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Summertime Rendering
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Jul 17, 2022 8:47 PM
May 2020
eglepe said:
BlakexEkalb said:
People when the lowest quality episode is one that is a large majority just talking: 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

Doesn’t take you more than 20 IQ to know that they spent less time polishing this episode so that the future episodes look better. It’s noticeable sure, but the crybabies in the comments clowning on any sort of downgrade is nuts. Makes me wonder if they’ve seen more than 2 anime that aren’t JJK and Demon Slayer.
Okay are people not supposed to talk about it then? Plenty of shows take permanent nosedives btw so idk why you're so confident

Well,after episode 12 and 13 had really good animation I still will give OLM the benefit of the doubt,tbh.
Jul 18, 2022 12:30 AM

Mar 2020
Shinpei-kun and friends are ready then suddenly Shinpei looped. He died?!? Shot by Nezu-san's riffle!? Shadows now are hunting Shinpei-kun. Ughh now how will he deal with this!
Oppai check!

111 cm: Hancock
110 cm: Zoro
100 cm: Robin
Jul 18, 2022 12:44 AM

Jul 2021
Bro Shinpie's playing on difficulty level: Impossible.

LOL I jumped when Shiori's shadow just suddenly came and put a knife through the dude's head.

Hmm so Ryounosuke has abilities of shadows and that's why he's so strong. Now that I think about it, it's really weird to have your own brother inside your head all the time.

It's the second cour now and the climax isn't far now. We should prepare ourselves for some bad ass action I guess. Shinpie should be close to mastering his eye's power as well.

Looking forward to next episode.

Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Damn this show is so good.

Also Why is the girl who has the squinty eyes there? I thought she was a bad guy?
And why did Haine's eyeball pop out of her socket?

And why do they keep saying YA and YER?
The squinty eye girl is now on their side as Ushio showed her the memories of previous loop where squinty eyes is betrayed by the shadows, they kill Mio and refuse to turn her mom into shadow. No idea about the eyeball popout. Ya and yer is because of their dialect, they have been speaking like this since the start.
TsutanaiFuunJul 18, 2022 12:50 AM

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Jul 18, 2022 12:54 AM

May 2019
I'm glad that some commenters explained what happened because this episode was confusing. I still enjoyed it but there were a few questions, such as how did Hizuru end up absorbing her brother, why did Haine's eye pop out and run away, and why didn't Shinpei remember dying and just reappeared at his house? For those saying he should cut off his arm, I didn't think of that, hopefully he does something about that to avoid being tracked/marked.
Jul 18, 2022 1:05 AM
Aug 2018
First episode where some parts felt off animation wise, but honestly, still gripping and interesting as ever.
Jul 18, 2022 1:41 AM
Dec 2020
This was how I always wanted a villian organization to work (chef's kiss).
Shinpei didn't even get the clue wtf happened, I think Haine's plan can make him fail miserably.
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

And why do they keep saying YA and YER?

It's the island's dialect(Kansai dialect I think)
Jul 18, 2022 3:19 AM

Feb 2021
Interesting how Shinpei ended looping again in the end of the episode.

Waiting for the next episode!
Jul 18, 2022 5:14 AM

Jul 2014
So, in very simple terms, all of this is Hizuru's fault for interacting with and feeding Haine. Unwittingly, sure, and it gives her good motivation to undo her mistakes in the present, but it still seems incredibly dumb and damages a lot of my goodwill for her character. Hell, her actions with Haine pretty much led to Ryuunosuke's death, so well done for that. Once again, though, I can't take Haine seriously as the villain cos Misaki Kuno's voice is so incredibly stupid-sounding and that makes so much fall flat: her agonised scream after realising what she'd done to Ryuunosuke was just hilarious to me because it sounded so terrible.

Also, any explanation as to why Haine's eye just jumped out of her skull other than because it's something that needs to happen? An explanation of how much time Shinpei loses each loop would be nice, as it currently seems to be incredibly inconsistent: if he was losing as much time each loop as he lost the first couple of times, they would have surely reached the point of no return by now? The only consistency seems to be how little progress he is making in actually better mastering his power, the only progress he has seemingly made at all being that he was able to momentarily communicate with young Hizuru in the flashback.
Jul 18, 2022 6:14 AM
Jan 2020
I forgot where we were at for a moment; I've been watching so much stuff lately and this one lost its impact a bit the last time I watched it. So I was like, "What're we doing now? Ghost girl? Oh right."

Anyway, I like how Haine's eye became a little shadow blob and ran off, lmao. Regardless of the implications and everything else going on, it was cute, funny, and obscure. I liked it.

So, they finally revealed how the whole Hizuru/Ryuunosuke fusion occurred. But, was Ryuunosuke a martial artist? Him blocking and reacting was a bit skillful for someone who was shown to be nothing but an island hick. Even if we assume the shadow powers work like Spider-man rules, and Ryuunosuke gained awareness and strength; it just seems like his technique is high for someone who wasn't shown to have any sort of training. Just having access to power wouldn't account for the subtle and rapid movements he managed when taking out the other shadows.

Other than that, I felt like the pacing was a little bit off in the back-half of this episode. There was somewhat of a jarring feeling watching them suddenly circling around, listening to Shinpei's speech. It was almost as if we were trying to rush to the end of the story.

Though, the ending of this episode makes me feel like things could get interesting again. Especially if he's going to start getting killed without even realizing it. I feel like it'll make things feel more mysterious and tense than they've been for awhile.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Jul 18, 2022 6:17 AM

Aug 2018
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Damn this show is so good.

Also Why is the girl who has the squinty eyes there? I thought she was a bad guy?
And why did Haine's eyeball pop out of her socket?

And why do they keep saying YA and YER?
She probably got convinced when she saw Ushio's memories.

The ya/yer thing is supposed to represent Kansai dialect, which is what they speak on Tomogashima, the real life location they based Hitogashima on
Jul 18, 2022 8:42 AM
Mar 2015
Now we see how Ryuonoukse was eaten by Haine and became part of Hiruko Haine now can loop and knows where everyone is She knows how Shinpei loops with her eye and is able to find him and force him to loop until she runs out of loops
Jul 18, 2022 9:06 AM

May 2021
Funny how it seems like Shinpei is two steps ahead and then Team Shadow just goes for the leader. The transitions were quite awkward in this episode.

Jul 18, 2022 10:35 AM

Nov 2014
I wonder how are they going to get out of this one. Unless something new happens, I don't see how can they win with their current abilities and knowledge.

Shide asking for more rice was cute btw.

Jul 18, 2022 11:58 AM

May 2021
Redo_Waito said:
When Tokiko First Speech, Her Lips Move and Voice Not Match , WTF it like Komi san Season 2 Episode 10, Downgrade Animation , WTH is happening with Studio OLM???
Yeah, I reallt thought my audio was off-sync

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Jul 18, 2022 12:49 PM

Sep 2007
So Ryuunosuke isn't a basic personnality disorder after all but really him taking over the body of his sister.
For the last loop, first thought is that he was killed by a traitor.
Jul 18, 2022 1:14 PM

Feb 2021
Atavistic said:
So, in very simple terms, all of this is Hizuru's fault for interacting with and feeding Haine. Unwittingly, sure, and it gives her good motivation to undo her mistakes in the present, but it still seems incredibly dumb and damages a lot of my goodwill for her character. Hell, her actions with Haine pretty much led to Ryuunosuke's death, so well done for that. Once again, though, I can't take Haine seriously as the villain cos Misaki Kuno's voice is so incredibly stupid-sounding and that makes so much fall flat: her agonised scream after realising what she'd done to Ryuunosuke was just hilarious to me because it sounded so terrible.

Also, any explanation as to why Haine's eye just jumped out of her skull other than because it's something that needs to happen? An explanation of how much time Shinpei loses each loop would be nice, as it currently seems to be incredibly inconsistent: if he was losing as much time each loop as he lost the first couple of times, they would have surely reached the point of no return by now? The only consistency seems to be how little progress he is making in actually better mastering his power, the only progress he has seemingly made at all being that he was able to momentarily communicate with young Hizuru in the flashback.

Indeed. If only she paid no attention to Haine everything wouldn't happen.
Inuki said:
So Ryuunosuke isn't a basic personnality disorder after all but really him taking over the body of his sister.
For the last loop, first thought is that he was killed by a traitor.

I think so too. Let's wait for the next episode to see what happened!
Jul 18, 2022 2:31 PM

Oct 2017
Jesus, this is even more difficult than RE Zero loops.
The enemies are just way too op/ smart.
Seriously so many of those shonen series antagonists are way too retarded to wait for Protag to strike them. This is a fresh take of the genre of actual smart antagonist.

How can Shinpei win this?
Twice , the enemies getting the initiative and quickly kill him before he can do anything.
Also Ushio is not looping with him this time it seems?

Also I hate Hiane even more now.
No-one wrong her, is just she went nuts herself.
Jul 18, 2022 6:12 PM
Dec 2019
The episode was very interesting, lots of hints about what's to come. I felt bad for Hizuru and Ryuunosuke T_T And that ending, maybe Haine has found a way to force Shinpei to use the power?
Jul 18, 2022 6:45 PM

Dec 2018
This episode was the definition of “the tables have turned” or as I like to say, the turns have tabled lol. That very ending bit where Shinpei’s loop just ended and you realize why is so good, the enemies went from trying to keep him alive to actively hunting him down, it’s an entire game changer lol. And I gotta say they did a really good job of ending what seemed like a good loop out of nowhere, completely killing any momentum they had.

And yeah, Hizuru’s relationship with Haine didn’t go so well after all, it really is a shame to see it happen but it looks like it was out of Haine’s control, and it looks to me like Shide might be the one that’s truly in control, just my guess tho. But yeah I loved seeing the origins of the Hizuru/Ryuunosuke badass babe combo, she’s probably my favorite character of this show so far. And lmao at once they returned back to looping that Shide was just casually eating at the table with Shiori and her parents, that got a good laugh out of me.

And lastly, I noticed one bad hiccup in animation when Tokiko was speaking near the end, the words she was saying and her mouth did not match at all, I really hope that isn’t a sign of dips in quality to come and this manages to stay consistent going forward as it has so far.
Jul 19, 2022 7:46 AM

Oct 2008
easy guess, i bet he got sniper headshot! oh man! this has become ultra insane difficulty!!

Jul 19, 2022 8:16 AM

Aug 2018
The scream at the 8:20 mark was terrifying, looking forward to next weeks episode
_______I like rocks__
Jul 19, 2022 8:36 AM
Aug 2017
Didn't even get to realise he died this, however he didn't go to the weird inbetween place and Ushio didnt come back with him this time, and there's no indication that the first time he travelled back Haine also went back so I wonder if Haine also retaining memorie from the previously loop could be linked to Ushio also coming back as she's a shadow. That's the only theory I have towards how Haine won't be able to completely overpower them.
Jul 19, 2022 8:49 AM

Mar 2019
That last minute and a half wrecked me. Someone cut off this kids arm already!

Also, I don't quite understand why Haine's eye popped out and ran off like that. Like... did she gouge it because she was losing her mind or did it pop out on its own?
NephieLuvsYouJul 19, 2022 8:56 AM
Jul 19, 2022 8:53 AM

Mar 2019
Panzer92 said:
Shide asking for more rice was cute btw.

Jul 19, 2022 9:24 AM

Dec 2008
weak episode this time, they only made team shadow more invincible than yesterday.
on a realistic scale they can only blow up the whole island and hope it ends..

Haine is an idiot btw, how can she eat her only friends brother!

10 more episodes to go, how Shinpei will become more evil than the shadows.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 19, 2022 1:07 PM

May 2012
viperhc said:
I'm glad that some commenters explained what happened because this episode was confusing. I still enjoyed it but there were a few questions, such as how did Hizuru end up absorbing her brother, why did Haine's eye pop out and run away, and why didn't Shinpei remember dying and just reappeared at his house? For those saying he should cut off his arm, I didn't think of that, hopefully he does something about that to avoid being tracked/marked.

He was shot by a rifle from far away, how could he remember anything?
I despise woke people.
Jul 19, 2022 1:57 PM

May 2019
KaeUBW said:
viperhc said:
I'm glad that some commenters explained what happened because this episode was confusing. I still enjoyed it but there were a few questions, such as how did Hizuru end up absorbing her brother, why did Haine's eye pop out and run away, and why didn't Shinpei remember dying and just reappeared at his house? For those saying he should cut off his arm, I didn't think of that, hopefully he does something about that to avoid being tracked/marked.

He was shot by a rifle from far away, how could he remember anything?

Yeah a couple of people mentioned that, guess he was sniped. I thought about that afterwards, especially now that they're actively looking to kill him instead of trying to keep him alive. I wonder if Shinpei will figure out that he will have to do something about the mark on his arm. Assuming he does, hopefully that will mess up Haine's and Shide's plans. Glad these forums exist to discuss each episode, especially for this series.
Jul 20, 2022 2:09 AM

May 2012
viperhc said:
KaeUBW said:

He was shot by a rifle from far away, how could he remember anything?

Yeah a couple of people mentioned that, guess he was sniped. I thought about that afterwards, especially now that they're actively looking to kill him instead of trying to keep him alive. I wonder if Shinpei will figure out that he will have to do something about the mark on his arm. Assuming he does, hopefully that will mess up Haine's and Shide's plans. Glad these forums exist to discuss each episode, especially for this series.

Shunpei and Hizuru are smart enough to figure things out. I'm sure that when the tell her about the whole thing she will think about the rifle. The question is if they can do something about this whole problem. If they don't deal with the mark then it's beyond hopeless.

This situation is worse than in Re:Zero when Subaru was trying to help Emilia pass that barrier trial and at the same time trying to save the people on the mansion.
I despise woke people.
Jul 20, 2022 7:04 AM

Feb 2021
Fabienne said:
weak episode this time, they only made team shadow more invincible than yesterday.
on a realistic scale they can only blow up the whole island and hope it ends..

Haine is an idiot btw, how can she eat her only friends brother!

10 more episodes to go, how Shinpei will become more evil than the shadows.

He is not evil!
KaeUBW said:
viperhc said:

Yeah a couple of people mentioned that, guess he was sniped. I thought about that afterwards, especially now that they're actively looking to kill him instead of trying to keep him alive. I wonder if Shinpei will figure out that he will have to do something about the mark on his arm. Assuming he does, hopefully that will mess up Haine's and Shide's plans. Glad these forums exist to discuss each episode, especially for this series.

Shunpei and Hizuru are smart enough to figure things out. I'm sure that when the tell her about the whole thing she will think about the rifle. The question is if they can do something about this whole problem. If they don't deal with the mark then it's beyond hopeless.

This situation is worse than in Re:Zero when Subaru was trying to help Emilia pass that barrier trial and at the same time trying to save the people on the mansion.

I hope they will renove the mark eventually!
Jul 21, 2022 6:50 AM

May 2020
To be honest the way this episode ended had me chuckle a bit, like they were all ready and then all of a sudden Shinpei's back in time slicing those sandwiches lol. Though really curious about this huge one-eighty turn.
Jul 21, 2022 8:29 AM

Jul 2019
Damn bro, did Shinpei died again? Another loop that didn't last nothing. I think now starts in the 7th loop. Now the shadows will go on the hunt to kill him every time. This anime is so good.
Jul 21, 2022 6:13 PM
Jul 2018
Right after he finished giving his speech too... 😞
Jul 22, 2022 2:58 PM

Jan 2020
Honestly, I don't know how to feel about this episode. The backstory we got and the explanation behind Nagumo possessing those supernatural powers are underwhelming. Somehow, the shadows stayed on the low for 14? And now they started moving again? Should we expect a better explanation? The general comment is that the writing could have been better.

That aside, some things are still reasonably consistent. We finally get why the starting point of the loop shifts ahead so much.

The sudden reloop at the end was a nice twist and a good way of ending the episode.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Jul 24, 2022 2:35 PM

Jan 2011
i thought they were gonna bring more people on their side, just 5 seems insignificant, well guess he got sniped, seems we are watching the poin where time looping isnt going to be much of an advantage against Haine
Jul 25, 2022 10:29 AM

Jan 2021
zxyzzxxyy said:
It's really the worst episode from now

It is one of the episodes where more info was given to us!! I respect your opinion, dont take it wrong! ;) but i dont think it was bad at all...opinions are just that i guess ;)
Jul 26, 2022 5:10 AM
Oct 2019
finally we found out why, it's Ryuunoske data in Hizuru body.
it's interesting Haine eyes can move by it's own and just goes elsewhere?

Holy Shit dude....
Old Man Nezu got stab, made me scream again..

he just loop without even noticing it? oh boy...
i bet he must got snipe by Shide.
davidyodo24Jul 26, 2022 5:13 AM
Jul 29, 2022 1:39 PM

Dec 2016
Production quality was pretty rough this episode, but the animation still conveyed what it needed to at least. "Ryuunosuke's data bounced off of Haine and entered Hizuru" was goofy writing imo, seems like a really poorly thought out excuse to give them shadow abilities

Other than all that, decent episode. Hopefully some of the jank gets polished up for the BD release

Edit: just read chapter 73, shame they cut the scene between Mio and Tokiko. Feels a bit strange to not acknowledge her betrayal at all in the anime
MesacboyJul 29, 2022 1:46 PM
Aug 3, 2022 4:14 PM

Feb 2021
The writing of Shinpei’s character excels when he gave his speech, it was everything the audience needed to know about his psyche and his motivations in the most natural way, accompanied with the voice acting it felt real and genuine. That sequence of the episode was amazing.
Aug 8, 2022 8:48 PM

Apr 2018
Man...My mind is getting so fked at this point. I like it LOL. So, I'm guessing Ryounosuke shadow is also faulty, and he somehow merges into Hizuru's body instead of taking her life. That's what possesses her strength when fighting the shadows.
I wonder if Shinpei got sniped/killed or if Haine or Shide has the ability to mess around with the timeline 'cause normally whenever he dies, he's able to remember what happened. But then again, I think in the first or second episode, he didn't even remember when the guy at the restaurant confronted him about Hizuru's whereabouts.

I think at this point he needs to find a way to get rid of the brand on his forearm (maybe Sou's dad could do it) or cut off his forearm, so Haine won't be able to track him trolol.
Aug 9, 2022 8:06 AM
Aug 2022
Phim hay va i lon, toi thick phim nay
Aug 10, 2022 2:45 AM

Oct 2016
Boy aren't the shadows a bit too op? Unless the main characters seriously strengthen themselves somehow I don't think they can destroy them all (especially the 4 armed bastard) with their current strength.
Siranto1Aug 10, 2022 2:50 AM
Humans only live for a hundred years, it is as unreal as a dream that ends in an instant. What is the point of a person living in this world? No more than just being on a journey, and witnessing interesting things. Although I do not want to die, I do not fear death. I am already on my right path, I have no regrets even if I die.

— Fang Yuan (Reverend Insanity)
Aug 10, 2022 2:51 AM

Oct 2016
6AMDiary said:
Man...My mind is getting so fked at this point. I like it LOL. So, I'm guessing Ryounosuke shadow is also faulty, and he somehow merges into Hizuru's body instead of taking her life. That's what possesses her strength when fighting the shadows.
I wonder if Shinpei got sniped/killed or if Haine or Shide has the ability to mess around with the timeline 'cause normally whenever he dies, he's able to remember what happened. But then again, I think in the first or second episode, he didn't even remember when the guy at the restaurant confronted him about Hizuru's whereabouts.

I think at this point he needs to find a way to get rid of the brand on his forearm (maybe Sou's dad could do it) or cut off his forearm, so Haine won't be able to track him trolol.

The shadows killed their sniper and sniped him with the rifle ig.
Humans only live for a hundred years, it is as unreal as a dream that ends in an instant. What is the point of a person living in this world? No more than just being on a journey, and witnessing interesting things. Although I do not want to die, I do not fear death. I am already on my right path, I have no regrets even if I die.

— Fang Yuan (Reverend Insanity)
Aug 10, 2022 12:14 PM

Apr 2018
Siranto1 said:
6AMDiary said:
Man...My mind is getting so fked at this point. I like it LOL. So, I'm guessing Ryounosuke shadow is also faulty, and he somehow merges into Hizuru's body instead of taking her life. That's what possesses her strength when fighting the shadows.
I wonder if Shinpei got sniped/killed or if Haine or Shide has the ability to mess around with the timeline 'cause normally whenever he dies, he's able to remember what happened. But then again, I think in the first or second episode, he didn't even remember when the guy at the restaurant confronted him about Hizuru's whereabouts.

I think at this point he needs to find a way to get rid of the brand on his forearm (maybe Sou's dad could do it) or cut off his forearm, so Haine won't be able to track him trolol.

The shadows killed their sniper and sniped him with the rifle ig.

Yeah, that makes sense.
Aug 13, 2022 8:34 AM
Apr 2019
Aug 29, 2022 11:24 AM
Feb 2021
Great writing and insane animation
Sep 5, 2022 8:59 AM

Jun 2019
Yup... and there he died... FUCK!!! So... shadows' plan is to kill him again and again until he runs out of respawning points. Big Brain moves.
Sep 12, 2022 7:47 AM
Oct 2018
by far the best episode in the series with much much more twists and great animation
Sep 16, 2022 10:15 AM

Aug 2019
Ok this show started pretty solid but it has been really going downhill ever since like episode 11/12.... idk I just can't take some things seriously like I was 100% on board with the supernatural concept, but Haine's eye randomly popping out just like that...? And the exposition of how Hizune's brother got inside her head? Nah fam sorry, not buying it. Also how did her brother know to stab the shadow? What, because Haine asked Hizune to touch her shadow that one time and she just came to that conclusion? How the hell did her brother know you were supposed to stab its shadow if they don't share the same memories? not buying that, it feels way wayyyy too lazy and convenient

Sep 16, 2022 6:41 PM

Mar 2010
Worse speech... ever. Twas painful lol

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 19, 2022 2:18 PM
Jun 2021
Intenso capítulo de shonen, buenos giros en batalla, el final genera alta expectativa
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