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Jan 7, 2023 10:22 AM

Feb 2019
Stark700 said:
I played the first game nearly 6 years ago so the beginning felt familar. Loved how they handled the action and soundtrack for this with the chereography.

OP song sounded great with Aimer and some of the character movements reflects the style of the game. Various characters are shown in there so I hope they showcase as many as possible this season. 2B shows her no-nonsense fighting style and her skills as expected. 

It feels like they are combining the routes of A and B together, which I think should work out. Very impressive start.

Replicant is the first game not automata
Jan 7, 2023 10:23 AM

Sep 2021
The CG really um... mmm... that was something- it was kind of weird, but, I guess it's okay considering the challenges of animating machines like the Goliath and... later ones that we'll see. Maybe the CG will improve with later episodes? Otherwise, though, it was so neat seeing all of this animated, and hearing soundtracks from the game as well.

Interesting how they're combining aspects of routes A and B from the start, and I wonder how they'll continue to do that in the future! I do hope they'll slow down the pacing just a little bit. The changes to 2Bs opening monologue already hint at how this adaption will be different- I can't wait to see what other surprises they have in store for us.
Speaking of surprises, the puppet show at the end was so great! I feel like it captured the 'spirit' of the game, and I'll look forward to those at the end of every episode. I'm glad they didn't spoil anything further for those experiencing the story for the first time...
Still, 9S was so cheeky there, hehe~

There's not really much else I can say without spoiling (a running theme for this series-), so I'll just leave it here and say that I'm really excited for more!

I'm me! The choices I've made are mine!
I don't need your permission to be myself!

profilewatchingreadingart credit
Jan 7, 2023 10:23 AM

Feb 2019
Mfs already got this down to a 7.27 on MAL lmao. This was a fantastic first episode. Think they adapted it as well as they could have adapted. It’s a bit confusing by design and hopefully they’re able to keep the quality going forward as things become clearer.

Art was stellar, animation was great, love the inclusion of the game music too!
Marinate1016Jan 7, 2023 10:27 AM
Jan 7, 2023 10:24 AM
Jul 2021
Loved it , cant wait for more episodes to drop this season
Jan 7, 2023 10:25 AM

Apr 2021
for an anime-only, nothing special so far. It does feel like Vivy in a way. Let's see.

Fall 2022 is the most Unforgettable anime season of all time

Jan 7, 2023 10:27 AM

Feb 2018
What an appaling CGI. A-1, are you retarded? 
I expected anything from this one, but not that I couldn't even finish the first fucking episode lul
Jan 7, 2023 10:28 AM
Dec 2021
I haven't played the game, I'm planning on playing it on switch later, but does the anime seem to be showing the various endings in each episode? Thanks.
My Candies:
Jan 7, 2023 10:29 AM
May 2015
BigPaws said:
2005 called, they want their animation back.

Low budget cash grab, skipping

Like animation from 2005 was bad.
Jan 7, 2023 10:30 AM
Jul 2018
Can’t believe I just now realized 2B and mikasa ackerman share the same VA. In the game too! Never noticed
Jan 7, 2023 10:30 AM
Sep 2013
kataneer said:
What an appaling CGI. A-1, are you retarded? 
I expected anything from this one, but not that I couldn't even finish the first fucking episode lul
BigPaws said:
2005 called, they want their animation back.
Low budget cash grab, skipping

Like Miguel de Cervantes said:

Honey was not made for the tongue of donkeys

It's not your fault, it will happen to a lot of people like you, that simply wont be able to enjoy this master piece :)
I'm not english, i'm spanish, so sorry for my mistakes when i write D:

I figured out the ending of Shingeki no Kyojin back in 2014 :)
Jan 7, 2023 10:33 AM

Jun 2014
I've never played the game so I'm going into this totally blind, full Stevie Wonder. This seems pretty decent so far and I'm interested in seeing how the story develops, so hopefully this ends up being good. 
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jan 7, 2023 10:35 AM
Aug 2017
kataneer said:
What an appaling CGI. A-1, are you retarded? 
I expected anything from this one, but not that I couldn't even finish the first fucking episode lul
You expected better after seeing the trailers and character designs? 2B design looks like crap, she's black blob with simplified patterns.
Faces look like Persona anime, they thought adding glossy lips would make this show look adult? I know its subjective, but I absolutely hate this style of faces in anime and of course it happens to Nier anime.

My expectations were low but damn. Reused music from the game (that could be good and bad, its SE so i know its just them being greedy) and exactly same shots like in the cutscenes (again, not because they care about source material, because they dont like we see from the dialogues being changed drastically, but because it saved them time and money on storyboards).

Anyone who isnt sucking schlong of yoko taro will say it's avarage at best.
Jan 7, 2023 10:36 AM
Jan 2018
Oof the production issues posts going round weren’t kidding. Did they outsource the CG this time ? Cause didn’t they with 86
Mattinator95Jan 7, 2023 10:41 AM
Jan 7, 2023 10:38 AM

Oct 2022
Finally a good adaptation from a videogame. Sure follow faithfully the game story. Music op and same as the game. Yeah good premises. Hope will pull the game sales such as Masterpiece.

Jan 7, 2023 10:39 AM

Jan 2023
o CG está muito bom, um dos melhores que ja vi nesse primeiro episódio, não joguei o jogo então não faço ideia sobre a história, então pra mim ta tudo um mistério, vou acompanhar.
A direção parece ta muito boa, combates e animações fluidas, vamos acompanhando.
Jan 7, 2023 10:41 AM

Nov 2016
Ok start I guess. I really couldn't care less about the CGI, it's the story that didn't pull me in yet.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 7, 2023 10:41 AM

Jan 2009
Very good first ep, pretty much 1:1 adaptation from the opening act of the game, if memory serves me right. 
Pleasantly surprised by the animations and CG, I'd say overall this seems like a good product of the mid 2000's.

By the way, best ost of 2023 is already here. 
Jan 7, 2023 10:42 AM

Nov 2018
As someone who played the game:
- OST is amazing, you can't go wrong with the game OST;
- Voice Acting is also amazing as always;
- Artwork is pretty good;
- Environment was beautiful;
- Good fight choreography for the most part;
- Great mixing of Route A and B as of now.
- 9S(my favourite character lmao);

- CGI was terrible, like really bad(they even reused models from the game);
- Adding to the CGI, they didn't even bother drawing 9S and 2B on some parts when they were on the mechas, looking very unnatural and lazy;
- Pacing is a bit too fast, some things were confusing, and the ending of the prologue wasn't as impactful as it was in the game;
- Something not as important, but 2B's face shouldn't have been shown on the first episode, that's a reveal that happens only in the end of Route A.

Final Rating
Hoping they slow down a bit, and don't abuse the CGI as much.



Jan 7, 2023 10:42 AM

Jan 2009
FMmatron said:
Ok start I guess. I really couldn't care less about the CGI, it's the story that didn't pull me in yet.
Don't worry about that! It's one of the best of the medium!
Jan 7, 2023 10:42 AM

Dec 2015
Usually I'm the guy that trashes anyone complaining about the CGI, but I have to say their flight unit model look like shit. Also I feel the framerate of some scenes are too low. But like we saw on multiple previews, the actual character models are gorgeous.

As for adaptation, it's exactly what I expected. Adapting route A and B together to avoid repetition (my only flaw with the game) and it's condensing the content and trying to focus on most of the important elements, but with that comes a lack of emotional impact.

This part of the game gave many players strong emotions already at the start because we saw 2B and 9S be together for almost an hour. While here it's only for 15 minutes. No anime only will actually care that much for them right now with this pacing.

Anyway, I think the anime will be solid and a good experience, but the game is considered to be a masterpiece. I do recommend people to play it because honestly, the anime will just spoil what it could be a once in a lifetime experience for someone, and those are quite rare lately.
Jan 7, 2023 10:43 AM
Oct 2021
Mattinator95 said:
Oof the production issues posts going round weren’t kidding. Did they outsource the CG this time ? Cause didn’t they with 86

in 86, they outsource the cgi to shirogumi (stand by me's studio). In this show, they done it by themselve
Jan 7, 2023 10:44 AM
Jun 2017
i can feel that this one gonna be special... can't wait to see everything
Jan 7, 2023 10:47 AM
Feb 2022
Great 1st ep, I appreciate the loyalty to the game and the use of the remarkable OST's, animation was great and 2B slight fan service always welcome. Got high hopes for this one.
Jan 7, 2023 10:50 AM

Mar 2018
PoorSoul said:
I haven't played the game, I'm planning on playing it on switch later, but does the anime seem to be showing the various endings in each episode? Thanks.

Nier Automata has 5 "real" endings; each of which should be seen to really have completed the game. There are also 21 joke endings that you get when deliberately going off the narrative path or doing very silly things. It looks like they're going to be doing all the silly endings with the puppet show. As we saw at the end of today's episode, in the game you can self-destruct at any time and if you do that in the bunker, it triggers ending U, deb[U]nked.
owarida6Jan 7, 2023 10:54 AM
Jan 7, 2023 10:50 AM

Oct 2021
As an anime-only, the only disturbing animated scene was the water animation. Other than that, it seems fine.
Jan 7, 2023 11:01 AM
Oct 2020
I don't know anything about NieR:Automata and never played the game but I loved the episode.
Jan 7, 2023 11:01 AM
Oct 2021
The first scene played exactly like the game's intro, not sure I preferred the CGI over that first experience, besides that, great episode.
Jan 7, 2023 11:11 AM
May 2018
Thank you Animeplex and A1-Pictures for this garbage. 

A pleasure
Jan 7, 2023 11:11 AM

Dec 2022
I feel as if this episode was extremely rushed.
The CGI, and animation overall, was very poor.
Characters feel like PNGs whenever they're not talking or doing something. There's a scene where 2B holds the exact same pose for 15 seconds, and the characters feel stiff overall. When I saw sloppy animation in the trailers, I dismissed it as just being unfinished, or one-time occasions. That they don't even use cinematography or editing to try to hide it like a normal low-budget show doesn't make it better.

The model used for the flight units are very bad, giving me Garry's Mod vibes (might also be lighting/shader issues), and one of the scenes where 2B flies over the water near the beginning looks like an in-engine cutscene from a PS2 game.

What's the point of the anime if they're going to tell the story of the game with worse visuals? That's not even touching on how the pacing is butchered by trying to cram 30+ minutes of game into 15 minutes of anime without taking any breaks in the action. I feel like most of this episode was spent fighting even though the fights were extremely abridged (and one was outright skipped).

I'm probably being overly negative though because I'm judging mainly on the visuals and pacing, not the story, which I've already experienced multiple times, or the music, which I've heard repeatedly over the last five years.

I hope the rest of the episodes aren't like this.
Jan 7, 2023 11:15 AM

Jul 2019
Jesus i really did not like whatever this episode was. I never experienced nier in any capacity, so i wonder how i would view it in the anime. Man..., Like, the CG, really, really is not good, like im sorry. Apparently they resused the game assets from the game? Which uhhhh why would you do that?? Those assets, are for games, not anime. You cant expect them mixing up the same way, because they definitely dont. There is a reason why the best cg on the show is the robots, because those dont look to be actual assets and actually just stuff made specifically for the anime (also, what is the need for an anime, if all you are gonna do is reuse stuff from the original??).
In terms of plot its uhhhhh sure something. I kinda didnt feel anything watching it, and i really didnt care about much of what was happening, which to be fair, its only the first episode, so its not like its likely for me to fell in love with the show right away, but even then there have been other shows this season that honestly made me far more interested in their premises than this one. I can imagine in the game it being a bit better, as i have always heard the gameplay for nier to be really fun and good. At least the music was pretty good i guess.
Jan 7, 2023 11:17 AM
Feb 2018
Loved the game and can't wait to see where the anime has in store. The OST from the game is phenomenal so really happy that it's being used in the anime too. Op was great, always love to see aimer. The sword fight scenes from 2B were insane and I loved it. Although have mixed feelings about the CGI. Loved the little end credit scene with pascal's village theme. Can't wait to see more.  
Jan 7, 2023 11:17 AM
Jan 2020
This is a port of the Switch version of the game with lower assets, right? That's the only way you can explain just how bad all of the cg elements were this episode.

While I had hopes this would end up being good, it seems as tho this is a budget cash-in based on the popularity of the game. SE forgot they didn't have an anime they were producing this seasons and shot this mess out in the hopes people would rave about it because of the game. And it seems that worked.

Sadly, this is absolutely pointless as an anime for anyone who has already played Automata and the worst way to consume Automata if you haven't. This is an abomination.
Jan 7, 2023 11:20 AM

Jul 2017
daveo42 said:
Sadly, this is absolutely pointless as an anime for anyone who has already played Automata and the worst way to consume Automata if you haven't. This is an abomination.

Don't underestimate the novel version's terrible levels, regardless of how this anime would turn out to be whether good or bad, it ain't gonna be as rough and rushed to hell as that (especially the first book).
Jan 7, 2023 11:25 AM
May 2015
daveo42 said:
This is a port of the Switch version of the game with lower assets, right? That's the only way you can explain just how bad all of the cg elements were this episode.

While I had hopes this would end up being good, it seems as tho this is a budget cash-in based on the popularity of the game. SE forgot they didn't have an anime they were producing this seasons and shot this mess out in the hopes people would rave about it because of the game. And it seems that worked.

Sadly, this is absolutely pointless as an anime for anyone who has already played Automata and the worst way to consume Automata if you haven't. This is an abomination.

There will be different story elements and potentially a different ending, which is exciting. Also possibly some side characters may get additional screentime and character development. I think everyone is jumping the gun way too much here. Most of the game fans complaining on this thread were never going to be satisfied anyway.
Jan 7, 2023 11:26 AM

Mar 2020
really nailed the environmental feel of the game, great work A-1!
that ending skit with the sped up credits was hilariously reminiscent of automata's goofy endings too, loved that

here's hoping i finished the endings theyre gonna adapt in the show... :_)
Jan 7, 2023 11:31 AM

Jun 2017
Definitely wasn't the easiest pilot episode to follow but it's nice to see that the wonderful folks over at A-1 Pictures have at least made this a treat for now. A lot of CG scenes but the setting is well-drawn and the character designs are unique, so I'll take it. 

Never played the game before so I'm curious to see what the hype is all about. Hearing Ishikawa Yui-san in this sort of role is nice to see, as well. 

Op visuals were rather interesting to me, don't think many expected that. Something about the feel of the show is pretty good. 
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jan 7, 2023 11:31 AM

Apr 2015
I really liked, i loved the series and i think they really manage to handle very well the atmosphere and our MCs.

Aimer song is amazing as expected.

I liked the puppet thing in the end, they showing some of the joke ends you can get in the game. I want to see the fish one :v
Jan 7, 2023 11:33 AM
Jan 2020
ShamankinguYoh said:
daveo42 said:
This is a port of the Switch version of the game with lower assets, right? That's the only way you can explain just how bad all of the cg elements were this episode.

While I had hopes this would end up being good, it seems as tho this is a budget cash-in based on the popularity of the game. SE forgot they didn't have an anime they were producing this seasons and shot this mess out in the hopes people would rave about it because of the game. And it seems that worked.

Sadly, this is absolutely pointless as an anime for anyone who has already played Automata and the worst way to consume Automata if you haven't. This is an abomination.

There will be different story elements and potentially a different ending, which is exciting. Also possibly some side characters may get additional screentime and character development. I think everyone is jumping the gun way too much here. Most of the game fans complaining on this thread were never going to be satisfied anyway.

Nah, I would have much preferred this be a good enough adaption of the game, knowing well enough it wouldn't live up to the game. But this episode and the lack of any quality while poorly lifting the first parts of route a and b makes it seem like this is a complete waste of everyone's time.

Even if the new content or ending shows up, I'm not expecting the anime to do it any justice with how poorly the adaptation already seems to be.
Jan 7, 2023 11:38 AM

Aug 2013
I never played the game but this looks promising so far. Looking forward to see how things go from here.

Jan 7, 2023 11:42 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Never played the game so I have nothing to be disappointed about. Entertaining introduction to the world and 2B
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 7, 2023 11:42 AM
Nov 2020
they've literally used the game models for the CG lmao
Jan 7, 2023 11:42 AM

Feb 2021
Leo said:
I never played the game but this looks promising so far. Looking forward to see how things go from here.
I also have never played the game, we are the same here. Hope that the overall quality of the adaptation will be good!
Jan 7, 2023 11:42 AM

Jan 2017
OK, the 3D CGI models look like straight rip-out of the PS4 game's files which are very contrasting vs the SPECTACULAR hand animation but overall BOY DOES THIS DELIVER where it should!

Also, I'm glad that they reused the OST from the game because there is no way that they could do something even remotely good.

Also, also Aimer <3

We need to do a statistic on 2B panty shots/episode and /minute, this might be a very interesting "study"!
Jan 7, 2023 11:46 AM

Jun 2015
After all this time never expected this masterpiece to get an anime yet here we are. Truly 2023 really is full of surprises. Nice opening theme from Aimer too. They made the battle against the saw too easy lol. I must have died at least 50 times before i killed it ingame lol. They really showed the tension for the goliath seen well here. Not to mention the hacking part. Seeing this scene again really shows just how powerful the black boxes were though. Overall a solid opening ep that was both lore accurate and featured a nice blend of action and character intros. As long as this keeps up this series should be faithful to the game. The puppet play at the end was pretty amusing.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 7, 2023 11:56 AM
Aug 2017
Last comments here just show who enjoys this anime. Incels who are in here only for 2B panty shots.
Jan 7, 2023 11:56 AM

Jan 2018
NieR: Automata is one of my favorite games of all time. So I'm both excited and worried about this adaptation. The worrying has to do with the nature of the game itself. Even if they make changes to make it fit the anime format more I doubt it'd be able to capture the game properly so I set my expectations accordingly.

Thankfully this episode made it look promising and I hope the rest of the 23 episodes can follow this same quality. I am more interested in seeing any potential anime-original content or things that weren't shown in the game. I don't understand why they didn't adapt NieR: Replicant yet though because I think that game could use more recognition. Hopefully it'll get one if this anime's successful.

NieR: Automata v1.1a has the potential to surpass the likes of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. At its worst, it could turn out like Persona 5 the Abomination which was also animated by A-1 and thus the source of my worries. I just hope this will be properly paced for 24 episodes.

The puppet scene at the end caught me off-guard. This is actually kinda funny and I might look forward to these at the end of the episodes instead of the episodes themselves lol.

If you're a gamer and didn't play the game yet, do yourself a favor and play the game on your PC/Xbox One/PS4/Switch. It's basically on all current-gen gaming platforms. You won't regret it.
Jan 7, 2023 12:02 PM

Jan 2012
I never thought that the CGI in 2023 from a top studio will look like from a cinematic scene of a playstation 1 game 💀

This is nightmare content

edit: maybe they hired dante axe for the CGI?
HanfosJan 7, 2023 12:09 PM

Jan 7, 2023 12:02 PM
Jan 2021
I never got to play nier automata but I liked how things went mainly from the soundtracks, One thing that describes nier anime for me at the moment would be promising
Jan 7, 2023 12:05 PM

Nov 2021
Wow, it's somehow even more boring than the actual game. Granted I dunno what I expected since I didn't like Nier in the slightest but this episode is just one to one retracing of the game but without the gameplay itself? What's the point? It even looks so much worse than the source material, that animation is really not holding up. Aimer is nice tho
Jan 7, 2023 12:07 PM
Nov 2021
Pollyvx said:
I don't understand how you people like it, when the game made you feel like you're playing an Anime this show feels like watching these no commentary youtube gameplays.
It adds nothing and is very poorly animated.

This is exactly what I felt watching this show, it did nothing to explain what was going on and the cgi was awful
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