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Jul 3, 2021 8:58 AM

Nov 2011
Wow, they went all out for this finale. You know shit gets real when Emilico, Kate, and everyone takes action into their own hands and make the best of their situation against the chaos in that house.

I really thought they nailed this episode with the atmosphere, ambitions, music, and storytelling. Kinda felt rushed on some levels but I'm satisfied with it.
Jul 3, 2021 8:58 AM

Jul 2017
Kate got played into the Master Living Doll Edward's game...and the young Shadow Master and Living Doll play to their advantages of luring Edward loose with the cute little Shadow helper. But as long as Edward's lackeys are out there, there's no running away, not even John who still bears a crush on Kate, who manages to buy time for their escape.

A dare-devil kin of escape that involves the young Shadow Masters and their Living Dolls against Edward, and even the other Living Dolls and Shadow Masters bear witness to the atrocity, along with the 3rd Floor Shadow Masters who got wind of the operation. Obviously, Lord Grandfather and his right-hand men and women are not pleased, and the punishments are meted out accordingly, and a second chance given but with the condition without a hitch for leniency.

Good thing that both Kate and Emilico are safe and sound, and the secrets of the Shadows House are just the very beginning for more potential. It's all for the sake of the Shadows Family and Shadows House.

A pretty good show when it comes to CloverWorks adaptations of sticking to the source material, and if a Season 2 rolls around, please don't shit this one like The Promised Neverland.
KANLen09Jul 3, 2021 10:33 AM
Jul 3, 2021 8:58 AM

Feb 2014
Sad that it went to a different direction from the manga, but overall it was pretty good.
Jul 3, 2021 9:07 AM

Oct 2014
I loved seeing everyone come together, although it was somewhat contrived in the end. I understand why they went with anime original content. It's not the level of quality I expected from this show. Still, it was entertaining enough that I'd consider it good.
Jul 3, 2021 9:25 AM

Mar 2020
first 10 eps were great because, despite some cut content and occassional weird direction choices, they were faithful to manga, which has great story and I was really hyped to see my favorite moments animated to the point I rewatched some eps several times

then final 3 eps was a trash anime only plot and utter nonsense

overall verdict- 7/10, im feeling a bit generous
Jul 3, 2021 10:11 AM
Jul 2019
Sadly they cut Maryrose arc, it was the best arc of the manga atm and I was really anxious to see it animated
Jul 3, 2021 10:20 AM

Apr 2018
I would say this anime original part is fine but only if you read the manga as well since it's different, the ambiance of the universe is still perfect with these visuals and OST, I would say it could have been better if it followed the manga in my opinion but still very enjoyable to watch!
Jul 3, 2021 10:21 AM
πŸ… Tomato πŸ…

Feb 2020
Decent finale, but overall and average show. It had a strong start, but the plot became a little boring at some point.

SerafosJul 26, 2024 12:15 AM
Jul 3, 2021 10:21 AM

Jun 2019
Reading the thread made me realize that they didn't go with the source material but nonetheless I enjoyed the episode. It was good in my opinion at least. Definitely, the source material would be better. So, I would rather read the source material after this.

Overall, a good show to say the least. Cloverworks has been quite inconsistent with their stuff lately. It was definitely on the better end of them. Props to them. It was an entertaining show in the end for me at least.
Jul 3, 2021 10:36 AM

Feb 2019
Meh, I feel like the show started off really hot. Had a lot of the same mystery and thriller aspects of Yakuneba, but you can feel when the studio started to deviate from the source material and go original. I think the second half was rather disappointing and anti climatic. A lot of stuff that was set up, really never paid off, and I don’t see a season 2 being made at all.

I did have fun with the characters and enjoy most episodes, so I wouldn’t say it was bad by any stretch. Just a lot of places it could’ve gone and didn’t.
Jul 3, 2021 10:39 AM

Feb 2020
Even if this was some sort of anime original towards the end, I think this would nicely lead towards introducing whoever that Shadow in the prison cell.

Really nice anime. Great atmosphere, love Emilico, and am looking forward to a sequel.
Jul 3, 2021 10:40 AM
Sep 2015
John really solve everything with his punch!

Now someone tell Tim Burton to adapt this into a live action!
Jul 3, 2021 10:44 AM
𓆝 π“†Ÿ π“†ž

Apr 2020
it was alright ig, felt overstimulating compared to the first half, still pretty good

i'll let it sit at a 7

Boazanian said:
I think this would nicely lead towards introducing whoever that Shadow in the prison cell.
i think that was rum?
deedashJul 3, 2021 10:47 AM
Jul 3, 2021 10:48 AM

Jan 2021
Looks like Edward still won't give up, man, you'll never beat them

Victory for our protagonists, with help from Rum 0.0
The ending, it looks like they've been hypnotised again...?

Great anime, one of the best of this season 8/10
Jul 3, 2021 10:55 AM

Jun 2017
For an anime original ending that was better than I expected. They actually ended in a way that they could really just incorporate the cut parts from the manga and continue on if season 2 ever happens. I guess that's why Edward got off easy as well, he still plays a major role in the manga to get in the way of the kids.

Basically, first 10 eps were amazing, then last 3 was acceptable for original content. It does deserve a 7/10 at least in my book.

Go read the manga now folks, you'll love it.
Jul 3, 2021 10:56 AM

Oct 2017
Cool episode for the finale. I'm glad all the shadows and dolls/humans are safe. Pretty good show overall, I really liked how unique this was.
MegamiRemJul 4, 2021 1:49 AM
Jul 3, 2021 11:01 AM

Feb 2020
DeeDash said:
Boazanian said:
I think this would nicely lead towards introducing whoever that Shadow in the prison cell.
i think that was rum?

hmm, good guess. After all, aside from physical features we saw this episode for a sec, we only ever saw what happened to her shadow, and that little creature that helped Emilico and Kate could be a replication of her 'self' who she always talks to

Though I wonder, how is she able to use soot?
Jul 3, 2021 11:01 AM

May 2021
Really solid anime, the aesthetic and soft eerie atmosphere was really tempting to watch, and the meaning of the conflict was while not so creative really rewarding to see unfold. The change of pace in the latest episodes was somehow awkward to see, but I guess that everything got solved in a pleasant way. 7/10, hope that it gets further adaptations, the whole setup is way too good to not be used

Jul 3, 2021 11:06 AM

Jul 2011
Was a great ending for me.

Was fun the BOTW gliding without much stamina, the roof surfing.

People made a storm in a tea cup, after they knew that would be original but with the author had.

Rum now have control over her shadow fairy? If so, this make her the most anti-Shadow character.Or she is a complete Shadow?
Hopefully will be a season 2 to answer this .
Jul 3, 2021 11:07 AM
May 2018
MomoSinX said:
For an anime original ending that was better than I expected. They actually ended in a way that they could really just incorporate the cut parts from the manga and continue on if season 2 ever happens. I guess that's why Edward got off easy as well, he still plays a major role in the manga to get in the way of the kids.

Basically, first 10 eps were amazing, then last 3 was acceptable for original content. It does deserve a 7/10 at least in my book.

Go read the manga now folks, you'll love it.

Have to agree with that. The anime original episodes were fine, if not as good as the earlier ones.

I guess I can see why they added stuff since the arc that kicks off after the debut is probably to long to cram into 3 episodes, plus introducing the extra characters in that arc right at the end of the season would have been weird.

At least the anime original stuff has left the characters in more or less the same position as the manga after the debut, baring a few bits of information coming up early. If a second season happens they could more or less pick up with the maryrose arc from where this leaves off, and come back into line with the manga.
Jul 3, 2021 11:12 AM

Oct 2019
Great ending as Anime only
Jul 3, 2021 11:20 AM
Apr 2018
From where should i start reading the manga where the anime diverged from the main plot? and i heard that one character was not shown in the anime..So what to do?
"Just Keep Your Opinion To Yourself.Dont Force It On Others.We All Are Different Human Beings "
Jul 3, 2021 11:24 AM
May 2018
JustRitom said:
From where should i start reading the manga where the anime diverged from the main plot? and i heard that one character was not shown in the anime..So what to do?

I would start with the manga right from the beginning. It’s excellent, and there are a bunch of small things that got skipped in the anime, so it won’t all just cover stuff you’ve already seen.
Jul 3, 2021 11:28 AM

Feb 2020
JustRitom said:
From where should i start reading the manga where the anime diverged from the main plot? and i heard that one character was not shown in the anime..So what to do?

I believe the first significant deviation was in ch 18 (where the character was omitted). Besides that, it's mostly faithful until around ch 48. So if you want to skip the content covered by the anime, you should read the night watch part starting in ch 18 and then start reading at ch 48.
( I recommend reading all of it though)
Jul 3, 2021 11:36 AM

Apr 2014
They actually did a good job with the anime-original ending. It was a nice touch that they show the viewers that Ram (or Rum depending on which translation you look at) is still alive. I doubt that this will get a 2nd season. I read the manga up till the latest chapter and there would be enough materials for at least another season before ending it in a decent place, but as far as I know, ClobberWorks decided from the start that this will be just a one season thing.
Jul 3, 2021 11:41 AM

Jan 2014
Time to catch up on te manga now, really enjoyed this series overall. They did a good job.
Jul 3, 2021 11:45 AM

Jun 2019
So I guess that’s it?

Honestly, pretty disappointing given how meticulous the groundwork was laid out. It feels like they didn’t plan for it to only be one season, so they just kinda ended it leaving a lot of loose ends.

If this was always the plan, they shouldn’t have taken so long setting up the mysterious world in the beginning and should’ve gotten to the debut much sooner so they could’ve reached a better end point. What we got was good, but unless there is a season 2 I can’t keep it at the score it was.

6/10. Closer to a 7 than a 5.
Jul 3, 2021 11:55 AM

Jul 2016
Great episode. The episode starts by Edward caught Kate with Emilico. John disguised as veiled doll to save Kate. The little creature help them escape with Kate manipulating powers.

And then Kate and Emilico escaped by using her wings we seen at the debut end with the help of John to push them faster. But Edward caught up to them by using Eileen power.

And at the childrens house Edward decide something bad but they saved by the starbearers with the help of Loiuse and Lou. And then Edward, called to the 3rd floor masters. And grandfather punished them, that the other 3rd floor master felt that its too lenient.

The episode ends at tomorrow morning in the shadows house. And like the title drop at the end.

Overall its a great episode that adapts the canon part faithfully and anime original at the last 3eps. decently. I believe in the team if ever the sequel is greenlit that the show can back on track

Jul 3, 2021 11:56 AM

Nov 2020
time to read the manga
Jul 3, 2021 12:05 PM
Feb 2021
What..? What was that ending?

I really liked the episode, it built up a lot of tension which is good. I really liked that it featured all of the characters. and even though it's an anime original it really wasn't bad. I just kinda feel like they didn't intend for this to end this early. there are still a lot of unsolved mysteries and the ending feels a bit odd. They were probably planning for a season 2 which could still happen although it's very unlikely it will.

Other than that. This show was great! 5\5 for this episode 8\10 for the entire anime
Jul 3, 2021 12:07 PM
May 2019
Admittedly a tad underwhelming for a conclusion, but then again I guess it wasn't aiming for too much. Still my favorite show of the year. I have really high expectations for the manga.
Jul 3, 2021 12:09 PM

Aug 2019
it started off great, amazing even but god these last 3 episodes were so bad
i can understand some choices like
cause you cant put everything into an adaptation but going off the plot this much??
for the last 3 episodes the characters were out of character and so many plotholes were made
it had so much potential...but well, the manga is ongoing and very good so im not that sad, just disappointed
the opening and ending are still bangers and i love the manga sooo much so this is like a 6.5/10 for me, i know im not gonna stop listening to nainai by reona for months
Jul 3, 2021 12:11 PM
Aug 2018
It was a very interesting anime with some good setup and pay-off... but the last two episode was not great (only interesting part was with Rum). I understand they are not following manga, I'll probably read it.

ChloeVonEinzbern said:
They actually did a good job with the anime-original ending. It was a nice touch that they show the viewers that Ram (or Rum depending on which translation you look at) is still alive.

We knew she was still alive, no ? They said earlier Rum would be "brainwashed into a veiled dolls". When Kate decided to disguise herself as a veiled dolls, I was thinking "maybe Rum would help Kate to save Emilico". But, I didn't expect Rum to be able to use soot.

I still don't really see why Edward was so focused on Kate. Maybe I missed something. As a result, I didn't really understand the logic of his plan, which basically depended on no one seeing him kidnap Emilico, hoping Kate will come, and no witness. Even when John appeared, Edward still believed no one would contest his story (while Emilico/Kate had 2 to 6 people which could have contested it).

And at the end, no one is punished, which meant the last episodes accomplished very little. Which is not really what you want in an original ending. Especially, if it doesn't guarantee a second season.

PS : Ending sound was probably the best ending of spring 2021. Full version is also nice. 1 hour version even better :)
Rukodaime91Jul 3, 2021 12:14 PM
Jul 3, 2021 12:14 PM

Nov 2016
Definitely worked as introduction to the mango.

Also fucking best ED of the season. Didn't skip it once.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 3, 2021 12:21 PM

Apr 2018
That was quite an interesting ending, Rum is also alive. The little one was her doing.
Well they managed to save Kate and everyone's living a happy life at the moment. I don't think that will be for long. I'm really going to miss the opening and ending song by ReoNa. Beautiful and amazing. The characters in Shadow House were really likeable and interesting. OST was good too. Animation was good for an anime like this.
Might read the manga.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jul 3, 2021 12:24 PM

Apr 2014
Rukodaime91 said:
But, I didn't expect Rum to be able to use soot,
Without saying any spoilers. That wasn't Rum. ;)
Jul 3, 2021 12:25 PM

Jun 2014
This finale felt fine even if it was anime-original. Definitely didn't feel like as much of a train wreck as TPN S2. Maybe that's because unlike TPN, I never read the manga for this show beforehand. Anyway, the show pretty much ended the way it needed to, with the conflict with Edward being resolved and setting things up for a sequel (that we probably won't ever get lol, so it's more of a "now go read the manga" type ending). Even if the last few episodes were iffy compared to everything leading up to them, the anime overall was still pretty solid and one of the better shows from Spring.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 3, 2021 12:29 PM

Dec 2020
I had heard people complain about the Anime Original content, but honestly, I thought the finale wrapped things semi-nicely in case we don't get a season 2, and has peaked my interest for the manga (though it's ongoing so I've no rush).

I went into this show completely blind thinking it was some wholesome slice of slice fantasy and yeah, I was a bit off.

I do hope we get a second season, though!
Jul 3, 2021 12:33 PM

Jul 2014
That was not a good ending at all. So many questions left unanswered, so much foreshadowing that ultimately went absolutely nowhere and a final arc that had a lot of out-of-character moments. In particular, I felt Edward's reckless, brazen approach in this whole final arc was really at odds with how he was portrayed before that: during the Debut, it felt like he and his allies were taking a more careful, calculated approach to trying to reach the Third Floor, but here they just act like brainless, evil-for-the-sake-of-being-evil villains. More than that, they aren't even really punished for anything that happens and none of the main Shadows and living dolls died, so these final three episodes seem to have been more or less entirely pointless.

Had the show ended after the excellent Debut arc, it would have been an 8/10 regardless of all the unanswered questions. However, these final three episodes and this finale in particular have knocked it down to a 7/10. A high 7, but a 7 nonetheless.

I'll be reading the manga for sure and will likely steer clear of, or at least be incredibly wary of, CloverWorks adaptations in future, as there's clearly something about them that makes them either rush every show they do into ending in one cour or going anime-original and making a mess of things. Sure, this is by no means even close to the absolute clusterfuck that was TPN s2, but there's an undeniable pattern emerging with them now for whatever reason.
Jul 3, 2021 12:34 PM

Feb 2016
I heard the anime deviated from the original source.
So, which chapter should we start reading the manga? Or which episode and where the anime left off in the manga.
Could they have skipped a lot of things too? I don't mind reading from the start.

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"Salvation is a thin thread dangling from heaven."
- Mary ~ Death Mark

Jul 3, 2021 12:36 PM

Feb 2013
-Haoto- said:
I heard the anime deviated from the original source.
So, which chapter should we start reading the manga? Or which episode and where the anime left off in the manga.
Could they have skipped a lot of things too? I don't mind reading from the start.

Not that much was skipped.
ponpokorin said:
JustRitom said:
From where should i start reading the manga where the anime diverged from the main plot? and i heard that one character was not shown in the anime..So what to do?

I believe the first significant deviation was in ch 18 (where the character was omitted). Besides that, it's mostly faithful until around ch 48. So if you want to skip the content covered by the anime, you should read the night watch part starting in ch 18 and then start reading at ch 48.
( I recommend reading all of it though)

I too recommend just reading the whole thing, perhaps skimming over the parts that were in the anime if you want.
Jul 3, 2021 12:36 PM
Jul 2017
See, if you’re gonna do anime original content, even though there’s no good reason to deviate from the manga, this is at least how you do it. Not that bull shit that was promised neverland season 2.
Jul 3, 2021 12:39 PM

Mar 2019
Pretty Calm and Chill for a Season Ending...

Kind-o weird....

MVP: Chibi Rum.

I hope we get a 2nd season with great music like this one... (ED Song #3 of the Season)
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Jul 3, 2021 12:48 PM

Apr 2019
I don't even know what to say. Firstly, it feels rushed. Secondly, closed literally with nothing. There was a jailbreak, a last-minute Miraculous Rescue, Edward getting one last Chinese warning... and that's it. I mean, and as a season ending it's weird, because if there's gonna be a second one, why the hell were to depart from the original - is unclear, while managing to spoiler a bunch of things that are only opened by chapter 100. And as a general finale also incomprehensible, almost all storylines aren't closed, just an open finale.
Of course, better than WEP, but not much.

P.S.: Also confused with strange repeat of break scene on 10.50.
Jul 3, 2021 12:52 PM
May 2021
I could say, I was kinda relief it wasn't TOO messy despite being an original ending? Though it might be just me who felt the epilogue kind of subtly morbid where they take turns singing the chores song with Emilico spoke out the episode's title name as closure. There's this dreadful feeling it left to the viewers if the Emilico and her human friends were brainwashed again and everything seems to go back to where it started! πŸ˜‚

It's just my imagination speaking, still love how the anime carry this story on its own. Ya'll can check the manga out! It's really good!
Jul 3, 2021 1:06 PM
Nov 2009
Episode 12 was actually decent with Emilico destroying Edward, but this last episode? It felt incredibly forced and awkward, especially when they were just standing there and let Emilico and Kate fly away. They easily could have used their soot powers to contain them, so it makes no sense whatsoever.

Technically it's still impossible for a season 2 to come, but I highly doubt it will come at this point. Aw well, at least it was fun to see a good chunk of the manga animated so that's already a lot better than nothing I guess.
-Haoto- said:
I heard the anime deviated from the original source.
So, which chapter should we start reading the manga? Or which episode and where the anime left off in the manga.
Could they have skipped a lot of things too? I don't mind reading from the start.

I hate to say it, but they skipped out a very major part of the story so at least you have to read those chapters that start at
. They also skipped some minor events, but overall the anime did a great job so it's not necessary to check everything.

The anime stops at around chapter 46-50ish, so it's best to start from there after you've read the skipped part.
Jul 3, 2021 1:11 PM

Apr 2017
I like that Edward isn't done away with so easily. The debutantes would've had too easy a victory if that were the case.
It's also evident that Lord Grandfather has the final say and that even the third floor shadows don't hold as much influence as they think they do.

This needs a S2 badly, as not that much of the mystery was explained (how the shadows came to occupy their positions, what they do, what purpose there is to introducing new shadows etc.).

8/10 overall, great music and animation but the story wasn't as good at the final arc (Emilico's kidnapping), after a solid debut trial arc.
Jul 3, 2021 1:12 PM

Sep 2019
Hmm the ending felt pretty weird. I really liked this show at start but it got worse at the last few episodes. I still love the ED though, it's easily the best ED of spring 2021. Emilico and Lou was cute. Loved Ayaneru's performance. Overall, it was a fine show.
Jul 3, 2021 1:24 PM

Dec 2020
i quite liked that anime original ending ! honestly was rly worried starting from when they erased a certain characters appearance but i rly liked that ending. a bit of an open one? we don't know what they'll do after this. will they keep repeating drinking that soot coffee, remembering human things etc, still work in the shadow house or escape?

but at least it should capture a lot of anime only's attention ! definitely read the manga if you're interested :D gets more and more interesting after every few chapters
Jul 3, 2021 1:36 PM
Feb 2021
The first half was really good & was open to a lot of mystery but the last couple episodes felt pretty anti-climactic. I didn’t enjoy the anime original ending, but it is still way better than what Cloverworks has been doing recently. 7/10.
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