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Oct 7, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
It's great to see Kukuru work again like the way she's been enjoying herself. Got to see pengins make their return this episode too!

Pretty chill episode as the series goes with its fundamental roots of aquarium work and life. I'm just glad to see Kukuru continue living her dreams.
Oct 7, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
Yup, I still can't get over ARCANA PROJECT's 2nd OP, the 1st OP is infinitely better.

Fuuka has returned to Okinawa secretly without Kukuru's knowledge, and is naturally brought into Aquarium Tingaara under the kind Chief breeder Bondo Garandou's supervision, and under the watchful eyes of caretakers Chiyu and Marina taking care of Cape penguins. For a start, a test to know and identify each and every of the Cape penguins that Tingaara houses that most were once from Gama Gama. Kinda miss Choko now...

Meanwhile on Kukuru a.k.a Plankton's side, nothing is going her way, adding pressure from director Suwa's side while working in accord together with Akari. She has no choice but to work in tandem with Suwa's style of what he think is best on the PR marketing corporate side of things, while always fighting for better resolutions. But it's just too much to leave everything to Kukuru to figure out what to do without any help, it's a sad reality that's the same IRL.

The small welcome party reunion of everyone from Gama Gama Aquarium with Fuuka's return, and adding Eiji too in that regard, spittng out fishy rhetorics that are akin to a needle in a haystack.

For Kukuru, slowly and surely, her plans start to fruition in the form of a behind-the-scenes aquarium tour to appease visitors and build Tingaara's reputation, and getting into the good books of others. But make no mistake, pleasing the emotionless Assistant Director is still an uphill battle for both herself and Akari.

Ganbatte Kukuru, don't give up! Those penguins are easily spirit animals xD
KANLen09Oct 7, 2021 10:50 AM
Oct 7, 2021 9:27 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Very good episode. It's nice to see Kukuru and Fuuka working together again. :)
Oct 7, 2021 9:28 AM

Dec 2012
the third penguin is my spirit animal xD

Oct 7, 2021 9:35 AM

Apr 2010
Well it seems like Kukuru is finding her place even if she is having some trouble with it.
Still it's nice to see her working so hard so hopefully her hard work will be reworded.
Fuuka needed to work hard as well with remembering all those names and individual penguins.
Oct 7, 2021 9:54 AM

Apr 2016
The highly anticipated return of Fuuka is HERE !!!!

Everything will be daijoubu from now on, the old aquarium will be reopened and she and Kukuru are planning a wedding ... oh wait, no, im sorry. This indeed is a coming of age story with not a surface level characters after all and not a dream story where everything works as you wish it would. The episode have more of the same feel as the last one, but this time Kukuru actually being back and of course working in the new aquarium.

I forgot to mention it last week, but this is one HELL OF A BIG aquarium, Jesus what a monstrum of a construct, a bit of expected that shes not working at the same place as Kukuru, cuz Kukuru needs to learn her own stuff on her own in order to grow into a person who knows how not only to take care of animals physically, but also to secure the future of aquarium's prosperity. Something her previous employer tried to teach her but she was too stubborn to realize.

Also they do really are building Fuuka as this dependable more mature older sister that Kukuru can look up to as a role model. The one she never had.
Oct 7, 2021 10:03 AM

Oct 2017
Pretty chill episode, it was fun watching Fuuka working at Tingarla. There were some nice Fuuka and Kukuru moments too.
MegamiRemOct 8, 2021 6:35 AM
Oct 7, 2021 10:06 AM

Apr 2014
Welcome Fuuka to Tingara!! Remember those penguins' names was a tough job but she can pass her test in the end. The tour went smoothly even there was only one group attended. It would also be a tough job for Kukuru to advertise the tour. Keep fighting Kukuru and Fuuka.

Well.. in my opinion, maybe Kukuru is suited for this kind of job more than feeding fish. Maybe, this could be one of the reasons why she was put in the sales department.

Oct 7, 2021 10:17 AM

Dec 2020
The pinguin are so cute and fuka was learning that fast glad that she is back.
After credit scene was wholesome and i hope kukuru gets better at the management.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Oct 7, 2021 10:30 AM

Jul 2011
Was the positive episode that was needed after the last 2 fairly sad episodes.

Looks like no Gama Gama penguin gone to Tingaara. Poor Choko. And the vet retired,maybe?
Oct 7, 2021 10:56 AM

Mar 2018
Looks like her behind-the-scenes tour worked out in the end, hope she continues to put in the effort and have her works get realized!
Oct 7, 2021 11:02 AM

Jun 2015
Nice to see Fuuka again. That was such a nice surprise as well joining Kukuru not only as co workers but as next doors as well. Higa really fits the fish team like a T, he even acts like as if he's one as well. Still though her time away was brief Fuuka really has gown a lot as a person. A fitting role model for Kukuru. Having to learn how to interact with customers must be a new experience for Kukuru though. It was amusing seeing Fuuka try to remember the names though. Im glad that the tour ended up being a success. Sure it was only one group but given Tingaara's potential im sure that given time it will become popular enough. Overall an excellent ep that managed to bring the spark that is Fuuka back into the fold and serve to provide much needed motivation for Kukuru as they begin to get serious in their new roles. Though Chiyu can be seen as annoying here it can be seen that she's trying her best in her job while caring about her team mates. I hope that Kukuru will be able to see this eventually and become friends with her.
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Oct 7, 2021 11:27 AM
Jul 2018
Fuuka!!!! <3

Seeing her makes me want to work harder IRL so no wonder Kukuru wants to work harder as well when she's around.
Oct 7, 2021 12:18 PM

Apr 2012
AkeZZZ said:
Welcome Fuuka to Tingara!! Remember those penguins' names was a tough job but she can pass her test in the end. The tour went smoothly even there was only one group attended. It would also be a tough job for Kukuru to advertise the tour. Keep fighting Kukuru and Fuuka.

Well.. in my opinion, maybe Kukuru is suited for this kind of job more than feeding fish. Maybe, this could be one of the reasons why she was put in the sales department.

After this art, Fuuka looks even more like Chiyu's twin sister. Lol, they even stand behind her in sync.
Oct 7, 2021 12:23 PM

Feb 2014
I must say, seeing the penguins doing their usual business gave us some unexpectedly funny moments, with one of them falling off an uphill path while another one decided to flop to the lower ground instead of jumping. Re-watching it many times just made it funnier to me! XD

Either way, Fuuka joins the Tingaara aquarium and was put into the penguin team and thanks to Kukuru helping her, Fuuka was able to memorise the names of all 20 penguins and, along with Kukuru's persuasion for the upcoming behind-the-scenes tour, they finally got the stubborn Chiyu to relinquish her earlier refusal.

I'm not surprised that the assistant director cared more about the turnout for the tour more than anything else, but in this case, while it was only a family of four that took part, it made for a more personal tour that would be more beneficial for both parties compared to having a much larger group. Overall, Kukuru did a bloody good job in this episode. =)
Oct 7, 2021 1:00 PM

Jul 2014
Fuuka proving to be competent at her job made me very happy. I'm glad she's back reunited with Kukuru.

Nao Touyama sure loves her penguins huh xD. And that "Nunca te rindas"... lmao. Great to have her here too.

And then we have Kiyono Yasuno voicing such a good girl. I'm really liking Maeda.

That said, Kukuru's boss is insufferable. Even if Kukuru does things right, he always finds something wrong with it.
SkyLETVOct 7, 2021 3:05 PM
Oct 7, 2021 2:24 PM
Oct 2020
A good episode 👏
Oct 7, 2021 2:29 PM

Sep 2017
Kukuru's boss is such a twat lol. How about use your authority to at least initiate the event so other departments are on board unless they have a good reason not to be. Then you can leave the "how it will actually" happen to the new hire.
Oct 7, 2021 3:02 PM

Apr 2015
BlichoBoy said:
Was the positive episode that was needed after the last 2 fairly sad episodes.

Looks like no Gama Gama penguin gone to Tingaara. Poor Choko. And the vet retired,maybe?
I was also quite surprised that Choko wasn't among the Penguins in Tingaara. Kinda sad that Kukuru's favorite animal from Gama Gama couldn't go to Tingaara, especially when/if Kukuru does end up going back as an attendant.
Oct 7, 2021 4:54 PM

Sep 2018
Eh, I'm getting kind of sick of these "coming of age" stories recently. I've seen it all before, too many times I think. It's becoming incredibly cliched for me now. Overcoming a certain situation with all the drama to boot, eh.... Steadily losing interest in this anime, it's not like I dislike coming of age stories, this one feels so pedestrian in contrast to others I've seen. Maybe it's the characters as well, I don't feel attached to anybody after three or so months of watching. This whole thing with Fuuka coming back and working again here just feels very forced and needed to move the plot along.
Oct 7, 2021 5:24 PM
Aug 2017
Man this episode was great but only because of the penguins and Kukuru's boss bitchin at the group thing LMAO But I like that it gets the intended result, to motivate Kukuru to work HARDER and BETTER instead of comforming. Her boss is non ironically perfect for her type of personality, she is gonna become a fine director. I look forward to seeing her grow even more and hopefully her boss recognizing the effort.

I think the only thing I wasn't a huge fan of was the ongoing joke of glasses fish dude (yeah I get it, he is a walking stereotype, give him an actual personality or smth) and Fuuka being a creep at the beginning with the whole "i came to work at tingaara and now i live right next to you because i get the intel out of your grandparents!". I get is Okinawa and people are warm and all but bruh moment at that lol

Also not knowing what Kukuru's boss is at most of the day? I want a tour to his daily life, he can't just be sitting his ass all day typing random crap on his computer for all he runs his mouth about wanting the aquarium to succeed LMAO I don't mind him throwing work to the newbie (good ol "learn by doing it bitch"), but seriously what does He Do???

I'm sad we didn't see Choko, that hurt me and now I live in fear of him being used to cause more drama: What If the show decides he is dead and gone and then Kukuru has to deal with the other reminder of her parents gone? Plus he was cute as a button.
Oct 7, 2021 5:26 PM
Jul 2018
a cool thing was Fuuka memorizing the names of the animals, that was really good this episode and even had Kukuru working and many other good moments in this episode.
Oct 7, 2021 6:19 PM

Apr 2008
4561236 said:
Fuuka being a creep at the beginning with the whole "i came to work at tingaara and now i live right next to you because i get the intel out of your grandparents!". I get is Okinawa and people are warm and all but bruh moment at that lol

Definitely got some stalker vibes there. Guess that's what Fuuka really took away from the idol business.

I don't like how Kukuru's boss just seems to be incompetent. How's this supposed to be about her growth when he's pushing this tour initiative as effective regardless of the aquarium's condition and taking no responsibility when there isn't actually interest? Kukuru's many flaws can't shine or evolve when she's setup to fail.

Honestly, Tingaara seems like as much of a shitshow as Gama Gama. Sure the equipment is shiny and new, but there's no consistency or particular requirements in the boss' hiring and no inter-department leadership.
Oct 7, 2021 7:34 PM
Mar 2015
Welcome back Fuuka
Oct 7, 2021 7:37 PM
May 2021
Nice, Kukuru and Fuuka working together is amazing.
Kukuru's boss is something that I will never understand, but at least that family that went to the tour was happy, thats a big step.
And what a memory Fuuka has to remember all those names.
Oct 7, 2021 8:11 PM
Aug 2017
Bio said:
4561236 said:
Fuuka being a creep at the beginning with the whole "i came to work at tingaara and now i live right next to you because i get the intel out of your grandparents!". I get is Okinawa and people are warm and all but bruh moment at that lol

Definitely got some stalker vibes there. Guess that's what Fuuka really took away from the idol business.

I don't like how Kukuru's boss just seems to be incompetent. How's this supposed to be about her growth when he's pushing this tour initiative as effective regardless of the aquarium's condition and taking no responsibility when there isn't actually interest? Kukuru's many flaws can't shine or evolve when she's setup to fail.

Honestly, Tingaara seems like as much of a shitshow as Gama Gama. Sure the equipment is shiny and new, but there's no consistency or particular requirements in the boss' hiring and no inter-department leadership.

That and her memorising abilities! Remembering all those dumb idol songs takes work, too.

What he said made perfect sense though. The reasoning behind it (making it visible to the public + following the other aquariums which are competition) was fine. Is not his job to check If the other departments/attendants are in conditions to do the tour, that is Kukuru's job (for now lol) and their own responsibility, not his.

You could argue he wasn't very "considerate" towards the rest of the departments involved but eh.

Kukuru may look like she is set to fail but look at it from this perspective: She is a newbie that is being put to test in the same way as Fuuka was on her first day. Except, yes, her case is more harsh because her boss is absolutely uncompromising. But that isn't a necessarily bad thing either, since the expectations are kinda low towards her and Kukuru is a known hard worker, even If she does makes mistakes (which she did and are directly connected to her flaws) she still learns. Also thankfully her fuck ups were extremely minor so far so there is that too lol

I do find curious how despite Tingaara being known before the opening by the main cast, there is not a lot of people around. And I wonder If the place Karin used to work at (the tourist association or whatever that was) didn't send the info around yet or what. Or maybe aquariums aren't that popular in the non tourist population of Okinawa.

Edit: I'm lowkey hoping penstagram will come back as a plot point or smth later. So far i dont think it was brought back again and it would be interesting if that was the main reason people arent around lol
Oct 7, 2021 8:22 PM

Jul 2019
Sometimes the right people really brighten up your day. I really liked the gradual progression of the atmosphere of the work place from episode 13 to 14.

This series is freaking great!

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Oct 7, 2021 8:41 PM

Apr 2008
4561236 said:
Bio said:

Definitely got some stalker vibes there. Guess that's what Fuuka really took away from the idol business.

I don't like how Kukuru's boss just seems to be incompetent. How's this supposed to be about her growth when he's pushing this tour initiative as effective regardless of the aquarium's condition and taking no responsibility when there isn't actually interest? Kukuru's many flaws can't shine or evolve when she's setup to fail.

Honestly, Tingaara seems like as much of a shitshow as Gama Gama. Sure the equipment is shiny and new, but there's no consistency or particular requirements in the boss' hiring and no inter-department leadership.

What he said made perfect sense though. The reasoning behind it (making it visible to the public + following the other aquariums which are competition) was fine. Is not his job to check If the other departments/attendants are in conditions to do the tour, that is Kukuru's job (for now lol) and their own responsibility, not his.

The big thing was he didn't care that they weren't. His only argument was these are popular, which he wasn't even right about. Would it be good publicity if a behind the scenes disaster went viral? If he's not going to trust the other departments about their condition then he better have a reason.
Oct 7, 2021 9:07 PM

Jan 2017
Seems like the head of marketing prioritize quantity over quality, Kukuru did such a splendid job with the behind-the-scenes tour despite only for a family of four

It's also very heartwarming to see Fuuka reuniting with the Gama Gama crew, Eiji with his fish schtick will surely gel well with them too

However the biggest tragedy is Choco is nowhere to be seen 😔
Oct 7, 2021 10:28 PM

Aug 2021
How great to see them together again. Really the people in charge of this anime are evil, they make us believe that Fuuka was leaving.....
they played with my feelings

Oct 7, 2021 11:54 PM

Apr 2016
knorozov said:
How great to see them together again. Really the people in charge of this anime are evil, they make us believe that Fuuka was leaving.....
they played with my feelings

Dude, she was literally gone for one fucking episode. Not even that lmao.
Oct 8, 2021 12:42 AM

Apr 2012
Swagernator said:
knorozov said:
How great to see them together again. Really the people in charge of this anime are evil, they make us believe that Fuuka was leaving.....
they played with my feelings

Dude, she was literally gone for one fucking episode. Not even that lmao.

Huh, I remember people on ANN even promised to drop it if Fuuka didn't come back.
Oct 8, 2021 1:51 AM

Feb 2020
So, Fuuka-chan really return into Kukuru's arms, while on the other side too, Kukuru can't live without her. Talk about good timing. But it can be better if they just stayed under the same roof already, smh.

Still, i can't help but appreciate Fuuka's dedication and determination. After such a good experience she got at gama-gama, looks like she become more mature about her new lifes; taking the diving license for whatever reason, giving surprise even those late night, and most important matter, not feared about the job was just about the penguin attendant. Even willing to giving such an extra time to learn more about her new work environment with those cute penguins. Well, salute, good work, girl.

Hopefully Kukuru will get a better result under those tense person lead. Seriously, bruh, just chill. Joking much aside, lets see whats up next....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Oct 8, 2021 3:09 AM

Oct 2016
Kukuru's reaction to Fuuka returning and living next to her is precious. Welcome to Tingaara Fuuka! Great episode with little to no problems, except Suwa is still a shitty boss. Chiyu being a little hostile is honestly understandable, but I am sure she'll come around eventually. Like in this episode she was mostly chill, she just takes her job super seriously.

The penguins just playing around and going about their business and slipping or something was adorably entertaining lmao. Marina is also a cutie, nunca te rindas. I wonder where Choko is though, I thought Choko would be in there. Really looking forward for more Aquarium management simulator.
Oct 8, 2021 4:07 AM

Oct 2008
supervisor is so strict or maybe he's just doing that because he has to maintain some level of authority because of for the sole purpose of getting more customers? well work work work...

Oct 8, 2021 4:35 AM

Apr 2018
Fuuka is really working at the aquarium but she got the place Kukuru wanted from the beginning, I hope she'll be able to move from her boring job it's really annoying, especially for the boss I would have insulted him and get fired
Oct 8, 2021 8:47 AM
Aug 2017
Bio said:
The big thing was he didn't care that they weren't. His only argument was these are popular, which he wasn't even right about. Would it be good publicity if a behind the scenes disaster went viral? If he's not going to trust the other departments about their condition then he better have a reason.

Those events tend to be popular, the thing is for some reason Tingaara doesn't have nearly as much clients/visitors as you would expect for such a big aquarium. We don't know why that is, or If it's a background kind of thing (like the animators aren't gonna be bothered in putting a bunch of random NPCs just to show the aquarium is thriving lol). What I find curious is that Karin's old job (which literally focused on tourism) and even Gama Gama itself was aware of Tingaara's future existence, so clearly there is an issue with marketing the place. Using events to attract the public more is not bad, but clearly It wasn't done nearly as well as It could have (was it done during the high tourist season?? was it promoted on social media??? does Tingaara even have an active social media account????).

We can't really say "he was wrong" when we lack so much information yet. What we can say is that organising the event so It can happen is not enough to attract folks to it (assuming that's all Kukuru did, which is plenty to do in the span of a week + the little sign at the entrance).

> He doesn't care that they weren't

Of course he doesn't. Again, that is Not his job. That is the job and responsibility of the other departments. Their job is to make sure things are in order and ready** for shit like that, and If they aren't, then they should find a middle ground or something so things work out like in this episode (the answer was pretty simple, just don't have people be too close to the animals period). This is not about trust, is about getting stuff done and making it work.

**Obviously this includes looking after the health of the animals
Oct 8, 2021 10:16 AM

Feb 2019
Hope Kukuru can get the recognition she deserves soon!

First half of the episode I definitely disliked Haebaru again. She looked down on Fuuka so much, even though it was her that couldn't appreciate Kukuru's Gramps' teachings. Glad she realised how hardworking and dedicated Fuuka can be.
Oct 8, 2021 10:45 AM

May 2019
Really good reunion for both Fuuka and Kukuru in the aquarium. This looks really promising show to be even better. Damn Fuuka need to remember penguins names just like students lol. The other staff members are also interesting people so it's good. I'll consider visit this kind of giant aquarium one day because of this show really. PA really excel when it's making originals about workplace and they need to make more of this in the future.

Oct 8, 2021 12:00 PM

Oct 2018
the duo Kukuru and Fuuka is always lovely to see. Love them so much
Oct 8, 2021 12:11 PM
Jul 2016
I can't wait for the marketing guy's backstory to be some BS like - " Gama-Gama was my FAVORITE aquarium growing up, but seeing it get old and depreciate and unappreciated made me realize the IMPORTANCE of marketing" and he now vows not to have any aquarium close under those conditions ever again.

And the reason he's so hard on Kukuru is because he saw her effort the last month of Gama-Gama's existence and believes her creativity would have saved Gama-Gama if she had been given more time and resources.

Now he's the "turn customers into fanatics, products into obsessions, employees into ambassadors, and brands into religions" guy.

On a separate point, lesbian pipe-dream - two girls being next door neighbors and working the same quirky interest job...
Oct 8, 2021 7:54 PM

Feb 2020
is kukuru's boss. actually a fucking idiot. if kukuru doesn't have the authority to make the other departments comply then he should've been the one to do it. wtf. this is so contrived

although im glad that haebaru isn't as big of a dick as I thought she was. a hardass, sure, but not unreasonably so.

bdjeksjdjrieiee kukuru & fuuka living next door to each other...
Oct 8, 2021 8:47 PM

Sep 2015
Wait since how did things go forward one year? I didn't see any template saying "one year later".

Anyway, Fuuka has been improving more than Kukuru, I knew one group was not enough for behind the scenes tour
August 6th 2023: Biggest upset ever, deception, selfishness, or scammed, manipulated. Heavy damage costs, and more. Days since: 15 Last updated: 8/21/2023

One Piece Episode 1041 & 1042 & 1047 & 1048 & 95.75%/1049 & 1053 were a mistake and Uta brought the salvation -AhriTheS3xyFox

Oct 8, 2021 9:32 PM
Sep 2016
My concern last week : I sense a looming unecessary dramas in a near future.
I'm so glad that they didn't got trapped with such unecessary dramas and pretty much resolve the issues of distrusts (between the "Gama Gama faction" v everyone else) early on here (temporarily at least). Though as long as the "Gama Gama faction" exists, such conflict might still resurface later on.

As I predicted before, the 2nd cour is much faster paced than the 1st one. Though, I still really liked the slower paced 1st cour more. Slow paced SoLs are just bliss....
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
Oct 9, 2021 4:31 AM

Oct 2007
Fuuka really works hard when she likes to do something. Memorizing 20 penguin names so quickly.
she was not hostile when Chiyu trained at Gama, so that's probably why Chiyu is a bit nicer to her.

a bit worrying that Choko is nowhere to be found, I was expecting to see him with the other penguins.

the new guy who wears glasses is actually nice, and Marina is nice too.. looks like there won't be much problems from these two.

and another surprise, Fuuka was able to rent the room that is beside Kukuru's room. They almost live together now, only separated by a wall.

looking forward to next week! :)
Oct 9, 2021 5:49 AM

Apr 2012
They are also best female friends. It's almost like a lesbian couple, only without sexual and romantic interactions.
Oct 9, 2021 7:19 AM

Oct 2007
forgot to say. This episode we see Kukuru and Fuuka reach night time at Tingaara before going home, they both working hard. It seems Chiyu goes home earlier than the others?

and I imagine a gigantic place like this would cost tons of money to maintain, so they really need to make people come and become repeat customers.
Oct 9, 2021 8:11 AM

Jun 2021
So after an episode hiatus, Fuuka is already back and working with Kukuru again? So what was the whole point of episode 12 (or the first cour for that matter). I honestly thought they were going to do something different in the second cour, but this is really starting to feel like the same story, with some added new characters.

Kukuru's boss continues to be a power-harassing douche. If they try to pull a "he was actually a good guy all along" none-sense, I think I'm going to vomit.

This show was watchable last season due to a weak lineup, but in this stacked season, I don't know if I can continue to do so.
Oct 9, 2021 5:47 PM
Mar 2012
Nice Fuuka returned fast, even tho it's months timeskip. & found her new dream, be with Kukuru of course, and maxout her penguin skill-branch.
More office politics & boss still asshole, tho shared some helpful knowledge. Glad Kukuru's improving on the hard job.
Eiji's great fish team talking like all fish. Love watching these penguins, Uirou penguin reminds of grape-kun. lol Nao Touyama in english & spanish.

Oct 9, 2021 11:00 PM

May 2015
There was a lot of info dump in this episode. How am I supposed to remember the names and features of all those penguins if the plot thickens, like if Sakuramochi and Dorayaki break up their long term relationship or Uioro comes out of the corner and bites Mochi the Hungry?
IshitatesoOct 10, 2021 2:20 AM
夏草や 兵どもが 夢の跡
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