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Dec 20, 2020 5:57 AM

Nov 2011
This case was like one racing against time on the track. Sherlock and Moriarty had their hands full trying to solve it before it reaches its destination.

This episode is like a psychological battle to see who can solve the case to the best of their abilities. A perfect case of crime mystery if you ask me.
Dec 20, 2020 5:57 AM

Mar 2019
Very good conclusion to a very good anime, every characters looked very cool and stylish, I loved it. Moriarty is a hard worker and wears awesome suits, I wish I could have the same charisma at work. Sherlock on the other hand is a bad example, being addicted to drugs is bad for work, I wish Moriarty wins in the end. I'd love it if people called me William James Ringare
this looks like me when I spill my cup of coffee
I cant wait to see the next part, I hope I'll be able to meet people working on it
Dec 20, 2020 5:58 AM

Jul 2017
Chapter 16 of the manga: The Two Detectives, Act 2. Logging this episode into the books!

The murder sure wasn't Watson's doing (and retained for now), and with 48 minutes to solve the onboard murder case before the train reaches the next stop, the "game" of Sherlock vs. Moriarty is on!

The unplanned murder that reeks of evidence everywhere, seems like an easy and obvious case, but the truth of the fact is that there's still outliers to be considered.

Moriarty's way of profiling potential culprits vs. Sherlock's way of confronting the scene head-on, reaching the perpetrator is a matter of time, but Moriarty wins this by a hair with 3 minutes to spare and a cinch of "backup" evidence. A case of Noblesse Oblige, indeed.

Watson is reinstated, and both he and Sherlock are back together agin as a duo.

And Mycroft Holmes has entered the scene...along with a huge situation in session. What is he here for, all that will be revealed in Part 2 @ Spring 2021!

For now, a rewarding finish to the 1st Cour.
KANLen09Dec 20, 2020 7:25 AM
Dec 20, 2020 6:00 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
Great final ep, guess this will pick up next season a lot more.
Dec 20, 2020 6:23 AM

Apr 2018
Moriarty is more reckless than Sherlock in his methods but it's still working, the train case was really great, and overall this anime was great anyway, now I can't wait to see the 2nd part
Dec 20, 2020 6:46 AM

Nov 2016
This was a good ass watch. The mystery aspect wasn't significant to me, but cool setting, then the exciting direction with some entertaining characters. And the bishounen aesthetic which is honestly just nice to look at.

One of my favorite series from this year and I'm sure the next cour will be even better.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 20, 2020 6:59 AM
Sep 2015
I'm attracted to stupid masculinity so I'm too distracted by Lestrade. In a show full of intelligence, Lestrade is like a diamond among rocks to me.
Dec 20, 2020 7:02 AM

Sep 2019
I didn't like the last episode/case but it was good overall.

I loved the characters. They made everyone was pretty/handsome and that was a feast for the eyes. Moriarty and Sherlock's brain battles were really entertaining to watch. I'm giving this season a 7/10 with the hopes of getting an even better 2nd part.
Dec 20, 2020 7:03 AM

Dec 2014
Moriaty is more clever then holmes I believe
Dec 20, 2020 7:29 AM

Oct 2017
Moriarty won this round. Welp it's not actually winning but more like a tie. Anyway that was a great way to deduct the case. Sherlock and Watson is back in good terms again and Mycroft Holmes makes his appearance and that's where this cour ends.

Pretty good first cour and now gotta wait some months for part 2. Looking forward to it.
Dec 20, 2020 7:43 AM
Jul 2018
Time passes so quickly. As a result, William's detective was better.
I enjoyed this show so much. 2nd season will be reveal Sherlock's more turn. This show deserves AOTS.
Dec 20, 2020 7:51 AM

Dec 2015
Well well, time to have a little break and wait for april. This was so nice to watch, no regret and how it become an obsession that fast. Mycroft at the end and he has the kind of voice I imagined for him.

Still wonder if they are going to adapt skipped chapters or not but guess I'm gonna seriously read the manga.

set by taiyaki

Dec 20, 2020 7:53 AM

Jun 2019
A nice way to end the season. Seeing Moriarty and Sherlock working was fun to watch. Also, the method Moriarty used was a big brain move. Well, both of em' are big brains. But let's see how next season will represent the story.
Dec 20, 2020 7:57 AM

May 2020
The fact that Sherlock and Moriarty solved the case together and with a time limit, was so refreshing (though Moriarty did the greater part).....and they finally showed Mycroft, I'm so excited for next season!!!
Dec 20, 2020 8:00 AM
Jul 2020
This was a great episode! Smart trick William Pulled...tbh I'd totally do the same if I were near the same IQ level of those two

why is Mycroft so hot lmaoo this is not how I remember him looking. But wtvr. Very excited or S2, glad they already announced it.

Dec 20, 2020 8:07 AM

Feb 2020
Ah, the time has already come without noticing. Yuukoku no Moriarty already ended with a nice last dynamic between Moriarty and Holmes to solved the crime case. Moriarty last line toward Holmes. Well, thats what we called a pure rivality, there. While at the other, its good knowing Watson and Holmes came back to their normal relations again after having a little quarrel before. As you can see at this episode, how Holmes felt so lost after Watson has taken into the custody. It might affected to their next scene at the second cour.

The pov from Moriarty was also an interesting method to show another side of their way to solved the case. So, to short it off, the case already solved without any big issues happened. Now i am sad. However, the last scene already mentioned something interesting too. Its the elder brother of Holmes. So, yeah, pretty much i am very hype to see the second cour of these series with that kind of revelations.

8/10 for these one, without any doubt.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Dec 20, 2020 8:16 AM

May 2019
Another case solved that clearly showed the two leads’ different approaches in handling criminal cases. Holmes is honest, while Moriarty is in favour of creating false evidences.

And at the last scene, Mycroft Holmes makes his entrance.

This has been an amazing Sherlock adaptation so far. Can’t wait for the 2nd season.

And depending on next week’s Akudama Drive finale, this can even end up being my AOTS.
If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend.
Dec 20, 2020 8:28 AM

Sep 2017
Super fun show. Had a blast the whole way through. Cool seeing how Moriarty handled the case versus Sherlock. As he said, the dude prob would have been found guilty in court or w/e, but this method gets the job done faster. Not really familiar with Sherlock lore so idk who this other Holmes guy is but I'm excited for the next season anyway.
Dec 20, 2020 8:30 AM
Feb 2020
Dec 20, 2020 8:33 AM
Jul 2020
A good final episode
Moriaty and Holmes racing on which can solve the case faster
I hope the 2nd season is gonna be good
Dec 20, 2020 8:34 AM

Jun 2014
For some reason I went into this show expecting to possibly not really like it but boy was I wrong. This was an enjoyable ride and one of this season's unnoticed dark horses (along with Taisou Samurai imo). Watching Moriarty pull the strings as he orchestrated murders was great, then the story got better with Holmes becoming involved. That opened the door for great psychological battles between him and our title character. I think this finale displayed that nicely, as they went about solving the same case in drastically different ways. Now we see Holmes' brother in the end and get some setup for next season, which should also be a good one. Can't wait for that.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Dec 20, 2020 8:42 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, you could see the results from the contrasting styles in full force here. Nothing wrong with either but one just happened to be a little more time efficient, that's all.

I like how simple this case turned out to be, too. Definitely makes it harder for us, as fans, to find out the real truth behind the scenes, hence.

And ending the season with a combination of the two great minds, that's brilliant!

Sherlock trying to make up with John Watson though, lol. That was hilarious. Someone tailing him though, how interesting.

Mycroft reveal in the final few seconds before the ED is pretty awesome as well. Man, they really know how to end off on a gripping note. Secret files of the Great Britain though, hoh? I'm sure Moriaty would just love to see that!

All in all, this show turned out to be better than I imagined it'd be. I honestly thought it'd be decent after episode one but since then, it's been mostly great psychology and crime mystery. Especially loved the past from the second episode to the fourth if I'm not wrong, that really just set the tone for me.

Definitely going to miss the glorious Op and ED, on another note. Here's to hoping we get theme songs that are either as good or better for Spring '21!

Going to settle with a solid 8/10 here.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Dec 20, 2020 8:49 AM

Nov 2013
I found the case to be meh, I've seen similar case in Detective Conan which did it better and it also did it with two episode runtime.

Overall this anime is had some nice homage to the original novel but at the end of the day, I don't think it's a good anime. The earlier part were slow and somewhat hard to get through. William and Holmes is okay but they're not charismatic enough, the other two moriarty is essentially useless and episodic characters were terrible. If I want to watch good holmes series, I'll just turn on BBC series instead. I'll still watch the second season just because.
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Dec 20, 2020 8:52 AM
May 2016
Thus begins the wait for season 2

Thankfully the wait is only 3 months
Dec 20, 2020 8:53 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode and a good conclusion to the first cour. When the killer tried to save himself by claiming he hurt himself, I thought of two things. One was that either Moriarty was helping him escape for some unknown reason and asked him to cut his hands and two was that he foresaw this and planted some other kind of evidence on the killer to incriminate him. Turned out the latter was true and an awfully bold move on his part. Sounds like Holmes picked up on what happened.

Overall, this turned out to be one my favorite shows of this season, There have been quite a few anime that have tried to incorporate the story of Sherlock Holmes and put their own spin on them, some use the name only, some try to use similarly named characters but none of them are able to truly carry the spirit of Holmes' detective adventures. This show is perhaps the best rendition of Holmes in anime form I've seen. I love that we started by following Moriarty and now we're switching Holmes. Tons of nice background, I also like that Moriarty's portrayal as more of an anti-hero and an outlaw in some sense rather than the more diabolical evil character he is made out to be in the books and even BBC Sherlock. This show is a very exciting addition to the classical mystery genre, a genre which has suffered from a dearth of good shows for as long as I can remember, the last truly memorable classical mystery show for me was Tantei Gakuen Q and we never even got a proper ending to that one. I truly hope this reaches the same heights.

9/10, can't wait for 2nd cour.

Points for the bishounen art style as well, it is indeed nice to look at as many others have pointed out.
Dec 20, 2020 9:11 AM

Nov 2019
Nice seeing Moriarty and Sherlock go head to head, but if you bend the rules, you're obviously going to be the better one. Lowkey liking how Louis is all annoyed with how Sherlock calls his nii-san Liam~

I see you Mycroft Holmes, with the Queen in the final scene. Can't wait to find our what was stolen and see how the Holmes brothers dynamic will be in the anime ^v^

This is most definitely my AOTS (ignoring my bias, idol animes), so totally can't wait for the next season! Definitely 9/10 for me
Dec 20, 2020 9:57 AM

Mar 2020
The one who comes more prepared will come out victories.

Moriaty may be the winner of this battle however this will not be the last time you face off against him Sherlock, will be a lot of opportunities in the future to go head to head with him again no?

Well by the looks of it we have only seen half of what Yuukoku no Moriarty has to offer as the second cour will hopefully surpass the first cour in every department.

See you in the spring Yuukoku no Moriarty!!

Final score 8.2/10 > 8/10
Dec 20, 2020 10:32 AM

Apr 2020
Moriarty and Sherlock working on a case together and the fact that it's a timer is really gold quality. Our boy William planting blood to all of the crew was really damn clever. He pretty much surpassed Sherlock in this case but the deduction still goes to Holmes. And hey gotta love that Sherlock and John are back together as a duo.

I guess we have a setup for the second season with the Monarchy's stolen files. Ooh Queen Vicky is here as well, that's really nice. And that's it for Moriarty the Patriot. Definitely been an enjoyable watch, a light 9/10 for me, hoping that the second cour will keep the ball rolling for the series.
Dec 20, 2020 10:35 AM

Feb 2019
What a way to end the first cour/season. Moriarty was by far one of the best shows of the year. Wasn’t expecting to be so into this type of show, went for and was blown away. Just goes to show you can never judge a book by its cover. Can’t wait for the second season. We got some really cool setups this episode with the queen. Hype.
Dec 20, 2020 10:40 AM

Jul 2017
nice way to end the 1st cour lmao, the two key masterminds working together (sorta) on this last case. Sherlock shows a more brute force yet ethical method, whereas Moriarty take s a more subtle yet unethical approach. So looking forward to how the end of the next cour is gonna be like

Overall, I really did like this show as a whole. Not everyday we get to see an anti-hero/villainous MC, so right away this show was off to a great start. I did like the uniqueness of each of the cases to an extent (at the very least the execution part) and the bits with Sherlock were also nice to see

Dec 20, 2020 10:46 AM

Oct 2020
Solid conclusion to the first cour.
Can't wait for the second cour in Spring next year. Mycroft in the end have me all hyped me

Solid 8/10
Dec 20, 2020 11:12 AM

May 2018
So, Moriarty has nothing to do with the crime this time. OOOOOH hooo, it looks like Louis is getting jealous at Sherlock, he seem to can't wait to stabbed him to death.

So, how do Holmes and Moriaty differ, well, both were cunning , but one is willing to play dirty.
Dec 20, 2020 11:26 AM

Aug 2019
A fine end for the first cour. I didn't like the anime for the first few episodes but gladly it picked up the pace, Sherlock's introduction and his detective battle with William taked the show to another level.
Now the wait for the second cour starts.
Dec 20, 2020 11:27 AM

Feb 2017
The show was a really fun watch so far. Can't wait for the second cour. Direction was very good and it looked consistently good. It was satisfying to watch over-the-top nobles getting killed in Moriarty's intense schemes and plots. On the other hand Sherlock was fun for his joyful and carefree nature. Looking forward to see how plot develops in the future, especially now with Sherlock's brother in the picture.
Dec 20, 2020 11:27 AM

Sep 2018
As a die-hard fan of Sherlock Holmes (who has read the books as well) all i can say is that this show was actually brilliant! I watched all episodes with great enjoyment and anticipation. It's become one of my favorites and i started reading the manga.

On this episode we saw Irene Adler (?) probably and the next season will start with the story "A Scandal in Bohemia". I really can't wait for it.

And Moriarty fulfilling his "noblesse oblige" wow i am fangirling very hard right now.

BitsimaJan 25, 2021 9:06 AM
“Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.”
~Hunter S. Thompson

Dec 20, 2020 11:34 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Most underrrated show this season, bar none. And a gutsy adaptation of Sherlock Holmes lore. They do a lot of stuff differently to the books/short stories, but it's still very well solved and executed. Look forward to season 2 with Mycroft in the mix now.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 20, 2020 12:00 PM

Nov 2012
And Mycroft finally makes his appearance! Season 2 should be interesting. William will find out Sherlock is also a noble.
Dec 20, 2020 12:05 PM
Dec 2019
This is anime of the season imma say it
Wataru doesn't care about the genuine thing
Dec 20, 2020 12:15 PM

Jun 2011
A nice way to wrap things up for this season. However I found the conclusion to be a little underwhelming. They also led us to believe John was injured last episode, at least to me. But him being implicated as the murderer works too.

Overall, I really enjoyed this show. It only got better with every episode. As someone who isn't keen on cruel and graphic shows, once this got past the second or third episode, it got so intruiging and entertaining watching Moriarty work. Characters were interesting, the plot was well written, and moral ambiguity of Moriarty's tactics kept me at the edge of my seat. While some of the villains seemed a little cartoonishly evil and certainplots weren't exactly original, I'm very excited for the next season; as I can only imagine the battle between Holmes and Moriarty continues to ramp up.

Dec 20, 2020 12:24 PM

Feb 2020
Extremely well wrapped up by Holmes and Moriarty. Loved how they solved the case. Also picked up a few things myself, but I couldn't possibly deduce the murderer, haha.

I wonder who this "Majesty" is, whether she is a high ranking noble or simply the Queen. Whatever it is, I can definitely see it setting up the plot for the next cour.

Really liked this series from beginning to end. Each mystery was well done, and the characters are much enjoyable. A very good historical anime, and helps fill the void of new historical-themed series.
Dec 20, 2020 12:35 PM

Jul 2020
Yeah, pretty solid show, I really like the second half of the show and am excited for the second cour. Hopefully, they expand on the side characters a little bit. So, with that said, 8/10.
Dec 20, 2020 1:09 PM

Apr 2018
Great Final ep and the ending really pulls you in for Season 2. Would recommend watching this. Cant wait for Season 2.
Dec 20, 2020 2:30 PM
May 2019
Solid 8/10
Waiting for season 2 in spring
Dec 20, 2020 3:14 PM

Jun 2019
Solid conclusion. Sherlock and Moriaty’s different approaches to solving problems (legally vs. illegally) was highlighted well. A pretty solid anime all around.
Dec 20, 2020 3:26 PM

Jan 2010
well I guess since this ep ends before a new arc starts, it makes sense that the first cour isn't going to 12 episodes. Looking forward to the second cour in April!

I did start reading the manga. The anime did leave out some chapters involving stories centered around Albert and Moran. Yet I think the main reason for that is that the manga implements characters from a different IP. So maybe for copyright reasons the anime didn't adapt those chapters. Yet that could be an issue further on in the anime adaptation I would think? They may not be able to cut out all that content with those characters if it messes up the story. Unless the anime writes in anime-original content, which could certainly happen.

There was also another story earlier on that gave a little character development to Fred and Louis. But Sherlock wasn't apart of the story, so that may be why the anime didn't adapt it. It also involved lots of violence towards child victims, pretty dark and unpleasant stuff, so that could be another reason why the anime left it out.

But the downside of not including those chapters, is that it takes away from giving Albert, Fred, Moran, and Louis a little more character development. But all in all this season was pretty enjoyable, my AOTS after JJK...

The manga has been fan translated, but only up to chapter 27? The manga is currently at 13 volumes so the fan translations are way behind. It did recently get licensed by Viz, so I guess the fan translating group has dropped the manga.
Dec 20, 2020 3:27 PM
Aug 2018
He claimed to cut himself through the glove but none of them even thought of inspecting the glove for damage? Clearly, the knife has to pierce the glove before it can reach the hand.
People with low average anime scores don't have high standards. They are just bad at choosing good anime to watch.
Dec 20, 2020 3:38 PM

May 2020
I really enjoyed this show, the train scene in episode 10 definitely brought this show above TGCF for me (but TGCF isn't over yet so that might change) and cemented it as my AOTS

I can't wait until the second cour

8/10, would watch again
GloryosityDec 20, 2020 4:11 PM
Dec 20, 2020 4:03 PM

Mar 2016
I was making the deductions along with the characters, and it was fun to reach a similar conclusion as them. This is why I like Sherlock Holmes stories.

I can't believe Sherlock didn't look all over the staffs' bodies. Or, maybe he did, which was why he knew about Moriarty's lie.

Who decided to make Sherlock say "bollock brains"? I can't imagine Sherlock swearing and he didn't really swear in the Japanese version, but it was still hilarious.

Mycroft looks so classy and he speaks as well. I always imagined him looking like a mess. And, wasn't he really quiet in the stories?

I can't wait for the next season. I really want to see how they show Sherlock and Mycroft's relationship. It was so fun in the books. And, Mycroft is supposed to be more intelligent than Sherlock.
Dec 20, 2020 4:23 PM
Mar 2019
Decent anime overall. Wasn't the biggest fan of Sherlocks intro along with Watson because it could have been covered in a quick flashback. The portrayal of moriarty was really good though, I never knew much about his character having only watched the Robert downy Jr Sherlock movies but having a machiavellian approach makes him fascinating.
Dec 20, 2020 4:27 PM

Apr 2019
enjoyed this most of the time, will definitely be watching s2. 5-6/10.

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