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Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway (light novel)
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Apr 19, 2021 7:16 PM
Dec 2017
Honestly the writing in this show feels so forced. Coming from an episode of Fruits Basket to this, the writing is night and day. They are trying to write a sympathetic broken character but are kinda failing unlike fruits basket which hits home every time.
Apr 19, 2021 7:25 PM

Jan 2020
Probably the best ep up to date. Sayu's past glimpse was pretty painful and the growth in their relationships and the conversation at the end was done quite well imo

Apr 19, 2021 7:51 PM

Jun 2016
Welp, I officially regret giving this series a second chance.

Simply, this anime could be good only if the relationship remained non-platonic, but given the long panning shot of Sayu's ass, I am certainly dropping this series with extreme prejudice.
Apr 19, 2021 8:28 PM
Mar 2021
Sayu learned one of the most important lessons of her life: The people that truly care about you will never let you go. And even though she was confused as to why she was bothered when Yoshida wasn’t home or was jealous of seeing him with a colleague, he still went out of his way to ensure she was safe, and made sure that even when she essentially demanded it, not to take advantage of her. While her vision of herself was skewed by past experience, Yoshida made it known that she means the world to him and he will do anything to give her a life that someone her age deserves, and more importantly, someone she can rely on for anything
Apr 19, 2021 9:27 PM

Dec 2014
StupidBruh said:
Man bruh u got to be kidding me. Is this hentai or something. I mean wtf

Hentai? That's just touching mature subect. Sex doesn't mean hentai, thats been created solely to watch&jack. Did you jack?
Apr 19, 2021 9:28 PM

Mar 2019
Beyond the animation, the characters, the fanservice...

The Message this episode gave us... is a 5/5.
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Apr 19, 2021 9:56 PM
Mar 2019
I want to talk only about the storytelling here, as I believe that I am in the majority praising Yoshida's transcendence into the ideal MC and our collective oath to protect Sayu from all harms and dangers in life.

One lesson I remember vividly in my "Art, humanity, and society" class back in college is that powerful artforms tend to question, critic, and challenge the status quo, inviting the audience to engage in an intellectual exercise that tends to give more meaning to the work in effect.

This episode of HigeHiro proves that once more to me.

Beyond Sayu's traumatic past, her fears of being made worthless and left out, the friendly conversation between her and (Best Girl) Yuzuha, and the ultimate revelation of her scantily-clad childish weakness to Yoshida, this episode strengthens my faith in the beauty and power of great storytelling – regardless if it's done on anime or otherwise. To be honest with you, I felt strongly distasteful not in the sex scene, but on her revelation, but understanding that the sensory conflict between her explanation and the camera angles emphasizing her body features is intended to make us realize Yoshida's principles and Sayu's beliefs from their own perspectives. Thus I understood it all and appreciated the show's bravery to mindfully present and discuss these sensitive sociopoilitical topics such as gender inequity (take note of my wording: INEQUITY) and masculine inferiority, among others.

The only weakness that I could see here is the "forced" nature of our empathy. True, the dread and lifelessness in Sayu's eyes while having sex to that ugly bastard broke the hearts of many (I almost fell into tears in this scene), but still we're all left in the open to as why she ended up resorting to become (as what we'd figuratively say) "a low-flying dove". It's hard for me to truly know how I'd treat her if I don't know the whole story. But perhaps this is why I have decided to keep on watching this series as a nice addition to my healthy anime diet of SoLs.

To end, this episode of HigeHiro questions and criticizes how people, men especially, see young girls and how our promiscuous culture has eroded our self-worth and value into objects of desire meant to be traded to the lowest or highest bidder. Whether that's a product of the post-capitalist society or of some other systemic mechanism, I leave that to you to ponder on. But as you look into yourself and how the world currently works, I hope we all become inspired with Yoshida's fortitude and Sayu's story and become people who would really do anything to help each other become who we'd really desire to be – agents to help and support each other in the best and worst of times.
Apr 19, 2021 10:06 PM

Oct 2013
Damn that opening sequence was so uncomfortable to watch. I didn't expect that they would be so explicit in showcasing Sayu's past affairs.

The way Yoshida handled Sayu's advancement like a champ. He didn't destroy what little self-worth Sayu has for herself by saying that he DOES in fact get turned on by her and acknowledges that Sayu is indeed attractive while also denying her advancements by saying that he doesn't have any feelings for Sayu so he won't di her. That was handled really well.

Hopefully Sayu learns to gain more self-worth for herself cause I don't want her having those dead eyes again. Sayu's smile must be protected.
Apr 19, 2021 10:36 PM

Apr 2012
The close up shots of Sayu in interesting angles during her attempt to seduce Yoshida is a visualization of what he's up against and trying to turn down. It's sheer carnal temptation and also a representation of Sayu's view of herself; an object to be wagered in order to repay someone's generosity and kindness. Yoshida is teaching her to realize that she has more to offer than simply being someone's object.
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Apr 19, 2021 10:45 PM
Mar 2021
I'm sorry for the unfavorable comments from certain people especially from Indonesia, maybe this is the first time they have seen this kind of thing so they bring out everything that is on their childish mind even though there are many positive values ​​from this anime
Apr 19, 2021 10:54 PM
Aug 2017
That lil shit sayu is so annoying but I do like the MC, he is fucking genuine. Thinks with his dick and mind at the right times.
Apr 19, 2021 10:58 PM

Jan 2011
nothing but feelsweird man didn't think i'd need to see that opening thought the context of what she's done was already well enough known (felt like it was anime onl y scene)
episode still made me pretty uncomfortable despite all of this it still feels like it wants its cake and to eat it at the same time regarding Sayu some of those lingering shots of her in her underwear went on a bit too long lol..

can't say i hated or loved this but it sorta needed to happen hopefully this puts the end of her trying to push her body on Yoshida like that.

saving grace is Yoshida ending up not being a total creep as of now hes gained my respect and it feels like a disservice calling him a chad when he show some true gentlemen like behavior "mostly "
Apr 19, 2021 10:59 PM

Feb 2016
I really don’t like sayu man. yoshida and mishima hive
Apr 20, 2021 12:04 AM

Oct 2008
oh! kinda breakthrough episode...a lot of people would say as controversial and for sure lots of different reactions...let's see...
matias067Apr 20, 2021 2:08 PM

Apr 20, 2021 12:10 AM
Apr 2021
ahh ic, Sayu got addicted to sex
RoRampageApr 20, 2021 12:16 AM
Apr 20, 2021 12:16 AM
Jun 2017
The amount of awful takes found in this thread justifies why people despise anime fans lmao. Other than that it was a really good episode.

I will be bold and say that the close-ups to sayu's body are not fanservice but actually serve another purpose. In that scene sayu wants Yoshida to see her as a women and Yoshida gets indeed a little aroused (he admits it himself) but he is a genuinely good person and does nothing to her. Those close up shots of Sayu's body in lingerie are probably from Yoshida's perspective, yes that is a woman's body but he is able to see past that and actually cares about Sayu.

To me those scenes also serve that purpose. I am emotionally invested in the characters and I felt just like Yoshida: yeah nice view but there are more pressing matters at hand
Apr 20, 2021 12:58 AM
Feb 2019
Omar136661 said:
The amount of awful takes found in this thread justifies why people despise anime fans lmao. Other than that it was a really good episode.

I will be bold and say that the close-ups to sayu's body are not fanservice but actually serve another purpose. In that scene sayu wants Yoshida to see her as a women and Yoshida gets indeed a little aroused (he admits it himself) but he is a genuinely good person and does nothing to her. Those close up shots of Sayu's body in lingerie are probably from Yoshida's perspective, yes that is a woman's body but he is able to see past that and actually cares about Sayu.

To me those scenes also serve that purpose. I am emotionally invested in the characters and I felt just like Yoshida: yeah nice view but there are more pressing matters at hand

It's not that it is a bad adaptation but rather an ok one to be honest. This anime is badly paced. The pacing from episode one is horrendous unlike the manga (adachi imaru) who handled shimesaba's novel pretty well. (And no for those who thinks that pacing can be changed when you speedread it. It's ridiculous because it's the same as watching an anime in x2 speed changes the pace of the story) though you might think this is just me nitpicking to the anime's flaws well yes. And actually no. Since pacing is a very important part of a story. The story should've been slow because that's what made the source material's story heartfelt when it comes to the emotional moments it is great since it takes time to build the story and the characters. The anime is an ok adaptation and that's ok since it didn't ruin the light novel
Kaeru_1Apr 20, 2021 1:04 AM
Apr 20, 2021 1:04 AM

Nov 2015
As a reader of manga i came here to rant about one thing. Everybody clinging on to it's her past mentality. Sorry but it's a hard pass. Every person analyzed based on past actions. So if she do something poor on the past it's on her and the others involved with. So whoever says Sayu is a slut it's the most profound fact. I only read this for the sake of kouhai. Author and irl person like that is the twisted ones not readers or watchers who states fact. Also stop justifying it with post modern ideological mentality of herds. There's a saying time changes and moral, laws change it according to masses twisted ego and desire. So it's important to create an adamant core beliefs doesn't change according to masses it's make your personality.
Everybody relates to others and shares something with them.That's why we can never truly be free.That's what makes us feel joy,sadness and love.
Apr 20, 2021 1:21 AM
Nov 2019
I wonder how her life went wrong
Apr 20, 2021 1:31 AM
Jun 2020
Omar136661 said:
The amount of awful takes found in this thread justifies why people despise anime fans lmao. Other than that it was a really good episode.

I will be bold and say that the close-ups to sayu's body are not fanservice but actually serve another purpose. In that scene sayu wants Yoshida to see her as a women and Yoshida gets indeed a little aroused (he admits it himself) but he is a genuinely good person and does nothing to her. Those close up shots of Sayu's body in lingerie are probably from Yoshida's perspective, yes that is a woman's body but he is able to see past that and actually cares about Sayu.

To me those scenes also serve that purpose. I am emotionally invested in the characters and I felt just like Yoshida: yeah nice view but there are more pressing matters at hand

Thanks for the great take I’d like to think the director intended for this precisely
Apr 20, 2021 1:33 AM

Oct 2016
Great episode! Definitely the best one so far.

That intro scene was fucking depressing, her eyes looked so dead. Her experiences has pretty much also fucked up her morals and beliefs, it's sad. She said she has a good relationship with her family, so I am really wondering what made her run away from home, well she could be lying as well.

Mishima is best girl, I am really liking her personality and how she tried to talk to Sayu. And she also let Yoshida and Sayu work things out, and just to fill her in later. What an understanding best girl.

Honestly yeah, anyone would be aroused or turned on if they saw Sayu like that for example. But, it's a matter of being a decent person and able to control yourself, which apparently most of the men Sayu met aren't. Yoshida is a chad, only doing it with someone you really love and someone that loves you back is how it should be. Hopefully Sayu is able to correct her morals and fix herself while staying with Yoshida. Looking forward to the next episode.

EDIT: Nvm, she was talking about Yoshida when she was talking about her parents with Mishima, so it's safe to assume that she has issues with her family.
sKyBlazer08Apr 20, 2021 1:58 AM
Apr 20, 2021 1:37 AM

Jul 2014
Mixed feelings, because I wasn't prepared, but Yoshida is man of culture, salute.
Also only I would call the cops at this point?
Apr 20, 2021 2:20 AM

Aug 2012
Very nice episode and the colleague from work seems a nice girl unlike Gotou. We will see what will Happen. Thankfully there was not much time allocated to G-bitch this episode
Apr 20, 2021 2:32 AM

Jan 2017
Sayu's conversation with both Mishima and Yoshida was more emotional in the manga. Episode 3 overall was good but it felt kinda lacking in emotions compared to the manga.

But I was impressed they really animated the sex scene didn't really expected that lol. And team Mishima all the way.
Apr 20, 2021 2:34 AM

Aug 2013
I just wish I had seen a warning for the beginning of the episode. It was a little to heavy for me but the rest of it was fine and really wholesome. Definitely want to see what happened in Sayu's past.
Apr 20, 2021 2:49 AM
Feb 2019
misterreicchi said:
Sayu's conversation with both Mishima and Yoshida was more emotional in the manga. Episode 3 overall was good but it felt kinda lacking in emotions compared to the manga.

But I was impressed they really animated the sex scene didn't really expected that lol. And team Mishima all the way.

Agreed. Adachi imaru's art captured shimesaba's writing so freaking well. This anime is ok so far. It is following the story so far. While it has some pacing issues especially since the manga and the light novel started pretty slow. It still have some room for improvement. (So please don't f*ck up the part where yoshida saves sayu anime that was an emotional part both for yoshida's realization and sayu's character)
Apr 20, 2021 2:54 AM
Jan 2021
I Really like this show so far, its just i have a painful feeling in my heart that its going in a direction i know im not gonna like. Welp i can always hope it stays good!
Apr 20, 2021 3:30 AM

Jun 2019
This show keeps getting better each week. I haven't seen an anime that dealt with issues like this up front without being x rated.

I wondered who Mayuki was, that was what Sayu called herself before she told Yoshida her real name. Wow that sex scene was hard to watch, she was so uninterested and not reacting at all. If you have to ask a girl if she's enjoying it, then she isn't, you can tell by her body language when a woman is enjoying sex.

Sayu feels like she's got nothing to give but her body, and Yoshida is starved of company. The woman he wanted, Gotou, already has a boyfriend and rejected him. It's clear that Mashimas is interested in him, and he can see that, but he simply doesn't feel the same way. He's still got feelings for Gotou and now with Sayu at home he's got the female company he wanted, so it's hard to see him falling for Mashima with things as they are. I'm sure he would go out with Gotou if she asked.

Yoshida is a nice guy without being wimpy and i think he explained how he felt very well. Of course he's turned on by Sayu, but he doesn't want to have sex with her out of misplaced pity. He said that he only wanted to have sex with the woman he loves. I wonder if that's going to turn round and bite him later if he ends up falling in love with Sayu. She'll then say, "well now you love me, so it's ok".

I really don't like how desperate Sayu is to give her body away to men, for Yoshida it's a real turn off and I agree with that. When you meet a woman and realise she's easy and will sleep with someone for a roof over her head (I've met a girl exactly like this at college and she was really pretty, she would chose the best looking guy at a pub or in the room and go home with him, she had family issues) it's a real turn off and makes her come across as cheap with a lack of respect for her own worth. Most guys like a chase and a challenge.
23feanorApr 20, 2021 3:41 AM
Apr 20, 2021 4:12 AM
Dec 2018
We don't know the extent that Sayu was forced into doing what she has done and how often she proposed it herself. The first one or two times, the guy probably said they would let her stay if she had sex with them. But we know, with Yoshida, that this wasn't the case by the time she arrived at his place. She has 'learned' from the first few characters she met. The guy at the beginning, who called her Miyuki, probably hasn't forced her to do anything. He's taken advantage of her, for sure, but, by then, she has probably already come to the conclusion that she has to meet her end of the bargain. Look at how many times she has come onto Yoshida. Yoshida is a great character because he doesn't accept her advances. 90% of men would, though, so it makes her history with some of these guys a lot more unclear. Would Yoshida have taken her in if she was a 17 year old guy? At some level, her being cute still influenced his decision.

As for Mishima, Yoshida doesn't have any feelings for her, at all, if his dense behaviour is anything to go by, seriously, how dense is this guy? Do people in Japan chase their bosses the way they do in this show? Yoshida loves Gotou (still unfairly judged by most) and Mishima is chasing Yoshida. I think I've only seen one work colleague going out with their boss, seems to be commonplace in Japan if this show is anything to go by. Asking your boss to see a movie with you, just because you did your job?

We are moving into the realm of harem, which I don't think does the big picture justice but will be interesting nonetheless.

Apr 20, 2021 4:19 AM

Aug 2008
I'm basing it on manga, so don't know how it looks in the LN but feels like they are speedrunning the story now. I think there was a lot of development before part time job. Without proper build up everything will be just a cheap drama at this rate.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Apr 20, 2021 5:02 AM

Jun 2016
i dont care anymore about sayu's dark past !!

we need to move on , yoshida and sayu is like brother protect her sister for me !!!
Apr 20, 2021 5:41 AM

Jun 2009
Just my two cents:

If anyone thinks this is hentai, they probably never have seen one.
Apr 20, 2021 5:46 AM

May 2012
She is almost adult (17 year old) and age gap is not even that big

Not sure why some people are freaking out about this relation
Apr 20, 2021 5:47 AM
May 2019
Gab5 said:

As for Mishima, Yoshida doesn't have any feelings for her, at all, if his dense behaviour is anything to go by, seriously, how dense is this guy? Do people in Japan chase their bosses the way they do in this show? Yoshida loves Gotou (still unfairly judged by most) and Mishima is chasing Yoshida. I think I've only seen one work colleague going out with their boss, seems to be commonplace in Japan if this show is anything to go by. Asking your boss to see a movie with you, just because you did your job?

I guess Japan isn't as uptight about supervisors and subordinates dating as the USA and presumably Western European countries are. Even in the US, about 16% of couples met their spouse at work. It's pretty natural given how much time adults spend at the job and the fact that after college people's social lives generally decrease drastically.
Apr 20, 2021 5:57 AM
Nov 2019
Those dead eyes hurt my soul, Sayu's been totally objectified and robbed of her self-worth.

That conversation Yoshida and Mishima are going to have will be interesting, I feel Sayu is going to poor her heart out to Yoshida in the next episode or two and the true horrors of what caused her to run away and what she's had to do will be revelled.

And you can bet there'll be the "pretty woman" type revel where you find out who one of Sayu's previous benefactors is and hopefully Yoshida will be the man she needs him to be.

I still think G-Bitch will find out and shop them to the police at some point - there's something odd about her interest in Yoshida after turning him down flat.
Apr 20, 2021 5:58 AM
Jan 2016
I love this anime...I like the story, maybe for many people the story is rather inappropriate and anti-mainstream, but for me the story gives you soo much message, yeah moral message...either from Sayu's perspective or Yoshida's perspective.
Apr 20, 2021 6:19 AM
Jul 2020
Yoshida is the biggest chad. I strive to be like him.
Apr 20, 2021 6:22 AM
Nov 2020
"All he does is make me do chores. There's nothing in it for him."

Uhhh, but he's getting free housework from you? It's unfortunate that Sayu's been conditioned to think that way.

Going back to Yoshida and Gotou, I'm curious about Japanese work culture if it's frowned upon to have relations between boss and subordinate due to "conflict of interest".

Anyways, Yoshida is really lucky since he has women chasing him (Mishima and Gotou) even though he isn't really trying at this point. He's even at the point where he's the one getting asked out. I think Mishima would be a good girlfriend for Yoshida-san (despite the whole superior-subordinate "conflict" mentioned earlier...).

9:15 It was very subtle, but when Yoshida pushes Mishima off him and she is seen slouching for a second (but we don't see her face) ....was that a sign of her thinking she got rejected and then she acts all cheerful afterwards to play it off?
Apr 20, 2021 6:42 AM

Mar 2021
Man, I'd call Yoshida a chad if he sends Sayu to appropriate households. Like a safe place for girls like her or to a woman/obaa-chan house or something. He's being too kind to the point that he unconsciously placed a landmine in his own house.
Apr 20, 2021 6:59 AM
Nov 2020
MoonDragon72 said:

The scene between her and Yoshida at the end was good as well but there's one big problem: STOP WITH THE CLOSE UPS OF SAYU'S BODY!!! I mean, Jesus Christ! We're trying to have an emotional moment here, I don't need to see her ass right now!

Other than that, this series has really surprised me and I'm enjoying it so far. Really looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Yeah, I thought it was weird to show those close-ups because it kinda disrupted the heart-to-heart moment that they were having. (Those were examples of cheap, misplaced fan service.)
Other than that, what I liked about that final scene between the two was that they were able to open up to each other and "level up" their platonic relationship between each other. For example, Yoshida just straight up saying that he's a "lonely loser" who needs company and thus asks Sayu to simply exist in his life/apartment ....nothing more, nothing less. I guess she might be joking, but Sayu making that comment about Yoshida having no libido may have some hidden truth to it ...the stress and long hours associated with work really do have a way of murdering one's libido.

mekukun said:
He's being too kind to the point that he unconsciously placed a landmine in his own house.

I agree, all it takes is a tip off to the police (e.g. from Mishima) and his life can be ruined even though he had the best of intentions for his current living situation.
Apr 20, 2021 7:23 AM
Dec 2018
sabishiihito said:
Gab5 said:

As for Mishima, Yoshida doesn't have any feelings for her, at all, if his dense behaviour is anything to go by, seriously, how dense is this guy? Do people in Japan chase their bosses the way they do in this show? Yoshida loves Gotou (still unfairly judged by most) and Mishima is chasing Yoshida. I think I've only seen one work colleague going out with their boss, seems to be commonplace in Japan if this show is anything to go by. Asking your boss to see a movie with you, just because you did your job?

I guess Japan isn't as uptight about supervisors and subordinates dating as the USA and presumably Western European countries are. Even in the US, about 16% of couples met their spouse at work. It's pretty natural given how much time adults spend at the job and the fact that after college people's social lives generally decrease drastically.

Yes, I suppose. I know a couple of people but one of those couples got together after one of them left the company they both worked for. In fact, she thought it was a requirement to leave and they didn't want to work together. In the UK, a lot of people meet in bars and clubs, do many people in Japan meet by that kind of socialising? Interesting, watching anime, to see the difference. I don't think Uk or USA has the same issues with communication and misunderstanding or using honorifics, but dating workmates is less common. It does make a lot of sense. Since lockdown, no one is meeting anyone!!
Apr 20, 2021 7:27 AM
Dec 2018
penrhos said:
Those dead eyes hurt my soul, Sayu's been totally objectified and robbed of her self-worth.

That conversation Yoshida and Mishima are going to have will be interesting, I feel Sayu is going to poor her heart out to Yoshida in the next episode or two and the true horrors of what caused her to run away and what she's had to do will be revelled.

And you can bet there'll be the "pretty woman" type revel where you find out who one of Sayu's previous benefactors is and hopefully Yoshida will be the man she needs him to be.

I still think G-Bitch will find out and shop them to the police at some point - there's something odd about her interest in Yoshida after turning him down flat.

Like a lot of people, the person you are calling G Bitch is being judged from one comment in one scene and people are judging her far too early and projecting bad deeds onto her based on people's perception of her. Hopefully, all will be revealed fairly soon.
Apr 20, 2021 7:27 AM

Jun 2009
Gab5 said:

Yes, I suppose. I know a couple of people but one of those couples got together after one of them left the company they both worked for. In fact, she thought it was a requirement to leave and they didn't want to work together. In the UK, a lot of people meet in bars and clubs, do many people in Japan meet by that kind of socialising? Interesting, watching anime, to see the difference. I don't think Uk or USA has the same issues with communication and misunderstanding or using honorifics, but dating workmates is less common. It does make a lot of sense. Since lockdown, no one is meeting anyone!!

At least in Europe, or more specificially Germany it's not that uncommon, I'd say. But I can't really back that up with numbers, just with personal experiences in my environment.
Apr 20, 2021 7:27 AM

Jul 2019
idk what i think about this ep, near the end of the ep there was heavy fan service on actual important scenes and i think it ruined the ep for me i'll keep watching to see if its get better but really disappointed with the unneeded fanservice.
Apr 20, 2021 7:30 AM

Jun 2020
Why does Sayu have to feel that way about Yoshida tho.....she’s confusing her feelings of gratitude & projecting what other trashy men she’s been with expectations on him. Can’t he solely be a guy who just wants the best for her. Why did she have to develop feelings & get jealous. I feel quite bad for Yoshida? He just wanted to help her. At this point at least. Her feelings for him & most likely his will develop too, will definitely complicate things. Great episode that goes more into Sayu’s mindset. I feel so bad for her too.

Omg those KnB manga again hahahaha

Wasn’t too sure about Mishima‘s character but when she sat with Sayu to make sure she would be ok & talked to her. She’s so kind & nice. +1 for Mishima, I totally like her now. An act of kindness, just being there for someone at their lowest. — This is who I am! This is part of me! Will you stay with me anyway?

Sayu’s smile at the end. So precious! I teared up a little. Fate & encounters were mentioned in this episode & she has really met the fated right guy to help her get her life back together. Baby steps, seems she will get a part-time job next. Yoshida is such a great guy! Even tho Sayu was feeling him up & trying to seduce him, he looked so sad & empathetic when he could tell just how shaken up, broken & hurt she is.

23feanor said:
(I've met a girl exactly like this at college and she was really pretty, she would chose the best looking guy at a pub or in the room and go home with him, she had family issues) it's a real turn off and makes her come across as cheap with a lack of respect for her own worth. Most guys like a chase and a challenge.

Erm. Women aren’t a prize lol. She can choose whoever the fuck she wants to go home with. Real turn-off? Was she trying to turn you on? Failing to see what does another woman’s actions have to do with your turn-ons/offs.

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Apr 20, 2021 7:32 AM
Dec 2018
Subenu said:
Gab5 said:

Yes, I suppose. I know a couple of people but one of those couples got together after one of them left the company they both worked for. In fact, she thought it was a requirement to leave and they didn't want to work together. In the UK, a lot of people meet in bars and clubs, do many people in Japan meet by that kind of socialising? Interesting, watching anime, to see the difference. I don't think Uk or USA has the same issues with communication and misunderstanding or using honorifics, but dating workmates is less common. It does make a lot of sense. Since lockdown, no one is meeting anyone!!

At least in Europe, or more specificially Germany it's not that uncommon, I'd say. But I can't really back that up with numbers, just with personal experiences in my environment.

Sure, it is interesting how different cultures develop in different places. Maybe it is the type of places I've worked in. But, from my experience, Germany is so similar to the UK in culture that there is hardly any difference at all. Japan, on the other hand........

But I'm also only talking from experience so it could be that I have under represented the number of couples that get together at work in the UK. I certainly wouldn't be trying to date my boss, that would be hell! No more sick days!!
Apr 20, 2021 7:37 AM

Jun 2009
Gab5 said:
Subenu said:

At least in Europe, or more specificially Germany it's not that uncommon, I'd say. But I can't really back that up with numbers, just with personal experiences in my environment.

Sure, it is interesting how different cultures develop in different places. Maybe it is the type of places I've worked in. But, from my experience, Germany is so similar to the UK in culture that there is hardly any difference at all. Japan, on the other hand........

But I'm also only talking from experience so it could be that I have under represented the number of couples that get together at work in the UK. I certainly wouldn't be trying to date my boss, that would be hell! No more sick days!!

haha, exactly that. I mean if someone falls for their boss, who am I to step inbetween them. And yes, I agree, Japan work culture is different than europes and (US) american. Maybe this is also a reason why it's interesting to explore it through Manga/Anime like that.
(Even though it might be overexaggerated sometimes, the direction is always pretty similar; with those "Black companies", extreme overworking time and suicide through work, etc)
Apr 20, 2021 7:43 AM

Jun 2019
ribbonaffair said:

23feanor said:
(I've met a girl exactly like this at college and she was really pretty, she would chose the best looking guy at a pub or in the room and go home with him, she had family issues) it's a real turn off and makes her come across as cheap with a lack of respect for her own worth. Most guys like a chase and a challenge.

Erm. Women aren’t a prize lol. She can choose whoever the fuck she wants to go home with. Real turn-off? Was she trying to turn you on? Failing to see what does another woman’s actions have to do with your turn-ons/offs.

Maybe i should have explained better, she had arguments with her family and didn't want to go home, so she'd flirt outrageously with guys in our friendship group and then go home with one & did this repeatedly. It was her lack of self respect, the fact she was willing to offer her body up for a place to stay (I don't know the exact details at her home, but i think her parents were strict and she wanted to party, drink, do drugs and sleep around etc) is something that puts some guys, including me, off a woman. I know omen aren't a prize to be won, but it's the back and forth of dating i mean is exciting.

@Gab5 @Subenu I've known many couples get together from the workplace in the UK, although dating a senior is usually frowned upon (unless there's a wedding and then everyone suddenly seems fine).
Apr 20, 2021 8:06 AM
Nov 2019
Swagarot said:
idk what i think about this ep, near the end of the ep there was heavy fan service on actual important scenes and i think it ruined the ep for me i'll keep watching to see if its get better but really disappointed with the unneeded fanservice.

I'm hoping rather than fanservice it was a rather unsubtle way of pointing out what Sayu was offering to Yoshida and what he was turning down.

I feel that Yoshida it treading a very dangerous line:-

He's just turned down Mishima who knows about Sayu, Gotou who's turned him down but is still keeping tabs on him, His workmate that knows about Sayu and the person who was having sex with Sayu at the start of Ep.3 who I can almost guarantee will pop up either at Sayu's part time job or Yoshida's firm sometime in the future (it feels like a plot-device already).

And Sayu isn't exactly stable, she's run away from home, slept with people to keep a roof over her head and has shown the green-eyes jealousy monster already, If Yoshida starts dating a woman - who's to say she won't make out he's been abusing her.

One phone call and he could loose his job, get arrested and be labelled as a sex-offender.

Remember : Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.
penrhosApr 20, 2021 8:12 AM
Apr 20, 2021 8:40 AM

Jun 2009
penrhos said:

Don't worry, Sayu is also able to socialize the further we go into the story. I don't want to spoil too much, but the next episode will further develop both MCs :)
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