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Mar 1, 2021 6:58 AM

Nov 2011
That ain't no ordinary monkey.

Interesting to see more of Akari's past as she is becoming more and more important in this show. Too bad there's still that sense of despair in the past and present timeline. T hat unhinged Akari though. She's more tougher than I had thought.
Mar 1, 2021 7:47 AM
Jul 2018
interesting episode with those other girls, does sorawo's eye give her powers?? cant wait to see long haired sorawo though, bet she'll be really cute..
Mar 1, 2021 7:57 AM

Jun 2019
That is one creepy-ass monkey. Because of that, Nattsun, Akari's friend was going through a lot of trouble. A whole jar of teeth was frightening and then that dog's skeleton and then Nattsun and Akari losing their teeth.
Tbh, that was the most creepy episode so far from this show. At least for me. Sorawo control Akari's mind to defeat that old lady was surprising. Didn't know she had that kind of power.
And what's with Sorawo looking like Satsuki if Sorawo had long hair?
Mar 1, 2021 7:58 AM

Jul 2017
Skipping to Vol 3 of the LN, Arc 10: Sannuki-san and Karateka-san

The junior Akari is back once again, requesting help from both Sorawo and Torika about a mysterious case involving a human-like monkey and an old lady called Sannukikano. With the car mechanic Natsumi a.k.a Nattsun and her family etching from the cursed nightmares of lore, the human teeth are a symbolism in this urban legend.

So it seems that both Sorawo and Toriko aren't the only ones affiliated with Satsuki, both Natsumi and Akari are involved as well. The concerns of Natsumi are warranted given how how enticing Akari can be though.

When it comes to facing Sannukikano though, Sorawo referring Akari by her nickname Karateka does serve a purpose in controlling her somehow with her right eye, but dang she's strong in her deranged state.

There's only one concern now: Will Sorawo be yet another Satsuki?
Mar 1, 2021 7:59 AM

Feb 2019
This show can be such a mindfuck sometimes lol. Sorawo being able to mind control her kouhai was interesting and the fight against the tooth puller was dope. I’m wondering what the connection between Uruma and Sorawo is. I hope Akari sticks around as a consistent cast member.

3 more weeks left, man this season blew by.
Mar 1, 2021 8:48 AM

Apr 2020
That scene where Akari beats the heck out of that Sannuki is amazing and somewhat of a shocker. So Sorao can also control someone's strength with her right eye, that or otherwise, it's still a cool power to have.

Also a scary thought that once Sorao grows her hair, she will look like the mysterious Satsuki Uruma. Just like last week, it is not a crazy and horrific Urasekai episode. But it manages to maintain its pace and I enjoyed it a bit, so I'll give it a propa for that.
Mar 1, 2021 8:54 AM

Jul 2020
Hold up, is Sorawo just toriko's friend in a younger version or what?
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Mar 1, 2021 10:42 AM

Sep 2008
This episode had a severe lack of ninja cats, My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
Mar 1, 2021 11:14 AM

Jun 2015
Im surprised that Kozakura would let Akari in though. Now that is one creepy monkey. Still what a curious legend. But man the amount of misfortune thats striking sure is extensive. That urn though really had quite the large collection of teeth. But the nature of the items that they found buried in the yard sure was disturbing. Akari's alt personality mode though was perfect for Kano Sannuki though. Though she was repelled successfully the thought that Sorawo starting to resemble Satsuki was pretty unnerving. Overall an interesting ep that featured an equal balance of tension and scares while introducing some interesting questions about Satsuki as well.
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Mar 1, 2021 12:20 PM

Apr 2018
Nice it was quite interesting especially the relationship with Satsuki which is still very mysterious, I would like to see Sorawo with long hair but she's afraid of looking like Satsuki hmmm, and that "control" on Akari by Satsuki thanks to her eye was really weird since she became totally OP
Mar 1, 2021 2:36 PM

Mar 2015
I have been curious about the mechanic I'd been seeing in the OP, glad we finally got to see her.

How the heck do you put teeth back in?
The sword that takes life gives life
Mar 1, 2021 3:04 PM

Apr 2015
Can someone, who actually pays attention to small details, tell me if Sorawo's hair did actually grow a bit?
Mar 1, 2021 3:08 PM

Apr 2015
Sorawo has a power to control someone with her right eye? Or perhaps not controlling but give out orders? Pretty interesting, I do wonder if it only works on humans or also on the creepier beings.

The way Akari beat the living shit out of that monster was pretty epic and shocking.

Can't wait to see Sorawo with her hair longer!
Mar 1, 2021 3:35 PM

Sep 2020
The credits since ep.8 is making Toriko hitting on Sorawo,am not complaining,i love it. Akari,Nattsu, Akari,Nattsu, Sorawo ,what is it? LOL

And now, I wonder what can Sorawo do with that eye,she can control a person,huh?
Internal chaos is starting now that she's been compared to Satsuki's appearance.
I wonder what's the connection between Satsuki and Sorawo,that aint just a coincidence,I guess?
it’s never too late for life ... to go horribly wrong. . . afff~
Mar 1, 2021 3:45 PM
Apr 2020
this episode was one word, gay
Mar 1, 2021 3:55 PM
Aug 2020
Kahirama said:
Can someone, who actually pays attention to small details, tell me if Sorawo's hair did actually grow a bit?
yes, since the first episode, I'm pretty sure that Sorawo's hair grew a slight bit.

On another matter unrelated to my previous comment, there's a possibility Sorawo comes from the other side. Her weird eye ability and her appearance after Satsuki's disappearance, not to mention her supposed similarities to Satsuki, heavily imply that she's the biggest mystery of this series. This series is going in a really interesting direction
Mar 1, 2021 3:56 PM

Oct 2007
horror involving monkeys are always one of the creepiest for me. Akari rage mode beat up evil garndma.
Mar 1, 2021 4:12 PM

Dec 2020
I'm usually all for long hair but a bob suits Sorawo so goddamn well that I can't even imagine her with long hair and I've been trying...

I was waiting for long-haired Sorawo to be compared to Satsuki, though, and that ended up hitting harder than I expected. Sorawo was sent reeling.

Sorawo can cast Berserk with her eye? Nice. Karate Kouhai is like her personal pitbull now.

Sorawo to Toriko: "Stay!", in English, lmao.

What kind of fancy-ass mechanic's garage uses jack stands instead of a car lift? A car falling on that dude was bound to happen sooner or later, curse or not.

Pretty good ep. It's interesting seeing some of this stuff happening in the normal world.
Mar 1, 2021 4:13 PM

Apr 2015
harrysayshey said:
Kahirama said:
Can someone, who actually pays attention to small details, tell me if Sorawo's hair did actually grow a bit?
yes, since the first episode, I'm pretty sure that Sorawo's hair grew a slight bit.

On another matter unrelated to my previous comment, there's a possibility Sorawo comes from the other side. Her weird eye ability and her appearance after Satsuki's disappearance, not to mention her supposed similarities to Satsuki, heavily imply that she's the biggest mystery of this series. This series is going in a really interesting direction

Thanks for the answer! I have to check it out since I usually don't notice these small stuff.
Mar 1, 2021 4:38 PM

Feb 2020
A teeth mystery. Akari found out the white hair loli house thanks to her ability to tracked down shit. She wanted to solved her childhood friend strange case, and ofc the Urasekai gang available to helped their shit out. Sorawo could control the others by using her glowing eye contact? That's sounds too cool to believed. But, its happening. Then, for some reason Akari's close relation with her childhood girlfriend showed some attractiveness side of Sorawo toward Toriko. By deciding that matters, it shall be big for Sorawo's character development. However, stupid Karateka Akari told such a sensitive idea to the gang about the possibility of Sorawo that resembling her tutor, Uruma Satsuki. The creep whose supposed to be a curse bearer to Nattsun's family. The black hair lady, from the otherside world madness. Could Sorawo overcome that misunderstanding? I mean, it must be Toriko's role to cheer up that poor girl! Lets see....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Mar 1, 2021 4:56 PM
Aug 2020
Kahirama said:
harrysayshey said:
yes, since the first episode, I'm pretty sure that Sorawo's hair grew a slight bit.

On another matter unrelated to my previous comment, there's a possibility Sorawo comes from the other side. Her weird eye ability and her appearance after Satsuki's disappearance, not to mention her supposed similarities to Satsuki, heavily imply that she's the biggest mystery of this series. This series is going in a really interesting direction

Thanks for the answer! I have to check it out since I usually don't notice these small stuff.
looking agin at the first episode, I don't think the hair length changed noticeably. Sorry about that, mistake on my part.
Mar 1, 2021 6:03 PM
Jan 2021
harrysayshey said:

On another matter unrelated to my previous comment, there's a possibility Sorawo comes from the other side. Her weird eye ability and her appearance after Satsuki's disappearance, not to mention her supposed similarities to Satsuki, heavily imply that she's the biggest mystery of this series. This series is going in a really interesting direction

Ehh, we saw her get the eye in episode 1, and she was pretty explicit that she had only been there a few times (and hesitantly at that). I'm not sure she's much of a mystery in that respect.

Mar 1, 2021 6:34 PM

Nov 2011
The art and animation in this episode were all over the place and quite frankly it was ass.
As for the episode was also ASS.

Jesus lord now it feel like they are filling the void of not going over to the other side with non-sense and Yuri bait.

This show has progressively gone down the toilet since episode 3
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Mar 1, 2021 8:24 PM
Mar 2015
In the beginning it was like pulling teeth but it turned out not to be such a big hairy deal
Mar 1, 2021 8:40 PM
Aug 2020
I_am_nemo said:
harrysayshey said:

On another matter unrelated to my previous comment, there's a possibility Sorawo comes from the other side. Her weird eye ability and her appearance after Satsuki's disappearance, not to mention her supposed similarities to Satsuki, heavily imply that she's the biggest mystery of this series. This series is going in a really interesting direction

Ehh, we saw her get the eye in episode 1, and she was pretty explicit that she had only been there a few times (and hesitantly at that). I'm not sure she's much of a mystery in that respect.

that's exactly what I'm saying. It's a mystery unbeknownst even to herself
Mar 1, 2021 10:24 PM

Apr 2020
Lol, the manga they were reading in the beginning was drawn in the big eye 2000s style.
Mar 1, 2021 11:57 PM

Oct 2017
Ewww this was creepy thou part of it was interesting. We finally saw Satsuki but her face was hidden. Also I'm starting to think she might be from the otherside and was just living in the human world.
Mar 2, 2021 12:19 AM

Dec 2020
akari beating up that grandma was not only badass but also completely hilarious. the way my jaw dropped, you should’ve seen my face while i was witnessing that sick beat down. aside from that, this episode definitely gave me an odd feeling, as soon as they started talking about sorawo growing out her hair, my brain switched to alert mode. i was like “hey, i remember someone with long black hair...” and sure enough they start talking about satsuki. and that whole thing where sorawo practically controlled akari, i don’t think this can end well, but we’ll see what happens. after today’s episode, i’m really looking forward to the next one, my curiosity for this story has really peaked thanks to this episode.
it's not just a phase, mom!
Mar 2, 2021 2:22 AM

Aug 2019
damn that grandma got pulverized
Mar 2, 2021 7:01 AM

Oct 2016
Good episode, that monke was pretty chonky and creepy, but she did tell her to give the teeth so I guess it was partly her fault, though anyone would be afraid of a talking monke telling you to give these teeth to an old lady name Mrs. Sannnuki lmao.

Nice to see Akari again and we also meet her friend who she's totally gay for and also gay for her, I love that Kozakura is still holding the "Tanuki". Damn, where'd Sorawo's mind control eye power come from, Akari beat that grandma's ass good though.

Satsuki honestly does look really creepy with her hair like that. So, Sorawo looks like Satsuki, does Toriko agree with that statement. That's really interesting, it's possible there's more than meets the eye to Sorawo and even she is not aware of it. 3 more episodes, this season has gone by pretty quick.
Mar 2, 2021 9:42 AM

Jun 2007
This episode wasn't too bad, I like Sorawo's new ability. The ending was heart-breaking though, I wish Toriko would have said "They are nothing alike".
Also I need that grandma to visit me and take my wisdom teeth.
Pontus said:
This episode had a severe lack of ninja cats, My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

Ikr? I had to rewatch the previous ep because of that.
see you, space cowperson . . .
Mar 2, 2021 12:14 PM

Apr 2018
Man that was one creepy episode, That aint no monkey that's something else.
Mar 2, 2021 9:42 PM

Dec 2018
I like this episode, I like the dynamic between Akari and Natsu. The monkey teeth stuff was creepy, but I think this show has had creepier so far, but not bad. The most interesting part was seeing Satsuki and then finding out Sorawo looks similar to her. A lot of interesting theories can come from this lol.
Mar 3, 2021 4:29 AM
Dec 2019
I mean the Akari Natsun thing is cute but its annoying me. I have to put my cringe goggles on whenever Akari's on screen. The rest? No comment.

It's interesting that she's got a new eye power, but the thing about Uruma is highlighting some insecurities. Its like when you think Toriko keeps you around because you look like someone she's looking for. Its real distressing. Uruma looks like a freaky witch lady so I'm not too sure about the similarity.
Mar 3, 2021 4:31 AM
Dec 2019
harrysayshey said:
Kahirama said:
Can someone, who actually pays attention to small details, tell me if Sorawo's hair did actually grow a bit?
yes, since the first episode, I'm pretty sure that Sorawo's hair grew a slight bit.

On another matter unrelated to my previous comment, there's a possibility Sorawo comes from the other side. Her weird eye ability and her appearance after Satsuki's disappearance, not to mention her supposed similarities to Satsuki, heavily imply that she's the biggest mystery of this series. This series is going in a really interesting direction
Seems legit. But how are we going to explain those student loans?
Mar 3, 2021 4:33 AM
Dec 2019
Criticiza said:
Hold up, is Sorawo just toriko's friend in a younger version or what?
probably not. someone highlighted the fact that this could be it but i highly doubt it. There are so many things that can't just be created and molded like that. You can't just generate a student loan and identity. There isn't a chance she's a relative either because she would have known Uruma before.
Mar 3, 2021 9:47 AM

Jul 2020
Desmondus said:
Criticiza said:
Hold up, is Sorawo just toriko's friend in a younger version or what?
probably not. someone highlighted the fact that this could be it but i highly doubt it. There are so many things that can't just be created and molded like that. You can't just generate a student loan and identity. There isn't a chance she's a relative either because she would have known Uruma before.

But random ghost thingies that yeet your teeth out are realistic? Jokes aside, yeah I get what you mean but I wouldn't put it past this anime, its getting hella creepy as the episodes go on
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Mar 3, 2021 7:49 PM

Jul 2016
Sorawo being able to control Akari's mind felt super random, not gonna lie.

Interesting episode overall. Its first half was rather nice until the part where Akari started fighting a spirit while being mind-controlled. The whole scene was kinda cringey to watch.
SouthRzVaMar 3, 2021 7:56 PM
Mar 4, 2021 6:54 AM

Apr 2009
This Akari girl has a screw loose, especially in how she reacts to events. Like she sees some kind of apparition and her first instinct is to try and engage in fisticuffs with it.
Also, I'm weirded out by how her friend barely reacted afterwards upon seeing her going berserk.
Mar 5, 2021 2:50 AM

Jan 2014
For sure a way far better episode than the past few three episodes have been for sure. Going back to what this show was doing originally, in bringing interest and mystery. Not making characters feel like asshats, or just randomness.
Mar 5, 2021 2:13 PM

Feb 2012
Really satisfying watching the beating Akari gave to the monster, especially that look on her face (a change inflicted by Sorawo?).

So Sorawo is slowly becoming like Toriko's missing friend Satsuki Uruma? Is she a young Satsuki that is destined to time travel? Is the landlady involved? Maybe she, the landlady and Satsuki are all related...

Alternatively, maybe Sorawo just another in a line of victims that transform into creatures like Satsuki.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Mar 6, 2021 7:02 PM
Jan 2020
We are on episode 9, but there are so many things left to explain, how is it going to be covered in 3 episodes?

Anyways, this episode was more intense than many of the ones before. Somehow the otherside and the eeal world are very closely connected and the monsters are openly roaming around in public. Looks like the blue eye can control people and take the fear out of them… that’s what Sorawo did to Akari.
Mar 9, 2021 8:58 AM

Dec 2016
When blood just splattered from their mouth with their teeth, I could feel the pain. I remembered the pain I went through in my childhood...

When they were digging to find creepy stuff underneath, it reminded me of the Turkish Horror movie series called Dabbe, over there they dug out cursed bloody cow meat and organs and bones from the ground...

After watching this, Satsuki seems so sus. I wonder if she'll turn out to be the creator of the otherside or something...

I kinda want Akari to join the main duo in their adventures to the otherside but I guess Sorawo wouldn't like it.

I like Sorawo with short hair. I was thinking that long haired Sorawo would look like Satsuki but didn't know it'll actually be mentioned later. It'll be a plot twist if Sorawo and Satsuki is somehow turns out to be related.

Those two repeating each others name like that really made me want to slap them...
Rickydory123Mar 9, 2021 9:01 AM
Mar 9, 2021 11:41 AM

Jan 2008
Calling it the otherside and with certain similarities with the "real" world it makes you wonder if there are like dopplegangers between both?
Jul 13, 2021 4:33 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Sorawo can control the others by using her glowing eye? That's fascinating.

I think she looks cute with short hair, but a long one would look even better.

Akari beat up the grandma pretty badly. That was a hilarious moment.

"Akari. Nattsun. Akari. Nattsun."

Another potentially good yuri couple. They looked cute together. <3

SerafosFeb 9, 4:22 AM
Aug 3, 2021 1:44 AM

Jul 2015
Toothfairy would be very happy with that mountain of teeth. Weird how they glosssed over the fact that Sorao basically mindcontrolled Akari into going full ora-ora on that creature after she said she won't do it again.

Jun 3, 2023 1:58 AM

Dec 2022
Akari makes a great unexpected third wheel. She found Kozakura on her own, and her powers amplify when Sorawo makes suggestions. That old lady got quite the beatdown.

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