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May 13, 2021 2:23 AM

Nov 2011
Rise of the undead :o

Even in a show like this, it's not something you'd see often. For a necromancer, I find this Faust guy to be pretty insane but I guess that's something you'd expect after seeing his actions. He's no pushover either with his necromancer abilities. In fact, I'd say he may be one of the toughest opponent Yoh has faced so far.

May 13, 2021 2:34 AM
Feb 2020
Oh boy this episode was a massive disappointment.

Now I'm not that bothered by the fact an absolute gorefest this match was got turned into PG episode. But the fact that the scenes weren't even implied was terrible.

What's more the pacing was absolutely AWFUL. I get it you want to cram a fight that can not be anything less than 2 episodes into 1 ep, FINE. But what the hell was that lackluster focus?

I get we NEED to include Yoh's backstory, I get that we NEED to include Fausts backstory. But we did NOT need to spend 5 minutes on Amidamaru consoling Yoh. Yes it's a scene that does carry weight behind it. But of all of the things that cut have been cut from the episode - this should have been it. Instead it is the only part of the episode that did NOT get rushed. Making it the longest segment of the entire epiosde.

This also means that the fight with faust pretty much wraps up before we even get to the halfway point. And Yoh has ran out of mana by like 4th minute of the episode. Hard to treat him seriously when he looks like an absolute wimp.

And for the removed gore :
While Manta does get cut clean open, we are never shown it happend, which I would be okay with, if in a later shot we didn't see him weaing his clothes - how did Faust cut him without damaging clothes? Why did Yoh cover his wound with his shirt, if Manta is wearing his?

Faust doesn't get absolute destroed by fracting the bone wall, making Yoh threatening him... not as threatening. We also do not get "Stand up and fight or give up, I'll break your arms next Faust"

We DO NOT EVEN GET A SINGLE MENTION of Faust cutting his leg open to replace a broken bone.

Also we do not get the information that the reason Faust does not feel any pain, and can easily resemble himself with the help of Eliza, is because he does Morphine before every fight.

The only reason I am rating this episode as 2/5 instead of a 1 is because it at least explains Yoh's motivations, which the old anime never did, so that's one point it managed to score.
May 13, 2021 3:22 AM
Mar 2021
I enjoyed it, was fun and even if the gore got toned down i still found this episode to be cool. Can't wait for more💙
May 13, 2021 7:47 AM

Nov 2015
Great to hear Koyasu take on the role of Faust once again! He did an amazing job at the maniacal side of him like with his laughs!

I completely understand why some would be disappointed by the lack of gore in the fight, but I didn't expect it to be adapted knowing that this series airs at 5:30 in the evening. Other than cutting those two scenes out, the pacing was pretty good this time around!
May 13, 2021 9:02 AM

Apr 2021
Good park😀😀
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May 13, 2021 9:02 AM

Apr 2021
Good park😀😀
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May 13, 2021 11:45 AM

Mar 2016
TakafumiNaito said:
Oh boy this episode was a massive disappointment.

Now I'm not that bothered by the fact an absolute gorefest this match was got turned into PG episode. But the fact that the scenes weren't even implied was terrible.

What's more the pacing was absolutely AWFUL. I get it you want to cram a fight that can not be anything less than 2 episodes into 1 ep, FINE. But what the hell was that lackluster focus?

I get we NEED to include Yoh's backstory, I get that we NEED to include Fausts backstory. But we did NOT need to spend 5 minutes on Amidamaru consoling Yoh. Yes it's a scene that does carry weight behind it. But of all of the things that cut have been cut from the episode - this should have been it. Instead it is the only part of the episode that did NOT get rushed. Making it the longest segment of the entire epiosde.

This also means that the fight with faust pretty much wraps up before we even get to the halfway point. And Yoh has ran out of mana by like 4th minute of the episode. Hard to treat him seriously when he looks like an absolute wimp.

And for the removed gore :
While Manta does get cut clean open, we are never shown it happend, which I would be okay with, if in a later shot we didn't see him weaing his clothes - how did Faust cut him without damaging clothes? Why did Yoh cover his wound with his shirt, if Manta is wearing his?

Faust doesn't get absolute destroed by fracting the bone wall, making Yoh threatening him... not as threatening. We also do not get "Stand up and fight or give up, I'll break your arms next Faust"

We DO NOT EVEN GET A SINGLE MENTION of Faust cutting his leg open to replace a broken bone.

Also we do not get the information that the reason Faust does not feel any pain, and can easily resemble himself with the help of Eliza, is because he does Morphine before every fight.

The only reason I am rating this episode as 2/5 instead of a 1 is because it at least explains Yoh's motivations, which the old anime never did, so that's one point it managed to score.

I haven't watched this yet, but I'll go in both wary and open minded after reading this.

I want to add though, you do know that just because something isn't covered at the exact same time as the manga, doesn't mean it'll NEVER be covered, right?
This is something I've noticed a lot of detractors of this adaptation are mostly complaining about: each episode is NOT standalone and can build on top of more.

Faust's relation to morphine is important so I have zero doubt it'll be brought up later on at a different point, so you can relax a bit about that for now, I feel.

It does suck that the bone replacement scene is missing, but again, you're forgetting we still have a long way to go and this anime has re-arranged stuff already. An adaptation is allowed to re-arrange to tell the story in a way more fitting of the new medium.
CrimsonCWMay 13, 2021 12:28 PM
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
May 13, 2021 12:29 PM

Jun 2009
I find this episode was kind of funny in comparison with the first anime, but have new meaningful scenes added that were very touching, like Yoh frustration on losing and Amidamaru speech to him.

Faust from the first anime was more creepy. The vivisection scene was something new but I see people really disappointing by it, was not gory but now I understand better why it was more horrible that the old scene (but doesn't make sense why there was not anyone helping Manta while Yoh was fighting lol).

Yoh hitting Faust like he was some kind of bug was also kind of hilarious.
May 13, 2021 12:52 PM
Feb 2020
torposopla said:
(but doesn't make sense why there was not anyone helping Manta while Yoh was fighting lol).

Faust was planning on dissecting Manta (and possibly putting him right back) before the fight even started. this means that the brunt of the fight took place before the official match time and therefore, before Silva arrived, in fact he even was a little late for this one.

And Anna came even later, because it was raining so she had to buy a raincoat first.

That being said them being there did not change much for Manta. Silva must observe the fight and be ready to step in so that Faust does not kill Yoh, so he can't take him to a hospital.
Anna could have done so when she arrived, but she took a look at Manta, assessed the situation, and also decided to be on standby. She actually wanted to stop the fight right there, but Yoh insisted on fighting, so she just sticked around to make sure she's here to save him when he without any doubt loses.

There was that whole Amidamaru speech segment that took a long time in this episode, but seeing as this fight was 8 chapters, the only reason why it felt so long is that this was the part of the episode that had the manga pacing, it was supposed to be a really short talk ^^'
May 13, 2021 12:53 PM

Jul 2017
The necromancer Faust the VIII has arrived...though this episode will have to go tongue in-cheek for expectations for breaking the record of cramming 8 chapters into a single episode.

I'm probably late to the analyzing game, but by cutting short meaningless convos in the manga, that's how the anime has already skipped some standalone canon chapters and already into the 40+ chapter run. NGL this feels like a speedrun of the manga that literally the anime can't catch a breath going short.

Anyways, the Shaman Fight between Faust and Yoh...feels underwhelming at best. Even in the manga Faust feels a lot more intimidating with his Over Soul Eliza and the undead skeletons against Yoh and Amidamaru, the anime itself...just happened to animate the fight through expression and aided with the VAs of the characters.

Even Yoh losing the fight to Faust and being consoled by Amidamaru, it takes Tao Ren's arrival to thwart Faust's craziness.

At this point, I should probably make a mental note of the chapters adapted because this is a doozy.
May 13, 2021 1:04 PM

Jun 2019
Faust VIII is here, the master of reanimating the dead. That's hella scary. He's also Yoh's next opponent. Manta on one hand and the fight on the other, Yoh has to end things quickly here. But, Faust is a formidable opponent who isn't going to go down easily.

Felt bad for Faust and his wife, Eliza a little bit but he's doing some crazy shit. But, it was an essential lesson for Yoh. Faust really went berserk at the end there, glad to see Ren back.
May 13, 2021 1:42 PM

Jan 2021
Well, this fight was not bad at all. I liked Fausto's design quite a lot
Just, I ask, how long has Manta been on the ground without anyone doing anything 😂
Next fight against Ren, I don't know, but at the moment imo You has all to lose
May 13, 2021 1:59 PM

Aug 2018
Didn't read the manga chapters yet so can't comment on the adaptation but the soundtracks were absolutely great. Good job in this department.
May 13, 2021 2:12 PM

Aug 2020
Faust was a tough opponent, if Yoh wasn't saved it would have ended much differently. Yoh will definitely have to make some improvements.
May 13, 2021 2:21 PM
Mar 2021
I've decided that I'm going to drop this show. I'm not really into it and I'm not invested in any of the characters. I also find watching episodes more of a chore than actual enjoyment.
May 13, 2021 2:40 PM

Jan 2013
The one shounen where getting angry actually makes you lose instead of giving you a powerup.
Anyway that's over. Looks like we'll get to see Tamao in the next episode so should be fun.
May 13, 2021 4:04 PM

Mar 2016
Watched it. Eh, that was a 3/5 for me.

The other abridged episodes worked because they felt too long in the manga, but I think the manga was just perfect in this fight. Maybe I'm biased towards Faust, but he felt just too.... one dimensional here. This would be fine if he was just a throwaway character for one fight, but he's not; he's going to become a MAIN character, and not enough about him was hinted upon.

Man I miss that leg scene, that was quintessential "Holy shit, this guy is hardcore" and here you don't get any sense of how utterly serious Faust takes his craft. How much he's destroyed himself, and why later on he literally is the kind of guy to give up his own legs and mobility just to restore Eliza after her dismemberment here.

The subs were pretty bad too, at least what I got, to the point it made it seem like Eliza just got over her disease, rather than Faust curing it. That's not the anime's fault though.

Eh, I agree the Amidamaru scene should've cut off before he called Yoh an idiot and I think the end credits could've been cut here as well for more room.
They could've put in the leg scene or at least had Faust utter his "calcium" lines, which he liked to do over and over; they didn't make it very clear how the skeleton horde was invulnerable unless Yoh literally grinded them into powder, which makes his strategy make less sense.

Why they opted to have Yoh still wear his weed shirt and then pull his battle uniform out of nowhere was weird; they could've kept him in his oversuit (like Faust) and still used THAT to bandage Manta and still wind up in the same outfit by virtue of him wearing it underneath. Weird decision.

Cutting out the gore for Manta didn't work, even the first anime had it obscured by energy but it was still THERE; this was a little *too* implied.

Meh, a bit disappointing. I would've liked it more had I not really loved this particular chapter as much.

I still say Faust's addiction to morphine WILL be covered later on, but yeah, doesn't really work as a standalone episode. 3/5 at best. It does work for this series, but I'd have rather had this be two episodes.

They really ruined the reveal of Eliza being Faust's wife by the freaking bumper that flat out called her "Eliza Faust" BEFORE the reveal. Pretty sloppy overall.
CrimsonCWMay 13, 2021 8:26 PM
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
May 13, 2021 4:44 PM

Jun 2017
Wow I don't know how it was in the manga but Manta's stomach cut seems like it was censored to death here. Even the OG put in decent effort to substitute with something similar and still creepy.

Faust is also way less menacing but at least the scene where he kind of got angry was done well.

Another fight that got speed blitzed. Will Ren get the same fate? lolz
May 13, 2021 6:36 PM

Jun 2009
TakafumiNaito said:
torposopla said:
(but doesn't make sense why there was not anyone helping Manta while Yoh was fighting lol).

Faust was planning on dissecting Manta (and possibly putting him right back) before the fight even started. this means that the brunt of the fight took place before the official match time and therefore, before Silva arrived, in fact he even was a little late for this one.

And Anna came even later, because it was raining so she had to buy a raincoat first.

That being said them being there did not change much for Manta. Silva must observe the fight and be ready to step in so that Faust does not kill Yoh, so he can't take him to a hospital.
Anna could have done so when she arrived, but she took a look at Manta, assessed the situation, and also decided to be on standby. She actually wanted to stop the fight right there, but Yoh insisted on fighting, so she just sticked around to make sure she's here to save him when he without any doubt loses.

There was that whole Amidamaru speech segment that took a long time in this episode, but seeing as this fight was 8 chapters, the only reason why it felt so long is that this was the part of the episode that had the manga pacing, it was supposed to be a really short talk ^^'

The serious answer to my not-so-serious observation is "It happened that way because that's how was intended to happen". But yeah, my second though was "lol, Anna is not doing anything to help him until the fight ends".

I understand that everyone's hands were busy, is just kind of funny (and sad) to think that poor Manta was there lying in the floor after being vivisected like no big deal, you will be fine buddy!. The scene was really down played to what really was in the manga.

I just can't stop thinking about all the funny bits in this episode while everyones was waiting for this epic battle that maybe was not-so-epic (at least for me).
May 13, 2021 6:41 PM
Mar 2021
Reading the manga, I was curious how they would approach this episode. I get that they cut out the part of manta being cut open and his insides being open to view. I also get that they left out the part about Morphine being why Faust feels no pain. I know they had to cut some parts but, in the same sense, were those parts necessary to understand the entire fight? I honestly don't think so. The part about Manta being cut open got the desired effect. If you didn't read the manga, you wouldn't have even known what was coming. The part about morphine doesn't REALLY affect the story in a meaningful way. If you want every single detail from the manga put on an episode, especially one's with fight scenes, I HIGHLY doubt you get your wish...

With all of that being said, I enjoyed the episode. Did I think it was perfect? No. Will I still watch next week's episode? Absolutely.
May 13, 2021 6:46 PM

Jul 2016
Faust's character and backstory deserved better. First time I feel genuinely disappointed with this show's handle of pacing.
May 13, 2021 7:03 PM

Mar 2016
Sixxed17 said:
Reading the manga, I was curious how they would approach this episode. I get that they cut out the part of manta being cut open and his insides being open to view. I also get that they left out the part about Morphine being why Faust feels no pain. I know they had to cut some parts but, in the same sense, were those parts necessary to understand the entire fight? I honestly don't think so. The part about Manta being cut open got the desired effect. If you didn't read the manga, you wouldn't have even known what was coming. The part about morphine doesn't REALLY affect the story in a meaningful way. If you want every single detail from the manga put on an episode, especially one's with fight scenes, I HIGHLY doubt you get your wish...

With all of that being said, I enjoyed the episode. Did I think it was perfect? No. Will I still watch next week's episode? Absolutely.

Details make a story; I get you don't need to explain EVERYTHING but you also can't go the other extreme and not explain most things either.
It's a delicate balance. This just left too much; it was less specifically about the morphine exactly but more-so how utterly dedicated Faust is to his craft and how far he's willing to go, even to his own body, IE, you learn a lot about him simply by how he acts in this regard.
That is what was missing: characterization built on details.
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
May 13, 2021 7:46 PM

Feb 2014
The whole story is too rushed in this adaptation
May 13, 2021 8:23 PM
Mar 2021
Well, I enjoyed watching this episode and I like the battle between Yoh and Faust. Yeah, I can hear Koyasu's voice again as Faust and maybe Faust will become my favorite character in Shaman King. I'll also watch the original version.
May 13, 2021 8:32 PM
Jul 2019
It had the potential to be a great episode, but the execution was just godawful and how rushing the pacing is completely destroyed it.

I honestly can't believe anyone who defend this remake. I don't need to watch the original to know what I'm seeing now is terrible. I feel like I am watching a summary of a story rather the story itself, just the main ideas but executed awfully.
May 13, 2021 8:34 PM

Jan 2010
Well I didn't expect that much when I saw that censorship goes as far as taking chocolove lips just because censorship, but I can't help to still feel disappointed in faust fight.

May 13, 2021 8:37 PM

Jan 2020
I liked this episode quite a bit. Takehito Koyasu's voice is perfect and it fit well with him. It's a shame how yoh lost like that :( Probably the saddest episode of the series so far

May 13, 2021 9:22 PM

Oct 2009
SO MUCH in this anime I can't seem to recall, and I'm not sure it's because it was never in the previous one or because it was just too long ago and I'm now old and have grown senile. Faust being this intense and foul-mouthed? All the actual culture lesson snippets, like about graves and burial customs in this episode? Yoh being shirtless so much? Ren literally being made a knight in shining armour, swooping in on a white horse to save his-... ahem? xD

On another note... As much as I do appreciate the fanservice, I do wish they made up their minds about the design. Yoh being scrawny and just that little bit out of proportion to make him really be seen as more of a child by default, only to change into something more ... well, I wouldn't say any sort of a bulky ikemen, but certainly more defined every now and again when his shirt comes off - it's rather jarring and weird.
May 13, 2021 9:52 PM
Nov 2019
What the heck with this episode. This is too lighter.... where is the blood? The mountain of skull? And the death music song as Faust BGM! Jezz, how come i can enjoying this episode...

Well, In fact they are cover 47 chapter in 7 episode is an absolutely amazing. :v
May 13, 2021 10:33 PM

Jan 2009
lol the animation is so bad

wtf is Yoh philosophy about death there? is Yoh saying life is meaningful because there is death? err isnt the common sense stuff shows life is meaningless because we all gonna die anyway?

anyway he lost though so good but he have to win against Ren Tao now

and this perfectly sums up the goal of Yoh

May 14, 2021 1:02 AM
Oct 2019
Okay, I went back and checked it wasn't just nostalgia talking.
Both the first adaptation and the manga were way creepier with Faust and setting him up as way more dangerous and cruel.
In the previous two he actually seemed to try to piss off Yoh, in the episode he was more like "Oh you are weirdly small, let me look at your insides."
Now talking just manga, more gore than in the both anime adaptations.
I won't complain much about the pacing, still guessing they are rushing the early episodes to have more space in the later ones.
One beef I have, in the previous anime there was a brief scene of Silva with all his spirits flying towards the giant skeleton, which was so iconic, every time I catched Shaman King on Jetix I saw the scene in the opening, I was really looking forward to seeing it redone in better quality.
Well, what can one do. So far the anime is kinda meh, I could take it or leave it. Really hoping for it to get better once in the US.
May 14, 2021 1:11 AM

Aug 2010
TakafumiNaito said:
Oh boy this episode was a massive disappointment.

Now I'm not that bothered by the fact an absolute gorefest this match was got turned into PG episode. But the fact that the scenes weren't even implied was terrible.

What's more the pacing was absolutely AWFUL. I get it you want to cram a fight that can not be anything less than 2 episodes into 1 ep, FINE. But what the hell was that lackluster focus?

I get we NEED to include Yoh's backstory, I get that we NEED to include Fausts backstory. But we did NOT need to spend 5 minutes on Amidamaru consoling Yoh. Yes it's a scene that does carry weight behind it. But of all of the things that cut have been cut from the episode - this should have been it. Instead it is the only part of the episode that did NOT get rushed. Making it the longest segment of the entire epiosde.

This also means that the fight with faust pretty much wraps up before we even get to the halfway point. And Yoh has ran out of mana by like 4th minute of the episode. Hard to treat him seriously when he looks like an absolute wimp.

And for the removed gore :
While Manta does get cut clean open, we are never shown it happend, which I would be okay with, if in a later shot we didn't see him weaing his clothes - how did Faust cut him without damaging clothes? Why did Yoh cover his wound with his shirt, if Manta is wearing his?

Faust doesn't get absolute destroed by fracting the bone wall, making Yoh threatening him... not as threatening. We also do not get "Stand up and fight or give up, I'll break your arms next Faust"

We DO NOT EVEN GET A SINGLE MENTION of Faust cutting his leg open to replace a broken bone.

Also we do not get the information that the reason Faust does not feel any pain, and can easily resemble himself with the help of Eliza, is because he does Morphine before every fight.

The only reason I am rating this episode as 2/5 instead of a 1 is because it at least explains Yoh's motivations, which the old anime never did, so that's one point it managed to score.

Exactly what I'm thinking. I see you're being kind by giving this an extra point. lol

I'm not even sure how one can turn an interesting fight like Yoh vs Faust into this mess... Trash episode and it's a perfect time to drop this show.
May 14, 2021 3:21 AM

Nov 2019
As someone who is using this anime as a companion piece to the manga, this adaption of the fight was really disappointing. What prevented them from making the Yoh vs. Faust arc 2 episodes? Or at least 1.5 Episodes smh...
Mister_LokiMay 14, 2021 3:34 AM
Everyone could use some One Piece in their life.
May 14, 2021 5:14 AM

Feb 2012
An... interesting episode, to say the least

I rewatched the original fight in the old anime last night in preparation for today's "festivities" being my favourite of the whole series, uhhh, I dunno guys, I'm pretty torn, I want to like this, because it does some things better than the original anime and follows the manga, but not very well at all, the animation is incredibly choppy and the scene transitions are very noticeable, kinda feels like we're speed-running the fight's best hits and saying that it happened, I'm more scared of the 52 episode total than ever before, it feels like a FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood situation of zooming through the previously animated content as fast as we can to get to the new and exclusive material, I haven't minded the previous episodes because it felt inevitable to shorten them as much as we can, but this one could easily have been 2 episodes or even an episode and a half

Manta's "surgery" and the broken leg I can take or leave, I get why one was toned down and the other was removed, 2spooky 4me, but some other things were oddly handled, like extremely limiting Yoh's fight with the skeletons and cheapening the fact that we're supposed to feel like he used all of his energy beating through them, Amidamaru speech was as long as it was in the manga, probably could've been shortened, 12730kg Calcium Giant looked a little funky, since it's supposed to be made up of the broken pieces thousands of skeletons mashed together into a giant, whereas it just looks like a really big skeleton, gripes and nitpicks aside, i'm happy with getting anything at all, but slightly embittered that neither anime invoked the same terror as the manga

It's a 3/5 this week, 0 calciums out of 10
Anime--SenseiMay 14, 2021 5:24 AM
May 14, 2021 5:52 AM

Apr 2012
The pacing of this episode was indeed incredibly off.

It almost seems that the original adaptation and this one seem to be at eachother extreme ends.
Sure the original adaptation was slow, had lots of filler, but at least I felt some kind of connection with the characters.
This adaptation often feels empty, words are there but there are no feelings attached to them.
This fight also should have been epic, Yoh loosing his cool and mowing down endless hordes of skeletons to protect his friend. Faust later loosing his cool and trying to bring down Yoh who is barely holding on to his last bit of energy.

Its all not there.
I truely hope they will give more time to other parts of the series, that truely do deserve it.
Otherwise this will turn out to be a 52 episode long empty shell
May 14, 2021 6:01 AM

Oct 2016
I haven't read the manga nor watched the original anime, but it did feel like it would have been better if this was split into 2 episodes at least. But, it was a fine episode overall, the latter half of the episode though was pretty good. Our stoner ain't just your average stoner anymore, he has ascended. Amidamaru's speech was great, and even though Yoh tries to make things easier for him, he can't hide his true feelings.

Faust is cool though, Koyasu Takehito was great. Tao Ren's entrance was badass, as much as he's a dick, I like him, plus of course that Romi Park voice. That ending was hype, but 2 episodes could have definitely made this way better.

And poor Manta, there is no episode where he doesn't get abused lmao.
May 14, 2021 6:14 AM
Jul 2018
The interesting of Faust With that woman, he really likes her the fights during the episode really give good intentions to Faust It is very mysterious to act with him during the fight, this ending was very epic.
May 14, 2021 7:20 AM
Oct 2020
I mean we know its 52 episodes and the studio isnt great so to be fair we cant expect cuts and not the best animation (maybe keeping budget for more intense fight) I feel like people who are unhappy should just wait until its done and watch it then or just read the manga haha. We already know its not the best adaptation but in all fairness we would never had an awesome adaptation coz most thing people like from the og anime is not present in the manga. At the end of the day im happy we getting the real story adapted could it be better 100% but we getting merchs and collabs XDDD so im ok with that. Guess im just a simple man.
May 14, 2021 7:46 AM

Jul 2013
This episode was rushed even for this adaptation's standards. This should've been two episodes because Faust was treated here as a forgettable one-arc villain. I'm not that bothered by the censorship because I expected that to happen in the first place but this episode was really sloppy.
I guess that conversation with Amidamaru was kinda touching and that's it.

Let's just forget about this one. Give me Tamao next week and let's move on.
Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two sisters who watch anime. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
May 14, 2021 10:00 AM

Apr 2015
There really was no helping the censorship when you consider the show's airing time. Yeah, it could've been stretched a little longer too, but it was still enjoyable overall.

May 14, 2021 10:22 AM
May 2021
As much as I am sorry to say this, I'm quite disappointed with the direction this remake is taking. Episode 7 was a disaster for me, thanks to the rapid pacing. Cramping the Faust battle into one episode is by far the worst take they've had:
-it really felt like the characters wouldn't shut up; they spent around 14 minutes talking and 6 minutes performing action
-yet another rushed character introduction; Faust failed to make an impact - in the original, he gets ticked of for two good reasons: 1. Manta tells him that he doesn't believe death can be overcome 2. Yoh calls Elisa a doll; here, Yoh simply does the latter twice, way after the Manta-hostage incident
-in conjunction with the pacing, the animation turned out (IMO) clumsy and rushed as well; where's the sinister red sky during the battle?
-unnecessary talk at the beginning; what's the point of explaining the "weird tombstones" if it has nothing to do with the context of the episode, not to mention it's already over-paced and this is what they chose to include?
-Not quite enough weight on the fact that Faust's plan is to deplete his opponent's furyoku before the match even begins
-Yoh's personality; is it just me (perhaps that's how it is in the Manga), or is he becoming less of an overly relaxed guy and more of an average shounen protagonist?
-Really could've saved the Amidamaru speech for when Yoh and Manta are hospitalized

I'm still hopeful that this remake will at least faithfully relay the original ending and possibly shed some light on events that the 2001 anime didn't. Absolutely no complaints about the animation except for this episode so far and the voice actors are amazing, however, its direction is questionable.
May 14, 2021 1:08 PM
Oct 2016
8 mins in and yoh just randomly has completely different clothes wtf
May 14, 2021 3:43 PM

Mar 2016
FierceVinegar said:
8 mins in and yoh just randomly has completely different clothes wtf

Surprisingly enough, that happened in the manga too. I complained about it as well; it wasn't the best transition in either version.

I just don't get why the anime changed the first outfit.
CrimsonCWMay 14, 2021 3:48 PM
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
May 14, 2021 4:51 PM

Oct 2016
What was this episode even? So many things wrong compared to the older version in the anime. It is extremely rushed and lost most of the depth in the process. So much it felt anticlimactic and impossible to relate to the characters. It's perfect for most Zoomers and Millennials.
May 14, 2021 8:35 PM

Jul 2020
great voice performance by my boy Takehito Koyasu
May 15, 2021 1:38 AM

Nov 2013
i remember when i watched this episode when i was a kid, i was so scared of Faust omg but i loved it now he's a full on psycho
May 15, 2021 3:01 AM

Jan 2011
idk what the point of this adaption anyway if you don't plan create better animation than the original, this even worse than "deadly seven frames"

also for real, eathier you show blood or just don't show at all, it's stupid you see blood then somehow in the next screen his face back clean

May 15, 2021 4:12 AM

May 2018
DIO is finally back haha. Koyasu saved this fight tbh, was really disappointing
May 15, 2021 7:19 AM

Oct 2011
tao ren continuing to be a badass with his glorious horse he reminds me of ken'oh tbh

fights still dont manage to capture my interest but i liked faust and his sinnister mannerisms

"When the time is yours,
the future is waiting,
The person you become,
and the people you're creating.
May 15, 2021 7:32 AM

Mar 2019
Sad that this only lasted 1 episode. Glad that they got the same VA for Faust, that voice fits him perfectly. That ending as well with Ren Tao was nice.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

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