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I want to confirm that this series didn't take/copy elements from any other shows

86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
Available on Manga Store
May 5, 2021 6:19 PM
Jun 2020
-The story uses elements from World War II, specifically a certain country from the Axis powers and a certain country belonging to the Allies, and certain dark aspects of the history of that time. I would like to clarify that I bear no ill will toward any of those countries today; there just happened to be a lot of material regarding those particular themes.

-The story uses the word pig as a spiteful derogatory term. I would like to clarify, however, that I bear no ill will toward pigs. If anything, I love them! They’re delicious. Pork cutlets are great, too!

-The story takes place in an alternate reality but still employs the metric system. I did this because made-up units of measurement fail to really give one a grasp of what’s going on. The reason I didn’t use the old Japanese system or imperial units is because I don’t really know them.

-This story takes place in an alternate reality but has references to the Bible, Remarque’s novels, and so forth. The reason for that is… Well, I’ll leave that to your imaginations.

"ASATO ASATO" The Author
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
May 5, 2021 7:39 PM
Apr 2021
I’ve never heard anyone say that they copied or stole anything from anything else. Idk might just be me
May 5, 2021 7:45 PM
Jun 2020
ItsStillClown said:
I’ve never heard anyone say that they copied or stole anything from anything else. Idk might just be me

I saw someone that said this show plagiarized/take elements from that show
May 5, 2021 8:13 PM

Jan 2019
Is that an interview or internet post? What is the source?

If it's true, these are sad times when an author has to explain that shit.
May 5, 2021 8:18 PM

Oct 2020
I think they're just similar. But if you have the source then I'd like to see it.

In this world shrouded in darkness, I learned there was someone who’d been struggling along with me. That alone is enough.

May 5, 2021 9:28 PM
Oct 2020
Sheklon said:
Is that an interview or internet post? What is the source?

If it's true, these are sad times when an author has to explain that shit.
author's afterwords in vol 1
May 6, 2021 4:58 AM
Jul 2018
A lot of people in this thread seem to know exactly what series is being "copied" here, but I'm feeling a bit left out because I have no idea. Can somebody elaborate on this a little bit more?
May 6, 2021 6:48 AM
Apr 2021
You would be hard pressed to name a show that contain homages or doesn't take elements from other shows. Even trendsetters from the past did and the most famous is the Hidden Fortress/Star Wars case but we can also talk about Ideon/Eva (confirmed by Anno himself), Star Wars/Gundam and Gundam/practically 90% of the mecha genre. That's just how things works for any kind of fiction.
Plagiarism instead happens when it's an exact replica of a concept without any reworking involved.
LambdalithMay 6, 2021 7:00 AM
May 6, 2021 6:50 AM

Jul 2020
Chiribei said:
A lot of people in this thread seem to know exactly what series is being "copied" here, but I'm feeling a bit left out because I have no idea. Can somebody elaborate on this a little bit more?

I'm pretty much in the same situation as you.I've never heard people syaing that it is copying ideas.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
May 6, 2021 6:56 AM
Apr 2021
[quote=Scordolo message=63044078]
Chiribei said:

I'm pretty much in the same situation as you.I've never heard people syaing that it is copying ideas.

The first novel is technically a spiritual successor of Code Geass: Akito the Exiled in many ways and it's partially inspired by a background element of Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans. The rest are book inspirations or homages like the Self Propelled Mine. Nothing egregious, otherwise we'll say that any series with mecha that fight like jets (practically EVERY series with flying mecha since the mid '80) are plagiarism from Blue Gale Layzner and so on.
May 6, 2021 9:40 PM
Jul 2019
Even if it takes elements I don't really find a problem in this. I only care about the ideas being done right and for it to be interesting and engaging.
May 7, 2021 2:51 AM
Jan 2021
Every single show or manga recently takes bits and pieces from others. It’s just important that they use the things they took inspiration from and convert it into their ideas, I think this show does it well but the phrasing of this question is complete garbage
May 7, 2021 10:33 AM
Feb 2021
addie1998 said:
-The story uses elements from World War II, specifically a certain country from the Axis powers and a certain country belonging to the Allies, and certain dark aspects of the history of that time. I would like to clarify that I bear no ill will toward any of those countries today; there just happened to be a lot of material regarding those particular themes.

-The story uses the word pig as a spiteful derogatory term. I would like to clarify, however, that I bear no ill will toward pigs. If anything, I love them! They’re delicious. Pork cutlets are great, too!

-The story takes place in an alternate reality but still employs the metric system. I did this because made-up units of measurement fail to really give one a grasp of what’s going on. The reason I didn’t use the old Japanese system or imperial units is because I don’t really know them.

-This story takes place in an alternate reality but has references to the Bible, Remarque’s novels, and so forth. The reason for that is… Well, I’ll leave that to your imaginations.

"ASATO ASATO" The Author
honestly I think it has some elements from darling in the franxx
May 7, 2021 11:22 AM

Feb 2021
addie1998 said:

-This story takes place in an alternate reality but has references to the Bible, Remarque’s novels, and so forth. The reason for that is… Well, I’ll leave that to your imaginations.

"ASATO ASATO" The Author

The catholic church has parallel universe travel and employed Remarque to write novels for the population in it. Its canon, I just know it
obscure anime for u idiots to watch right NOW
1.Odd Taxi WATCH THIS!!!!!
2.LINK CLICK super underrated!! (chinese, foto-time travelling, emotional stories dope music)
3.Mashiro no Oto if u like traditional jap banger music

please support Cherry&virgin if u can!!
May 7, 2021 11:25 AM
Apr 2021
Even if it does I don't see any problem. Execution would still matter. As if half of the shounen series are exactly the same but still vary a lot in thier own way.
May 8, 2021 6:04 AM

May 2009
Nothing is original in fiction anymore, all possible tropes were probably already invented. Don't expect originality.
Rembe said:
honestly I think it has some elements from darling in the franxx

LN started a year before DitF aired.
May 8, 2021 7:07 AM

Jul 2017
As long as shows aren't 100% ripoffs of other shows in every possible way, fiction is never original and always uses elements of other stories or events. It's about how the ideas they come up with or ideas that are borrowed are executed in this new story, and if its done in a smart way or a lazy, boring one. There's never bonus prizes or participation medals for shows that try to be 100% unique and special, and somehow those turn out to be utter shit.
May 8, 2021 7:10 AM

Feb 2021
Iron-blooded Orphans does everything 86 does, but better.
May 8, 2021 7:22 AM

Jul 2017
Mo168 said:
Iron-blooded Orphans does everything 86 does, but better.

I know it's your opinion and I can respect that but just.... no?
May 8, 2021 8:34 AM

Feb 2019
Lmao the fact people think that is laughable
May 8, 2021 8:45 AM

Mar 2016
No piece of fiction is considered completely original unless they're the oldest frigging thing in history. 86 is no different, but it actually knows how spin creativity and depth into it, nonetheless, which makes it that much more profound and interesting, imho.
May 8, 2021 8:47 AM

Dec 2020
just in your dreams bro, no such thing exists
May 8, 2021 10:43 AM
Feb 2019
Mo168 said:
Iron-blooded Orphans does everything 86 does, but better.
Nah a lot of discrepancies in IBO and judging an anime just by 4 eps, really?!
May 8, 2021 10:45 AM

Oct 2015
-The story uses the word pig as a spiteful derogatory term. I would like to clarify, however, that I bear no ill will toward pigs. If anything, I love them! They’re delicious. Pork cutlets are great, too!

Not a convincing argument. Killing and eating them sounds exactly like what someone who bears ill will toward pigs would do.
May 8, 2021 10:50 AM
Jul 2020
Mo168 said:
Iron-blooded Orphans does everything 86 does, but better.

I am in dilemma if I really wanna agree or not. Let 86 end then you can decide .
IBO started good but became a mess in season 2.
86 is okay but character relationships feels superficial but that may change by the end. I am not saying IBO did any better in this department.
Animation wise both are okay in CGI department.
86 has better choreography though
May 8, 2021 12:05 PM

Jul 2011
Watching the last episode,Legion is basically M3 with Evangelion.Or just M3 robots.

And Sixth sense, with "I can hear dead people."

May 8, 2021 12:07 PM
Jul 2020
BlichoBoy said:
Watching the last episode,Legion is basically M3 with Evangelion.Or just M3 robots.

This, You are right. I forgot about this
May 8, 2021 6:08 PM
Feb 2021
bastek66 said:
Nothing is original in fiction anymore, all possible tropes were probably already invented. Don't expect originality.
Rembe said:
honestly I think it has some elements from darling in the franxx

LN started a year before DitF aired.
I meant similarities my bad
May 8, 2021 6:19 PM

Apr 2010
Before this anime started, a lot, and I mean, A LOT of people were saying this series was a huge ripoff of Code Geass: Akito the Exiled.

TV Tropes explains why pretty well:

"The world, characters and general atmosphere of 86 are incredibly similar to those of Code Geass: Akito the Exiled.

- The story revolves around a squad made up of discriminated minorities who are meant to die on the battlefield who fight primarily with spider mechs.

- Their military handler is a Nice Girl from the wealthy nobility who does her best to treat them in a humane and compassionate manner who relies on her Honorary Uncle military general to protect from political consequences.

- The main character of the story has a supernatural ability to somehow sense the souls of the dead.

- The top government and military officials of the racist country that the main characters fight for keep denying they are losing the war.

- In addition, the Humongous Mecha used in both series have a Brain–Computer Interface network linking the whole squad and their handler together that allows for instantaneous communication yet comes with a risk of emotional bleeding for each user (significantly, there are no other examples of such an interface existing in the rest of the Code Geass franchise): they even have similar names, with the 86 version called "Para-RAID" and the Akito version called the "Brain Raid System (BRS)."

- While some of the details, such as character motivations, are different enough to warrant Spiritual Antithesis, it's hard to deny that 86, at least in its first volume, doesn't feel like some kind of grand Homage or Whole Plot Reference to Akito the Exiled."
May 8, 2021 8:57 PM

Mar 2016
Banshee-IV said:
Before this anime started, a lot, and I mean, A LOT of people were saying this series was a huge ripoff of Code Geass: Akito the Exiled.

TV Tropes explains why pretty well:

"The world, characters and general atmosphere of 86 are incredibly similar to those of Code Geass: Akito the Exiled.

- The story revolves around a squad made up of discriminated minorities who are meant to die on the battlefield who fight primarily with spider mechs.

- Their military handler is a Nice Girl from the wealthy nobility who does her best to treat them in a humane and compassionate manner who relies on her Honorary Uncle military general to protect from political consequences.

- The main character of the story has a supernatural ability to somehow sense the souls of the dead.

- The top government and military officials of the racist country that the main characters fight for keep denying they are losing the war.

- In addition, the Humongous Mecha used in both series have a Brain–Computer Interface network linking the whole squad and their handler together that allows for instantaneous communication yet comes with a risk of emotional bleeding for each user (significantly, there are no other examples of such an interface existing in the rest of the Code Geass franchise): they even have similar names, with the 86 version called "Para-RAID" and the Akito version called the "Brain Raid System (BRS)."

- While some of the details, such as character motivations, are different enough to warrant Spiritual Antithesis, it's hard to deny that 86, at least in its first volume, doesn't feel like some kind of grand Homage or Whole Plot Reference to Akito the Exiled."

Except Akito the Exiled was one hell of a flopped story, so it doesn't matter to me much. I'm still kinda a Code Geass fan, but 86 only reminded of the former due to the whole discrimination stuff.
May 8, 2021 11:35 PM
Mar 2021
It copied AOT and Code Geass.
May 16, 2021 4:22 AM
Feb 2019
Vanillacakee said:
It copied AOT and Code Geass.

So dealing with racism is a copy of AoT ☺️ How come ? If I wanna make a story on freedom that means I'm copying aot Don't get me wrong I love aot and cg ( Atleast a lot more than this ) but you gotta be kidding me if you think this is a "Copy"

Secondly every Mecha has almost the same plot so idk about that but I don't think it copied anything from Code Geass ? ( It may have some similarities ??? ) Like yeah code Geass also had that but it never really dealt with racism They were fighting for themselves Here they have to deal with it so how is this a copy ?
Kawai__ImoutoMay 16, 2021 4:26 AM
May 16, 2021 5:05 AM
Jul 2020
Look, every show will borrow some ideas from others. And most likely those other shows that it’s borrowing from, also borrowed from others. It’s hard to have complete originality because all authors probably were inspired by something and somewhere and that shaped their thought process. Plagiarism and being inspired are completely different. With how many anime there are today, being completely original is insanely hard, there will always be something, somewhere that has explored it before. From watching 86 so far, I think it explores racism extremely well, execution is very good. Sure it has mechas, characters that could have similarity to ones in other animes. But so what? How many mecha animes are there? How many anime characters are there? If this was straight ripping stuff off, I’d say something else, but I really don’t think it is. The way it explores its tropes are done differently than those other animes you guys are talking about. Yes I’ve watched all of them. They all are unique in their own way. How the hell is this a rip off of AOT or Code Geass? Because it explores racism? Cmon now. I get a completely different feel when I watch each of these. I don’t mean to be rude at all to any of you when I say all of this btw. But it’s not a copy. Sure it may take some elements, but it makes those elements it’s own to the point where it’s unique to its own story. Code Geass was more focused on one person and his plan. Even if it was centered around racism, Lelouch was basically the one that carried it. AOT, explores racism, but if I’m being honest, not that in depth compared to Code Geass or 86. It’s there, but it’s hard to explain, it just feels different. 86 on the other hand feels like a whole outlook on racism. Tackling even the simplest things like names which you would probably never think of. While Lena is the MC, it doesn’t feel like she’s prominent like Lelouch was. Idk, you guys can think what you want. I just feel like at this point. If you are gonna look for proof that it copied stuff. You’re just gonna find more and more stuff that aren’t copies, but make yourself think they’re. Then we can go to other anime and do the same thing and come up with the same results. This is a mecha anime. You will connect some stuff to other mecha anime. It also deals with racism, you will find similarities with others too. But in the end, 86 is its own story and makes everything it’s own. It’s impossible to avoid similarities. Every author takes inspiration from somewhere. What is important is it’s execution. And so far it’s done beautifully. It’s not a carbon copy of anything. Or a copy of anything for that matter.
May 16, 2021 6:31 AM

Feb 2014
86 is a unique take on a similar used tropes of war and its aftermaths. I do think its somewhat similar to Schwarzesmarken ie. the Muv-Luv series although it has better character monologues.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

May 16, 2021 6:35 AM

Aug 2018
All anime copies part of other anime to some extent but I've never seen someone saying 86 has done this
_______I like rocks__
May 18, 2021 4:18 PM
Sep 2008
It is your generic war anime, almost every anime of this kind have the same elements like death, discrimination, love during war, a more dangerous enemy, superpowers pulled out of nowhere the diference is that some of them does it better than others.

And with this anime unfortunately it feels so generic and formulated, just like 'Schwarzesmarken' but at least with 'Schwarzesmarken' we get a scene where the female MC recieves a punch to the face; from other women, by saying "if we forget our differences and work together we can win the war" and also has better fanservice.
May 23, 2021 8:50 PM

Apr 2016
I don't get the Germany parallels. USSR is more apt. It was the USSR who deliberately sent forces out to die (particularly forces that were very successful, who Stalin was afraid could lead a revolt against him). It was the USSR that had the fake "service guarantees citizenship" propaganda.

You guys need to read history.
May 23, 2021 8:56 PM

May 2021
this is shingeki no kyojin with legs

Jun 9, 2021 3:39 AM
Apr 2021
Ryuseishun said:
Banshee-IV said:
Before this anime started, a lot, and I mean, A LOT of people were saying this series was a huge ripoff of Code Geass: Akito the Exiled.

TV Tropes explains why pretty well:

"The world, characters and general atmosphere of 86 are incredibly similar to those of Code Geass: Akito the Exiled.

- The story revolves around a squad made up of discriminated minorities who are meant to die on the battlefield who fight primarily with spider mechs.

- Their military handler is a Nice Girl from the wealthy nobility who does her best to treat them in a humane and compassionate manner who relies on her Honorary Uncle military general to protect from political consequences.

- The main character of the story has a supernatural ability to somehow sense the souls of the dead.

- The top government and military officials of the racist country that the main characters fight for keep denying they are losing the war.

- In addition, the Humongous Mecha used in both series have a Brain–Computer Interface network linking the whole squad and their handler together that allows for instantaneous communication yet comes with a risk of emotional bleeding for each user (significantly, there are no other examples of such an interface existing in the rest of the Code Geass franchise): they even have similar names, with the 86 version called "Para-RAID" and the Akito version called the "Brain Raid System (BRS)."

- While some of the details, such as character motivations, are different enough to warrant Spiritual Antithesis, it's hard to deny that 86, at least in its first volume, doesn't feel like some kind of grand Homage or Whole Plot Reference to Akito the Exiled."

Except Akito the Exiled was one hell of a flopped story, so it doesn't matter to me much. I'm still kinda a Code Geass fan, but 86 only reminded of the former due to the whole discrimination stuff.
Akito the exiled is far from perfect. It's a pretty big mess. However after seeing the anime adaptation of 86's first season, I think I prefer Akito. It tells essentially the same story but with better written characters and a more immersive world. The social commentary in Akito is also much more nuanced and applicable to our real world. It showed how normal people interact with the lower class Japanese refugees. You could really see and feel real people discriminating and being discriminated, and I know people in real life that have acted like the aristocracy in Akito the Exiled. In 86 on the other hand, the Alba are just comically racist. There is nothing to be learnt here. There is no moral message on the nuances of racism. It's just "aLbA bAd cUz tHey wAnNa kIlL tHe 86".

At the end of the day, I have no problem with 86 ripping off the plot of Akito. The catch is that if they do, then they deserve harsher criticism. Because the plot has been done before, the writers of 86 have no excuse for making the same mistakes as Akito, or being worse than it. Akito has already come out and everyone's had their say on it. We all know what its flaws were, and so for 86 to fall into any of those pitfalls should open it to harsher criticism since they have no excuse.

If you're going to do another story so closely based on something you liked, then you have to change the formula in some way. More than just how isekai go "it's an isekai, but they have a potion store" or "it's an isekai but he has a SHIELD". This is just bad writing and I hate this kind of parasitic storytelling.
86 just feels like Akito but removed from the Code Geass universe. The themes are a little different and the execution is neater in a few small surface level ways, but overall I feel like I've seen this show before. And that is never a feeling you want your audience to have. There are so many unnecessary Akito stuff in here that could be removed with little consequence. Like why have Lena at all? I would argue this story would be much more interesting and immersive if it was solely from spearhead's PoV. The Alba stuff was for the most part the least engaging aspect of the story for me.
Jun 12, 2021 8:27 AM

Feb 2019
Lmaoooooo please stick to naruto
Jun 12, 2021 1:42 PM

Dec 2010
Literally every isekai and nakama power anime is a varying degree of a copy of each other.
Jun 12, 2021 5:46 PM

Nov 2017
All stories copy from another in some form,so 86 is no exception.It's just that 86 puts a lot together in its own way,the same as a lot of other stories,and it's damn good at what it's doing so far.
What gets me is the way 86 uses music and sound.For me,so far,that has been the standout reason to keep watching this,the way the show uses noise,be it music or sounds at the exact right moment.Its brilliant!

As for the plagiarism and such,damn,I bet if you picked up and read the Epic of Gilgamesh it will have a reference to Fate/,or the Book of the Dead might have how to summon Exodia :D

I personally think the Voynich Manuscript is either a jokebook,or might even be the Necrotelicomnicon :)

If it can summon Shub Niggurath in Chiyo form,then I'd buy that for a dollar ;D
She can eat my liver anytime!
Jun 28, 2021 3:40 PM
Aug 2013
Imo it was refresing angle on the machines take over the world concept.

Besides nothing is every fully new. There is always something borrowed.
Jun 29, 2021 5:47 AM
May 2020
the author said her inspiration to write 86 came from Black hawk down , a Hollywood war movie of 2001 which was again based on real events.(Source: Wikipedia japan page on Asato Asato) So stop this copy shit. If u feel insecure that this show does better than similar shows then that does not mean that u will mark it as copied...every anime has its own charm
Jun 29, 2021 8:26 AM

Jun 2021
other shows don't have Shin and Lena so I don't really care lol
Current favourite ships:
- Chika x Satowa (Kono Oto Tomare)
- Shin x Lena (86)
- Vanitas x Jeanne (Vanitas no Carte)
Jan 24, 2022 7:28 AM
Aug 2020
mimisannn333 said:
other shows don't have Shin and Lena so I don't really care lol
The brother of the main character in Code geass: Akito the Exiled is also named Shin. Coincidence?
Jan 24, 2022 3:03 PM
Jun 2020
IpadID said:
mimisannn333 said:
other shows don't have Shin and Lena so I don't really care lol
The brother of the main character in Code geass: Akito the Exiled is also named Shin. Coincidence?

Real names:

Nouzen, Shinei
Hyuuga Shaing, Shin
Jan 25, 2022 3:32 AM
Aug 2020
addie1998 said:
IpadID said:
The brother of the main character in Code geass: Akito the Exiled is also named Shin. Coincidence?

Real names:

Nouzen, Shinei
Hyuuga Shaing, Shin

they call him shin
Jun 12, 2022 5:02 PM
Jan 2021
First of all, yes the 86 is much better than the Akito. But there are a few things that are quite interesting. If one or two things were similar in the two series, I would say it’s just a coincidence, but there are so many that it’s definitely no coincidence anymore. Of course, I don’t want to look down on the 86 authors, no doubt he did a great job (and the similarities only apply to the first volume the most).

‌Story revolves around discriminated minorities assembled as a squad sent on suicide missions to die

‌Main female character is a nice girl from the wealthy nobility who has a famous father, harbors no prejudices, and is assigned to be the squad's handler (3 for 3 with Leila) + the fathers of both female protagonists were killed when FMC was still a child

‌Main female character's only and true friend in the army is a scientist girl (with same personality)

‌The army officers are lazy idiots

‌Male MC has a supernatural ability to perceive dead souls

‌Male MC got his supernatural ability when his brother attempted to murder him as a child in a church and ended up transferring the power to him ("I've died once" - they both said )  (WTF author wasn't even trying to be original at this point) + before that he was a normal child with a normal family life and after that he became homeless and joined the army

‌In Akito the Exiled, the brother's name was Shin; in Eighty-Six, the main character's name is Shin

‌There is a girl in the suicide squad who is secretly harboring feelings for the male MC and gets rather bitchy with the female MC for various reasons, one of them being perceived as a romantic rival

‌And yes, the female MC does feel a major emotional connection to the male MC (although it hasn't gotten as romantic as Akito & Leila, but this is still Volume 1 (later yes))

‌Male MC's goal in life is to kill his brother who is still out on the battlefield on the enemy's side

‌The country the MCs are fighting for is even more over-the-top racist than the Republic of Europia was

‌Elevens - Eighty six (number race)

‌Same mecha

‌The main characters look similar and have same personality. (Hyuuga Akito - Nouzen Shinei
‌Leila Malcal - Vladilena Milizé
‌Kosaka Ayano - Kukumila Kurena
‌Sayama Ryou - Shuga Raiden
‌Naruse Yukiya - Rikka Theoto
‌Anna Clément - Henrietta Penrose)

‌During a fight, the male MC sometimes loses his mind and becomes a crazy killer (his comrades can bring him back again)

‌Both of them are ace pilots and leaders of a suicide squad of a race treated as sub-humans by their home country.
‌They pilot white-colored quadrupedal mechs, and their combat style is to engage in fierce melee battles.
‌They gained their special power to hear from the dead after their elder brother attempted to kill them in the past.
‌It's their life goal to kill their brother on the battlefield.
‌Their personal moniker are strongly related to the dead - "Undertaker" for Shin and "Ghost of Hannibal" for Akito, helped with the fact that they were often the sole survivor of their previous squadrons.
‌Their love interest is a young girl with aristocrat background acting as their squad commander, and the first one to treat them humanely.
‌The world, characters and general atmosphere of 86 are incredibly similar to those of Code Geass: Akito the Exiled.

‌- The story revolves around a squad made up of discriminated minorities who are meant to die on the battlefield who fight primarily with spider mechs.

‌- Their military handler is a Nice Girl from the wealthy nobility who does her best to treat them in a humane and compassionate manner who relies on her Honorary Uncle military general to protect from political consequences.

‌- The main character of the story has a supernatural ability to somehow sense the souls of the dead.

‌- The top government and military officials of the racist country that the main characters fight for keep denying they are losing the war.

‌- In addition, the Humongous Mecha used in both series have a Brain–Computer Interface network linking the whole squad and their handler together that allows for instantaneous communication yet comes with a risk of emotional bleeding for each user (significantly, there are no other examples of such an interface existing in the rest of the Code Geass franchise): they even have similar names, with the 86 version called "Para-RAID" and the Akito version called the "Brain Raid System (BRS).

I’m sorry if something is mentioned several times and is a little hard to understand, these include others in addition to my comments so we can get a comprehensive picture. Well, it's been a long time, but it is.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jun 12, 2022 5:08 PM

Apr 2020
I mean, its hardly an original idea lol. The nazis winning and taking over has been explored in fiction pretty much since the start of WW2.
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