary. Like, if I knew it wasn't permanent I think I could manage easy enough, but I wouldn't act super feminine for no reason, I'd get a haircut and dress low key. The biggest obstacle would obviously be in terms of anatomy, that would be a mindfuck, but I wouldn't be overly insecure about having sex as a female, etc. 
If that's how you feel, that's good for you. Mahiro doesn't seem to have the same constitution as yourself though and dysphoria can affect any demographic. To some people, being in the wrong body to them can feel like missing a limb to you. Sure, they can still function, but it can leave a gutted feeling like something that's a part of them is missing. I bring up dysphoria because it's usually a common struggle you tend to see in the genderswap genre despite how common or uncommon it is in the real world.
I really don't see it as an apt comparison given how different both circumstances are, but I can see this isn't going anywhere. 
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jan 13, 2023 7:23 AM

Jun 2017
LostSpectre said:
StopShot said:
If that's how you feel, that's good for you. Mahiro doesn't seem to have the same constitution as yourself though and dysphoria can affect any demographic. To some people, being in the wrong body to them can feel like missing a limb to you. Sure, they can still function, but it can leave a gutted feeling like something that's a part of them is missing. I bring up dysphoria because it's usually a common struggle you tend to see in the genderswap genre despite how common or uncommon it is in the real world.
I really don't see it as an apt comparison given how different both circumstances are, but I can see this isn't going anywhere. 
I might have misinterpreted what you meant in your first post to me.
Jan 13, 2023 7:37 AM
Jul 2020
Unexpectedly wholesome 5/5
Jan 13, 2023 7:41 AM
Mar 2017
its soo funny i love it
Jan 13, 2023 8:01 AM

Sep 2020
It's so amazing and fun to watch, also didn't expect his body to be entirely girls', and there's lots of new styles for his new body.
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