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The revelation has begun, shit will get more bonkers from here on out
Ah yes, Dina, the last royal bloodline who stayed on Marley, Grisha's wife. She's also the one who ate her husband's other wife. Amusing how that coincident happens.
I'm quite disappointed how they just show Zeke betraying his family. Pushing the revelation as to why Zeke did so is bothersome.
Damn Eldians are a major problem lmao. Just going by how much damage the few of them did it's not surprising that the rest of the world would want to get rid of them.
I loved how much from the lore we knew on this episode alone. Zeke being Eren's half-brother and Dina being the Titan who ate Eren's mom have to be the biggest plot twist from this episode. Kruger being an ally didn't surprised me tho, although I thought the owl was someone else.
I'm a little scared because Eren has the information, because he's usually dumb and impulsive.
Holy hell. Eren being connected to your dad's memories was pretty interesting. Well now we know who ate Eren's mom. The owl is pretty epic not gonna lie. So much lore, and honestly I'm here for it. I'm excited to see what's gonna happen next episode. uwu
heavy heavy episode, a massive info dump lol i had to go read the wikia to make sure i understood everything properly. but it's all interesting stuff!!
so grisha, and everyone inside the wall, is an eldian, who are descendants of the nine titans. they all have the capacity to turn into titans, and the founding titan is hidden inside the walls. and grisha's first wife, dina (who is a descendant of the founding titan) is the smiling titan who ate carla wtf and i'm guessing zeke is the same war chief beast titan zeke, so he is eren's half-brother. what a heartwarming family story this is turning out to be lol
Yooooooooooo, this is too much info for me to handle.
So that smiling Titan was Grisha's first wife? That's kinda messed up since she ate Carla. AND ALSO ZEKE IS EREN'S HALF BROTHER? And more so, he betrayed his parents. Man this show just keeps getting more mind boggling as it reveals shit.
This anime is really something else.
Also, seeing Mikasa's bed-head almost made me forget everything that was just revealed.
oh man, this like in all other animes where people dont discuss their motivation and just kill each other. thats so dumb. of course that will be hard but that will be better than just slaughtering each other.
And that reveals it. From what I understood, the location is not Germany as I previously thought, but great Britain... I guess, the shape of the mainland looked like Britain imo. Oh, and there are two empires, one of which is the Titan people and the other one is normal people.
The only thing I didn't get is how the hell Ymir Frietz got her titan powers. They said she got em from "devil", but Grisha mentioned "she managed to awake thitan powers". I hope they'll explain it further.
Still a good episode though. Usually the past events are a big infodump (take Darling in the FranXX for instance) or a giant flashback so to say, but they actually managed to tie it all down to the story properly. I find it fascinaing.
So many new things learned from only one episode, I honestly wouldn't mind learning even more of what happened back then, . This explains at least who and why are the titans we see roam outside the walls troughout the series. Good thing Owl revealed at the end to save Grisha from the horrible fate and made the sadistic military official suffer.
WTF... the best episode of aot so far...
Dina ate Eren's mum, EREN'S ,MUMVUBAEKVUGu
The ways owl did his titan form made me replay that scene ten times.
This episode is perfection, lemme move on now
Well, it was too much information for me, I think like I got only a half of it...
Ok, now it's clear Grisha was living in Marley and married Dina, who then ate Eren's mother (what an irony). And Zeke is Eren's half brother. Fine.
I still don't get it why the people are hiding behind the walls on the island, I need to rewatch it probably. And why Zeke, Reiner and Berthold wanted to eradicate all the people behind the wall is still unclear to me. I hope it will be explained better soon. And are all Eldians capable of making themselves titans or where did Grisha got that ability? I have a lot of questions.
Wow, the story behind the titans is a lot more complex than I thought! I can't believe that Eren's father had another son! I'm betting that final arc will have Eren going facing his half-brother, Zeke. This country is in for a world of hurt when the people of the walls come for that empire.
This episode was the greatest exposition dump ever. Ordinarily, 20 minutes of exposition would piss me off, but they made it all compelling by wrapping it into Grisha's backstory.
Now onto the truth to be told and be known to everyone, Holy shit these scumbags are the fucking worst
As things were looking good we hoped to have some battles, So he had a past family before he had Eren almost thought Mikasa was a Jaeger god damn it
What, Look at Mikasa's bedhead that was so hilarious I can't stand looking at it looks good though, So Dina is the one huh, Damn this reveals so much and the Owl was that guy all along, serves that murderer right.
This episode is so important and I love every bit of Grisha's story and it helps me to solve each and every puzzle that was very skeptical for some parts that I clearly don't understood its purpose or reason. Glad to know a lot more about Ymir's history and okay I thought at first the reason why Eren's mother was killed was because of some break up with Grisha and his first wife, and thus, she wants revenge but interestingly, it turns out that Zeke, their own son, betrayed them and the police torture them like some trash getting crumbled, I don't what's Zeke's intention to betray them like that but man from the hands of that fat police officer who killed Grisha's sister, turned everyone into titans, Grisha's wife titan transformation is very emotional to see and fat police officer really thinks that everything he he can just stand there and watch people transform into monsters but thank god Owl did the right thing to throw him into the pit and got killed by one of the titans :D!
holy fucking shit what an episode, i'm still sitting here in awe, fuck.
this episode felt unusually long. we discovered so many things this episode.
so it was ymir fritz who made a pact with devil of all earth and obtained the power of titans, after her death her sould split into nine titans who then made the eldian empire. they wanted to dominate over marleyans and forced them to bare eldian children. they also bought lots of prosperity to the people.
this was basically the origin of the titans.
so it was the eldian king who created the three wallas with the help of titans and retreated on paradise.
thank god that society existed and grisha led them and swore that he will capture the foundation titan inside the walls. the imouto scene was too brutal man :(
man grisha is the utlimate goat, he realised what had to be done, so he somehow landed inside the walls, ate the royal family to obtain their cordinate/scream power. had eren eat him and ultimately eren become the sole hope for humanity. right now i don't even understand who's the bad guy.
i didn't know my eyes could become this wide open
marley govt was recruiting children from subjects of ymir to take on the power of seven titans, those seven are the warriors i think, zeke become the beast titan, reiner became the armoured titan and bert became the colossal titan. right now i'm not sure if what they did was even wrong, i'm so confused about who the villain is now. zeke seems to be following in grisha's footsteps and yet said that he was manipulated by him. I DONT UNDERSTAND
also apparently the paradise is an island so they are surrounded by ocean on all sides, i'm pretty sure no one would have expeted this, the main land seems pretty far away.
so now both marley that means the warriors want to steal the founding titan power and grisha too. if i were to choose one i would go with grisha to be the good guy and ultimately what he did back then seems to reflect his plans. he wants eren to take the founding titan's power and establish the eldian empire again in the main land. its kinda making sense now.
poor zeke had all this burden on him and he ratted out his parents, fuck
it was so fucked up when i realised all those titans that attacked in the year 895 were all eldian people converted into titans, fuck. on top of that the titan who ate eren's mother and hannes san was actually eren's step mom? so fucked up man, this story has taken a complete different turn now, what a lad isamaya is.
so happy that fat ass got eaten
also the ultimate twist, owl was that dude all along, i forgot his name.
holy shit now we know from whom eren got his present titan form. it was from owl. now if i had to guess, owl made grisha eat himself, grisha got the powers of owl, he lost his memory, he reached the walls, commander (the bald dude) found him and the story began. amazing story writing man.
i'm at loss of words how phenominal this episode was. best episode in all three seasons.
really excited to find out what's more to come.
i think my brain is about to explode
TsutanaiFuunDec 31, 2021 12:11 AM
The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.
Oh shit! Dat knee.
His imouto is dead.
1820 years ago? Ymir Fritz?
Great Kyojin War 80 years ago?
Oh shit! Dem dogs!
Dat scar.
Dina Fritz.
Oh snap! They got married and had a boy.
Sign Zeke up to be a soldier.
Oh shit! Zeke snitched.
Paradise. Pure Kyojin.
Dem transformations.
OH SHIT!!!!! DINA IS......
Eren wakes up.
Mikasa's hair.
15 years ago.
The imouto was 8.
Oh shit! Its that Kyojin.
Dat push.
He's the Owl.
Dat transformation.
Dat ending.
Dem bombs.
Watch date: 5/2020
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
that was quite a lot to fit in one episode but honestly idt id prefer it to be split in two.
grisha doing the very same thing his father did to him as a kid and realizing it too late was great. not the act of it but how they executed that, how they put it there etc loved it.
mikasa bed hair lol, my girls' bed hair even looks good. goddamn
so many titans that looked familiar here, dina is the main one ofc but that last tiran that ate the fat officer looked familiar too. was it the one who ate eren's classmates on s1??
also .. mr owl man ...... yoo he be looking mighty fine
Wow, whole episode for an info dumb. Dammit Grisha's sister really become the dog food....
Yeah, that man, Kryuger, was obviously the Owl. But never expected him to had the titan power, looks really like Eren. As expected too, its an intriguing history. Great Nation of Marley, and Eldian Empire. Grisha ancestor was Ymir Fritz, and also the one that created Eldian Empire. Marley whos lost the previous war against the empire used every possible way to defeat the empire, by taking control over seven from nine kind of titans. After the first king, the other kind of titan, abandoned the war, and decided to flee away, no wonder they lost on the great titan war 80 years ago, which, might possibly more than 100 years ago from the history of humanity inside the wall, which was revealed as the remote island outside the main continent. Idk what kind of titan those nine means, maybe the rest of the next episode will reveal everything. So....
Dina, first wive of Grisha, was that smiley yellow-haired titan. Rip Eren. There's more of recognized titan there from the first season. That's the story behind them....
Ironic how Grisha thought Zeke would be the blessed son that could save Eldian back to their victory. But, nope, he's the villain that thought his father brainwashed him xd. Possibly the next episode will show how Grisha had a titan power by eating Kryuger alive, and then prepare the plan to sneak inside the wall. Thats where the story of Eren began....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.
Now I understand everything.
The Marley people spread propaganda
and libels about the Eldians.
They even got Zeke brainwashed along with Annie
Reiner and Bertholdt.
SO everyone in the walls are part of the Eldian
race? And have the power to transform into titans?
The reason why the king of eldia went to the island of paradis with his people and erected the walls was always kind of unclear to me. Was he defeated by Marley and banished, or did he simply flee? It seems it's the latter; the only explanation they seem to really give us is that that he was kind of a coward and just didn't want to fight.
I also thought appearance of Dina Fritz was just a little too convenient, like wow someone with royal blood from the direct line of Ymir herself was just here all along. The king didn't take ALL the eldians to paradis, but wouldn't he at least take all of his lineage? Maybe Dina wanted to stay behind, and the king's titan power was not enough to compel her to come? Perhaps she was just left behind in all the madness of the war? Or maybe the king anticipated an uprising would come one day, and left Dina there on purpose for their own use. Whatever the case, she and Grisha Jaeger got married and had a kid: Zeke, born with royal blood,
later to become the beast titan. Grisha always planned to use him to save Eldia, but Zeke came up with his own plans and ideas for 'saving' them, as we find out later in the final season. Now it's by connecting with him that Eren is later able to use the full force of the founding titan's powers, but Eren was also able to connect with the coordinate when he touches Historia's hand in one of the later episodes- because she too has royal blood. I guess there are more than a couple royal families, all branching out from Ymir Fritz, and Reiss was one of them I suppose.
Marley was somehow able to acquire 7 of the 9 titans. I won't question how that was possible, but they did. Marley must've been pretty strong even back then. Were they just another kingdom, close to that of Eldia? Anyway, the 2 that they DIDN'T get are of course the founding titan which the king possessed, and the attack titan, currently being held by the informant, the unknown leader of the eldian uprising, the "Owl", the officer who beat up Grisha in the beginning of the episode, I think. Also let me just say that AOT is brutal, but Grisha's little sister getting mauled by a pack of dogs tops anything we've seen yet. Anyway, the attack titan- what is it exactly? I think I remember it sort of being explained what its purpose was and why it was special compared to the others, but I forget.
Also I just realized that Grisha's first wife Dina, ate his second wife, Carla. Amazing.
This explains how Eren was able to send all those titans after Reiner at the end of season 2: he had momentarily connected with Dina's titan who possessed royal blood, allowing him to access a fraction of the founding titan's powers.
I like how the reason why Marley sent Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie (all Eldians by blood it turns out, as only they can turn into titans) to infiltrate Paradis, retrieve the founding titan, and make it vulnerable to attack was: GAS. I mean, it sure is a realistic and pliable reason. The king did warn Marley to leave them alone on the island, or suffer the consequences. Whoever currently holds the founding titan has all the memories of the past holders including king fritz who issued the command to strike back should they ever get attacked. But....
Marley has been kind of attacking Paradis this whole time by sending titans their way. Or is this something the king anticipated and always wanted, since in addition to erasing their memories, would put fear in his people's hearts so that they wouldn't dream of leaving the walls. I guess, besides that, the titans were not specifically Marleyans anyway, and didn't pose enough of a threat for the founding titan to retaliate. And when a posing threat did emerge in the form of Reiner and Bertholdt, that didn't count either, because they too are Eldians by blood.
Now this is where I've come to realize something very important that I personally never realized I missed all this time: Eren never wanted to kill everybody- it was a direct instruction given by the king himself, an order that probably could not be disobeyed. Once he and Zeke connected, that order came full force: that the millions of titans within the walls would flatten the entire world, and thus the rumbling began (side question, ik the king had a lot of titan power or whatever, but where tf did he get millions of colossal titans, where they just always THERE, and he just took them to paradis?). The thing I don't exactly get was: was Zeke aware of this order from the king 80 years ago? Zeke's plan was euthanasia, but how did he plan on overruling the order given by the king himself to trample the entire world? The only explanation would be that he wasn't aware of this order, and that Eren would still have a choice, that simply getting him to his side would be enough to do his bidding. Alas.
Also I forget what happened in the moment where Eren touches Historia's hand later, but I'm guessing amidst all the memories he saw then, that he received the instruction from the king to wipe out the whole world should Marley ever attack.
Why'd Kruger stop Grisha from letting them all know that Dina was of royal blood? I'm sure Marley wouldn't care either way, they'd just turn her into a titan nonetheless. It was probably to protect Zeke, as Kruger thought he would still have his uses with his royal blood. If Marley found out then they'd kill him too to avoid any chance of the founding's powers to be awakened. So I wonder why Grisha tried to stop them from killing Dina with saying "she's royalty!", that wouldn't help her at all, and in fact would've put Zeke at risk. I think that scene was only put in to put a tease that Kruger was in fact on their side, the "owl".
Now before I forget, just one more question. I wonder why Kruger didn't go into paradis and find the founding titan himself. He got Grisha to eat him and basically gave him that responsibility. Was it because his time as a titan was nearly over (since titan shifters' life spans are decreased dramatically)? Eh, pointless to ask, I'm sure we'll find out in the next episode, if I remember correctly.
edit: watched a bit of the next episode, and yeah Kruger had to find someone to carry on the torch because his time was drawing near. He was looking for someone this entire time to complete the task. He must've had a lot of faith in Grisha, because Grisha lost some of his memories after becoming a titan shifter, so Kruger needed someone the utmost resolve so that he would not lose sight of his goal no matter what.
Oh, and as for the calling Dina out as royalty matter, I didn't consider that Marley would want to TAKE CONTROL of the founding titan's power, not just eliminate it. In that case, keeping Dina and saving her then would be a viable choice. Kruger was trying to prevent them from keeping Dina and making her have several children for their own use for when they acquired the founding titan.
Although, I'm pretty sure Zeke would've told everyone that he had royal blood already- or not. Maybe he kept that secret for his euthanasia plan. Instead of Eldia being saved, he thought it best to end all their suffering once and for all by not allowing any of them to bear children anymore, only possible through the use of the founding titan. Allowing his father to succeed and getting the founding titan for themselves would've allow Eldia to triumph, which Zeke believed wasn't the solution. So he sentenced his father to his death. But little did he know, he was being watched this whole time by the Owl, and what Zeke did only sped up the process of getting Grisha to Paradis.
Not sure what Dr. Grisha really meant, but if all this were simply the result of an experiment on humans during a world war or something like that, I would be very upset. Hopefully the story doesn't go that way. This is a separate world, the story of the characters and their journey is enough for us to relate to the real world.
Faye is Eren's biological aunt?
Why does Grisha living place's background look like some country during world war? And he also has to live within the walls?
Eldian? shh
wtf what is this kid-beating bastard up to?
Noo you bastards, humans are really scary.
Racist bastards?
Damn another harrowing story... but at least my real world war theory was wrong.
Wtfff Krista picture is real?
ED 3 pictures? So in this world demon are real.
Ymir Fritz? Where have I heard Fritz?
Oh man I got fooled again shhhh
Man.. Grisha's dad, Eren's Grandpa, is that kind of person? I kind of understand, there are times when I really understand that feeling.
So many new names..
So the Reiss family is the royal family, now it's the Fritz's turn.
Wait wait... where have we seen the titans in the world of the boy Grisha? confusing...
So as far as I know, there was a girl who made a contract with a demon to get the power of titan, then she died, there were 9 titans, these 9 went around the world planting seeds, creating a fast population. called Eldians, then the humans waged war, the King of Eldia fled to an island and built 3 walls.
The isolated and oppressed Eldians, including Grisha's family. In order to claim justice and avenge his sister, Grisha wanted to reclaim the king's power within the wall.
Ok, but what about the injections? If you eat one special titan, will the out-of-control titan revert back to human form? Why?
Oh man. Eren and Zeke are half brothers? One has royalty mother, the other mother is a waiter.
What? Marley has 7 titans?
Thus, the Eldians are descendants of Ymir but do not have the ability to turn into titans, in other words, they are just ordinary people.
As for the people within the walls of Sina, Rose and Maria were also descendants of Fritz, but also ordinary people. wtf
Yea Inception vibe, the parents have problems in this a lot. Why not let the kids grow up freely and learn how to love themselves?
I want to see Grisha's wedding, he has two wives. Damnn
This story features the silhouettes of Nazi and their children.
Looks like Zeke is Grisha's own karma. Does he remember his sister when he married Miss Dina?
A momentary pain can become a karma that lasts for decades...
A familiar place, just like the old Ymir times
Oh so it's an island.
lol if I were Marley, I wouldn't punish my prisoners by turning them into creatures 10 times my size.
Does everyone in the Grisha area know this punishment?
Unreasonable. Zeke is just a kid. He couldn't know his father's group of Eldians to point them all out.
Nazi drug? I want to know where it is made.
OMG Dina is the titan that ate Eren's mother, hated by all fans for many years, and was torn apart by Eren's special ability to call the titans.
But isn't that titan's hair color black? Dina's hair is yellow. So both of Grisha's wives were dead. Grisha let his son eat his dad alive. Two children fight and kill each other. Damn
I don't understand why Kruger silenced Grisha? How could that thing save Dina? Who is he?
OMG I like Mikasa like this, so cute! And the scar on Mikasa's cheek hasn't healed yet? How?
The fat guy said it wasn't without meaning, but not being able to take someone's life just for his own pleasure, that's evil. If the fat dude likes it, he can experience it for himself.
Boo yea okay okay
I think both sides have their propaganda. When the Eldians had the upper hand, they were cruel to other people and vice versa. There's a reason why Marley revolted against their rule and eventually beat the Eldians. But yeah, I'll just have to see the truth in the end.
I thought many ways about how Attack on Titans's universe was developed. And all that different ways was not even close to what really is
I remember seeing something about "two kids waiting for the airship" on Tiktok a couple mounths ago, but i couldn't connect this properly with all i knew
I fell that all this new information will change de scenario of the anime. Looking forward to see more about it.
Excellent episode, now we know more about Grisha's past, interesting that they want to restore Eldia again but he fails to impose his wishes on his son who turns out to be Zeke the beast titan. Interesting that the titans we saw in this episode are the ones that appear throughout the series, the most obvious is Dina, who is the one who eats Eren's mother. So Eren's Titan also shows up... interesting, we'll see what happens
Excelente episodio, Ahora sabemos mas del pasado de Grisha, interesante que quieran volver a restaurar a Eldia pero fracasa al imponer sus deseos a su hijo que resulta ser Zeke el titan bestia. Interesante que los titanes que vimos en este episodio son los que aparecen a lo largo de la serie, el mas obvio es Dina que es la que se come a la mama de Eren. Asi que aca aparece tambien el Titan de Eren interesante, veremos pasa
Holy shit, well I was wrong on the last episode's discussion.
So Eldian's were basically given up on by the King because he despised conflict and didn't want to face hardships but rather hide away from his problems.
I'm still not sure on the reasoning behind why they despise Eldian's so much (if all they did was bring prosperity) , is it because they have power they can't control or maybe there's more to the backstory,
It could be that both the backstories on their past are correct but now offspring of the ancestors are being punished for it.
If that's true then it's just a continuous loop of hatred and pain, one where neither side wants to commit to finding peace.
I guess this means everyone on "Paradise" is an Eldian and the people of Marley aren't capable of turning into Titans.
That Sergeant Mayor Gross (fitting name) saying they hurt people just because he's bored and because it's fun ... truly awful.
Seemed like the "Owl" looked a lot like Eren's Titan form, I'm guessing Grisha is going to end up eating him which in turn made Eren get that form.
With so much happening in one episode I wonder are we wrapping it up or starting a new thread? As good as the story is, I'm not sure I can handle much more. If there is more (and I suspect there is) I will surely continue to watch it. But when it's finally over, I'm gonna watch some My Little Pony for awhile.
- So, this whole story is pretty much about Racism? That makes a lot of sense, they’re handling it so well.
- So, the place outside the walls is called Marley, and the Walls are called Paradise Island. Coolio
- Wait…. So… Zeke is Eren’s brother?
- There’s 9 titans. So far we have seen:
Eren’s Titan (still nameless)
That weird quadreped thing
- I wonder what the last Titan is called? Also, I wonder what Ymir and Eren’s Titan’s official names are
- I’m losing hope of seeing my Girl Ymir…
- WAITTTTTT SO THE TITAN THAT ATE HANNES AND CARLA WAS EREN’S STEP MOM??? That’s some dramatic irony right there… also explains why Eren could use the founding Titan’s power in season 2, since he was touching a Royal. I love this show
Last time basement
Would be really funny i was thinking how they could troll us by not telling us anything useful
much exposition
de day
also did they skip the op again
a few mins in and sister died offscreen
so yes lots of backstory
i didnt pay attention i think some of these were in the s2 ed or something
1700 years seems like an awfully convenient number
the weird thing is if the map is to scale
the walls are radius 500km which means the mainland has to be absolutely massive
what can be said
a lot of words
also uh
like there really is a bit too much to comment on
ok so its still a bit weird and convenient royalty thing
so yes zeke is also grisha son and not only that he also has royal family ancestry hmm
still not sure how he fits into the rest of the story
also i want to add that after fifty or so eps we havent really seen much of the interior cities we have no idea where the swords or the gas comes from
math time
there are three walls
the outer wall is 1000km in diameter so it had a perimeter of three thousand km
thats a lot of titan although probably not a million since assuming a titan is say 20 meters wide thats only about 100k
a lot yes maybe just math moment
oh hey its back to eren
what is going on
more plot convenience
so uh
i mean we know grisha survived and got the power to transform so
the introduction scene said there were nine titans? so far we have seen eren, berto, reiner, annie, zeke, and ymir so theres still 3 (or 2) unaccounted for (are we supposed to count frieda?)
its still not entirely clear although the titan that eren punched at the end of s2 is dina fritz
So yeah even in the flashback episode we get a cliffhang
Unfortunately we are still missing some info although
We got most of the picture so we can guess that next ep grisha just goes after getting the power to transform
A lot of words and maybe some details here and there ugh makes my head hurt considering we basically got ~20 mins of nonstop exposition and probably more next ep
Also I would like to add that the brief scene of eren here its not immediately obvious if all of this is written in the book or is a very long memory sequence from eren
At first I thought the skipped the ed too seems like it was only the op
Thats the second time I think? The rest of the eps meanwhile padded with recaps and what not esp S1/S2 had soo much recaps
Theres still a lot of questions like why after 1700(?) years and then
Its also possible that some of the history is deliberately not true
Kinda difficult since there could be some misdirection