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Oct 18, 2022 10:15 AM

Nov 2011
This episode felt kinda slowed paced but hey, the finale did give pretty much all the cast some relevant screen time.

TING feels like it's more than just a group but like a family at this point. We also got one final performance too. It's been interesting ride.
Oct 18, 2022 10:18 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Great finale with a beautiful performance. I'm so proud of these girls. :)

Overall, a very good idol anime. Definitely a positive surprise.

SerafosMar 13, 2024 4:16 AM
Oct 18, 2022 10:18 AM

Jul 2017
It's finally time for TINGS's 1st anniversary concert at the Nakano Sun Plaza, and everyone's feeling nervous to serve their 2000 guest capacity strong crowd, putting up a front as they "don't Shine".

Especially for Haru, whom she has a first encounter with the famed idol Hotaru herself after almost losing her valuables, and most especially, seeing Manager Naoki for the first time alongside her (which he calls her "Kei") and being taught of what it means to be a shining guidepost a.k.a shinepost, it has come around in a full circle.

With TINGS's performance, Ren finally admitted defeat that TINGS is where Haru belongs, and it's a "Happily Ever After" ending, even as Manager Yuki joked about their disbandment, and HY:RAIN is already looking forward to the Nippon Budokan for a head-to-head battle as rivals. This is only the start for the 5-member group, and whatever they do from now on, the stage is their Shinepost.

In the sea of idol shows, Shine Post is one that stands out and surprises being a very good idol anime. No questions about it.
KANLen09Oct 18, 2022 12:46 PM
Oct 18, 2022 11:01 AM

Apr 2014
Nice performance. TINGS does not shine??! huuh..... This is TINGS shinest moment ever. Next Stop! Nippon Budokan.


TINGS, together with HY:RAIN and Hotaru, will perform a live concert at Nakano Sunplaza on 11 March 2023.
AkeZZZOct 18, 2022 11:09 AM
Oct 18, 2022 11:07 AM

Jul 2011
So in a way was Hotaru that discovered Haru potential.

Was good to see that Hotaru is well, after all 11 episodes were spent talking about her in the past, and just on the phone.

I hope that ending isn't a empty hype, for another season, or movie.

Was kinda tough with the irregular episode release, making this series lose the rhythm, but ended great.
Oct 18, 2022 11:24 AM
Jul 2017
New song. I didn't see it coming, completely caught off guard. Amazing quality till the end. Lookibg forward to the real Nakano sun plaza concert next year.
Oct 18, 2022 11:32 AM

Apr 2010
Here's hoping the Budokan isn't just a game event when that comes out, really want to see it animated.

Guess a anime announcement around the Nakano IRL live concert is a good timing.

Anyway, best idol show I've seen overall. Did a perfect job adapting TINGS start.

Oct 18, 2022 11:40 AM

Mar 2016
AkeZZZ said:
Nice performance. TINGS does not shine??! huuh..... This is TINGS shinest moment ever. Next Stop! Nippon Budokan.


TINGS, together with HY:RAIN and Hotaru, will perform a live concert at Nakano Sunplaza on 11 March 2023.

The title of the episode confused me at first too, but then I realized that the “shine” referred to is the shine that Manager-kun sees when the girls aren’t being honest. Now that the girls are all being honest to themselves and each other, they can in turn give their most honest performance and “sing the truth” so to speak, which is why TINGS “doesn’t shine.”
Judgment526Oct 18, 2022 11:43 AM
Oct 18, 2022 11:40 AM

Dec 2016
Truly magnificent series. In a season with great hits, this was my favortie show all around.
Oct 18, 2022 11:42 AM
Nov 2021
The show made it sound like Haru was some one of a kind idol and that she was supposed to show that this episode, but she didnt look special at all and for some reason there was a lot of focus on Kyouka insted. Overall this episode made the show go from a 8/10 to a 6/10 for me
Oct 18, 2022 11:53 AM

Apr 2014
Judgment526 said:

The title of the episode confused me at first too, but then I realized that the “shine” referred to is the shine that Manager-kun sees when the girls aren’t being honest. Now that the girls are all being honest to themselves and each other, they can in turn give their most honest performance and “sing the truth” so to speak, which is why TINGS “doesn’t shine.”

yeah, it was a kind of wordplay between the real 'shine' and the 'shine' from what Manager can see. The title also plays with the first episode's title as well. The first episode's title was just Nabatame Haru, but now, it's everyone from TINGS.
Oct 18, 2022 12:05 PM

Sep 2020
As someone who think idol shows are a hit or miss (Zombieland Saga is one of my favourite anime of all time, but I couldn’t get into Love Live). This anime was incredible. Incredible girls, incredible character moments, incredible manager and some really good songs too.

I know the ending was to promote their live performance, but now I really want a Season 2 as it set up a good premise for one.

8/10 show, really good and very underrated
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Oct 18, 2022 12:06 PM

Mar 2021
Fantastic series the girls put on another amazing performance and i could not be more Happy and proud for them
Would love to see a season 2
Oct 18, 2022 12:57 PM

Dec 2013
I really enjoyed the series and all the girls were super cute and interesting, specially Rio, the surprise anime of the season much like Healer Girl was before it, but while I liked a lot the songs on Healer Girl I didn't really care too much for the songs on this show.
Oct 18, 2022 1:46 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
I think the show started out strong with really good and relatable backstories of Kyouka and Rio where I cried, but the rest weren't as interesting, particularly Haru's, who I had a huge disconnect with.

Not sure what they were doing with Hotaru either, her convos with the manager didn't feel necessary, even if it's supposed to lead up to the reveal this episode.

Most of the songs were forgettable, and while the dances were wonderfully animated, I also thought their dance moves don't connect well and as a whole, feels quite meaningless. The best song imo was Rio's solo, and the one in this episode. They aren't songs I'd want to put on replay though. Wish they got more catchy songs at the very least, but Japanese idol music has always been more of a miss for me.

Overall, I liked how it started out, and it's not a bad show, I just wish Haru's backstory was more interesting or relatable to some extent, since she ended up being the most boring character imo, despite supposedly being a one in a million talent. Studio Kai really putting out quality works though, with both this and Fuuto Tantei this season (didn't want Tennis no Oujisama though).
Oct 18, 2022 1:48 PM

Jan 2018
Great end to a really great idol anime. This is easily one the best idol anime out there in recent times. The characters were fun and loveable. All had really good character development. The dance in the show was so smooth and the performances looked beautiful. The songs were great too especially HY:RAIN's ones. I hope there's more of Shine Post in the future too.
ARK-13Nov 10, 2022 7:34 AM
Oct 18, 2022 2:36 PM

Nov 2019
Brilliant ending to this banger idol series

The plot development was immaculate, along with all the character arcs, I loved the ride :'3

The nice tie in to how Haru knew Nao as the legendary manager-kun was fun to watch, especially since we got some interesting development on Hotaru yayy

Can't wait for the up and coming game (or at least from what I've seen there is one), but overall a brilliant idol anime

9/10 from me, definitely stands up high above a lot of the insane amount of idol anime I've seen wwww
Oct 18, 2022 4:21 PM
Sep 2021
As someone that completely loves idol shows, i think this one has such a great plot even if it doesn't look like it. This is nothing compared to love live on the music aspect (my opinion) but overall, i loved to watch this.

Oct 18, 2022 6:58 PM
Jan 2021
What a beautiful show. 🥲
Oct 18, 2022 9:28 PM

Feb 2019
And just like that, the best new idol project in 2 years concludes. The ending felt a tad rushed, but I was overall satisfied with everything coming full circle from Haru and the manager’s past as well as the concept of a “shine post” being explained.

I still like Hy:Rain performance from a few weeks ago, but the Tings performance came a lot closer than I was expecting lol.

I really hope that the Nakano performance isn’t jut live and that we get more of the anime. I will miss these girls and these performances so much.
Marinate1016Oct 18, 2022 9:33 PM
Oct 18, 2022 9:56 PM

Aug 2018
"Shine Post"
The day of the performance at Nakano Sun Plaza arrived, the girls were ready. Before they introduce themselves, we see that Haru knew the manager from before. And it was at Hotaru's concert, that besides knowing her, the manager worked together with Hotaru. In that concert everything was connected xd
And it was time for the show, it went very well. The song was good.
And it seems that the HY:RAIN girls want to have a duel against them. And TINGS accepted the battle.
This anime was really good, I liked it a lot. We'll have to see if they make a second season.

Oct 18, 2022 9:59 PM

Sep 2018
What a great and consistent series this was. My first real look into the idol genre (apart from Zombieland Saga), was not disappointed. 8/10.
Oct 19, 2022 12:50 AM

Nov 2012
Beautiful, this was a great idol show!

My Candies 2024

My Old Candies:
Oct 19, 2022 1:31 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
This anime took me by surprise for sure. I wasn't expecting much but this quickly became an anime that ended up impressing.
I liked that they made both Haru and Kyouka the centers! The choreo with them both was really cute too!
I only wish management wasn't adding more stress for them by telling them that they might be disbanded. I get why they're doing it especially since we know it's a lie, but it's still stressful nonetheless. Heck, if I were in the group, I'd feel discouraged since I don't know it's a lie. We sold out a venue and had a DAMN good performance and you're STILL considering dropping us? Will we ever be enough? Well then I guess we'll go to an agency where we are. It's always worked like that in work too. Like "oh you did this, but we're still in danger so do this or you don't get your pizza party". "Oh you did the thing? Well now do this then I SWEAR we'll get that pizza party." "Oh you did that too? Okay well do this or else that pizza party ain't happening"-- yeah, whatever. I just ended up quitting and got my own damn pizza. The whole dangling a threat in front of someone thing only works for so long. Meanwhile, people are stressing out about losing a pizza party that they'll probably never get.
Besides that, great anime. No regrets watching this one. Also I never said it, but I really like the ED. It's very catchy! I've found myself singing it at my new job. lol
SwiggyOct 19, 2022 10:08 PM

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Oct 19, 2022 4:13 AM

Jul 2021
Beautiful. Just beautiful.

I felt so happy seeing the girls go to the stage confidently, ready to give it their all.

The backstory of how Haru has already met Houtaru and Manager was nice.

The performance itself was soooooo good. I'm glad I wasn't the only one with teary-eyes while watching them lol. The song, the dance was so good. The way each one of them came up to the front and danced was great as well.

And this doesn't seem like the end for this. WE NEED A SEASON 2 so bad. I mean things are just getting started. Next stage is freaking Budokan and they are competing against the HY:RAIN. Yabai. Really want to see more of this.

Obviously, my rating for this is going to be 10/10 overall.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Oct 19, 2022 4:42 AM
Dec 2021
This final episode really made me feel like I was at a concert from the comfort of my home. Beautiful episode. Hope this gets a season 2 and that the producers can market it better to international viewers. Would pay to watch this if it was available in my country.
Oct 19, 2022 6:20 AM

Oct 2016
Man, what a great show. I've only watched a few idol shows so far in my lifetime, but this is up there with Selection Project, though honestly, I feel that I was more connected with the characters in Selection Project. But Shine Post was extremely consistent with its quality.

LET'S GO, NEW OUTFITS! They look great.

I love that Kyouka was pretty much the second lead character basically. That flat out callback to episode 1 though, damn Yuuki and her strats.

They better not just be teasing us, give us a HY:RAIN vs TINGS movie or something.

Honestly was hoping there was one more song this finale, I was not satisfied with just one lmao. But overall, this was a really great and enjoyable show. 8/10
Oct 19, 2022 9:32 AM

Jun 2016
compared to ll superstar , this show is not boring every episode !!!

enjoyable to watch and interesting !!
Oct 19, 2022 5:56 PM
Oct 2020
So it's over. I'll say it definitely wasn't bad. It was a decent idol show but nothing too special. The manager has some lie detection ability that's kinda supernatural but other than that it's a group of normal girl idols. The animation was actually pretty good as well. I think this is definitely better than the other idol show extreme hearts (not to say that was bad). I'll give it a 6.5/10 it's just not quite enough for me to give it a 7/10 but it's a bit more than a 6 so I think 6.5/10 is a fitting score. I wouldn't go out of my way to watch this but it isn't a complete waste of time either. I don't particularly recommend watching this but it could deserve a place on someone's plan-to-watch list if they like idol shows.
Oct 19, 2022 6:10 PM
Apr 2021
I wasn't expecting much from this anime, but I ended up liking it more than Love Live Superstar S2.
Oct 19, 2022 7:45 PM

Nov 2011
This series quickly went from "oh, another idol anime", to "i can't wait to see the next episode". A good series is not defined by originality but by its execution. And this series truly delivered.
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Oct 19, 2022 11:32 PM

Nov 2019
Welp that was lackluster, decent song and performance tho, but I don't think that beats HY:RAIN, I don't like this two front (two center) and for that to be enough to impress Ren is just lame and forced

They should've just done what makes them unique, Haru in center and the others does what they excels at, these factors makes the group unique instead of trying to catch up to Haru in which they will never ever succeed considering how they hyped Haru to be a 1 in a million talent and I call bs on Kyouka being the turning factor, like sure she doesn't make mistake but what's difference does it make just putting her besides Haru in front, if that does anything it would just makes Haru stands out more, inb4 she improve to the level of Haru, that's just lackluster of a move, the only thing that would justify that is Haru not going all out again which contradicts the previous development

Haunt88Oct 19, 2022 11:39 PM
Oct 20, 2022 10:48 PM

Nov 2021
That's a good anime, the drama and comedy has perfect pacing.
I got nervous to the title of this episode "TINGS does not Shine" then I remember Manager-kun ability lol.

Love the Good Character Design, Awesome and catchy songs, The Plot twists are also actually good
Tho It hurts me to see that this anime didn't get much attention this season. It got bad timing for airing summer season and also the delayed episodes that's why it's october already when it finished. Nonetheless I want to see more.

This was a nice anime. It's kinda sad that this series is now end :(( still the first part of ending song is good haha
Oct 21, 2022 8:54 AM

Oct 2008
oh! so the one who is saying: "Seppuku" to Manager-san on the phone was none other that Hotaru...hmmmm i never expected that! cuz the Voice of VA Ohashi Ayaka isn't that 'distinct' for me maybe that's why i didn't noticed...

Oct 21, 2022 9:20 AM

Jan 2011
enjoyed this the most outside of springs love live for idol shows this year (though that one had way better music and PV's ) besides the Rio song i didn't love the music that much

big plus for it being mostly well animated was surprised how well this show looked so the CGI really stood out when it appeared

nice story glad manager -san super powers didn't get in the way too much though he was a bit of a problem solver he mostly let the girls over come their problems with a push

gonna miss it while this typical idol show is a one done and deal project that ending makes me feel like we might see another season

7.5-8/10 wished we got a encore , also shout out the the number one fangirl always passing out
Oct 24, 2022 5:20 AM

Apr 2018
Oh yes Haru knew the manager from before, anyway their 1 year celebration representation was nice, now I would like to see a sequel for this battle against HY:RAIN it would be cool, that was definitely a pretty good idol anime overall so I want to see more!
Nov 5, 2022 9:22 AM

Apr 2011
That was an amazing and successful first year concert. The girls did a great job. Hotaru appears and it seems she's the one saying seppukku to girl's manager and is actually Hotaru's ex-manager.
Too bad she didn't decided to meet TINGS and shock them the manager is her former. The person who made Hotaru successful is the now manager of TINGS. Seems like Ren got convinced Haru
belongs to her idol group.

The anime was a lot of fun to watch. The 2D animation is amazing although there's CGI but it didn't bother me. Rion surprised me she had an amazing voice.

Now HY:RAIN is dueling TINGS now.

Good episode show. Hoping for a sequel.
Nov 7, 2022 11:12 AM

Nov 2009
LOL, manager-kun couldn't tell past and current Haru apart cause past Haru had long hair.

And Hotaru was the first one to realize Haru's potential.

Also, manager-kun was Hotaru's manager huh... not only that, but they still kept in touch with each other all this time. SEPPUKU

___ ___ ___

The Shine Post that doesn't Shine.
The Guide Post that doesn't Lie.
Haru's Story by Hotaru.

___ ___ ___

And now HY:RAIN wants to challenge TINGS to a band battle to see who's the top Idol Group.

One that we probably won't see til a Sequel, what would they even do for a Sequel tho? They sorta already solved the girls' issues already. What other drama are they going to use?

(since unlike Kid's Idol anime, these band-linked Idol anime tends to be driven by drama. Kid's Idol anime tends to be pure adventure with happy songs)
amlgNov 7, 2022 11:22 AM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Mar 27, 2023 12:51 PM

Jul 2016
The best idol anime in recent times, I rate it higher than Love Live. I recommend you go to spotify to listen to Shine Post's music, it's really great.

Apr 26, 2024 10:41 PM
Jul 2021
Where can I download the complete soundtrack of this anime?
Sep 6, 2024 8:56 AM
Jan 2024
cok guzel tavsiye ederim

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