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Jan 13, 2022 8:33 AM

Nov 2011
Holy shit, all hell breaking loose this episode. We got monsters attacking a country and Miranjo has no bounds when it comes to conquest.

I'm glad to see they kept the credibility that no one is really safe. Blood spilled and bodies falling. Not going to lie, watching this episoe was a dark experience in terms of its storytelling.
Jan 13, 2022 8:34 AM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverJan 13, 2022 10:10 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jan 13, 2022 9:58 AM

Jul 2017
Well well, Miranjo has more than enough sources under her aid (such as the criminal group and monsters she controls) to diffuse off any enemies, such as Queen Hiling and her aides to preserve the kingdom going through a turmoil of falling into Miranjo's hands.

Dorshe and Ann fighting off the brunt of the attack while Hiling almost got killed in Ouken's hands, it was pure devastation as Hiling's healing power also creates a significant bottleneck at the expense of her own lifeblood. If it ain't for Apeas whom spared their lives, both Hiling and Ann would've left this battlefield near-dead like Dorshe.

In any sense, Miranjo has them surrounded good while testing each and every enemy of hers to the limit. This brings into context of her history with King Bosse, with Hiling being her cornerstone of success into full domination with Daida, using him as a vessel to wreak havoc.

Welp, Ouken has gone crazy after Hiling's blinding Holy Light attack, and proceeds outside the kingdom's walls to decimate innocent people. Unfortunately, Bojji, Kage and the Captain of the Underworld arrive one step too late to see destruction at death's door with Ouken, and to save Hiling and the others while they can.

The complexity of this situation only gets a lot more deep just after the halfway point.
Jan 13, 2022 10:05 AM

Jul 2017
By no means a standout episode for this series and it did drag for me in some parts which made it slightly boring at times, but there was some fun action here at least and I liked the chaotic nature brought to this series with violence anywhere and teases of Hilling facing danger too midbattle. Doesn't help that Ouken is wild and out of control too. In general, seeing guys fly into walls and limbs flying generally did give a nice, darker feel to the storyline. Was nice to know a bit more about how she and Bosse had the second kid (Daida) in the past with the connections to Miranjo and her schemes present too. Hilling's my favorite character from the series and Miranjo's the most interesting and dangerous one for sure. The show's done a better job with building the story than Bojji's character so far, although the story does feel a bit boring for me at times. Not a great episode but this was definitely better than the previous episode which I thought was mediocre overall and did its job with the continued buildup.

WIT's consistency with the action and general fights in this series has to be given credit, even if there was nothing mindblowing here necessarily compared to the sakugafest a few episodes prior. The baseline has been good and is only behind Mushoku Tensei I think for action sequences I enjoyed from 2021 anime. It's not the flashiest and most colorful but is fluid and has that sense of danger to it that I like behind most battles and brawls.
Jan 13, 2022 10:06 AM
Oct 2016
The battle for the kingdom has begun. Hiling, Dorshe, and her personal Knights are trying to stop this onslaught of giant beasts. Whilst Bojji, Kage and the underworld guard are en route to the castle. The criminals have now fully taken over and are running rampant. After locking up Daida/Bosse they're now going on the offensive with Miranjo leading them sort of at the start to attack Hiling. Very tense scene thinking Hiling was about to die or that Dorshe had been killed. Though he did lose a foot at the end after somehow taking down that giant troll thing the group to beast monsters are just too much for one guy. Hiling did give Ouken a good scare using that blinding magic inadvertently sending him to the castle town below. I was surprised that Apeas saved Hiling but Miranjo is right that he doesn't have reason to hate them. Leading to some more backstory of why Bosse first wife died and why Miranjo pushed him to get remarried and where the using Daida to extend his life idea came from. I hope that Hiling makes it out and with Bojji headed her way it could be a great showcase of how strong hes become fighting those monsters. A lot of ramping up with that fight coming and the underworld guard captain fighting Ouken and Miranjo being taken by those criminals.
Jan 13, 2022 10:06 AM

Feb 2013
How long will I have to wait for some Boji Action? 😥
Jan 13, 2022 10:15 AM
Sep 2015
Dorshe was hotter when he still had his hair.

Anyway, this episode is very bloody, and at the same time feels very short. That mirror lady has interesting self-defense mechanism, I feel like the story will be involve around her until the end. She's a perfect device to demonstrate any moral lesson in this fairy tale.
Jan 13, 2022 10:21 AM

Jul 2011
I just think Ann shouldn't even be in armor, with her attack style, an armor is a burden. On the other hand Hiling having a big armor was well used to carry mana potions bags.

Miranjo is just angry with Hiling because, Hiling as a good cleric detected the cursed object that is Miranjo's mirror.

I still like Apeas, but I wonder when Miranjo will kill him.
Jan 13, 2022 10:21 AM

May 2018
Miranjo can't even control the criminals lol.

Pyoung said:
How long will I have to wait for some Boji Action? 😥

Also waiting for Bojji action! I hope it's on next episode!
My Candies:

Jan 13, 2022 10:27 AM
May 2020
The scene where Ouken cut that lady in the town was actually a child in the manga, they changed it. Makes sense though since kids being hurt on certain media isn’t something animators do in Japan.
Jan 13, 2022 10:34 AM

Jul 2015
this was some extremely intense episode imo
Hiling was ofc as beautiful as she can be even if scared to death...

Also.. Its strange how Miranjo wants to fullfill Bosse dream but also want to ruin the kingdom?? what..

next episode is most likely gonna be even more action packed..
Jan 13, 2022 10:39 AM

May 2021
Really like how Hiling used her armor tho it was unnecessary for her female bodyguard since she was using ninja darts.
Apparently, Miranjo went into the mirror sometime during the OG Bosse's rule. So we now have a time period for that.
Also, we finally got something other than healing magic, Holy Light and apparently it drove away that masochist. Since Despa called him Prince Ouken, I am guessing he belongs to the underworld and might possibly be an undead(repulsion to holy light).
Overall, 4/5

Jan 13, 2022 10:39 AM

Jan 2009
damn can Hiling do regeneration healing too? Dorshe needs regeneration of his leg
Jan 13, 2022 10:48 AM

Jun 2019
Woah... that was one intense episode. Everyone's falling there and there's no one who can protect Hiling. Bojji has arrived but there are still things to take care of before that. And, we've no clue what those criminals are after.

I hope they all will be alright.
Jan 13, 2022 10:53 AM
Feb 2021
this anime art style is like a poison for horny fans

I like the art style
Jan 13, 2022 10:54 AM

May 2021
Great episode! A lot of fighting happened in this episode! Apeas was tricked by that villain in the end and is now unconscious on the ground.

Looking forward to the next episode!
Jan 13, 2022 10:54 AM

Jul 2021
The story of this anime is being very well developed and is getting very good.
I'm very curious to know more about Miranjo's history with King Bosse and to know who this Ouken really is.
I think the next episode will be one of the best in the anime, I hope it lives up to my expectations.
Jan 13, 2022 11:37 AM

Nov 2013
Hmm... Bosse wanted to be strongest, but gave up on this goal because of Bojji and Hiling. Is Miranjo trying to kill Hiling, use Daida, kill Bojji, so that Bosse may return to his original pursuit? That sounds kind of meh, unless Miranjo wants strong Bosse for "greater purpose". Like, to fight some superior evil that's coming in the near future or something...
Jan 13, 2022 12:04 PM
Oct 2016
The weakest episode so far. Still pretty good though, it's just that the animation quality dropped significantly.
Jan 13, 2022 1:18 PM

Jun 2020
Fantastic episode. I really like how the show doesn't follow typical anime cliches a lot of the times.
Jan 13, 2022 1:24 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I'm confused about what happened to Apeas at the end there but holy shit, this episode was brutal as hell

All hell has broken loose in the kingdom now so I'm hyped to see how this whole thing goes
Jan 13, 2022 1:26 PM

Jan 2009
Mugglus said:
The weakest episode so far. Still pretty good though, it's just that the animation quality dropped significantly.

they should have done a split cour i guess since its crunch time in the production now but there is still some few sakuga scenes/cuts in this episode
Jan 13, 2022 1:30 PM
May 2020
seeing dorshe getting his foot bitten off like that was painful to watch
Jan 13, 2022 1:30 PM

Feb 2021
This was so underwhelming for the start of season 2 considering the previous episode was more introductory as well. Many parts about it felt odd. A shame because I had no complaints until this episode.
Jan 13, 2022 1:32 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Absolute mayhem and carnage. They kept me waiting with the Bojji- Hilling reunion though. Next episode is going to be fire...
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There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 13, 2022 1:44 PM
Oct 2016
deg said:
Mugglus said:
The weakest episode so far. Still pretty good though, it's just that the animation quality dropped significantly.

they should have done a split cour i guess since its crunch time in the production now but there is still some few sakuga scenes/cuts in this episode

I'm okay with it as long as it's only this episode. If this is the new standard I am going to be very disappointed.
Jan 13, 2022 4:07 PM

Aug 2020
These criminals are insane. I can't wait for Miranjo's plan. Bojji & Kage is almost there!!!

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Jan 13, 2022 4:39 PM

Sep 2020
Despa said that Ouken is Bojji's antithesis combat-wise but I don't understand what he really meant by that.
The full plated armor? Yes, it's going to be a problem for the ago-puncture techniques that Bojji uses.
Ouken's actual combat style? It shouldn't be a problem for Bojji to evade all those sword attacks.
Tokoya said:
I'm confused about what happened to Apeas at the end there but holy shit, this episode was brutal as hell

He left his guard down for a moment and the mustached boss took him down.
Jan 13, 2022 5:04 PM

Jun 2021
Obviously another very good episode.

Not a complaint, but I feel like at this point, they have too many characters that are too multifaceted and hopefully they can slow down a bit in that regards from here on out. It's getting too hard to keep track of everything.
Jan 13, 2022 5:25 PM

Sep 2020
It just occurred to me that Ouken's natural adversity towards Bojji is obviously going to be related to his body's mysterious nature; if he can heal his eyes and mouth after being stabbed by three kunai then he can certainly counter any piercing attacks from Bojji.
Jan 13, 2022 5:53 PM

Jan 2019
Ok, unfortunately, I have some issues with this episode.

- Why does Apeas keep his loyalty to Miranjo despite her doing obviously condemnable things? I'm hoping to see a proper explanation other than simply "he's a really good knight."

- The battles in this episode definitely reinforce a shounen feel for this show, in my perception. Lots of exaggerated physics and lack of realistic consequences.

- Hilling could use the flash grenade move from the start to bypass the creatures and would have avoided collateral damage. This is minor, since you could explain it as her being nervous and lacking survival experience, but it's a bit annoying to think of during the scenes with poor Ann.

- Ouken was scared away by the light, then proceeded to attack the town; it's a weird sequence of facts. I don't know, it just felt odd and a loose event amidst the chaos of this episode.

- Dorshe's way of dealing with the monsters was pretty questionable. At first I thought he was doing a Wolverine move by pulling blades from his body, because otherwise, how could he hide and retract those daggers in his body at will? Except no, they were actually just normal blades that he somehow set up. He was also smashed to the ground with a huge hammer and didn't get any relevant wounds from his own daggers, which, honestly, makes no sense.

- If the two bandits were planning to steal the mirror from the beginning, doing so from above the tower while the madness was happening below during Dorshe and Hilling's sequences would probably be more effective. I don't see any reason for them to jump into the fight and tell Miranjo to have their creatures stand aside.

- "I-I get it, they're friends, so I'll make things easier for them because of you, b-but don't get the wrong ideas! I-It's not like I like your anything, and don't betray me again, Apeas-kun!" Seriously, though. Why.
Jan 13, 2022 6:24 PM

Jul 2016
Dorshe once again proving he's the toughest mf around. Apeas, on the other hand...

So... regarding Miranjo's plans, how is destroying the kingdom the key to fulfill Bosse's dream?
Jan 13, 2022 6:40 PM
Jul 2021
He'll is breaking loose in this ep! Can't wait for the next one.
Jan 13, 2022 6:41 PM
Jan 2022
It's true, no one is saved from Ouken, even females have slashed to death. Seems like Ouken's weakness is light element, powerless Hilling's holy light was even enough to keep it away. I think the monster are smart by managing one of them as bait towards Dorshe and the two others bite two legs at the same time. Then the bait giver one slashed Dorshe with paws.

Too bad that so far Hilling only have healing abilities with no attacking abilities at all, so in front of monsters she is just one-slash killed. Surprised that Apeas still managed to save Hilling although he is already on Miranjo's side, and Miranjo still let her go, as long as Apeas don't betray Miranjo again. Seems like Miranjo doesn't hate Hilling so much that she wanted to kill her, at least for now. She just wanted Hilling and all her children to keep out of King Bosse's throne. As Ouken is there and trying to massacre townspeople, also Ouken's ability is said able to counter Bojji's ability, the protagonist side seems like on the verge of defeat. Due to these factors I conclude this is one of the most brutal episode of this anime.

I wonder what that old man did after that smile, so Apeas could be unconscious?
Ardi8Jan 13, 2022 6:53 PM
Jan 13, 2022 6:46 PM
Jan 2022
Mugglus said:
The weakest episode so far. Still pretty good though, it's just that the animation quality dropped significantly.
Really? I find this one of the most brutal one
Jan 13, 2022 7:55 PM

May 2020
really unfortunate to see quality decreasing as episodes go on, rather than the opposite

Jan 13, 2022 8:03 PM
Jul 2018
WoW daida is captured and imprisoned. It's pretty confusing because soul of bosse is inside him. It was shown that Bosse(Daida) has strength. Still!
Bojji is coming maybe we will have to wait for the great battle.
We didn't got more of flashbacks of miranjo. Maybe those are unimportant. I don't know because I'm not a manga reader.
Jan 13, 2022 9:00 PM
Nov 2021
I guess its quite obvious sword king's technique is quite sinilar to Ouji's. Wonder if he's just mental or if there's something more to his power, seeing as his blood went back into his helmet and the arrows shot into his sockets fell out and the fact he reacted a lot more than expected from a simple holy blinding spell.
Jan 13, 2022 9:26 PM
Feb 2017
NickCipolla said:
really unfortunate to see quality decreasing as episodes go on, rather than the opposite


You seem to be quite upset that the majority of people are really enjoying the show. Posting your dislike for the series in every episode discussion isn't going to change much. We can't all have such exquisite taste as you do. Leave Britney Bojji alone.
Jan 13, 2022 9:30 PM
Jun 2019
Ousama ranking of one of best show ever come by wit STUDIO thanks to wit studio to taking project and insane quality animation and stroy
Jan 13, 2022 9:44 PM

May 2020
Siobane said:
NickCipolla said:
really unfortunate to see quality decreasing as episodes go on, rather than the opposite


You seem to be quite upset that the majority of people are really enjoying the show. Posting your dislike for the series in every episode discussion isn't going to change much. We can't all have such exquisite taste as you do. Leave Britney Bojji alone.

?? you think because you like the show that it automatically makes it not possible to be shit?
Jan 13, 2022 10:35 PM
Jan 2022
NickCipolla said:
Siobane said:

You seem to be quite upset that the majority of people are really enjoying the show. Posting your dislike for the series in every episode discussion isn't going to change much. We can't all have such exquisite taste as you do. Leave Britney Bojji alone.

?? you think because you like the show that it automatically makes it not possible to be shit?

Well, if you think the show is shit then it is totally fine. We do fully respect your opinion anyway. Also, the reply didn't even imply that it is not possible for this show to be shit lol.
Jan 13, 2022 10:56 PM
Oct 2016
Ardi8 said:
Mugglus said:
The weakest episode so far. Still pretty good though, it's just that the animation quality dropped significantly.
Really? I find this one of the most brutal one

I'm not saying it's not brutal, I'm just saying the animation is lacking.
Jan 13, 2022 11:14 PM
Jul 2009
excellagion said:
NickCipolla said:

?? you think because you like the show that it automatically makes it not possible to be shit?

Well, if you think the show is shit then it is totally fine. We do fully respect your opinion anyway. Also, the reply didn't even imply that it is not possible for this show to be shit lol.

I definitely don't respect their opinion LOL. Already report them to the mods as always
Jan 13, 2022 11:15 PM

Aug 2018
...This is going to get messy.
So Ouken is that guy's name.
Good episode.
Jan 13, 2022 11:26 PM
Jan 2022
Koshi_Inaba said:
excellagion said:

Well, if you think the show is shit then it is totally fine. We do fully respect your opinion anyway. Also, the reply didn't even imply that it is not possible for this show to be shit lol.

I definitely don't respect their opinion LOL. Already report them to the mods as always

Yeah it is their action that actually problematic lol, since nobody forces them to watch what they considered as shit just to spreading their disposition in every single episode discussion T_T
excellagionJan 13, 2022 11:31 PM
Jan 13, 2022 11:53 PM

Dec 2017
I love this arc of the criminals, I was a little afraid that they would only give importance to one or two, but luckily they are giving their personality to each one and making it clear that all are important to the plot. There is so much going on that hasn't progressed through this chapter that I'm impatient to see what will happen next.
I was already thinking "it hurts that the series is not so bloody" and suddenly they start to disarm a guy. As they would say in my country "Valio **** la pata del mameitor"

I still prefer the first OP but I definitely can't skip the current OP.
Jan 14, 2022 12:47 AM

Oct 2021
Hiling is the best girl , seriously after her first impression in ep1 I never know I would love her character this much .
It’s sad to see many foreshadowing on
but I can hope she survives.
Dorshe is the best guy , Hiling trusts him very much and he is showing it through his loyalty to her . Not confirmed if he survived or not .
This new character “Ann” damn she is dope as hell but will she survive?
Ousama playing with cliffhanger cards and I love cliffhangers.
Bebin trying to rescue or capture king Boose ( Daida Vessel) .
This prince Ouken is a strong and mysterious plus psychopath guy . So he is a natural enemy of Boji that’s pretty interesting and despa saying the commander strength is not even close to prince ouken , so he might be in a tight position as we can see he tries to make boji retreat to rescue Hiling and fighting ouken by himself .
Apeas is fighting himself without knowing which side he wants to support with miranjo or hiling. But can’t understand that last scene in which miranjo wiling to go with the prisoners and apeas injured or might be dead ? maybe cause of apeas lack of loyalty or he rebelled against miranjo’s plans .
So far the story is more intriguing and one of my fav this year can be a aoty contender.
AtoferatofeJan 14, 2022 12:54 AM
Jan 14, 2022 1:47 AM

Jul 2021
Hands down best episode till now.

This episode was filled with chaos and brutality, we got to see lots of action in this episode too.

After watching all this episodes I've concluded that Miranjo likes Bosse and as she couldn't get him, she's killing his family xDDDD. That's her whole motive behind everything she's doing now hahahah. /s

Now well obviously we are yet to see her whole back story so can't really say anything for sure and according to the OP I'm thinking we will get a full back story of her so looking forward to that.

I hate that fully armoured dude so much, fucker is killing innocent people for pleasure.

5/5. Looking forward to see Bojji fight if it comes to that in the next episode.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Jan 14, 2022 2:22 AM

Oct 2008
oh gosh Dorshe is getting wrecked!
i hope that other character who's protecting Queen Hiling (Ann) the one who uses Kunai survives!
damn! hurry-up Bojji!
Apeas got side tracked! that mustache guy is sly! oh man! so many unexpected events!

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