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Girlfriend, Girlfriend
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Jul 4, 2021 7:59 AM
Jul 2018
This was worse than I expected
Jul 4, 2021 10:12 AM

Sep 2016
> Oh no muh depiction of consensual nonmonogamy in muh chinese cartoons is unrealistic
> implying realism ever mattered in a medium where people routinely take beatings that would cause permanent brain damage to people IRL

I love it. Every second of it. The constant shouting, the over-the-topness, the silly gags, the earnestness of the main characters. The manzai-style banter is hilarious and heartwarming. It's not the representation polyamory needs or deserves, but I don't think it was ever meant to be, so who cares? There's plenty of much worse relationships in fiction, and fiction != reality anyway.
Yet these hands will never hold anything.
Thus I pray, Unlimited Waifu Works!

Jul 4, 2021 11:02 AM

Sep 2020
It's a masterpiece. No words can describe it. I have no guilt picking this show for watching this season!
Jul 4, 2021 12:15 PM

Nov 2018
Saki is hot.

I liked the first episode, and I HATE harem, but maybe these characters will be able to make it interesting with all the comedy and this MC, interested to see the next episode and I hope they don't waste all the potential this has.


Jul 4, 2021 1:17 PM

Oct 2017
I was wondering whether to check this... until i learned it's from the Aho Girl author.
Well, this was hilarious.
Jul 4, 2021 1:21 PM

Jan 2016
Seeing this animated finally is a joy and the VAs knocked it out of the park
Jul 4, 2021 1:25 PM

Jan 2014
MC was really annoying not gonna lie, will most likely be a drop.
Jul 4, 2021 1:43 PM

Mar 2019
After this and that run through rom-coms.. yeah this MC’s fun... looking forward to more of his stubbornness and stupidity (lol) just like other MCs of the authors other works. He did good work to put his that kinda MC (like aho girl and assistant to mangaka) in a romcom... definitely the speed of this first episode got me, I mean I don’t know whether this will turn to shit or something good but the first episode definitely has got me into the series... good to hear you again Gabi Braun Sakura-san, definitely she does her part.. and damn minase is kawaii, I would definitely like some saki x minase (hell yeah!)... the setting seems fun and thanks that atleast it doesn’t feels cliche (it maybe)... go on for three**** man!!!
KANLen09 said:
Interesting premiere episode nonetheless, gonna have some fun with this after rubbing off the distasteful OsaMake.
Thanks for reminding me 😭
If there was no one else within a 5-kilometer radius from Shimamura, and she was in a deep sleep and an all-knowing deity just happened to reassure me that she wasn’t going to wake up the next 24 hours, maybe I’d get bored after 23 hours and I might kiss her once to relieve some boredom...
Jul 4, 2021 2:12 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
best fuckin anime to have ever existed

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jul 4, 2021 3:31 PM

Jun 2014
My incel meter is off the fucking charts

im just a little upset that the MC is played by Enoki Junya. When I hear that voice I expect it be in a wholesome anime ):

But will probably keep watching this all the way through, just to have a memento to add to the garbage bin.
Jul 4, 2021 8:17 PM

Jan 2021
I geniunly enjoyed this anime and it'll most likely my favorite of the season. the MC is so annoying but straight forward I love it.

Never watched as much anime as I wanted to
Jul 4, 2021 8:25 PM

Apr 2010
Enjoy how straight forward the MC is compared to all of the other MCs we've had who are so wishy washy.

Will be checking it out again next week for sure.

Episode felt like a 7/10 to me.
Jul 4, 2021 9:54 PM
Sep 2018
Given the poll breakdown, I'm not reading through five pages of comments...the first page gave me enough of an idea of what I'd be seeing in the rest.

The VAs are Da Bomb. The music director deserves sainthood. The animation is so right for the story. The script writer(s) are right up there with the rest. Haven't read the source materials, so I can't comment on it as an adaptation.

I had to pause it partway through and go off and do other stuff for a bit. Why? Because no one else is here this weekend, and it'd be bad if they got back tomorrow and found me dead from laughter. I have a strong suspicion I'll be having to do so with the other episodes as well...even if there [i]are[/i other folks home. This is not a show I'll be watching when the housemates are attempting to sleep...
Jul 5, 2021 2:18 AM
Jun 2020
C’mon now, y’all know this is the masterpiece of the summer season. 10/10 easy
Jul 5, 2021 2:27 AM
Jun 2020
copperypilot56_ said:
C’mon now, y’all know this is the masterpiece of the summer season. 10/10 easy

In all seriousness tho, I was interested in another romance anime and I wasn’t deterred from the shows title as it didn’t dawn on me that it straight out suggested polygamy until I started watching it but I was pleasantly surprised at how much this show made me laugh and at how nonsensical the characters logic were. I literally had to rewind and pause at scenes to make sure I was absorbing this information correctly. The pacing was very fast which I think helps this show legitimize itself as an enjoyable comedy. A short 12 episode stint of this show’s antics wouldn’t be a bad watch realistically acknowledging this show as a parody, it’s actually a parody done pretty well and I’m sure this show will blow up with attention soon in the anime community

Imma hop on this masterpiece bandwagon because it is indeed a masterpiece and I implore you all to follow suit and perfect it’s score so it can be the top on the summer season and garner more attention because this perfect anime deserves to be shared
Jul 5, 2021 2:43 AM
Jul 2018
We got a not that generic protagonist which is good and waifus in the show.
2-timing is bad but this is an anime so I won't be taking this issue seriously.

It defines it's genre (Rom-Com) perfectly for now and this anime got me laughing and face palming Everytime which I don't do usually when I'm watching a Rom-Com anime.

It's good for now and maybe it will be getting better as the story progresses.
Jul 5, 2021 2:51 AM

Mar 2009
Will never understand why these shows are so popular.
Jul 5, 2021 2:55 AM

Jul 2020
Why tf is ending song better than the opening??
Jul 5, 2021 3:49 AM

Mar 2019
just here for the memes

Jul 5, 2021 6:09 AM

Sep 2010
This guys such big PP energy but was nerfed with a single braincell.

See you all next week.
Jul 5, 2021 7:54 AM

Aug 2020
This is the most different romcom I've ever seen. It's almost a Koi to Uso, but with funny scenes. Naoya surprised me with his idea. He's very naughty, and I expected that Saki wouldn't accept it. Nagisa seemed innocent at first, but she also thought it would be ok. I got no idea what to expect next, let's wait! ^__^

Ps.: Nice opening and ending. The first has a very different rythm and good riff, and the latter is upbeat and catchy.

Jul 5, 2021 8:46 AM

Nov 2013
Yeah, Just one of those show where it's gonna be stale and boring, once the premise wear out.
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Jul 5, 2021 10:00 AM
Jan 2021
Kanojo mo Kanojo first episode impression:

First of all the artstyle is good, the overlapping and the character design reminding me of Nisekoi, and that's a good thing cause it's immediately feel fresh, eye catching and stood out. The opening song is unique. Not especially good, but unique it's enough to stay longer lingering on viewer first impression. And the character design already established the unique trademark of a large eyeball, so overall it's a good job

Move on to the plot

In regards of first episode, the "Baito" effects really the only aspect they been rely on here, and that's not a surprised anymore after the patern established in HIGEHIRO and Nagatoro. So i say, yeah good job to make us triggered and created a conversation

The MC is a fakboy, there's no denying it. The honest character aspect can't justified anything in here (and if the author think it can, it's only shows how childish they are). He's the type of guy who will easily distracted by any other girl who shows affection to him (and i will not surprised if there's gonna be the 3rd and a 4th girl with the same case's showed up soon, as it already hinted). The fact that he can easily two-timed his childhood crush, showed how immature he is.

Well some people might able to empathized with him by saying "atleast he's honest about it", but the problem is, honesty is exactly a childlike behavior. How he surrender for his visual desire and using honesty as a justify tool to get whatever he wanted to, and implemented it on a serious mature relationship will created a bigger issue on morality. Then some might say "They are only a high schooler, and it's only a teen relationship. It's common so don't take it too seriously" Well the problem is, there is not supposed to be a thing called 'not-serious' or 'just-to-have-fun' intercourse be existed on the first place

And the two heroine, barely had an any explanation on their background record. The fact that they immediately agree to move in, showed how swallow their character being written on. Yeah typical shonen romance girl character, being there just to completed the harem plot

I'm gonna stay longer because of the artstyle, but they better start talking about consequences soon, and showed how the guy and their relationship matured along the way. But let's not have high hopes. With the first episodes premises, this is seems already carved the path to be just a regular harem rom-com, with the 3rd and 4th girl coming along soon. And if it is, this is potentially become the worst flag/scenario of a harem story on my list (alongside Rent-a-Girlfriend), and i don't see any point of staying any longer, for a show that glorify this kind of behavior
Jul 5, 2021 10:13 AM

Oct 2014
I am going to give this series a chance, but this episode didn't give me even a slightly good impression.
Jul 5, 2021 11:45 AM

Jun 2013
Realistically this was terrible, but i couldnt stop smiling all episode, cant wait for more!
Jul 5, 2021 11:57 AM
Jan 2020
Giga chad mc and funny characters I’m gonna love this anime
Jul 5, 2021 5:04 PM

Apr 2013
This is hilarious LMAO
Many people take this show too seriously
But it's probably for the best, since it will weed out people early
Now, let's see if the show keep this up for the whole season
TriZenJul 5, 2021 5:11 PM
Jul 5, 2021 9:00 PM

Dec 2020
Anime cover and synopsis kind of misled the impression, to think this is a romance drama is quite the opposite, it is extremely comedic just the same level of dramatic comedy as Aho Girl.

Brilliant and bluntly smooth is all I can say, haven't had a real laugh for a long time.
Jul 5, 2021 9:34 PM
Nirai Kanai

Dec 2012
ERROR-88 said:
Naoya is the rom-com protagonist that I have always wished for. No bullshit and just straightforward.

This right here. Ah I enjoy how direct he is! It's less annoying for me that way lol

The World Suffused with Sound.
Jul 5, 2021 11:26 PM

Dec 2020
jTiKey said:
If someone is really in love with someone they wouldn't want to date someone else. Another straight guy harem fantasy.

exactly, I really like the design for the characters but the plot doesn't make sense to me
Jul 5, 2021 11:29 PM
Apr 2021
it was alright to say the least, idk how to describe it, at the rate it’s going tbh i don’t see it surpassing a 7/10, but this was just the first episode tho so we’re just gonna have to wait tbh, mc kinda annoying but it’s just a trait of a mid series, i don’t have high hopes for this show, but it might break em.
Jul 6, 2021 3:19 AM

Oct 2018
Naoya is too much honest :') i wonder if it will continue to be funny like this. Love the girls, they are cute and pretty
Jul 6, 2021 5:13 AM
Jul 2019
I've been wracking my brain all night: The white haired girl reminds me of a character from another show, but I can't for the life of me remember who. Arrgh.
Jul 6, 2021 5:21 AM
Oct 2020
Dumb people take this anime seriously when it's suppose to be comedy/gag.
Jul 6, 2021 5:29 AM

Oct 2020
I like the MC's attitude, the girls could be better but I'm interested on the story.

In this world shrouded in darkness, I learned there was someone who’d been struggling along with me. That alone is enough.

Jul 6, 2021 7:10 AM

Jun 2021
EmpireDeLuna said:
Kanojo mo Kanojo first episode impression:

I'm gonna stay longer because of the artstyle, but they better start talking about consequences soon, and showed how the guy and their relationship matured along the way. But let's not have high hopes. With the first episodes premises, this is seems already carved the path to be just a regular harem rom-com, with the 3rd and 4th girl coming along soon. And if it is, this is potentially become the worst flag/scenario of a harem story on my list (alongside Rent-a-Girlfriend), and i don't see any point of staying any longer, for a show that glorify this kind of behavior

Don't worry, in the manga,
. The arc was around chapter 30, and judging the pace of the anime, it would be in some final episodes. Hope the adaptation would do justice to manga, or else it's gonna suck miserably.

~ Weeboo
Jul 6, 2021 8:17 AM

Jan 2021
I like main character he reminds me of me i bet we would be good friends with him and i have alot to teach him how to threat with multiple women.
Righting wrongs through penetration.
Jul 6, 2021 4:05 PM
May 2016
Loved it! What a perfect first episode, maybe I'll be able to wash away the stank of Osamake by watching this. Great cast and OP too. Looking forward to more.
Jul 6, 2021 6:14 PM
Jul 2018
I felt like I was on acid watching this
Naoya unironically one of the best harem protags of all time, taking initiative episode 1. You love to see it
Jul 6, 2021 6:34 PM

Aug 2015
MC is so annoying, the anime would have been more interesting If it turns out to be a shoujo ai
Ara Ara~
Jul 6, 2021 7:29 PM

Nov 2018
Couldn't make it through the first episode. The MC should die in a fire.
Jul 6, 2021 9:51 PM
Jan 2011
This anime is going to be a shit.
Jul 6, 2021 9:56 PM

Mar 2021
Not gonna lie the mc is al little bit annoying ,the fan service is meh ,good concept ,the girls' proportion not bad but could've been better .overall good anime 8/10 for the first episode ,hopefully it well get better.
Jul 7, 2021 5:02 AM
May 2020
is my guy a simp or an anti simp, im very much confused
Jul 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Dec 2020
Wow, the first anime of this season that can make me laugh out loud, I don't understand why people say this anime is cringe
Jul 7, 2021 11:52 AM

Oct 2018
The anime pretty much has Osamake vibe, with now a slight different twist. And this time the MC is double dating

Quite cringed, but I guess I can live it out for now. The anime is pretty much awesome to the point of Naoya even allow them to live together, with an added bonus of no parents living there. Can't wait to see how it goes now.
Forum set made by Nate
Jul 7, 2021 11:56 AM

Sep 2020
A pretty ok-ish start. Was pretty much Cringe.

I just hope it doesn't turn out like how Osamake did though. The MC is too straightforward which in a way annoys me.

Well let's see if its got more potential.
Jul 7, 2021 6:41 PM
Jul 7, 2021 7:07 PM
Mar 2021
just another bad anime…. see y’all here next week
Jul 8, 2021 2:28 AM

May 2009
I read the manga, it's nowhere near as funny as Aho girl and of course turns into haremshit. Considering anime was announced when there were only 35 chapters out I predict shitload of filler. A
Also QUALITY faces in first episode are really bad sign.
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