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Mar 22, 2009 8:16 PM

Nov 2006
i knew satoshi was going to die. he died like a badass though. RIP.
satoshi's and hatchin's interaction throughout the last few eps was great. and how he took the bullet for her...bawww.

way to be a bastard, hiroshi.
Mar 23, 2009 2:49 AM

Oct 2008
Yeah it was unfortunate that Hiroshi died, since he was highly entertaining. But, well, it is ep 21.
Mar 23, 2009 3:59 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Yep, good stuff indeed. Apart from the fact that none of these guys know how to handle a gun lol. Besides Michiko maybe.




[H+] ³  
Mar 23, 2009 4:02 AM

Feb 2008
cyruz said:
Apart from the fact that none of these guys know how to handle a gun lol.

Well, the sniper hit his target though.
Mar 23, 2009 4:49 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
De-JaY said:
Well, the sniper hit his target though.
That guy had a scope and 2 minutes to aim. xP




[H+] ³  
Mar 23, 2009 2:39 PM
Dec 2007
OK, this episode made no sense with its unrealistic and not even well-directed action scenes. Disapointing once again, especially right before the ending episode (and I don't speak about Hiroshi disapearing like that). I hope they at least find something suitable to end the series.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Mar 24, 2009 9:44 AM

Jun 2007
Akira deja vu?

And I lol'd at Satoshi "I has a gun" and Hatchin "I has a rock".
Mar 24, 2009 7:50 PM

Feb 2009
The great Satoshi Bastista has fallen in the hands of these losers! How pitiful?!
Mar 25, 2009 12:42 AM

Jul 2008
MaxCrazy7 said:
The great Satoshi Bastista has fallen in the hands of these losers! How pitiful?!

I can't believe he asked for help! Preserve your dignity!
Mar 25, 2009 11:57 AM

Dec 2007
Anyone else notice that they used a setting straight from Reservoir Dogs?
Mar 26, 2009 2:30 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
disappointing second-to-last episode
p r o f i l e 👀
Mar 27, 2009 2:04 PM

Jun 2008
Satoshi was highly enjoyable character. It was a waste that he died like this.
Apr 1, 2009 4:14 PM

Oct 2007
ok now that's what I call animation/art being back at 110%

Great episode! I can't wait for Hiroshi to get whatever's coming to him (there has to be something coming to him.. right?)

Also this detective (the one that tried to cover up the murder by the cop and blame it on Mitchiko) is he new or am I tripping out? regardless he's a jerk bastard. dirty cops suck =/

Apr 3, 2009 3:24 AM

Jan 2008
Ahh Satoshi....i D:
Oct 30, 2009 3:14 AM

Oct 2007
Satoshi's death reminded me so much of City of God when

Good ep though. This series is pretty awesome
Tis a shame it is hardly known.

Check out SunnyCon! The North-East of England's newest and biggest convention of anime, manga and Japanese culture!
Now a club on MAL too!

Jan 3, 2010 1:22 AM
Jul 2018
Jacut said:
OK, this episode made no sense with its unrealistic and not even well-directed action scenes. Disapointing once again, especially right before the ending episode (and I don't speak about Hiroshi disapearing like that). I hope they at least find something suitable to end the series.

Really? I mean, I can see how if you went into this series expecting epic action scenes you'd be disappointed, but I think after 21 episodes you'd see that it's really not focused on the action and never really did.

As far as unrealistic, would you call samurai blocking bullets with swords realistic? Those kinds of things happen all the time in anime. For the entire series, the police force in this fictional country have been portrayed as wholly inept and incompetent, so I think this episode follows the same notion.

As for the sniper, Hatchin and Satoshi did have cover. You can't snipe someone under cover. You wait for them to come out. I think that part actually made the most sense; they were under cover, Hatchin broke cover, the sniper aimed at her waiting for Satoshi and fired. Or not; either way, it makes sense. I mean, just because people don't vocalize their internal thought process like in shounen anime doesn't suddenly mean nothing makes sense. (On a totally unrelated note, sniping is actually absurdly difficult even with a scope; watch the movie The Hurt Locker and you'll see what I mean - you have to adjust for wind, elevation, distance... even spin of the earth - most movies and TV shows don't portray sniping realistically).

Either way, I think these are all minor issues. I'm not sure what you're expecting from the second to last episode. Buildup to some huge epic battle? This is another common practice in anime, but I don't think it's necessary. Michiko To Hatchin is not an epic; it's a journey and they enjoyment comes from the ride. If you didn't enjoy the ride, you should've jumped ship rather than hope for some epic ending for redemption.
Oct 22, 2010 4:28 AM

Aug 2008
DunkyHarwood said:
Anyone else notice that they used a setting straight from Reservoir Dogs?
Yes, was that supposed to be an homage? 'Cause it seemed more plagiarism to me.
Oct 22, 2010 4:28 AM

Aug 2008
DunkyHarwood said:
Anyone else notice that they used a setting straight from Reservoir Dogs?
Yes, was that supposed to be an homage? 'Cause it seemed more plagiarism to me.
Feb 1, 2011 9:16 PM
Nov 2010
cabbit-chan said:
Satoshi's death reminded me so much of City of God when

Good ep though. This series is pretty awesome
Tis a shame it is hardly known.

Yeah so far this series has had a lot of similarities to City of God.
May 27, 2011 7:49 PM

Aug 2009
That blonde douchebag sounded like Kazuya Nakai, it probably was :>

Decent episode.

Jan 3, 2012 10:45 AM

Jan 2010
Honestly I started crying when Satoshi got shot when he stepped in front of Hatchin. And then I was left shocked when he actually got shot dead. I don't know why but it just seemed like he would pull through..

Hiroshi, you need to stop. There is nothing more annoying than seeing two characters see each other for the first time in ever, and then have one of them run away again without saying a word.

Shit I can't believe the next episode is the last one.. Been a heck of a ride.
Apr 11, 2012 7:38 AM

Jan 2012
aaah satoshi died :( i wish he hadn't sat there begging for his life, go out with some dignity man! Thought the last 2 eps were really good with him and hatchin, pretty harsh when he kangaroo kicked her in the stomach though D; aha

Overall nice second to last episode, finally... were going to meet the infamous Hiroshi.. or at least we best do! aha *loads last episode*
Apr 11, 2012 8:17 AM

May 2008
Pretty great episode and we finally got to see Hiroshi in the flesh. Too bad Satoshi died. He should have killed those losers. I already expected them to do this because he didnt kill them =.=

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jul 6, 2012 3:41 PM

Jul 2011
thats fucked up how the killed off satoshi i mean i knew he was gone die but why like that..
Mar 16, 2013 11:27 AM

May 2012
Lol that classic bike slide :p was funny that they used that :p

Nice episode Michiko got Hatchin finally back and well that other dude got killed in the progress...

Was that really Hatchin's father in the end? Seems like it... They where so close and now trapped by the police... with the next episode being the last one I wonder how they'll play it to the final climax! Lets find out next!
Oct 1, 2013 9:32 AM

Sep 2013
Satoshi did a good deed in the end, allot of people are dissing Satoshi for begging you know fro out standpoint it is pretty lame, but in the criminal world survival is one of the most important things.

A great episode, I'm excited for the finale.
Oct 3, 2013 11:10 AM

Oct 2009
Disappointing death for Satoshi, i expected Hiroshi to save him or at least see him before he died :<
Hatchin just leaves when he just saved her dam life >.>
Oct 17, 2013 6:21 PM

Feb 2011
cyruz said:
De-JaY said:
Well, the sniper hit his target though.
That guy had a scope and 2 minutes to aim. xP

Wow~ I bet you're one of those tough guys who can take a apart a gun and put it back together in under 2 minutes right? With your eyes closed? While fucking your girlfriend? Get over it, seriously.

As for Satoshi Batista's death, what a character, I liked him from start to finish, a great personality with a potentially rich history, he showed shades of sympathy and affection for people and places ranging from dark to lighthearted, he seems like someone who could have been an ally, should he and Michiko have actually chatted about their common points, or at least their affections towards Hiroshi. It showed in the way he talked about him, even before Hatchin saw Michiko's face overlapping Satoshi, yet they never got that chance, and he got gunned down like a dog, but at least he took out that traitor Shinsuke before that.
Dec 4, 2013 1:56 PM

Nov 2009
Of course Hiroshi is just leaving again . . . Not that he would recognize his own daughter, but it actually pisses me off that he just keeps running, what is he afraid of?
Mar 31, 2014 1:23 AM

Apr 2012
Damn wasn't expecting Satoshi to die so pathetically T_T but he did save Hatchin

I guess Hiroshi's motives for running away will be unveiled on the final episode

Apr 12, 2014 7:02 PM

Mar 2009
Satoshi was a badass M.F., I almost expected him to somehow recover and beat up all those guys, but it didn't happen. He was vicious, but I was sorry to see him go.
One more episode to go and hopefully they will all get together, but my guess is that Hiroshi may show that he isn't worth all the trouble that Michiko and Hatchin have been through, and they will go on and have some kind of life together.
Apr 17, 2014 9:30 PM

Sep 2013
aw, didn't want satoshi to die
Aug 28, 2014 2:00 AM
Mar 2011
I just noticed something while I was rewatching.. The thug that sniped satoshi had the same "I'll be the future president" kind of attitude. So I'm guessing he was killed by the same ambition that inspired him to kill on purpose

Probably one of the cool ep tho. At first I really hated satoshi but he really grows on you after he kidnaps hatchin lol. Never felt so bad for a killer criminal being killed :(
Nov 8, 2014 4:07 AM

Aug 2013
What the hell is up with *expletives barrage* Hiroshi?! From last episode when the cop was wondering why it was only Michiko in the car, it's like he's actually tipping them off and the same time leading Michiko and Hatchin to his trap. Of course I might be just be overthinking this and the only explanation to his behavior is that he's a f*cking coward.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jan 30, 2015 2:47 PM

Nov 2014
Yayyy Satoshi finally killed, couldn't stand that guy.

Great episode! Was so intense...glad that Michiko & Hatchin reunited once again...but now the cops got them surrounded D:

& finally we see Hiroshi...he's going on a train though, oh I wonder how this is gonna end!
Aug 19, 2015 2:34 PM

Sep 2012
Goodbye Satoshi
Dec 7, 2015 12:46 PM

May 2015
WHY is Hatchin still insistent on going after Hiroshi? I can understand Michiko, since she thinks he still loves her, but Hatchin knows that he's a selfish coward.
"It's a tragic misunderstanding that could have been easily avoided if he just finished his sentence in time!"

— Richard Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Apr 2, 2016 4:42 AM

Feb 2016
Nice episode. About all the inconsistency/plotholes... most of the time it's because the characters are flawed. I actually like that they can make a string of mistakes, and because they are humans they make illogical mistakes due to their emotions and attachments to people. You can't honestly say you don't have some of these problems in your life or know someone who does this.

Satoshi jumping out to block the bullet wasn't a cheap trick to garner emotion, it was a sliver expression of what little goodness Satoshi still had, he didn't think it through, he blocked the bullets purely because he didn't want Hatchin to die.

Later on, we see just how much Satoshi wants to live, he wasn't suicidal. The proud man was begging for his life, a good expression of 'a hard head hides a soft behind.'

They aren't the typical cardboard shounen character (forefeiting their lives multiple times because they're stronk), when they put their lives on the line it counts. Nor are they genius 'chessmasters' that can orchestrate a hundred different feasible plans ten steps ahead.
Nothing can happen until you swing the bat.
Jul 31, 2016 9:01 PM

Jan 2013
I did not expect such a bad ending.
Sep 17, 2017 8:12 PM
Sep 2017
DrIdiot said:
Jacut said:
OK, this episode made no sense with its unrealistic and not even well-directed action scenes. Disapointing once again, especially right before the ending episode (and I don't speak about Hiroshi disapearing like that). I hope they at least find something suitable to end the series.

Really? I mean, I can see how if you went into this series expecting epic action scenes you'd be disappointed, but I think after 21 episodes you'd see that it's really not focused on the action and never really did.

As far as unrealistic, would you call samurai blocking bullets with swords realistic? Those kinds of things happen all the time in anime. For the entire series, the police force in this fictional country have been portrayed as wholly inept and incompetent, so I think this episode follows the same notion.

As for the sniper, Hatchin and Satoshi did have cover. You can't snipe someone under cover. You wait for them to come out. I think that part actually made the most sense; they were under cover, Hatchin broke cover, the sniper aimed at her waiting for Satoshi and fired. Or not; either way, it makes sense. I mean, just because people don't vocalize their internal thought process like in shounen anime doesn't suddenly mean nothing makes sense. (On a totally unrelated note, sniping is actually absurdly difficult even with a scope; watch the movie The Hurt Locker and you'll see what I mean - you have to adjust for wind, elevation, distance... even spin of the earth - most movies and TV shows don't portray sniping realistically).

Either way, I think these are all minor issues. I'm not sure what you're expecting from the second to last episode. Buildup to some huge epic battle? This is another common practice in anime, but I don't think it's necessary. Michiko To Hatchin is not an epic; it's a journey and they enjoyment comes from the ride. If you didn't enjoy the ride, you should've jumped ship rather than hope for some epic ending for redemption.
DrIdiot said:
Jacut said:
OK, this episode made no sense with its unrealistic and not even well-directed action scenes. Disapointing once again, especially right before the ending episode (and I don't speak about Hiroshi disapearing like that). I hope they at least find something suitable to end the series.

Really? I mean, I can see how if you went into this series expecting epic action scenes you'd be disappointed, but I think after 21 episodes you'd see that it's really not focused on the action and never really did.

As far as unrealistic, would you call samurai blocking bullets with swords realistic? Those kinds of things happen all the time in anime. For the entire series, the police force in this fictional country have been portrayed as wholly inept and incompetent, so I think this episode follows the same notion.

As for the sniper, Hatchin and Satoshi did have cover. You can't snipe someone under cover. You wait for them to come out. I think that part actually made the most sense; they were under cover, Hatchin broke cover, the sniper aimed at her waiting for Satoshi and fired. Or not; either way, it makes sense. I mean, just because people don't vocalize their internal thought process like in shounen anime doesn't suddenly mean nothing makes sense. (On a totally unrelated note, sniping is actually absurdly difficult even with a scope; watch the movie The Hurt Locker and you'll see what I mean - you have to adjust for wind, elevation, distance... even spin of the earth - most movies and TV shows don't portray sniping realistically).

Either way, I think these are all minor issues. I'm not sure what you're expecting from the second to last episode. Buildup to some huge epic battle? This is another common practice in anime, but I don't think it's necessary. Michiko To Hatchin is not an epic; it's a journey and they enjoyment comes from the ride. If you didn't enjoy the ride, you should've jumped ship rather than hope for some epic ending for redemption.

I love you and everything you said is 100% accurate!
Nov 29, 2018 11:30 AM

Oct 2017
this episode kept me HOOKED throughout! ugh i'm not ready for it to be over :(
Sep 29, 2019 4:42 AM

Oct 2012
I hate this episode :(
I mean I get it Satoshi is a horrible person, but doesn't mean ending his life like that is ok
He protected Hatchin and more interesting character than Hatchin

Really sucks, at least if he can bring those people down with him.. it'd much more interesting
Oh well
"Signature removed"
Jun 26, 2020 10:10 AM
May 2020
Great show! Thought the ending is very fitting.
Aug 10, 2020 11:08 AM

Jan 2015
Rip Satoshi after what he did in the previous episode. I wonder how this will end.
Dec 30, 2020 9:11 PM

Feb 2016
What a miserable character was that Hiroshi.
Jun 29, 2022 3:17 PM
Jul 2013
kie_ said:
Satoshi was highly enjoyable character. It was a waste that he died like this.

RIP Satoshi Batista, you were the best side character.
Also, dat Akira bike stop.
Sep 22, 2022 3:06 PM

Jul 2014
Nice Reservoir Dogs reference at 4:37. I recognized that warehouse immediately.
Nov 15, 2022 8:19 PM

Apr 2016
Satoshi lived by the way of "eat or get eaten" and sure made some awful choices but did a good one at the very end of his life.

Hiroshi has a lot to answer!
Nov 8, 2024 6:41 PM

Jan 2016
I'm not very happy with how Satoshi went out to scrubs. Though it was certainly shocking, and he even had a final act of kindness. He was a bad dude, but I wish he at least got a glimpse of his homie.

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