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Oct 16, 2020 9:15 AM

Aug 2008
ssjokg said:
Tsukumo_Yuuma said:

I read an interesting theory about the changed game in the 1st episode.

about Satoshi

Tsukumo_Yuuma said:
ssjokg said:

I read an interesting theory about the changed game in the 1st episode.

about Satoshi

InubashiriOct 16, 2020 9:21 AM
Oct 16, 2020 9:48 AM

Dec 2015
Inubashiri said:
ssjokg said:

Tsukumo_Yuuma said:

I read an interesting theory about the changed game in the 1st episode.

about Satoshi

Tsukumo_YuumaOct 16, 2020 9:53 AM
Oct 16, 2020 9:53 AM

Jun 2019
Rena's creepy. Her eyes and Uso Da!!
Oct 16, 2020 10:08 AM

Dec 2018
Sad to not see Shion yet. I did a quick reawatch of the previous series and it's weird to compared the animes.
The scena with Rena wasn't at the level of the original but damn I loved it.
The main problem for me is Keiichi, I feel like he isn't the Keiichi I have known, maybe if I didn't rewatch I wouldn't have to compare with such a "fresh" image but I am appreciating this so far.
Oct 16, 2020 10:32 AM

Sep 2012
Good episode again, but the pace felt a bit more rushed with police belly info-dumping MC.
Oct 16, 2020 10:56 AM

May 2018
This episode it plays out exactly the same as the DEEN adaptation. Was episode 2 an anomaly or something haha
Oct 16, 2020 11:53 AM

Jun 2019
Oof, this was my least favorite episode thus far. The direction in this series up to now is brutal in the sense of to what extent it sacrifices any sense of build-up or atmosphere. Everything just happens suddenly with zoomed in shots, no time leading up to it or after it to really stew and think or appreciate anything, and just very unsubtle.

I can get past the art style since I watched all of the series up to now afterall and the art style and animation is a little different with each season. My preference is for the art style of the first two seasons and the animation of the second specifically. I didn't care as much for the art in any of the seasons/OVAs after Kai, so that is par for the course.

So yeah, Ooishi looked wonky as others have pointed out, but those aspects I've already kind of made my peace with and aren't as big of a deal since the animation/art details and standards is so different across all anime generally that I try to focus firstly on the story and writing, then on the voice acting and music, and only as a distant third the visual component.

My biggest gripe with this at present is direction-based. Everyone (I've only read about the first three pages of this thread for now before I went out last night) who has issues is mainly focusing on the contrast of the famous Rena scene, and I agree it is leagues better in season one like astronomically and almost comically, the birds set to flight in harried synchronicity and how guttural and primal it felt (the reduced weight, tension, and gravity is almost like the gulf between the first two seasons and something like the Kira OVA), but even though Rena is my forever fave, something is actually irritating me more:

I. Can't. Stand. The. Constant. Close-up. Shots. Like, what is the purpose of the constant and continuous zoom-ins to mouths as if to emphasize (over-emphasize) what is being said and remove any ambiguity or subtlety from any of it? It removes any room for interpretation or that dripping psychosis-fueled paranoia of atmosphere for like a broadcast of "This person is doing/saying something bad/evil/villainous!" It's very cheesy. And there is no time in the scene either before or after to really appreciate what it's trying to do in the first place, because the transitions are too quick.

I don't get what some are saying about the pacing, because while the events are arranged and may be happening differently and the episode ending at an earlier point than its corresponding season one episode, everything while it is actually transpiring still feels super quick and rushed.

Apart from the mouth over-focus thing, the best example of what I'm talking about from this recent episode is the scene of Mion, Rena, and Keiichi in the classroom. Keiichi has his head down and is presumed to be resting or sleeping. Mion and Rena are talking about the rumors concerning Tomitake and Takano in the aftermath of the Watanagashi festival. In season one, this was portrayed brilliantly. It's barely audible, which leaves ambiguity over whether Mion and Rena are trying to be discreet and secretive vis-a-vis Keiichi and/or the other classmates, whether they think he is sleeping, and whether Keiichi is picking up on something he wasn't meant to hear, is half-asleep or faking sleeping, all against the backdrop of the ambient white noise of the pitter patter of rain. Something with such sinister or grave implications being discussed in an ordinary setting at a low volume because it leaves room for interpretation over if Keiichi is meant to hear what he is hearing, the unreliable narrator POV, and is positively dreamlike. The shots are panning and cloaked in shadow.

In this version, Mion and Rena just discuss it in what's portrayed at a more normal volume and then zooms into to their faces with bright close-ups like they're casually discussing today's lunch or any other mundane occurrence. Atmosphere sapped and neutered.

Basically, I'm still in it as I will continue to be for any new material, but everything recreated just seems very ham-fisted as well as lazily portrayed and dumbed down/watered down. More like the quality of aspects of the later seasons/OVAs then the first two, unfortunately.
WatchTillTandavaOct 16, 2020 12:04 PM
Oct 16, 2020 12:10 PM

Aug 2008
Tsukumo_Yuuma said:

Oct 16, 2020 1:18 PM

Nov 2008
Byniavo said:
This episode it plays out exactly the same as the DEEN adaptation. Was episode 2 an anomaly or something haha

There are some differences like the details of Takano and Tomitake's disappearances and Rena's post-uso da speech is totally new. Rena especially I think might have a totally different role from Onikakushi where

It's a lot more subtle than episode 2 which just drops a bunch of late Kai reveals immediately but there's definitely some wacky shenanigans going on here.

xhiraeth said:
Sad to not see Shion yet. I did a quick reawatch of the previous series and it's weird to compared the animes.

She's my fave so same but since this is like a different take on the Onikakushi scenario where she isn't involved I'm fine with her not showing up yet. When they start fucking with Watanagashi I'm sure we'll get some primo Shion content.
KeirikOct 16, 2020 1:28 PM
Oct 16, 2020 1:33 PM

Jun 2013
WatchTillTandava said:
In season one, this was portrayed brilliantly. It's barely audible, which leaves ambiguity over whether Mion and Rena are trying to be discreet and secretive vis-a-vis Keiichi and/or the other classmates, whether they think he is sleeping, and whether Keiichi is picking up on something he wasn't meant to hear, is half-asleep or faking sleeping, all against the backdrop of the ambient white noise of the pitter patter of rain. Something with such sinister or grave implications being discussed in an ordinary setting at a low volume because it leaves room for interpretation over if Keiichi is meant to hear what he is hearing, the unreliable narrator POV, and is positively dreamlike. The shots are panning and cloaked in shadow.

In this version, Mion and Rena just discuss it in what's portrayed at a more normal volume and then zooms into to their faces with bright close-ups like they're casually discussing today's lunch or any other mundane occurrence. Atmosphere sapped and neutered.

You're absolutely right, tho I think it could also be a sign that
Oct 16, 2020 2:08 PM

Oct 2014
WatchTillTandava said:
Oof, this was my least favorite episode thus far. The direction in this series up to now is brutal in the sense of to what extent it sacrifices any sense of build-up or atmosphere. Everything just happens suddenly with zoomed in shots, no time leading up to it or after it to really stew and think or appreciate anything, and just very unsubtle.

Same, ended up giving it the Hate mark too, don't even remember anymore but for some reason I actually quite like the first episode.

Fully agree with the direction points.
WatchTillTandava said:
since the animation/art details and standards is so different across all anime generally that I try to focus firstly on the story and writing, then on the voice acting and music, and only as a distant third the visual component.

Well said, that would be good order to go by, but maybe they're having the same problems many fans are having.
The biggest problem I usually hear about Deen is the art, sad if they also think like that.
WatchTillTandava said:
My biggest gripe with this at present is direction-based.

That's my biggest problem with this aswell.
Aside of the artstyle with which I can live, and the story changes etc.
I think it's direction's fault that I'm just not feeling the scenes.
Some scenes feel forces, the other meaningless. Hope it gets better in the following eps.
WatchTillTandava said:
I. Can't. Stand. The. Constant. Close-up. Shots. Like, what is the purpose of the constant and continuous zoom-ins to mouths as if to emphasize (over-emphasize) what is being said and remove any ambiguity or subtlety from any of it? It removes any room for interpretation or that dripping psychosis-fueled paranoia of atmosphere for like a broadcast of "This person is doing/saying something bad/evil/villainous!" It's very cheesy. And there is no time in the scene either before or after to really appreciate what it's trying to do in the first place, because the transitions are too quick.

Agreeing again.
It's annoying, it's meaningless, it's actually even counterproductive at times.
I don't mind when they do it from time to time, but they're doing it all the time.
Personally I feel like it's going more against the atmosphere the VN had, a lot more than how Deen portrayed things.
WatchTillTandava said:
I don't get what some are saying about the pacing, because while the events are arranged and may be happening differently and the episode ending at an earlier point than its corresponding season one episode, everything while it is actually transpiring still feels super quick and rushed.

That's a weird part.
I don't know why this feels so rushed, it really felt like it was going 1:1 with Deen, but apparently this 3rd ep ended where Deen's 2nd one did. I couldn't believe that so I had to check and it's true.
How they're having more time yet making it feel more rushed? I'm baffled.
WatchTillTandava said:
Apart from the mouth over-focus thing, the best example of what I'm talking about from this recent episode is the scene of Mion, Rena, and Keiichi in the classroom.[...]

I'll fully agree with this point aswell.
However this is supposed to be a completely different chapter so I'll give them that.
Onikakushi overall really felt like it being from K1's point of view, which it was supposed to be. This just feels like watching any other anime, not his pov, but it could be intentional.

WatchTillTandava said:
Basically, I'm still in it as I will continue to be for any new material, but everything recreated just seems very ham-fisted as well as lazily portrayed and dumbed down/watered down. More like the quality of aspects of the later seasons/OVAs then the first two, unfortunately.

^ Pretty much sums it up.

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Oct 16, 2020 2:28 PM

Apr 2008
Hulio said:

That's a weird part.
I don't know why this feels so rushed, it really felt like it was going 1:1 with Deen, but apparently this 3rd ep ended where Deen's 2nd one did. I couldn't believe that so I had to check and it's true.
How they're having more time yet making it feel more rushed? I'm baffled.

Since it's a sequel, we already know all this, so there's no point to reiterate it 1:1. I agree it feels a little rushed, but it's also just set up for the new material. I have a feeling it's going to split off from the OG story pretty quickly.
Oct 16, 2020 2:36 PM

Aug 2012
bark415 said:
Something interesting I noticed was that they said Rena was diagnosed with dysautonomia, at least for my subtitles. This doesn't really make sense as dysautonomia doesn't effect your mental state, it has to do with how your auto immune system and nervous system interact which can cause a lot of physical issues and lead to other disorders such as POTS. Is it just the subtitles I had or is this for everyone?

Yes. Said dysautonomia, but that does not really make sense, for me should be a disruptive behavior disorder, that really makes sense with the mental state that has rena.
Oct 16, 2020 3:05 PM
May 2014
Hulio said:
Well said, that would be good order to go by, but maybe they're having the same problems many fans are having.
The biggest problem I usually hear about Deen is the art, sad if they also think like that.

It's one thing that's driven me nuts about anime communities in general is the over-emphasis on art. It's not to say I want it to look like garbage, but I would take average looks with a great story over beutiful animation with a dollar store budget story.

I've sadly seen times where I've heard "OH YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS THE ANIMATION IS JUST SO AWESOME!" and it's one of the most generic uninteresting stories I've ever seen.

If there's great animation to go with a great story that's a plus, but not a deal breaker just so long as the animation isn't so bad that it's out of place. (I'm looking at you Berserk)
YokaSolOct 16, 2020 3:12 PM
Oct 16, 2020 3:17 PM

Oct 2014
YokaSol said:
I've sadly seen times where I've heard "OH YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS THE ANIMATION IS JUST SO AWESOME!" and it's one of the most generic uninteresting stories I've ever seen.

Reminds me of the "recent"
Demon Slayer > Tower of God > God of Highschool - Hypetrain.

YokaSol said:
If there's great animation to go with a great story that's a plus, but not a deal breaker just so long as the animation isn't so bad that it's out of place. (I'm looking at you Berserk)

I just can't bring myself to watch that mess of a CGI, sad.

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Oct 16, 2020 6:26 PM

Jul 2013
Is it me or is the atmosphere way weaker than the 2006? In the older version, you can really feel the tension. The camera was positioned and moved in a way that you can tell there’s something wrong with the scene. You didn’t know what it was, but something could jump at you at any moment.

This version is… so flat. The lighting is flat. The camera is flat. There’s a tense scene? Zoom in really close to a character’s mouth and black out their eyes.

I'm hoping the fan theory is true and this isn't a remake. If it's a remake, then I don't see myself liking it nearly as much as I like the original.
Oct 16, 2020 6:34 PM

Nov 2008
JustMonaka said:
I'm hoping the fan theory is true and this isn't a remake. If it's a remake, then I don't see myself liking it nearly as much as I like the original.

It's for sure not a remake. The first arc is called Onidamashi and not Onikakushi for one, then there's the subtle but definitely present plot splinters that have shown up so far. But I 100% agree that the atmosphere was a lot better done in 2006.
Oct 16, 2020 7:32 PM

Sep 2012
Gotta love living in Japan and watching this live in the middle of the night. GOOD SHIT.
「Just another weeb living the dream in Japan」
Oct 16, 2020 7:39 PM

Oct 2009
littleproblems said:
Damn, Chie-sensei is really thick in this adaptation.

It's from eating too much curry.
Oct 16, 2020 8:20 PM

Jul 2020
the story is going deeper and deeper <3
Oct 16, 2020 8:45 PM
Sep 2020
Mario_Isla said:
bark415 said:
Something interesting I noticed was that they said Rena was diagnosed with dysautonomia, at least for my subtitles. This doesn't really make sense as dysautonomia doesn't effect your mental state, it has to do with how your auto immune system and nervous system interact which can cause a lot of physical issues and lead to other disorders such as POTS. Is it just the subtitles I had or is this for everyone?

Yes. Said dysautonomia, but that does not really make sense, for me should be a disruptive behavior disorder, that really makes sense with the mental state that has rena.

This was so in the VNs too. There are two explanations it could have: either the author didn't understand what dysautonomia was, or Rena was sadly misdiagnosed. Considering this took place in the 80s, where mental illness was greatly misunderstood, I lean towards the second.
Oct 16, 2020 8:59 PM
Sep 2020
YokaSol said:
Hulio said:
Well said, that would be good order to go by, but maybe they're having the same problems many fans are having.
The biggest problem I usually hear about Deen is the art, sad if they also think like that.

It's one thing that's driven me nuts about anime communities in general is the over-emphasis on art. It's not to say I want it to look like garbage, but I would take average looks with a great story over beutiful animation with a dollar store budget story.

Art (from paintings to sculptures to animation) is one of the greatest pleasures and passions, but I got to agree with you. I've said before that I'm not a fan of the current artstyle, but I'm still watching because I want to know where this story is going. The only artstyle and animation that could really make me not watch something only based on it is monstrous CGI disasters like this abomination.

YokaSol said:
I've sadly seen times where I've heard "OH YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS THE ANIMATION IS JUST SO AWESOME!" and it's one of the most generic uninteresting stories I've ever seen.

If there's great animation to go with a great story that's a plus, but not a deal breaker just so long as the animation isn't so bad that it's out of place. (I'm looking at you Berserk)

This is Kimi no nawa for me. I saw it without knowing the hype and I remember thinking it was an okay movie, with a sweet premise that then had to do a twist to try and make the story seem more meaningful, when in reality it raises so many plotholes (like how on Earth did they not notice the dates on their phones if they used them to write diaries to one another?). It's not a bad story, but I was surprised to hear how many people praised it as the greatest anime movie ever, especially when Japan has produced so many wonderful anime movies, and I'm betting it's mostly because of the gorgeous animation and artstyle.
Oct 16, 2020 9:26 PM
Sep 2020
random_weirdo said:
Mario_Isla said:

Yes. Said dysautonomia, but that does not really make sense, for me should be a disruptive behavior disorder, that really makes sense with the mental state that has rena.

This was so in the VNs too. There are two explanations it could have: either the author didn't understand what dysautonomia was, or Rena was sadly misdiagnosed. Considering this took place in the 80s, where mental illness was greatly misunderstood, I lean towards the second.

The author is not wrong. You people just haven't read the VN or don't remember anything. Saying anything more would be a spoiler though.
Oct 16, 2020 10:52 PM
Nov 2018
as soon as Ooishi spoke, i got hit with nostalgia. he looks kinda odd in the new style tho
Oct 16, 2020 10:54 PM

Jul 2020
Idk why but I think I like the old design of Ooishi a lot more than this one.

But yeah it was a pretty good episode. Some subtle changes from the OG story was noticeable. I'm just glad to watch this with my younger brother who's new to the series and see his reactions lol. That 'Uso da!' scene with Rena scared him so much. Really enjoying this.

I accept random friend requests!
Oct 17, 2020 12:28 AM

Dec 2010
I can really feel the thriller aspect of this series in this episode

omochikaeri count -0 =(

nipaa~ count - 0 =((
Oct 17, 2020 12:42 AM
Apr 2020
Whoa! Rena snapped! That's an intense conversation! And she overheard Keiichi talking to the police. Rena is crazy!

This is getting more interesting!

Oct 17, 2020 4:19 AM

Jul 2009
I don't remember much from the old series, but is going the same way, no?
Oct 17, 2020 4:36 AM

Aug 2008
bittersweetlove said:
I don't remember much from the old series, but is going the same way, no?

Some of the details have changed and some events are meshed up together or out of order, tbh I wouldn't be surprised if playing the episode backwards makes more sense, it seems to do so for the Opening for some of the "blink and you miss it" frames.

I think EP2 & 3 are what EP2 of DEEN's was
Oct 17, 2020 6:43 AM

Mar 2016
Ok....... so, I noticed a few things that weren't a part of Deen's adaptation.

1) When Ooishi revealed that Tomitake and Takano went messing, was it just Tomitake in the OG or was it both of them?

2) If I'm not mistaken, then

3) Did the father of Keiichi actually appear in the anime?

Also, that scene with Rena and the cotton waving motions looked so rigid🥴
Oct 17, 2020 6:46 AM

Oct 2014
rafaelfserafim said:
I only wished Digital Network ever showed up. It'll always be my #1 favorite.

Ah man, Digital Network, such a great track yet it gets no love.
It even got patched out from the Steam VNs some year ago along with couple other "re-recordings".
I wonder why people always have to "fix" stuff which ain't broken. :(

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Oct 17, 2020 8:58 AM

Jul 2017
Hm.. kinda shaping up to be somthing similar to the 1st arc of the 1st season, and now this when when the madness finally starts happening.

Keiichi is in a tough predicament now and needs to avoid Rena somehow or he'll be fucked in the ass xd Man, im still not digging Oishi's art style yet, it looks kinda weird, but i think i'll get accostumated to it as the episodes go on. Also, i have to say that Rena's expressions were done quite well there. I've seen some people crtiticize her "Usoda" comparing it to the 1st season, well, they have a point and i kinda agree, but, this time around, it also gave me sort of a jump scare xd Her eye details were also quite awesome with the strong blue color along with her eerie face.

And now she heard all of Keiichi's conversation with Oishi, next episode is going to be insane. Waiting for next week!
Oct 17, 2020 9:47 AM

Jun 2008
ValandisOct 20, 2020 4:17 AM
Oct 17, 2020 10:53 AM
Aug 2018
It's kinda weird. Sometimes, the episodes seems rushed, but episode 3 ends at the same place as episode 2 from the original anime. They can not finish the arc at episode 4.

(Ōishi seems kinda weird).

Oct 17, 2020 10:53 AM

Oct 2009
Oct 17, 2020 12:05 PM
Sep 2020
Bernkasten said:
random_weirdo said:

This was so in the VNs too. There are two explanations it could have: either the author didn't understand what dysautonomia was, or Rena was sadly misdiagnosed. Considering this took place in the 80s, where mental illness was greatly misunderstood, I lean towards the second.

The author is not wrong. You people just haven't read the VN or don't remember anything. Saying anything more would be a spoiler though.

Oct 17, 2020 12:43 PM
Feb 2018
WatchTillTandava said:

I. Can't. Stand. The. Constant. Close-up. Shots. Like, what is the purpose of the constant and continuous zoom-ins to mouths as if to emphasize (over-emphasize) what is being said and remove any ambiguity or subtlety from any of it? It removes any room for interpretation or that dripping psychosis-fueled paranoia of atmosphere for like a broadcast of "This person is doing/saying something bad/evil/villainous!" It's very cheesy. And there is no time in the scene either before or after to really appreciate what it's trying to do in the first place, because the transitions are too quick.

Apart from the mouth over-focus thing, the best example of what I'm talking about from this recent episode is the scene of Mion, Rena, and Keiichi in the classroom. Keiichi has his head down and is presumed to be resting or sleeping. Mion and Rena are talking about the rumors concerning Tomitake and Takano in the aftermath of the Watanagashi festival. In season one, this was portrayed brilliantly. It's barely audible, which leaves ambiguity over whether Mion and Rena are trying to be discreet and secretive vis-a-vis Keiichi and/or the other classmates, whether they think he is sleeping, and whether Keiichi is picking up on something he wasn't meant to hear, is half-asleep or faking sleeping, all against the backdrop of the ambient white noise of the pitter patter of rain. Something with such sinister or grave implications being discussed in an ordinary setting at a low volume because it leaves room for interpretation over if Keiichi is meant to hear what he is hearing, the unreliable narrator POV, and is positively dreamlike. The shots are panning and cloaked in shadow.

In this version, Mion and Rena just discuss it in what's portrayed at a more normal volume and then zooms into to their faces with bright close-ups like they're casually discussing today's lunch or any other mundane occurrence. Atmosphere sapped and neutered.

AkA474Oct 18, 2020 8:26 AM
Oct 17, 2020 1:03 PM

Oct 2014
jaw20 said:
Have you ever considered that K1[...]

Have you ever considered spoiler tags?

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Oct 17, 2020 6:21 PM
Aug 2020
So this episode was almost a shot for shot remake of when Keichii meets with Oishii for the first time. (I'm watching the original series for this at the same time as Gao for comparison's sake and to save myself from any potential spoilers. Maybe a futile effort in the end but meh). I will say I like this episode's depiction of it a bit more since Keichii appears to get more upset at Oishii for telling him to keep it all a secret from his friends. But if this anime is a sequel and the characters are just going through the same events a second time, maybe this is a subtle effect of Keiichi remembering past events? He didn't get that upset in the original. Scared, but not upset. I could be overthinking it though, haha

Also, Gao did such a good job of depicting the creepiness of Rena in this episode. We also go into a lot more backstory into her condition than what was mentioned in the original show. The ending shot of her slowly climbing up the steps and staring at Keiichii through the door was so chilling.
Oct 17, 2020 6:44 PM

Oct 2018
Rukodaime91 said:
It's kinda weird. Sometimes, the episodes seems rushed, but episode 3 ends at the same place as episode 2 from the original anime. They can not finish the arc at episode 4.

(Ōishi seems kinda weird).

The thing is the order of events in Gou is completely different than OG or VN, so that would prob make a huge difference later on. The 1st ep opening scene might have a completely different meaning than what we're used to.
Oct 17, 2020 7:06 PM

Jun 2019
jaw20 said:
Have you ever considered that K1 may not be an unreliable narrator for this arc? His paranoia is definitely not at the same level as in Onikakushi and I think the direction of some of the shots, especially the UsoDa scene are meant to clue the viewer in that K1 isn't truly hallucinating everything with regards to at least Rena. The lack of paranoia inducing scenes has to do with the fact that K1 isn't as paranoid. He never talked to Takano or Tomitake, and Tomitake never died, which basically is the trigger for his paranoia. Without that, I don't see the need to direct the shots in a way that suggests an unreliable narrator. If they are removing ambiguity that would imply paranoid and unreliable narrator then it implies that K1 isn't going crazy.

It's possible and it's a fair point, but that's why it's difficult to gauge and judge this as so far its identity is a bit schizophrenic - many a returning fan will inevitably feel unable not to compare the scenes which are direct remakes/recreations/re-adaptations of ones in the original anime applying the standards with which one assesses a remake to them whereas the original content not present in season one which cements its divergence as a continuation and separate entity can be viewed more readily on its own merits.

So far it's crystal clear that this is a new story with omitted or changed events or order thereof, probably happening in a different universe years after the first's occurrence (from Rika's POV who is the only one of the gang with a removed vantage point outside of time), but the psychological portion is still a major element and listed genre of the series, so it's still tough not to feel disappointed when those scenes which are otherwise near-identical in what they're comprised of feel tonally underwhelming by comparison.

The first few episodes of season one, by contrast, felt like being put through the rigors and peril of an entire lived lifetime concentrated within a matter of days, with all the corresponding scenes dripping with atmosphere and it seemed to even slow time itself down as a result rather than just kind of casually/unremarkably passing by.

That's why so far all the strongest scenes and moments in this new season for me by far have been any new content and points of divergence which I eagerly anticipate, because there's nothing equivalent in the 2006 anime to compare it to.
WatchTillTandavaOct 17, 2020 7:10 PM
Oct 18, 2020 12:09 AM

Feb 2008
Can't imagine the new people will ever write in these forum episode posts. Everywhere is fricking full of spoilers. I thought this was a 2020 Higurashi show thread?

Where are the mods? Why are we reading things from a show that aired more than ten years ago? Please, all I friggin see are spoiler boxes in all of the replies in this thread. This seriously needs cleaning.

About the episode, I don't rewatch stuff that much so the Rena scenes were as scary as ever. Those eyes made me shiver.

Hearing Ooishi-san again was delightful, Chafurin has a great voice. Only thing I will agree with the complainers, his model was modernized for the worst. Guess we can't win them all. Waiting for the next episode.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Oct 18, 2020 12:46 AM

Aug 2020
rena sus, super sus, super duper sus
Oct 18, 2020 12:50 AM
Aug 2018
zeroj said:

Where are the mods? Why are we reading things from a show that aired more than ten years ago? Please, all I friggin see are spoiler boxes in all of the replies in this thread. This seriously needs cleaning.

Why are you complaining about "spoilers" and then that people are using "spoilers box" ? That doesn't make sense.

This show is an "alternative version" of a show aired 10 years ago. For most of the viewer, the only thing interesting are the difference between the 2006 adaptation and 2020 adaptation. If we can't talk about that, most of us we have nothing to say. At this point, people posting the difference between 2006 and 2020 adaptation are no different as people posting difference between anime adaptation and manga.

Additionnaly, in the thread of the second episode, most people told "first viewer" to go watch the 2006 adaptation first to understand the plot and get the full experience.

I didn't see a single first viewer complaining about "spoiler". People need to stop being infuriated on behalf of other (when the actual people are not complaining) and think they are some kind of justice warrior.
Oct 18, 2020 1:28 AM

Apr 2009
zeroj said:
Can't imagine the new people will ever write in these forum episode posts. Everywhere is fricking full of spoilers. I thought this was a 2020 Higurashi show thread?

Don't click the spoiler button.
Oct 18, 2020 1:42 AM
Jan 2010
just a remake kana kana
Oct 18, 2020 2:18 AM

Nov 2019
Loving the animation plus background soung.
Wait a minute why Rena looks like Yuno Gasai(Future Diary)in the opening song.

Oct 18, 2020 8:09 AM

Apr 2009
Durjoe said:

Wait a minute why Rena looks like Yuno Gasai(Future Diary)in the opening song.

I had the same reaction when I saw her XD
Oct 18, 2020 8:51 AM

Feb 2014
Oh boy, we going supernatural now? The whole village of Hinamizawa feels eerie now.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Oct 18, 2020 4:09 PM

Mar 2010
We all have fucking secrets keichi you fucking retard. He fucked up lolz.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
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