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Oct 9, 2021 9:30 AM

Nov 2011
Not going to lie, I find Futaba quite amusing to watch mainly because she looks out of place compared to other adults. Takeda's personality is also amusing along with their character chemistry.

VA did a solid job at protraying Futaba imo including her timid side when she's with Takeda. A very entertaining episode imo. Bring on more!

That OP song!
Oct 9, 2021 9:30 AM

Feb 2018
How does Vodka taste, lol... carrying Sake at office seems quite dangerous. Because senpai has wide feet, therefore senpai can walk fast without having to follow the kouhai. But yeah, Kouhai seems to have to run to keep up with senpai, lol. Igarashi seems oblivious to senpai, lol. Looks like they've been walking I mean running for quite a while so Senpai invites Igarashi to rest. Vending Machine, and Igarashi seems to want the toy, lol. Eating the burger seemed pretty tough for Igarashi, but yeah the sauce spill was anticipated. During the project meeting, Igarashi was too nervous so he could only stay silent, senpai helped Igarashi by following up for the project introduction. It's like father and daughter nfighting, lol. And yeah it's it was a tiring day for Igarashi, falling asleep on the train was very romantic. Looks like the photo went viral on office, lol... Thanks for neko pict.

Data error is quite hard and yeah, actually it wasn't Senpai's fault, it's just that Igarashi was under senpai's guidance so Senpai apologized for Kouhai's mistake, that was so cool, xD... Igarashi felt sad but Senpai cheered Igarashi. Even so Igarashi is still sad, Igarashi looks not like usual, crying at the vending machine and senpai came again to cheer on Igarashi. Sakurai invites Igarashi to go out, Sakurai wants to change the atmosphere and wants to cheer up Igarashi. Missing the train seemed like a bad thing, Igarashi decided to head back to the office, Senpai stayed up late at the office, senpai fell asleep looking like the paper was finished, it was Igarashi's fault. Yeah, Senpai stays up just for Igarashi. After seeing senpai Igarashi return to herself as usual, that's good. Everyone makes mistakes, it's just that we have to correct those mistakes. If you can't do it by yourself then ask a friend/senpoi for help, lol ... So yeah, this end with beer xD. What the heck with that kokuhaku, lol. Surely senpai likes Igarashi in the sense of wanting to have child, lol.
Oct 9, 2021 9:30 AM

Jul 2017
For a short manga like this to get adapted, I'm very surprised because the format is like a 4-koma manga (but it isn't that).

Yet another Doga Kobo show, AND IT SHOWS.

I could really get used to the childlike adult Futaba Igarashi and her office relationship with the boisterous annoying Senpai Harumi Takeda, who always teases her (so kinda like the adult version of Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san) or as @_MushiRock11_ puts it akin to Servant X Service. CHII CHAI! Doing sales pitching presentations together with the Senpai-Kouhai duo.

Along with the other co-workers (Touko Sakurai, Souta Kazama, Mona Tsukishiro (who drinks water straight from a Vodka bottle) and their Dept Chief), Futaba easily exhibits her childlike character, and Harumi knows it best. At work though, he's always the one supporting behind her back, and petting her. It's as if they're already a couple lols while the entire department leverages on their unkempt-yet-"loving" relationship, because they work, support and suffer together.

For a start, establishing the relationship of both Futaba and Takeda-senpai is crucial, and they did just that. The pangs of adult working life can be harsh, but having co-workers can help balance out the stress when it comes to meetings, and getting drunk to subconsciously reveal their true feelings to one another.

OP is nice!

The manga chapters are like a few pages long, so I'm definitely gonna scrutinize which chapters are adapted. But whatever it is, this is a really nice and wholesome start! Gonna enjoy this to the fullest.

Chapters adapted: 5.5, 6, 10, 11, 1
KANLen09Oct 9, 2021 11:30 AM
Oct 9, 2021 9:52 AM

Apr 2018
When I saw the announcement for this, I immediately started the manga and I feel happy to see this animated.

I sure thought that the lenght of the episode would have been around 5-10 minutes but that's not the case.

Futaba Igarashi, a childlike adult who's pretty cute but has a tsundere-like personality. She's pretty shy around Takeda, our big and loud male character. I seriously love the dynamic between them. Takeda treats Futaba as a child most of the time and that is what Futaba dislikes about him.

The development throughout the serie will be an wholesome and wonderful ride. But even though they're focus on the show. The characters I'm looking forward to is Sakurai and Kazama. They're honestly the best and I love how much Sakurai teases Kazama. He's the Ishigama-type character. A pretty dead personality if I must say.

This was a wholesome episode. I can't wait for the next one. The voice actors are all pretty good and espically Futaba's. When she's around Takeda her voice changes a little which is just perfect and shows that she has a thing for him.

Pretty good OP.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Oct 9, 2021 10:10 AM

Apr 2016
I never truly read the manga, i was just from time to time scrolling through the chapter panels, but always had a good time with it. And now we are here, watching the first episode of the anime adaptation. And it is as goofy and laid back as i remember from those manga panels. Obviously the main duo, the bulky loud dude and a small kouhai, who isn't small at all, but an adult.

But ... i personally am here to see more of the "secondary" characters. Those i really like. Oh and the tanned onee-san ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also Touko VA being Hayami Saori was a great choice.
Oct 9, 2021 10:33 AM

Jun 2021
Cute episode 1.

Definitely got a little bit of Nozaki-kun vibe (I believe the director worked on Nozaki-kun as well), with the dynamic of the female MC showing more of a romantic interest in the male MC, while the male MC is being more oblivious to those feelings.

The VA lineup looks really good too, with Hayami and Koga doing supporting cast roles.

Looking forward to the next episode.
Oct 9, 2021 10:40 AM
Feb 2021
Where to watch it legally?
Oct 9, 2021 10:45 AM

Jun 2019
Ah... one of the wholesome shows of this season. I'm already having fun with this one. Futaba is so adorable. The VA as everyone said has done an amazing job. Takeda is also an interesting character and as the show says, "My Senpai is annoying" I wanna see how far this annoying thing will go on. LOL. Will be very interesting to see how their relationship is gonna grow up over time.

That OP is really good. I have high expectations from it and have full faith in Doga Kobo cuz they seem to adapt these kinda shows pretty well.
Oct 9, 2021 10:48 AM

Apr 2009
another fetish 'legal' lolicon with a "grown up" that looks like a kid and acts like one. Dammit Japan.

VirtueHunterOct 9, 2021 10:51 AM
Oct 9, 2021 10:49 AM
Sep 2015
A perfect senpai, very hunky and surprisingly doesn't have a wife yet. I wish my workplace has a person like him. I'm wondering if I'll have a chance to see him shirtless in this anime. Will this company have an onsen trip?

But the workplace environment is definitely a no-no for me. They're working from 8AM to 8PM, and sometimes that senpai works overnight! This shouldn't be a normal working routine in any place in the world, or even an isekai world.
Oct 9, 2021 10:55 AM

Nov 2016
Finally an anime adaption where the girl is on the receiving end of uncomfortable situations, with a male lead that's not a short chump. It's more vanilla than I expected, tho. Not a bad thing, I'm just surprised. Thinking about it then it makes sense since that it would be tame compared to Uzaki-chan or Nagatoro-san, set in a working environment and all.

Well, anyway, enjoyed this first episode a lot. Could be one of my top favorites this season.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 9, 2021 10:57 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, that was one dynamic Op! Got stellar Servant x Service vibes from it, which is just brilliant.

Lots of glorious moments this episode. But it's hard to top that near-confession in the end, xD. Why did the episode have to end right then and there? Talk about a tease, that.

Neko shot, good one Kazama-san! No wonder it was trending in the workplace. Hilarious how she messaged her grandfather "a stair to adulthood" after successfully delivering a presentation lmao, who's the damn lucky bastard I wonder.

Water in a Vodka bottle in the morning, now that's wild! Need more screentime for her!

Little hand holding moment at the end of the Op there, it better not be just another tease.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Oct 9, 2021 11:01 AM

Apr 2014
Climbing stairs of adulthood!! LMAO... That could lead to a huge misunderstanding.
Futaba is a fang girl 0.o Tomoriru did a great job by voicing her.
btw, Senpai is a very good senpai tbh.

phantomfandom said:

But the workplace environment is definitely a no-no for me. They're working from 8AM to 8PM, and sometimes that senpai works overnight! This shouldn't be a normal working routine in any place in the world, or even an isekai world.

That's the normal thing in Japan, even it is not a good thing to do so.
Oct 9, 2021 11:01 AM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
Really fun start, Doga Kobo always does good on these type of anime.
Oct 9, 2021 11:02 AM
Nov 2020
brenobluhm said:
Where to watch it legally?
brenobluhm said:
Where to watch it legally?
funimation has it.
Oct 9, 2021 11:04 AM
Nov 2020
It was quite fun. The OP is amazing to watch. And the art from the douki chan artist at the end was great as well.
Oct 9, 2021 11:09 AM

Jan 2017
This is even more wholesome than I thought it'd be, every exchange between Igarashi and Takeda are GOLD

The way her senpai knows that she wanted the toy, helping her out with the mistake made. And we already got a somewhat confession at the end. I'm ready for more!
Oct 9, 2021 11:12 AM
Dec 2015
Damn, they did a good job adapting this!
The voice acting felt natural and just as I imagined when reading the manga.
Hopefully the rest of the series turns enjoyable as this first episode!

PS: Igarish's expression in the last scene is the very definition of 'Kawaii'
Oct 9, 2021 11:16 AM

Jan 2020
Just from the 1st episode I can say it’s as good as I hope it would be. The “annoying senpai” is far from annoying and he’s just a nice chad, lol. It seems like this will have a bit of romantic development at least from Takeda, but I didn’t expect Igarashi to start liking him from ep 1 tbh. It’s a good thing though.
Oct 9, 2021 11:16 AM

Apr 2018
This is how I imagined they would adapt the manga, well so far it's almost the same, but it's pleasant for sure
Oct 9, 2021 11:18 AM

Feb 2014
Legal loli let's go!
Oct 9, 2021 11:32 AM

Apr 2010
The pacing as much slower than i expected it to be but that makes it very relaxing to watch.
The characters seems nice so far but they need a bit more development, it's the first episode so i can't really complain about it.

The sempai is really nice tho.
Oct 9, 2021 11:40 AM

Jul 2017
It's funny how the senpai in this show is actually 10000x less annoying than the kouhai to watch. He's ight, don't really like Futaba at all though sadly. Episode was paced well at least.
Oct 9, 2021 12:12 PM

Jan 2020
Very wholesome, looking forward to the next episode!
Oct 9, 2021 12:20 PM

Nov 2014
Cute and funny, as expected. What I didn't expect is last scene - usually we only get some romance hints or vibes, not such direct thing in the first episode. I like it.

Funi subs were a bit annoying though.
Oct 9, 2021 12:50 PM

May 2020
Love it amazing first ep a lot happened let just say that they are already like a couple didn’t expect that early on, Futaba is adorable I honestly love Doga kobo didn’t expect any less can’t wait for next ep
Fun Things Are Fun - Yui Hirasawa
Oct 9, 2021 12:53 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
eh, idk. its cute but I'm not sure ill keep watching this, especially with a packed season like this one.
Oct 9, 2021 12:54 PM

Jul 2008
Eeeeh... it's hitting too close to the goal for me.
Seeing salarymen suffering from the company x, trying to be acknowledged ?
Ugh my daily anxiety is back at full range.
Oct 9, 2021 1:00 PM

May 2021
Sakurai carrying the water in the vodka bottle really made me laugh. I also loved the scene where Kazuma took a picture of Futaba sleeping xD. Really liking this show so far! Love Futaba and Takeda’s character interactions also- his laugh his really funny too. Looking forward to the next episode!
Oct 9, 2021 1:05 PM
May 2021
Daughter zoned huh
Oct 9, 2021 1:09 PM

May 2018
Reminds me a bit of Servant x Service.

"Доброе утро " - wow, so you can learn russian just by drinking water from a vodka bottle?
Oct 9, 2021 1:11 PM

Sep 2019
I really liked this. Futaba was so cute, especially when she said “”why couldn’t I be your wife?”. I had fun watching it, I hope I can enjoy the other episodes as much as this one. Liked the OP visuals.

The end card was great!!!! Yomu delivered once again 🙏🙏🙏
Oct 9, 2021 1:21 PM
Jul 2021
Awesome, I figured it would be decent from the trailer but the VAs did a great job and now I love it and really want to see them get together. She's wicked funny, he's awesome, and the dude who took her picture with the filter is good. Also her friend who was worried about her with the big Oppais that she's jealous of, was a great friend. I heard the Manga is fairly short so I hope the episodes don't end up being shorter and this was just one of those long episode 1 to set it up and then they knock it down. Sometimes those short ones are decent like Ganbare(such good Art, they make the girls, especially Senpai with the black hair who is WICKED aggressive so sexy looking) but the episode is over in a blink of an eye. I think those series(and ALL shows) should be at LEAST 12 minutes at a minimum. But yeah I really hope these are at least 18-20 minutes and no shorter.
Oct 9, 2021 1:27 PM

Apr 2015
Doga Kobo smashing it as per usual with their romcoms and My Senpai is Annoying is no different. Futaba was great and incredibly cute with everything she does. I personally loved the part where Takeda was matching Futaba's pace while walking, while being 6ft3 myself, I often find myself doing the same thing when walking with shorter people.

The part where she was clearly drunk and saying "Why couldn't I be your wife?" was just simply perfect.

OP visuals are great and it shows that we can expect some moments from Sakurai and Kurobe as well! The boy definitely showed what he loves about Sakurai :p
Oct 9, 2021 1:28 PM

Jul 2016
Oh damn. First episode and Futaba already got daughter-zoned. That's rough.

Yep, this is gonna be a nice SoL/Rom-Com. Goofy and lighthearted with some really decent production values. As expected from Doga Kobo.
Oct 9, 2021 2:16 PM

Jan 2020
Lowkey a wholesome episode. No weird/problematic tropes, characters are likable, and the story is interesting. A pretty entertaining first episode. I'll definitely look forward to a new episode every week.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Oct 9, 2021 3:14 PM

Mar 2019
There are cutesy shows that I have enjoyed on occasion, such as Place to Place or even the first season of Working before it got sucked up its own ass in stupid drama, but this didn't grip me. Part of it was definitely the godawful elevator music, particularly the bits leaning overly hard on bassoons and montages that were plainly there because they got tired of writing dialogue. Dialogue that wasn't even funny at that. But a lot was also that it leaned excessively on "girl blushes with tear in the corner of her eye." That was its answer to everything while not having even the slightest overall story to drive the episode. They… go out to eat. They have a meeting. They go through each coworker to make one and exactly one joke before moving on. Yes, that's how the source manga was, being 3-4 page tiny vignettes, but we're supposed to be adapting this to a new medium and style of presentation, which makes cutting from one to the next disjointed and meandering.

It's harmless enough, I suppose, but it definitely lacks the finesse with the music of Komi for example, and absolutely is missing its raw production talent and effort. The gags are on the weaker side too, running to wells like "She looks childish but wants to be treated like an adult… but also desperately wants a kid's meal toy." Even the quiet girl who pulls out a bottle of vodka and chugs it has the gag ruined by it being just water. Wouldn't it be far more funny if she was shotgunning vodka at 9am in the office? Or if you left it an open question as to whether or not it really was alcohol?
Oct 9, 2021 3:17 PM

Mar 2018
That OP is so creative with a catchy song to boot.

Pretty nice and cute episode. Kitten Futaba, nice.

These guys make a really nice duo, and that dude friend & the girl friends are pretty cool too!

Bold statement by Futaba at the end there.
Oct 9, 2021 3:46 PM

Jul 2017
If only everyone handled mistakes the same way the people in this ep did :*(

but hnnnng this is a nice lighthearted series. I don't quite remember the romance going anywhere (similar to My Company's Small Senpai) so wasn't really expecting that tid bit of development right at the end, but interested to see how this progresses.

Love the cast choices though
Oct 9, 2021 5:07 PM

Oct 2017
Honestly I wasn't going to watch this but I randomly decided to give it a try and wow, it was so cute! Looking forward to more :)
Oct 9, 2021 5:29 PM
Apr 2019
The voice I imagined for the main girl does not match the actual VA, kinda dissapointed. But manga is 100.
Oct 9, 2021 5:46 PM
Jul 2018
I already liked Futaba, my god what a captivating and cool character, even more had some moments with her Takeda that were really fun but this anime looks good.
Oct 9, 2021 5:56 PM

Apr 2016
op is a banger
anime is 11/10
doga kobo kings of sol anime nothing to add
Oct 9, 2021 6:30 PM
Jun 2021
I am VERY happy with episode 1 so far. As long as they keep this up, smooth sailing
Oct 9, 2021 6:32 PM
Feb 2018
Great first episode I was laughing through most of the show
Oct 9, 2021 7:29 PM

Mar 2014
a gay favored tremendous senior and a loli BBA junior
Oct 9, 2021 7:44 PM

Jul 2021
I absolutely love it :D the amount of laughs I went through is enough to make me happy and the pacing of the show is well done! First episode introduces Futaba and she gives off a very typical embodiment of a 'independent' morning routine to start off the day as a 'office worker' supposedly, Futuba herself gives a value for myself in life, even if I'm not working yet, where in order to stay motivated, keeping the enthusiasm and a fine attitude is one thing to keep me living the best of my life even when going through rough times :) Another thing that I've been curious about is the friendship between Takeda and Futuba, although Takeda seems to be treating Futuba as a child: Like him ordering Futuba a lucky meal and a toy gives me a lot of cuteness but in all seriousness, I would feel embarrassed if I was in Futuba's position because lucky meals taste like dog sh*t (IM SORRY) but in other contrast, Takeda can be seen to treat Futuba normally, like giving her an opportunity to lead a presentation although Futuba came out empty and nervous in the end, they weren't able to produce the work but in the help of Takeda, overworking himself till the evening and letting Futuba resolve things resulted into a excellent work and made both of them happy!! :D. Other aspects such as animation is very bright and contrast which fits my sight preference and the OP sounds so wholesome aaa <3 Overall since this is the first episode, the show's pacing is enough to show Futuba's current development, as well as Takeda's, so therefore, I hope in later episodes, Futuba can change Takeda's viewpoint on her to who she genuinely is.
Oct 9, 2021 8:17 PM

Jun 2019
Doga Kobo in its natural habitat. Everyone is adorable.
Oct 9, 2021 8:32 PM

Sep 2020
That’s some good stuff right there. I can tell this is gonna be a good series.

Can’t wait for the next episode.

Oct 9, 2021 9:15 PM

Apr 2020
Doga Kobo is on fire this season. They really fixing their mistakes on Osamake. The OP itself should make my rating go up to 9. And Igarashi is so cute...
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