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Feb 5, 2021 8:53 AM

Nov 2011
Wow, they weren't kidding about making this anime look as dynamic and powerful as possible. The Maki/Miwa fight looked incredible with fluid animation and character movements. Maki really showed how skilled she is with her sword and I'm fairly impressed.

Nobara vs Momo is also an interesting fight as we took a look at her character up to this point in the story. I think the VA did a terrific job at expressing her character.

Definitely an episode that lived up to expectations.
Feb 5, 2021 9:00 AM

Jul 2020
Best fight sequences so far in the second cour. Maki vs Miwa, Nobara vs Momo and Maki vs Miwa was done insanely well, especially the composition of the character's poses and the camera following the movement of nails and bullets.

But of course, the best one was Maki vs Mai. Not only the animation was fluid as f, but the story was touching as well. During the fight, the past was revealed about why Mai hated Maki, and she happened to have been in pain ever since Maki left Zenin household to become a jujutsu sorcerer. She just didn't want her big sister to leave her side, so she gave all of her effort to be at her level as well. This is what I love about Jujutsu Kaisen, since the author makes the characters very likeable by putting unexpected plot twists and cliche breaking moments.

Btw Miwa was so cute at JuJu Sanpo. Hope to see her more in the future.
zyrus43Feb 5, 2021 9:16 AM
Even if I'm alone, I'll go, even if I want to die.
I can hear your voice, saying I shouldn't die.
Even if it's difficult, even if I cry from loneliness
I can feel warmth from deep inside my heart.

Going round-and-round and flowing, time is ever-changing.
I can't remember what happened anymore, but
If I try and close my eyes, I can hear someone's laughing voice
For some reason, now, that is My Most Precious Treasure.

from Ichiban no Takaramono, by LiSA
Feb 5, 2021 9:33 AM

Nov 2016
Lot's of girl power this episode.

I wasn't a huge fan of these chapters, but the anime did it yet again and turned it into a whole new experience with outstanding directing and animation. Very, very nice.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 5, 2021 10:11 AM
Jan 2020
me @ jujutsu kaisen girls
Feb 5, 2021 10:12 AM
Jul 2018
This is phenomenal episode. Great fighting scenes, voice acting, characters emotion. I'm impressed them so much.
Poor Mai. I can sympathize her complex against Maki. They should be good sisters.
Feb 5, 2021 10:16 AM

Apr 2013
Great episode, MAPPA is easily elevating the manga’s material. Just picturing the upcoming fight with this fluid animation is giving me a brain boner. I hope they stay on board to adapt and animate all of JJK.
Feb 5, 2021 10:21 AM

Nov 2020
fucking beautiful ladies and gentlemen
Feb 5, 2021 11:04 AM

May 2020
This ep was all about female power ^^
Mai did suffer a lot that Maki left the clan but still, Maki had and still has so much potential, GO MAKI!!!
Feb 5, 2021 11:12 AM
Jul 2018
pretty cool episode, very nice fights and nice backstory for the zenin sisters.
Feb 5, 2021 11:20 AM

Feb 2019
I’m simply speechless. Everyone who knows me knows I’m anti-meathead shows and clown on shonen all the time, but I’d be lying if I said this episode wasn’t one of the best animated sequences I’ve ever seen. MAPPA went absolutely insane here.

Even as someone who read and knew what was coming I couldn’t help but just have goosebumps and be in awe the entire episode. Nobara and Maki sequences were mesmerising.. 10/10 ep. We haven’t even got to the peak yet, that’s the craziest part.
Feb 5, 2021 11:20 AM

Apr 2018
Really liked that Maki vs Mai fight with a bit of drama between the two sisters
Feb 5, 2021 11:21 AM
Oct 2016
Great episode! Loved the focus on the lady sorcerers in the exchange event. Nobara fighting Momo was awesome. Nobara showing off more of her straw doll techniques against a fast moving opponent in the air like Momo. Whom herself was trying to gather pity for Mai, not only the pressure of being a woman sorcerer and things being higher expected to but also her family situation with the Zenin clan. Nobara of course not hearing her cause Nobara just wants to be comfortable with whom she is not who or what societal pressures say she should be. I enjoy clash of abilities and ideologies rolled together a lot. Maki definitely getting the biggest focus of the episode for sure with fighting Miwa and Mai. Going against Miwa she did a great job taking away her greatest technique. Miwa uses that quick draw kind of sword strike but with Maki using diversions and driving away Miwa focus she got around having to face that. Then to end the episode Maki fighting her own sister Mai, with use getting even more background and history with them as sisters. Maki being immensely more talented but her family casting her aside because she can't see curses or used cursed technique. So with Maki leaving it fell to Mai having to be the Zenin clan name sorcerer. A lot of pressure for a kid to have now we see it bubbled over causing a rift between them. The animation looked great in all these fighter. Loved seeing the ladies kick ass showing how awesome they are.
Feb 5, 2021 11:22 AM

Jul 2012
Really enjoyed the episode. The story and animation delivered. Looks like Fushiguro is up next.
Feb 5, 2021 11:23 AM

Jan 2009
another sakuga episode this time its all girl power and Maki wins it all huh

so Maki has no cursed energy or technique but the tradeoff is she got superhuman strength
Feb 5, 2021 11:25 AM

Aug 2013
Maki was a total badass. Even though I like Miwa a lot, I was rooting for Maki.

Nobara vs Momo was also great and I laughed so hard at the squeaky hammer. XD

Maki was able to defeat Her sister Mai.

Feb 5, 2021 11:32 AM

Nov 2020
EmilioRodriguez said:
GoshaX said:
fucking beautiful ladies and gentlemen
Wait is it out? It’s not out yet in crunchyroll
yes, its out on 12:25 US east time
Feb 5, 2021 11:35 AM

May 2017
That was outstanding, probably one of my favorite episodes this cour. Gotta love seeing all the female characters go at it! The animation was of course incredible- so much hype all bottled into one episode.
Feb 5, 2021 11:35 AM
Aug 2020
It's very refreshing seeing how this series portrays its female characters. Most Shounen battle anime use their female characters just to look cute and for fanservice like My Hero Academia, Fairy Tail, and Seven Deadly Sins, but here in JJK they're actually interesting, well-written, badass, and not overly sexualized. I especially loved Nobara's rant towards Momo saying that she doesn't give a shit about gender roles which is definitely something that I can get behind. The only downside to this is that a lot of chuds will probably get triggered and call this "SJW propaganda" like they always do.

Not only that, but good god the animation was absolutely stunning! Probably the best animation that MAPPA has made so far
Feb 5, 2021 11:35 AM

Jun 2015
Why the fuck does this episode have so far the best animation?
Feb 5, 2021 11:38 AM

Jun 2020

Also loved the development of the 2 sisters. Sick episode!!!!! The queens of JJK ♡

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Feb 5, 2021 11:43 AM

Jun 2014
The ladies of JJK get the spotlight this week, and all of their fights were awesome, with nice fluid animation. I also like how we get detailed explanations of the characters' abilities (kinda reminds me of HxH infodumps lol), and the backstory between Maki and Mai provided a nice layer of emotional weight to their fight. I normally try my best to not allow my hype and expectations to get too high, but I couldn't help myself coming into this episode so I'm happy to say it delivered. Next episode looks like it's going to be lit too.
thebrentinator24Feb 5, 2021 11:46 AM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Feb 5, 2021 11:44 AM
Jun 2020
The animation of this episode is brutal, there is no doubt that there are talented animators in MAPPA, also the flashbacks were good, I like Zenin senpai now more than before. I can't wait to see the next one!
Feb 5, 2021 11:44 AM
Jan 2021
Amazing, loved the girl power haha! The Mai vs Maki was amazing, and since I knew about the director of the episode I couldn't help but put extra energy in looking at the techniques used, and well, it didn't disappoint!
Feb 5, 2021 11:48 AM

Apr 2015
Kugisaki Nobara was on a roll, she shouldn't be underestimated, which Momo did. I freaking loved the moment she grabbed that squeeky hammer and smacked Momo with it. Could have been two times but Mai managed to intefere from a far distance. It caught me off-guard, I was already expecting Nobara to knock Momo out there.

Maki is on another level though, She lacks the cursed energy and techniques, but that raw strength and agility makes up a lot. Was incredible to see her do what she does best.

A lot of girlpower this episode and it was a blessing to the eyes. Totally bad-ass!!
Feb 5, 2021 11:49 AM

Feb 2015
Nycro said:
Why the fuck does this episode have so far the best animation?

Because it's better when girls are fighting *o*
Feb 5, 2021 11:50 AM

Sep 2019
The animation was amazing throughout the whole episode. It was funny when Nobara hit her with toy hammer. I laughed so hard at the scene where Miwa lost her sword and her animation style changed. The peak of this episode was sisters' fight. Everything about it was great, the animation, sound, backstories etc. I loved this episode.
Feb 5, 2021 11:54 AM
Oct 2016
same seiyuu, Kotono Mitsuishi

Feb 5, 2021 11:55 AM
Jun 2016
LMFAO miwa being like "uh. give it back?" after her sword got jacked

also, interesting how miwa isnt marked as retired at the end, but im pretty sure maki still has her sword?
Feb 5, 2021 12:05 PM

Apr 2014
Man. Kugisaki actually did a good job in her fight. Unfortunately she got blindsided to the head by Mai. Maki is the big highlight in this episode. Maki has no cursed abilities. But she was born with superhuman strength or makes it up with martial arts and strength. Maki is suppose to be a second grade sorceror? Wow. But her family is a little screwed up and is in the way. Whatever the case it is. Maki had a different road to go for and wanted to go for it. We get to know more about Mai and why she resents or hates Maki a lot. Mai and Maki were good siblings. Until Maki wanted a different path and wants to be the head family after getting strong enough. Then Mai is forced into that situation. Then after Mai got defeated she finally lashed out. Maki telling her that she could not just stay at the bottom otherwise she would hate herself. Mai finally lashed out telling the truth, and Maki trying to make amends after hearing Mai. I hope they can find a way to rebuild their relationship. Wouldn't hurt to see them also train to together since Mai sucks at close combat if they ever try to make amends.
Feb 5, 2021 12:11 PM

Nov 2014
And here we have it, one of my favorite scenes in all of JJK, the difference in beliefs between Nobara and Nishimiya. Nishimiya is on-point with her understanding of the way women are treated in society. "They demand perfection." They want women to be strong and pretty, yet when a strong and pretty woman makes her way high up in the social ladder, she would be suspected of using unsightly methods to climb up there. A woman without makeup would be criticized, only when she covers her true self up would she be accepted.

And then we have Nobara. She doesn't give a damn what others think. She wants to be strong and pretty for her own sake. How long has it been since we had a shounen female protagonist who isn't afraid to be girly yet also aims to be stronger? To have the courage to be herself with no regard to others' opinions, she dresses up for herself, not to impress others, she works hard because she wants to be stronger, not because others demand her to be. It has nothing to do with her gender. That assertiveness and confidence she has made me fall head over heels for her.

I honestly wasn't expecting a shounen series to go this deep into a woman's perspective, and to be this accurate too. The author truly pays attention to every single character and writes them based on how their personality would cause them to behave realistically in a society like this. And this line from Nobara: "You think misfortune is a free pass to do anything? You're satisfied with those who are blessed getting trashed-talked behind their backs?" I couldn't agree more. How often are villains redeemed because they have a tragic backstory which made everything they did "okay"? A perfect example is Snape from Harry Potter. Just because his past was revealed, apparently all of a sudden it's totally okay for him to abuse his authority as a teacher to show blatant favoritism to the student, ignore bullying amongst students, bully students whether due to their parents' past actions caused Snape to hate their kid or simply because the kid wasn't doing well in his class, doesn't help struggling students, and not being a good teacher in general.

In both reality and fiction, it seems as if people who are born in misfortune are justified in every thing they do, even if they're villainy. And if a villain does one good, just thing, like saves someone, it suddenly seems as if all the evil deeds they've done are suddenly forgotten by the audience because they have suffered and wronged a lot in the past so they have a reason for doing what they did? Is this truly okay? Of course, it differs from person to person. Nobara totally hit the nail on the head for this one, pun intended. Also love how she pointed out how it's hypocritical of Nishimiya to call her out on judging Mai without knowing her backstory whilst literally doing the same thing to Yuji.

It's this brilliant characterization and the philosophical theme that JJK has that made me love this series.

Quick note: In this scene, Mai is the one holding onto Maki's hand while Maki wasn't holding onto Mai's hand. Maki agreed to never leave her behind, yet she doesn't seem to want to even hold her hand. I wonder what this is implying...

The only complaint I have for this episode is how the direction of the bullet doesn't match the location where Maki's pointing the gun:
ramenystFeb 10, 2021 9:03 AM
Feb 5, 2021 12:14 PM

Aug 2020
Mappa is really going ham with its animation here, props to them. Apart from that, Maki and Mai backstory was cool.
Feb 5, 2021 12:16 PM

Feb 2015
MoonDragon72 said:
It's very refreshing seeing how this series portrays its female characters. Most Shounen battle anime use their female characters just to look cute and for fanservice like My Hero Academia, Fairy Tail, and Seven Deadly Sins, but here in JJK they're actually interesting, well-written, badass, and not overly sexualized. I especially loved Nobara's rant towards Momo saying that she doesn't give a shit about gender roles which is definitely something that I can get behind. The only downside to this is that a lot of chuds will probably get triggered and call this "SJW propaganda" like they always do.

Not only that, but good god the animation was absolutely stunning! Probably the best animation that MAPPA has made so far

You basically said everything I wanted to say!
The way JJK is treating its female cast has been absolutely fantastic for a shounen.

I know I said this before, but as someone who doesn't like most shounen, JJK is definitely an exception.
It's actually exciting and while it's still pretty generic so far, it absolutely delivers with the animation & sound.
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Feb 5, 2021 12:29 PM
Jan 2021
I liked the episode so much,the fighting scenes were awesome especially maki vs mai and the heavy emotional baggage throughout the fights made it way better...excited for next weeks ep as usual till the next one peeps
Feb 5, 2021 12:35 PM

Oct 2020
My favorite episode so far, top notch fighting scenes
Feb 5, 2021 12:37 PM

Feb 2016
The hyyyype this episode was! The girls were all insanely badass! The fights and the animation were god-tier! Mappa is out here outdoing themselves weekly! Next week’s ep is about to be epic!
Feb 5, 2021 12:39 PM
Jun 2016
ttcchen said:
Quick note: In this scene, Mai is the one holding onto Maki's hand while Maki wasn't holding onto Mai's hand. Maki agreed to never leave her behind, yet she doesn't seem to want to even hold her hand. I wonder what this is implying...

I take it as Mai represents Maki's family, meaning that its not Mai specifically, but Maki feels chained down by her family (which is why she ultimately leaves).

On the other side, this represents Mai's dependency on Maki (since Mai is clinging to Maki). In a sense she's not really her own person since everything she does is a result of Maki's decisions.
Feb 5, 2021 12:44 PM

May 2020
Wow, just wow. Words can't describe how I feel for this episode. It is simply the epitome of the word 'amazing' and more it is just THAT great. It has almost all the element you would love to see in an anime and it is executed to perfection I am just in awe.

The animation, boy that was candy for the eyes. Everything about the animation was sublime, the stuff of Unlimited Budget Works and it's a joy to watch, you can do nothing to fault it. The choreography was on point, everything looked right and logical, just another eye candy on this episode. Beautiful action scenes, what more can I say? Fight 1 to 3 just executed both of these elements beautifully and in the space of 1 episode, I can't give MAPPA enough credit. On top of all that, we have character development in the midst of all these beauty, it just added depth to the episode by a ton giving some insight on Mai and Maki's backstory and clarifying that they are sisters, beautiful.

I could or could not be giving them too much credit but from what I just saw, that was a masterpiece of an episode and I am hoping for more of the same, thanks MAPPA.
Feb 5, 2021 12:47 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Beautiful and emotional episode. I'll rewatch it again later.
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Feb 5, 2021 12:51 PM

Nov 2014
zyrus43 said:
During the fight, the past was revealed about why Mai hated Maki, and she happened to have been in pain ever since Maki left Zenin household to become a jujutsu sorcerer. She just didn't want her big sister to leave her side, so she gave all of her effort to be at her level as well.

"Mai didn't want Maki to leave her so she chased after her" Actually, that's not the case. Remember when Maki told the head (their dad) that she wants to be the head of the clan? The dad said:

So Mai is forced to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer merely because Maki wanted to. She was pulled along against her will.
Feb 5, 2021 12:58 PM
Nov 2018
I must say, jujutsu kaisen gets better with every episode. All the fights in today's episode were beautifully animated and I feel like watching jjk every friday reminds me a lot of jojo friday, just getting home, hopping on the couch, grabbing my laptop and just relaxing.
Feb 5, 2021 1:00 PM

Mar 2020
This episode displayed perfect animation.
Feb 5, 2021 1:01 PM

Jan 2021
Surely there are others who gained a waifu or two after this phenomenal episode. The levels of love and respect I have for Nobara Kugisaki are competing with the height of MOUNT OLYMPUS. Nobara is simply being herself, and she is fucking GREAT at it! When Maki sliced that bullet I thought, impressive, but not as impressive as catching one. AND THEN SHE GOES AND CATCHES ONE!!! These Jujutsu Kaisen girls are ruining my life in the best way possible, damnit.
Ryuk is somewhat relatable

Feb 5, 2021 1:01 PM

Jan 2018
This episode was amazing, the the animation looked beautiful throughout the whole episode.
Also Maki was really cool, I guess since they are twins their power got split into two, that is Maki getting superhuman strength and Mai being able to produce cursed energy.
AntonioWuxFeb 5, 2021 1:07 PM
Feb 5, 2021 1:03 PM

Mar 2019
This episode was one of the most beauties of this show omfg and the adaptation is so well done aaaahhh! im so hyped for the next episode, mahito!!!

and Nobara reminded me of Amy Rose with PikoPiko Hammer xD
Know your place, fool. - Ryomen Sukuna
Feb 5, 2021 1:03 PM

Nov 2018
i need nobara as smash bros fighter.
Feb 5, 2021 1:04 PM
Oct 2012
This episode was fire, loved it.
Feb 5, 2021 1:05 PM

Mar 2018
What a wonderful episode.

Like whose surprised at this point that it's beautiful, this show is incredibly blessed to have such a vast array of animators working on it.

But I was absolutly not expecting the Mai and Maki story to hit me this much.
Maki, born without power, in her quest of recognition brings her twin into the hell of jujutsu world against her will, and in the end Maki ended up being a much better jujutsu sorcerers than Mai, breaking her childhood promise to never let her behind.

Idk why it touches me this much but just thinking about it has me teary-eyed. I'm so glad I can say I love this show cuz lately I was scared to not be receptive to shonen anymore.
Feb 5, 2021 1:09 PM

Jul 2019
Great episode, particulary it had some amazing animation, a lot of amazing freelancers in this one, so ill just say some of them.

Vercreek who is a god young animator who has worked on jjk before, also delivering greatness, here he did the sword domain scene making it extremely fluid and pretty to look at.

Ken yamamoto which (like he did in wonder egg) did an amazing start fight around the 4~6s and making it work (a new animation frame every 4~6 seconds,).

Tatsuya yoshihara, the chief director of black clover, who also does animation for black clover, and also did one for wonder egg (all extremely high quality) appears too here, no idea how he can work in so many things at once and be amazing in all of them.

More impressive than him tho, is takeshi maenami, an animator that started on pokemon sun and moon, and now is a freelancer mostly working on literally everything he can, he did the hammer scene in this episode, and also worked on pokemon 2019, one piece, sk8, the new season of show by rock, the doraemon movie, A BUNCH of mvs and pvs, and even redo of healer ahah, either way he has a great timing and great sense of intensity, you can always see his work from a mile away.

Then there is yuuki yamashita, a guy that is known for his work on fire force, his drawings are great and he has an amazing sense of speed.

So great job by shota goshozono who was the episode director this week, he has directed one before, but this time he really went all out, truly great stuff.
Feb 5, 2021 1:20 PM

Apr 2013
kick-13 said:
Miwa (one of the only four interesting characters in the show) jobbing automatically makes this the worst episode of the entire series so far, and the sister drama is stupid and boring.
Great first forum post. Congrats.
Feb 5, 2021 1:20 PM

Jun 2019
The good episodes continue with some great-looking fights and some character development. The fight in the begining between Maki and Miwa was a little janky at times, but the rest of them were pretty top-notch. I also liked how they showed the backstory of the twins and how their relationship changed due to their different priorities. It really helped us understand Mai’s character a lot more.
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