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Jun 2, 2021 6:38 AM

Jul 2013
At this point I am not even bothered by what they plan to reference in this anime, for some reason it just works lol.

Amazing episode but it certainly begs the question in which direction is this show going.

Will the Lord of crime succeed in continuing his plan while seeming evil and stopping the "real evil" at the same time? This definitely wasn't what I imagined the show would focus on at the beginning of this season.
Milverton being pure evil ("My motives are complex" flashbacks) is kinda simple and unfit for this show; they could have at least phrased it in another way e.g. doing it for power, for money, for stirring the country in the direction he wants, for the thrill even.
Even though I liked his little philosophical monologue about being tempted by evil, he certainly forgets to apply that theory to himself as he doesn't seem like the type of person who likes being manipulated (if he takes himself as the devil then that's just worse).

I do like that William and the others have an obstacle of their own calibre though, because it seems more realistic (even though they already asked the government there is more than one player in the shadows after all).

In any case, Sherlock is definitely losing his spotlight at this point. Hopefully the next episodes brings him back among the main characters.

The story certainly seems like this is only the beginning. We still have a few episodes till the end so it's a bit early, but I hope we will get more adaptations. I wasn't following the trends nor did I read the manga to know if there is more material so I don't know how likely is that.
Noirโ€ฆ It is the name of an ancient fate. Two sisters who watch anime. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
Jun 2, 2021 7:39 AM

Oct 2008
theGodde said:
r_justo said:
First James Bond, now Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Movie reference, the epicness never ends xD
I'm excited! What's next?? Jack Sparrow on a Black Ship??
This is not how you reference popular works. This was the worst possible way to pay homage to the Dark Knight.

Literally everything good about these past 2 episodes have been taken from tDK. Let's outline the plot. A man named MR WHITELY is London's WHITE KNIGHT (hehe see what they did there guys), and in the first episode he is shown standing up for justice and being a brave man - just like Harvey Dent. He has a sympathetic figure that represents his tie to humanity. Then the sympathetic figure is killed, and he brutally murders the killer, AND THE BLOOD IS SPLASHED ACROSS EXACTLY HALF OF HIS FACE. Get it guys. He's like two face because of the blood. He is then killed by the anit-hero to cover up his evil nature and sacrifice him as a pawn for equality and democracy. JUST LIKE THE DARK KNIGHT.

Soo what you are saying is that we would expect Bane in the future?? (Noice!)

Now for this point forward you literally say soo many things right... and many others wrong, but soo wrong!!
now there are several reasons why this is poorly integrated into the story. 1: it is actually the first time William is actually portrayed as a full-blown anit-hero. In season 1, he was a villain while also being the main character. In the first half of season 2, he was the hero who was saving the day from Milverton. And now he is literally just Batman. There are so many skilled ways this good have been integrated into the story. If they got rid of Milverton, we could have had Moriarty be the villain, the house of lords be a corrupt force that kills off Whitely's family, and Sherlock is investigating these crimes alongside Moriarty. Then when Moriarty finishes up at the end, Sherlock becomes his arch-rival. But because of th way the story has been structured, this other villain from the second season is now Moriarty's arch-rival.

Why did they do this then? there is one obvious reason. What Moriarty did was morally grey. It made us call into question whether he was truly a good guy. And god forbid we ever start to question the motivations of the main character. That wouldn't be interesting and complex at all. No, we can't have that. Instead, let's introduce a throwaway villain THAT IS MORE EVIL so that we can make Moriarty look good.

Ok... First of all the 1st season is the "introduction season", which means just that, after that things would always change, no escape from that in no existing series whatsoever. Second, actually making a "rival" or an "villain" for Moriarty is more than expected, what wouldn't be expected was a new character go to the top of his thing without the competition of the other "rivals" that do the same as him.
If there could be better approaches? Yh, maybe. But they preferred to go to the "popular way" making reference to everything that is good (Jack the reaper, James Bond, Batman, and the show goes on).

This is the same storytelling as the Rise of Skywalker. The writers couldn't handle the concept that Kylo Ren couldn't be redeemed and had to be responsible for his own actions. So they introduced Palpatine AGAIN so that all of Kylo Ren's bad behaviour could be blamed on Palpatine and Kylo Ren could go back to being good again.

And you are going for the big guns!! BUT YOU ARE WRONG!!! (It was me, DIO!!=D)
You are SOOOOOO wrong with this one... The Rise of Skywalker was always a huge SW-killing mistake from the point when they changed The Last Jedi producer and in consequence the originally planned story... It was THAT film that ruined tRoS and not the movie itself. They killed the Original villain (Smoke, if I'm not mistaken) they deconstruct every character (Rey and Kyle, Luke, Finn, and many others) to the point of no return. THEN, they saw it was a HUGE mistake and gone back to the Original producer, and the first thing that he made when he realized what they did was put his 2 hands on the top of his head and rip out a bunch of his few remaining hairs!! The rest was just patching up with ducktape the better way they could, and with a lot of pressure from everywhere, the fans, the haters, the studio, the Bosses that made the original mistakes and don't want to be responsible for them and throw them to the others while pressure them for it to be solved... A mess!
That SW Trilogy was a mistake after mistake in 2,5/3 of the movies... Plz, don't compare what can't be compared... In the near future, producers will use that for research to "how to not do a series of movies", that's how bad SW was treated...

By introducing another villain who is more evil than your anti-hero, you are destroying all the moral complexity the show once had. This has ruined all the things I liked about the first season.

As I said before creating a rival for Moriarty to show what he's worth is completely expected and even necessary if you ask me. Be a villain because no other is, it's just like Rey being good because she's the only Jedi around (Talking about SW -.-). The first season is an introduction and surely it has shown what would be expected for the normal day between Moriarty vs Sherlock, but even without all this anime additional fan series stuff, in the original Sherlock always knows that he had Moriarty as a foe but also and more important the government as a foe as well. A major part o his solved crimes were provided by the elite and not from Moriarty actions, also part of Moriarty actions was also against the government as well, not introducing this in the series would be a huge mistake.
Again if they could do this better... Sure! But this way is more... EPIC!!! (What is Jojo without those stands and character's names?)
r_justoJun 2, 2021 7:48 AM
For the ones that like to bother others (like me) with "you should read the manga/LN", please stop. I don't read mangas, I will NOT read mangas, I will not listen to what manga readers complain in adaptation to the anime counterpart, I only watch anime except in very few and specific situations.
Jun 2, 2021 2:07 PM
Apr 2021
r_justo said:
theGodde said:
This is not how you reference popular works. This was the worst possible way to pay homage to the Dark Knight.

Literally everything good about these past 2 episodes have been taken from tDK. Let's outline the plot. A man named MR WHITELY is London's WHITE KNIGHT (hehe see what they did there guys), and in the first episode he is shown standing up for justice and being a brave man - just like Harvey Dent. He has a sympathetic figure that represents his tie to humanity. Then the sympathetic figure is killed, and he brutally murders the killer, AND THE BLOOD IS SPLASHED ACROSS EXACTLY HALF OF HIS FACE. Get it guys. He's like two face because of the blood. He is then killed by the anit-hero to cover up his evil nature and sacrifice him as a pawn for equality and democracy. JUST LIKE THE DARK KNIGHT.

Soo what you are saying is that we would expect Bane in the future?? (Noice!)

Now for this point forward you literally say soo many things right... and many others wrong, but soo wrong!!
now there are several reasons why this is poorly integrated into the story. 1: it is actually the first time William is actually portrayed as a full-blown anit-hero. In season 1, he was a villain while also being the main character. In the first half of season 2, he was the hero who was saving the day from Milverton. And now he is literally just Batman. There are so many skilled ways this good have been integrated into the story. If they got rid of Milverton, we could have had Moriarty be the villain, the house of lords be a corrupt force that kills off Whitely's family, and Sherlock is investigating these crimes alongside Moriarty. Then when Moriarty finishes up at the end, Sherlock becomes his arch-rival. But because of th way the story has been structured, this other villain from the second season is now Moriarty's arch-rival.

Why did they do this then? there is one obvious reason. What Moriarty did was morally grey. It made us call into question whether he was truly a good guy. And god forbid we ever start to question the motivations of the main character. That wouldn't be interesting and complex at all. No, we can't have that. Instead, let's introduce a throwaway villain THAT IS MORE EVIL so that we can make Moriarty look good.

Ok... First of all the 1st season is the "introduction season", which means just that, after that things would always change, no escape from that in no existing series whatsoever. Second, actually making a "rival" or an "villain" for Moriarty is more than expected, what wouldn't be expected was a new character go to the top of his thing without the competition of the other "rivals" that do the same as him.
If there could be better approaches? Yh, maybe. But they preferred to go to the "popular way" making reference to everything that is good (Jack the reaper, James Bond, Batman, and the show goes on).

This is the same storytelling as the Rise of Skywalker. The writers couldn't handle the concept that Kylo Ren couldn't be redeemed and had to be responsible for his own actions. So they introduced Palpatine AGAIN so that all of Kylo Ren's bad behaviour could be blamed on Palpatine and Kylo Ren could go back to being good again.

And you are going for the big guns!! BUT YOU ARE WRONG!!! (It was me, DIO!!=D)
You are SOOOOOO wrong with this one... The Rise of Skywalker was always a huge SW-killing mistake from the point when they changed The Last Jedi producer and in consequence the originally planned story... It was THAT film that ruined tRoS and not the movie itself. They killed the Original villain (Smoke, if I'm not mistaken) they deconstruct every character (Rey and Kyle, Luke, Finn, and many others) to the point of no return. THEN, they saw it was a HUGE mistake and gone back to the Original producer, and the first thing that he made when he realized what they did was put his 2 hands on the top of his head and rip out a bunch of his few remaining hairs!! The rest was just patching up with ducktape the better way they could, and with a lot of pressure from everywhere, the fans, the haters, the studio, the Bosses that made the original mistakes and don't want to be responsible for them and throw them to the others while pressure them for it to be solved... A mess!
That SW Trilogy was a mistake after mistake in 2,5/3 of the movies... Plz, don't compare what can't be compared... In the near future, producers will use that for research to "how to not do a series of movies", that's how bad SW was treated...

By introducing another villain who is more evil than your anti-hero, you are destroying all the moral complexity the show once had. This has ruined all the things I liked about the first season.

As I said before creating a rival for Moriarty to show what he's worth is completely expected and even necessary if you ask me. Be a villain because no other is, it's just like Rey being good because she's the only Jedi around (Talking about SW -.-). The first season is an introduction and surely it has shown what would be expected for the normal day between Moriarty vs Sherlock, but even without all this anime additional fan series stuff, in the original Sherlock always knows that he had Moriarty as a foe but also and more important the government as a foe as well. A major part o his solved crimes were provided by the elite and not from Moriarty actions, also part of Moriarty actions was also against the government as well, not introducing this in the series would be a huge mistake.
Again if they could do this better... Sure! But this way is more... EPIC!!! (What is Jojo without those stands and character's names?)
I don't think it's at all expected or necessary. At this point there has been over 100 years of Sherlock Holmes related media, including books and tv shows depicting Moriarty as a sympathetic figure. And in none of them did they ever think of introducing competition for Moriarty.

It's not necessary, it won't break the audience's suspension of disbelief to say that Moriarty and Sherlock are unique, and they're just smarter than everyone else. In fact, that's what made Moriarty so interesting in the actual Sherlock Holmes book series. Moriarty was the only person (other than Mycroft) smart enough to brush wits with Sherlock - and nearly win. By introducing people who are almost as smart as Moriarty, you are eroding his uniqueness, as well as ruining the ethical dichotomy they had going. This would be like if you introduced another villain in Batman: Dark Knight for Batman and the Joker to team up and defeat. It ruins the PURPOSE OF THE JOKER. He is Batman's arch nemesis in the same way Moriarty is Sherlock's. By taking the focus away from their established rivalry, it ruins the entire purpose of bothering to introduce Sherlock in the first place.

If you are going to create a series about Moriarty and ignore Sherlock Holmes, then what is even the point of making this series based in the Sherlock universe? Just make an original story that rips off Sherlock - since they're basically just copying all the pop culture stories at this point. It's not epic, it's just lazy.
Jun 3, 2021 5:10 PM

Feb 2020
I loved how William stood on that building like the devil himself lol.
Aaah I miss Sherlock so much, I‘m glad he comes back in the next episode.
Jun 4, 2021 2:11 AM

Oct 2008
theGodde said:
I don't think it's at all expected or necessary. At this point there has been over 100 years of Sherlock Holmes related media, including books and tv shows depicting Moriarty as a sympathetic figure. And in none of them did they ever think of introducing competition for Moriarty.

It's not necessary, it won't break the audience's suspension of disbelief to say that Moriarty and Sherlock are unique, and they're just smarter than everyone else. In fact, that's what made Moriarty so interesting in the actual Sherlock Holmes book series. Moriarty was the only person (other than Mycroft) smart enough to brush wits with Sherlock - and nearly win. By introducing people who are almost as smart as Moriarty, you are eroding his uniqueness, as well as ruining the ethical dichotomy they had going. This would be like if you introduced another villain in Batman: Dark Knight for Batman and the Joker to team up and defeat. It ruins the PURPOSE OF THE JOKER. He is Batman's arch nemesis in the same way Moriarty is Sherlock's. By taking the focus away from their established rivalry, it ruins the entire purpose of bothering to introduce Sherlock in the first place.

If you are going to create a series about Moriarty and ignore Sherlock Holmes, then what is even the point of making this series based in the Sherlock universe? Just make an original story that rips off Sherlock - since they're basically just copying all the pop culture stories at this point. It's not epic, it's just lazy.

Hey! You said your opinion and I said mine. The thing is, no matter what WE say, this series is pleasuring ppl here and there, so it's not bad at all.
As for Batman and the Joker, it's well known that the Joker was a team player when HE wanted, especially with other villains, I don't know if you know but Batman is not known only for the Joker! There were MANY other villains with almost as much importance as the Joker (one of them even more important at some points, especially because of his daughter). Stop complaining about stuff that is not related! Oh! BTW the Joker ALSO attacked other Villains to mark his domain (also known tbh)!

If it is necessary? I think it is! An awesome villain doesn't just APPEAR!! It needs to be created, to grow, to get BIG!!! If you have a story with the hero side, you can easily skip that with minor to no consequences, BUT if you do the Villain side, you CANNOT skip that!! Even Luke lost his mentor! Bruce lost his parents, and Simba lost his father! And all of them struggle before they became the heroes of their stories! To think the Villains are different... It is just stupid! AND it cut their stories in half... A loss-loss situation!
For the ones that like to bother others (like me) with "you should read the manga/LN", please stop. I don't read mangas, I will NOT read mangas, I will not listen to what manga readers complain in adaptation to the anime counterpart, I only watch anime except in very few and specific situations.
Jun 4, 2021 7:06 PM
Apr 2021
r_justo said:
theGodde said:
I don't think it's at all expected or necessary. At this point there has been over 100 years of Sherlock Holmes related media, including books and tv shows depicting Moriarty as a sympathetic figure. And in none of them did they ever think of introducing competition for Moriarty.

It's not necessary, it won't break the audience's suspension of disbelief to say that Moriarty and Sherlock are unique, and they're just smarter than everyone else. In fact, that's what made Moriarty so interesting in the actual Sherlock Holmes book series. Moriarty was the only person (other than Mycroft) smart enough to brush wits with Sherlock - and nearly win. By introducing people who are almost as smart as Moriarty, you are eroding his uniqueness, as well as ruining the ethical dichotomy they had going. This would be like if you introduced another villain in Batman: Dark Knight for Batman and the Joker to team up and defeat. It ruins the PURPOSE OF THE JOKER. He is Batman's arch nemesis in the same way Moriarty is Sherlock's. By taking the focus away from their established rivalry, it ruins the entire purpose of bothering to introduce Sherlock in the first place.

If you are going to create a series about Moriarty and ignore Sherlock Holmes, then what is even the point of making this series based in the Sherlock universe? Just make an original story that rips off Sherlock - since they're basically just copying all the pop culture stories at this point. It's not epic, it's just lazy.

Hey! You said your opinion and I said mine. The thing is, no matter what WE say, this series is pleasuring ppl here and there, so it's not bad at all.
As for Batman and the Joker, it's well known that the Joker was a team player when HE wanted, especially with other villains, I don't know if you know but Batman is not known only for the Joker! There were MANY other villains with almost as much importance as the Joker (one of them even more important at some points, especially because of his daughter). Stop complaining about stuff that is not related! Oh! BTW the Joker ALSO attacked other Villains to mark his domain (also known tbh)!

If it is necessary? I think it is! An awesome villain doesn't just APPEAR!! It needs to be created, to grow, to get BIG!!! If you have a story with the hero side, you can easily skip that with minor to no consequences, BUT if you do the Villain side, you CANNOT skip that!! Even Luke lost his mentor! Bruce lost his parents, and Simba lost his father! And all of them struggle before they became the heroes of their stories! To think the Villains are different... It is just stupid! AND it cut their stories in half... A loss-loss situation!
Yes. People like where Moriarty the Patriot is going. I see absolute dog shit being given 10/10 reviews on MAL all the time. The point is not that some people enjoy something, but that there are a lot of people who enjoy it. Even then that doesn't make something objectively good. The writing of SAO is absolute dog shit but people still like and enjoy it to this day. So saying that because people like MtP doesn't make it instantly good. It's a lazy series that runs out of ideas and rips off western media in the hope that its domestic audience won't know the original source material.

Now the reason why I used a lot of Batman references isn't just because the show ripped off tDK, but because I used to read a LOT of comic books. And I can tell you now, whenever villains team up, it tends to produce a story that is very sub-par. The best Batman stories had a singular villain/villain syndicate. Think Batman: Night of the Owls or Batman: the Killing Joke. They always had a singular foe that the heroes had to overcome.

As for villains needing to be created, Moriarty emerged fully formed at the start of the show. His creation was shown to us in his backstory. How he had this ideology but he didn't have the power, skills, or resources to execute it. And by the end of S1 we've seen all his backstory, he has already been created. The show is about testing Moriarty's resolve and beliefs as he proceeds to execute them and change the country. Moriarty has had NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT since S1 and that's ok. If Moriarty was constantly learning and changing, that would actually hold the show back. The thing about Moriarty is he has already struggled. He has already suffered, and he has already lost things. There is no need to introduce this villain.

The reason why I'm so adamant about this is because I am a writer. I look at this and I see all the bad writing techniques and flaws. But what's worse is that I see what this series could have been. I see all the hints of originality and intrigue. But they are wasted as the author spends his time ripping off other, better shows without understanding why it was that they did certain things. This is closer to a Sherlock Holmes fanfiction than it is a fully fledged story. If you don't understand what I'm trying to say - I don't want to tell you that I just know more than you - but the fact is that you are only looking at the surface level, rather than the deeper themes and plot (or more accurately the lack of it) in Moriarty the Patriot.

However I respect your opinion. You obviously enjoy the show and my opinion shouldn't take anything away from your enjoyment of the show. You are allowed to enjoy a show that I think is bad. I'm not the authority on what shows people are and are not allowed to watch. I just want people to think deeper about the media they watch, and maybe learn and appreciate more about the process behind it.

If you've read this far, thank you for being patient enough. I'm sure you've already got some kind of rebuttal in your head, but I'm not making this argument to prove you wrong, I just want you to understand how and why I see MtP the way I do.
Jun 5, 2021 4:35 AM

Oct 2008
theGodde said:
r_justo said:

Hey! You said your opinion and I said mine. The thing is, no matter what WE say, this series is pleasuring ppl here and there, so it's not bad at all.
As for Batman and the Joker, it's well known that the Joker was a team player when HE wanted, especially with other villains, I don't know if you know but Batman is not known only for the Joker! There were MANY other villains with almost as much importance as the Joker (one of them even more important at some points, especially because of his daughter). Stop complaining about stuff that is not related! Oh! BTW the Joker ALSO attacked other Villains to mark his domain (also known tbh)!

If it is necessary? I think it is! An awesome villain doesn't just APPEAR!! It needs to be created, to grow, to get BIG!!! If you have a story with the hero side, you can easily skip that with minor to no consequences, BUT if you do the Villain side, you CANNOT skip that!! Even Luke lost his mentor! Bruce lost his parents, and Simba lost his father! And all of them struggle before they became the heroes of their stories! To think the Villains are different... It is just stupid! AND it cut their stories in half... A loss-loss situation!
Yes. People like where Moriarty the Patriot is going. I see absolute dog shit being given 10/10 reviews on MAL all the time. The point is not that some people enjoy something, but that there are a lot of people who enjoy it. Even then that doesn't make something objectively good. The writing of SAO is absolute dog shit but people still like and enjoy it to this day. So saying that because people like MtP doesn't make it instantly good. It's a lazy series that runs out of ideas and rips off western media in the hope that its domestic audience won't know the original source material.

Now the reason why I used a lot of Batman references isn't just because the show ripped off tDK, but because I used to read a LOT of comic books. And I can tell you now, whenever villains team up, it tends to produce a story that is very sub-par. The best Batman stories had a singular villain/villain syndicate. Think Batman: Night of the Owls or Batman: the Killing Joke. They always had a singular foe that the heroes had to overcome.

As for villains needing to be created, Moriarty emerged fully formed at the start of the show. His creation was shown to us in his backstory. How he had this ideology but he didn't have the power, skills, or resources to execute it. And by the end of S1 we've seen all his backstory, he has already been created. The show is about testing Moriarty's resolve and beliefs as he proceeds to execute them and change the country. Moriarty has had NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT since S1 and that's ok. If Moriarty was constantly learning and changing, that would actually hold the show back. The thing about Moriarty is he has already struggled. He has already suffered, and he has already lost things. There is no need to introduce this villain.

The reason why I'm so adamant about this is because I am a writer. I look at this and I see all the bad writing techniques and flaws. But what's worse is that I see what this series could have been. I see all the hints of originality and intrigue. But they are wasted as the author spends his time ripping off other, better shows without understanding why it was that they did certain things. This is closer to a Sherlock Holmes fanfiction than it is a fully fledged story. If you don't understand what I'm trying to say - I don't want to tell you that I just know more than you - but the fact is that you are only looking at the surface level, rather than the deeper themes and plot (or more accurately the lack of it) in Moriarty the Patriot.

However I respect your opinion. You obviously enjoy the show and my opinion shouldn't take anything away from your enjoyment of the show. You are allowed to enjoy a show that I think is bad. I'm not the authority on what shows people are and are not allowed to watch. I just want people to think deeper about the media they watch, and maybe learn and appreciate more about the process behind it.

If you've read this far, thank you for being patient enough. I'm sure you've already got some kind of rebuttal in your head, but I'm not making this argument to prove you wrong, I just want you to understand how and why I see MtP the way I do.

Fair is fair, and I understand, comparing works with what "I" would do if I put my hands on that work, it's always a personal opinion that has much value to "us". But as for "deeper" I can only compare this to the ocean itself. We can divide our seas into oceans, the problem remains in the deeps. Ok every one of them is unique, but the lack of knowledge of them that we have is huge, is not a thing that we fully know (let's just say that from the past 2 years scientists found 2 new whales types, small animals arent' they? xD) and is because of that that we had myths and stories like Atlantis, The Nautilus adventures and many others. "Deeper" doesn't mean that it will go in the right direction, you could emerge in a completely different spot from where you started. Just because one guy tried a new different thing and turn out to be fanfiction doesn't mean that he didn't try to go deeper.

As for the Moriarty season, 2 being more fanfiction like... Not really against your comment (I even think you are right)... the thing is... I don't know if they wanted it that way... Like Adler's story, everybody knows that she had a shady side business, which is no news to no-one, but they purposely go for the "Bond" thing, completely changing the character, if they didn't want that from the start, I don't know how they could get that. And if they wanted a more fanfiction-like story, HEY! Who are we to contest them? If people even like it, so let it be.
Let's face it, at least is something that is new for Moriarty! XD
For the ones that like to bother others (like me) with "you should read the manga/LN", please stop. I don't read mangas, I will NOT read mangas, I will not listen to what manga readers complain in adaptation to the anime counterpart, I only watch anime except in very few and specific situations.
Jun 6, 2021 3:25 AM

Oct 2017
Morarity couldn't save Whiteley and his family but when he's plan is completed many Whiteley's will be saved.
Jun 6, 2021 8:44 AM

Nov 2016
Fuck, this went beyond expectations. The tragic thing is that this could've been prevented if Whiteley hadn't been such a goody two-shoes or if Moriarty intervened.

But as they said last episode " there's always a price to be paid to achieve any objective" that's how it is.

A sacrifice for the necessary evil so to speak and in this case it was bound to happen anyway. A cold decision, yet for the sake of the greater good.

Great episode. Quite intense and emotional.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 6, 2021 8:23 PM

Dec 2012
No why I loved Mr. Whiteley
Jun 8, 2021 10:22 PM
Nov 2019
I am very much confused about Milverton's goal. I thought he wanted to bring revolution in the country in Phantom of Whitechapel arc. Now what's he doing!!! Might've misinterpreted it. Can anyone explain?
Moriarty = Necessary evil
Milverton = Pure evil
So Milverton is playing pure evil!!! Still I find his goal pretty much vague.
Please someone clear me the goal of Milverton along with his aim in previous arc even if it spoils a bit. Otherwise I am losing my will to continue with inconsistent characterization. Not a fan of crazy villains without distinctive goal.
Jun 9, 2021 2:51 PM
Nov 2019
KANLen09 said:
The White Knight of London, MP Adam Whiteley's got trouble coming for him, starting from Charles Augustus Milverton himself, while James Bonde follows from behind. Pretty stoic that Adam would go a strong head against the scheming blackmailing king mastermind rep of the House of Lords.

As expected, Milverton doesn't cave in to pressure, and even worse, the act of right-hand man Inspector Sturridge's killings made him a scapegoat of a murder-class case. From a highly esteemed MP for the people, stooped down to a murderer because of the Devil's Temptation of blackmailing evil aided from Milverton.

Fred has having his own set of issues, and Milverton's hired henchmen has identified both him and Louis, this conflict is about to happen soon.

With all the world against him, the new villain has no one to turn to except the Moriarty Family. And the best man, the Lord of Crime, William himself is put to the job voluntarily to see this case to rest...through the usual stage of events of putting the blame on William himself to atone for his crime-committed sins as a white knight for the country he fought so hard for equality.

A necessary evil to turn the tables on the good side, what a show to change the country for good and eradicate Milverton's pure evil.

Can you tell me what's Milverton's goal?
Jun 9, 2021 7:39 PM

Jul 2017
Milverton is basically the true antagonist to Moriarty's "claim" to be antag-protagonists, the former wants to disrupt the world for his own gains, while the latter does the same to exact their version of justice.
Jun 12, 2021 10:30 PM

Aug 2015
Was that whole plot a direct reference to Harvey Dent / Two Face?

Whiteley as Harvey Dent - beloved politician fallen from grace. He even did the half face of blood visual.

(ok after a quick scroll through this thread, it seems a lot of people confirmed it)
whitherJun 12, 2021 10:34 PM
Jun 13, 2021 6:17 AM

Mar 2009
They really wasted that character. Simply died a martyr.
Jun 16, 2021 6:59 AM
Feb 2020
This reminds me soo much of code geass, in a good way!
Jun 17, 2021 8:23 PM

Mar 2010
Well that sucks. Only liked Whiteley but now only evil and sick disgusting people is left again.
StardewJun 17, 2021 8:28 PM
Jun 22, 2021 3:28 PM

May 2016
That guy looked to pure to handle all that.
Jun 23, 2021 10:42 AM

Jun 2015
I was sensing Harvy Dent vibes from WHitely every since I saw him. This shot confirmed it 100%. They even did call him the white night. The difference is one joker ruined his life and the other saved it.

If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Jul 1, 2021 11:58 AM

Jul 2020
Amazing episode, Whiteley really made me think about Harvey Dent, so much resemblance.

Both of the characters lost someone dear to them, which had caused them both to spiral out of control, except for Whiteley, William had come in to save him before he went any further. He also took the fall for him similar to that of Batman in order to preserve the symbol of peace and power in the city. Not to mention the blood covering half of Whiteley's face after the murder is literally a Two-faced reference.
Jul 1, 2021 8:39 PM
Dec 2020
What an amazing episode just a masterpiece. This episode was filled with a lot of emotions. Whitleys family death and especially San hurt man. Now Whitley will always be the white knight. Moriarty brothers I have to keep saying are just pure good guys wanting to make the world a better place and said again Robin Hood. Now it’s time for Moriarty and Holmes to fuck up milverton. Also where was Sherlock at๐Ÿ˜‚. Best spring anime.๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป.
Jul 5, 2021 5:51 PM

Apr 2018

- Fren vs the two criminals later Louis joins the fight (kinda epic)
- Mr.Whitely's character is fabulous. determination, discerning, intelligent, and widely respected. A true hero that died in front of everyone.
He reminded me of Erwin (He does look like erwin tho lol xD)
- A new showdown arrived. The Lord of Crimes vs The King of Media.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 5, 2021 6:25 PM

Jan 2021
This episode made me shed some tears and it also made my blood boil.
Whiteley And his brother deserved better.
Sep 14, 2021 10:55 AM

May 2020
Well done, rip Whiteley family and this is to insane. William start declare a war against August. Will be an epic battle.
Oct 19, 2021 9:52 AM

Mar 2014
The Dark Knight resemblance was real and tbh I don't really mind it because the story was aware of it and pulled off the parallels really well imo. Poor Whiteley, he was such an aspiring MP and Milverton, as expected, exploited what he held most dear to turn him into the opposite of what he was. I didn't expect him to end up becoming a killer, but it makes sense. Moriarty's plan was solid, and Whiteley giving his life to further his ideal of an equal society was a great scene.

Oct 22, 2021 10:46 AM
Aug 2020
Erwin.. is that you?
Jan 3, 2022 11:52 AM

Jun 2020
What a top-notch drama! Wow! The storyline is getting beter and better each episode. The tension is seamlessly maintained throughout.

prynnyo said:
Amazing episode, Whiteley really made me think about Harvey Dent, so much resemblance.

Totally agree with that
RKASHYAP621Jan 3, 2022 11:56 AM
Mar 27, 2022 10:18 AM

Apr 2016
Not the biggest fan of the Dark Knight inspiration but it was entertaining, I did gasped when Whiteley killed the other guy and laughed at Moriarty little Batman moment.
Jun 27, 2022 11:12 AM
Oct 2019
Wow, that was an intense 20 minutes. ๐Ÿคฏ
Main Candy:

Bonus Candy:

Aug 2, 2022 11:00 AM

Jul 2015
What happened to poor Whiteley really is reminiscent of Harvey Dent (Two-Face) especially with half his face covered in blood.

Oct 6, 2022 7:52 PM

Aug 2019
This episode was unbelievable.

Whiteley lost everything, including his life. I barely knew him, but his death had me in tears.
Dec 8, 2022 7:15 AM

Apr 2016
sad arc, no one with life!!! kekeke
Dec 24, 2022 6:45 AM

Dec 2013

Damn, this part made me feel a lot of things. Feel bad for Whitely's bro, Maggie, and the other policemen. Damn,  Milverton. 
I can say that this episode is really good, especially when showing the imagery of "evil" and the part when Whitely's struggling with himself. Didn't expect him to kill the policeman tho.

I'm really nervous about the outcome of all of this. 

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Jan 1, 2023 9:13 PM
Feb 2022
This entire episode IS SO FRUSTRATING. I wish the story didn't take a turn like this.
Jan 29, 2023 4:07 AM
Jul 2018
What an episode! Milverton suffers from narcissistic injury because somebody DARED to blackmail HIM - the King of Blackmail, so he murders the entire household of the offender in retaliation. Then Moriarty scavenges the remains and makes the best of every situation by roping the distraught survivor into a murder-suicide pact. Savage.
Jul 3, 2023 9:45 PM
Jul 2021
Cita sobre los demonios y el placer su máximo placer: hacer que hombres buenos obren por el mal
Sep 17, 2023 10:01 PM
May 2023
Review en Español and English

Un Excelente episodio, como destruyen a Whiteley matando a todos sus seres queridos, te rompe el corazon. Una lastima pero su muerte como martir va a servir para mentener la llama de esperanza de lograr un mundo mejor, La maldad necesaria se enfrenta a la maldad pura, quien vencera ? PD: Fred se mantuvo en 2vs1, increible clap clap por el

An Excellent episode, how they destroy Whiteley by killing all his loved ones, it breaks your heart. A shame but his death as a martyr will serve to maintain the flame of hope to achieve a better world. Necessary evil faces pure evil, who will win?
PS: Fred stayed in 2vs1, incredible clap clap for him
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