Love of Kill
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Jan 19, 2022 7:30 AM
Lest we forget, there's a short recap of the premiere episode pre-credits in case you think that the pacing was too fast to catch. And soon enough, the first target shows up. Euripedes thought he's hallucinating after seeing both Chateau and Ryang-ha together, but he couldn't be further from the truth as in fact both of them are working together for each of their own gain. Most particularly to Ryang-ha, clients being killed ain't a good proposition, and that plastered his name as news to agencies like Ritzland. The unknown assailant with a spiderweb tattoo on his cheek, on Chateau's car chase which results in a near-death sequence after falling off a cliff, and from first glance, it's kinda a given that he's linked to Ryang-ha whom calls him "traitor" after chasing Chateau down in the woods in treacherous rain. For a first impression, he let her off easy on the hook, but he'll come back soon enough. Chateau escaped alive, but not the girl whom she rescued which was crushed when the car fell off the cliff. For now, her fever isn't making this better, but at least Ryang-ha is taking care of her, and has a lead with the gunshot smartphone and the specific tattoo cheek guy, which he's a hitman on lieu of helping a client (Seung-Woo) whom has a price on Ryang-ha's head. DO NOT MISS THE POST-CREDITS: Slowly, episode by episode, Chateau's childhood days risens up to an alluring past. This direction is going deep, and I want more of it. |
KANLen09Jan 19, 2022 8:43 AM
Jan 19, 2022 8:04 AM
You know, if i didn't know beforehand that this show is within a Josei genre, i would have guessed that immediately myself anyway ... No, really. A hot mysterious dude with absolutely no sense of personal space immediately madly in love with our main girl, the main heroine, a personless shell of a human .. yeah. This show was made for girls, the whole assassins and killing thing is just a diversion. I mean even the reality that they must kill each other is like, come on lol. I'll keep watching just cause i like the concept of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. |
Jan 19, 2022 8:15 AM
Not a fan of the mini-recap at the start. The chemistry between Chateau and Ryang-ha still feels lacking to me for how stoic Chateau is in comparison to the eccentric Ryang-ha even here, but her past continues getting teased little by little at the end which continues to build some anticipation on the anime side to what she experienced while she was younger. Loads of shit was going down though on the mystery/action side that put Chateau's life in danger after dealing with the assailant with the spiderweb tattoo on his cheek in really bad conditions. At least Ryang-ha was there to take care of her for the time being. Shit's going to go down in the future episodes like this one, that's for sure. The Platinum Vision artstyle and colors aren't that good, and the pacing still feels speedy for my liking but at least there's enough action and chaos going down that makes this episode more watchable than a lot of the other stuff airing this season at least. |
Jan 19, 2022 9:04 AM
Lol he killed their client already. I'm glad Chateau's safe but Ryung Ha is ofc pissed and he gonna go on a hunt. Also we got a bit more of Chateau's backstory. |
Jan 19, 2022 9:10 AM
Jan 19, 2022 9:42 AM
Lots of collateral damage on spider web tatoo guy's hunt. RIP to the girl who had to endure a horrendous smell before getting crushed :S The recap was giving One Piece a run for it's money. But honestly, this is such a non issue. Just skip it 🤷🏻♂️ |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Jan 19, 2022 9:56 AM
Well that went by quickly. The 2 minute recap was unexpected but still it was nice, I kinda needed it. I'm starting to think Song really does care about Chateau. Chateau sure was lucky that she didn't die after falling from that height. Good for her. Not so good for the women who got crushed, not a very pleasant way to die. Overall this was a pretty intense and serious episode but still they managed to add one funny scene (the bed scene where Chateau pushes Song away xD). I wonder what's the deal with the tattoo guy. Also the ED is so good, just can't get enough of it. That post-credit scene? Damn. Plus the PV for next episode looks good too. Looking forward to next episode. |
TsutanaiFuunJan 19, 2022 9:59 AM
The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama. Feeling half happy, half sad. Kawaii waifus and precious best girls <3333 |
Jan 19, 2022 10:12 AM
Wish that they get rid of the recap of their first meeting as that just waste's time. Having one of your employees seem close to your target really is a headache huh. Its weird seeing them talk about their line of work so casually though. Behind the scenes looks like Song's playing his own game. Kudo's to Chateau's driving skills in that she managed to survive with only minor injuries. But her assailant though was no amateur though it seems. Still looks like people from Songs past are starting to appear that will trouble both him and Chateau. Overall a decent ep that did well to expand upon Song as a character while showing the first effects of his work behind the scenes. Its nice to see Chateau also show more interaction as well. I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot of biker boy in the upcoming ep's. |
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Jan 19, 2022 10:37 AM
why the rating so low? for me its good and i cannot wait for the next episode |
Jan 19, 2022 10:38 AM
Don't know but I was already half expecting her car to fall off the cliff, and of course it did. Also that dude with spider web tattoo didn't killed off Chateau, well kinda unclear motives he has. |
Jan 19, 2022 10:42 AM
It seems that the story of this anime will be very interesting and that the development will be very well done. It was a very good episode and I hope the next ones don't disappoint me. |
asdasdsadad |
Jan 19, 2022 10:49 AM
better episode than 1 but wasted 2 minutes for no reason |
Jan 19, 2022 10:52 AM
3-minutes episode recap? Really? The pace is really slow and they're going to adapt like 40-50 chapters of the manga. I have a bad feeling. |
Jan 19, 2022 11:13 AM
Jan 19, 2022 12:32 PM
Wait curiously is this original a manwha? I notice everyone has Korean names. Also wow I never would’ve guessed this was shojo. Really goes to show the range of the demographic. Pretty interesting episode, looking forward to learning more about the main guy’s backstory and how he’s related to the cheek tattoo guy. |
Jan 19, 2022 1:46 PM
First of all gonna mention that I don't know any names and will probably stop watching this show since there were too many things that made no sense there is a clear lack of research or logic (not going to comment on the plot convenience things like the fact that the guy knew exactly where they were. only gonna talk about parts that could have easily been done better). Examples with timestamps: -The whole scene played on a turn but neither of the characters was steering.[09:55] -The guy shot the tire that was towards him meaning the car would go towards him that being one of the dumbest choices he could make. [10:01] -The truck driver supposedly(used "supposedly" since he was around a corner[10:15]) saw that the car hit the guy but didn't see the fact that the car was clearly sliding [10:04] and when someone fell off a cliff he barely cared.[12:00] -the car was keeping away from the truck as if going backward [10:25] and then slid to the left for some reason[10:27] even tho it was said that the steering wheel didn't work[10:14] -The car fell from a cliff yet she survived without any problems even tho the girl that was literally around 20 cm away(backseat) got completely squashed. She even had a lot of room (literally looked like she was in a warehouse[11:20]) as is obvious by the fact that she could bend her knee upwards when she kicked the door. -She didn't use her gun while behind cover but chose to run away and try to use it when she was next to him. [13:40|15:07] -When the girl was being called for example it showed the screen of an ongoing conversation that had already lasted 05:43 minutes[15:45]. Those were the things that really annoyed me. might have missed some things tho. |
Jan 19, 2022 2:35 PM
Jan 19, 2022 2:45 PM
I was very worried about Chateau,and Ryangha I think knows who the mister tatto is.OMG nobody is talking about Jim,he is so funny to me.Anyways will watch it tll the end and so far I love it so much. |
Jan 19, 2022 3:06 PM
am i really the only one boggled with such a low score? |
Jan 19, 2022 3:15 PM
Chateau being the target of the big enemy plus he has something with Ryang-ha with flashback, it looks like they were known in the past, this makes interesting things excited for the next one. |
Jan 19, 2022 3:28 PM
Jan 19, 2022 3:36 PM
Koroshi Ai is surely becoming a sleeper plus the dark horse of the season, a stunning recipe for a slept on anime on a slept on season beyond AoT, KnY and Sono Bisque. Looks like Hou is trying to make an impression out of Chateau, which he now knows is the girl that our boi Ryang-ha is hooking. And plot armor aside, I think it's an alright story. Who knows why Hou did it to our girl and what message he's trying to say to our boy, but one thing's for sure there are a lot of killings still going on. OOH this anime is (still kinda) worth it. It really just takes time for this to set in, and if I have to make a stupid analogy, this anime is like an ED where it is not as banger like an OP usually does, but if it's as good as this, then surely it'll have a more lasting impression as time goes on. |
Jan 19, 2022 3:40 PM
interesting episode |
Jan 19, 2022 4:02 PM
interesting development. Good episode |
» [The World's Continuation【世界のつづき】- UTA/Ado ♪] « 0:00 〇────── 4:55 ↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡ ✦ Come and Join us! ✦ Evil Club ψ FuwaFuwa Sanctuary ✿ ✿ DeaD Blossoms ✿ |
Jan 19, 2022 4:08 PM
Jim is my favorite. I am intrigued by him - what are his hobbies, how did he get into this line of work, what happened to his mouth, is he American, does he have a ln? These are things I need to know. |
Jan 19, 2022 4:53 PM
wow she survived that car crash with only a minor headache and slight fever |
Jan 19, 2022 6:25 PM
Jan 19, 2022 7:53 PM
I’m enjoying the show - interested to see Chateau & Song’s backstory. And I like the little bits of humor they throw in now & then to balance all the drama. But Jim … wth? Why does he have no mouth? He’s so distracting whenever he’s on screen, LOL. I don’t dislike him, I just can’t pay attention to the story when he’s there, lmao. |
Jan 19, 2022 9:05 PM
Re-Cap? I was busy and if I can, I just skip the OP anyway. Great episode, nicely paced, but come on... I know the artists have got a better view when it comes to geometry/distance and perspective. Like this scene: When did she crash into the biker? How far did she drive before that truck showed up? Yet, the rail guard is broken off the cliff, by the trucker, next to the motorcycle. Then there's that long as drop. Plus, I'm sure she wasn't wearing a seatbelt and of all things and her phone didn't break (That's some serious Bullshank)! Yet the girl in the back seat gets squashed! I know, I know... it's anime. With shit like that it might as well be Looney Toon cartoon. Despite the imperfections stated, I still love it. Once ED credits pop-up, the shows off. Next! |
Jan 19, 2022 9:09 PM
Confusing about what happened on this eps, and there's some questions : 1. Who is the corpse brought by Chateau and who killed him, also who's that girl? 2. How Chateau got no injury nor bleeding meanwhile the girl got instant death? This isn't fantasy anime right 3. Why the man with cheek-tattoo (Rou) catched Chateau and likely wanted to kill her, although he ended up just shot her phone? |
Ardi8Jan 19, 2022 9:20 PM
Jan 19, 2022 10:21 PM
The animation is a bit janky but this have a good enough to make me wanted to continue watching this |
Jan 20, 2022 12:16 AM
Dinxama said: The animation is a bit janky but this have a good enough to make me wanted to continue watching this I noticed the janky animation quite a bit too. Hopefully this is a one time thing as first episode looked better. Looking at the staff for this episode, it was less than the episode with newer animators doing the most cuts. So I'm assuming their upper staff is working on upcoming episodes. |
thebluedashJan 20, 2022 12:20 AM
Jan 20, 2022 12:23 AM
Ardi8 said: Confusing about what happened on this eps, and there's some questions : 1. Who is the corpse brought by Chateau and who killed him, also who's that girl? 2. How Chateau got no injury nor bleeding meanwhile the girl got instant death? This isn't fantasy anime right 3. Why the man with cheek-tattoo (Rou) catched Chateau and likely wanted to kill her, although he ended up just shot her phone? 1. You must have not been paying attention, during the 2nd episode. The killing was shown and so was the girl (They were killed by Ryang Ha), they're targets that Chateau wanted and he used it as a bait to go out with her. This episode was her retrieving her part of the trade. 2. It's an anime. People survive weird things. 3. It's called plot, you're not suppose to know at this time. |
Jan 20, 2022 12:41 AM
Chateau still so hard to tame! but i guess she owe him one this time for saving her! 4/5. |
Jan 20, 2022 4:22 AM
Tbh I think that the mystery elements of the show were handled pretty well this episode. I just can't get over the very obvious plot armour that Chateau has. Like, that other girl in the car got completely crushed and Chateau was completely fine. I mean fine enough to walk and run even? Like wtf, she got out of all that with a fucking fever. That and I hate the design of no mouth guy. His VA is sort of annoying too. Apart from that the episode was good enough. |
Jan 20, 2022 4:52 AM
Pretty good episode! Really enjoying this so far, the tension and the mysteries are great. That poor girl, had to chill with a decomposing body for how many days, and then end up getting crushed anyway lmao. Justice for trucker bro though, dude was just trying to help, well at least he's still alive. They really teasing us with that Chateau backstory, really looking forward to that. Chateau's backstory and Song definitely has a connection. |
Jan 20, 2022 7:04 AM
I kinda understand why they put a recap because the chapters in the manga are quite short in length so they're trying to slower the pace for a while which is what I'm seeing as most chapters in the manga are not available in english translation. Honestly, it really helps me whenever I'm forgetting what in the fuck happened in the 1st episode since I have so many seasonals that I have to watch until the end lol but I wish there was a narrator to describe it instead of repeatedly using the same dialogue. Anyways I like how both of them are getting flashback on that one scene where Song Ryang ha touches Chateau's face, it's like some dynamic is happening between them in their own alone perspective. Also I cannot take Indian-kun and Chateau's boss interaction very seriously as Indian-kun is such a savage worker who can talk without his mouth moving while Chateau's boss is having a hard time to think about the day he saw Chateau and Song Ryang ha looking like they're acquaintance. Song Ryang ha tasked Chateau to find the girl who he literally killed a man infront of her and put the man's dead body inside the place for how many days while the girl is tied up like what the fuck why can't Song Ryang ha do it on his own to deposit the girl's body instead of tasking Chateau to do it xD Also dang Song Ryang ha was about to ask something cute but Chateau is still as cold as ever :V Song Ryang ha shooting all the client members was really cool but disappointing since it's Chateau's client and definitely I need to dig more towards Song Ryang ha's intention here. Here we go bois, the one and only Hou who is about to do something causing tension and mystery amongst no one but either Chateau or Song Ryang ha. Hou vs Chateau was one epic scene in this episode's highlight and the animation exceeded my expectation, I like this kind of quality tbh and shit Chateau is injured when the truck hit the car she was driving in, Hou came in and looks like a mad man but finally Song Ryang ha made it and saw traces of human belongings, meanwhile Hou beating Chateau was some atrocious moment and Song Ryang ha calling him while Hou is about to fucking kill Chateau but instead he kills her phone? Honestly I need to know why but the same time Chateau is one lucky person who survived from almost an elimination and Song Ryang ha eventually founds her body #cutemoment then brought her to some cozy place, how cute~! Still the cold Chateau is pissed because she just wants to know more about Song Ryang ha's intention but nonetheless this moment is too adorable for me to watch, it's like being protective with one another and once again, "When will the kiss kiss fall in love going to be happening" :D?!?! Also need to know what's going to be happening after this episode because that cliffhanger made me feel impatient. Overall great episode, it's a lot more improvement than the 1st episode but that's just my preference, end credit was indeed a teasing of Chateau's backstory and can't wait to see how it's going to be adapted. |
Jan 20, 2022 8:40 AM
This episode got me thinking for quite a long while, i can say the story is getting it's pace and has a good plot coming up for us! I just hope things will be good and satisfying. ;)) |
Jan 20, 2022 8:44 AM
CQLLIST said: I kinda understand why they put a recap because the chapters in the manga are quite short in length so they're trying to slower the pace for a while which is what I'm seeing as most chapters in the manga are not available in english translation. Honestly, it really helps me whenever I'm forgetting what in the fuck happened in the 1st episode since I have so many seasonals that I have to watch until the end lol but I wish there was a narrator to describe it instead of repeatedly using the same dialogue. Anyways I like how both of them are getting flashback on that one scene where Song Ryang ha touches Chateau's face, it's like some dynamic is happening between them in their own alone perspective. Also I cannot take Indian-kun and Chateau's boss interaction very seriously as Indian-kun is such a savage worker who can talk without his mouth moving while Chateau's boss is having a hard time to think about the day he saw Chateau and Song Ryang ha looking like they're acquaintance. Song Ryang ha tasked Chateau to find the girl who he literally killed a man infront of her and put the man's dead body inside the place for how many days while the girl is tied up like what the fuck why can't Song Ryang ha do it on his own to deposit the girl's body instead of tasking Chateau to do it xD Also dang Song Ryang ha was about to ask something cute but Chateau is still as cold as ever :V Song Ryang ha shooting all the client members was really cool but disappointing since it's Chateau's client and definitely I need to dig more towards Song Ryang ha's intention here. Here we go bois, the one and only Hou who is about to do something causing tension and mystery amongst no one but either Chateau or Song Ryang ha. Hou vs Chateau was one epic scene in this episode's highlight and the animation exceeded my expectation, I like this kind of quality tbh and shit Chateau is injured when the truck hit the car she was driving in, Hou came in and looks like a mad man but finally Song Ryang ha made it and saw traces of human belongings, meanwhile Hou beating Chateau was some atrocious moment and Song Ryang ha calling him while Hou is about to fucking kill Chateau but instead he kills her phone? Honestly I need to know why but the same time Chateau is one lucky person who survived from almost an elimination and Song Ryang ha eventually founds her body #cutemoment then brought her to some cozy place, how cute~! Still the cold Chateau is pissed because she just wants to know more about Song Ryang ha's intention but nonetheless this moment is too adorable for me to watch, it's like being protective with one another and once again, "When will the kiss kiss fall in love going to be happening" :D?!?! Also need to know what's going to be happening after this episode because that cliffhanger made me feel impatient. Overall great episode, it's a lot more improvement than the 1st episode but that's just my preference, end credit was indeed a teasing of Chateau's backstory and can't wait to see how it's going to be adapted. Ahhh! I simply couldn't agree more to all of that written! |
Jan 20, 2022 11:09 AM
Jan 20, 2022 2:06 PM
Jan 23, 2022 6:06 AM
I don't get what's going on here. Is Chateau working with Song Ryang-ha without knowing he's the bounty hunter? For now I find their “whatever they're doing” really useless. So I really need a backstory to understand what's happening. It's surprising enough that the car didn't explode but her surviving that crash without even bleeding is unbelievable. It's funny how she totally forgot about that person in the back seat but clearly had enough time to just sit there and stare at the phone. Normally a person would quickly check if the other person's all right... But she did woke up all concerned about that person when she was with Ryang-ha. So many things didn't make sense. Also didn't the biker shoot Chateau before leaving or did he change his mind at the last minute? Why did they skip that part? |
Jan 23, 2022 10:45 AM
Ardi8 said: plot armor lol. I read most comments about rip to the girl. While im here thinking how she didnt die lolConfusing about what happened on this eps, and there's some questions : 1. Who is the corpse brought by Chateau and who killed him, also who's that girl? 2. How Chateau got no injury nor bleeding meanwhile the girl got instant death? This isn't fantasy anime right 3. Why the man with cheek-tattoo (Rou) catched Chateau and likely wanted to kill her, although he ended up just shot her phone? |
Jan 23, 2022 10:56 AM
Terrible anime / episodes so far. Luckily it's an anime and things dont need to make sense. |
Jan 23, 2022 11:48 AM
Alright Song, time to go hunt down the tattoo guy that dared hurt your girl. Not sure why some people are confused but I feel it's rather obvious Song & tattoo dude's got some history together and it eluded that at some point Song went off and "did his own thing" thus "betraying" whatever they used to do "together" so tattoo guy was giving Song a "warning" by going after Chateau. Don't think tattoo dude ever really wanted to kill Chateau since he told her to give him (which we can conclude now he was referring to Song) a message... 'course we can also say it's partly plot armor too...cuz killing her would have sent the same message (unless he definitely wanted Song to know he messed with her so killing her = Song wouldn't know it was him?) ah whatever...I need to stop analyzing it I guess... |
IkanoJan 23, 2022 11:52 AM
Jan 23, 2022 4:07 PM
If only Chateau actually spoke sometimes... I know she's meant to be a self-insert but come on... other than that good episode. Some stakes are now built |
Jan 24, 2022 1:11 AM
i like how they're really portraying chateu being uncomfortable. she didn't go "doki doki why is this guy nice to me" mode but just looked hella grossed out and uncomfortable. understandably so i can kinda get what a lot of people are saying here. honestly if i were an anime only i wouldn't be that invested in this either. just really isnt that interesting atm and id say its mainly bc of how confusing it is. and with that definitely re reading the manga lmao, im also pretty lost right now 2 minute recap was also eh there, i feel like it wasn't rly needed but whatever we can just skip it lol Marinate1016 said: nopee it's adapted from a manga. just that a lot of characters here are from different nationalitiesWait curiously is this original a manwha? I notice everyone has Korean names. |
Jan 24, 2022 10:56 AM
How long was that recap? Hm, could've done without it, really. Hope that truck driver is okay!~ Can't say the same for the woman in the car |
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