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Feb 25, 2021 8:52 AM

Nov 2011
The clash of ideals between Emma and Norman was rather dramatic.

Looks like another buildup episode. I don't mind it since it's important to continously establish the kids' adventure, the world setting, and all the drama that has been going on.

Seems there's even more drama this episode, even among the other kids.
Feb 25, 2021 10:19 AM
Jul 2018
wow this episode was really good, norman's really changed a lot, hope emma and ray can find sonju and mujika soon. also, those ending scenes... wonder how much longer norman has to live and who that guy in the room was
Feb 25, 2021 10:27 AM

Jul 2017
The manga's dialogue still stands in the change of setting.

So the "Evil-Blooded Girl" that Norman was referring to was Mujika, the demon who doesn't eat humans, yet her blood is highly sought after for prosperity and power. Same with Sonju, of the same demonkin. But sadly, I agree with Norman that whatever they try to do, there'll be obstacles hindering thei Lambda kids' ultimate plan, and those obstacles NEED to be eradicated before they can see the plan to fruition.

Unsurprisingly, the Grace Field children, despite their opposition, they decide to push forth Emma's plan to get both Sonju and Mujika within 5 days (while omitting the Seven Walls mention).

From the moment of Norman's someone else? I'm wondering who could be that someone.
Feb 25, 2021 10:30 AM

Oct 2017
Woa Norman's coughing blood, he's sick too? That sux. Also looks like we are finally gonna see the story from his pov after he left gracefield.
Feb 25, 2021 10:36 AM
Oct 2016
This episode kinda going in circles with Emma trying to convince Norman about her plan. Then later with talking to everyone at the hideout about going to find Sonju and Mujika. Emma pleading to Norman about maybe turning the demons into the same kind as those two are but would that even work being his response. We see the Lambda kids showing the effects from all the experiments like with Barbara severe head pain and Norman at the end coughing up blood. Hopefully Emma and Ray can do something to stop Norman plan but not likely how its looking. Jumping this far ahead in the story on top of all the changes has caught up to the anime, lowering the investment level but we'll see how it goes.
Feb 25, 2021 10:40 AM

Feb 2019
Who would’ve thought that Barbara would be the only good thing we got out of this season. Her seiyuu did an amazing job today and last week. On its own merits, the episode was decent . They did only do 4 chapters so it wasn’t as rushed as everything else, but one decent episode won’t save this train wreck.

Still can’t get over them not going with mature Norman.

The season is below a 7.3 now on MAL and I’m looking forward to see how low it goes.
Feb 25, 2021 10:46 AM

Jun 2019
I understand both Emma and Norman's perspectives there but for them, it's rather conflicting.
This episode defined Norman's character a lot more and seems like he's not going to go with the deal he made with Emma.
On the other hand, Emma and Ray are going to look for Sonju and Mujika with the hope that their plan would succeed. I wonder what happened in that flashback with Norman.
Feb 25, 2021 10:47 AM

Apr 2018
So now they have 5 days to find Sonju and Mujika, it's definitely going to be interesting, but damn the most interesting thing so far is sure how Norman changed, and that end of episode really makes me want to know what is it exactly
Feb 25, 2021 10:48 AM
Jul 2020
Chad Norman is the one thing keeping this show afloat, but for real what I’ve noticed is an inconsistency in these past two episodes. Norman said he wasn’t experimented on in Lambda but he has the Lambda seizures, was he lying and why?
Feb 25, 2021 10:55 AM

Jan 2021
So now Emma and Ray will go to find Mujika and Soju, I think it was different in the manga xd
And what is that demon in the basement??
Norman spitting blood already, looks like he doesn't have much time left :(
Feb 25, 2021 10:58 AM
Nov 2020
The the thing I really hate about this episode is that we don't know wtf is going on I'm a manga reader and I barely understood what was going.
Feb 25, 2021 11:00 AM

Jan 2020
Emma is too greedy with this one
Feb 25, 2021 11:02 AM
Jun 2015
I swear... the IQ of Emma and Ray dipped in the two digits in this season. Emma litterally not thinking of anything but "uh.. but friends" (actually, what friends? what kids? what demon family? we haven't seen you interact with any demon so far except Mujika and Sonju), without thinking of ways to save her siblings first and Ray accepting everything she says because "she's Emma, that's what she does".
I would accept this friendly behaviour if they actually showed us any positive interaction between Emma and the demons, but all they gave us are just shots of Emma and company walking in the market of god knows what city. What the hell are the director and manga author smoking right now? powdered wasabi? Did they forget that they actually needed some more character development to explain this stupid choice that Emma took?
Feb 25, 2021 11:05 AM

Apr 2017
#TeamNorman now that Ray's turned soft, and totalitarianism FTW.
Feb 25, 2021 11:10 AM

Mar 2015
Marinate1016 said:
I’m looking forward to see how low it goes.
just that, nothing else
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Feb 25, 2021 11:11 AM

Jun 2019
This anime isn’t bad.

It still has good art/animation, music, voice acting, and a somewhat interesting plot. I know it cut out a lot of good stuff from the manga, but just knowing that knowledge doesn’t make the season worse. It is worse than the first season because the pacing is too fast and they departed from the suspense and smart decison-making in the first season. There is still an interesting world and the prospect of Norman and/or his new allies becoming antagonists is a compelling one.

I wouldn’t rate it very highly, but it isn’t trash.
Feb 25, 2021 11:13 AM

Mar 2015
Hyper365 said:
The the thing I really hate about this episode is that we don't know wtf is going on I'm a manga reader and I barely understood what was going.
it's like when you get ready to enjoy a fine dish and know the recipe but then you see the cook throw in some dogshit and catpiss and you be like: eh, that's not the dish, that's dogshit and catpiss, bruh :D
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Feb 25, 2021 11:16 AM

Dec 2014
I quite liked this episode.

First of all the soundtrack usage was great especially in the scene where everybody agreed to go along with Emma and at the end when Isabella's Lullaby played as we got the flashback.

We did get some nice exposition with Norman telling us why Mujika is so important. I wonder if they can concoct a plan for a 'save everyone' route but I expect that the nobles at the very least might have to be taken down.

Damn, Norman. That dead demon and at the end he was coughing up blood, looks like he was experimented on as well. I wonder how long he has left. :(
Feb 25, 2021 11:21 AM
Jan 2021
better than the post ep 3 season average, worse than manga. not worth watching unless you're enslaved to keeping up w the show. Really not a fan of aishe missing and emma and ray apparently joining the quest to find mujika. Norman's motivations for wanting to kill the demons were better sold in this episode than the last one. Emma realistically still doesn't really have a plan. Her plan is slightly more developed than last episode, but still nowhere near as solid and believable as in the manga. That kind of takes away from Norman's opposition to her being heartbreaking. Cause she needs to have an actual good plan he knows can work for him wanting 110% success out of fear and stubbornness to hit hard. Isabella is missing again, figures. Almost like they had no reason to set her up as some sort of reappearing villian. If the last sequence is all we get of what happened at lambda than the anime will somehow have developed lambda less than the manga, which was criticized for not developing lambda enough.

Read the manga bottom text
Feb 25, 2021 11:23 AM
Jan 2021
ellolove said:
Chad Norman is the one thing keeping this show afloat, but for real what I’ve noticed is an inconsistency in these past two episodes. Norman said he wasn’t experimented on in Lambda but he has the Lambda seizures, was he lying and why?

its the same as how he lied when he sacrificied himself in the house. He believes wrongly (or maybe in this case correctly since emma doesnt really have much of a leg to stand on for her side of this conflict in the anime) that things will only work out if he sacrifices himself so he is hiding the full truth from everyone.
Feb 25, 2021 11:36 AM

Aug 2020
I hope Emma gets eaten by a demon so she realises how dumb she is.
Feb 25, 2021 11:38 AM

Jan 2016
pretty good episode. I can obviously see the two clashing views. The people that got experimented on think that every demon is like that and Emma with Ray who saw kindness from certain demons don't want to exterminate all demons. Really interesting to see what will happen when they meet Sonju and Mujika, especially knowing that they wanted to ship them back to the farms
Feb 25, 2021 11:38 AM
Dec 2019
Tbh I don’t think the story is even bad. It’s good actually but not so good like season 1. I just think the characters are kinda bad written.
Feb 25, 2021 11:42 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm Mujika sure is pretty well known. To think that the prison that once held them now acts as the location for their salvation via the gate though. Profit unfortunately always serves to create evil doers willing to do all they can to attain the best possible profit. Still the compromise between Norman and Emma was surprising. Kinda Norman to push the plan through. The reactions of the survivors of Emma and Ray's friendship with the demons was just as predicted. Still the dilemma that Emma and the kids have though sure is a tough one. Being honest and asking for the opinions of their fellows was an excellent choice on Emma's part. Overall an excellent ep that combined excellent tension with plot advancement and a grim determination by Emma and Ray to create a new path. Looks like Norman like his allies don't have long to live.
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Feb 25, 2021 11:43 AM
Jun 2020
This feels like some kind of fanfiction with how bad the pacing is. How does Norman appear out of nowhere? How the fuck does he develop the demon-killing drug or whatever? How does he know so much of Mujika? Why does Emma develop such fucking affection for demons?

Man, I'm gonna predict they'll make a Last of Us II type of bullshit flashback as to why we should care about demons so much.

This isn't quite at the God of Highschool Pacing, but it's bad. At least God of Highschool had some epic fights to keep us entertained. This just feels me with disappointment.
Feb 25, 2021 11:43 AM

Jul 2017
This wasn't actually too bad considering the previous episodes of the season, as well as what I'm seeing from most of the other shows this season so far. I wasn't bored with the episode and was fairly interested, even if the weird mix of manga dialogue with original settings and direction is still weird and paced too fast, with a loss of that intense atmosphere that the first season created with every episode. Barbara went absolutely nuts when learning that Emma wanted to not kill the demons, even though they consume humans to survive. The naivety really is getting to Norman and the group, but they clearly won't be stopping their plan for Emma's nonsensical dreams.
Feb 25, 2021 11:47 AM
Jul 2019
So, despite of the deal that Norman agreed with both Emma and Ray, he is still hellbend on taking them demons down.
Feb 25, 2021 11:50 AM

May 2020
Is Norman dying!? All this time I was thinking how Norman could've survived by himself and with a bit of luck (these kids have plenty of that), but no someone else was already pulling the strings!!!
Damn with this cliffhangers -_-
Feb 25, 2021 11:53 AM

Mar 2016
This is getting very tiresome now, especially with the redundancy of Emma's character and mindset. This episode was obviously trying to appeal emotionally and blend it with supposedly compelling info dumps regarding the Evil Blooded demons, along with that cliffhanger at the end regarding Norman that didn't feel like one, anyways.
This season continues to be irredeemable, even though this episode was at least kinda watchable by itself (hella boring, though....I'm more woke watching even Higurashi Gou, which says a lot).
Feb 25, 2021 11:53 AM

Dec 2018
The core parts of the story sure seem to have potential but the way this season is handling them does not help in the slightest we get exposition dumps, rushed/cuted content to the point where an episode like this which should be amazing build up just does not work because everything feels contrived.
Feb 25, 2021 11:57 AM

Jun 2020
Yay. More info dumps. So much for show don't tell

Each episode continues to get worse than the last...
Feb 25, 2021 11:58 AM

Jul 2020
Good character building for my boy norman in this episode. Seems like lambda hurt him more than he's letting on. Here's to hoping we get an episode talking about his time at lambda!
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Feb 25, 2021 12:01 PM
May 2018
expired_0 said:
I hope Emma gets eaten by a demon so she realises how dumb she is.

yea that dumb chicken who doesn't wanna exterminate all humans, get some perspective
Feb 25, 2021 12:05 PM

Feb 2014
have the demons eat two or three of the children and let's see if they keep the majority on wanting to keep the demons alive.
Feb 25, 2021 12:12 PM

Nov 2014
i didn't think my impression of this anime-original 2nd season could get any worse, but apparently I was wrong for underestimating the production team's ability to ruin this series. first thing first, what's the point of adding that flashback scene at the very end? If it showed us what Norman actually saw in that room, then there's a point to it. But it didn't, it showed us exactly what happened in season 1, and cut off right at the scene when Norman looked surprised at what he saw in the room. Why add it in? It serves no purpose.

Is it that hard to understand Emma's character? Yes, she's naive and optimistic and wants to save everyone, and in the manga it makes sense for her to make these decisions since we saw what she went through and what drove her to do so. But since the anime cut it all out, for Emma to still make the same stupidly naive decisions just seems like she's a retarded immature brat who needs to be taught a lesson on how cruel the world can be by the very demons she's trying to protect. Also, that sudden switch in character of Emma who decided to make a deal with Norman and search for Mujika is so out of place. This adaptation is freaking ridiculous lmao. How the average score can still be a 7 is beyond my comprehension.
Feb 25, 2021 12:20 PM

Feb 2016
I'm wondering whether will ever appear in this anime.
Feb 25, 2021 12:31 PM

Oct 2020
This episode was mostly set up for presumably the final conflict and it looks like it is gonna be between Norman and his group and the other Grace Field kids. I'm not sure how big that conflict is going to be, what with only 4 episodes left, but hopefully the show is able to improve upon the suckish first half.
Feb 25, 2021 12:31 PM

Mar 2017
Okay, now Norman's personality 180 happening in such a short time is more understandable; it seems like he needs to be cold and detached in order to protect his family because he has a time limit.

I think we might've been able to understand Emma's argument more if we had seen more of the 'normal' demons, but instead we've only seen Mujika and Sonju (and Sonju's not exactly harmless).
Feb 25, 2021 12:34 PM

Dec 2020
all of the characters are calling emma selfless but she’s actually selfish, like she only wants to do things her way- no matter what, she always wants her way, and she even said she didn’t care if it was the right one or not :/ i get that she’s trying to help people, but like the demons will definitely try to eat all the kids :)
"give up on your dream and die" -levi ackermann
Feb 25, 2021 12:45 PM

Apr 2020
i hated emma from the beginning and i am glad that others are starting to hate her as well
its really painfull to sit through this series
im on team norman tho
Feb 25, 2021 12:50 PM
Dec 2020
I found the end part sad. Although I don’t get why Emma won’t kill the demons cuz well it’s not really a big deal and after what the demons did it’s not like they’re going to change if Emma tells them to
Feb 25, 2021 1:00 PM
Jan 2021
Norman have changed alot. He seem like villain, he is using Emma and Ray for his plan and gonna kill Sonja and Monika.
Feb 25, 2021 1:01 PM

Jan 2012
Didn't they say the season is going original? So far it's been the same main plot, only dumbed down and skipped over. Nothing new is actually added...
-A Duck

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Feb 25, 2021 1:08 PM
Jan 2021
Oh look, three episodes where nothing notable happens in a row.
Feb 25, 2021 1:10 PM

Apr 2016
I hate and love the ost at the same time. Its depressing but still good.
Feb 25, 2021 1:17 PM

Feb 2021
hakaihisaki said:
Didn't they say the season is going original? So far it's been the same main plot, only dumbed down and skipped over. Nothing new is actually added...

Ah but there is stuff added, a bunch of useless filler!
Feb 25, 2021 1:20 PM

Jul 2013
Basically, information and build-up for the next episode.

Yeah, Norman lied about not being experimented on. He was at Lambda, and just like the 4 new characters, he is suffering too. Coughing up blood, seizures.

I get Emma's POV; she's kind and a loving person, etc. At least the anime does a better job at 'humanizing' the demons (showing us the demon family where a member is degenerating because of lack of human brains, the two other family members fail to get useful human meat) and of course, there's Mujika and Sonju.

Still, Norman >>>
Feb 25, 2021 1:23 PM
Dec 2017
Did they seriously just cliffhanger the same Norman scene for the third time?

Like can you please just stop unnecessarily teasing us.
Feb 25, 2021 1:29 PM

Aug 2013
Will Emma change Norman's plans?
And him coughing blood means he was experimented on.

The info on Mujika was interesting.

Feb 25, 2021 1:32 PM
Aug 2020
okay... I really don't think this is a bad anime but based on the manga it's just missing so much. I am just really sad that my favorite characters are not in the anime. :((
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