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May 19, 2021 7:29 AM

Nov 2011
School life and everything in this show feels so real.

We got a school festival going on too with the bright mood. So glad to see Koguma being more open to her friends and being more confident in herself.
May 19, 2021 7:31 AM

Apr 2020
They prepare for the school festival, Reiko and Koguma with their cub are very helpful.

New character, Shii, she's pretty cute.
May 19, 2021 7:54 AM
Jul 2018
yet another really nice and chill episode, lots of nice places driving around and stuff and that classmate girl was so cute too

that smile is way too adorable...
May 19, 2021 8:00 AM

May 2021

Goodness! Shii is so small.
Despite a teenager girl, she can be easily mistaken for a little girl from elementary school because of her height of 1.40cm.
Waterymage92May 19, 2021 9:09 AM
May 19, 2021 8:07 AM

Apr 2010
The girls being really helpful towards their classmates it was nice to watch.
And the season of cold weather driving has arrived for them, driving a motorcycle in cold weather is much colder than driving a bicycle it gets really cold if you are not wearing the right clothing.
You can get lot's of things to keep you warm on a motorcycle and you really need them, i usually keep on driving during the winter but ones i wasn't wearing motorcycle jeans my legs got so cold that i kept feeling it the rest of the day even tho i drove in the morning and was inside the rest of the day.
Good gloves is also recommended and heated grips is a really nice option for the winter.
May 19, 2021 8:07 AM

Apr 2016
Eeehey the new girl finally enters the fray ... and God shes a tiny little human isnt she lol.
May 19, 2021 8:09 AM
Jul 2018
Mysticus92 said:
Goodness! Shii is so small.
I know that japanese high school teenager girls can reach up to 1.50cm, in rare times up to 1.60cm and 1.70 and other rare times up to 1.40cm.

ah yes, only 1.5 centimeters, not meters but centimeters... a whole 150mm
May 19, 2021 8:24 AM

Apr 2018
Now it's winter it's cold, they helped the school festival with their cubs that was great, and the new small girl that gave them coffee is cute xD
May 19, 2021 8:30 AM

Jul 2017
Reiko's charging in with her new Hunter Cub CT110, which depletes most of her savings, but it's a worthy investment in the long run.

The usual school culture festival, and a new girl: the shortie Shii-chan. But taking care of the Cub comes first as usual for both Reiko and Koguma, preparing for the change of seasons from seasonal Cub mods to their own vehicular safety gear.

The purpose of utilizing their Cubs in an useful situation like this, it looks kinda lame, but it seems every bit as practical. Going to the school where Koguma did her part-time job to do their homeroom teacher's job, that's a delivery job right there.

It'd be great if Shii-chan can ride a Cub (since she's the confirmed 3rd central girl), but for now, she'll stick to her trusty bicycle until she can get a chance to do so.

Beautiful episode for the feels.
May 19, 2021 8:35 AM

Jun 2019
Autumn's here and it has started to get chilly. I love that Koguma is keeping a check on Reiko so she won't waste money on unnecessary things. That's adorable. They've really become close friends.

A new girl is here who's the third main character of the show, Eniwa Shii. She looks just like Koguma by her appearance but much more frank with others and is of a really sweet nature. Reiko and Koguma helped in bringing the stuff from another school as well. Great going with this show.
May 19, 2021 8:45 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
I love those autumn vibes. It's my favorite season of the year besides winter.

Everyone is preparing for the school festival. Nice.

That new girl, Shii, is so cute and tiny! ^^

SerafosJan 13, 2024 3:25 AM
May 19, 2021 8:52 AM

Jan 2014
Reiko looked like a giant compared to Shii lmao. She's so tiny and precious.

Almost thought they weren't going to help for a moment, and just focused on driving their cubs and getting new gear. But nope.
May 19, 2021 8:56 AM

Jul 2020
Are you sure Koguma and Shii is not related to each other? They looked almost the same what the hell?
May 19, 2021 9:02 AM

Apr 2014
The new girl, Shii, is so cute and so tiny. She is even smaller than Koguma.
Don't underestimate Cub, Cub can do almost everything including transport a bunch of goods.
May 19, 2021 9:34 AM

Dec 2016
So, they just coincidentally happen to own a whole cart and some ridiculous contraption that allows to transport fragile loads, along with all the hardware needed to correctly mount them on their bikes? How convenient.

Koguma's rant at the end made me cringe hard. Bikes aren't sentient beings, it depends on how they were built, their parts conditions and the skill of the rider. Not some BS about a cub not wanting to be ridden.
KimurahMay 19, 2021 9:38 AM
May 19, 2021 10:16 AM
Apr 2021
Tbh watch this in rainy weather gives me a vibe of relaxation.
May 19, 2021 10:28 AM
May 2021
Kimurah said:
So, they just coincidentally happen to own a whole cart and some ridiculous contraption that allows to transport fragile loads, along with all the hardware needed to correctly mount them on their bikes? How convenient.

Koguma's rant at the end made me cringe hard. Bikes aren't sentient beings, it depends on how they were built, their parts conditions and the skill of the rider. Not some BS about a cub not wanting to be ridden.

Calm down. I don't know if you paid attention to the episode or not but when they both offered Shii and her group some help, Koguma already mentioned about going to fetch something at the faculty room and in return Reiko said something at the gym is gonna be useful too.

This happened to be that wagon/cart thing. Another one is about the contraption where you can usually see food riders in Japan use to deliver gravy-type foods (Udons, donburi etc). Koguma had asked Reiko if she still has it and she said the contraption is quiet loose but can be used if tweaked properly.

That contraption is used to carry the coffee maker since it originally functions to prevent gravy foods from spilling. You can see for a brief moment how the contraption thing absorbs the pressure from their bumpy rides. It was shown around the scene when they returned from the other school after fetching the cultural festival items for Shii.

Lastly, cringe as it may be to some extend... It's an anime thing? Talk no Jutsu is like A MUST throughout any shows. You cannot expect it to NOT be BS coming from an anime with a slice of life energy in it. Just chillax and enjoy the show. Being too tensed like this will rob the fun and warm feelings out of you. Better yet, you can drop the show if things mostly are INDEED BS in your eyes. Choices are ours to make afterall.
May 19, 2021 10:42 AM

Apr 2018
Chill episode, preparing for the school festivals with the cub's.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
May 19, 2021 10:47 AM
Aug 2020
So we finally meet the third girl from the OP. Good episode, but kinda weak compared to the ones that came before.
May 19, 2021 11:04 AM

Aug 2018
Hot take: I'm not fan of current Koguma as for now. Someone or something need to teach her a lesson.
May 19, 2021 11:15 AM

Apr 2021
The main plot was pretty silly and far-fetched this time around tbh. The out-of-nowhere laughs of Koguma's "cut the crap" arm grab when they were out buying gloves was the highlight.
May 19, 2021 11:15 AM

Jul 2015
The last girl is finally here! and oh boi! is she freaking smol! lets hope that she is just genetically very smol and will grow up.. and this isn't a common height in japan..
May 19, 2021 1:42 PM

Jul 2016
ka-bu delivery service. I'm not sure why they didn't just buy new work gloves at the store when they were there. It might take a few episodes to do a proper research..
May 19, 2021 1:59 PM

Feb 2014
Reiko's new Hunter Cub CT110 looks pretty nice. I hope she looks after it well this time. I also liked how Koguma made sure that Reiko didn't get carried away looking at stuff she doesn't need while in the automotive shop. XD

Both girls played a helpful role in this episode which focused on the preparation for their school's culture festival. Eniwa Shii gets her full introduction here and she's really small for her age. Either way, she and the others were in a panic after a teacher, who promised to help them with the equipment needed for their Italian cafe, had urgent plans.

Thankfully, Koguma wanted to help and Reiko helped as well, with adapting their cubs to carry the equipment needed to carry fragile items from the school in Kofu to their own school. Reiko's role was tougher since she had to tow a trailer, but she handled it like a pro. No reckless driving here this time! =P

Shii really shown her appreciation to Koguma and Reiko and praised their Cubs, too. Her smile at the end of the episode was really cute. =3

I do look forward to seeing more of Shii next week.
May 19, 2021 2:31 PM

Apr 2018
Looks like we have the culture festival ep and things end up going well thanks to Reiko and Koguma with there Cubs. Shii-chan is so cute oml.
May 19, 2021 2:38 PM
Jan 2020
I still cant get it out of my head the fact that she has literally no family whatsoever
May 19, 2021 2:47 PM

Mar 2016
Weakest episode by far. With an outsider around, our Cub duo's oddness is quite obvious. What a strange exchange at the end, unnecessarily smug and condescending.
May 19, 2021 3:17 PM

Sep 2019
Shii's really cute, new best girl?
May 19, 2021 4:05 PM

Apr 2015
I love Reiko's new Cub. Looking slick.

Damn, I didn't think that Shii was gonna be this tiny. She's so cute and adorable though!

Cubs to the rescue for the Italian Bar.

Best part of the episode was Koguma helping Reiko not getting distracted by products in the shop she doesn't need right now, that was pretty funny.
May 19, 2021 4:28 PM

Jan 2021
That was so wholesome :)
under”Mebius” is my salvation

May 19, 2021 4:59 PM
May 2011
Death_spork said:
Hot take: I'm not fan of current Koguma as for now. Someone or something need to teach her a lesson.

I wouldn't say she needs to be taken down a peg, but I don't care for the influence Reiko is having on her.
May 19, 2021 6:22 PM

Sep 2018
I was mildly interested in this at the start of the season, but it's really doing much for me, seven episodes in. A good slice of life is run by the characters and these ones are sh1t. Boring concept as well. Plus, the color palette isn't attractive.
May 19, 2021 6:42 PM

Aug 2020
NICE! Shii will finally join the group! She showed a lot of interest in bikes, but she will need to get over her fear first. I'm so happy to know that Koguma and Reiko managed to make the Festival work. This anime is very warmful and chilling, I really like it.

May 19, 2021 6:50 PM

Aug 2019
did she just say 100 yen for a round trip? are gas prices really that cheap where they live?
May 19, 2021 8:15 PM
Jun 2020
first time hearing the MC's name.. Koguma
May 20, 2021 5:57 AM

Jul 2014
So we finally get a proper introduction to Shii after her background appearances last week. She's not on a Cub yet, but no doubt we'll get to see her on her bicycle at least fairly soon, as has been teased in the OP. That aside, it's good to see that Koguma and Reiko's friendship has progressed enough for Koguma to be comfortable taking cheeky jabs at Reiko and to make her focus on what they're actually looking for when they go to the shops.

I found it funny that it was Koguma who told the teacher that old Cubs would be trouble and she should buy a new one when Koguma bought an old one with a dark reputation from the start. If Reiko had said it, I wouldn't have batted an eye, but it feels odd for Koguma to be the one saying that. Also, while her point was obviously more about safety, the way Koguma described the Cubs as sentient was so silly and tacky.
May 20, 2021 6:22 AM

Jul 2015
> People have problems
Koguma: I sleep
> Someone says the problems can't be solved with a motorbike
Koguma: Listen here you little shit
May 20, 2021 8:42 AM

Sep 2007
In this episode:

"Your bikes are pretty cool, my granddad has one, maybe I'll ask him to let me have it"

j/k but for real tho

Kimurah said:
How convenient.

Well Reiko is a Cub fanatic so I am not surprised she has some outlandish special parts/accessories.

Kimurah said:
Koguma's rant at the end made me cringe hard.

I'm pretty sure she was either joking or being sarcastic but she's so deadpan it doesn't translate well.
May 20, 2021 8:46 AM

Aug 2016
syncrogazer said:
Weakest episode by far. With an outsider around, our Cub duo's oddness is quite obvious. What a strange exchange at the end, unnecessarily smug and condescending.

I know, right? I always thought Koguma was self-centred and overly proud of her "social outcast" label (not to mention way too attached to a goddamn motorbike), but the story's practically going out of its way to prove that.

Reiko and Shii are way more likeable characters, imo. I absolutely do not need SoL characters to be cute or even nice (Reiko is neither), but Koguma just...leaves me utterly cold.
May 20, 2021 9:58 AM

Oct 2016
Another fantastic, wholesome and relaxing episode. We have finally been officially introduced to the third girl Shii-chan and boy is she smol like damn, she's so tiny, must protecc. Reiko's new hunter cub looks sick. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's amazing how Koguma and Reiko's friendship naturally progresses. I really enjoyed their adventures this episode, and it was nice to see the sensei of that other school again.

Koguma is starting to come out of her shell, I love it, she's so blunt lmao. Koguma and Reiko were exuding cool biker girls energy throughout the episode, out there sipping coffee in their bikes like badasses. I also really liked that metaphor Koguma said about riding bikes, if your afraid, naturally it'll affect how your ride. Like riding horses I suppose, they'll kick you out. Looks like we'll be seeing Shii-chan's place next episode, looking forward to it. Speaking of places, I like how Koguma probably visits Reiko's home often now, she should just live there lmao.
May 20, 2021 12:36 PM

Feb 2020
Autumn had arrived, and the winter will be incoming soon. The girls on the cub must be prepared themself much for those cold weather to avoid much problem by it. Koguma already think about that far before its happening, was a good respond. As expected from her, flat look, but always prepare for any possibility if its related to her cub. Reiko and her new hunter cub, looks cool af, ngl, especially with the messy gloves in her hands.

The school held a culture festival, as always. Reiko unexpectedly already know about Shii and her family, even though they both seems not so close. The moment when they both reached out the close status with each other, moreover with Koguma, none other than because of the cub, of course.

The boy in these show really annoying with their roles. The comment of one of them easily triggered Koguma in silence, and thats the beginning of their relationship. Koguma advised Shii about the backup plan really a good part. The way they modified the cub without anyone helping really a nice highlight too. Then, the last with the gasoline reimbursement. Good dialogue.

Koguma become Shii role model of admiration. But Koguma herself also viewed her in a good way too. Hopefully Shii's wish to ride the cub can be granted. Can't wait to see their next interaction....
badabassMay 20, 2021 12:40 PM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
May 20, 2021 6:02 PM

Mar 2016
DrabinWhite said:

I know, right? I always thought Koguma was self-centred and overly proud of her "social outcast" label (not to mention way too attached to a goddamn motorbike), but the story's practically going out of its way to prove that.

Reiko and Shii are way more likeable characters, imo. I absolutely do not need SoL characters to be cute or even nice (Reiko is neither), but Koguma just...leaves me utterly cold.

I've been thinking a little bit about the episode, and perhaps being into a new hobby (if you could call it that) has given her a feeling of superiority. Which seems believable to me, but the whole Shii thing was just weird. When she brings the coffee over they both look at her like 'lol who the fuck is this.' Not a vibe you would expect from a scene that in any other anime would be a lighthearted, friendship scene or whatever.

I can give the anime credit for being different. It's almost like the characters were made to be a little unlikable on purpose. Reiko's ignoring Koguma's morning greetings probably should have clued me in earlier lol

or it's just autism
syncrogazerMay 20, 2021 6:09 PM
May 20, 2021 7:36 PM
Jul 2019
That rig was something out from early maritime chronographs. I half expected it to have a gyroscopic stabilization.

Otherwise, interesting ad-hock transportation service.
May 20, 2021 7:50 PM

Mar 2012
This show might honestly be the biggest waste of my time out of all the currently airing stuff. Oh well.
May 20, 2021 8:51 PM

Oct 2008
so they finally introduced the 3rd main girl Shii!
so she's the one on the OP who has a bike that has small wheels huh...looks like that would be presented next ep!
Koguma & Reiko was able to help Shii with regards to the school fes! nice!

May 20, 2021 10:02 PM

Jan 2020
Koguma's phrase about riding cubs seems to me to have heard it in a cowboy movie. I like the change of palettes to a warmer tone.

Very interesting the thing that makes the ramen not spill, I will definitely investigate about them because where I live they are not used, or at least I have not seen.

Humans may have two eyes, but we can only see one thing
Don't use the scores to see an anime
ええい! なんでも やって やる
May 20, 2021 10:55 PM

Jul 2016
I would protect Shii's smile with my life. She's so small and cute~

Also, not sure why but I found this episode extremely boring. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood to enjoy it. Koguma describing Cubs as if they were wild horses was kinda cringey tho.

Imagine taking the writing of standard iyashikei anime this seriously...
May 20, 2021 11:32 PM
May 2019
So I don't know if it's a result of more Honda advertisement. But that scene with the teacher from the other school saying she was gonna ride her grandpas cub and the main character retorting with you should by a new one felt really out of place and out of character for her. I get that this show is essentially a 13 episode ad for a motorbike. But saying that used bikes are bad when this show is literally about a used bike just feels very disingenuous. Granted this could have been a translation error but I doubt it. Also was it me or did the main character feel a lot more mean spirited and cocky then usual?
May 20, 2021 11:34 PM
May 2019
vanetz said:
In this episode:

"Your bikes are pretty cool, my granddad has one, maybe I'll ask him to let me have it"

j/k but for real tho

Kimurah said:
How convenient.

Well Reiko is a Cub fanatic so I am not surprised she has some outlandish special parts/accessories.

Kimurah said:
Koguma's rant at the end made me cringe hard.

I'm pretty sure she was either joking or being sarcastic but she's so deadpan it doesn't translate well.
to be fair this anime is technically an Ad for Honda even though the original novel wasn't
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