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Feb 27, 2022 5:27 PM
Loved the Doraemon reference from Demon+Ouran, fits well with all the time-travelling hijinks. Also love the title cards — Asano does those better than anybody. The ending seems both uplifting and cryptic. The main gang live their lives rather contently, Kadode and Ouran are unbreakable, but Isobeyan mysteriously returns alongside a curious dot in the sky. Seems like there's some sort of space-time overlap happening. There are definitely lingering questions, but I love that some of the mysteries remain obscure. Though it would have been nice to see the outcome of some of the other characters, especially Kadode's dad. The note on the final page says; "their story continues," not sure if that's in the sense that the characters will live on, or if Asano plans to do more with them. I'm excited to go back and read the manga from the beginning. I bet there's a bunch of stuff in the earlier volumes that'll have much more significance the second time 'round. |
ToukaFeb 28, 2022 4:18 AM
Feb 28, 2022 8:57 AM
It was a good journey. 9.5/10, the only flaws that this manga had was the slow and weak start and I felt that the time skip part was rushed, I wish it had more information of what happened. The monologue at the end of this chapter is very similar to the monologue on chapter 88. |
Feb 28, 2022 1:31 PM
today marks my first day reading this manga as i've been waiting for it to finish to start it. ill see you all on the other side |
Mar 3, 2022 10:27 AM
Where did you read it? |
Mar 4, 2022 4:02 PM
So what happened? The ennding of Oyasumi Punpun left me angry and ending to this manga left me feeling nothig.. It kinda dont make sence to me. |
Mar 4, 2022 7:24 PM
Solid journey although I felt the final chapter was a little underwhelming. Still an amazing journey. |
Mar 5, 2022 7:33 AM
Ending left the same taste Punpun did on my mouth. Still a nice one and gets 7.5 from me |
Mar 5, 2022 9:58 AM
At the last few pages where there are those giant words, it says, 100"話" but the "話"is reversed, meaning 001話, the first chapter. I don't know what it means. Also I think the Ouran and Kadode we know survived by escaping into the high dimensional world where they had to pass through when "time traveling" so that's nice:) I love Ontan! |
Mar 6, 2022 7:51 AM
Version I read said there would be an announcement on 23rd of March. A very small part of me is hoping against hope for an anime adaptation (might be the first ever Asano Inio one, lol) |
Life is like a tube of toothpaste |
Mar 6, 2022 7:12 PM
Touka said: Loved the Doraemon reference from Demon+Ouran, fits well with all the time-travelling hijinks. Also love the title cards — Asano does those better than anybody. The ending seems both uplifting and cryptic. The main gang live their lives rather contently, Kadode and Ouran are unbreakable, but Isobeyan mysteriously returns alongside a curious dot in the sky. Seems like there's some sort of space-time overlap happening. There are definitely lingering questions, but I love that some of the mysteries remain obscure. Though it would have been nice to see the outcome of some of the other characters, especially Kadode's dad. The note on the final page says; "their story continues," not sure if that's in the sense that the characters will live on, or if Asano plans to do more with them. I'm excited to go back and read the manga from the beginning. I bet there's a bunch of stuff in the earlier volumes that'll have much more significance the second time 'round. I feel like most of people couldn't understand, but the point here is that those aren't the Ouran and Kadode we wen't all the manga, they're just them in a world that hasn't been destroyed or dealing with the invaders sort of way. Basically these Kadode and Ouran had the chance of living a normal life. But ours Kadode and Ouran basically are dead, the manga itself had stablished how time lines and spirits works. I think these chapters as an epilogue for everything the manga went trough, all the plots ended in chapter 87 with Kadode and Ouran facing the explosion. What we have left in the next chapters are the remains of the broken world that was left after that. Chapter 100 is a good conclusion. The possibility of a normal life that the girls never had. |
Mar 7, 2022 1:10 PM
nicoxas said: But ours Kadode and Ouran basically are dead, the manga itself had stablished how time lines and spirits works. I don't think they are dead, it is shown that people outside of Tokyo survived and we were given small glimpses of hope that they are both out there somewhere, only to be heard in the end in this other world and they even left a copy of Isobeyan on the table. To further confirm it was them from that specific timeline we know that Kadode calls Ouran "Ontan" and that is exactly what the two from the unaffected timeline have heard. They also said that getting close to them would "distort the timeline". I don't doubt for a second that they survived as they were not in Tokyo at the time of explosion and Ooba kun was seen alive and well too, maybe he helped them as well in some shape or form, who knows? I sure hope we see some more of them, I miss them sooooo much! |
Mar 7, 2022 7:03 PM
DeltaBay said: nicoxas said: But ours Kadode and Ouran basically are dead, the manga itself had stablished how time lines and spirits works. I don't think they are dead, it is shown that people outside of Tokyo survived and we were given small glimpses of hope that they are both out there somewhere, only to be heard in the end in this other world and they even left a copy of Isobeyan on the table. To further confirm it was them from that specific timeline we know that Kadode calls Ouran "Ontan" and that is exactly what the two from the unaffected timeline have heard. They also said that getting close to them would "distort the timeline". I don't doubt for a second that they survived as they were not in Tokyo at the time of explosion and Ooba kun was seen alive and well too, maybe he helped them as well in some shape or form, who knows? I sure hope we see some more of them, I miss them sooooo much! Well Makoto and Futaba were like literally far away from Tokyo, and Ooba was rescued by a guy on an helicopter, so he'll get more time to runaway from the explosion, the girls were just standed there watching the explosion, and they were in Tokyo. My thoughts about them being dead, or not longer in the material world, is mostly based on the explanation of vessels and spirits made by the invader before Ouran decided to do the time travel. We've seen that when the invaders died the ended up in the cubic dimension, and also this dimension is the one that allows Nobuo to travel in time, and also he when does the time travel hears Kadode's voice. That's why I think they ended up there, that's why Makoto after 4 years couldn't find them. |
Mar 16, 2022 11:05 AM
nicoxas said: But ours Kadode and Ouran basically are dead, the manga itself had stablished how time lines and spirits works. If Kadode and Ontan are dead why would Asano put in chapter 97 a dialogue between Kadode's father and Makoto says that the demons (Kadode and Ontan school group) were probably fighting inside a robot in the previous chapter and he thinks they are still alive? I don't think Asano would put this dialogue out for nothing. There is also a monologue from Kadode during the explosion, that even if humanity ended she will continue to live if Ontan is on her side. I hope Asano does a live or an interview for some magazine explaining this ending. |
LucasReverblayMar 16, 2022 11:12 AM
Mar 16, 2022 4:38 PM
I didn't really like the chapters after ~80 all that much with the shift; and the ending felt a bit lukewarm too, compared to that awesome setting of looming danger, where life goes on just as usual, even though everything's on the brink of collapse in the early chapters. Art was amazing, characters (and their designs) were cool and had a lot of insight into their emotions and beliefs. Looking forward to that "special announcement" on the 23rd of March - in case it actually is something. Overall it's between an 8 and 9 for me, still not all too sure. |
Don't mind me, just passing by... Halloween 2024: |
Mar 16, 2022 11:28 PM
Ima come out and say it: I hate the ending. I really loathe the trope of using time travel as a means to alter an entire timeline in your story. It's what led to Summertime Render having a trash ending, and its what led to this having an equally bad ending. It's just such a lazy way of resolving things and it almost feels like Asano thought he made a massive mistake killing off so many characters that he wanted to fix it with one simple reset button. It's just lazy writing; it's almost like he was pressured into giving the series a happy ending after the nuke was launched. That being said, its still up there as one of my favorite manga of all time, because everything else works. The artstyle is top notch, the writing for the most part flawless, and the characters are GOATed. Especially the characters! Easily one of the best written casts in any manga I've read. Inspite of the last couple of chapters dropping the ball entirely, this is still a very recommendable manga. 8/10, cannot wait for the eventual anime to be released. |
removed-userMar 16, 2022 11:31 PM
Mar 18, 2022 5:33 PM
Mar 20, 2022 3:11 PM
Underwhelming for sure. Didn’t like the timeskip to begin with. This definitely needed more chapters. And what’s happened to Ooba anyways? Did I miss anything? Was he just killed off screen like that by that crazy guy? He doesn’t exist in this timeline I’m guessing? Just like Punpun, meh ending to a very great manga. Inio doesn’t really know how to properly conclude a series in its last final chapters. I’m just glad to see Kiho again tbh. |
XenocrisiMar 20, 2022 3:17 PM
Mar 20, 2022 9:31 PM
Xenocrisi said: And what’s happened to Ooba anyways? Did I miss anything? Was he just killed off screen like that by that crazy guy? He doesn’t exist in this timeline I’m guessing? Ooba survived the attack by Kohiruimaki. He was in chapter 98, waiting by the time machine. Guess in the new timeline he's just an idol (like he was pre-invader). |
Mar 25, 2022 11:22 PM
NomeLucas said: nicoxas said: But ours Kadode and Ouran basically are dead, the manga itself had stablished how time lines and spirits works. If Kadode and Ontan are dead why would Asano put in chapter 97 a dialogue between Kadode's father and Makoto says that the demons (Kadode and Ontan school group) were probably fighting inside a robot in the previous chapter and he thinks they are still alive? I don't think Asano would put this dialogue out for nothing. There is also a monologue from Kadode during the explosion, that even if humanity ended she will continue to live if Ontan is on her side. I hope Asano does a live or an interview for some magazine explaining this ending. Well, it's not like that, because everything we know about the girls are things that even Makoto don't clearly fully know, Makoto wants to believe they're the "Demons", because truly Makoto and the rest of the guys really wanna believe they're there somewhere, in other words, the wish of posibly finding his friends, and look after friends is what keeps Makoto alive. About Kadode, monologue, it's not even clear tbh, because at some parts, she even says she's currently living 8/32, I think she and Ouran tried their best surviving but they at the end died. "I will continue living while you're there by my side" sounds like an epitaph, but I think they ended at cubic dimensions, because that would explain why Makoto cannot find them, or why Nobuo heard Kadode's voice when he was there. |
Mar 31, 2022 5:48 AM
Apr 2, 2022 4:07 AM
This ending is complete garbage lol. |
arilandoApr 3, 2022 5:02 AM
Apr 15, 2022 6:32 PM
You got to hand it to the author, he is a frickin master at creating incredibly rich worlds full of actual characters, some of which you'll just love (and some you'll hate just as much). The art is insanely good (I looove the more realistic style, but the clash with comically distorted/satirised faces is also good). Also, I'm a total sucker for the episodic writing style and then letting it all come together. It's all way too captivating, addictive even. And then he's gonna fuck you up really good. Now, this was by no means the worst Asano ending ... definitely not the kind that just outright makes you wanna kill yourself and all, but it made me feel sooo empty. First we get the failed-hero darkish route ending and then we get the ending ending which was just some kind of reset. Really now? Don't end with the kind of reset that makes you question the need for the last 70ish (out of 99) chapters (sure, different timeline, parallel worlds blablabla ... doesn't make any difference, none). I acknowledge I am a simple-minded being, but maaaan, I wished he would've for once just gone with the hero-saves-the-day-the-last-second and (almost-)happily-ever-after ending. Come on, once, JUST ONCE, please, it can't be that hard. All that said, I liked the manga a lot and would recommend it. Still. Even with the ending. |
Apr 30, 2022 10:28 PM
Honestly, it was a dreadful and confusing ending. Asano basically shot himself in the foot by introducing this weird time travel device that the aliens have been utilizing. It never really explained anything. Disappointing really... Still loved the manga though. The characters were a 10/10. And everything prior to the explosion was excellent. So still an 8/10 manga overall (that was almost well on track to becoming a 10/10). |
RunasiusAug 24, 2022 1:54 AM
May 6, 2022 2:42 PM
Okay, lemme get this straight. Nobuo, Kadode’s father, uses the time machine and his consciousness is sent to the “cubix dimension” as someone else put it, apparently it’s the place where consciousness goes when someone dies, there he meets “Kadode”. Then he ends up in a past alternative parallel world. Now... there’s a few odd things about this alternative world that no one here seems to care about. - Isobeyan the manga does not exist. Why? - Ai and Rin are not there, and are actually replaced. Why?? - The invaders never invaded. Why??? - And of course, supposedly the Real Ouran and Kadode speak aloud and drop off the first volume of Isobeyan right under the alternative Ouran and Kadode noses. Who? How? What? Why! The first basic theory that pops into my mind is this: The Real Ouran and Kadode (quote unquote real) somehow got their hands on a ACTUAL time machine, which was hinted at in a Isobeyan chapter and 4 years after 8/32. So they go back in time to this alternative parallel world to drop off the Isobeyan manga. They probably used a stealth cloak and a flying gadget to avoid being seen, lest they cause “Space-time to collapse”. As for Ai and Rin being absent....what if they originally were invaders that took over bodies...? Ai and her family originally lived in a 8/31 disaster zone. Rin, well, we know almost nothing about her. Both are childhood friends from elementary, supposedly. And both of them are way too nice and pure in personality, it’s suspicious!! There’s just too many unanswered mysteries and not enough conspiracies, wake up sheeple! |
May 17, 2022 2:45 PM
CrazyBear said: As for Ai and Rin being absent....what if they originally were invaders that took over bodies...? Ai and her family originally lived in a 8/31 disaster zone. Rin, well, we know almost nothing about her. Both are childhood friends from elementary, supposedly. And both of them are way too nice and pure in personality, it’s suspicious!! The Kadode and Ontan we see at the end are 4 years further into the timeline than we ever saw them in the previous timelines - I don't see why they couldn't have just made a new friend or two in the mean-time (besides, one of them is the friend who died early on, Kohuirimaki's girlfriend). With no invaders who knows how their time after school may have been, it's unlikely they would have joined the occult club at least, and ouran has a fairly different personality entirely, closer to the firs timeline where she only was friends with Kadode. There's nothing to say Ouran and Rin just weren't around in Tokyo on that day though, we only saw one day afterall. |
May 17, 2022 3:45 PM
OhmyFohmy said: The Kadode and Ontan we see at the end are 4 years further into the timeline than we ever saw them in the previous timelines - I don't see why they couldn't have just made a new friend or two in the mean-time (besides, one of them is the friend who died early on, Kohuirimaki's girlfriend). With no invaders who knows how their time after school may have been, it's unlikely they would have joined the occult club at least, and ouran has a fairly different personality entirely, closer to the firs timeline where she only was friends with Kadode. There's nothing to say Ouran and Rin just weren't around in Tokyo on that day though, we only saw one day afterall. You know, now that I actually think about it more, since the invaders never destroyed the original place Ai and Rin were from, there was no real reason for them to move. So that could mean Kadode, Ouran, and Kiho went to the same high school just like in the “main timeline” or whatever. Just without Ai and Rin since they never moved...? And then yeah, its been however much time later, they’re already done with college. It just dawned on me. But I mean, Kadode, Ouran, Kiho, Ai, and Rin. That’s THE gang. So to just see two of them mysteriously not appear at the last chapter, AND (possibly) suddenly replaced by two unknown weirdos, is that not weird?? Feels like a slap in the face Maybe I’m overthinking it though. Ai and Rin never moved, hence they may have never met the others. Very anticlimactic but plausible. Ai and Rin being invaders, well, there’s nothing to prove against it, so there’s that. And then there’s Makoto and button nose, I dont even want to think about that. |
Jun 4, 2022 2:34 AM
Did the 101 chapter came out? Why isn't it uploaded anywhere? |
Aug 2, 2022 5:43 AM
removed-user said: Ima come out and say it: I hate the ending. I really loathe the trope of using time travel as a means to alter an entire timeline in your story. It's what led to Summertime Render having a trash ending, and its what led to this having an equally bad ending. It's just such a lazy way of resolving things and it almost feels like Asano thought he made a massive mistake killing off so many characters that he wanted to fix it with one simple reset button. It's just lazy writing; it's almost like he was pressured into giving the series a happy ending after the nuke was launched. I thought that the paraller timelines to work like so if a character leaps to a different timeline to redo things the previous timeline would still exist alongside the previous one as alternate realities. So the mind would exist in the cubic dimension and the timelines provide different bodies where the mind could reside - a very fascinating concept! Therefore I don't think it's lazy writing to present a different possible outcome so would the fact that there are three different endings in the comic make up for that dissatisfaction? Although it makes me wonder why the other characters besides Makoto who knew of the device didn't use it on themselves, although it was implied by Futaba I think that people in the second timeline were researching the possibility and I guess it comes with risks of entering an even worse timeline. Edit: Did I just respond to a removed user without realizing it? |
Aug 29, 2022 1:04 AM
I gave it a 10. I loved 99 out of 100 of its chapters (where did MAL get 101 from?) so I didn't feel like penalizing it. It was fucking great until that final chapter. I would have preferred if it had ended with her meeting her dad in the destroyed-post 8/32 (2nd timeline). That was an interesting world and I wish we had been given more of it. It didn't need yet another reset. And the weird thing is that Ooba is introduced again at the end and it led to nothing. I was like... Oh shit, Ooba is still alive and he reunited with Makoto and Futaba, what's going to come from this? Annnnd, now we're in another timeline/universe. So, what was the point of that? |
poemofdevilAug 29, 2022 1:08 AM
Apr 1, 2023 11:59 PM
nicoxas said: Then what about the voices, alt timeline Oran and Kadode heard? I'm pretty sure that's our Ontan and Kadode visiting their world. Also, Makoto mentioned the pilots on the huge manned fuji were called "The demons", I don't think that's a coincidence. So I think they somehow survived.Touka said: Loved the Doraemon reference from Demon+Ouran, fits well with all the time-travelling hijinks. Also love the title cards — Asano does those better than anybody. The ending seems both uplifting and cryptic. The main gang live their lives rather contently, Kadode and Ouran are unbreakable, but Isobeyan mysteriously returns alongside a curious dot in the sky. Seems like there's some sort of space-time overlap happening. There are definitely lingering questions, but I love that some of the mysteries remain obscure. Though it would have been nice to see the outcome of some of the other characters, especially Kadode's dad. The note on the final page says; "their story continues," not sure if that's in the sense that the characters will live on, or if Asano plans to do more with them. I'm excited to go back and read the manga from the beginning. I bet there's a bunch of stuff in the earlier volumes that'll have much more significance the second time 'round. I feel like most of people couldn't understand, but the point here is that those aren't the Ouran and Kadode we wen't all the manga, they're just them in a world that hasn't been destroyed or dealing with the invaders sort of way. Basically these Kadode and Ouran had the chance of living a normal life. But ours Kadode and Ouran basically are dead, the manga itself had stablished how time lines and spirits works. I think these chapters as an epilogue for everything the manga went trough, all the plots ended in chapter 87 with Kadode and Ouran facing the explosion. What we have left in the next chapters are the remains of the broken world that was left after that. Chapter 100 is a good conclusion. The possibility of a normal life that the girls never had. |
Apr 2, 2023 12:26 AM
I wish the story would've continued from the post-apocalyptic 8/32 timeline. I think exploring a new timeline was unnecessary. It's not like that timeline is going to alter the current timeline anyway. The 8/32 world had so much to offer, so much potential. And it also seems like Ontan and Kadode managed to survive. They weren't in Tokyo at the time of the explosion. Also, Makoto mentioned to Kadode's dad about "The Demons", and that wouldn't have been for nothing. Furthermore, alt-reality Oran and Kadode heard our timeline Oran and kadode's voices and supposedly received a copy of Isobeyan from them. It seems like this time they were actually time travelling, because Kadode mentions space-time collapsing, if they venture too close. However, I'm not sure what the purpose of dropping the Isobeyan manga was, maybe because in this timeline they don't have it. It would've been much more interesting to explore the story from Ontan and Kadode's pov with the whole gang, I'm curious about what they were up to during this time. It's a shame the manga ended this way, but that's Inio Asano for you. |
Apr 2, 2023 12:41 AM
--Maple-- said: This is just a theory, but what is time travelling Oran and Kadode were the reason for the disappearance of Isobeyan manga from that world, cause Nobuo's consciousness travelled 12 years in the past of alt-timeline, to merge with his consciousness in that timeline. But Isobeyan manga existed before that, so it should be impossible for him to interfere. So maybe time-travelling Oran and Kadode dropped what they had taken in the first place. I wish the story would've continued from the post-apocalyptic 8/32 timeline. I think exploring a new timeline was unnecessary. It's not like that timeline is going to alter the current timeline anyway. The 8/32 world had so much to offer, so much potential. And it also seems like Ontan and Kadode managed to survive. They weren't in Tokyo at the time of the explosion. Also, Makoto mentioned to Kadode's dad about "The Demons", and that wouldn't have been for nothing. Furthermore, alt-reality Oran and Kadode heard our timeline Oran and kadode's voices and supposedly received a copy of Isobeyan from them. It seems like this time they were actually time travelling, because Kadode mentions space-time collapsing, if they venture too close. However, I'm not sure what the purpose of dropping the Isobeyan manga was, maybe because in this timeline they don't have it. It would've been much more interesting to explore the story from Ontan and Kadode's pov with the whole gang, I'm curious about what they were up to during this time. It's a shame the manga ended this way, but that's Inio Asano for you. |
Apr 4, 2023 5:47 AM
What!? A happy ending for this timeline, good!? But what about the other two? In the first original timeline of where Ontan came from, Kadode committed death but in turn, they saved humanity from the invaders and threats involved. But Ontan came back in time to save Kadode somehow, but seeing as she's just a kid with less experience she failed to do so. And now the invaders destroyed planet Earth. So the Nubuo of that second timeline traveled to another timeline that is years back before his origin timeline, but not Ouran's original timeline but a second one, to go to his second timeline and saved everyone successfully. However, it still pains me how the humans in the second timeline of Ouran, but the original timeline of Nubuo, the one whk is native to that timeline, is stuck in there suffering. Makoto and Futaba are stuck too! And for some reason though sadly, Futaba and Makoto never get to meet with Ouran and Kadode, I feel bad for them. I want to know how they're doing okay! |
May 27, 2023 11:52 PM
Jul 27, 2023 1:43 AM
Touka said: Yeah that was cool. But the entire Isobeyan thing was a Doraemon reference from the very beginning :)Loved the Doraemon reference from Demon+Ouran, fits well with all the time-travelling hijinks. CrazyBear said: The manga that does exist in this new timeline is a reference to Obake no Q-Taro, another work by the author of Doraemon (which was referenced/parodied by Isobeyan).Isobeyan the manga does not exist. Why? Cool observation about the real time machine, btw |
Sep 18, 2023 8:56 AM
Well that was quite the ending. A bit of a letdown but to be honest, the 8/32 timeline seems like a depressing shithole, what with every country ready to nuke everything and everyone, so I understand that the author didn't want to dwell on it too much. Still, I can't say I particularly care for the "happy" ending. Overall, this was a fascinating read. Ontan was a great character and her relationship with Kadode and Ooba was great to watch. I also enjoyed the social commentary about people not really giving a shit about the problems that could affect them until it's too late. |
Sep 19, 2023 3:08 PM
Just finished the manga and it's a 10/10 for the entire journey but 9/10 for the ending cause they didn't show Rin at the end😭 |
Nov 9, 2023 8:14 AM
dosent get good til chpt 35 or 40. its like a manga version of ET for awhile with commentary on how stupid people in media believe any half assed bs they hear & take it too far. which while fair is just sort of a no duh for me but hey they do some good Trump bashing by throwing him in the trash. & i do love the other chapter covers that reference other manga art styles & the in universe doraemon ripoff they have in the manga ^^ overall this is a 6/10 for me nothing too special but still unique |
Nov 20, 2023 1:00 PM
I thought this was a lovely and relaxing read. The combination of slice-of-life and an alien invasion was new to me and Asano handled this combination pretty well. I was pretty fond of the characters, but the ending just rubbed me the wrong way. Makoto's and Ooba's reunion was so nice to see, it would've been cool if Ouran and Kadode reunited with their friends as well after 4 years of surviving on their own, as the ending hinted at them being still alive. I felt like the dad time traveling and us having to say goodbye to the other characters was unnecessary and kind of unfortunate. |
Dec 30, 2023 6:15 PM
I liked the story, liked the characters but wtf was this ending. This made no fucking sense. I wish we actually got to see Kadode and Ouran before the dad got on the time machine so I wouldn't have to speculate what happened to them after they started playing Fallout. Here is a couple of things I wanted to happen: 1. The invaders start killing humans (the cape guy was wasted potential) 2. Futaba should of been pressed by that terrorist group (I was expecting her to get jumped by unfortunately that never happened) 3. Ooba vs Kohiruimaki should of been longer and more eventful 4. We should of seen how Ouran and Kadode's lives were changed by the explosion. (It's a damn shame considering they're the main characters and we only get one panel from their perspective) 5. If Asano wanted to keep the time travel stuff the dad should of at least found Ouran and Kadode dead when looking for his family before heading to the next timeline. (I feel like this would of left me shook) Overall a 9 out of 10. |
Jan 4, 2024 8:30 PM
I really like this manga but I gonna be honest I’m not the biggest fan of the ending. I don’t think I understood what happened in the ending but it seems like the last chapter implies it’s an alternate universe? And that the main timeline we’ve been following has been destroyed I think? I’m not entirely sure. Really wanted to give it a 9/10, but I’ll stick with an 8/10 since I have mixed feelings about the ending. |
Feb 18, 2024 8:48 AM
what a nothinghotdog ending. i have been mentally blueballed and my intellectual erection is ruined 1/10 |
Jul 4, 2024 10:56 PM
so it was an invader who made those doraemon-like manga huh |
Jul 5, 2024 3:23 PM
What a nothing ending. Dedede has a really slow start, picks up half-way though, around the time we learn about time travel and how Onran isn't from this timeline, but then get mind-numbing dumb and also goes back to dragging, manga ends up in a very unceremonious way, who cares about this timelines's Onran/Kadode, they're not the same characters, i thought we were going to get a full on post apocalyptic arc with 8/32, but then it just gets "resolved", awful ending, it feels like Asano got bored of this series. |
SteelingMaxJul 5, 2024 3:34 PM
Jul 19, 2024 11:04 PM
the manga was a 10/10 before the parallel universe plot twist. and then it was a solid 7/10 up until the time skip. during the last 10 chapters it was more like 5-6/10. I enjoyed the beginning so much, imo it was at it's best when it was just a slice of life with some sci elements thrown in. as more and more was being revealed it was still super interesting and I absolutely adored Ooba and his dyanic with everyone else. when it was revealed that Oran's consciousness was from a parallel universe is when it started to go down hill. it's not like it came out if nowhere, there was a hint earlier when Oran said she felt like 2 people. but I felt it was completely unnecessary. I dislike when stories of ordinary people in crazy situations turn out to be important all along or "chosen". still the author took a lot of chapters and time developing this idea even if it felt sudden, so I can live with that. but then the time skip with the reveal that Kadodes dad was alive this entire time was so half assed and truly underbaked. his design was cool but the sudden shift to a post apocalyptic genre was not well developed and all the small minor characters somehow being involved in rebel militant groups was entirely unrealistic. even though Oran is always talking about conqueror the world, I never took at serious. so 2 Americans somehow get their asses to Japan and are in the military just over their love for manga? idk I didn't like that they had to tie in all the characters to somehow be fighting a war, when I believe most of them would just be in the general population. the ending was ass, the dad didn't even change anything. he just went to a different universe lol. the world we care about is still out there in choas. why would we care about this random version of Oran and Kadode? |
Jul 19, 2024 11:08 PM
I understand why people think this series is slow af but I took this series as strictly slice of life and was surprised when it started to become more and more action heavy. not that it was bad, Ooba is my favorite character. but when it fully embraced this direction when the parallel universe twist, it's when the writing went downhill for me and the time skip and half assed ending solidified my feelings. |
Jul 31, 2024 6:27 PM
Probably the best two volumes of this author back to back, followed by a rushed one with a very disappointing coward's way out of a finale. Overall a good manga but could have been better. |
Feb 23, 12:50 PM
Sigh... after buying this manga as it was releasing all the way back in 2018, finally sat down and read through this week... and while I enjoyed the journey alot, the end was one of the lamest endings I seen in a while, too bad cause when the final volume started it seemed a bit promising, kinda reminded me of like classic Walking Dead, then the author realized he was running out of pages and had to end it somehow lol.. he may as well have written "it was all a dream" It just felt super rushed and didnt really give me a sense of closure... but then again, this is Inio Asano, if you look back at his previous works, they all kinda end the same way.. "We just keep on living".. I guess. I want to write a review but Im gonna sit on it and maybe re-read it again, I remember first time I read "A Girl on the Shore" all the way back in like 2017, I thought it was "just hentai", but re-reading it again this year, after going through my own failed relationships, it hit me totally different.. maybe it will be the same case with this. I will say, I will miss Ontan alot, one of the best lolis in manga tbh gonna go watch the anime just so I can see her again XD |
otomonFeb 23, 12:55 PM
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