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Sep 23, 2020 7:55 PM

Jan 2008
I don't get it. How does the award system work? They got gold but didn't get selected. Was it because there were others that also got gold, and were better? I don't get how it works.
Oct 29, 2020 3:14 PM
Sep 2019
DmonHiro said:
I don't get it. How does the award system work? They got gold but didn't get selected. Was it because there were others that also got gold, and were better? I don't get how it works.

Yes it was what in S1/2 was called dud gold I think, basically you get top prize but don't go to the Nationals (which was also what happened at the very beginning of the series, when they were in Junior High and Reina was very upset about it).

Ah, this must be the feel good franchise I need in my life! The movie felt like a summary of previous seasons, but I loved it nonetheless. Kumiko has become an excellent senpai, and looking at the scene after the credit, there still room for improvement!
That nasty Kanade, you leave Natsuki alone!
Every time an old character appeared on the screen, my heart gave a little jump, from Knuckle-kun to Hashimoto-sensei, but the one I was really waiting for was Asuka <3
Sooo, after this we're gonna have another season, riiiight?

P.S. TRUE singing over the final credits was just a blessing.
IlasmaOct 29, 2020 3:25 PM
Dec 20, 2020 8:58 PM
Oct 2012
That performance was simply gold, rewatched it few times. Other than that, although it is a solid movie to me, it isn't as moving as the other one (which is ironically a spin-off...), Liz and the blue bird.

But overall, even if it did disappoint me slightly, this movie just prove to me even more that I love the world of Sound! Euphonium a lot. I love everything here, especially the characters and their relationships to each others.
Dec 27, 2020 1:40 AM

Aug 2018
I love the Euphonium series
I think i like this movie compare to S1 then S2 still my favorite and the best Eupho installment. In terms of character development this is the worst in all 3 because 2 hrs was not enough to flesh out the new characters, the 1st years and their relationship to one another. This could be better if this done in episodic way. Also i didnt like the drama its just same in previous seasons.

Oh well, this movie still good despite its flaws
I love the new characters especially Kanade yeah she maybe a bit annoying but thats what i like about her shes so diverse as a character i also like how Kumiko tame her lol.

Its understandable that they will not go in Nationals lets accept it they look weaker as a unit compared when Asuka, Kaori and Haruka (previous pres) were around. This year 3rd year did well and also the Yuuko as new pres did great also. Their performance was great but not better than their last performance in S2.

Personally i will give this a 9 but im bias in this series so 10/10
Looking forward for last year of Kumiko i wish they win Gold in Nationals and Hazuki finally get accept in an audition. Lastly I wonder how they will win Gold in Nationals or got pick to play in Nationals in Final season considering the best unit they had when Asuka was around and they only got Bronze. Im thinking how they will pull it off as Kumiko as a pres.
SOP-IIDec 27, 2020 1:43 AM
B O C C H I  S W E E P
Feb 23, 2021 8:09 PM

Jan 2013
this movie in a nutshell was pretty much “damn these first years are even more little shits than we were” for Kumiko and crew lol

not enough Reina tho
dannymilkFeb 23, 2021 8:16 PM
Mar 1, 2021 9:36 AM

May 2015
This movie would be much better if they just skip this forced drama sections.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Apr 2, 2021 6:20 PM

Jun 2019
WTF bruh... I rly loved S1, S2, Monaka and Liz to Aoi Tori... and then, I watched Finale, full expecting Kumiko and the second years went to the Nationals, specially after watching Mizore and Nozomi's struggling and getting better, and the expected improve of Kumuko herself and Reina.

This is a lil bit contradictory to me, bc usually I'm pretty fine with mc not winning nor being the champion of every battle/match they play. But for some reason, it annoyed me af that Kumiko and her band couldn't make it to the Nationals.

Cheering for her in her last high school year!!

Apr 26, 2021 1:04 PM

Apr 2013
That was going very fast, they pretty much cramped one season into a movie. Still pretty good though, even though not as good as Liz to Aoi Tori imo. Animation was on point as usual, sasuage KyoAni. It was also a nice flashback to the other movie seeing Nozomi and Mizore performing.
Jun 23, 2021 6:20 AM

Jul 2014
So, this movie tries to do in 100 minutes what the show had previously done in 26 episodes, i.e. covering an entire school year. And my god it does not work whatsoever. The melodrama in season 2 was bad enough with proper pacing, but here it's just an absolute mess, not least because we barely get to understand all these new first years before we jump straight into their respective pieces of melodrama. In other words, it's the same problem the Mizore and Nozomi drama has at the start of season 2, except with way worse pacing: we don't know who these people are so have no reason to become invested in their melodrama whatsoever. And, by extension, there's no reason to care about them as characters when they are simply devices which exist to allow the melodrama to occur.

In a way, despite my frustrations with season 2's abandonment of the music and focus on melodrama above all else, that felt like an ideal ending point for the series: they made it to Nationals, the third years graduated and moved on and those that remained vowed to move forward and go one step better next year. The emotional impact of that promise being made worked fine, so seeing them try and fail miserably to even get close to that next step just ends up being a disappointment, especially as we end up going through a lot of similar plot and character beats to Kumiko's first year. On the flipside, it is certainly realistic that merely making that promise does not at all guarantee that they'd be able to fulfill it, in much the same way as it was realistic they didn't just win Nationals to begin with.

In the grand scheme of things, I think that's the crux of things for me: regardless of the pacing situation here, I was much more content with season 2 as a conclusion for the Hibike story even if I didn't like a lot of things about it. I won't say this movie is unnecessary, as it definitely serves a purpose in the franchise (and is still beautiful as per the Kyoani norm) but in hindsight I could have gone without watching it. Especially because my investment in the franchise as a whole definitely dropped during season 2, so I already arguably went into this with not exactly the right mindset.

Still 6/10 as it does have its moments and does look gorgeous, but I could have easily slipped this down to a 5/10 for the pacing alone.
Apr 13, 2022 12:26 AM
Jun 2021
I don't know why but i got spammed for dub instead of sub
Jun 25, 2022 9:38 AM

Feb 2021
I know I'm 3 years late but, that's it?

That's it...? I know we're getting more anime adaptations, but this is how Natsuki, Mizore and Nozomi end their final year? Talk about weak ending. Second season ending was quite weak to be honest, but this movie takes it to a whole new level. They crammed what could (or should) be a 13 episode series. We get so few practice moments, we get so few trouble shooting, we get so few character interaction that even the two people who are listed as the main characters DON'T interact that much. Instead we have a lot of that pseudo intellectual character Hisaishi. It's a good movie but I expected more out of this series. No wonder people like Liz and the Blue Bird more. Hope next projects will be better.

Sorry I'm just disappointed.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Sep 30, 2022 7:01 AM

Apr 2018
That was a good introduction for the new 1st year that joined the club, and of course quite a lot of drama and even romance drama on Kumiko's side, though they played really great during the contest so it's even sadder that they didn't get the selection to participate in the next contest this time :( Well hopefully they'll do better in the 3rd season
Oct 28, 2022 1:16 AM

Aug 2020
music and art were great obviously.

definitely shouldve been a whole series but eh whatever they didnt get into nationals in the end. they practically speedran through the whole thing. I didnt really like any of the new first years. As a result a lot of the drama turned out flat which was one of the things i loved about hibike. Its sad that this may be the last time we'll see Yuuko, Mizore, Nozomi, Natsuki and the other senpais. At least it wasn't kumiko's third year that was rushed to shit.

looking forward to season 3 and for them to hopefully end on a banger.

also wtf no way kumiko and shuichi are dating lmao cope mald seethe
dompsterfireOct 28, 2022 1:24 AM
Apr 11, 2023 2:12 AM
Sep 2021
Come here just to say "Im dissapointed, not because the quality, but because the newly member deserves more screentime"
May 17, 2023 2:19 AM

Jul 2021
the drama really fell behind in this movie. it was cheap and no fun. also the shuuichi and kumiko getting together wasn't fully shown, didn't like that. they showed him confessing, kumiko blushing and next we are just supposed to understand they got together? should have specified instead of just showing them together and they don't even act any different, didn't realise they were together until after the agata festival part where they were walking while holding hands.

the performance felt pretty grandeur ngl. it was almost full-length i think and i really enjoyed it. too bad they didn't get to go to the nationals but that was realistic i guess. made me realise that natsuki lost her chance to perform at nationals. feels bad for her.

the post-credit made me happy though, it was great to see kumiko being the president. that just reminds me next season is most likely the end of this series.

overall 8/10. this didn't have the same energy and charm as the episodic format. some thing even felt rushed probably because of the movie length but anyways this was a fun movie overall. looking forward to next season but first gonna watch liz and aoi tora movie.
TsutanaiFuunMay 17, 2023 2:26 AM

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Jun 3, 2023 2:06 PM

Apr 2013
Is this movie Kumiko's entire 2nd year?

Unrelated question, ribbons they use, are the colors for 1 generation all 3 years of high school? They don't change color according to year?
Jun 14, 2023 1:57 AM
Feb 2023
The theatrical OVA that's due out in 2023 is set during the second year while the third year is covered in a new season 3 due out in 2024.

Jul 4, 2023 11:55 PM

Mar 2016
Watching Liz and the Blue Bird before this definitely a good choice for me, adding to the emotion of the full competition performance and not being confused by Nozomi's appearance since she we never saw her before then. As much as I enjoyed it compared to the previous seasons, I really felt I had to drop it a point due to how overly condensed it felt. We got the marching performance and it took until the results before I'd realised the Kyoto competition had been skipped and gone straight to the nationals.

Due to how few 2nd years there were and how many strong 3rd years had graduated, a lot of new 1st years were needed. This added an interesting array of characters to the band and especially the bass section. But due to the format we barey got to see any of them properly and those we did see spent most of the time being 'mendokusai'.

After such a strong performance (thank you KyoAni for doing the FULL piece), it was utterly soul crushing to see them end out with a dud and not even make the nationals. The biggest kick being that we'd seen some now 3rd years making the cut that missed out in the previous year, only to be denied the nationals. The worst part about it being that you've taken 2 season's worth of time and cut it to a 1hr 40min runtime, so we weren't even given fleshed out fun times a group activities before losing them.

Just glad that we did get Liz and the Blue Bird film so at least some characters got screentime that were sidelined in this. While it will be interesting to see how they do in S3 with Kumiko as President it's hard not to feel that it'll end up rather shallow character-wise. We've lost the 3rd and now 2nd years that had to know and love from the S1 & S2, now we only have about 5 of the now 3rd years that we've actually been able to get to know properly. The rest of the cast will be the new 1st years and the now 2nd years who we barely know or care about because we weren't given time to.
Aug 20, 2023 8:35 AM
May 2019
Wow...a few surprises.
Which one do you want? An Addiction or A Good Life?
A) Addiction - a progressive narrowing of the things that bring you pleasure.
B) A Good Life - a progressive expansion of the things that bring you pleasure and includes pleasure through motivation and hard work.
Feb 16, 2024 4:14 PM

Aug 2020
it was a good movie,i really enjoyed the story and the new characters

i was not expecting them to fail even if it is not a bad thing.

i'm ready for the new season...
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Mar 1, 2024 7:39 PM

May 2021
Wild that they didn't even reach Kyoto despite the song being better(mostly the Liz to Aoi Tori section, so freaking good). I can see why they shoved it into one movie though we lost a lot of character development. Also, where my Kumiko noises at?

Shuuichi's confession also came out of nowhere. Thought the movie would be focused on them since they began with that scene. I can see those two dating but probably should have given him more screen time in S2.

Yuuko's after-match speech was pretty impressive. She has come so far from the brat she was in S1.

Mar 5, 2024 10:32 AM

Apr 2014
Damn, wished it was a not a movie but series instead. Oh well.
Mar 24, 2024 7:46 PM

May 2021
Reporting in after my re-watch of the 3rd movie. It's been over a year since I originally watched this film and man I am really glad that I ended up re-watching it.

I think this was a critical point in the series for me. I really started to like Kumiko and Reina's dynamic a whole lot, Natsuki became one of my favorites during this movie, and the whole side story with Mizore and Nozomi was just a great added piece to the puzzle. Other characters are worth mentioning too but for the sake of length I'll keep it at a minimum.

Overall this movie is a banger from front to back. Getting to meet the new first years and getting involved with all of the gossip again was so much fun. Kumiko seeing Asuka before going on stage will always wreck my heart as well. I love those two together so much I wish they would've at least hugged LOL. I also wanted to mention that the studio got very creative with cuts and scene transitions with this film. Something that I don't think I really remembered being the case in my first watch of the film. Anyways it was a pleasure to dive back into this series again and watch it from the perspective of the movies. I decided to watch the recap movies instead of the first two seasons again because I hadn't seen them and they were very much so worth it to get to this point quickly. Can't wait for season 3!
Apr 6, 2024 10:05 AM
Mar 2018
Great movie! Unlike the first two, that were just compilations of the first two seasons, this one didn't feel cramped to me. I thought they did a good job of introducing new characters while still leaving room for established ones. Of course, the plot and character work would've had more depth in a season-long format, but that would be true of any story (the more time you give it, the more you can develop it).

I really like Kumiko's evolution, from new arrival to helpful, guiding force. Kanade really tested my patience, especially at the beginning and up until the whole audition debacle, but I'm glad we got to understand her and see where she was coming from. Also, I was happy that we got to see more of Natsuki (and that she got to play)! With that being said, I am sad that the seniors didn't get to go to Nationals; it feels underwhelming after all they've been through.

Now, in regard to the romance aspect, I feel like the series should shit or get off the pot, to put it bluntly; I'm tired of the whole one step forward, two steps back thing. I'm also disappointed that they keep making little remarks about Kumiko and Reina, without deepening their relationship. I was prepared for it all to be bait, but it still sucks.

On a technical aspect, I have nothing to complain about: the movie looked good, with fluid movement and inspired shot composition; it sounded good as well, with that gorgeous competition scene at the climax. The only ugly thing were those orange uniforms the band wore to march. They should've kept the first season ones...

All in all, aside from two complaints (maybe two and a half if we count the marching crop tops), I'm very happy with this movie!
Apr 7, 2024 3:51 AM
Aug 2021
Currently still watching it and my God, this really should've been a full series with how many plot points they were trying to stuff into this movie... and I'm only 46 minutes in. This feels especially jarring considering how Liz to Aoi Tori was able to focus on one singular plot point throughout its entire duration, which I enjoyed tremendously more.

Edit: Genuinely forgot about any qualms I had about this movie the moment the performance played. Jesus Christ, I nearly shed a tear. Still didn't change the fact that the beginning and some of the middle needed more time for the viewers to actually care about, and I still think this would've worked much better as a series even if it has less than 12 episodes, but damn. Blew me away as usual. (Liz and the Blue Bird is still better, though)
SangyeonApr 7, 2024 4:25 AM
May 12, 2024 9:29 AM

Oct 2017
Rewatching this after so long and damn I still think the second, now third years were done so dirty.
Jul 25, 2024 5:21 AM

Mar 2015
Shame they didn't make it to the Nationals! Let's see what happens in the coming sequels!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Mar 1, 1:35 PM

Jun 2015
The piece they played this time was so beautiful. I expected they wouldn't make to nationals this time though. I guess the rest of the series will be about their attempt to win the nationals for the third time.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
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