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Sailor Moon Eternal Edition
Available on Manga Store
Apr 29, 2022 2:34 AM

Mar 2020
Lord, we have come a long way from 2014 to 2023.
Sailor Moon Crystal is not as good as the original but I am honored to start and finish Sailor Moon Crystal.
Let's all wait and see what this movie is all about!
Hopefully, it turns out to be a good closing to this series.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Apr 29, 2022 3:26 AM

Mar 2020
Bunzy_ said:
The original Sailor Moon was my first anime and I’m excited to see a hopefully good conclusion to the new series. Amen!
Bunzy_ said:
The original Sailor Moon was my first anime and I’m excited to see a hopefully good conclusion to the new series. Amen!

Sailor Moon wasn't my first anime but the first few anime that I have ever seen in my life.
Apr 29, 2022 3:30 AM
Jul 2019
The 90s anime's Stars Arc was a huge disappointment. Hopefully this will convey the emotions of manga perfectly and Naoko's original masterful story finally will get what it deserves.
Apr 29, 2022 3:38 AM

Mar 2020
tsukiiyon said:
The 90s anime's Stars Arc was a huge disappointment. Hopefully this will convey the emotions of manga perfectly and Naoko's original masterful story finally will get what it deserves.

Let's pray that they do it.
Apr 29, 2022 12:00 PM

Apr 2010
whoaaaa good news!!!
maybe finally we will see Sailor Cosmos
Apr 29, 2022 1:33 PM
Nov 2017
Now after this let's get a fantastic adaptation of the manga instead of just an ok one. Sailor moon is meant to have its concepts expanded on not cut down. Give us an adaptation that adapts all the manga, side stories and code name sailor v and Sensei approved original content please.

That said I am really excited for the final.
The trailer had me in tears. So much pain is on the way.

I just wish it wasn't 2 movies. I mean sailor moon is an icon amd a cash cow. It deserves better treatment. They didn't even. Give the eternal movies enough run time and the dream arc is the shortest arc. It getting as many cuts as it did was ridiculous. They better give these films enough run time, but I think at this point we all know they won't.
Apr 29, 2022 1:49 PM

Jan 2009
im gonna try watching this just to refresh my memory about the manga ending

Chaos vs Cosmos/Peace hype
Apr 29, 2022 3:26 PM

Mar 2009
I watched the event live.. we were three or four people to make a quick live translation of the event since no subtitles were available (live show) but it was damn hard on the live chat yet very fun lol… when the main surprise aka the first PV came out I was floored… I didn’t know what to say anymore lol.

I don’t know if someone specified it here but Kotono revealed that the recording for the first movie has been done so the new seiyuu for Galaxia and some of the anima mates and of course the starlight have been chosen… I’m so scared. I know the new casting will be mainly young seiyuu but I wished Horie Mitsuko came back as Galaxia. I know it won’t be but a man can dream..

Oh and I wish it was a TV anime or at least a OVA serie since we had all the format because a two movie part is too quick for me.. a little sour tbh
TsukinooujiApr 29, 2022 3:31 PM
Apr 29, 2022 6:57 PM
Apr 2020
let's hope the animation is actually good💀
Apr 29, 2022 10:48 PM

Aug 2013
I CANNOT WAAIT!! I've waited so long for this!! It was my favorite part of the manga and anime. I have really high hopes for it!
Apr 29, 2022 11:21 PM

Mar 2020
emilaya said:
ngvfk nhgurvdjfkgcd

Same I hear what your saying.
Apr 29, 2022 11:23 PM

Mar 2020
Tekakurika said:
whoaaaa good news!!!
maybe finally we will see Sailor Cosmos

Yep, maybe and I wonder about the three lights also, you know?
Apr 29, 2022 11:34 PM

Mar 2020
Zakkxx1_ said:
I watched the event live.. we were three or four people to make a quick live translation of the event since no subtitles were available (live show) but it was damn hard on the live chat yet very fun lol… when the main surprise aka the first PV came out I was floored… I didn’t know what to say anymore lol.

I don’t know if someone specified it here but Kotono revealed that the recording for the first movie has been done so the new seiyuu for Galaxia and some of the anima mates and of course the starlight have been chosen… I’m so scared. I know the new casting will be mainly young seiyuu but I wished Horie Mitsuko came back as Galaxia. I know it won’t be but a man can dream..

Oh and I wish it was a TV anime or at least a OVA serie since we had all the format because a two movie part is too quick for me.. a little sour tbh

I wish I could have gone to the live show.
Apr 30, 2022 12:54 AM
May 2019
Can't wait! Never watched OG Sailor Moon but I own all 3 seasons of Crystal on blu ray and watched Eternal on Netflix. I love all of it. I do gotta say that the original must've been 75% filler if it went on for 200 and they were able to fully adapt this in just 36 episodes and 4 movies, lol
Apr 30, 2022 10:12 AM

Aug 2010
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Can't wait! Never watched OG Sailor Moon but I own all 3 seasons of Crystal on blu ray and watched Eternal on Netflix. I love all of it. I do gotta say that the original must've been 75% filler if it went on for 200 and they were able to fully adapt this in just 36 episodes and 4 movies, lol

oh the 90s was one big filler lol
Toei didn't give Naoko time to finish the manga, they were pulling seasons before she had an idea how the arcs will end. That led to very much an altered version of her story, she had no agency of
filler is an understatement, it is a completely different story with only the core idea as base. Even the characters have been massively altered. Mamo, Rei, Haruka, Minako, Seiya, chibiusa, all got a make over in the 90s.

we all old folks grew up with it or was our first introduction to the story, and it is what it is, even though it hasn't aged very well.

Apr 30, 2022 1:57 PM
Dec 2019
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Can't wait! Never watched OG Sailor Moon but I own all 3 seasons of Crystal on blu ray and watched Eternal on Netflix. I love all of it. I do gotta say that the original must've been 75% filler if it went on for 200 and they were able to fully adapt this in just 36 episodes and 4 movies, lol

Yes, it is true that the old Sailor Moon has a LOT of filler, many that are not really necessary but also fillers that are very good and actually have a message and entertainment, it was good days back then. I must say, I loved Eternal and i saw season 3 of crystal but the first two one's were almost unwatchable for me but still pushed me to go through it ( i regret it though). And also read the Manga.

It is definetly worth to watch both .
I can definetly but not confirm that they have been altered heavily, but only some bit. I think the characters are well presented in both Anime :)
Apr 30, 2022 5:41 PM

Mar 2020
HaruHaruLove said:
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Can't wait! Never watched OG Sailor Moon but I own all 3 seasons of Crystal on blu ray and watched Eternal on Netflix. I love all of it. I do gotta say that the original must've been 75% filler if it went on for 200 and they were able to fully adapt this in just 36 episodes and 4 movies, lol

oh the 90s was one big filler lol
Toei didn't give Naoko time to finish the manga, they were pulling seasons before she had an idea how the arcs will end. That led to very much an altered version of her story, she had no agency of
filler is an understatement, it is a completely different story with only the core idea as base. Even the characters have been massively altered. Mamo, Rei, Haruka, Minako, Seiya, chibiusa, all got a make over in the 90s.

we all old folks grew up with it or was our first introduction to the story, and it is what it is, even though it hasn't aged very well.

Nice username I like it.
Apr 30, 2022 6:19 PM
May 2019
HaruHaruLove said:
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Can't wait! Never watched OG Sailor Moon but I own all 3 seasons of Crystal on blu ray and watched Eternal on Netflix. I love all of it. I do gotta say that the original must've been 75% filler if it went on for 200 and they were able to fully adapt this in just 36 episodes and 4 movies, lol

oh the 90s was one big filler lol
Toei didn't give Naoko time to finish the manga, they were pulling seasons before she had an idea how the arcs will end. That led to very much an altered version of her story, she had no agency of
filler is an understatement, it is a completely different story with only the core idea as base. Even the characters have been massively altered. Mamo, Rei, Haruka, Minako, Seiya, chibiusa, all got a make over in the 90s.

we all old folks grew up with it or was our first introduction to the story, and it is what it is, even though it hasn't aged very well.

The thing is I got into anime later in life which was late 2018 when I was 36 years old, I turn 40 in September. I did watch some anime before that and I knew all about Sailor Moon but didn't become a hardcore anime fanatic until 2019. I had always heard most of the original series was filler but funny thing is that a majority of people still prefer it over Crystal. Do you think it's due to nostalgia?
Apr 30, 2022 6:22 PM
May 2019
kotonii42 said:
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Can't wait! Never watched OG Sailor Moon but I own all 3 seasons of Crystal on blu ray and watched Eternal on Netflix. I love all of it. I do gotta say that the original must've been 75% filler if it went on for 200 and they were able to fully adapt this in just 36 episodes and 4 movies, lol

Yes, it is true that the old Sailor Moon has a LOT of filler, many that are not really necessary but also fillers that are very good and actually have a message and entertainment, it was good days back then. I must say, I loved Eternal and i saw season 3 of crystal but the first two one's were almost unwatchable for me but still pushed me to go through it ( i regret it though). And also read the Manga.

It is definetly worth to watch both .
I can definetly but not confirm that they have been altered heavily, but only some bit. I think the characters are well presented in both Anime :)

I know it's a very unpopular opinion but the character art of the first 2 seasons of Crystal is my favorite out of any iteration of Sailor Moon. I believe the original artist returned for season 3 and Eternal but just something about the facial features appealed to me more in the first 2 seasons of Crystal.
Apr 30, 2022 10:16 PM

Aug 2010
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:

The thing is I got into anime later in life which was late 2018 when I was 36 years old, I turn 40 in September. I did watch some anime before that and I knew all about Sailor Moon but didn't become a hardcore anime fanatic until 2019. I had always heard most of the original series was filler but funny thing is that a majority of people still prefer it over Crystal. Do you think it's due to nostalgia?

THAT is so awesome, I'm nearing 40 myself.
For me the 90s anime was unwatchable as a kid due to the horrendous dub my country gave it, also I was smol and scared of it back in 1993 hahahah, I did pick it up in 2008 though, and loved it then, but after watching and reading the other sailor moon stuff, I watched the 90s with a critical eye and well... not my fav anymore.

I think Crystal got a lot of undeserved hate, and it was torn apart frame by frame, but having rewatched it multiple times now, I really love it as much as the manga.
Apr 30, 2022 10:22 PM

Aug 2010
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:

I know it's a very unpopular opinion but the character art of the first 2 seasons of Crystal is my favorite out of any iteration of Sailor Moon. I believe the original artist returned for season 3 and Eternal but just something about the facial features appealed to me more in the first 2 seasons of Crystal.

I ADORE the crystal 1-2 art style, they looked so beautiful and unique. Later on they turned into generic moe(round faces and innocent big eyes that make teenage girls, or adult women look like 8 year olds) that is an art style I personally despise so for example crystal 3 while my fav story arc, it wasn't as aesthetically pleasing as 1-2. And my biggest critique for Eternal was the art style, along with the fact that it shouldn't have been 2 movies but a series instead.

Apr 30, 2022 10:23 PM

Aug 2010
minmi_pen said:

Nice username I like it.

thanks, lol I have it for about a decade for this site
May 1, 2022 4:21 AM
May 2019
HaruHaruLove said:
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:

The thing is I got into anime later in life which was late 2018 when I was 36 years old, I turn 40 in September. I did watch some anime before that and I knew all about Sailor Moon but didn't become a hardcore anime fanatic until 2019. I had always heard most of the original series was filler but funny thing is that a majority of people still prefer it over Crystal. Do you think it's due to nostalgia?

THAT is so awesome, I'm nearing 40 myself.
For me the 90s anime was unwatchable as a kid due to the horrendous dub my country gave it, also I was smol and scared of it back in 1993 hahahah, I did pick it up in 2008 though, and loved it then, but after watching and reading the other sailor moon stuff, I watched the 90s with a critical eye and well... not my fav anymore.

I think Crystal got a lot of undeserved hate, and it was torn apart frame by frame, but having rewatched it multiple times now, I really love it as much as the manga.

If you read the forums for when Crystal first aired, apparently there was some severe animation issues that were corrected in the blu ray release. Also people seem to not care for the art style in the first two seasons of Crystal which I personally love. I mean Usagi has lips in the first two seasons. What's not to like about that? Lol .. Anyways, I'm getting a Chizuru Mizuhara (Rent-a-Girlfriend) car wrap installed in a week and I'd like to share the design. It cost me $550 to hire a graphic designer in Florida to dream this thing up and installation is going to run me $3950 here in Houston at the highest rated wrap shop in the area. Anyways, here's the 3D mockup..

And here's a Yui Hirasawa tattoo I got a couple years ago, lol
May 1, 2022 6:38 AM

Aug 2010
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:

If you read the forums for when Crystal first aired, apparently there was some severe animation issues that were corrected in the blu ray release. Also people seem to not care for the art style in the first two seasons of Crystal which I personally love. I mean Usagi has lips in the first two seasons. What's not to like about that? Lol .. Anyways, I'm getting a Chizuru Mizuhara (Rent-a-Girlfriend) car wrap installed in a week and I'd like to share the design. It cost me $550 to hire a graphic designer in Florida to dream this thing up and installation is going to run me $3950 here in Houston at the highest rated wrap shop in the area. Anyways, here's the 3D mockup..

And here's a Yui Hirasawa tattoo I got a couple years ago, lol

Oh boy it was a blood bath.
but I do disagree with the "severity" of the issue.
Yes crystal had issues, some noticeable one, but most of the call outs by the "critiques" were screenshots (many of them photoshopped) of inbetween frames, that could not be seen without pausing (it's what I meant with it being torn apart)
now my daily job is that of an animator, so I can tell when a scene lacks or not.
the noticeable problems were up to episode 8, with episode 3 being the worst of them (a Toei animator said that Toei would sent final edits only 3 days before premiere of episodes, which means the animators were not only overworked but also forced to cut corners. anyone in the animation industry knows that 3 days is not enough time for anything.
episodes after 8 were very well done and seasons 2 was the best animation Sailor Moon has ever seen lol. and that because few episodes in Toei got a tv offer aka big money.

Also YES FOR Usagi having lips, I will never not be mad about them all losing their lips to moe lol

Ps: nice car and tatt
May 1, 2022 10:56 AM
Dec 2019
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
kotonii42 said:

Yes, it is true that the old Sailor Moon has a LOT of filler, many that are not really necessary but also fillers that are very good and actually have a message and entertainment, it was good days back then. I must say, I loved Eternal and i saw season 3 of crystal but the first two one's were almost unwatchable for me but still pushed me to go through it ( i regret it though). And also read the Manga.

It is definetly worth to watch both .
I can definetly but not confirm that they have been altered heavily, but only some bit. I think the characters are well presented in both Anime :)

I know it's a very unpopular opinion but the character art of the first 2 seasons of Crystal is my favorite out of any iteration of Sailor Moon. I believe the original artist returned for season 3 and Eternal but just something about the facial features appealed to me more in the first 2 seasons of Crystal.

I think the Art of Season 1 & 2 is closer to the Art of the Manga, but i don't think it did go well as Animation and felt incomplete and "buggy" to me
May 8, 2022 6:03 PM
Jan 2014
Whew Sailor Moon was one of the first anime I ever watched growing up so it means a lot to me that we will finally get to see an animated Sailor Cosmos. I pray that these last two films are the best!
May 8, 2022 6:09 PM
Dec 2017
Sailor Moon really set the standard for magical girls and i really am so glad to be a fan of this series!!

May 9, 2022 7:11 AM
Jul 2019
Crow_Black said:
Sailor Moon really set the standard for magical girls and i really am so glad to be a fan of this series!!
Not even only the magical girl concept, but whole shoujo genre overall had its own shape with Sailor Moon. A lot of fantasy/supernatural shoujo manga (and even some shounen) exists thanks to Sailor Moon. Truly one of the most influential series of all time.
May 13, 2022 5:12 AM
May 2020
Preige for Chiriusa to be next Sailor Moon I really want to see her becoming powerful warrior like her mother, and to see her futer team and love.
May 13, 2022 6:49 AM
Jul 2019
Shoyao said:
Preige for Chiriusa to be next Sailor Moon I really want to see her becoming powerful warrior like her mother, and to see her futer team and love.
Me too!! I love the depth of Chibi-usa's character, the great development she has, how she learns to believe in herself and gets more confident and this mysterious part about her character which we don't know if she will also get a similar ending to Usagi's. But Naoko already stopped making manga a long time ago so we will probably never see her own story :( I wish she at least gave us a one-shot or maybe even artwork of the future of Chibi-usa. She would have been a great shoujo protagonist.
AmuvletMay 13, 2022 6:52 AM
Jun 4, 2022 10:56 AM

Feb 2021
So amazing! I am waiting for the movies!!
Jun 4, 2022 12:03 PM

Aug 2020
Cmon Netflix, dont fail me now.
Keep scrolling
Jul 13, 2022 3:37 AM

Mar 2020
BobertkcussineP said:
Cmon Netflix, dont fail me now.

Jan 16, 2023 7:11 PM

Nov 2007
Additional casts
Part 1 for June 9, 2023
Part 2 for June 30, 2023
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jan 17, 2023 7:04 AM

Mar 2020
tsubasalover said:
Additional casts
Part 1 for June 9, 2023
Part 2 for June 30, 2023
Hel ya let's gooooooooooooo.
Jan 17, 2023 1:50 PM
Oct 2022
Seen the trailer today and I'm really disappointed in the music. Not sure why they couldn't change the composer because his stuff is not suitable for the atmosphere SM has. 
It looks great otherwise, I'm extremely hyped because a great animator was hired for some of the key shots. Sidney Deng got to design a few shots of { spoiler so won't disclose] and it looks amazing ! Shame they did not let him do more 
Jan 18, 2023 10:29 AM

Mar 2009
I will literally have a nervous breakdown if they gave the role of Galaxia to a effing actress and not to a professional voice actress like they did with the poor Queen Nehelenia. In a perfect world, HORIE Mitsuko got a call back to voice her again since she worked on Crystal season III singing the second version of the Opening theme but I know that I am grasping at straws.
I need to know also who will portray the animamates. Obviously like the starlights it will be some younger voice actresses that i probably don't know, but I'm very eager to know.

At least Chibi Chibi will be voiced by Kotono again... Or imagine ARAKI Kae as Chibi Chibi.. I'll die
Jan 24, 2023 1:04 AM

Nov 2007
Additional casts

New Poster
Theme: "Tsuki no Hana (月の花)" by Daoko

Special clip

Additional casts

Movie 2 Trailer

Additional cast (returned from live-action)

New PV
tsubasaloverJul 24, 2023 8:03 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jan 30, 2023 6:32 PM

Nov 2015
my hype has been renewed. I can't wait for the two new movies in June! it's so near! 
Mar 13, 2023 4:12 PM
Jan 2014
I cannot wait to see sailor cosmos. I hope Naoko's vision is finally realized in these two films, and then we can finally move forward.
Jun 9, 2023 2:04 PM

Dec 2018
Sailor Moon Cosmos part 1 is out in Japan now.

Jun 9, 2023 9:25 PM
Apr 2022
The theme song slaps.
Never thought I'd add a SM song to my playlist.
Jun 10, 2023 9:21 AM
Oct 2022
has anyone seen this yet, maybe someone who is visiting Japan or lives there? is it better than Eternal ? is the music the same or have they improved on it ? 
I've seen some great stills from Sidney Deng, on his insta, he's an animator with a good vision for the character design, so my hopes are still high 
Jun 10, 2023 12:15 PM

Feb 2021
Pretty sad that Netflix doesn't stream both movies like in last year. We have to wait for Blu-ray discs with subs then.
Jun 19, 2023 6:47 PM
May 2021
It's most likely going to come to Netflix. It took them 2 months after the second movie to announce that it was coming to Netflix, so we probably will have to wait that long again.
Jun 19, 2023 10:14 PM
Jun 20, 2023 1:18 PM
Oct 2022
 it looks as if 3 different studios worked for this and they merged it into one video, the character design keeps morphing from S3 to Eternal style. the song is gorgeous. Love Chibi Chibi. ok well at least I know to keep my expectations extremely low :depressed noises: 
Jun 25, 2023 11:25 PM

Sep 2008
I have been a fan since the 90's-00's. I can finally say that we have come full circle, now that they used Moonlight Densetsu for the OP credits. I was pretty disappointed when it didn't make the OP for the remake. I mean it was quite the epic song for them to use it for the whole OG series (with the exception of Sailor Moon Stars, where they used Makenai which was epic in itself). I am also happy that they used some of the OG OP scenes. It makes the nostalgia so much more bittersweet. I love it!

Also, does anyone know who will be subbing the movies? Has anyone released the first movie with subs yet?
Jun 29, 2023 9:45 AM

Feb 2016
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
I believe the original artist returned for season 3 and Eternal
Nope! Season 3 had Akira Takahashi, known for Pretty Cure.
Jun 29, 2023 10:02 AM

Feb 2016

HaruHaruLove said:
episodes after 8 were very well done and seasons 2 was the best animation Sailor Moon has ever seen lol.
I noticed after watching Crystal that all criticisms of the story and animation use examples from season 1. My favorite Sailor Moon designs are those used in the 90s anime and in Eternal. I was happy with Crystal season 2, however, and I would have liked the reboot to maintain a consistent look.
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