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86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
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Apr 24, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
About time the squad got some time to relax and enjoy themselves for a break. Funny how Kurena got teased by the others.

Glad to see more of the squad just enjoying life this episode tbh. Even simple stuff like playing cards had some mind games going on. Kaie is someone to keep an eye on in this show imo. Lena is still taking her role very seriously but still prone to emotional moments.
Apr 24, 2021 8:29 AM

Feb 2019
Another week, another 86 Saturday and another extremely well done episode by A-1. Love the job they did on the bathing scene at the beginning. Ishii has a pretty good track record with humour so no shock there.

Pacing wise again, everything feels great. They’re taking their time with the adaptation and I’m truly grateful. I love the perspective they ended the episode with as the ED plays. I think A-1 do a great job of playing with the distance between the squad and Lena. Theo’s rant at the end over the piano was also great.
Apr 24, 2021 8:30 AM

Apr 2020
I was glad to see 86 having fun, and Kurena is kinda cute.

I kinda like the communication between Lena and 86, they even talk about cats, but sadly Lena can only help them through the monitor ...

Is Kirschblute dead?
Apr 24, 2021 8:31 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
The skipped part of Chapter 2 was adapted at the start of this episode. Not that it was terribly important, but it’s cool that this adaptation chose not to skip it. Plus, they added Theo and Haruto to that scene too.

Lol, this adaptation really loves to make sudden transitions from fluff to serious stuff. That transition from happy Kurena to irritated Kurena was pretty cool. They did cut a tiny bit of the group’s conversation at the beginning, but then showed it from Lena’s perspective later. Pretty interesting way of adapting that conversation from both sides since Lena’s perspective was anime-original.

Interestingly enough, they didn’t show Kaie’s death from her perspective. I wonder if that’ll be done at the start of the next episode, and Theo’s rant will be shown from his perspective for next time.

The skipped segment of Chapter 2 and half of Chapter 3 was adapted in this episode. Still a very faithful adaptation; really glad how this is turning out.
Apr 24, 2021 8:38 AM

Mar 2016
My boi theo broke Lena.
What a powerful moment. You could see the foreshadowing with Theo. He was never into Lena and the way she acted.
I think the switching perspective format is something we’ll see often. Next episode, we’ll see kaie’s final moments from the 86’s perspective, as their perspective was written in detail in the novel. The trailer also had shots of theo’s face when he was ranting at lena, so yeah we’ll see things from their perspective next episode most likely.
Shishou_23Apr 24, 2021 8:42 AM
Apr 24, 2021 8:49 AM

Apr 2015

I can’t even express how much I loved this episode for various reasons. Easily my favourite of the bunch so far.

With Episode 3 it was about time for us to dive a bit deeper into these existing character relations and display some development between both sides whether it is positive or regressive.

I found that every second with the Spearhead Squadron felt very lively. Certainly helps that there is a continuous flow within scenes & lots of character animation going on. And even though Ishii wasn’t directly involved in this particular episode his signature tone-shifting cut was once again present. The sudden shift from Kurena enjoying herself to the fullest, to being irritated when Lena tries to budge into their tightly knit family, was quite poignant.

As someone who has dabbled with the books I gotta commend the amazing job they’re doing with translating this into a different medium and elevating it through directorial choices. The entire scene with everyone being in that large room was one continuous scene in the books only ever so slightly interrupted by Kurena storming out. Instead they chopped it up and presented it through different perspectives by incorporating Lena into their talk. I think this attempt to connect sides, separated so far through space & standpoint works really well for building a connection to the characters

That is until it all comes crashing down at the end. I’ve seen some comments for the past 2 weeks be rather unsatisfied or even slightly annoyed by Lena as a character and her portrayal as this saint within an overly racist Republic. She came across as a bit preachy in the classroom scene and cocky to no end with her smile & assurance that her uncle will have her back. She certainly has her heart at the right place don’t get me wrong but she’s approaching things in a very naive way with lofty ideals backing her every action & word. So I had to bite my tongue and wait for this scene to happen where Theo just rips into her entire being and by extension her entire character in a seemingly endless barrage all accompanied by an erratic piano. This shows us that the story is very much aware and acknowledging Lena’s character portrayal up to this point and displays it as a full on character flaw.

This dichotomy between both sides closing some of the distance albeit with some bumps in the road and the end full on cutting off said flimsy connection makes this all the more gut wrenching.
FappaApr 24, 2021 9:46 AM
Apr 24, 2021 8:49 AM
Apr 2021
Kaiseki said:
I was glad to see 86 having fun, and Kurena is kinda cute.

I kinda like the communication between Lena and 86, they even talk about cats, but sadly Lena can only help them through the monitor ...

Is Kirschblute dead?

Yes. hoping they'll adapt it from spearhead's perspective next week
Apr 24, 2021 9:01 AM

Dec 2013
Disappointing as fuck.
Here's the part of LN they FUCKING CENSORED...

Apr 24, 2021 9:10 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Kamiyan3991 said:
Disappointing as fuck.
Here's the part of LN they FUCKING CENSORED...

Well, the next episode might start the episode with the same scene from the Spearhead's perspective. No need to get riled up when that's still a possibility.
Apr 24, 2021 9:13 AM

Mar 2016
Kamiyan3991 said:
Disappointing as fuck.
Here's the part of LN they FUCKING CENSORED...

They animated Lena’s perspective. We’re probably gonna see it from the 86’s perspective starting next episode. Hold your horses before jumping on that wagon. Nothing was censored yet.
Apr 24, 2021 9:14 AM

Dec 2013
GoldenDevilGamer said:
Well, the next episode might start the episode with the same scene from the Spearhead's perspective. No need to get riled up when that's still a possibility.

Remind me in a week.
Fucking drop if they don't have the fucking guts to show these sweet EDGY scenes, I swear to God.
Apr 24, 2021 9:15 AM
Mar 2016
Honestly Where's the scene where Raiden and Fido were wandering in the ruins?
Apr 24, 2021 9:19 AM

Apr 2015
Kamiyan3991 said:

Fucking drop if they don't have the fucking guts to show these sweet EDGY scenes, I swear to God.

I mean haven't you seen the PVs? There are a ton of scenes from this exact segment so it's not skipped but rather moved which isn't exactly a new thing for the show as you should've realized yourself.

One quick glimpse could've spared you this entire rant.
Apr 24, 2021 9:21 AM

Apr 2015
Dali14 said:
Honestly Where's the scene where Raiden and Fido were wandering in the ruins?

People ought to drop the habit of expecting the chronological order of the novels to persist for the anime

Apr 24, 2021 9:58 AM

Jul 2020
That ending was... crazy and unexpected! God it was deep!
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Apr 24, 2021 10:02 AM

Mar 2017
That was an amazing episode. The river scene makes you feel warm inside and as episode is progressing it keeps getting colder. What is left by the end of it is pain only
Apr 24, 2021 10:09 AM

Oct 2017
They let us have fun the entire episode only to break us at the end. That last part was painful and heartbreaking. The transitions were great again in this episode.
Apr 24, 2021 10:13 AM
Oct 2016
Well shit just hit the fan. When that ending scene happened with Kaie getting stuck the ed song just kicks into high gear my face froze. I was shook! That was crazy! Holy hell did shit just get real. The whole episode everything leading up was such a misdirect! They even had a peeping scene while the girls were at the river just to set us up for the eventual fall. I really did enjoy seeing the spearhead squad just be themselves. Get to be normal kids for a minute instead of weapons on a battlefield. Their conversation with Lena was really nice. It did seem like genuine bonding to me but after the post credits scene idk. I suppose they were all just besting around the bush with the elephant in the room. Seeing the conversation from both perspectives was an interesting way to show it that I hope comes again back later. Showing the spearhead kids all together having fun compared to Lena all alone in her huge room. I do think she does actually care about them though. Yes she's perpetuating a horrible system but she's locked into that system albeit not as much but in a similar way that the eighty six are. Lena has a good heart and does see them as human equals but she can't just shatter this horrible system they're in. Shes a little cog in the bit machine so to speak. Its awful on both ends. Crazy episode with that ending, this seems like a major pivot point in the story. Things won't be the same after this.
Apr 24, 2021 10:13 AM

Nov 2016
The first half with everyone enjoying their happy time was pretty generic tbh. But ok, you knew what was coming in the end. Looking forward to the battlefield pov, I hope there will be one.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 24, 2021 10:14 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode again.

Really liking the direction here, like when we transitioned from Kurena being embarrassed to her getting really angry when the group was talking to Lena.

Definitely the best part was when they showed the conversation from the battalion's side first and then a small rewind showing it from Lena's side. Good stuff, we get to see it from two different perspectives.

That ending though, it seemed like a fun laid back episode until the end. Kirschblute. :(
Apr 24, 2021 10:14 AM

Jun 2019
It was cute seeing 86 girls having a fun time together and enjoying themselves and yes, Kurena is cute. That was a really good episode. We saw their conversations from both sides, first 86's and then Lena's side. Lena is quite a gentle and caring person. No one expects her to be that way. Also, that ending with Kirschblute. I don't want to die. Nice way to portray it.
Apr 24, 2021 10:15 AM

Nov 2015
Oof you LN fans need to lighten the hell up.

The river scene seemed a bit fan servicey and all the fun having scenes seemed kinda bland but it was overall a good episode.
Apr 24, 2021 10:17 AM
Oct 2020
Kaie's death feel impactless.
Hopefully next episode we get the spearhead POV.
Apr 24, 2021 10:18 AM

Nov 2015
Hmm, they decided to use Lena PoV to end the episode huh? Also, when I read the LN I thought the battle happen during night, not evening. This reveal is really interesting.

But if I must reveal my honest feeling, this episode would end with better impact if the battle was on Kaie PoV and end with Lena PoV like the LN.
Apr 24, 2021 10:20 AM

Jul 2015
I was getting annoyed by Lena more than reading the book. They really nailed Lena as someone who is very naive.

Kamiyan3991 said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
Well, the next episode might start the episode with the same scene from the Spearhead's perspective. No need to get riled up when that's still a possibility.

Remind me in a week.
Fucking drop if they don't have the fucking guts to show these sweet EDGY scenes, I swear to God.

Jesus Christ. They just did both sides of the story at the night conversation. Why do you think they won't keep doing the same thing later? The adaptation is incredibly slow and has 2 cours. There is no way they won't animate the battle.

Apr 24, 2021 10:27 AM
Jan 2017
Takao_Bl00driver said:
Kaie's death feel impactless.
Hopefully next episode we get the spearhead POV.

agreed. The pacing has been great even though the novel moves slower than this. But we get like one good moment with Kaie and shes already dead.
Apr 24, 2021 10:33 AM

Feb 2012
I didn't think A-1 would flash forward to the marsh scene that quick.

04:50 Realizing she’d been baited, Kurena cried out in frustration. “Ah, there’s the Kurena pout!”

05:39 Saori Hayami's voice totally goes with Anju's expressions. Time for some punishment, Daiya.

07:41 Note: In the official translation of vol. 1, Kurena's line is “Why do they keep talking to her?” She's disgusted at Spearhead Squadron as a whole talking to Lena every night, not just Shin.

10:17 and 15:27 The book that Shin is reading is All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. The retreading of dialogue from two different perspectives really gives the sense of distance between the Spearhead Squadron and Lena.

12:29 Remember to wear masks like Annette and Lena do!

The events and dialogue all culminate in the ending; it was Kaie, who was nice to Lena, that died.

Lena asked what the cat's name was but not the real names of the humans.

I hope we'll see this from the Spearhead Squadron's perspective next week.
Fortress_MaximusApr 25, 2021 3:07 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Apr 24, 2021 10:34 AM

Feb 2012
Takao_Bl00driver said:
Kaie's death feel impactless.
Hopefully next episode we get the spearhead POV.

The audience are basically given the same view Lena has. I do think we should've gotten Spearhead Squadron's perspective first though (not counting the flashforward, just in relation the placement of Lena's perspective).

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Apr 24, 2021 10:35 AM

Sep 2020

LN fans need to shut up ,

Thank you !
Apr 24, 2021 10:36 AM

Jun 2015
Kurena's denials are so cute. Kudo's for the girls protective measures though especially Anju's. Given what happened in the past that caused them to be conscripted as soldiers its no wonder they hate Lena and the world that she represents so much. Still Kurena's lost of her parents to them was especially sad given that it sounded less of an accident more deliberate murder. The talk between Lena and 86 though was pretty interesting and showed well how different their worlds are. Lena's motivation for treating the members of 86 nicely though is nice. Shame that within the republic there are few that remember what kindness, fairness and equality is. The virgin reaction was hillarious. The battle this time proved to be an interesting affair as we got to see it from Lena's viewpoint. Unfortunately while victorious looks like they suffered their second loss. Overall an excellent ep that served to expand upon the members of 86 via the intro of Kurena and the painful past that she had. Its unfortunate that all Lena's hard work was undone in the blink of an eye. While the hatred among the 86 isn't universal the fact that it had nine whole years to gather on top of millions of lost lives means that Lena has one hell of a upward struggle if she wants to bond with them. That last part though sure was featured some heavy stuff for Lena though.
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Apr 24, 2021 10:37 AM
Sep 2020
KyleRiley said:
Oof you LN fans need to lighten the hell up.

The river scene seemed a bit fan servicey and all the fun having scenes seemed kinda bland but it was overall a good episode.

A bit maybe but that was extremely minimal lol. No bouncing boobs everywhere and girls in Bikinis so I wouldn't necessarily refer to it as fan servicey
Apr 24, 2021 10:38 AM
Sep 2020
Takao_Bl00driver said:
Kaie's death feel impactless.
Hopefully next episode we get the spearhead POV.

Yeah I think they will show that. Wish they had shown the spearhead POV first tbh
Apr 24, 2021 10:38 AM

Jan 2021
Oh, Kurena is very cute when they talk to her about Shin haha
A little comedy, I have a feeling half of them are going to die 0.0
I like that they show both sides of the conversation

Kaie's "I don't want to die", god it hurts me (╥﹏╥)
Apr 24, 2021 10:46 AM

Apr 2014
What a relaxing, dramatic, and very sad episode. There were a lot of feelings mixing together in this episode from the start till the end. It like when you riding a rollercoaster to the top of the track then suddenly dropdown.

RIP Kaie... 😭😭😭
AkeZZZApr 24, 2021 10:50 AM
Apr 24, 2021 10:51 AM
May 2008
Amazing episode. Loved if from the beginning to its last seconds.
Let's hope they show the spearhead PoV next week. I am not that mad that they showed it from Lena's perspective first. I think how Kaie's death affect Lena is more important than her death itself storyvise. Also the last sentence: "You've never even asked us for our real names!" was so harsh and true that you could see how it basically shattered Lena's soul into pieces. Great line!
Apr 24, 2021 10:54 AM

Jul 2017
Blame me for reading the few translated manga chapters that doesn't do the LN justice, but this episode definitely has scenes from the manga, especially the girls' short fun time (though it instantly felt like fanservice).

The "White Supremacy" issue that plagues the 86ers, Lena's clearly got the communication down and smoothened relations. But with an episode title like that, it's clear that happy times like these aren't gonna happen for long. Giving both sides of the POV from the 86ers to Lena herself provides some depth into the story, since this will be a slow burn.

What is a Mission Complete when Kaie's death feels so aimless, and the 86ers pretty much just act like they're supposed to do against their Handlers, with Lena taking the blame. No one wants to die, yet they're being forced to, that's dirty politics and warfare for you.
Apr 24, 2021 10:57 AM

Jan 2014
Super close to having a more peaceful episode, but then that ending. Oof. Fucking oof.
Apr 24, 2021 11:02 AM

Jul 2011
Isn't Lena a "veteran" already? Why she got shocked with the rant? If she was giving anti-government speech already. And the day before( who was almost the whole episode), she had a conversation to reflect before going to bed. Who was basically a foreshadowing.

I hope this isn't the reason the Handlers get PTSD, and abandon the unit, because of piece of mind.
Apr 24, 2021 11:02 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Damn, so are these guys just gonna die out one by one each episode? It feels like a “who’s it gonna be” formula until it’s just shin left. At this point they’ve tried to make you feel attached to them, but still the deaths don’t hit hard at all. Maybe it just needs more time for us newcomers to care more, or maybe we will get their pov next episode.

So it was the black haired chick who died this time. Dude who gave the rant probably had feelings for her

whiskey tango foxtrot

Apr 24, 2021 11:04 AM

Jan 2009
RIP Kaie, so i guess ye they gonna die one by one huh welp

Lena is too pure moralist for sure she is gonna break
Apr 24, 2021 11:05 AM

Jul 2016
Great episode. They adapt it flawlessly and that after credit scene with that BGM giving me some tension. And the transition is like roller coaster of emotions.
And thumbs up for Theo and Lena VA for their performance this episode.

The first half is nice too, it establish some character interaction and their quirks. The animation and background is good this episode

Apr 24, 2021 11:07 AM

Jan 2020
wow, simply great, last minutes was the best part.
i also really like how they show us from both sides
Apr 24, 2021 11:17 AM

Mar 2020
Well, this episode got dark real quick after the fun, happy atmosphere disappeared. It’s quite difficult to understand the pain of the 86. Even if you feel sorry for them which Mirize did. She doesn’t know what it’s like to fight everyday, to live poorly, to be rejected from society. Mirize lives a pretty lavish life and to the 86, she is only putting up an act.
Apr 24, 2021 11:28 AM

Sep 2017
F's in the chat for Kaie. Yeah I mean calling every night is nice and all but it's really just fluff. Ppl still be out there dying so maybe you should at least acknowledge how fucked up it is. Then they might start to see you differently.
Apr 24, 2021 11:28 AM

Apr 2018
The ending gave my bones a shiver. The ost was spot on. The convo after the ED was really stressful for her. Almost broke her..

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Apr 24, 2021 11:28 AM

Jan 2009

i learned something new today, so thats how they find romantic partners in the past eh
Apr 24, 2021 11:30 AM

Jul 2015
Great episode once again,Theo Lena conversation was as impactful as in the novel,

Also RIP Kaie.The story is now getting intense.

Apr 24, 2021 11:36 AM

Nov 2020
what a "peaceful" episode

Apr 24, 2021 11:40 AM
Nov 2018
This is a d*mn good episode.

Opening with Kirschblute's destruction and then revealing who it was in such an otherwise low key moment was great. Kaie loosing old maid was a solid choice. They also did a good job not limiting the character development to her, helping to mitigate the "sudden characterization = death" trope.

The constant reminders that life happens, even on the battlefield, but that doesn't mean you can ever truly relax. The way the girls all immediately pulled their guns when they were surprised and how they talk about death offhandedly, half jokingly saying that they could die tomorrow. But they also tease Kurena, joke around, and generally enjoy each other's company. The way the tone of this show swings constantly back and forth reminds me of the way 1917 built and released tension in such a way that you couldn't quite relax, even when things seemed ok.

Theo's rant was excellent, and Lena needed to hear it. These characters are so human; it's really masterful.
Apr 24, 2021 11:44 AM

Nov 2012
I was about to drop it then this episode happened.
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