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-Sonal- Mar 3, 6:46 PM
> but most of them also don't know that
Isn't that just the default setting of Americans - to not know the basics?

Yeah? What kind of censorship? From what I know, everything is allowed there which is why their society has rotted so much.

Wow, your friend isn't very good at explaining because 1 - this was a movie, not a show and 2 - this was based on historical characters and events 3 - that did not happen at all. The king was married to his queen. Or did you mean the invader who wasn't featured in this song at all?

Did you get the time to check out any Hindi movies?
-Sonal- Mar 1, 5:58 PM
literaturenerd Feb 28, 12:51 PM
Thank you!
Gsarthotegga Feb 27, 12:09 AM
I guess what I mean... how does she do a move like that? I thought it didn't have magic or anything. I guess it just broke the rules for a ridiculous parody. :P

Gsarthotegga Feb 25, 4:58 PM
Yeah. Not to into it so far, but this one combined shogi and thriller:

Uh... Keijo parodied Gilgamesh from Fate!? Is that a hallucination in the show?
Gsarthotegga Feb 24, 9:26 PM
I like some of the Osamu Dezaki stuff okay, especially everything Ace wo Nerae, except for the original series. So the movie and OVAs. Can't think of much else other than armchair sports like March Comes in Like a Lion. XD

I tend to just want to watch motorcycle and racing stuff because they have more potential for thrilling animation. But boxing and stuff like that is okay.
Gsarthotegga Feb 23, 4:43 PM
Yes, I noticed you weren't around as much. Hope you weren't expecting the season to get better upon returning. XD

Yeah, I understand what you're saying about Subaru's reset. I'd have to see old seasons again to be sure, though there may be a subconscious filling in of the blanks on the part of the viewer, I suppose. But I guess with all the resets Subaru has more insight into that character, and I suspect most of the time he either kept neutrality or got on their good side. Either by not saying or doing something egregious from their perspective or maybe he even saved them or did a good deed for them. The thing is that he usually REALLY fucked up in the first instance. In some cases, he has multiple reset in relation to that person (with some of the good resets already having passed, so he racks up good boy points with them). But I'm sure there were some instances where, after he got through his main fuck ups, the thing that won them over seems way too simple and unconvincing. Maybe. I just don't have a good example to point to from memory.

I did find UB to be pretty meh. The adaptation is weak, and what I read of the manga also didn't interest me enough to keep going, though I thought the fantasy/sci-fi setting seemed potentially promising. Too cheesy of evil bastard writing too. I was mostly looking forward to it because I often heard about the manga but didn't feel like checking it out. I ended up reading part of the manga because it seemed the anime had an unusually incoherent start and I was told that's not how the manga started.

Medalist? Oh, it's one of those loli grooming simulators, like Usagi Drop, just with ice skating. In which chapter of the manga does she marry him in this one, lol? I think it looks kind of boring, and I hate sports anime for the most part. I do make a few exceptions here and there. Might actually watch Keijo. XD
Gsarthotegga Feb 17, 7:55 AM
lol, on litnerd/Snob: That's Snob's new thing. For the hot new seasonals, he selects a handful of reviews from the neg/mix/pos categories and analyzes them to obtain an "objective consensus." Which is, of course, total bullshit, and he just snidely cherry picks a few things for his "greater point." He's been doing that for a while and with quite a few titles. It was brought to my attention when I was sent his Dandadan video from his anime e-drama channel, which featured my review.
literaturenerd Feb 16, 7:35 PM
Lol, I heard that he did a few months ago. This was in response to my preview that I wrote after the first 4 episodes. I feel like he badly misunderstood the points I was trying to make, but he's never been the best critic around. At least he introduced Americans in 2008-2012 to all the anime that were already considered God Tier in Europe. When he was the most popular critic on MAL, he helped many Americans learn about Galactic Heroes, Ashita no Joe, and Rose of Versailles for the first time. We actually missed a LOT of classic anime from the 1970s and 1980s. None of the Masterpiece Theater anime were released over here either. At first, we all thought he was this absolute genius who dove through oceans of garbage to find these incredible hidden gems from eons ago. Then we realized that he's actually kind of dumb ass who just regurgitated to us the knowledge that European anime fans already had.
Gsarthotegga Feb 16, 12:54 PM
Heya. Well, this season is pretty dog shit. I'm not watching anything from it. Aside from Re:Zero, which was a continuation from the prior season. The worst Re:Zero season by far because it's barely even making use of the resetting gimmick, and the writing/tropey characters are a much bigger problem here. This coming season looks better to me. Let me c&p the ones that I thought looked the most interesting from a comment a while back:

A lot of these I'm not sure I'd say they're likely to be that worthwhile (Chuuzenji-sensei I was interested in because it's a spin-off of a series I liked, but it looks very dull), but they at least have some interesting gimmicks, flashy, etc. I'm most interested in trying Kowloon Generic Romance, Your Forma, Apocalypse Hotel, and Lazarus. Tougen Anki might be fun. Anne Shirley is a reboot, and I doubt it'll be better than the old one or whatever.

You looking forward to any new titles?
-Sonal- Feb 13, 6:52 PM
Antisemitism isn't anti-Jew sentiment? That's what I always thought. Or did you mean anti-zionist?

I don't have much to say about Americans, except that the few that I've spoken to, have an inflated sense of worth when it comes to their country. America is a waning superpower but a majority of its citizens refuse to acknowledge the same. My pet peeve is how Americans think what's true for them, is also true for the rest of the world, because, you know, America is the center of the world.

Suffering is suffering. You can pick any and every definition of the word from across the world and I'll agree to it (in the context of animals).

Both songs are from 2 different movies. Not sure who told you one is from a TV show. Yes, I'm well aware of the stereotype that Indian movies have when it comes to Westerners. Nah. Apart from a few, we don't really create those kinda movies anymore.
Subtitling Hindi movies has always been a big problem IMO and one of the biggest reasons the Koreans left us behind. Our govt doesn't push our movies as a soft power. I'd recommend sticking to Netflix and Amazon Prime if you wanna watch Hindi content in English bc I myself am not aware of any websites that subtitle our movies.
-Sonal- Feb 2, 8:13 PM
Islam and Christianity, both teach an us v/s them philosophy. The difference is that Christians are taught God will punish the non-believers, while Islam openly calls for their culling by its believers. It's the biggest reason why you'll never find a Christian suicide bomber/terrorist, but find so many Muslim ones out there. But you say this out loud, and you're an Islamophobe.
Okay, then. Don't really care what randos on the internet think of me anyway.

You're right about American laws and it's amazing how thieves can actually get to sue their victims bc they (the thieves) got hurt during a robbery. How insane is that? And there was this huge outcry about a guy who saved a girl from a killer but then he was arrested and tried as a criminal himself. Lmao what? Contrast that with our govt's latest initiative about helping road accident victims and getting them to a hospital - they are rewarded by what you can consider the average of a month's salary here.

Hmm. If I could get one wish, or one item on my birthday? Either way, I'm not much of a materialistic person. If I had one wish, I'd wish for all animal suffering to cease immediately and permanently. Don't really care much for humans. You?

Try these 2 slow songs (he just asked her to be his queen)
-Sonal- Jan 25, 6:16 PM
I mean that literally. In places like villages where most people are uneducated and men hold all the power, these things do happen. They're rare, but they still occur. What was shocking was when I read about a Muslim illegal immigrant burning a white woman alive in the metro train of a Western country. Most probably America. People just stood there. They watched, they made videos. It would appear that being educated doesn't equal to being more socially responsible.

How open are you to slow music? This is a Hindu devotional song that I listen to whenever I feel tired. It's very relaxing
Or if you mean Bollywood music, tell me which kind you prefer - ones that focus on the music or the video. And then, modern or old music (pre 90s)

I've only ever heard of this bigotry from Muslims - and they do this in every country they go to. They're the same here. Want us to accept them for all their faults but refuse to budge an inch when it comes to accepting our religious and traditional beliefs. Secularism when it comes to infidels, but Sharia when it comes to Muslim beliefs.

Ah, my birthday is on the 1st of March this year. And that was a good reminder. I'll update it on my profile. Thanks ;p
-Sonal- Jan 1, 8:14 PM
I mean, I'm just one woman and I cannot speak for all of India, but if you wish to ask me if the feminist movement is as extreme as it is in America, then the answer is No. I don't think anywhere in the world is as bad as it is in America. And I do not mean from the POV of women's rights, but trans rights that are seen synonymous with women's rights. American women have too much time and freedom so they invent problems they can take care of. The rest of us are struggling with genuine problems women face, like not being allowed to step out of the kitchen or being burned alive bc her parents didn't pay her husband enough dowry.

I'm surprised to hear your native language is English. I always assumed that POCs would speak English as their second tongue.

Ram Singh. Is he seen like a serious music artist? Because wow, he's crap. He cannot sing, he's 50 and he dresses like a 20 year old boy, he's visually unattractive and unappealing and I could not understand a single word he said. Not surprising, since he was singing. But his music was quite rubbish, honestly. Then again. I'm sure people in parts of rural India would have enjoyed his music bc they have standards much different from people living in the city.

I watched your vids and YT recommended hers. She speaks Hindi well here
If you're interested in Hindi music, let me know. I'll be more than happy to share good music with you.

Good question. Most Hindus are secular by default, but I do not celebrate Xmas or even New Year. I mean, if someone invites me to an Xmas party or outing, I'll go but only bc free food is free food ;p How about you?

Ah, my bday will be somewhere around late Feb/Early March. Not sure. I'll confirm and let you know.
Ashhk Jan 1, 3:17 AM
Yup, was a great time with my family! Happy new year to you as well 🥳
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