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Jul 21, 2021 4:49 PM
Oct 2020
The Saikawa, Kanna, and Ilulu skit was amazing. I love how much Lucoa has grown as a person as a result of taking care of Shota

The second skit with the maid outfits was super wholesome. It was nice to see Kobayashi accepting her femininity and cuteness after rejecting it the whole series

The third skit was my favorite. It was probably the most well structured joke among the three and the payoff was so funny.

The monopoly scenes in the middle were great. Shota was alot more active than usual but still stood true to his usual character. It was also nice to see Illulu not be the focus of the story, instead developing in the background.

Great episode as always!
Jul 21, 2021 5:14 PM
Dec 2011
Love Chu Peru Chu Daisuki Kobayashi San!!
Really liked this episode. Kanna San is super cute. Can't wait for the next episode
Jul 21, 2021 5:30 PM
Sep 2020
I'll follow the reporters regarding Maid Dragon S episode 03
Jul 21, 2021 5:48 PM

Jun 2021
We finally got to see all the characters together, which is something I'd been waiting for since the season began!

I like the fact that Ilulu started getting along with the rest of the children thanks to Lucoa's help, as she is, indeed, a child herself, and should enjoy her childhood as such.

Besides of that, I love how everyone helped in making a cute outfit for Kobayashi, and also how they were so supportive of her, unlike her family at the time.

Finally, I hope Tohru finds a good hobby. I laughed out loud when she made all those Kobayashi merch as if she were an idol.

In conclusion, it was another episode full of wholesome, funny content, although some may think that it was slower than the first two episodes.

P.S.: That fhána reference and the ending with the song that Tohru wrote for Kobayashi and the scenes from season one were so amazing.
Jul 21, 2021 5:57 PM

Jun 2021
AkeZZZ said:

Tohru was very mad about Kobayashi. btw, she could gain some profit from selling those merchs.

I would definitely buy it XD
Jul 21, 2021 6:57 PM

Jan 2013
A pretty great episode, especially for Kobayashi xD
Ilulu is a part of the squad now!

That Kanna's ending "please adore me" ahahaha
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jul 21, 2021 7:22 PM

Jun 2019
This season is nowhere near as charming as the first season. That’s a big deal when you have an 8 year old girl whose entire character is wanting to bang another 8 year old (don’t care if Kanna is supposed to be older, she is an 8 year old for all intents and purposes) and most of the show is SOL comedy.

I could at least enjoy the first season most of the time. I can’t say I enjoyed any of this episode.
Jul 21, 2021 7:46 PM

Jul 2016
I sensed danger the moment Saikawa realized she was going to be alone with Kanna. Good thing Lucoa was nearby and decided to pay a visit.

Overall, probably the most enjoyable episode of this second season. Had a seizure with Kanna pouting because she didn't want to share the donuts.
Jul 21, 2021 7:57 PM

Apr 2020
Didn't know Lucoa could rewind time damn, she's pretty OP



Jul 21, 2021 8:46 PM
Jan 2021
The ED lol. This was a good episode
Jul 21, 2021 8:48 PM

Sep 2013
Why is everything happening on toilets this season?
There's no need for all this tension.
Jul 21, 2021 9:05 PM

Mar 2021
Is this season more lascivious? I dunno why but this season's not quite "doing it" for me the way the first did, and not because of Iruru either. Still not gonna drop it, but it feels off. Parts of it are still good, though, I'm kind of in the middle with it at this point.
Jul 21, 2021 9:20 PM

Oct 2008
Saikawa's a FREAK!!!
Her ahegao facial expression tendencies are really hilarious!!!
OMG is that the vocalist of fhána: Towana in anime form shown at the TV of Kobayashi!?!?
Damn Tooru is really great rockin' that electric gitah and wood sculpting like it was childsplay for her!

Jul 21, 2021 9:26 PM

Apr 2020
Finding a hobby sure is hard and being an idol fan is the only one suitable for Tooru I guess. Funny how they made Tooru's VA sing an entire song just for the joke. Liking the special ED theme, Ishukan Relationship.
Jul 22, 2021 3:58 AM

Feb 2014
Fun episode that made me laugh almost the entire show. The "Rhapsody of Blue Sky" reference was great! Love hearing that song.

Kanna is so cute, can't blame Saikawa for liking her. Ilulu refuses to play with kanna and Saikawa at first but eventually gave in and played with them.

Also Kobayashi on a maid outfitd the same with Tohru is cute.
Jul 22, 2021 4:05 AM

May 2019
Another great episode showcase everyone in onr room bonding with one another. The talk about hobby, things you enjoy ,looks ,obsession are all so good. Damn hopefully Kyoani could keep this level of consistency of fun, cute and heartwarming moments.

Jul 22, 2021 4:18 AM

Aug 2020
you know, I am surprised the world survived long enough to get us an episode 3, considering Fenrir's MMO account was shut down in episode 1.

Is this a simulation? I was sure we were all doomed to die.
free candies: premium candies:
Jul 22, 2021 5:12 AM
Oct 2019
I love the way they bring back the first OP through the Television.

Tohru become insane in the end and man the song become the ED, that was a good song.
Jul 22, 2021 5:18 AM

Jul 2015
God, I love this anime so much. In fact, I think it may be better than the first season (so far)
Jul 22, 2021 5:30 AM

Oct 2016
Really great episode! Good to see Saikawa losing it again, I don't think she's ever gotten an L lmao and now she's also got Ilulu to play with. Lucoa helping Ilulu was so sweet though, that was such a good moment. And she can fucking time travel, is there anything dragons can't do. Kobayashi looked really good in the maid outfit and with her hair down.

I wouldn't mind copping one of those Kobayashi merchandise lmao. Godbless KyoAni and Tohru for that ED song. Really looking forward to the next episode.
Jul 22, 2021 6:16 AM

Jul 2014
Besides the oddly-placed Monopoly asides, this was a great episode all around. Tohru's song at the end was great, and her desire to find a hobby to keep herself occupied made for a fun few minutes. As did Saikawa befriending Ilulu. The biggest surprise of this episode though was the incredibly casual revelation that Lucoa can rewind time: you can bet something along those lines is gonna happen now that it's been mentioned as a possibility.
Jul 22, 2021 6:25 AM
Aug 2017
duskyboris said:
Is this season more lascivious? I dunno why but this season's not quite "doing it" for me the way the first did, and not because of Iruru either. Still not gonna drop it, but it feels off. Parts of it are still good, though, I'm kind of in the middle with it at this point.

I 100% feel you on the show feeling more lewd and fanservice-y this season but I still like it! (The show not the fanservice) The wholesomeness and comedy from last season is still there and I think you should try and focus on that. I’m just glad that KyoAni are back though~
Jul 22, 2021 6:50 AM

Mar 2014
Kobayashi sure looks good in Tohru's maid outfit lol
Jul 22, 2021 7:34 AM
May 2021
It was personally really good. Nothing really stands out but it was just a solid watch.
Jul 22, 2021 8:12 AM
May 2016
Dudi4PoLFr said:
Lucoa casually dropping the fact that she can time travel...

That one Ilulu smiling scene (around 8:04) that took 30 drawings is the purest smile ever in any anime.

Also Towana from Fhána doing some 4th wall braking by being in the anime as herself while singing the OP from S1!

Koboyashi anthem as ED tho!

Glad someone mentioned, towana is too cute

Jul 22, 2021 9:37 AM
Sep 2016
Let's gooo...! Fhana's dance routine in anime format! My life is satisfied now.....
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
Jul 22, 2021 11:11 AM
Aug 2019
I liked the Booba POV when Lucoa entered the room it made me Lol
Jul 22, 2021 12:05 PM

Feb 2007
That Miyuki ED keeps getting mentions everywhere... PTSD getting worse...

Saikawa just being Saikawa. :D

Maid Philosopher Georgie.

Tohru too talented... :D
Jul 22, 2021 5:18 PM

Oct 2009
Love hearing the previous theme.
Jul 22, 2021 5:45 PM

Jun 2021
Just look at that guitar animation. That's all you need to see to know that KyoAni is GOAT
Loved the special ED too.
Jul 22, 2021 7:08 PM

Sep 2013
Lucoa when her characteristic isn't revolving around sexy innuendo is really great
Shirobako is AOTY 2015. Deal with it.
Jul 22, 2021 8:09 PM

Mar 2019
Kannadorable.... is the word of the day... and of every day....

fhána did it again... 3 weeks... and best song of the season by far.
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Jul 23, 2021 12:51 AM

Sep 2020
Glad to see Saikawa in this episode. As usual, gayness overload. And her reaction running to Kana when she saw Ilulu, sooo ccuuttteee.

Also, you can tell what's the real hobby of Tohru - Kobayashi addiction.

Another amazing episode.
it’s never too late for life ... to go horribly wrong. . . afff~
Jul 23, 2021 1:06 AM

Aug 2018
Lol they made Tohru's song into an actual ED!
Jul 23, 2021 4:07 AM

Nov 2013
otakuclub94 said:
Another lovely episode. My favourite characters is Kanna, I love her voice and her cuteness <3

Omg when she said DAME... I had a heart attack...
Jul 23, 2021 7:21 AM

Feb 2021
The first part about Ilulu's remorse is the best part of this week's episode. Everything after that feels like a fever dream it's unreal. Hope next week will be better. That being said, just the fact Elma is there is enough for me to enjoy the episode.

Damn Lucoa can rewind time???? Did I get that right? I know she's a goddess (or once was) but that's too powerful.

Episode 4 let's goooooooo!
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Jul 23, 2021 7:52 AM
May 2021
The most thirsty chara is back, S1 opening and that ending, really enjoyable episode
Jul 23, 2021 9:26 PM

Aug 2019
Great episode, nice to see that Saikawa hasn't changed to much around Kanna, and it seems her craze is shifting to Ilulu as well.
Quetzalcoatl's monologue i have to say, really hit the nail on the head when explaining Ilulu's past experiences with humans, and the events that unfolded. I'm just really glad that in the end Ilulu managed to pull through and stop following the past and make her own human friends. Her smile is absolutely worth protecting at all costs.

Kobayashi in a maid outfit was great, also more backstory about her and how she came to be the maid otaku she is now, love how much of her past they're showing this season.

Really loved nod to season 1's opening played the tv, haven't heard it in ages. Tohru's ability to naturally be good at most things leaves little space for her to enjoying doing them, however by asking herself what she truly wants and admires, she comes to her answer. In this case it's Kobayashi and, it would be underestimation to say Tohru only admires her.

My God, that ED had me tripping, didn't expect it and felt wackier then the animation for season 1's opening.
Jul 24, 2021 12:10 PM

Mar 2019
another excellent episode

Jul 24, 2021 3:47 PM
Oct 2020
Blue_Maroon said:
This season is nowhere near as charming as the first season. That’s a big deal when you have an 8 year old girl whose entire character is wanting to bang another 8 year old (don’t care if Kanna is supposed to be older, she is an 8 year old for all intents and purposes) and most of the show is SOL comedy.

I could at least enjoy the first season most of the time. I can’t say I enjoyed any of this episode.
as if the first season didn't have that. the second season is really good, you're just looking for something to complain about beyond the count.
Jul 24, 2021 3:57 PM
Oct 2020
Yuu_Kanzaki said:
The first part about Ilulu's remorse is the best part of this week's episode. Everything after that feels like a fever dream it's unreal. Hope next week will be better. That being said, just the fact Elma is there is enough for me to enjoy the episode.

Damn Lucoa can rewind time???? Did I get that right? I know she's a goddess (or once was) but that's too powerful.

Episode 4 let's goooooooo!
unreal? man, this is a slice of life that has very powerful dragons. had very realistic discussions but this is fantasy.
Jul 24, 2021 3:59 PM
Oct 2020
whoisrem said:
A love song dedicated to Kobayashi:

I love this song so much! <3 <3 <3
I Love Tohru! 💖
Jul 24, 2021 3:59 PM
Oct 2020
S2 is very good! 💖
Jul 24, 2021 5:13 PM

Jun 2019
GeanWolf2000 said:
Blue_Maroon said:
This season is nowhere near as charming as the first season. That’s a big deal when you have an 8 year old girl whose entire character is wanting to bang another 8 year old (don’t care if Kanna is supposed to be older, she is an 8 year old for all intents and purposes) and most of the show is SOL comedy.

I could at least enjoy the first season most of the time. I can’t say I enjoyed any of this episode.
as if the first season didn't have that. the second season is really good, you're just looking for something to complain about beyond the count.

Maybe I was not clear enough. All of the things that I listed are becoming more of an issue in this season because they are not being remedied somewhat by the charm the first season had. The Kanna and other girl stuff was a big problem I had with the first season, but it was easier to overlook because the first season had this energy that swept you up and would compensate with some fun moments later in the episode. I am not feeling that way at all while watching this season so the flaws become more glaring.
Jul 24, 2021 6:01 PM

Feb 2021
GeanWolf2000 said:
Yuu_Kanzaki said:
The first part about Ilulu's remorse is the best part of this week's episode. Everything after that feels like a fever dream it's unreal. Hope next week will be better. That being said, just the fact Elma is there is enough for me to enjoy the episode.

Damn Lucoa can rewind time???? Did I get that right? I know she's a goddess (or once was) but that's too powerful.

Episode 4 let's goooooooo!
unreal? man, this is a slice of life that has very powerful dragons. had very realistic discussions but this is fantasy.
That's not what I mean. It's like nothing's happening and the things that are happening are more random than usual. That's what I think.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Jul 24, 2021 6:18 PM
Oct 2020
Yuu_Kanzaki said:
GeanWolf2000 said:
unreal? man, this is a slice of life that has very powerful dragons. had very realistic discussions but this is fantasy.
That's not what I mean. It's like nothing's happening and the things that are happening are more random than usual. That's what I think.
what do you expect to happen? this is slice of life, comedy and fantasy. this episode focused on ilulu's problem and Kobayashi's personality, nothing was happening? Seriously? the thought that many people don't understand the proposal of this genre is increasingly real to me. the first season is also like that, because of the small battles you get confused with a battle shounen that can only be it.
Jul 24, 2021 6:23 PM
Oct 2020
Blue_Maroon said:
GeanWolf2000 said:
as if the first season didn't have that. the second season is really good, you're just looking for something to complain about beyond the count.

Maybe I was not clear enough. All of the things that I listed are becoming more of an issue in this season because they are not being remedied somewhat by the charm the first season had. The Kanna and other girl stuff was a big problem I had with the first season, but it was easier to overlook because the first season had this energy that swept you up and would compensate with some fun moments later in the episode. I am not feeling that way at all while watching this season so the flaws become more glaring.
what would this charm of s1 be? So this s2 isn't being funny to you? for me it is at the level that it has always had the potential to be better. All that's left is for someone to complain about the animation saying that in s1 it was better, ridiculous. about saikawa this only taken as a joke goes no further than that.
Jul 24, 2021 6:49 PM

Jun 2019
GeanWolf2000 said:
Blue_Maroon said:

Maybe I was not clear enough. All of the things that I listed are becoming more of an issue in this season because they are not being remedied somewhat by the charm the first season had. The Kanna and other girl stuff was a big problem I had with the first season, but it was easier to overlook because the first season had this energy that swept you up and would compensate with some fun moments later in the episode. I am not feeling that way at all while watching this season so the flaws become more glaring.
what would this charm of s1 be? So this s2 isn't being funny to you? for me it is at the level that it has always had the potential to be better. All that's left is for someone to complain about the animation saying that in s1 it was better, ridiculous. about saikawa this only taken as a joke goes no further than that.

It’s not a funny joke. In fact, it is gross watching a relationship between 8-year olds sexualized, camera angles and all. I honestly can’t describe the charm of s1 too well, but I think it has to do with it’s energy (which comes down to direction) in combination with the animation. The comedy is very fast-paced and swept you up so even if there were some questionable elements, it moved along quickly. I have not felt that as much this season.

It is still doing the Kobayashi Mary Sue shtick of her saving dragons from powerful foes by saying the perfect things and throwing in wack side plots. The direction is not as dynamic and the animation, while still good, is not where season 1 was at.

I watched s1 for the first time recently, so my different feelings between the two are pretty apparent to me.
Jul 24, 2021 7:06 PM

Feb 2021
GeanWolf2000 said:
Yuu_Kanzaki said:
That's not what I mean. It's like nothing's happening and the things that are happening are more random than usual. That's what I think.
what do you expect to happen? this is slice of life, comedy and fantasy. this episode focused on ilulu's problem and Kobayashi's personality, nothing was happening? Seriously? the thought that many people don't understand the proposal of this genre is increasingly real to me. the first season is also like that, because of the small battles you get confused with a battle shounen that can only be it.
I did mention the first part about Ilulu's problem and its resolve, didn't I? That part is good. I like that part. However, the rest of the episode is meh to me. Focusing on Kobayashi's personality? You mean the 'truth' why she's so into maids? Is that it? If that's what you mean then it's still a little boring to me. What more do you want from me? I even mentioned at the end of my original comment that I did enjoy the episode albeit mostly it's because of Elma's presence.

Who would mistake a KyoAni anime for battle shounen? If you don't know already, slice of life can be boring. Same goes with comedy. I really like Kobayashi's maid dragon don't get me wrong, and I will still watch upcoming episodes, but there are episodes that feel weaker than others and that's okay.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Jul 24, 2021 7:17 PM
Oct 2020
Blue_Maroon said:
GeanWolf2000 said:
what would this charm of s1 be? So this s2 isn't being funny to you? for me it is at the level that it has always had the potential to be better. All that's left is for someone to complain about the animation saying that in s1 it was better, ridiculous. about saikawa this only taken as a joke goes no further than that.

It’s not a funny joke. In fact, it is gross watching a relationship between 8-year olds sexualized, camera angles and all. I honestly can’t describe the charm of s1 too well, but I think it has to do with it’s energy (which comes down to direction) in combination with the animation. The comedy is very fast-paced and swept you up so even if there were some questionable elements, it moved along quickly. I have not felt that as much this season.

It is still doing the Kobayashi Mary Sue shtick of her saving dragons from powerful foes by saying the perfect things and throwing in wack side plots. The direction is not as dynamic and the animation, while still good, is not where season 1 was at.

I watched s1 for the first time recently, so my different feelings between the two are pretty apparent to me.
if the direction and animation is not that good, i would like to know what is the quality standard you are looking for? many animes would like to have the animation that maid dragin has, especially the shounen ones. for me it's on the same level as s1 if not better. not having anything to complain is looking for defects where there isn't, just give up and stop talking bad about what's not bad.
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