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Dec 4, 2020 1:30 PM
Jun 2020
Okay, that was a fast episode I loved it. Bye-bye Cutthroat.
Dec 4, 2020 1:34 PM
Apr 2020
After the episode of the fight with brawler and the master executor there is only decline,is a waste of a promising anime.
Dec 4, 2020 2:54 PM

Mar 2017
I've been waiting for Cutthroat to snap for ages and there were hints along the way that he was obsessed with killing Swindler, but that was frickin' intense! It was pretty badass that she killed him considering they were comrades for a while but it just shows that she's crossed a line.
Dec 4, 2020 3:08 PM
Dec 2020
So...Cut throat is a lying psychopath. Go figure lol
Dec 4, 2020 3:10 PM

Mar 2020
Sister was really cute imitating Swindler. And the cutthroat went crazy for good. A shame that censorship almost covers the entire screen.
"I don't want to achieve anything, I just think that the person who has the greatest freedom in the ocean is the king of pirates." - Monkey D. Luffy.
"There is no one better than me when it comes to ending the expectations of others." - Natsuki Subaru
Dec 4, 2020 3:10 PM
Dec 2020
Go figure cut throat is a lying psychopath lol. Am I the only one that said "Here's Johnny!" When he peeped through the door lmao
Dec 4, 2020 4:14 PM

Oct 2016
Fantastic episode, 2nd half of the episode really went full on The Shining. Well makes sense it is the title of the episode. Plus that "Here's Johnny!" from Cutthroat lmao. That explains why Cutthroat was sticking with and protecting Swindler, he was waiting until she was ripe for killin'.

Swindler continues to amaze, having a hard time deciding if Elaina or Swindler is best girl this season, Imma just say both lmao. Sister was also very adorable this episode, defending Swindler from Courier's shit mouth. Really looking forward to the next episode.
Dec 4, 2020 4:42 PM
Jul 2018
I loved the episode but let me just start off with- WHY CENSORSHIP. Like literally, if it has a warning in the beginning of the show that lets people know that its a MATURE show, then why on earth would you black out the screen every time a scene with a little blood came on? It's not like six year olds are just randomly hopping on to watch akudama drive so why censor it? It took a lot away from me in this episode. Literally 6/7ths of the screen would be blacked out. it was incredibly annoying.

The animation however was really amazing. Just wish the censorship coulda just like- not.

Other than that, I'm really glad with the direction things are taking. I just kinda hope they could have made more episodes so then maybe there could've been more development going on rather than him just like randomly screaming red and liking her for utterly no reason. They could've expanded on the red thing? I don't know, things just seem really fast paced right now, and characters are getting killed off right and left. Maybe swindler and the siblings could be the only ones left in the end. Cutthroat was my favorite character at that point, an now that he's dead... I don't know. We'll see.

As for doctor, she's annoying. Thats it. I thought she was gonna be my favorite character, and her appearance in the trailer was what motivated me to watch the anime because of how much I liked her character design. Guess she slept with our main man, which I didn't think would happen cause she doesn't really respect him. Like I always thought she saw him as beneath her, but whatever I guess.
Dec 4, 2020 4:49 PM
Sep 2014
I thought him just straight up trying to kill her like this was kind of strange. Like sure he has expressed desire before, but he pretty much always defended her. I'm guessing it's because there's no longer a mission? Also him surviving this long with that injury is ridiculous and that random power was pretty left field. Also like we know absolutely nothing about his history etc which is :/
Dec 4, 2020 4:50 PM
Jul 2018
Raizel said:
There goes my fav character to ruins... man can't we have an ending where he helps
swindler instead of trying to kill her, last week when I saw the title I instantly knew
shit gonna happen and Cutthroat goes berserk.

Doc is having sex with Hoodlum in a 5 star hotel and she claims to want to control death what a maniac and she claims to be a lot more older than she looks kinda feeling bad for the people in the forums simping for her lol, and of course Hoodlum just did it with a baba.

Honestly yeah. I reaaalllly wanted there to be some type of romance arc or maybe a delve into how he became this way (you know, why red~); but this series is twelve eps too short and they really just wanted to rush it.

It felt anticlimactic to me; this was kind of like the cheap route. I knew he was gonna turn on her too and it was kinda a let down. Not in how he went insane, cause that's what I was hoping for the entire time, but how he went berserk on her. And yeah, they've killed my favorite character too. It's funny cause Brawler, Hacker and Cutthroat were my favorites and now all that's left are the annoying or "meh" characters. I really couldn't care less about courier either. Never liked him from the beginning.
Dec 4, 2020 5:07 PM
Aug 2020
Damn cutthroat going full on crazy this episode was awesome, I absolutely loved it. That shining moment in the bathroom, I knew he was coming but it still made me physically jump when he started banging the door in. I absolutely adored cutthroat, he was one of my favourite characters and I’m so sad he had to go but I love that he went out in a blaze of murderous, red glory. But omg I’m so intrigued I can’t wait to find out what this ‘red’ around swindler is. Speaking of, I will never get tired of her being a badass. Her pouncing on cutthroat like that, damn, I love how far she’s come. Also, this is the best family. Courier low-key looking out for them, swindler the badass mom and sister defending her and literally calling courier a shit, it’s great. Another thing, I may just be clutching at straws because I loved hacker, but I’m clowning myself into believing that door opening wasn’t just because hackers drone touched it, but because hacker is still alive, he’s been watching them all this time and saw swindler was in need so opened the door for her. Don’t fight me, I just want to keep hope. Also, shoutout for hoodlum with dishevelled hair, it’s a look. Also, bigger shoutout to swindlers glowup in the op. That little touch is why I love this show.
Can’t wait to see what’s about to happen with everyone rioting, things really kicking off, and it looks like we’re getting a showdown between doctor and pupil. Also, a brawler mention from hoodlum, what’s up????
Dec 4, 2020 7:03 PM
Aug 2019
Is it just me adjusting to it or does Swindler's hair look way better in this episode?

also rip Cutthroat x Swindler
Dec 4, 2020 7:27 PM
Dec 2015
Anybody know about the other Tookyo games projects that were announced? This and the death game for kids are out but the other two haven't had any update at all. I hope they weren't cancelled based on how well this turned out.
Dec 4, 2020 10:31 PM

Jul 2020
What's up with the red ring thing Cutthroat sees on top of Swindler's head? Is it all on his head? A hallucination perhaps or is it something else? Needless to say, he literally went full psycho in this episode.

I accept random friend requests!
Dec 4, 2020 11:06 PM

Dec 2020
pacmanyo said:
InsideGrave said:
I doubt there will be more to his character. Cutthroat was just there in the show to provide safety to Swindler in first few episodes which he did. They aren't gonna any explanations to his red superpower either, I could be wrong though

They might be setting up background stuff for a sequel. They spent a decent amount of time doing the whole "red angel" thing, it would be fairly strange if it would just go nowhere.

Or maybe it is just done and done. Don't mind either way as I will view this show as an enjoyable popcorn flick until they try to pay-off all the background setup.
Agree, it is exactly like that for me since the beginning. Over the top action, unreliatic scenes and stuffs

Sequel !! I won't be sure about that. It's an anime original so I don't expect it to have one
Dec 5, 2020 2:31 AM
Mar 2020
Im actually speechless. Like. Holy shit. Alright. maxing out that score.
Dec 5, 2020 2:54 AM

Jul 2016
krukrooo said:
What's up with the red ring thing Cutthroat sees on top of Swindler's head? Is it all on his head? A hallucination perhaps or is it something else? Needless to say, he literally went full psycho in this episode.

In his head but also signifies the importance of Swindler as a character.
Dec 5, 2020 8:00 AM
May 2017
Wow, this was one impressive episode.

In the early few episodes it was kinda weird, how these supposedly "most wanted" akudamas were playing buddies and all, but it is good to see that it only was because they had an explosive collar on their necks and most of them really are incredibly dangerous lunatics.

Also the OP is fantastic, I have never once missed it, and it is a nice touch, that they changed her hair to short in a couple of scenes in it.
Dec 5, 2020 9:17 AM
May 2017
Swantje said:
In the first, what, 5 episodes the two executioners were badass. They were clearly a match for the Akudama. Not only did they not address how the Akudama escaped all those executioners a few episodes ago, but now Cutthroat just manages to break in their likely heavily fortified headquarters and manages to kill every single one? Wtf? Why were they nerfed so much?

Those 2 executioners were the elit of the elit (especially the guy), likely not every single executioner is as well trained as them. They didn't expect an attack on the HQ, the best trained executioners probably don't sit in HQ all day, and because of the riot in the city they probably sent out most of the combat personnel, so probably mostly the administrative workers and security guards got left behind.

Swantje said:
Also, Swindler's hypocrisy is off the charts, and it doesn't seem like the writers are ever going to address it. She literally ignited a civil riot that resulted in vigilante killings of probably also innocent people, and she just jokes about it, but still gets angry at the thought of Courier possibly killing those two executioners??

Just an episode before those very same people chased her out of the city, for all she cares they can murder each other in the riots as much as they want to.
She probably still does not want people to die for no reason (the riot was needed so they maybe can get the brother), also she doesn't want to show bad example to the little girl.

Swantje said:
And I guess they're never going to bother explaining any character's backstory or how they got their wacky powers.

I have thought about this a little. I don't think akudamas even have any powers. I think the word "akudama" means "dangerous criminal", after all Ordinary Person was officially ruled as one, without her displaying any sort of powers. The S rank akudama we have been following are just really talented in their own field (fighting, hacking, surgery), they just didn't use their talents for good causes.

Swantje said:
This disappoints me the most, I really thought they were going to develop Cutthroat as a character a bit more, but no, he started as an insane psychopathic serial killer and dies as one. I don't have a problem with him dying but he literally went through no character development at all.

I don't think he needs a backstory or anything, it is pretty clear he is clinically insane, there is no need to explain it any further. But we did get an explanation for why has this lunatic serial killer been playing white knight for the main girl in the early episodes.
imSOuniqueDec 5, 2020 9:22 AM
Dec 5, 2020 11:10 AM
Sep 2012
Okay, I'll rewatch the series in BD version once it's out and someone is gonna upload it on kissanime-like websites. Gosh the censorship in this episode was awful
Dec 5, 2020 11:34 AM

Jan 2014
Not going to address everything here, but

imSOunique said:
Swantje said:
In the first, what, 5 episodes the two executioners were badass. They were clearly a match for the Akudama. Not only did they not address how the Akudama escaped all those executioners a few episodes ago, but now Cutthroat just manages to break in their likely heavily fortified headquarters and manages to kill every single one? Wtf? Why were they nerfed so much?

Those 2 executioners were the elit of the elit (especially the guy), likely not every single executioner is as well trained as them. They didn't expect an attack on the HQ, the best trained executioners probably don't sit in HQ all day, and because of the riot in the city they probably sent out most of the combat personnel, so probably mostly the administrative workers and security guards got left behind.

Yeah, I know they explicitly mentioned that they incited the riot to lower the defenses of the HQ. But it's still not logical. Cutthroat was literally limping, and he still managed to take out all those executioners that probably all attacked him at once? Yeah, sure, those two executioners were the best of the best, but it's seriously pathetic if all those other executioners can't even take out one Akudama. Also, all those dead people were wearing executioner uniforms, so I doubt the implication here was that they were low ranking personel.

imSOunique said:
Swantje said:
Also, Swindler's hypocrisy is off the charts, and it doesn't seem like the writers are ever going to address it. She literally ignited a civil riot that resulted in vigilante killings of probably also innocent people, and she just jokes about it, but still gets angry at the thought of Courier possibly killing those two executioners??

Just an episode before those very same people chased her out of the city, for all she cares they can murder each other in the riots as much as they want to.
She probably still does not want people to die for no reason (the riot was needed so they maybe can get the brother), also she doesn't want to show bad example to the little girl.

That doesn't make any sense. The executioners literally want her dead and kidnapped the Brother. If she hates innocent civilians for chasing her out of the city, she should also hate executioners for wanting/trying to kill her lol. Also, the Sister witnessed her killing those 3 dudes before, and yeah, they obviously weren't innocent and had very bad intentions, but so do the executioners.
Dec 5, 2020 9:51 PM

Aug 2020
The censoring is really getting to me but damn we got a really dark and creepy episode. I just really don't understand how the riots happened. It's not like it's the first time that akudama were shown on the streets right? It just doesn't make sense how things got so out of hand. The only problem I have with this is that none of their actions really get justified. There are no reasons for them to act why they do. But I think I can let it slide. Maybe we'll get an episode tackling their past.

Overall really interesting episode especially seeing the mind of cutthroat.
Dec 6, 2020 2:10 AM
May 2017
Swantje said:
Yeah, I know they explicitly mentioned that they incited the riot to lower the defenses of the HQ. But it's still not logical. Cutthroat was literally limping, and he still managed to take out all those executioners that probably all attacked him at once? Yeah, sure, those two executioners were the best of the best, but it's seriously pathetic if all those other executioners can't even take out one Akudama. Also, all those dead people were wearing executioner uniforms, so I doubt the implication here was that they were low ranking personel.

Just think of a modern police HQ, 90% of the people in there are administrative workers, because the "real" cops' job is not to sit in the HQ all day, but to patrol, go after ciminals etc. And for all we know they could all wear the same uniform regardless of position, I mean every executioner we saw has worn the same uniform.
And the Cutthroat probably didn't attack them all head on, that is not his style, he probably sneaked from room to room, etc. Despite him being injured he was still maybe the most dangerous akudama alive, he could have killed Swindler instantly as well if he wanted to, but her being his "true" target he wanted to do it "ritually", not just strike her down. And the fact that he was already pretty beat up made it possible for Swindler to win at all.

Swantje said:
That doesn't make any sense. The executioners literally want her dead and kidnapped the Brother. If she hates innocent civilians for chasing her out of the city, she should also hate executioners for wanting/trying to kill her lol. Also, the Sister witnessed her killing those 3 dudes before, and yeah, they obviously weren't innocent and had very bad intentions, but so do the executioners.

Idk hate is probably a strong word, she still wouldn't go around kill any of them on sight, but certainly doesn't feel much compassion for them.
I still don't think she would kill anyone, if there is an other choice, but against the 3 human traffickers she was in an extreme situation where there simply wasn't an other way. The human traffickers were indeed truly "evil", but that 2 executioners were just everyday people, following orders.
Dec 6, 2020 3:24 AM
May 2017
dompsterfire said:
The censoring is really getting to me but damn we got a really dark and creepy episode. I just really don't understand how the riots happened. It's not like it's the first time that akudama were shown on the streets right? It just doesn't make sense how things got so out of hand. The only problem I have with this is that none of their actions really get justified. There are no reasons for them to act why they do. But I think I can let it slide. Maybe we'll get an episode tackling their past.

You probably already noticed that the political situation in Kansai is really far from the ideal democracy. Kansai lost the war and now basically it is being controlled by Kantou (they are the faces the head executioner was getting orders from). After the war, of course, conditions were terrible, they made out the akudama as scapegoat who people can blame for their terrible situation (just like Germany after the 1st world war did it with the jews). You can guess how dire the situation is when you see people praying to a fkin train, the Shinkanzen. They are controlling the people with fear: the akudama are the public enemy. In ep 1 we could see that the public execution of the Cutthroat was a major event in the city. Akudama aren't even bad scapegoats, as most of them are dangerous criminals. Now, I don't think we know (yet?) how the akudama came to be, did they excommunicate criminals, or excommunicated people became criminals (having no other way to earn money other than from crime), but we can also see not all of them are lunatics (for example Carrier, Hacker, Hoodlum), so maybe even after a minor crime people are stigmad as akudama and never let back to the society again (it would be a problem if the society runs out of public enemies).
Anyway so all this has been working fine and all, up until now the akudama has been just committing random crimes, but now it seems they are actually doing some pretty serious stuff, like robbing/destroying the Shinkanzen (an object of admiration throughout the entire city), and now the akudama, the public enemy apparently have a leader who threatens to destroy the city.
The Swindler probably didn't quite want all this, but it did serve its purpose of weakening the executioner HQ's defenses.

We mostly know all major characters reason, Brawler was just a maniac wanting to fight anything, Hacker wanted to get out of the city, Hoodlum and Swindler were just going with the flow (+ money), Carrier for the money and he is kind of the only good guy (someone has to be :D), we got to know Cutthroat and the surgeon lady's reasons this ep. Also in the first half of the season having a bomb on their necks was somewhat overwriting their original purposes. The kids wanted to go to the moon, but as it turns out it is not a possibility. Swindler now wants to help the kids, since she has nothing else to do, nowhere to return to, being an akudama she cannot continue her old life. But yeah, the end goal is so far pretty much a mystery.
imSOuniqueDec 6, 2020 3:50 AM
Dec 6, 2020 3:49 AM

Jun 2019
So, in the future, we're gonna have tomatoes as a rare item. Lol
Anyway, the episode in itself was creepy as hell.
Dec 6, 2020 3:49 AM

Aug 2020
imSOunique said:
dompsterfire said:
The censoring is really getting to me but damn we got a really dark and creepy episode. I just really don't understand how the riots happened. It's not like it's the first time that akudama were shown on the streets right? It just doesn't make sense how things got so out of hand. The only problem I have with this is that none of their actions really get justified. There are no reasons for them to act why they do. But I think I can let it slide. Maybe we'll get an episode tackling their past.

You probably already noticed that the political situation in Kansai is really far from the ideal democracy. Kansai lost the war and now basically it is being controlled by Kantou (they are the faces the head executioner was getting orders from). After the war, of course, conditions were terrible, they made out the akudama as scapegoat who people can blame for their terrible situation (just like Germany after the 1st world war did it with the jews). You can guess how dire the situation is when you see people praying to a fkin train, the Shinkanzen. They are controlling the people with fear: the akudama are the public enemy. In ep 1 we could see that the public execution of the Cutthroat was a major event in the city. Akudama aren't even bad scapegoats, as most of them are dangerous criminals. Now, I don't think we know (yet?) how the akudama came to be, did they excommunicate criminals, or excommunicated people became criminals (having no other way to earn money other than from crime), but we can also see not all of them are lunatics (for example Carrier, Hacker, Hoodlum), so maybe even after a minor crime people are stigmad as akudama and never let back to the society again (it would be a problem if the society runs out of public enemies).
Anyway so all this has been working fine and all, up until now the akudama has been just committing random crimes, but now it seems they are actually doing some pretty serious stuff, like robbing/destroying the Shinkanzen (an object of admiration throughout the entire city), and now the akudama, the public enemy apparently have a leader who threatens to destroy the city.
The Swindler probably didn't quite want all this, but it did serve its purpose of weakening the executioner HQ's defenses.

We mostly know all major characters reason, Brawler was just a maniac wanting to fight anything, Hacker wanted to get out of the city, Hoodlum and Swindler were just going with the flow (+ money), Carrier for the money and he is kind of the only good guy (someone has to be :D), we got to know Cutthroat and the surgeon lady's reasons this ep. Also in the first half of the season having a bomb on their necks was somewhat overwriting their original purposes. The kids wanted to go to the moon, but as it turns out it is not a possibility. Swindler now wants to help the kids, since she has nothing else to do, nowhere to return to, being an akudama she cannot continue her old life.
that's really good wow. now i get it. takes for pointing that out.
Dec 6, 2020 5:35 AM
May 2017
dompsterfire said:
imSOunique said:

You probably already noticed that the political situation in Kansai is really far from the ideal democracy. Kansai lost the war and now basically it is being controlled by Kantou (they are the faces the head executioner was getting orders from). After the war, of course, conditions were terrible, they made out the akudama as scapegoat who people can blame for their terrible situation (just like Germany after the 1st world war did it with the jews). You can guess how dire the situation is when you see people praying to a fkin train, the Shinkanzen. They are controlling the people with fear: the akudama are the public enemy. In ep 1 we could see that the public execution of the Cutthroat was a major event in the city. Akudama aren't even bad scapegoats, as most of them are dangerous criminals. Now, I don't think we know (yet?) how the akudama came to be, did they excommunicate criminals, or excommunicated people became criminals (having no other way to earn money other than from crime), but we can also see not all of them are lunatics (for example Carrier, Hacker, Hoodlum), so maybe even after a minor crime people are stigmad as akudama and never let back to the society again (it would be a problem if the society runs out of public enemies).
Anyway so all this has been working fine and all, up until now the akudama has been just committing random crimes, but now it seems they are actually doing some pretty serious stuff, like robbing/destroying the Shinkanzen (an object of admiration throughout the entire city), and now the akudama, the public enemy apparently have a leader who threatens to destroy the city.
The Swindler probably didn't quite want all this, but it did serve its purpose of weakening the executioner HQ's defenses.

We mostly know all major characters reason, Brawler was just a maniac wanting to fight anything, Hacker wanted to get out of the city, Hoodlum and Swindler were just going with the flow (+ money), Carrier for the money and he is kind of the only good guy (someone has to be :D), we got to know Cutthroat and the surgeon lady's reasons this ep. Also in the first half of the season having a bomb on their necks was somewhat overwriting their original purposes. The kids wanted to go to the moon, but as it turns out it is not a possibility. Swindler now wants to help the kids, since she has nothing else to do, nowhere to return to, being an akudama she cannot continue her old life.
that's really good wow. now i get it. takes for pointing that out.

np, ofc it might not be 100% accurate, it is just how I connected the dots.
also the reoccurring Bunny and Shark public service announcement (which airs 23 times a day) symbolizes how in for example Nort Korea, China (sadly to a certain extent my little home country Hungary) the state owns all of the media, and they can spread the most obvious lies, since most people literally have no other information source, they will belive it.
imSOuniqueDec 6, 2020 5:41 AM
Dec 6, 2020 1:30 PM

May 2019
I knew that the OP hinted at their deaths (or possibly just their future cuz I don’t think everyone will die). First with Brawler and now Cutthroat. RIP. I loved the madlad.

And damn Hoodlum is actually pretty hot without that hairstyle.
If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend.
Dec 6, 2020 5:35 PM

Apr 2018
Damn this episode gave me chills down my spine.

The little girl is cute tho when she said "swindler ain't shit"

Damn fricken Cutthroat literally annihilated all those executioners to show it to Swindler.
Dec 7, 2020 1:11 PM

Mar 2015
RIP Cutthroat, honestly wasn't expecting him to die second (or 3rd but I have a feeling hacker isn't dead just yet). The bathroom scene actually creeped me out, really fits that this episode was called 'The Shining'.

Also can we talk about Cutthroat beating the shit out of the execution department while being crippled? Man's got some real murdering skill.

Bedhead Hoodlum is kind of a cutie ngl. But the end of the next episode preview though...pls let him live
Dec 7, 2020 8:29 PM

Oct 2008
Cutthroat's VA Sakurai Takahiro performance was crazy awesome!

Dec 8, 2020 12:24 PM

Oct 2017
I like how the later half of Akudama turns from the earlier dumb super hero gang and battle friendship into a bloodlust horror film XD

Didn't expect there'd be such sharp transition.
Hard to imagine how these guys can work together in the first place XD.

At this point I think cutthroat and doctor are done very well in terms of characteristization since they're the one who's actually ACTING the whole time.

Only the Swinder still make little sense to me.
So she really is NOT acting, and really is just a normal/ righteous girl.
This is such a disappointment because it didn't explain her earlier contradictory motives/ attitudes.

Also hard to believe cutthroat able to kill all those armed people while his leg is injured, yet Swindler can actually fight him at equal footing.

At least this show stay true to the title in later half.
Dec 8, 2020 2:22 PM
Mar 2015
Swindler kicking ass and taking names
Dec 8, 2020 3:44 PM
Nov 2018
It's pretty amazing how Cutthroat could stack all those bodies with only one foot.

Why would people go nuts and start killing random people because there are criminals on the loose? In the first episode we saw two gangs shooting at each other, so the city is already used to murders and plenty of crime. It makes no sense.
Dec 8, 2020 3:50 PM
Nov 2018
Ventus_S said:
Only the Swinder still make little sense to me.
So she really is NOT acting, and really is just a normal/ righteous girl.
This is such a disappointment because it didn't explain her earlier contradictory motives/ attitudes.

Also hard to believe cutthroat able to kill all those armed people while his leg is injured, yet Swindler can actually fight him at equal footing.


I kept waiting for Swindler to turn around and show that she was indeed a master swindler, who has been fooling the viewers all this time. But now I think it is concluded that she isn't, since she shows an interest in being an akudama. It seems that instead, the story is about how she grows into the role as Swindler.

Cutthroat - yeah. I was wondering if Akudama means they have supernatural powers, but it seems they don't. And Cutthroat's seeing the halo is simply insanity. Or it is a power, but clearly powers are not the reason why they are called Akudama. The authorities must know, for example, that Hoodlum, who was arrested before, doesn't have any supernatural power. But now he is classified as an Akudama all the same.
Dec 8, 2020 11:01 PM

Oct 2017
Hegar said:
It's pretty amazing how Cutthroat could stack all those bodies with only one foot.

Why would people go nuts and start killing random people because there are criminals on the loose? In the first episode we saw two gangs shooting at each other, so the city is already used to murders and plenty of crime. It makes no sense.

I mean cutthroat able to fight with one leg injured against a bunch of police with guns, yet he lost to an amatuar like swindler?
It's hard to believe really since cutthroat has shown superhuman capability in earlier episodes.

Also that riot part makes little sense yes because the point is those Akudama WAS infamous WAY BEFORE the Shinkansen incident, that's why they have bounty of 700~900 years. So why only riot NOW?
Dec 9, 2020 7:40 AM

Dec 2016
So glad Swindler killed Cutthroat, his “aka aka” was giving me a migraine. If I was in Swindler's place I can imagine myself stabbing him like a psycho person...But the way they showed Cutthroat again after they left is kinda suspicious, is he really dead?

Does Swindler know that her online post is making people kill innocent people? That action is questionable when she says “Killing is bad”.

Doctor, you wanna control death? Then just create a robot that way you'll definitely achieve your dream.

I won't be shocked if it turns out that the Doctor created herself by sewing random people...

I think Hacker will show up later. It'll probably be like Swindler is in the verge of getting killed by the executioner and Hacker suddenly appears and saves her...

The ending “You're the best bro” the way hoodlum said it feels like he'll be the next one...I hope he doesn't die tho...
Rickydory123Dec 9, 2020 7:44 AM
Dec 9, 2020 12:22 PM

Jun 2011
Things have gone completely sideways as the people start rioting, looking for anything to unleash their rage and fear at. They’re going as far as beheading those who they believe are aiding the Akudama. Very relevant for today actually, but I digress.

Big props to both Swindler and Cutthroat’s actors for their superb performances.Swindler’s screams were very believable and Cutthroart’s sheer psychotic emotional ranting kept me glued to the screen. Ultimately, Swindler once again proves herself by defeating Cutthroat. I kind of wish she cut off his head to ensure he won’t come back, but we’ll see.

So Hacker’s item fell out of Swindler’s bag, it’s something that I’ve thought about over the past 2 episodes, wondering when it’s going to be used. I thought she was going to use it to kill Cutthroat, but it appears to have another use instead.

I can’t really remember why Courier is helping them, but to me it feels kind of weak if it’s “just another job”. I think it’s hinted a time or two that he cares for the two girls, we’ll see if they develop him more. I’d like to see Swindler rip him a new one for not caring about anything other than the next job.

Good for Hoodlum getting some! But looks like he put his dick in crazy, because Doctor seems to want to play god more or less. Her goals aren’t too original, but whatever at this point. I’m wondering if she’ll end up helping the other group or not. She’s still a bit of a mystery with allegiance to no one.

Now Brother is on his way somewhere else. Kanto perhaps? I’d really like to see the mystery revealed for that place, to finally see what’s really going on. I highly doubt that it’s the land of milk and honey that everyone says it is.
Dec 9, 2020 4:20 PM

Aug 2019
This show is such a guilty pleasure. So bad that it's actually really good. People who complain about plot, dialogue or character inconsistencies probably just don't understand this type of art. Stop overanalyzing and enjoy this action packed, crazy ride.

btw I loved this subtle change in the opening with Swindler's hair, small thing but shows attention to details
Dec 10, 2020 11:15 AM

Sep 2016
I hate the lame way Cutthroat died.
I'm so sad.
Dec 10, 2020 12:27 PM

Mar 2009
Congrats on the sex!

Also, Cutthroat lost his damn mind. What happened?
Dec 10, 2020 12:55 PM

May 2018
Finally , Cutthroat jaz kicked the bucket.
Dec 14, 2020 4:23 PM

Mar 2010
Was hoping cutthroat would make a better bait and help them get dat kid back, but alas.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Dec 18, 2020 6:41 PM

Mar 2016
Cutthroat was so annoying! So far, it feels like he has only existed to lengthen the plot. He doesn't do anything important, and is so boring! His voice is also quite annoying.
Dec 24, 2020 6:06 AM
Dec 2015
its pretty interesting watching friends become enemies like this

i think it really did a lot to actually characterize cutthroat too, because up until now they kinda felt like a crazy kid who doesnt fully realize the consequences of their actions (people die if they are killed). i love the innocent murderer trope but it was definitely nice to see their *actual* crazy killer side. i really felt the tension alongside swindler here you know?

it kind of feels like there was a time skip though, with everyone being so different now that theyre separated, even though i know there wasnt?

also hoodlum dont sleep with doctor, respect urself king
Dec 25, 2020 7:08 AM

Apr 2020
Damn, this episode is really creepy, Cutthroat really wanted to kill Swindler, but luckily Swindler managed to kill Cutthroat.
Jan 6, 2021 8:46 PM

Nov 2019
Soooo Doctor wants to be able to control life and death? Didn’t she literally get her head cut off in the first ep, lived, and sewed it back on again? I don’t see how one could control life and death anymore than that.
Jan 16, 2021 6:26 PM

Apr 2016
well cutthroat is dead. it's such a paradox how he went from protecting her to trying to kill her. this anime has been taking some crazy turns lately
Jan 17, 2021 6:27 PM

Aug 2018
goddamn This episode was wild as hell, and ladies and gentlemen that is what happens when you talk to a serial killer
Overall 6/10
Jan 23, 2021 10:48 AM

Aug 2017
Doctor is insane. I bet hoodlum is feeling bad about sleeping with her now XD!!

Cutthroat wanted to kill Swindler all along!!??? Damn didn't expect that!!

Well, he deserved to die anyway!!

And they're transporting Brother now....damn!!

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