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Monogatari Series: Second Season
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Feb 15, 2019 3:21 AM

Jun 2017
This would be my last rant, I hope. This anime would've been better if the restored their superior hair back to normal. But oh well, I have no choice but to deal with that Nisio's bipolar writing.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Apr 28, 2019 6:37 AM
Apr 2016
Damn, this is starting better off than every previous season of the series. Hanekawa might be one of my favorite female anime characters, she's amazing.
May 15, 2019 10:23 AM
Jul 2018
Senjougahara worrying about Hanekawa was cute.

Nice OP and ED

I assume that the skipped chapter was about Araragi?
May 16, 2019 10:12 PM

Dec 2018
Really? First episode and we've already got some plot holes.

1. Hitagi knows about the 'golden week' event that happened between Araragi and Tsubasa'.

2. Hitagi act like a friend to Tsubasa, while we know from Nisemonogatari, that their relationship is like master and slave. (Hitagi said it, she could be lying tho.)

3. Tsubasa bluntly say that she LOVE Araragi in front of Hitagi. We know from bakemonogatari that she's to shy to say it, and too kind to take Hitagi's position.

And we also got some 'lost chapters'.

I hope it was to create some plotwist in the future.

Though, it could be my fault for watching the monogatari series in the broadcast order.
Kish0May 16, 2019 10:19 PM
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Jun 20, 2019 8:29 PM

Sep 2017
It only now dawned on me how shitty of a homelife Hanekawa has. She literally has a futon that she lays out in a hallway. What the fuck. Hachikuji looks so weird without her backpack. Looks like this season has brought back something from Bakemonogatari, where important messages will flash for single-digit number of frames. Not exactly something I wanted to see return, as the completionist in me will want to read every single last one, but oh well. Seeing that tiger next to Hanekawa makes it look insanely massive. Why did they have to cut Senjougahara's hair too... How was Hanekawa able to tell it was her house specifically that was burning? Can't say it is a terrible idea to sleep in the abandoned school, but it isn't exactly a good one either. I never realized Senjougahara cared for anyone that much, much less Hanekawa. Senjougahara threatening Hanekawa to get Hanekawa to her house was entertaining. Araragi must be rubbing off on Senjougahara, and not in a good way. Senjougahara wanting to take a shower with Hanekawa for Araragi's sake is really funny. Wonder what Araragi is doing that is so important.
Mar 24, 2020 3:42 PM

Jun 2015
I missed this series. It brings me a few years back, when everything was less complicated. Can't wait to watch the rest. Without any rest.
May 4, 2020 9:58 AM
Jul 2018
The opening is cute and gives me some halcyon vibes.

I like that the first episode focuses on Senjougahara and Hanekawa. It's nice to see the waifus interact. Senjougahara looked so damn good in this episode.

Hanekawa's house burns down, and instead of asking to stay at someone's house she gets some cardboard, food, and goes to the cram-school instead. All because she doesn't want to be a bother to anyone else.

Then when Senjougahara finds her she's bursting in tears. Compare this first episode to the first episode of Bakemonogatari. This isn't the same waifu who would put a stapler in your mouth. She was able to achieve development into a better person through her experiences after meeting Arararagi (失礼、噛みました).

Senjougahara and Hanekawa's relationship is an odd one, but I don't think either would change it for the world lol
Jun 11, 2020 6:53 AM

Apr 2020
Starchaser said:
The opening is cute and gives me some halcyon vibes.

I like that the first episode focuses on Senjougahara and Hanekawa. It's nice to see the waifus interact. Senjougahara looked so damn good in this episode.

Hanekawa's house burns down, and instead of asking to stay at someone's house she gets some cardboard, food, and goes to the cram-school instead. All because she doesn't want to be a bother to anyone else.

Then when Senjougahara finds her she's bursting in tears. Compare this first episode to the first episode of Bakemonogatari. This isn't the same waifu who would put a stapler in your mouth. She was able to achieve development into a better person through her experiences after meeting Arararagi (失礼、噛みました).

Senjougahara and Hanekawa's relationship is an odd one, but I don't think either would change it for the world lol

Where did you watch it?
Jun 24, 2020 9:34 PM

Jun 2013
Dude, Senjougahara breaking down for Hanekawa had me shook! Really cool to see these two interact and converse. All in all it was a fantastic opening episode!
"The will to live is stronger than anything else"
Aug 22, 2020 1:32 PM
Mar 2018
lots happened this ep. hachikuji lost her backpack, tiger set the house on fire? and hanekawa still likes araragi. also liked the chalkboard with the cartoon characters foreshadowing the events.

this ep made me sympathize with hanekawa a bit more. use to hate her, now shes okay. overall, great start to a series some say is one of the best parts of monogatari.

also since anime twist is down rn, decided to torrent all the eps. no buffering 1080p blu rays very epic
HotPocketChrisAug 22, 2020 1:35 PM
Sep 7, 2020 12:36 PM

Apr 2019
Well, that was an incredibly good first episode.
Like I'm actually taken aback by how good it was. (or how good I found it at least)

Well first of all, I really like how Hanekawa is the focus character instead of Koyomi, it's a nice change of pace. Now I would say it sucks that her house burned down but I'm pretty sure she's somewhat happy about that happening deep down. Also didn't think she slept in the hallway, cause after watching Neko, it didn't really click with me at the time that that was a futon in the hallway.

I really like how she ran into Hachikuji, and it just flew past me how she didn't have her backpack until she mentioned it. So I'm really looking forward to finding out more about that.

Another thing I wanna mention is Hitagi, cause I found her to be absolutely phenomenal. Seeing her react to finding Hanekawa really threw me off, cause she hasn't really shown that much emotion before/ever. I mean there's the relationship between the two of them that was mentioned in Nise. So that might be an explanation to why she acted the way she did towards Hanekawa this episode, but I'm really liking this change in her personality.

Overall I really liked this episode and I'm now very eager to watch the next one.
arcticmontysSep 7, 2020 12:48 PM
Sep 13, 2020 3:35 AM

Jun 2020
Now this is what a good ecchi anime is I really enjoyed it was very interesting.

So the neck tilt is back! And I really dislike the way they massacre Senjougahara's hair she looks way pretty when she have a long hair well since it's already release I guess it's ok.

So on Hanekawa it's not a Neko anymore it's a Tiger now, pretty interesting I'm hoping that it will be good, and Hanekawa still love Araragi although she knows that he already has a girlfriend well she actually have guts saying it in front of her face, I kinda feel bad for Hanekawa losing her house, and when Senjougahara slapping her face while blushing was pretty cute.

Good opening it was so cute but I don't really trust cute opening it might be sad.

I really enjoyed watching this episode so overall my rating will be 5/5
Sep 26, 2020 2:14 PM

May 2014
Tsubasa-chan with short hair, cool
. Funny that all the girls that had long hair have short hair now while the one with short ones have long hair now. So long since we saw Mayoi that I didn't even notice she didn't have her backpack. Glad to see her back.

Tsubasa dealt with the cat and now she need to deal with a tiger. This time without Araragi. Cool to see that Tsubasa and Senjogahara is on same terms. Very odd to see that they have become friends. Looks like a lot have happened. However, I am glad for that. That blushing scene when Senjougahara found Tsubasa was gorgeous. Really heartwarming. Good for Senjougahara that she have gotten friends when she was all alone before. From the first ep. it looks like they need to solve this riddle themselves and deal with the aberration.

The unclothing scene was so nice. What a view. Senjougahara, the real tsundere, have nice shapes
. Araragi-kun is a lucky pal, that's for sure. Gonna be good to see their bath scene, but more importantly what Senjougahara's response will be. That cliffhanger at the end.
Jan 26, 2021 11:14 AM
Sep 2020
would you consider the monogatari series as underrated
Jan 29, 2021 6:42 AM
Dec 2020
Mikyyyp said:
would you consider the monogatari series as underrated

I think it deserves more eyes on it nowadays, I can't speak to it during release because I wasn't watching yet but I don't here too much about it now. That being said when I do hear about it, or just from looking at the ratings on here I wouldn't say its underrated I think its pretty aptly rated myself, and im loving it all, every part I've scene so far has been between 8-10 for me.
Feb 15, 2021 7:17 AM

Oct 2016
Yo that was such a fantastic fucking episode. It's so cool to see Hanekawa's POV.

Hanekawa's life is sad damn, she sleeps in the hallway!? She needs to learn how to ask others for help, she has Araragi and Senjougahara now. Though damn, when did Senjougahara and Hanekawa became so close. It warms my heart to see Senjougahara breakdown for Hanekawa though, their interaction this episode was fucking fantastic.
Mar 10, 2021 11:57 AM

Jul 2019
I like the appearance changes. It keeps things fresh. They look good. Something defo is happening here *obviously*. Hanekawa said something about skipping chapter? I have no clue.
Aug 8, 2021 10:38 AM
Aug 2021
Indeed she is.

I feel bad for Hanekawa, she is unloved by her "family" and she has to sleep in the hallway.

Wonder why Hanekawa's house was razed to the ground and what's up with Araragi. Also it feels very odd seeing Mayoi without her backpack.
-Facktack-Aug 8, 2021 10:49 AM
Aug 28, 2021 6:01 PM
May 2020
hitagi reminds me of a mini araragi lol. hanekawa and hitagi's friendship is something i never knew i needed to be broadcasted
Sep 14, 2021 12:27 PM

Oct 2020
This episode was really good. Hope it stays like this for the whole season
Jul 23, 2022 11:24 PM
Oct 2020
Off to a great start! Happy to see Mayoi again, though I wonder what happened to her backpack? Nice animation on the tiger, will be interesting to see where this goes. It feels like we're back in the first season in Hitagi's room and she's taking her clothes off. But this time she's joined by Tsubasa. Yeah, I'm pretty OK with that!
Aug 29, 2022 10:52 AM
Apr 2021
Boa introdução.
Oct 27, 2022 11:32 PM
Oct 2021
boriiiiingggg and horibleeeeeee
Mar 12, 2023 5:05 AM

May 2021
So now it's a yuri RomCom. I don't mind but I'm a bit sad they nerfed the hair. Fanservice is better than ever though.

Jul 24, 2023 11:45 PM
Jul 2018
Senjougahara just wants to touch Hanekawa lol
Jul 25, 2023 9:58 PM

Oct 2021
it is nice to see the story from hanekawa's perspective. it gives us a feeling that how much all the characters relay on araragi. senjoughara and hanekawa conversations are always welcome for me, the relationship between them is interesting to see and how much hitagi cares for hanekawa and vice-versa.
Aug 18, 2023 7:39 PM

Oct 2016
Ok. Here after 5 years of not watching an episode and reading the manga, let's see what's in store for me.
Dec 15, 2023 2:19 AM
Jul 2018
Damn, here we go, Monogatari series hurray! The opening theme seems fun, as well as the episode in this one.
Jan 19, 2024 4:50 PM

Dec 2018
Well, they announced this series is getting more anime this year, and giving how I’ve always wanted to get back to this series I figured this is a great opportunity, so here I am returning to a series I haven’t watched since 2019, feels kinda good lol, it’s like seeing old friends again except they all cut their hair and look worse now, it is what it is tho lol, perhaps the designs will grow on me. And while I can’t remember how I felt about it back then, right now I’m not the biggest fan of quickly flashing text in the middle of scenes, I feel bad for any Japanese folks that watched this on TV lol, they’re cool little tidbits but it feels distracting at the same time, I don’t plan to pause to read them every time.

All my nitpicks aside tho, really I do like the uniqueness of the Monogatari anime, it’s definitely a style you don’t get anywhere else, I’m especially a fan of all the colorful scenes and different camera angles. And of course I love the girls, they may talk like they have a dictionary in front of them 24/7 but it’s fun lol, and of course they’re all cute too, but they also have a tendency to attract weird shit and we’re seeing that again with Hanekawa and this tiger that wanted her to be homeless lol, thankfully we have Senjougahara to instill faith in the yuri route and give her a roof over her head while they deal with the situation. And man, that final scene just really reminded me how good the fanservice in this show is, if all else fails you can at least depend on this lol.

Nice OP and ED this time too, I still listen to the songs from Bake, Nise and Neko to this day so I’m glad the jams stay banging going forward. But yeah man, good to be back, I know I probably should have given the first few seasons a rewatch first but I don’t know how much time I have before the new series comes out so fuck it we ball lol, and looks like with this and Kotoura-San I’m gonna be in 2013 for a while, I’m definitely not complaining about that lol.
Mar 28, 2024 2:50 PM

Jul 2016
Ah, yes. Definitely my favorite Monogatari arc: Yurimonogatari.

Now seriously, Senjougahara and Hanekawa sure make an interesting duo. Hope studio show them taking a shower next episode after all that teasing (¬_¬ )
Apr 25, 2024 11:39 PM
Mar 2018
Hmm... Monogatari has always had pretty interesting shot compositions; it's basically been the main hook of the show for me, but the illustration work in this iteration seems to be of higher quality than in the previous entries. Could be that it's one of those things where they splurged their resources in the first and last couple of episodes, but regardless, this was the first episode that I've thought has consistently looked pretty good.

Anyway, Nisemono did already hint that Senjougahara and Hanekawa had some kind of relationship we're not privy to, so I guess it's fun to see that being explored a bit, even though it's quite different from what I'd expected so far. I never would've thought that Senjougahara would worry about Hanekawa to tears. It never seemed like she really cared about her very much at all.

What's interesting, too, is that this arc seems to be from Hanekawa's perspective and seems to have pushed Araragi entirely to the side. That's a huge plus in my book. I've always liked Hanekawa (when she was not being a cat, anyway) and Araragi has been one of the worst characters in the whole saga. The episode left a good first impression for the season.
May 14, 2024 7:17 PM

Jan 2020
This season of Monogatari is off to a strong start and here are a few things I would like to say:

I loved seeing Senjougahara being expressive holy shit. I didn't know she'd worry so much for Hanekawa and look for her.

And I also loved the "no homo" moment from Senjougahara. REMEMBER: IT'S NOT GAY TO SHOWER WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND WANTING TO SEE THEM NAKED.

May 23, 2024 2:04 AM

Dec 2022
Man has it been a while since I last watched a monogatari entry. The first episode with an okayish op song but it looks like the main focus is going to be Hanekawa again which I adore because she's very interesting

Aug 11, 2024 2:54 AM

Jan 2018
Man, it never occurred to me that since Hanekawa didn't have her own room, she slept in the hallway. She could've at least slept in a guest room or something but no. Her "parents" are horrible and they deserve to get assfucked whenever possible. Even after their house burnt down they didn't give much thought about where Hanekawa will go. And the worst parents award goes to... Hanekawa's parents whom we don't even see in the anime.

The OP is so good. I love all of the Hanekawa OPs. I considered chocolate insomnia my favorite but after rewatching Nekomonogatari Kuro I'm wondering if perfect slumbers was better. What do the names have in common with sleeping anyway?

Long time no see Senjougahara! Her short hair looks okay... I think the shorter hair suits Hanekawa a lot better. Seeing Senjougahara break down crying with a different voice shook me. Senjougahara losing her usual voice means shit is serious. But this was something else.

I forgot most of what happened in Monogatari Series Second Season and the third season even though I still remember the first season pretty clearly. Dunno why. I guess things just get more complicated which makes it difficult to remember. But in a way that's a good thing since rewatching this will feel more rewarding. I wish I could forget Steins;Gate. But it was just too impactful for me to forget.
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