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Sep 15, 2021 6:28 AM

Nov 2011
Well, Paula is very dedicated to her exams.

Idk, this episode felt okay but also kinda dull compared to othe others. Reiji is still doing his usual work while helping out everywhere including Paula. Noera got spoiled with affections like a cat so it was a joyful day for her.
Sep 15, 2021 6:28 AM

Jul 2017
Paula is back, and her armoury store is in a better shape now, just that business is slow. Eveyone just comes to the Kirio Drugstore for free meals.

Paula can practice being literate on her license renewal exam, but requesting Reiji to make potions that are the equivalent of the modern day energy drinks...only that it guarantees passes and no failures. She's isn't as studious as Reiji had thought, but she's gotta contribute on her own as well, the medicine has a limited time of effectiveness. Good for her that she passed and got her license renewed.

Er hello, UV rays will affect both men and women, dead or alive, so creating some sunscreen gel for Mina and Vivi...with a nice scent to it and some alluring side effects like cheeks going springy boing boing. Noela is just dying to receive Reiji's attention, and affections like a cat. Ejil just can't get enough of Noela, but thank god for a safety line between the both of them. No surprise that this medicine is popular through word-of-mouth, I would like that as well.

And are we finally heading back to the very beginning of Reiji's life in another world? Yes we are.
KANLen09Sep 15, 2021 9:50 AM
Sep 15, 2021 7:20 AM

Jun 2019
Everyone showing up there can't be a coincidence. LOL. Paula is studying hard for the exams and she didn't even notice Reiji. But, she's scared of failing. So, Reiji has to help her with the medicine he made for her. She passed and Reiji was about to get a kiss from her but seems like that's for another day.

Reiji made a UV Protection Sunscreen for the girls, Vivi and Mina but surprisingly Noela wanted to try it too. Boing... Boing... Boing Cheeks. Reiji had to control himself. Sadly, Ejil didn't get to do the same. Now, his medicine has become quite popular among people. Nice.
Sep 15, 2021 7:23 AM

Apr 2016
What a bunch of freeloaders lmao, everyone went in just to get free breakfast.

I really like Paula's character, she was studying hard and plenty till main-kun visited her and she realized "why study when you can just drink potion and be done with it, again im asking ... is there a potion for something that Reji can't make lmao. And the poor butler looking for maou everywhere lol.
Sep 15, 2021 7:29 AM
Jul 2021
Lmao, Loved it again. I seriously can't believe how much I look forward to his 30 seconds of mixing, and we got it TWICE in this episode ๐Ÿ˜‚. I know it's not some great show with amazing characters, but I just relax and have 20 minutes of just easy-going fun. And for that it definitely makes the rating go way up for me.
Sep 15, 2021 7:44 AM
May 2021
This is a fun anime to watch
Sep 15, 2021 7:44 AM
Jul 2021
KANLen09 said:

And are we finally heading back to the very beginning of Reiji's life in another world? Yes we are.

I am excited to see that, although I was expecting it to be a little more dramatic in the way/why he was Isekai'd. But everyone in Isekai gets killed so it's cool that it happened in a different way. This is just a feel-good show that I enjoy without thinking about anything or trying to overanalyze, but I feel like if they started with him getting sent to this world and meeting everyone and why/how he became a pharmacist when he was just a salary Man before (right? I was half looking at the screen when they showed the little bit before he begged to leave his life) then I bet more people would have been interested. Maybe they wouldn't have stuck around (like the people who love to trash everything especially Isekai or people who NEED every show to be some great epic to get any enjoyment out of it) but they might have been more interested from the beginning anyways.
Sep 15, 2021 9:17 AM

May 2021
People are loving Reiji’s new medicine! He also got addicted to Vivi and Noella’s springy cheeks xD. Everyone coming to lunch on a ‘coincidental’ time was funny too lol. So we got to see Reiji’s backstory a bit. Looking forward to the next episode which I believe is the last.
Sep 15, 2021 9:22 AM

Aug 2020
A very enjoyable episode. So Paula had troubles at the exam to keep her shop, and Reiji made a potion to give her support on the studying task. Fortunately she passed. But I expected that she would win some clients after it xD

The sun-protection potion was very profitable! Everybody bought it. Even Anabella and Kururu (I expected his sister Ririka went to the store with him...). Noella bathed her own face with the product just to have Reiji's attention haha

The next episode may explain Reiji's departure from the usual world. I hope every character will show up.

Sep 15, 2021 9:47 AM

Apr 2018
I wish that potion for exams existed in real life, it would be so useful... well looks like the sun-protection business is doing good for him, WTF so next ep is actually the real life xD (and I guess they'll finally put the skipped content from the beginning of the manga adaptation in it)
Sep 15, 2021 10:13 AM

Apr 2018
I serously need that drug he made. Would be ueful for my test tommorow. Paula was studying hard but seems like that wasn't enough to pass the test. The second half of the episode was adorable. Cheeks are superior parts of the face. Vivi best girl!

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Sep 15, 2021 11:28 AM

Feb 2007
"Our food expenses are higher lately for some odd reason" - yeah, I wonder why... :D

Squishy Noela turns Reiji almost into Ejil... Then Ejil takes it even further. :D

And looks by the preview that we're finally getting the beginning of the story in the last episode... >_>
Sep 15, 2021 12:18 PM

Nov 2011
Wish Paula got a kiss in but oh well. Seems like this was technically the last episode. Next week will mostly focus on how he helped Noella, and how he got the Drug store as well.
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Sep 15, 2021 12:50 PM
Apr 2021
Man what a great anime ๐Ÿ‘Œ I don't know why people calling this trash without even watching a single episode !!! I was depressed few months ago but when I watched this anime I feel so refreshing I even laugh at some scenes which makes me happy !!! I'm also sad that next week we will get the last episode !! I want author to release vol 2 and also season 2 next year
Sep 15, 2021 2:41 PM

Jul 2015
I absolutely adore Paula, her laid back personality and chemistry with Reiji. Also she wears glasses, so it's instant 10/10 and AOTY.

Sep 15, 2021 4:42 PM
Jul 2018
the creator potion by Reiji now with the potion of not forgetting the things that were studied although it's pretty cool that with the very way it was thought about it, along with the soft skin potion that everyone wanted to have this damn potion.
Sep 15, 2021 4:48 PM

Sep 2020
That Ejil's wanted poster cracked me up.
By the way, now that we're one week away for the final episode I'd say that keeping Reiji's origin story for last was a good choice.
Sep 15, 2021 5:36 PM

Feb 2021
So they are finally going to show how he got isekai'd, I assume they are also going to show how he met Noela, well I just hope they don't cut my favorite joke of the LN.
Sep 15, 2021 6:17 PM
Jan 2018
I was kind of wondering why this had to be an isekai and I guess we'll find out next episode. I'm hoping it's unique in some way
Sep 15, 2021 10:39 PM

Oct 2016
Definitely enjoying this more ever since the side characters started showing up more frequently. Paula best girl. Damn it Noela, don't cockblock Paula. When I heard they skipped Reiji's backstory in the beginning, I thought they would probably show it at the end. Not a bad choice. Looking forward to it.
Sep 16, 2021 12:03 AM

Feb 2020
Oh my, best girl really deserve to be presente near the end of the series like this, and, for more importantly, she was trying to kiss Reiji too? Alright, folks, that's been decided. This is truly the best fuckin episode. Too bad the next will be the last. So, yeah, like always, ill be missing this show, somehow, if i remembering Paula nee-san cute smile ....

Noel unexpectedly quite blocking much this episode. First at Paula attempt. Second when Vivi was trying to get Reiji-sama attention with her new brand squishy cheek, thanks to that amazing drug. That's no good, loli woof, that's no good. Jealous isn't good for your cuteness. But, she's too fluffy, so ... >°<

Alright, they actually pulling out some backstories of Reiji doin before being so awesome attracting girls attention with his amazing drug invention. The studio always surprise me with the way they are handling the story. After Kuma3x, now, they try to close the series with suppose to be the beginning of the series story? Lets see how they wrap up things on the final....
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Sep 16, 2021 7:31 AM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
Finally it seems like they will give him some backstory about how he got issekaid

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Sep 16, 2021 1:57 PM

Mar 2021
Paula looks so cute in the first part of the episode ๐Ÿ˜ The reactions of Reiji from touching the cheeks of Vivi and Noela made me want to touch them too ๐Ÿ˜… I guess the last episode is about the past of Reiji and how he got isekai'd there.
Sep 16, 2021 1:59 PM

May 2018
Kirio and co. have achieved the legendary feat of creating hentai girl skin!
Sep 16, 2021 7:23 PM
Sep 2017
Such a cute and relaxing show. Next week should be interesting, showing how he came to this world.
BTW - did anyone else think it was funny that all these people keep showing up for lunch like it’s a delicious meal, but it looked to me like all they were eating was different kinds of bread every day! LOL
Sep 17, 2021 3:43 AM

Apr 2020
Lol Reiji's sunscreen thing sold like hot cakes.

Finally, we will get to know Reiji's backstory in next week's episode which is also the last. I have a theory about the fact that the "Next Customer" label showed up on Reiji might be teasing that there are actually 2 versions of Reiji. But meh, what are the chances of that? I'm probably just overthinking.
Sep 17, 2021 3:56 AM

Oct 2008
punyu-punyu i also wanna touch them! guhehehe!
i'm gonna miss this chill show! all the girls are so adorable! especially Noela, as for Mina i hope Reiji creates a godlike potion to resurrect Mina so she's not gonna be anymore a yuurei (ghost) but that might serve as an additional story because they could add some stuff like Mina dealing with her family because she's not ghost anymore...lolz
matias067Sep 17, 2021 4:00 AM

Sep 17, 2021 7:00 AM
Apr 2021
Ho, the next customer is Reiji himself? Omoshiroi. Finally next week, get to know how was Reiji's old life before he was reincarnated.
It all took 11 episodes but it's worth it, can't wait for that!
Sep 17, 2021 2:47 PM
Jan 2021
The best part of the ep was the foreshadowing to ep 12 at the end. Looks to be kinda interesting, instead of a boring ending that doesn’t really amount to anything
Sep 17, 2021 8:10 PM

Jun 2021
Pretty weak episode IMO. Like, there is no substance to the story. I am a moe pig myself, but moe can only carry a show for so long. This episode felt like watching an episode of Doraemon.

Interested to see what they are going to do in episode 12. Looks like we may get a prequel episode, which would be an interesting way to end this series, since "getting isekai-ed" component was one of the things that this show has not addressed yet.
Sep 22, 2021 1:00 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
?? What? She received the license in the first place, so why would she struggle so much with the renewal test-- especially as someone who's clearly putting a lot of effort and time into studying. Coming up with a plot like this for the hell of it just feels like it kinda really cheapens her abilities. The draw of her character was that she was actually pretty capable, but this just... ugh.

Also, 'Where's Master Eiji?! I would have given him all the potions he wanted if I knew this would happen!' Have you considered continuously checking the place that was selling the potions he wanted? Like, ugh. Why does this anime treat us like such fools and think cute antics will be enough? And admittedly, I usually don't find the antics all that cute and usually more annoying than anything. And the characters are pretty annoying and treated as if they're supposed to be cute. I've never been so sure of what I wanted to rate something prior to its ending.

And the backstory comes a bit too late for me. I haven't been able to root for or care about Reiji this whole time. Why start now? It's too late.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Sep 23, 2021 12:13 PM

Jul 2015
As someone who prefers the vanilla version of things: Fluffy Noela >>> Squishy Noela

Seems like we finally get to see how Reiji got isekaied in the next and last episode

Jan 20, 2024 10:14 PM

Nov 2009
I want to poke Noele's cheeks too. hehe.


Also... so he got Isekai when doing a dogeza in the middle of the street...

Yea... he probably got ran over by Truck-kun, LOL.

(now knowning this reveal... it feels like the guy doesn't deserve the Isekai and Harem... since his "death" is caused by himself and not an "accident" (like most Isekai plot)) (maybe this is why they didn't reveal this til the very end... cause most people would probably drop this back at episode 1, lol)
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