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Jul 25, 2022 9:58 AM
Mar 2015
Our boi is not tipping his hand
Jul 25, 2022 10:19 AM
Feb 2022
good to see horikita getting some screen time after so long
and it's funny how ayanokouji tried to pull the average boy's strength grip just like he did in the exams
just ayanokouji doing ayanokouji things i guess ahahaha
and how in the world did ayanokouji knew kushida was the traitor?
will it be revealed later?
or am i missing something?
Jul 25, 2022 10:19 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm using the group names as a hint to the identity of the VIP's was a cunning move on the schools part. But teaming up with Class A for the sports festival though what a interesting turn of events. As ever the caveats within the events made things a tad tricky. The argument between Kei and Suzune though proved to be pretty interesting. While victory is important being able to secure it without losing anyone is even more so. Looks like though that Ayanokouji thinking pretty far ahead as usual. The lesson that Ayanokouji gave to Suzune though was a good one. Overall an enjoyable ep that did well to lay the groundwork for the upcoming sports festival while also showing how important class unity is to them.
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Jul 25, 2022 10:32 AM
Dec 2021
Felt like there was no payoff to the previous special test arc. An additional episode in between the two arcs would have been good as it felt like there was an episode missing between the end of the previous arc and the start of the current one, where the consequences of the special test results being digested by the students could have been shown.
Jul 25, 2022 10:37 AM

Jun 2012
I felt like the animation was a bit different, perhaps a bit off? Other than that great episode and I am loving this (binged s1 recently).
Jul 25, 2022 10:52 AM

Apr 2018
I like what they're starting with the sports festival arc, of course there are bonuses and maluses for the students within the groups and different opinions about how to handle the organization, now what's interesting is how Kushida is teasing about being a traitor, and Ayanokouji already started his own plans and manipulations to counter attack.
Jul 25, 2022 10:56 AM
May 2021
ryoko6 said:
i heard this episode was outsourced too, which if it is true, it was decent. But still, horikita's face was funny 3/4 of the ep.
yh its sad times cuz 4.5 was such a good read.
Jul 25, 2022 11:01 AM

Apr 2021
best episode so far to me, i liked the last one but i liked the buildup for this one, showing how ayano will use kei, also finishing to explain the vip test and lastly revealing kushida is the traitor and how ayano wants her to become the traitor, so she can leak info
Jul 25, 2022 11:08 AM

Jun 2014
No time wasted jumping straight into the next arc. Mostly a setup episode but as usual it's always interesting to get little snippets of the master plan Ayanokoji is cooking before it's all eventually revealed and explained later on.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 25, 2022 11:26 AM

Feb 2019
This season is full of inconsistency.

The results shown after the exam last week do not make sense mathematically.

Ayanokouji said that Kushida was the Earth group traitor, but the e-mail of the results at the end of the exam said there was no traitor in Earth Group. It was the only group that achieved Result 1, where all the member of the group waited until the exam ended and guessed the VIP correctly.

Edit: okay I went back and watched the pertinent parts of Episode 3 and 4.

Kushida was the VIP of Earth she was not a "traitor" by the terms of the exam, but apparently she told Ryuuen that she was the VIP, so she was a traitor to Class D. I think the show could have made this more clear by just having Ayonokouji say she told Ryuuen that she was the VIP. I stand by what I said about the point distribution not making sense, not by how they told us the rules in episode 1 anyway
HOOfan_1Jul 25, 2022 11:48 AM
Jul 25, 2022 11:26 AM
Jun 2019
Sports festival arc. Class D has a traitor among them. Who could it? If it was someone, it would probably be a student with two faces.

This episode showcased one of the rare times that Ayanoouji got fooled lol.

Sadly, they skipped volume 4.5, but since it doesn't have that much of an effect on the story, it shouldn't be a problem.
Graduated High School in May of 2022. Summer vacation has finally arrived. I have once again regained the power of a new anime fan, being able to watch multiple anime episodes in a day. Time to binge-watch every single anime I can into the night until college arrives. SADGE. SUPER SADGE... College has begun as of Monday, August 30, 2022, so you won't be seeing me much around these parks. See you on weekends, I guess... School me is back. Sigh! I'll at least try for one anime a day with all this course load.
Jul 25, 2022 11:53 AM

Mar 2021
Ah more weekly cringe. Ayanokoji is so fucking unbearable lmfao

"Ah, grip strength, which uses latin word 1 and latin word 2 muscles. I bet knowing those names makes me look smart. I shall now act at the level of these puny humans and only display the average grip strength instead of my godly superior strength.👺"

"If you need to understand the reasoning behind everything I do, we'll never get anywhere.👺"

"-You think you're that much better than us?? -You wouldn't believe me if I told you now.👺"

Also Kushida still wasn't mauled to death so that sucks

Jul 25, 2022 11:58 AM

Feb 2015
I felt like there is an episode missing between 3&4. it was proper jarring
Jul 25, 2022 12:00 PM

Jan 2021
They skipped the sports festival's rules and events
So, here are the details (This might differ from the rules in the anime because it's taken from the LN)

1. Rules

•Sports Festival Rules and Team Division
The sports festival divides all students, across all grade levels, into two teams: Red and White. The breakdown goes as follows: Classes A and D are on the Red Team, Classes B and C are on the White Team.

•Point Allocation for All Competitors (Individual Competitions)
Points will be allocated as follows: first place will be awarded fifteen points, second place will be awarded twelve points, third place will be awarded ten points, and fourth place will be awarded eight points.

One point will be deducted for coming in fifth place, and one additional point will be subtracted for each place below that. (During a team competition, the winning team will be awarded 500 points.)

•Point Allocation for Recommended Competitors
Points will be allocated as follows: first place will be awarded fifty points, second place will be awarded thirty points, third place will be awarded fifteen points, and fourth place will be awarded ten points.

Two points will be deducted for coming in fifth place, and two additional points will be subtracted for each place below that. (The final competition, the relay race, will offer three times the point values.)

•Red Team vs. White Team Outcome
After reviewing the combined overall scores for each class, 100 class points will be deducted from the first-, second-, and third-year batches of the two classes on the losing team.

•The Effect of Ranking by Grade Level
Fifty class points will be awarded to the class that scores highest in each of the three grade levels. Classes that achieve second place in their grade level will not see any changes to their class point totals. Classes that achieve third place in their grade level will have fifty class points deducted, and classes that achieve fourth place will have 100 class points deducted.

2. Rewards

•Individual Competition Rewards (may be applied to the next midterm exam)
Students who achieve first place in an individual competition will be awarded either 5000 private points, or the score equivalent of three points on a written test. (In the event that a student accepts the test points, they will not be allowed to give those test points to another student.)

Students who achieve second place in an individual competition will be awarded either 3000 private points, or the score equivalent of two points on a written test. (In the event that a student accepts the test points, they will not be allowed to give those test points to another student.)

Students who achieve third place in an individual competition will be awarded either 1000 private points, or the score equivalent of one point on a written test. (In the event that a student accepts the test points, they will not be allowed to give those test points to another student.)

Students who score lowest in an individual competition will have 1000 private points deducted from their total. (In the event that a student has less than 1000 points, they will instead receive a one-point penalty on a written exam.)

•Regarding Rule Violations/Foul Play
Read and comply with every competition’s rules. Those who violate the rules will be disqualified. Anyone engaging in foul play may be forced to withdraw from the festival. In such cases, the school may render all previously awarded points invalid.

•MVP Reward
The student who receives the highest total score across all competitions will be awarded 100,000 private points.

•MVP Rewards for Each Individual Grade Level
The three students from each grade level who receive their grade’s highest total score across all competitions will be awarded 10,000 private points.

3. Events

•Events for All Participants
100-Meter Dash
Hurdle Race
Capture the Flag (boys only)
Ball Toss (girls only)
Tug-of-War (separate events for boys and girls)
Obstacle Course Race
Three-Legged Race
Cavalry Battle
200-Meter Dash

•Events for Recommended Participants
Scavenger Hunt
Four-Way Tug-of-War
Three-Legged Race (mixed boys and girls)
1200-Meter Relay Race (mixed grade level, all three years)
Jul 25, 2022 12:25 PM

May 2018
I knew it, Koshida would be the traitor for The last event. She just doesnt what Suzunne to win

"Don't give up after failing just twice.
We'll be able to do it next time.
Failure is the stepping stone to success."

Jul 25, 2022 12:43 PM

Jul 2022
damn, really good episode
can't wait for this sports festival arc
Jul 25, 2022 12:45 PM

Jul 2014
Sakura was so relatable this episode lmao. Poor girl.

Ayanokoji with the "average" grip strength... bruh xD.

Ayanokoji giving Horikita a taste of her own medicine was pretty satisfying.
Jul 25, 2022 12:49 PM
Sep 2008
The censored pen XFD

And ayanokouji being tricked was neat
Jul 25, 2022 12:56 PM

Oct 2019
Even though this ep may have weird animation sometime but without a doubt its the funniest episode.

Jul 25, 2022 12:58 PM

Sep 2020
A lot of talking in this episode, and I don't know it was Kushieda who betrayed class D, kind of want to know what he has planned to do.
Jul 25, 2022 1:13 PM
Dec 2020
I already suspected Kushi(t)da from season 1
Jul 25, 2022 1:37 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
It seems like we transitioned off the cruise ship and into the sports festival rather quickly (I'm assuming the VIP test is over and done I guess?), but it's alright because this episode has been imo the most engaging one so far.

If any of you don't mind, could someone explain the differences between the two options they were going for: the one based on skill and the other one? I was confused on WHAT they were AND what the advantages and disadvantages were.

One option allows the class as a whole to win, but the other one allows every member to earn private points?

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jul 25, 2022 2:21 PM
Jan 2021
Paul_Foreign said:
Ah more weekly cringe. Ayanokoji is so fucking unbearable lmfao

"Ah, grip strength, which uses latin word 1 and latin word 2 muscles. I bet knowing those names makes me look smart. I shall now act at the level of these puny humans and only display the average grip strength instead of my godly superior strength.👺"

"If you need to understand the reasoning behind everything I do, we'll never get anywhere.👺"

"-You think you're that much better than us?? -You wouldn't believe me if I told you now.👺"

Also Kushida still wasn't mauled to death so that sucks

If you hate him so much, drop the anime. If this makes you cringe, I think you might just die later on. But I guess you won’t be satisfied if you don’t make it clear that you dislike the series
OremonogatariJul 25, 2022 2:30 PM
Jul 25, 2022 3:21 PM
May 2020
there will be a traitor in class D? interesting
Jul 25, 2022 3:21 PM
May 2020
there will be a traitor in class D? interesting
Jul 25, 2022 3:32 PM
Oct 2009
davidyodo24 said:
wow so the Among Us VIP trick was that simple huh...

Sport Festival here we go!!

of course the fake bitch is the Traitor, the question is how Ayanokouji find out about it?

Well, i am sure he observed everyone and Ryuen said that class D vip was Kushida, he must have calculated it, we are not shown everthing, so if he says it than he is sure about it, he might suspect or say possibilities, but this time he was sure, so he must know smth. that proves it.

I don't know the reason for treason but how is she going to spent the rest years with class D ? What was she thinking ? Why did she do it ? Might guess that she wanted to make Horikita look bad but whole class takes damage, so imho hating Horikita isn't enough for treason. Will she stay at class D ? Will she survive ? =))
Jul 25, 2022 3:47 PM

Jun 2017
I was never a fan of sport festivals in any anime but maybe this one can make it interesting enough to be bearable. lol
Not really surprised at Kushida being a traitor since we knew from S1 she is a two faced bitch.
Jul 25, 2022 3:51 PM
Oct 2009
TsutanaiFuun said:

Isn't Horikita being too cold and mean in this episode? What are they doing, trying to get us to dislike her? Although I really wouldn't mind seeing a cutesy version of Horikita, kinda like the fake Kushida mode.

If Ayanokoji doesn't explain why he does what he does, nobody's gonna fucking understand it, I hope they explain the reason for why Ayanokoji asked Karuizawa to disapprove of Horikita's suggestion.

LOL Ayanokoji humbled Horikiata real good during that three-legged race.

Well Horikita was always like that and Ayanokoji always tried to pull her in right direction, but she is stubborn and won't listen. That's why imgo he had had she race with him. He got Kei because Horikita can't wholly fullfil her role as Ayanokoji sees it. He said that if she continues that way she would end up with less partners and i think that messes up his plans, because things might go different ways and he wants options. She leaves almost no options for him again.

Why didn't he show her place when she made a threatening face while taking about her brother ?

chriskor022 said:
Sport fest arc starts this episode. Looks like Ayanokouji thinks that the class D, someone is the traitor. Which the traitor revealing info about the class.

The grip strength part is hilarious in the LN and the anime adapt it decently. The class D starts their training in the upcoming sports fest. To prepare because its the main test that can give them more class points. Overall good build up episode

It was said it was Kushida. Why though ? I thought she was one of the main characters but if she is a trator then most likely it is the end of Kushida. I don't know how sge would clean that mess.

hilarious ? It was good but nothing funny, he tried to be everage as usual, i think Koenji and Ayanokoji could both pull more than 100.

The episodes seem rushed because they would need at least 24 eps to cover all things or even more. Imagine they go through all groups in normal pace and then explaining everything, so 1 group takes 3 episodes and it is a bit rushed so how many 12 will take ? Plus explaining etc. They just don't have time for that and it also makes time which is golden here to show how they make it back it could take 1/4 or even 1/2 episode. I think they are trying to cover more and show more interesting twists than making it slow paced. If they could afford it they would make more episodes and and make everything more clear, but i am glad for the work they done so far with limited time and resources.
Jul 25, 2022 4:12 PM

Jul 2021
Too lazy to type things after watching this episode but another episode getting outsourced lol that's why Horikita's face composition looks awful. Glad we're going to a new arc but man Kushida being the traitor was predictable to some extent because she just doesn't wanna lose against Horikita or has some of her spicy reasoning in mind and Ayanokoji stick to its own roots this time around can be bearable but funny at the same time, "You think you're that much better than us" Yeah, good dialogue.
Jul 25, 2022 6:51 PM
Jun 2017
Horikita is just being horikita on this episode... i just miss this type of classroom set up as her attitude is just showing up... she dont care about others opinion at all or even at the race, dont care about her partner. lets go...
Jul 25, 2022 7:04 PM

Feb 2014
Sometimes even idiots can get the upper hand on the genius eh? Poor Ayanokoji broke his average rating due to Sudou's advice.XD
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Jul 25, 2022 7:12 PM

Jul 2021
LoreMasterDan said:
BurningSpirit said:
The transition between the arcs was... extremely sudden?
Yeah it felt like that because

I honestly think 4.5 will be included as the season 2 OVA at the conclusion of this season. It’s just a gut feeling, because 4.5 is a collection of stories after all.
Jul 25, 2022 7:14 PM

Jul 2021
RioFS said:
An episode focusing on Horikita, or rather Ayanokoji focusing on her and attempting to remove her stubbornness. Pretty well-handled but it sucks that they removed 4.5 which also means no rocket punch and no elevator scene. I can only hope there's an OVA for that.

I don't like how Horikita's art-style has her face compressed. Makes her look kinda stupid.

Took the words right out of my mouth, I think 4.5 will be an OVA. It makes perfect sense.
Jul 25, 2022 7:30 PM
May 2018
The one weakness Ayanokoji has... stationery
My candies (2024): x4
Jul 25, 2022 7:50 PM

Aug 2011
Wait am I crazy or weren't they on this ship for a long ass time and now there back to school? lol.

We need to see Chabashira, Sae in a cheerleader oufit.
Jul 25, 2022 8:56 PM

Aug 2021
In that school everything has a development and then with the sports festival, we will see what they have planned, Ayanokouji obviously has his plans and will seek to develop it, Horikita will have to change some aspects of it for sure.
Jul 25, 2022 10:00 PM
Feb 2021
I don't know why but Animation looks so lame and Character Design Are so Lacklustre. Character motions are so weird and it gives me a vibes of like I am watching Power Point slides.

Asides that, Ayankoji is quiet a Mastermind who knows how things gonna play beforehand. Also Kei is such a parasyte who will move as a pawn of Ayankoji and He is using her to his fullest.
Jul 25, 2022 10:42 PM

Jan 2021
So Kushida was the traitor, eh. I wonder if that means she is the traitor Ayanokouji spoke of. If she does reveal all of Class D's secrets, I wonder if she really has anything substantial to say about Ayanokouji.

Jul 25, 2022 10:58 PM
Nov 2017
My take on this 9/10
I feel it's well paced imo and lerche doing a great Job.
I see alot of studio try to animate a second session for an anime, turns into a weird play and all.
That's why I'm happy about the show cuz it isn't.
Jul 26, 2022 2:00 AM

Oct 2008
HAHA! why is Horikita being so stubborn!?!?

Jul 26, 2022 3:05 AM

Jan 2017
Abysmal_Saint76 said:
I don't know why but Animation looks so lame and Character Design Are so Lacklustre. Character motions are so weird and it gives me a vibes of like I am watching Power Point slides.

Asides that, Ayankoji is quiet a Mastermind who knows how things gonna play beforehand. Also Kei is such a parasyte who will move as a pawn of Ayankoji and He is using her to his fullest.

This episode was outsourced to 10 seconds again, at least they did a way better job than in episode 2.
Jul 26, 2022 4:57 AM
May 2017
Ugh this show is so ugly most of the time, as well as rushed, I've learned from reading these comments (a missing volume 4.5 that would've served as a nice transition between arcs). I don't understand why they're not taking their time with this series. Everyone was in limbo about whether or not there was going to be a season 2 so there was no pressure to ride the wave of the first season's hype by getting it out ASAP. They could've waited until next year and adapted things perfectly, both animation and story-wise, and it would've made no difference to people's feelings. And the story is finished. There's no "promote the light novel" wave of hype they need to follow there either.
Jul 26, 2022 4:58 AM
Jun 2022
I feel like kushida will be the traitor......buh why did she be the traitor in the "Earth" group...... Can't wait for the next ep tho
Jul 26, 2022 5:51 AM
Jul 2018
Outsourced again, but it's better from ep 2. Is it gonna be like this for the rest of the season? 1 episode by Lerche and outsourced then?

Storywise it's good, man built different that he can adjust his grip strength by his will lol. Also, he can run faster if he want to when doing three legged race with Horikita.
Jul 26, 2022 6:30 AM

Oct 2021
Good it seems Ayanokouji suspects Kushida of being traitor, excited to see next episode. 4/5
Jul 26, 2022 7:35 AM
Feb 2022
I liked it because the episode shows that the sports festival will start and Horikita doesn't want to earn the points that the room will earn if everyone participates and Ayanokoji asks Kei to be against Horikita's idea
Jul 26, 2022 10:06 AM
Dec 2021
Great episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 26, 2022 11:28 PM
Sep 2021
Look's like we are now getting ready for a sports fest in the college, it will be interesting to see how will ayanokoji perform and also we get to know that kushida is the traitor.
I give this episode 6/10.
Jul 27, 2022 1:11 AM

Apr 2010
Well, I'm a bit lost about all things with Kushida, so I'll be happy if someone told me.

When it was said "the tratior of the Earth group was Kushida", it couldn't mean she was the one who betrayed her group, as they all voted correctly and she was VIP to begin with , so, the betrayal is somethign else. Someone in the comments said it was telling Ryuuen (I think that's his name) from C class the identity. Though... Mars group at the begnning suggested the same method and Neptum also did the same, despite A class' approach, by the way, unless somehow reallyone figuered on their own. So the only reason she's a traitor she's the traitor of D class, whcih means potentiocally there could be only two (Kudida and Horitikazawa), and as Ayanokoji said she was the traitor of the Earth group it shodesn't come as a srurpise, cause everyone knows she was in that group and everyone answered correctly, so she told them. I guess it won't be for the sake of plot, but as I see it, it might as well be a way to face it as a win-win, something Kushida tends to promote, at least on the surface. so she would want to help everyone. She thought she would save someone finding her, than she could risk herself getting zero prfoit of the context, cause this is the only situation she won't gain points. Sp... being selfish made her the traitor...? Cause I don't find a reason for her help Ryuuen personaly, but again, I'm sure they'll find one. Or at least one that will make her look bad.

Another thought: What did Ayanokoji gained by making Kushida choosing between the two options. As we know how she acts (on the surface, at least) she will never try to have a conflict. So it is only natural she wouldn't side any of them. So... what was the gain? Scarking her? Cause unless something additional will happen... there's no reason to suspect of this.

Jul 27, 2022 1:50 AM
Oct 2009
EfiChan said:
Well, I'm a bit lost about all things with Kushida, so I'll be happy if someone told me.

When it was said "the tratior of the Earth group was Kushida", it couldn't mean she was the one who betrayed her group, as they all voted correctly and she was VIP to begin with , so, the betrayal is somethign else. Someone in the comments said it was telling Ryuuen (I think that's his name) from C class the identity. Though... Mars group at the begnning suggested the same method and Neptum also did the same, despite A class' approach, by the way, unless somehow reallyone figuered on their own. So the only reason she's a traitor she's the traitor of D class, whcih means potentiocally there could be only two (Kudida and Horitikazawa), and as Ayanokoji said she was the traitor of the Earth group it shodesn't come as a srurpise, cause everyone knows she was in that group and everyone answered correctly, so she told them. I guess it won't be for the sake of plot, but as I see it, it might as well be a way to face it as a win-win, something Kushida tends to promote, at least on the surface. so she would want to help everyone. She thought she would save someone finding her, than she could risk herself getting zero prfoit of the context, cause this is the only situation she won't gain points. Sp... being selfish made her the traitor...? Cause I don't find a reason for her help Ryuuen personaly, but again, I'm sure they'll find one. Or at least one that will make her look bad.

Another thought: What did Ayanokoji gained by making Kushida choosing between the two options. As we know how she acts (on the surface, at least) she will never try to have a conflict. So it is only natural she wouldn't side any of them. So... what was the gain? Scarking her? Cause unless something additional will happen... there's no reason to suspect of this.

Don't let it bother you, they made mistakes in adaptation. LN ism't fully covered which leads to mistakes, to understand from cover to cover you need to read the LN.
For example the lord of the rings, they showed mostly fights trying to make the look epic, but a lot of things were left out from the book, if they were to cover it, it would took several times more. Same with Harry Porter i hate movies because they show mostly dynamic things leaving important ones behind the scenes. And i don't mention Duna (or Dune not sure how it should be in English). You should enjoy as it is and don't bother with many details or you should read the original. If you are interested in minor parts people might tell you but nobodt can fill you in all the details. Even if people tell you it's just the basic's or concepts if it is enough for you good, otherwise you always should dive youself. Sometimes even reading people skip things bwcause they are hidden and veiled. Why do people don't like Witcher etc ? They dive too deep, and shows can't cover it all up.

What's a missing volume 4.5 is about ? Too much talk about it.
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