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Dec 25, 2020 8:56 PM

Oct 2012
I give this show a 3/10. I wrote a review, but it's hard to do it justice without much spoilers. Let me summarize a few points. Akudama Drive is too ambitious and failed to carry through. Like Psycho-Pass, it uses a clueless and out-of-place woman as the oracle for the author to push an emotional appeal that's too basic to address a nuanced point. Like Ergo Proxy, the pacing is so bad that it has to use a gimmicky "propaganda" talk show to fill in the details. The characters are all edgy and one dimensional. It seems to take inspiration from many places, and combine their worst qualities.

Let's start with the obvious: plot holes. We see Kanto, a bunch of garbage flying around with an enigmatic shape-shifting structure in the middle that looks like it's been lifted out of Gantz. We're told it's a quantum computer and that it's downloading data into the twins. That means the twins must be some kind of bio-computer and one of two things are true:
  1. Their consciousness resides on the computer.
  2. Their bodies are capable of hosting a separate computer.

This is important, because every operating system has an entry point, and in order for Kanto to self-regulate, it needs to download not only the state (i.e. the data) but the OS to execute its functions. This execution either replaces the twins' mental capabilities or exists along side it. If it replaces it, then the twins would not be conscious when Hacker tries to hack Kanto. If it exists along side it, then the twins were not at risk of dying in the first place.

Furthermore, it's an insult to the intelligence of anyone who knows the first thing about computers to suggest that Kanto would have a port open for an arbitrary attacker to wirelessly infiltrate the system -- a quantum system no less. This is especially given that Hacker has no experience with quantum systems, that the hardware Kanto runs on most likely would not conform to any existing specifications that Hacker knows of, such that any language Hacker uses would not execute in the first place.

Additionally, we know that certain characters had memories of a physical Kanto, and that Courier's bike was built in Kanto, and that the twins' experimental facilities were designed in Kanto. How did these things all exist in the first place, if Kanto is just a bunch of flying garbage around a black shell? How did Kanto enforce administrative policies over Kansai? If the shell could transform itself to build a bike, then certainly it could have transformed itself to attack or defend itself from Courier and Swindler.

We're told that the bullet train is the only method of transportation between Kansai and Kanto, due to the dark zone that nothing else could pass through. So how did Kansai plan on delivering the twins at the end after they blew the train up?

Every computer has a physical power switch. How were the Executioners so clueless about what was broadcasted on every monitor across the city, and why couldn't they just shut it off? Why didn't they employ basic crowd control technology like tear gas, batons, smoke and pellet guns to break up the uprising in the first place? How come they could so mercilessly mow down hundreds of protesters in the initial uprising, but stood helplessly before the second? It was the lady, the head of the Executioners that called labeled the protesters as Akudama, yet she looked to the guy who shot himself for permission in the second.

Missiles completely melted and destroyed the train besides some of its steel frame, yet Swindler and Courier survived a direct missile explosion. Courier even survived a direct plasma beam to his face unscathed. He was bleeding out on an hour long drive in the wilderness, and fully conscious. The spaceships only attacked him from the front, where his only defense was. The entire air force had trouble spotting two children running barefoot.

There's an unexplained emergency shutdown sequence running on a 10 minute timer. Who implemented it? It makes no sense, whether it's Hacker or Kanto, to keep a fixed 10 minute timer. If it's Kanto, it could have shut it down in the beginning. If it's Hacker, he could have shut just the military units down.

Did Kanto survive Hacker's hack? If not, then they literally killed millions of conscious people ("Fluctlights" in SAO-speak) to save 2 kids that didn't need saving. Why did Kanto need for their experimental material to be conscious in the first place? It seems counter-productive, and only for a cheap emotional appeal, like starving, tortured African children. Does Kanto simply reproduce the experiment and kill hundreds of children more, since it still needs a body that doesn't deteriorate? So how was Swindler and Hacker's actions moral? They literally mass murdered every single person in Kanto, robbed them of their futures, or caused a repeat of the experiment.

Let's not forget that Doctor could un-decapitate herself in real time, and that the Executioners failed to finish her off multiple times despite knowing of her capabilities.

Let's not forget that the Akudama got excited when they saw billions of dollars transferred into their locked digital wallet accounts that they couldn't even use.

And that there was nothing preventing the brother from hopping onto the spaceship when he pushed the sister onto it. And Swindler's disgusting moralistic posturing when she prevented Doctor from asking what every reasonable person would've wanted to know -- what the twins wanted. Maybe they could have stopped the farcical exercise right then and there when they reveal they wanted to go to the moon, and suffer eternal pain from subzero temperatures and suffocation, since they seem capable of feeling temperature on Earth.

But my biggest complaint happens on episode 1. When the Akudama broke in to save Cutthroat, the commissioners order one of the guards, Quick, execute him now! The guard replies, But, there's an explosion -- and points across the room, as if an explosion on the other side of the room has any effect on an execution by decapitation. Then the commissioner says, Yes, just do it. And the guard goes, Are you sure? And Doctor sneaks up behind and kills that guard. And that's when I knew this show was going to suck hard. If that guard wasn't completely dysfunctional autistic, the whole show would have ended right there. The plot armor was unforced. The writers could have had the explosion closer to the platform and kill the guards directly. But they chose the most retarded conversation possible.

I can't believe people think this is the best show of 2020.
My subjective reviews:
Dec 25, 2020 9:01 PM

Mar 2016
This was better than I thought.

The executioners got killed by their own actions which was a satisfying conclusion for them.

Courier could have lived longer if he just used his sleeve or his shirt to stop his bleeding. I really didn't want him to die because he was hot and also very dedicated.

When the lead executioner got hit with a brick, I laughed. It was so random. I have never seen a middle-aged looking woman get hit with a brick!

The only thing I found dissatisfying was that we didn't get to see the conclusions for some of the executioners like the old woman, the boy who got shot, the boy's senpai, and the four responsible for Swindler's death.

I liked the propaganda in the earlier episodes, I don't quite like that they used it throughout the anime. It felt like cheap exposition.
FuMomo-kunDec 25, 2020 9:04 PM
Dec 25, 2020 9:17 PM

Oct 2012
Kimurah said:
Z4K said:
Heres one for you. You think Hacker hacking the broadcast is nonsense because he couldn't forsee her plans. Did you miss the part where he uploaded his data in Swindler's phone in the previous episode? Why would there be any need to foresee anything when Swindler could share her plans with him?
If Swindler actually read an alleged "plan" writen by hacker in her phone, that's something that should had been shown in the actual episode to explain the mutual acknowledgement.
The show never showed Swindler acknowledging any plan, but let me add something that should be obvious to most people. There's a hardware limitation to your computers and phones in the speed that it could process and download data, and no amount of "hacking" could improve it beyond a point. To most people, it would be common sense that it's physically impossible to instantaneously download someone's "soul", probably ZBs worth of data, and issue an execution command on the phone OS. The program would take more memory than what the phone could process, regardless of what hardware it has.

Moreover, it's highly likely that the monitors in the entire city are not running off one single server, and even if they were, this server would not have an open port for an anonymous person to wirelessly connect to. If, suppose that there is such a server that the military uses to disseminate propaganda. Then it would not use openly accessibly internet protocol to allow anonymous people to connect to. Make no mistake that when I say "allow", I do not mean software permissions. I mean it would be physically impossible to connect to it from another computer outside of the network because the protocols run on different rules and different hardware.

And even if Hacker could somehow get access to this network, they should be able to easily shut down the broadcast by pulling the plug.

So this whole anime conception of hacking is just ridiculous to begin with. The fact that no police member saw the broadcast, over the entire city, and phoned it in, and the authorities didn't even acknowledge that there was a broadcast, is an affront to my intelligence. They could have arrested the girl and killed her off camera, since they knew she couldn't have put up a fight.
My subjective reviews:
Dec 25, 2020 11:56 PM

Oct 2019
oh my god i think im in shock i literally sat through this whole episode without making a single noise and then right at the end there when Courier is sitting on the ground and the piano music came in tears just started dropping from my eyes. wow. it's been a long time since an anime has made me feel like this it's amazing.

i love that Swindler ended up Swindling people with her death, it was the perfect way to end her character arc imo
Dec 26, 2020 12:09 AM

Aug 2019
pretty shit danganronpa anime but at least the fights were cool.
Dec 26, 2020 3:14 AM

Mar 2013
Started out strong and entertaining, but I kinda stopped giving a fuck somewhere around the second half. But I don't regret checking it out.
Dec 26, 2020 5:36 AM
Jul 2013
The animation and character designs were overall very well done. The characters and the drama sucked overall. You can't try to make viewers emotionally invested in characters that are just a trope with even no name attached to them. Everything dramatic in the series felt forced, and kind of ruined part of the initinal impression the series had made.

Overall, if the series kept the same braindead over-the-top mentality it had in episodes 1-2, and 11-12 to a certain extent, it would've been much more enjoyable.

I didn't really care about any of the characters to be affected by their deaths, and most if not all of them acted in ways that weren't logical according to their already established character.

I'll rate this series higher than it deserves as it managed to maintain decent to good production quality on average much higher than your average anime, and that's something that is already pretty impressive these days.
Dec 26, 2020 6:19 AM
Sep 2012
After a pretty confusing ep 11, we got really great finale.

I think I've slightly gasped with excitement when Courier and the airship did kamehame-like beam collision.

The ending is very open. We don't know what happened to the city, and what awaited the siblings.

Now just to wait for blu-ray version to watch it without that stupid censoring.
Dec 26, 2020 8:26 AM

Jul 2016
Kodaka pulled another danganronpa ending. Very Tarantino-ish ending. I was waiting for this show for a while and after watching it i can say that TooKyo Games hasn't created a worthy project yet. I'm really questioning if Kodaka, Uchikoshi, Takada and Komatsuzaki departure from Spike Chunsoft was a great idea.
Dec 26, 2020 8:39 AM

Jul 2014
As a lot of people said the start was fun, until the kids started joining in more is when the show lost its way. Nonetheless still a good ending.
6/10. Swindler and Courier’s death stuck me the most tbh.
Dec 26, 2020 8:43 AM

May 2010
8/10 overall

So it's one of those shows ala Basilisk in which everyone dies in the end.

The real tragedy was the loss of Courier's overpowered bike.
Dec 26, 2020 9:05 AM

Jun 2015
Im going to roll back slightly on my eps 11 Christmas day rant, to in fact correct myself. This, this right here was the ending. I didn't think anything could top eps 11, but this was a true masterpiece. The shows concepts of a dystopian future, an increasingly digital age we live in, the barriers between right and wrong and who decides them. The sacrifices made and this story told.

Im conflicted, as I like a few others, but best story of the year give or take one or two others.

A tour de force as the French would say. But fuck the French I'm British. Closing down the cross channel links so you can harvest our already removed fishing stocks. Bunch of *****.

Sorry peeps, boxing day rant over. This was a brilliant show and Im going to give it an overall 10 for the themes it explored, the characters, the story, the va's and everyone involved!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Dec 26, 2020 12:44 PM

Feb 2017
The only thing Akudama Drive really needed was a actual good story and some more in depth characters. The action, sci-fi, animation, colors, soundtrack etc was all amazing and I really f#"@ing loved the action and atmosphere of the last episode, especially the scene where Swindler died and when Courier focused on shooting down the planes up until he also died. Last episode almost couldn't be any better when keeping in mind the lacking story which has been built up until last ep. Overall Im not disappointed but could've been even better with a different story.
Dec 26, 2020 2:09 PM

Mar 2015
RIP Courier & Swindler. Honestly I was actually expecting one of them to come out alive but alas. Also Courier probably killed dozens of people by nuking the tower lol real Akudama right there.

After a disappointing episode 11 I'm happy that I liked this episode way more. Though I wonder where the twins are going, inb4 it's even worse than Kanto. Still sad that we didn't get to see the executioner boss lady fight, I wanted to see an old woman kick some ass.

Overall I really enjoyed this anime. The characters were fun, the action scenes were pretty good and just the overall aesthetics were right up my alley. I do have to admit though that the first half was way stronger than the second. But nonetheless I enjoyed the ride.
Dec 26, 2020 2:57 PM
Sep 2013
T'was a visual spectacle. They delivered with the ending, as hinted in the OP, and it was satisfying to see Swindler finally get her card.

Dec 26, 2020 3:27 PM
Apr 2018
I give it 9/10, it was awesome! In the end, I can't predict what will they do with the strong and powerful police and executor, they need something or someone with bigger power to topple them (and I was hoping Cutthroat will be there *sob*) but that thing can't just appear in the end of show without hints.
And then Swindler used a good trick with the help of Hacker-san! It made me think that police's natural enemy is civilians hahahaha.
But in the end I'm so sad Courier and Swindler can't survive, they're so cool and brave 😢
Dec 26, 2020 4:01 PM
May 2015
The show kind of lost the flavor a bit after Brawler died. The thing keeping me on it was the hint that Hacker was still alive. I would've loved it so much more without the censoring, but what can ya do.. lol. The animation was so very solid. I enjoyed it quite much for an anime I didn't heard about until it was 4 weeks in.

It's kind of crazy all of these Akudama came in on a job for some money, but all ended up dying just to save Brother and Sister. Courier at the very end, man. That hit so hard just because of how much a hard ass he's been.
flareneos43Dec 26, 2020 4:12 PM
Roses are red

violets are blue.

Omae Wa

Mou shindeiru
Dec 26, 2020 6:25 PM
Jul 2020
After episode 11, I was worried that this show could be another all-too-common case of a series that fizzles out at the very end.
But my god. This was one of my favourite final episodes I have seen in a very long time. So many cathartic and kick-ass moments, even though you know things are going wrong. I absolutely loved this episode, and loved this series.
Dec 26, 2020 6:31 PM

Sep 2018
It was alright, I guess I'm just not a huge fan of a style over substance sort of anime, especially when the gap is as big as it is in Akudama Drive. 7/10.
Dec 26, 2020 9:22 PM

Nov 2012
This show kind of varied alot.

I had some issues with the show, some of which I can choose to ignore, others with I can't.

At it's lows (middle section of the show) I thought it a 6/10, at it highs it was possibly an 8/10.

I still like the show tho so I'd probably say it a 7-7.5/10 for me. Definitely one of the better shows 2020 had to offer atleast.
Dec 26, 2020 10:40 PM
Dec 2020
Show was all entertaining because of Brawler,Cutthroat & Doc. All other things were shit specially the ending.
Dec 27, 2020 4:10 AM
Apr 2020
Swagernator said:
Power to the people! Eat the rich! Together against police executioners brutality!

You see if i was 12 i would give this show a 6/10, maybe 7/10 for the first like three episodes.

Because it's against police is why it should be rated high. That's a fucking great theme. This anime is a straight 9/10.
Dec 27, 2020 4:41 AM

Aug 2018
This was one of the best looking anime of the year. The only competition I can think of is great pretender but this looks better
_______I like rocks__
Dec 27, 2020 6:35 AM

Dec 2013
Really liked this anime. I thought the ending capped things off pretty much perfectly, some of the allegories are a bit on the nose, but it didn't take away from the anime as a whole. The each character death felt meaningful and I loved the realisation from the executioners when they saw the riot and realised the effects of what they did.

I think a lot of people are missing the main themes about having the freedom to choose your own path in life and following through with your decisions in favour of a cliched anti-establishment story. Not to to say it isn't anti-establishment but if that's your only take away I think you probably missed something.

I had a lot of fun watching this so a solid 8/10 from me.
Dec 27, 2020 6:48 AM

Apr 2016
AnimeScore-RE-ID said:
Because it's against police is why it should be rated high. That's a fucking great theme. This anime is a straight 9/10.

If that's all you need to have a good anime, well i dont know what to tell you.
Dec 27, 2020 9:37 AM
Aug 2020
I absolutely loved this ending. Every minute of it felt epic which was more than fitting for a show that was at 110% for every second of its run. I just absolutely loved these endings for swindler and courier, that swindler embraced being an akudama and courier went to the ends of the earth to save the children beyond just doing he’s job. The music was top notch, the animation was stunning as always and with that ending, I’d love to see a part two that not only looks at where the children ended up, but also let’s us look at the world through a fresh pair of eyes, maybe with some new characters in a different area or at a different time. I really just adore this world and want to see more of it.
Overall 10/10. This is honestly the best anime of the season for me, I loved every inch of it and will definitely rewatch again and again.
Dec 27, 2020 10:46 AM

Jun 2013
It was a decent show. The story was unique. But the history behind the whole Kanto/Kansai conflict is not well explained and I really hated that Bunny and Shark cartoon infomercials.

Additionally, some didn't make sense like Kanto being a deteriorating super computer and needs immortal humans as offering. Or the doctor being able to sew herself back in any given condition.

I liked the characters because they are different in their aspiration and dedication to do something regardless of it being good or bad. And their deaths were also meaningful. However, I couldn't really empathize with the brother/sister duo simply because their desire to be free started an indirect civil war.
Dec 27, 2020 12:27 PM
Jul 2020
7 akudama sacrificed their lives only for the freedom of 2 immortal kids. I mean 5 people, because 2 of them are just impostors in disguise. I have been wondering until now, who exactly is the person behind the scenes ordering the executioner boss, is it human or AI?
Dec 27, 2020 12:35 PM

Nov 2019
R.I.P Hakobiya-San - I really liked him :(
Dec 27, 2020 1:32 PM

Apr 2018
Honestly, one of the good Original Animes to come out this season.

R.I.P Courier and Swindler by far my favorite characters.

Brother and Sister finally escaped with the help of the Akudamas. Really liked how Swindler handled that at the end.
Dec 27, 2020 3:30 PM

Jun 2015
I can kinda see a sequel to this, ok so out if all the akudama courier could very much still be alive they just showed him next to his destroyed bike right and we have that executioner girl with the eye patch she could have come see if he's still alive probably see he is heavily injured decides to help him and maybe she herself from this experience might become a akudama cuz you could see she was kind of questioning what are akudama etc and I guess they could bring in some new characters who had connections to the characters who died, I can see a sequel but it's up to the author whether he wants to continue this or make it a one hit kinda thing but I'd enjoy a 2nd season

Dec 27, 2020 5:30 PM

Oct 2019
Really good show, i'm amazed that pierrot actually did this, animation was very solid and the plot was interesting.

9/10 just because doesn't have an epilogue, dunno, showing how kansai changed after that mess.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 27, 2020 5:32 PM

Aug 2020
It was a great ending, quite bittersweet for the death of all the akudama, the end of Kanto and how Kansai ended,at least sister and brother were able to escape, although the truth is that I didn't like them very much xD
a wise user of MAL said:
Just to clarify, adaptations should absolutely stand on their own
Dec 27, 2020 10:17 PM
Apr 2020
Swagernator said:
AnimeScore-RE-ID said:
Because it's against police is why it should be rated high. That's a fucking great theme. This anime is a straight 9/10.

If that's all you need to have a good anime, well i dont know what to tell you.
It's not but it's a really cool bonus. The story was good, the set piece world was good, acting, art, and pretty much everything else was good too. The only issue I had was the last 10 seconds and that's about it. The show would have benefitted a lot more from 13 vs 12 episodes. Hence a 9 instead of a 10. Not flawless.
Dec 28, 2020 6:02 AM
Mar 2018
Kimurah said:
Finally this house of cards falls down on the last BS card placed on top.

Swindler is probably the second most farfetched character this season that changed so much because of writer's convenience that it's totally unrecognizable in the end. I felt nothing but relief when she was finally taken down by the executioners.

The whole setup by her without any knowledge on how to hack and broadcast is just the icing on BS writing. I bet some people will claim that it was all plan of the hacker all along, and that's just nonsense that he could foresaw Swindler taking the role of a martir in order for his pre-scheduled plan to work out (not to mention a blackout that conveniently saves the kids in the very last second)

The executioners were the most contrived writing piece I've seen in so many years. They were overpowered pieces of a chess board most of the time, but when the story needed to shift gears they were merely pawns as weak as the common citizen. They brought up more complex and heavy machinery in the last two episodes, but still they managed to be outsmarted and defeated by Swindler and Courier all alone. Talking about Courier, his attacks were ridiculous in this last episode, he manages to deflect and kill so many executioners outisde the headquarters of the executioners while being surrounded, not to mention how he takes down all 3 heavy drones sent to capture the kids in the last scenes almost in a videogame like enviroment while using only one hand.

The citizens of Kansai are the dumbest single braincell entities that even make Zoolander look like a Science Nobel Prize winner. They are brainwashed by kanto's advertising using the cartoonish characters, but they are easily swayed by Swindler's broadcast a few episodes ago with her calling card and message about arriving to kansai to dethrone the executioners, and once again they believe everything they see with Swindler's execution on the very same media format that has been brainwashing them all along.

This would probably had worked better in a movie duration format, since neither of the characters were truly fleshed out nor it's enviroment, at least it would had been a quicker mindless popcorn experience with pretty animation and nonsense badassery


i can excuse all of that since it was dumb fun. but holy shit swindler. swindler is just annoying. she makes the dumbest actions with thought process whatsoever, saying shes swindler from the beginning and slapping a murderer for wanting to murder, and GETS AAWAY WITH IT EVERY SINGLE TIME. UNTIL THE AUTHOR LIKE MAKE THIS DRAMATIC. WTF IS THIS SHOW? holy shit kirito gonna teleport away because even he can't plot armor from a fucking guy on a bike who gets his ass beat by a exectuioner on episode 2 and then on the final episodes TAKES DOWN THRE FUCKING ACTUAL SPACESHIPS. im done. im out. dumb fun. but holy shit nothing makes sense unless it makes the terrorists suceeding and looking good.
Dec 28, 2020 6:07 AM

Feb 2017
I definitely didn't expect Swindler to die, was surprised there. I didn't really like episode 11 so I was worried about the finale but it turn out good thankfully. This anime definitely turn out to be a pleasant surprise. I think it needed two cour to live up to it's full potential but it was fun watch nonetheless.
Dec 28, 2020 9:34 AM

Dec 2016
All those destruction and action were top notch. I'm glad they didn't end it like somehow Swindler, Courier and those siblings escaped easily with quite the happy ending. This gloomy happy ending went with this anime well.

In the end Courier proved why he cherishes his bike more than anything XD

Courier calling almost all the women “Kuso onna” Courier you sure you ain't the long lost brother of Samatoki? ◐.̃◐

Loved Swindler's sacrifice scene the most, and the civilian protest following that, it was all really well executed. And those executioners deserved it, they portrayed how governments are really like behind the scenes.

I agree it kinda felt rushed cause of their lack of further explanation of that place called Shikoku. Because of that it should have a special episode focusing on those sibling's life in Shikoku. I really wanna know if there are any living being there or if the siblings will do something to increase the population and start a civilization there.

Pierrot really gave their all in this one. We rarely get this type of unique anime these days. This and Deca-Dence was the best original anime of 2020 for me.

I would give it 8.5 if only there was an option of that on MAL so overall I give it 8/10.
Dec 28, 2020 11:44 AM

May 2015
One of the most fun shows I'v seen in a while. The story and writing could have been better, but I didn't come into the show expecting either of those to be amazing, and that's not why I kept watching either. The spectacle of it all was a real treat.

Dec 28, 2020 4:14 PM

Mar 2014
eh don't give a damn to all main characters
they all are lackluster due to little introductions on character backgrounds. more like they are an errand utilized to launch an incompletely written world.
Dec 28, 2020 4:30 PM
Jul 2014
I am always amazed by the profound lack of perspective that people on this site manage to show at every single show.

I mean, it's clear from the fucking start that any "main character" beyond Swindler will be a mostly 2d character defined by one primary motivation.

By episode 10, it's clear that the end will be about what the fuck happens to the kids and possibly to the city as a result of all that nice police brutality and what's basically a regime based on the people believing that the "Akudama" are supermegaiper villains when they generally seem to be just criminals and the actual motivation that gets them the death penalty is being against the government (and then there are of course the actual psychos like Cutthroat, but it's clear that he is an exception).

Even so, there are people that fail to see it and go out of their way to speak off "underdeveloped character", "no worldbuilding" and bs of this level.

And don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you (general "you", not anyone specifically) are stupid or you taste is shit, because of course not. You have all the right in the world to not like something, it would be absurd to say otherwise.
But for God's sake recognize what is your taste and what is throwing buzzwords around to justify your taste as if it was an objective definition of what's good and what isn't.

This series doesn't give backgrounds because they aren't relevant, the characters are defined by their actions and aren't the center of the story anyway (apart from Swindler's arc).
This series doesn't give a big ass worldbuilding because isn't about it, it's about this specific series of events, the effect they have on the characters and their own little world.

You are entitled to your taste, but if you want to give a serious opinion that tries to be objective you have to be in the framework of the product you are analyzing.
You don't judge Evangelion by the same metric you judge One Piece or Haruhi, you don't judge a 12 episode anime original that doesn't focus on characters as you would judge a series like "March comes in like a Lion", which gets 24 episode for season, a manga source material and has a completely different framework.

The best example (and I won't quote the comment because who cares) is going on a tangent about "plot-holes" in a series where a goddamn motorcycle has a railgun mounted on it and ignores any rule of physics by jumping around like it was made of air.

It's the same principle behind why so many reviews miss the point of "Your Name". Yeah, the plot isn't "nitpicky nerd-prood", but that's not their point. You aren't watching Akudama Drive or Your Name for a perfectly written series of cause-effect relationships, you don't watch them for 2deep4u character interactions, you watch (and should judge them) for what they actually try to accomplish (respectively "an actual cyberpunk story with a dose of action eyecandy about a normal person thrown in a world of violence, where she doesnt' budge from her morality, about choosing to live with purpose rather than simply surviving" and " alove story with magic to make you feel things, not to challenge your brain cells").

Would you go watch Utena expecting straightforward storytelling and a cast of all likeable characters? Would you read/watch Higurashi and expect a fully functional story, with questions and answers all together rather than put in different perspectives? Would you watch a romance like Wotakoi and don't expect characters to have some trope-y behaviour?


Mod Edit: Removed baiting.
anime-primeJan 1, 2021 1:52 AM
Dec 29, 2020 12:31 AM
Apr 2017
Loved it, I'm sad that courier and swindler died in the end but their end was really cool so I'm satisfied.
I really hate this kind of ending tho, no explanations at all.
Anyway, I'm very satisfied so 9/10, awesome anime.
Dec 29, 2020 4:05 AM

Sep 2016
Despite all my complaints on the plot of the previous episodes, the finale is actually quite good on its own.
My favorite highlight is that Swindler finally became a real swindler by taking advantage of her death to provoke public outrage against the Execution Dept. with the help of Hacker's gift.

That being said, I still don't understand why Swindler would like to sacrifice so much to save the 2 immortal kids who she barely knew and has no relationship with. And the studio doesn't bother to give any reasonable explanations so that I can relate to her.
It feels to me that the studio came up with this cool idea that everyone could become Akudama under some circumstances & all the main characters would die at the end, but they struggled with the story line and how to make it smooth to lead to such an end thus the execution is quite off. Besides, the overall story feels very incomplete. How can they be sure that the destination the kids were heading to would be safe for them? Will the executioners still chase them or not? Lots of questions remained unanswered.

It's really hard for me to rate this show. I think we can all agree that the art style & the animations are fantastic. Whereas, sufficient budget didn't bring us with great story. Instead, we only got plot holes everywhere & barely no characterization.
Overall it's around 6-6.5 for me, but I may or may not round it up to 7 because of the finale & some early episodes that I enjoyed watching.
Dec 29, 2020 7:31 AM
Jul 2014
Orikasa_Momiji said:
Despite all my complaints on the plot of the previous episodes, the finale is actually quite good on its own.
My favorite highlight is that Swindler finally became a real swindler by taking advantage of her death to provoke public outrage against the Execution Dept. with the help of Hacker's gift.

That being said, I still don't understand why Swindler would like to sacrifice so much to save the 2 immortal kids who she barely knew and has no relationship with. And the studio doesn't bother to give any reasonable explanations so that I can relate to her.
It feels to me that the studio came up with this cool idea that everyone could become Akudama under some circumstances & all the main characters would die at the end, but they struggled with the story line and how to make it smooth to lead to such an end thus the execution is quite off. Besides, the overall story feels very incomplete. How can they be sure that the destination the kids were heading to would be safe for them? Will the executioners still chase them or not? Lots of questions remained unanswered.

It's really hard for me to rate this show. I think we can all agree that the art style & the animations are fantastic. Whereas, sufficient budget didn't bring us with great story. Instead, we only got plot holes everywhere & barely no characterization.
Overall it's around 6-6.5 for me, but I may or may not round it up to 7 because of the finale & some early episodes that I enjoyed watching.

It's definitely up to interpretation, but my personal take is that Swindler chooses to do because she is already fucked by circumastances (I mean, bomb collar or not they would give her anyway) and she decides that "You can't make of these kids what you want" it's her personal hill to die on.
I mean, all the Akudama we see are basically obsessed by something and go to any length, up to defy the status quo, to just get what they want. She is just a moral version of this, her obsession is refusing that someone may exist only to be used by others, just like Courier is keeping up the gig only because he is obsessed by that original Courier he worked for, whoever she was.
Dec 29, 2020 7:47 AM

Apr 2014
Hyperversum said:
Orikasa_Momiji said:
Despite all my complaints on the plot of the previous episodes, the finale is actually quite good on its own.
My favorite highlight is that Swindler finally became a real swindler by taking advantage of her death to provoke public outrage against the Execution Dept. with the help of Hacker's gift.

That being said, I still don't understand why Swindler would like to sacrifice so much to save the 2 immortal kids who she barely knew and has no relationship with. And the studio doesn't bother to give any reasonable explanations so that I can relate to her.
It feels to me that the studio came up with this cool idea that everyone could become Akudama under some circumstances & all the main characters would die at the end, but they struggled with the story line and how to make it smooth to lead to such an end thus the execution is quite off. Besides, the overall story feels very incomplete. How can they be sure that the destination the kids were heading to would be safe for them? Will the executioners still chase them or not? Lots of questions remained unanswered.

It's really hard for me to rate this show. I think we can all agree that the art style & the animations are fantastic. Whereas, sufficient budget didn't bring us with great story. Instead, we only got plot holes everywhere & barely no characterization.
Overall it's around 6-6.5 for me, but I may or may not round it up to 7 because of the finale & some early episodes that I enjoyed watching.

It's definitely up to interpretation, but my personal take is that Swindler chooses to do because she is already fucked by circumastances (I mean, bomb collar or not they would give her anyway) and she decides that "You can't make of these kids what you want" it's her personal hill to die on.
I mean, all the Akudama we see are basically obsessed by something and go to any length, up to defy the status quo, to just get what they want. She is just a moral version of this, her obsession is refusing that someone may exist only to be used by others, just like Courier is keeping up the gig only because he is obsessed by that original Courier he worked for, whoever she was.

Yeah Swindler is just a morally good character. I mean in the first episode we saw her put her life in danger twice just for a cat. That's why I think sacrificing her life for the kids doesn't seem out of question when you keep that in mind.
Dec 29, 2020 8:04 AM
Feb 2016
Talk about surprise of the season. Courier bike asspull is the most hype action scene this season for me. And swindler, man she really live up to her name. Ngl, dunno if should feel proud or sad. Really hope that bitch executioner dead tho. May the siblings find happiness
Dec 29, 2020 9:36 AM
Jul 2014
Z4K said:
Hyperversum said:

It's definitely up to interpretation, but my personal take is that Swindler chooses to do because she is already fucked by circumastances (I mean, bomb collar or not they would give her anyway) and she decides that "You can't make of these kids what you want" it's her personal hill to die on.
I mean, all the Akudama we see are basically obsessed by something and go to any length, up to defy the status quo, to just get what they want. She is just a moral version of this, her obsession is refusing that someone may exist only to be used by others, just like Courier is keeping up the gig only because he is obsessed by that original Courier he worked for, whoever she was.

Yeah Swindler is just a morally good character. I mean in the first episode we saw her put her life in danger twice just for a cat. That's why I think sacrificing her life for the kids doesn't seem out of question when you keep that in mind.

I mean, it's even logical given the set-up.
She is one of the 6 most wanted people at that moment (cuz Brawler is dead), she has even killed a guy with her own hands and there is no way that she gets out of it with a clean criminal record and her morality intact (the only option she had was bring the sister to the police and pray that they don't kill her on the spot), what she could do? Abandon the kid and hide in a dumpster for the rest of her life? She doesn't have any criminal skill for real, she was dead meat in a short time.

It's logical for her to stand by her ethics and just do the right thing for the innocent kids. Bringing down the system is a nice side effect I guess.
Dec 29, 2020 11:17 AM
Jul 2018
I was saddened by Swindler's death. and it looks like the courier died
Dec 29, 2020 11:50 AM

Nov 2013
So everyone dies - type of ending.
A lot of questions about the world remains unanswered.
But the bro/sis will be the new "Akudama", so that's that.

I wonder if this anime had plot though? It was all action and that's fun and all, but wtf did I just watch? Was the show's goal to save bro/sis, and that's it? Anything deep I'm missing?
Dec 29, 2020 12:18 PM
Jul 2019
The first half was much better than the second and this ending was so rushed that even all the emotions shown in the finale doesn't work.
I enjoyed the overall show but when i finished the show I was like bruhh
I'm not satisfied
Dec 29, 2020 12:40 PM

Jun 2014
When you see scores that are this divisive, you know something is going on. Either people ended up hating it or loving it which means the show will be something special.

I'm happy to announce I'm falling into the latter category and I thought the show was really fucking amazing. It's blowing my mind we got such an original and idiosyncratic vision in the year of 2020 anime just being adaptations of other media. And to be the cherry on top, the story was incredibly ambitious and it stuck its landing.

I'm really happy I didn't drop the show 3 episodes in when it was just really loud and obnoxious FLCL. Under all the initial chaos is a strong emotional throughline propelling the show forward. It's well directed, snappy pacing without being hamfisted, storyboards above and beyond, great character designs- it's all so different from initial first impressions. And we get to see arcs come and go on top of our female protagonist being *the best*. She finds that resolve, never curses fate, and how change can happen one person at a time.

The finale was fucking pitch perfect and I'm still speechless. Also blatantly pulling the christ metaphor on Christmas Eve. It suits how flashy the rest of the show was and it's too good.

And I can go on forever talking about what makes it tick but it's a show greater than the sum of its parts. Ideas you've seen before but collectively and conceptually presented as something new.

Honestly anime of the year for rn (but I still need to watch Decca dence)
SIOPAOBUNDec 29, 2020 12:44 PM
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