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Mar 12, 2021 6:05 PM

Mar 2020
Piromysl said:
So, I assume that due to Convinient Writing, Emma's unrealistic pipe dream of peace between Humans and Demons somehow will become a reality and as Mary Sue she degraded into, she will manage to have things both ways. This is some SAO level of writing right there.

dont forget

korix_ said:
Norman made a magical drug but they don't need it anymore because of some magical blood. Ohh noo seizures... PLOT TWIST another magical drug makes an appearance. Where are the labs and scientists to manufacture this? Don't worryyyy it's magic. Why is everyone suddenly acting like a different person after a few words from Emma? Now this is a little known but Emma herself is a magical drug too. Sorry I spoiled the ending for you, but yes. They just find out that they were all on LSD.

emma hit her head when looking for sonju and mujika in that forest, there was blood dripping down her face.

this probably means that her skull was partly crushed, and everything from that point onwards is emma's dream in coma
KuroNekoAlchemyMar 12, 2021 6:17 PM
Mar 12, 2021 6:26 PM
Feb 2019
This was the episode of the deus ex machinas, of the unsatisfying payoffs, lame storytelling.
Mar 12, 2021 7:20 PM

Jun 2016
This was waaaay too rushed, the whole anime is down spiraling IMO. S1 was like an 8-9/10 while S2 is a like a 3/10

Norman's lackeys switched mindset faster than Sonic. It's just too rushed and does not make any sense at all in my opinion.
The story has turned to garbage, and the characters annoying. Is everyone just gonna agree to Emma's Talk-no-jutsu when they were demanding demon blood be spilled a billionth second ago?
Dingus_CatMar 12, 2021 7:24 PM
"I don't care if no one likes me. I wasn't created in this world to entertain everyone"- Oreki Houtarou
Mar 12, 2021 7:36 PM

Dec 2020
*manga reader prespective, no manga spoiler tho so dw*

emma convincing/talking to norman part was kinda eh.? it didnt impact me as much as the manga did but other than that the episode was pretty good !! i like how they showed barbara hesitating while killing the demon kid as she saw herself in it, and that last part with vincent left a lot of questions that can be answered in next episodes
Mar 12, 2021 8:05 PM
Apr 2016
Prog_upworks13 said:
looks like we will enter 6.00 score treshold lol. How mighty have fallen.

That's still way too high. The writing's garbage.
Mar 12, 2021 8:21 PM

Oct 2014
Person A: Gonna kill all demons because all these reasons and all the torture I endure.

Emma: But think about the demon-children!

Person A: Ok. I'm good now.
Mar 12, 2021 9:34 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Lmao. Last episode was pretty solid for once (outside of the Martha type thing) but this episode.... everything felt so convenient it started to hurt at the end.

Also, what the hell is the point of some characters being shocked that Mujika is the mysteriously named 'Evil-Blooded Girl'.... nothing's gonna come out of this? no? we're forgetting about this and move on? ok
DatRandomDudeMar 12, 2021 9:40 PM
Mar 12, 2021 10:10 PM

Jul 2012
Episode was pretty shit.

I'm sort of willing to buy that Emma was able to convince Norman to change his plans since he revealed here that he didn't really want to genocide the demons in the first place and was just acting out of desperation. However, it's way too convenient that Barb and the others are also willing to just go along with this so easily after all the build-up of their utter contempt for the demons. They tried to explain this away with dialogue but that doesn't make it any less emotionally disappointing.

And speaking of convenient, the pen thing is just awful. It not only has the complete layout of the grace field headquarters, but the cure for the side effects of the medication? And why would that cure be classified anyway? If the LAMBDA people had the cure, why wouldn't they have administered it already to save their test subjects? Why would they let precious produce go to waste?

Finally, the way this arc was concluded was so boring and predicable. Just distribute the blood and save everyone!

DatRandomDude said:

Also, what the hell is the point of some characters being shocked that Mujika is the mysteriously named 'Evil-Blooded Girl'.... nothing's gonna come out of this? no? we're forgetting about this and move on? ok

If you want the explanation from the manga:

Mar 12, 2021 10:26 PM

Dec 2018
watching the MAL rating go down every week is so fucking funny. How did we go from a 8.65 in the first season to a 6.98 in the second season? I don't understand why studios/writers think that doing an anime original plot for an already existing work is a good idea. I can't think of a single series to date that has divulged from the OG work and not ended up a complete dumpster fire, or embarrassingly mediocre. Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Fullmetal Alchemist, Promised Neverland, Fruits Basket, Blue Exorcist, Akame Ga Kill, Soul I have to go on?
Mar 12, 2021 11:08 PM

May 2018
AdolZeppeli said:
What sort of fool are you taking me for? what the fuck is this shit? Barbara... OF ALL PEOPLE, DOUBTING!!!? I'd understand Norman... but Barbara? you gotta be kidding me. This show is insulting my intelligence.

This 100%. They've already killed many demons, now all of a sudden the most passionate demon-hater just all of a sudden decides they're alright? A single scene of two demons changes her, that's it. Ridiculous. Emma's utopian bullshit is stale, very stale, boring. She punked Norman, practically calling him a weak idiot, and then he simply caves. L M A O

AdolZeppeli said:
And now, conveniently, everyone finds out about a cure for lambda's side effects... LMFAO.

The icing on the cake for this season was the fucking pen tip. "Woah, just because we didn't kill everyone, now this old demon who just said he ate someone (don't pay attention to that, who cares) just so happens to have some bullshit that will cure all of you, oh oh and fuck it, the blueprints to the entire HQ layout, fuck it!"

This season is laughable if you're able to look past the incredible letdown when comparing season one to season two.
Mar 12, 2021 11:12 PM
Nov 2016
BloodyIcecream66 said:
Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Fullmetal Alchemist, Promised Neverland, Fruits Basket, Blue Exorcist, Akame Ga Kill, Soul I have to go on?

In defense of Fullmetal Alchemist 2003, it indeed deviated from the manga but it was still good, the one I find mediocre is actually Brotherhood.
Mar 12, 2021 11:33 PM

Feb 2016
I watch this because it's an horror, thriller anime and now you tell me it's just some sweet fairy tale? come on...
Mar 13, 2021 1:44 AM
Jul 2018
Interesting developments. I feel like Norman's transition from "Kill all the demons" to "Yeah, let's not do that" was a bit rushed.
Mar 13, 2021 5:44 AM

Feb 2014
While I did enjoy this episode for what it is, how Norman was finally convinced to stop his vengeance plan felt a little too convenient to take it seriously.

It felt the same with how Norman's close ally's also hesitated to kill demons before Norman's change of heart convinced them easily. Either way, the plan to destroy the whole population of the demon has been thwarted and thanks to Mujika, most of the demons will make a full recovery.

The later scene with the old demon, Vjlk, had a satisfying backstory of seeing a dying human showcasing to him for the first time that humans can have willpower. Aside from another convenient moment of holding onto a part of a pen that had all of the info about the farm HQ, this was a nice scene overall.

However, little do the whole group know that Vincent is a double agent, and uses the radio to communicate with Grace Field House at the end. Along with Isabella now becoming a Grandma, the last two episodes will be pretty spicy. Either that, or a complete trainwreck, but I'll enjoy it regardless. XD
Mar 13, 2021 6:39 AM

Apr 2020
The information about Philip is just a bait, for Emma and the others to return to Grace Field ..

Is Vincent a traitor?!
Mar 13, 2021 7:27 AM

Oct 2008
of course a traitor spices-up things!...lolz more like ruins-up everything!
that's why i'm feeling why everything is going to convenient for them huh...

Mar 13, 2021 11:48 AM
Jul 2009
Haven’t dropped an anime in a minute, but here it goes I loved season one, but this is complete garbage this is a cookie cutter solution to a much bigger issue, it’s illogical anything Emma does says or thinks at this point, but who can blame her she’s been deprived and we as viewers were deprived of anything content related to making her believe demons and humans cant just get along and coexist, good bye Promised Neverland, I hope I forget you.
Mar 13, 2021 12:08 PM

Dec 2018
xZabuzax said:
BloodyIcecream66 said:
Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Fullmetal Alchemist, Promised Neverland, Fruits Basket, Blue Exorcist, Akame Ga Kill, Soul I have to go on?

In defense of Fullmetal Alchemist 2003, it indeed deviated from the manga but it was still good, the one I find mediocre is actually Brotherhood.

I can agree with that, the plot just felt after it split from the manga. Not that FMA is bad, it definitely isn't, but 51 episodes for a okish ending was kinda let down.
Mar 13, 2021 12:38 PM

May 2015
That deus-ex machina of everything is hurting my eyes.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Mar 13, 2021 12:40 PM

Aug 2017
I was defending and enjoying the anime until Emma went full retard mode while spreading her retardness to everyone. It's been a long time since I was so angry in a short time.
NurguburuMar 13, 2021 1:05 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 13, 2021 1:08 PM
Nov 2016
BloodyIcecream66 said:
I can agree with that, the plot just felt after it split from the manga. Not that FMA is bad, it definitely isn't, but 51 episodes for a okish ending was kinda let down.

I actually liked the ending of FMA 2003, I just love those bittersweet endings, that being said, while I didn't like Brotherhood I must admit that Brotherhood has a better ending.
Mar 13, 2021 5:00 PM

Jul 2012
OF COURSE! I knew it. I knew they would throw some convenient bullshit to save the Lambda kids. But it was SO FUCKING LAZY that I had to laugh out loud at the moment they pointed out "look there's a cure!" just like that, out of nowhere.
This is what the show is, though... plot convenience after plot convenience after plot convenience.

I also don't understand this "don't kill the demons" nonsense. Emma(and now everybody) doesn't want to kill the demons, ok... so what's your strategy then?? cause in the manga
But there's nothing like that in the anime, so... what's the idea then, Emma?

I truly cannot believe how abysmal the writing of this anime got.

I'm scared to see the what they did for the last arc and especially to Isabella.
Mar 13, 2021 5:00 PM
Dec 2020
norman doing a 180 on the whole genocide thing... so he didn't really face any consequences ok then

bald dude being a double agent is interesting and finally we see Isabella again!
Mar 13, 2021 5:46 PM
Oct 2020
This is going from bad to worse. Everything is boring, there are no stakes, no risk, nothing, everything is so convenient, it's not fun to watch. even the whole conflict among humans didn't matter at all, in the end, it was an emotional obstacle that didn't change the plot at all. surprise surprise, the character doesn't do anything, was convenient to the plot because sure why not, at least it was an established character that felt important and not just a random background character, right? I wanna talk about this show seriously, but I can't, this season compared to the first feels like a joke, I can't help but treat it like one. and the ending of this episode is such a great example: the antagonists lure in protagonists for a final confrontation that will be the climax, perfect, protagonists can finally stop fucking around and actually have a goal, but this is a hard task that they don't know how to overcome, perfect, just like the first season, overcoming a problem they know nothing about, but no, why would we have an interesting climax, let's just give the protagonist a fucking guide on how to infiltrate the big evil place, nice job writing, I almost felt like this was worth watching. and even tho they have the equivalent to a game guide to beat the final boss, the loyal rational dude is the one that betrays them, what in the actual hell, the psycho girl was a much more volatile character, why wasn't she the one betraying them, that would be a more fitting development than "dumb bitch is evolving, dumb bitch just learned empathy". I honestly don't know what I'm watching at this point, season 2 is to season 1 what hunt down the freeman is to the half-life games. There are 2 episodes left according to MAL, I'm gonna watch them of course, the ship has already gone down, but I want to see how much deeper it sinks.
Mar 13, 2021 7:29 PM

Dec 2020
the anime original idea was a curse and blessing at the same time. I like some of the new additions like the grandpa demon and the backstory and Vincent plot twist at the end, but still, there are a lot of missing pieces and the story seems all over the place smh. They cut away a lot of important elements from the manga as well.
Mar 13, 2021 7:38 PM

Jun 2012
Barbara magically overcomes her hatred of demons while Norman is conveniently handed the cure to his illness.
Shoot first, think never.
Mar 13, 2021 9:48 PM
May 2020
andddd they all just flipped a switch within a few seconds. Thought it could have a better pacing. Still, good episode and more development of the story. Vincent??
Mar 14, 2021 12:51 AM
Jan 2010
this shit is down there among all-time greats such as vividred operation and fate/anything for me
usually I drop them at the first episode but alas the first season was actually fairly good
Mar 14, 2021 3:02 AM

Mar 2014
The writing of this show must be used for in film schools as a case study about how to make the worst possible writing ever while taking yourself extremely serious.

The fact that the majority of MAL users can recognize this as bad writing is enough to tell how they fucked this up.
Mar 14, 2021 8:54 AM
Oct 2019
Last time we saw Isabella on the Prison and now she become Grandma Isabella.. lmao
Now i understand Manga Bros Rage...

Well they really Speedrunning TPN and try to finishing the series in 2 more episodes... But whatever I'm already bought the Manga anyway...
Mar 14, 2021 3:19 PM
Nov 2020
This episode was so rushed. All of a sudden Phil and the kids are getting shipped. Then Norman anti-climactically states he doesn't have much time to live, with a cure being found 10 minutes later.
Mar 14, 2021 5:54 PM
Oct 2019
What made season 1 so good? The anticipation, the horror, the suspense, the mystery. It left you on the edge of your seat after every episode, it was a thriller! The manga didn’t do everything right, but they could have changed some small things. However, they changed it so much, that it doesn’t seem like there is a plan. Everything is insanely rushed. In my opinion, it doesn’t even feel like they care anymore. Norman is convinced so fast, and then they find a cure only ten minutes later? Like damn...could’ve had some suspense to at least make us feel like he could die. It just seems like they really want to complete this entire anime in 11 episodes, which doesn’t make sense since this was one of the most anticipated sequels behind Attack on Titan. I held off giving this anime a score to see the direction they were heading, but I just can’t possibly see this ending making any sense with 2 more episodes left. At best I’m wrong, and there is another season. However, at that point why would you take the juiciest parts of the manga out that had the most suspense like Goldy Pond, and the battle against the Queen. I don’t know I’m just confused at this point.
Mar 14, 2021 7:43 PM

Jan 2013
It was a way too good episode to be true, there had to be a traitor...damn. It seems like Neverland loves to break hopes, over and over and over.

2 more episodes, wonder how it will end.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Mar 15, 2021 2:50 AM

Mar 2012
Uff..i was never a manga reader but even i can tell there are some serious rushed and bad writing at work here.

Its time to face the facts, they pretty much abandoned this story. probably around when s1 aired and s2 got approved there was massive hype around this
and the executives behind it wanted to cash in, but after the manga story started to dwindle towrds the end and than the manga ended entirely, they decided
to just abandon this story, give it a quick anime original ending to leave it concluded and move on.

Its really sad when some stories are still treated like this :(. I thought i would be content with an anime original story but you can really tell they have not put much effort
or care in how they even end it as an anime original, just use the basics, rush it and leave it so i can't accept this as good enough at this point.

What a dick move.

-ShadowClaw-Mar 15, 2021 2:57 AM
Mar 15, 2021 6:03 AM

Jan 2017
Plot armor. Plot armor everywhere. I'm starting to feel like the pacing's too fast. Never read the manga so I wouldn't know either way. But holy smokes, the number of deus ex machina I'm witnessing in this particular episode is loaded af. The hell.
Mar 15, 2021 4:07 PM

Sep 2012
This season is a shitshow. I've come too far to drop this garbage, but it can't end too soon.
Mar 16, 2021 10:57 AM
Oct 2020
I think the episode was alright. I liked how Emma actually was able to talk to Norman about the whole situation and get him to listen to her even though he was clouded with his own revengeful emotions. I find it a little weird how after all of that they are going back to Grace Field even with the consideration of it being a trap but we will just wait and see how it turns out ig.
Mar 16, 2021 11:03 AM
Oct 2020
-ShadowClaw- said:
Uff..i was never a manga reader but even i can tell there are some serious rushed and bad writing at work here.

Its time to face the facts, they pretty much abandoned this story. probably around when s1 aired and s2 got approved there was massive hype around this
and the executives behind it wanted to cash in, but after the manga story started to dwindle towrds the end and than the manga ended entirely, they decided
to just abandon this story, give it a quick anime original ending to leave it concluded and move on.

Its really sad when some stories are still treated like this :(. I thought i would be content with an anime original story but you can really tell they have not put much effort
or care in how they even end it as an anime original, just use the basics, rush it and leave it so i can't accept this as good enough at this point.

What a dick move.

exactly ! I've never read the manga either but it's so apparent how much they have rushed throughout the season. They could have done such a better job with developing or even continued instead of stopping at 2 seasons. I'm very disappointed with the outcome especially since I loved the first season and anticipated the 2nd so much.
Mar 17, 2021 5:22 AM

Dec 2013
The old man having info about the place that they are about to attack feels comically convenient.
Mar 17, 2021 10:41 AM

Jul 2020
I don't like this otimism, it's not because a poor ville with inocents kids and ageds that Norman and his friends that suffer so much in their lifes because those demons that in the day are friendly but at night pay for eaten them and feed the meat industry. Its so weird to see Norman quiclky change the ideas and even the girl with red hair that was the most anger with demons is say sorry for demons. I hate animes that advance the scenes too fast like this. 11 episodes are so much little for this complex context.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 18, 2021 2:45 AM
Jan 2020
This part was more mystery based. Finally, the war/ fight stopped and the whole town was returned to normal. The action was boring, but the amount of mystery was the thing that got me. Vylk-san gave Emma and the others, the last piece to the pen, and it unleashed a whole new level of secrets about Grace Field. The cure for the Lambda drugs is also available to Norman and his gang. Vincent is upto something suspicious, he contacted Grace Field.
Mar 18, 2021 8:07 PM
Mar 2021
now there's a spy in the group... but I trust the smart kids will discover him soon.
Mar 20, 2021 10:10 AM

Dec 2010
PBandJake said:
Need to escape Lamda? Easy

Need to escape the elite soldiers raiding your hideout? Easy

Need to escape the giant monster hunting you? Easy

Need to kill all the demons? Easy

Need to find Sonju and Mujica who could be anywhere n 5 days? Easy

Need to convince Norman to stop his plan? Easy

Need to convince the others who promised to devote their remaining life to killing demons to stop doing just that? Easy

Need to find a way to infiltrate grace field again? Easy

Need a cure for the deadly lambda side effects? Easy

Need to find a way to reach the human world? Easy

PBandJake said:
The old demon they saved, who lives in some random unknown isolated town, just so happens to have a cap that just so happens to be compatible with the kids' pen that just so happens to contain a detailed map of the farms AND the guard patterns AND the CURE for Norman's 'deadly disease'.

These pretty much say it all. Many called Charlotte and Aldnoah.Zero a trainwreck, but Promised Neverland gives the word a new meaning.

I mean, don't get me wrong, escapist Fairy Tales are nice, I actually like watching one every once in a while. But this genre was not marketed the slightest bit before S2, which comes in after a 2-year wait to make matters worse.
Mar 20, 2021 1:39 PM

Dec 2018
It was so good

My strong Emma took back her rightful position as the leader. She clearly have enough and will now do the right thing

My precious little lesbian princess Mujikas blood is the key to salvation and will solve all their problems. Spread the word and the common class will be furious when they found out they didn't need to starve and suffer. It will start a uprising .Vive la révolution

And omg the little demon girl Emma is so fucking cute❤❤ Awwww honey are you also a little demon lesbian. I say YEEEEEEEEEEES you are! You are so perfect. When Emma goes home my Mujika needs a new wife and you are it!

Love this episode. Strong emotionally impacts, and I got another lesbian ship, awesome stuff

Yuri-CrusaderMar 20, 2021 6:00 PM
Mar 21, 2021 2:29 PM

Apr 2018
Wow... I'm not sure how to feel about this episode... I am having a hard time that Barbara (out of all people) suddenly stopped herself from killing those two demons because she doesn't have it in her when the previous episodes and flashbacks prove otherwise. She and the other lackeys (except for Vincent) turned over new leaves right after their failed genocide plan? Nah. I don't buy that at all.

Did they even bother explaining how did Mujika earn that name? Evil-Blooded Girl? No one even questioned why that name? Am I missing something? Is she really evil? Nani?

Such a "coinky-dink" to have that missing pen cap 'cause of plot convenience that has an up-to-date map/blueprints/information on Grace Field's security system+ detailed description of the drug for seizures 'cause why the hell not add that in there?

Emma is definitely brainwashing Norman. Norman is all about saving the kids and his race meanwhile Emma wants to save the demons and the kids while putting others in danger. I have a hard time believing that Norman really wants to save the demons when his plan all along was to eradicate them. It's all because of that demon girl named Emma that made him hesitated from there?

Also, what are they going to do with that big arse demon that they held captive?! What was the point of that?

I don't know... sigh. Two more episodes left and not sure how this will go.

6AMDiaryMar 21, 2021 2:37 PM
Mar 21, 2021 9:31 PM

Nov 2014
okay who the hell wrote the script?? cause even an amateur fanfiction writer can write a script better than this!! Barbara of all people got talk-no-jutsu'd!???
AdolZeppeli said:
What sort of fool are you taking me for? what the fuck is this shit? Barbara... OF ALL PEOPLE, DOUBTING!!!? I'd understand Norman... but Barbara? you gotta be kidding me. This show is insulting my intelligence.

And now, conveniently, everyone finds out about a cure for lambda's side effects... LMFAO

Shirai, retire now and never ever try to create another story.

I'm amazed that there are people that still likes this shit.

don't just blame the author, the studio/whoever made the decision to cut out all the important arcs is mainly at fault
Mar 22, 2021 2:44 PM
May 2019
this feels like a straight up deus ex machina (not sure if it actually counts as one tho, I'm just saying the story telling is feeling so like lackluster it's giving me the vibes of one)
Mar 23, 2021 4:07 PM

Feb 2016
ttcchen said:

don't just blame the author, the studio/whoever made the decision to cut out all the important arcs is mainly at fault

After the trifecta of shit made by them this season, I'll agree with you, cloverworks is to take the blame here, not just here, but on all of it's shows in this season.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Mar 24, 2021 11:02 AM

Aug 2013
Well, Norman changed his plans thanks to Emma.

Now it's time to rescue Phil and the others from Grace Field. Too bad there is a traitor among them.

Mar 24, 2021 8:46 PM

Mar 2009
This episode was...not good. Norman's crew sure changed their minds in a blink of an eye. They worship Norman that much?
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