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Oct 29, 2022 10:57 AM

Mar 2010
Seeing them shitfaced and losing all hope was great... but other than that twas pretty average and I kinda was bored.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Oct 29, 2022 11:03 AM
Aug 2017
overall good, flashbang and combat scene was mildly scuffed though. not a fan of "phase 1.. phase 2" thingy
Oct 29, 2022 12:05 PM

Jan 2021
BlakexEkalb said:
Decent episode

I don’t like how they left the revolutionists alive. Either capture them or kill them. Just beating them up isn’t going to make them turn from bad to good; they’ll simply go and kill other people. Plus, isn’t a catastrophe/natural disaster coming? If they’re still unconscious after a few hours they’ll die either way so trying to keep them alive didn’t even work.

A bit of a spoiler-y comment so beware

They are not a military organization, they are a pharmaceutical company whose objective is to find a cure for oriopathy, and failing that, treat the infected with the medical care they need and try to create a world where infected and non-infected can coexist. They have armed guards due to the hatred most inhabitants of the world have towards the infected, and by proxy those that help them (attacks against medics that help the infected, or clinics for the infected happened with enough regularity that only companies like Rhodes Island, who have VERY heavily armed guards are the only ones to still offer help to those in need), not because they are a PMC or a soldier org or whatever.

At that time, their objective was only 1: Rescue the doctor from Chernobog due to the massive riots Reunion has started, which presented a very real danger for the Doctor. The catastrophe is a "nice" bonus but they were going to GTFO at flank speed even without it. The last minute decision to save that mother and her daughter was not a good one, and Dobermann recriminated Amiya for even thinking about it, so once they managed to do it GTFOing was still their top priority. And even if it wasn't, killing members of reunion is not the goal of neither Amiya, nor the rest of the leadership of Rhodes Island, by any measure of the word "goal".

Another thing (that will probably not be adressed in this anime), is that firearms as you know them do not exist in arknights, due to the chemistry in their world working different to ours. Black or smokeless powder does not exist and thus firearms also don't. What you see as guns are basically an elaborated and complex magic wand which uses Arts to propell projectiles with vanishingly few people that have the capacity to use them, which translates to most of the rest using swords, shields, spears, etc. They were going to get close to them either way, and with Amiya disliking killing opponents if at all possible going from "slash their throat" to "tie them up" is a logical progression.

Lastly, capturing them is not an option either. Rhodes Island is a private company, they do not have the resources to go capturing people and bringing them aboard willy nilly. Reunion is basically an army at this point, it is completely illogical to expect them to bring all the people they fight aboard the landship "Rhodes Island" that serves as their base of operations, especially when it's already pretty loaded up with infected patients they are providing treatment to. And they are not fighting at the behest of a governemnt or anything like that, so they cant capture and bring the guys to the government or whatever (for many reasons, but most are spoiler-y so I'll leave it at that). Plus, I'd imagine trying to carry all these captured soldiers in the middle of a goddamn civil uprising and riots that are more akin to 2 armies fighting than any riot is pretty damn hard, especially when the prisoners are of one of that armies.

Yuu_Kanzaki said:

Edit: Why does the Doctor sound like a woman? He doesn't sound like a boy, or is his (their) gender not known in the game?

The VA is the same VA as Kurapika (a man) and many "androgynous" characters, my guess would be because the Doctor is somewhat of a self insert character (they have a personality, but there is no physical description, gender is unknown, etc) so they wanted the gender to remain neutral even in voice.
GloriaAugustaOct 29, 2022 12:11 PM
Oct 29, 2022 1:00 PM

Aug 2009
I appreciated it very much, even though it was a little too dense and slow for newcomers of the series. I was hyped as hell and have great expectations for this show!
Oct 29, 2022 1:30 PM

Mar 2014
It's a little boring for me
Oct 29, 2022 3:39 PM

Oct 2010
The episode was good, the anime is taking itself seriously.

My only issue was making the doctor create his strategy via a smartphone lmao. We don't need to be reminded that this is a game adaptation xD
「Self Aware Cringy Weeb」
Oct 29, 2022 5:20 PM
Mar 2019
Top picture, sometimes CV is weird? but that doesnt matter.
Played the game, everything is top, the operation is wonderful
Oct 29, 2022 6:36 PM
May 2020
if they will adapt them all. I will never read the long chapters in game again
Oct 29, 2022 7:25 PM
Mar 2021
i hope this will be a masterpiece adaption
Oct 29, 2022 7:52 PM
Jul 2022
animejas said:
I wonder if 8 episodes are enough for this, or if there's going to be another season or whatever. Given the premise here, it could go many ways in my head as someone who's never played or heard of the game prior to watching this episode. Pacing could go a variety of ways because of it. It had parts that dragged a bit for me, but the series tried hard here with establishing some mysteries with us being in the perspective of the Doctor, learning about what is happening in the world and the morally gray elements present here so far. The series didn't have the best looking drawings and animation, but definitely had effort put into this episode from the staff to create a cinematic and tense feel to this post-apocalyptic world. It could be interesting, but given that its a gacha game adaptation and the runtime, I'm not buying into it yet, still am gonna proceed with all the caution in the world. Wish the character designs didn't have the animal ears and stuff, but it is a gacha game so stuff like that isn't surprising. It's not really a big deal but stuff like that even bothered me in other series like Utawarerumono. Not too much to say about the characters themselves, hopefully there is enough time and solid content to do them justice as the anime progresses. I need time to distinguish whether or not potential is here or is it a waste of time like Azur Lane or even something like Takt op. Destiny (although those shows were pretty much awful for me instantly for first impressions).

As an Arknights player I think that 8 episodes won't be enough for the amount of content their going to cram into this.
Oct 29, 2022 8:23 PM

Jul 2021
I have not experience the game though my friends have and most of them really do like so I'm going to watch it from an anime perspective and so far it's good, the worldbuilding ain't that unique by any means but I'm invested to see how they're going to expand more as it reminded me of a tower defense game.
Oct 29, 2022 9:16 PM
Apr 2014
Solid episode, basically follows the game but with better pacing because it's not restricted to VN format, so it can show instead of telling sometimes. This might be something of a confusing intro but honestly it's like that for the character too, waking up and immediately being escorted through a warzone.

I like that some attention is given to how Doc is seriously physically frail, because they can say that in game but it's not the same as seeing doc collapse coughing after going down stairs, the impact of them saying they've lost their memory is also a lot greater when we can see character's facial expressions and hear their tone.

I think the tablet and PRTS saying Mission Start and the tablet was kinda to give homage to the players, and give them that little dopamine hit upon hearing "Mission Accomplished" but I hope they won't make a habit of it. That said, the strategy was good, nice clean and simple with no verbal explanation, literally show and no tell, just phase 1, 2, 3, and 4 and you see it all happen in real time. The exposition ends up being tell and almost no show though, aside from a squeezed in attempt with that one mother and child that FEELS like it's irrational if you're not already familiar with the setting, which since this is an anime I have to count as a failure. Still, it's a first episode in a brand new setting, some exposition is necessary.

I think they managed to avoid the "oh (player insert) you're so smart!" thing to some degree too by making the people who complimented them the same people who seemed to doubt the Doc most upon hearing they had amnesia, making it feel more like an apology than ego stroking.

I like that we kinda see some of Doc's features, like white hair and eyes, and hear their voice, keeps them from being too much of a blank insert. That said I still have to dock some points for the clear game to anime components, the mostly faceless character, the amnesia, the tablet, all things that scream game adaptation and make the anime just slightly worse off. The anime really does its best to mitigate those components but they're still there so I can't give it a perfect score. The pacing, even after a few things being made more concise, still feels like its lacking a hook as a result of not really having a properly fleshed out main character.

Still, I've been playing basically since the game released and I love the story, with the world and characters being the main thing that kept me hooked. It's widely agreed that the start of Arknight's story is some of its weakest storytelling, but I'm hoping that a lot of the problems it had in the game VN format will be fixed upon being reviewed and translated into anime.

I want to look at that 8.0 and say that's a perfectly reasonable score, but different people have different meanings of what numbers on the scale should mean. I admit, this is my first actual discussion post because I really like the game and the anime (also because I was prompted to do so upon saying I watched the first episode, was that always a feature?), but if I had to be honest with 10 being perfect and 1 being an atrocity that has made my life worse for having viewed it, I'd give this a 6-7. Nothing groundbreaking, has some mistakes, but there's enough foundation for something good to come of it.
strivingotakuOct 29, 2022 9:33 PM
Oct 29, 2022 9:58 PM
Oct 2021
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! AMONG US!!!!!!!!!
Oct 29, 2022 10:25 PM
Oct 2011
WILLs_Anime_ said:
Plot already seems kinda meh.

We haven't even touched the plot yet.
Oct 29, 2022 10:33 PM
Oct 2011
Andiuxy said:
My only issue was making the doctor create his strategy via a smartphone lmao. We don't need to be reminded that this is a game adaptation xD

In game lore, it's like this. You have terminal with access to PRTS, and you do your daily Doctor things using this terminal.
Oct 29, 2022 10:44 PM
Apr 2021
i like this anime ❤️
Oct 29, 2022 11:15 PM
Jul 2022
context was dry and slow progression
Oct 30, 2022 1:10 AM

Aug 2014
The underapreciated things about this episode is the backsound and VA. The timing for the execution and the sound choice definitely boost the vibe!!!
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Oct 30, 2022 2:49 AM

Apr 2016
Interesting episode! catastrophic world!
Oct 30, 2022 3:58 AM

Jul 2008
Yagokor said:
WILLs_Anime_ said:
Plot already seems kinda meh.

We haven't even touched the plot yet.
pretty sure they just spent the entire episode explaining who the two factions are, their goals, and what the Doctor was trying to accomplish . They may drill down to specific actions to accomplish those things in this season, but that's the overarching plot it seems. And...meh

It's only 8 episodes.
Oct 30, 2022 4:12 AM

May 2015
Game for today: take a shot everytime they say "doctor".
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Oct 30, 2022 4:29 AM
Oct 2022
WILLs_Anime_ said:
Yagokor said:

We haven't even touched the plot yet.
pretty sure they just spent the entire episode explaining who the two factions are, their goals, and what the Doctor was trying to accomplish . They may drill down to specific actions to accomplish those things in this season, but that's the overarching plot it seems. And...meh

It's only 8 episodes.

There's a big difference between premise and plot. What they explained was the premise.
Oct 30, 2022 5:19 AM

Oct 2008
At first it was Girls Frontline then this Arknights. Then guess what's next? my bet is Counter:Side and then next is Artery Gear then next would be NIKKE. LOLZ!!!
so how many "DOCTA" was there this ep? do we have re**it counter who does that...?
matias067Oct 30, 2022 8:34 AM

Oct 30, 2022 5:28 AM

Sep 2016
Neneaux said:
Super interesting that 90% of people praising this have 1 post to their name. It was fucking dogshit and I would have rather watched paint dry.

Okay mr 43 posts, lmao
Oct 30, 2022 5:28 AM

Jul 2008
Xcerft said:
WILLs_Anime_ said:
pretty sure they just spent the entire episode explaining who the two factions are, their goals, and what the Doctor was trying to accomplish . They may drill down to specific actions to accomplish those things in this season, but that's the overarching plot it seems. And...meh

It's only 8 episodes.

There's a big difference between premise and plot. What they explained was the premise.
So you're telling me the premise isn't going to drive the main plot? For the sake of the anime, I hope not. I'm not expecting much from the story as others who play the game have mentioned the storytelling is not a strong suit of the game to begin with.
Oct 30, 2022 6:05 AM
Oct 2022
WILLs_Anime_ said:
Xcerft said:

There's a big difference between premise and plot. What they explained was the premise.
So you're telling me the premise isn't going to drive the main plot? For the sake of the anime, I hope not. I'm not expecting much from the story as others who play the game have mentioned the storytelling is not a strong suit of the game to begin with.

You're correct, it's going to drive the main plot. When people said storytelling is bad it is because the story has endless walls of text and no voice acting in the game, it makes it very difficult to get into as non reader. It doesn't mean the story isn't good, the story is one of the best stories I've read. It just means the way they convey the story to the player is bad. This is why an anime was made for this game.

Edit: A stage in the game takes like 4 minutes, and you could be stuck reading for 20 minutes.
XcerftOct 30, 2022 8:58 AM
Oct 30, 2022 6:34 AM
Dec 2018
Love that they gave the doctor a voice and face
Oct 30, 2022 10:16 AM
Dec 2019
Complete Perfection.
Oct 30, 2022 10:46 AM
Oct 2021
Never seen before something beatiful
Oct 30, 2022 11:14 AM

Mar 2010
Very satisfied with the first episode.
I love how they adapted and improved the Karen mom moment. In game it left a much weaker impression, if I recall correctly she just kind of ran off with a "dont hurt us pls", but here in the anime you can feel the prejudice and borderline disgust.

Stellar animation quality, especially with the facial expressions. I can't believe they went for those face angles in the first minute of the episode.

And lmao what a bold move to include a Reunion flashbang POV. Hope you heard Ace's warning.

Oct 30, 2022 11:23 AM
Feb 2021
Anime made from the game concept is better to watch.
Oct 30, 2022 1:21 PM

Mar 2015

can't wait for the part where doctor pulls up a KyostinV video ;)
Oct 30, 2022 3:50 PM
Oct 2022
Pretty good episode got some potential if they follow the story from the game.
Oct 30, 2022 6:21 PM

Sep 2011
It's a surprisingly good. Didn't expect it from game franchise.
Oct 30, 2022 6:45 PM
Nov 2021
The first thing i did after i finished was scream to my self saying. ITS GOOD. I was super worried this was going to end up as a terrible gacha game adaptation, but they have been faithful to the story and its been super enjoyable, i really liked it and i am excited for the next episode. It was an episode set for development and whats happening, stuff is going to be elaborated on hopefully, but the way the exposition happened was well done, as it was sprinkled in throughout, and sometimes shown not explicitely told
Oct 30, 2022 11:07 PM
Oct 2022
I play the game before, so i already know about the story, when i see the animation it so great it the same product like pv animation, and the story just starting i don't know the next ep will be great or bad, but i hopefully everyone will know about arknight lore in the next ep for sure
Oct 31, 2022 3:52 PM
Feb 2019
It was a fine beggining for a series. Not terrible, not amazing. However I don't think it's anything bad. Sometimes anime just needs some time to show it's true colour and that's what i believe will be in this case.
Oct 31, 2022 7:01 PM
Feb 2019
Tired of that same pattern, impossible things from kids.
Oct 31, 2022 11:41 PM
Oct 2022
Gradius2 said:
Tired of that same pattern, impossible things from kids.

When the world building establishes you'll see why. Everything has a reason in this series.

Watch Arknights concept trailer 2 for a better idea
Nov 1, 2022 6:31 AM
Nov 2022
I wanna see Ptilopsis under Doc's table
Nov 1, 2022 7:00 AM
Apr 2021
As someone that knows nothing of arknights I enjoy the first episode. I don’t really have a problem with how they handled the episode
Nov 1, 2022 10:29 AM
Jan 2021
i don't like the way they introduces the character. it feels like just a tutorial cutscenes, with your protagonist being spon-feeded everything while being cartoonishly hollow, waiting for you to insert yourself in it
Nov 1, 2022 7:06 PM

Feb 2010
ASMR anime, no idea why this has an 8.
Stop the sequels high-ranking stupidity.
Group franchises in Top Anime page.
Because Gintama is just "one" anime and not 5.
Nov 1, 2022 7:36 PM
May 2021
Nov 2, 2022 9:14 AM

Apr 2015
Futuristic world + Soldiers Resistance Shit + Cute Girls. Must watch no matter how trainwreck this become.

I have one question, why Ace is not a big Bunny boy too? :v

I am surprise by the score here, normally mainstream watchers stay out of this stuff, maybe they are sold by the animation and cute girls?

I am only worried about this be a adaptation of a Gacha game, it has at least a "end point" for this anime series? I don't want to play the game later .-.
Nov 2, 2022 9:37 AM

Mar 2010
ScarRufus said:
I have one question, why Ace is not a big Bunny boy too? :v

All people of Terra are demihumans, and naturally not everyone is a Cautus (rabbit person).

nullNov 2, 2022 9:42 AM

Nov 2, 2022 9:40 AM
Sep 2018
Play Arknights
Nov 2, 2022 5:48 PM

Apr 2013
Episode 1 was very very solid. What stood out to me the most was the use of a large variety of shot composition techniques of a type and to a degree significantly beyond the norm in anime. Right off the bat we start with an extreme close up eye shot that flips to a POV low angle shot, which is maintained for the entirety of the opening scene. That's a bit of a bold move. Around 2:14 we cut from 1/2-1/2 split between close up and extreme long, to a close up of the subject of the extreme long shot while maintaining the same viewpoint and motion, which I really liked. Lots of nice complementary inverse shots like the static bird's eye shot of the spiral staircase at 2:44, followed by inverse of this at 2:50. Then there's the high angle balcony shot at 4:28 followed by the low angle shot at 4:40, both of which use shallow focus to direct the viewer to the protagonists. There's a cool static dolly-shot-like composition of the Reunion soldier in the hallway at 8:30 that subverts the viewer's expectation of what happens next. A view of the exit at 9:05 that primes the viewer to feel uneasy and suspicious. All these shot composition decisions aren't just willy-nilly. They're being used deliberately, with purpose, and to great effect. Another example would be the sudden shift to dutch angles around 4:52 to highlight how the unexpected approach of Reunion footsteps and the possibility of imminent discovery has upended their previously smooth operation. This is ALSO paired with the transition from ambient noise to BGM with rising tension. The framing, the establishing shots, the foreshadowing, everything about this episode just oozes style and I love it.

The director seems to have a real fondness for wide shots, use of negative space, and extended shot duration, so I looked up who it was out of curiosity. Turns out it's Watanabe Yuuki, which kinda surprised me. They haven't done a ton of directing, and of the anime I've seen where they were acting as animation director (New Game!, Plastic Memories, Mikakunin de Shinkoukei, etc.), it was all pretty standard anime shot composition. I wonder if these were stylistic choices motivated by the scale and architecture of the setting, the overall feel the creators want for the show, or if it's indicative of the director developing a personal style. After all, this is the first time they're being listed as "Director" of an anime rather than just an Animation Director for specific episodes. Honestly, I hope that all three reasons are true.

Setting aside my gushing over the visuals, there's a lot of other great stuff here. The Reunion forces were introduced and fleshed out fairly well. Aside from the rather large amount of exposition (though nothing out of the ordinary for a first episode with a lot to explain), there was a nice show-don't-tell around 16:39. One of the soldiers steps in to try and reign in another guy who's getting a bit too murder-happy. It's nice to see them reinforce that Reunion is a bad organization that's largely a victim of their circumstances, not just a cartoonishly evil band of incompetent street thugs. Amiya's Arts VFX/SFX are crisp and sick, really cool to look at. The use of proper 2d models for the large groups of Reunion soldiers (instead of the modern industry standard of 3DGC eldritch abominations) is refreshing. When 3D models are used (like the aerial drone at 19:46), it's well done. Damn, I'm back to talking about the visuals lmao.

I'm still tempering my expectations for the rest of the show, but even if it tanks that won't change how much I loved episode 1. And it's already leagues better than the level of quality I've come to expect from gacha adaptations (Azur Lane, Doll's Frontline, etc).
ArbiterofWhimNov 2, 2022 5:51 PM
Nov 3, 2022 5:20 PM

Dec 2017
Without prior knowledge of the mobile game, the Arknights anime will present its first episode without bias and enough intrigue to hook its viewers. However, for those who do partake of the strategy defense game, this will feel like a love letter. The presentation is excellent, with Yostar Pictures ramping up its frames during the action, which feels refreshing as it is exciting. A 16:9 aspect ratio hugs the animation, evoking a theatrical sensation. With Yuuki Watanabe directing and debuting as sound director for the series, it is no wonder the foley work, music and overall audio step in sync with the movement on screen. All of these elements combine to create a wonderful opening episode that is sure to set expectations high.
Unlike another popular mobile game, Azur Lane, which also received an anime, Arknights seems to have taken a chance with portraying its player base as an actual character. Even being somewhat ambiguous in nature, this risk of character portrayal looks like it could pay off if handled properly.
Considering the source material, it is safe to presume this came from a manga or novel series but with the popularity of mobile games in recent years and with the success of Yostar, Hypergryph and Studio Montagne; Arknights: Prelude to Dawn looks as promising as ever.
Nov 4, 2022 9:02 AM
Apr 2015
Doctor :D
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