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Jul 17, 2020 9:52 AM

Apr 2020
Oh man. I really love the op visuals. Damn, Kazuya and Chizuru goes to the same school. And, they also live in the same apartment. Smh. Kube and Kuri caught him AHAHAHA. Kazuyaa goes fantasized with Mami again. Smh again. He see Mami in the drinking party and oof. Mami x Kazuya moments. Cringe moments, kekw.

Man, I just wanna say that OP is really good. As expected, it's the peggies.


P.S.: I bet some peps here can't really torelate and hated Kazuya now. I'm glad I can tolerate him but, I hate him either kekw.
RegulusXJul 19, 2020 5:36 PM
Jul 17, 2020 9:57 AM

Nov 2011
Super awkward episode with Kazuya seeing Chizuru like that. She didn't even hide her personality either when they're alone. She still displays that perfect image of herself in front of others though.

Oh and there's some more Mami scenes. I think the cringeworthy face on Kazuya that moment is extremely puncahable and embarassing. The restaurant dining scene got a bit awkward too.
Jul 17, 2020 9:59 AM

Feb 2018
Is this what is called a destiny? Unexpected coincidence, same campus, same apartment, oh shit. Besides that it seems that Kazuya was forced to keep a secret about their relationship.

I thought Chizuru would reject Kazuya, all of this was only for grandma. Kazuya is masturbating, oh shit. I thought it would be a fun party but what the heck is this atmosphere. I like your imagination Kazuya, Mami and Kazuya is so sweet

Jul 17, 2020 10:01 AM

Apr 2020
So Chizuru and Kazuya live in the same apartment, and their rooms are next to each other, Kazuya is a lucky man.

When Kazuya wanted to masturbate, Chizuru rang the doorbell and luckily she didn't see it.

When Kazuya's friend found out that Kazuya had a girlfriend (although it was actually just a rental) their reaction was really funny.
Jul 17, 2020 10:01 AM

Apr 2020
Syureria said:
Is this what is called a destiny? Unexpected coincidence, same campus, same apartment, oh shit. Besides that it seems that Kazuya was forced to keep a secret about their relationship.

I thought Chizuru would reject Kazuya, all of this was only for grandma. Kazuya is masturbating, oh shit. I thought it would be a fun party but what the heck is this atmosphere. I like your imagination Kazuya, Mami and Kazuya is so sweet

I bet at the end of s1, it'll have so many doujins. If it'll happen, I'll like it xd. Kekw
Jul 17, 2020 10:04 AM

Feb 2018
RegulusX said:
I bet at the end of s1, it'll have so many doujins. If it'll happen, I'll like it xd. Kekw
Hahaha, I'm also waiting for it but come on there are still lots of cute girls in KanojoOka, xD.
Jul 17, 2020 10:13 AM

Jul 2014
Yall havent been to them sites have you? We already got some good doujins of Chizuru!!!! Now just waiting for more doujins with Mami this time, despite her being bitchy she is freakin hot.

Now to the ep itself... I did not expect Kazuya to give me this much cringe in anime form... I mean the manga was cringe worthy enough but god damn... this whole premise of renting a GF could have really worked if only Kazuya wasnt such a pussy.
The faces he makes and the decisions he makes... weirdest shit is him getting turned on from imagining his ex getting it on with another dude... like I only see that in doujins... I can understand fantasizing but with a different man? Come the fck on.
Mizuhara’s a nice gal standing up for him tho, cant remember how many times I said *grow some fckin balls* this episode.

Lastly.. that OP is such a banger! Mami and Chizuru are both bangers! Girls here are really class S in design, the anime really did this shows art justice, they are so damn hot.
Jul 17, 2020 10:52 AM

Feb 2020
All right .. another week and the second episode of Kanojo Okarishimasu (probably THE shoujo of the season excluding Oregairu)

Now it turns out that Kazuya and Chizuru not only go to the same school, but also live in the same place ... this sounds like there will be many uncomfortable and fun good times in the future ...
I haven't been hooked as much with a shoujo since Bunny Girl Senpa and this looks like it will be just as good (especially the way they interact, they're not the typical duo)

And the Op, well done Peggies, well done ... (By the way, the same Op band from Bunny Girl senpai)

It is being better than I thought so far !!
It only remains to wait for the next episode!
Jul 17, 2020 11:35 AM
Sep 2018
Can we just talk about how cute Tanya has become? Her character still has some issues though xD

But on a serious note. Yuuki Aoi is nailing Mami, both her cute front as well as her more dark/cold/a**holish side.
Jul 17, 2020 11:57 AM

Mar 2018
Well I laughed a lot during this episode, this series with all its jokes is refreshing- I think of it like grand blue and that was a very funny show.

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Jul 17, 2020 12:15 PM

Mar 2019
Again a very funny episode...I really like this one. But come on...don't fap if you have to visit your grandma in the hospital.....haha.
I have no idea what the intention from Mami is...but she really surprises me and her eyes can kill people...
Chizuru on the other side is a really good girl (as long as the money is right??? least for now)...
Jul 17, 2020 12:16 PM

Feb 2019
Kazu talking to his meat and saying “you’re gonna be homeless for a while” ... I felt that shit.

I like chizuru a bit more now. First episode had me hating her, I like how she stood up for him.

Too bad he’s too much of a simp and just took it.

OP is really nice and catchy. I’m gonna read the manga this week(probably... hopefully...)
Jul 17, 2020 12:26 PM

Aug 2013
lol they live in the same apartment and right next door to each other. XD

I like the OP, it's really good with those visuals.
As for the episode, it had some cringy moments, especially Kazuya.

Jul 17, 2020 12:27 PM
Oct 2016
This is certainly a complicated one. Kazuya begging Chizuru to go along with their fake relationship just as to not tell his grandma the truth. Had me laughing a bunch in the early parts of the episode. I like seeing Kazuya with his grandma, almost like that's his best self. Trying to keep an image up for his family as the heir and eldest son. His grandma nearly did find out but Chizuru saved the day! She is an angel for sure. Way too nice, probably nicer than I would be but Kazuya is a sad sap most of the time so he needs coddling. I can tell the dudes heart is right he's just got a lot riding up inside his life.

Which makes the re entrance of Mami very disruptive. She's totally chaotic this episode. Completely shattering any confidence he'd built back up since Kazuya is ultimately still putty in Mami hands. She was totally belittling him in front of his friends even. Using the idea of Kazuya having a new girlfriend against him just to drive Kazuya back to her. Mami is a wicked spider with this web.
Jul 17, 2020 12:30 PM

Jul 2017
I think the anime makes Kazuya more sympathetic compared to how the manga portrayed him (in the chapters adapted thus far).

I don't think either interpretation is worse than the other though, so far at least.

This won't be the best show of the season, but it's likely what I'll look forward to the most week after week.

Side note, the OP, both visually and song-wise is a bop. Best of the season in my opinion.
The full version of the song is out, and it's even better than I imagined.
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Jul 17, 2020 12:32 PM

Feb 2019
I like mami's design. She looks hot too.

Kazuya doesn't have any balls tho. Mami was fucking insulting him and chizuru stood up for him but the little bitch didn't support her.

Lol XD
Jul 17, 2020 12:36 PM

Nov 2016
Kazuya keeps digging himself further into a big ass hole, but Chizuru is as stupid tbh xD Still props to her for supporting him against savage Mami, even tho Kazu defintiely didn't deserve it. I wonder how low he can get and if there will be some redemption for him.
FMmatronJul 17, 2020 12:46 PM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 17, 2020 12:45 PM

Oct 2010
This guy is such a loser lol. I hope he grows as a character. He REALLY needs to appreciate what Chizuru-hime is doing for him

Also wtf is with the subs translating "Hime" as "angel" instead of Princess
Jul 17, 2020 12:50 PM

Jun 2015
To think that they actually attend the same college lol. Though Chizuru's public persona sure was surprising. Damm coincidences sure come in three's huh. The gran sure has become quite the anvil thats forcing Kazuya's hand. Despite her nature its nice that the gran was so understanding unlike Kazuya's parents. Chizuru's change of heart sure was pleasant to see. Hmm so thats Kazuya's ex Mami huh. Still the coldness she showed to her friends was rather curious. His friends reaction to seeing Kazuya and Chizuru though sure was priceless. The meal though sure proved to be quite the situation for Kazuya though due to Mami's presence and her bitchy comments towards Kazuya. It was cool to see Chizuru step in and stop Mami in her tracks. Overall an excellent ep that did well to introduce the next phase in the story in the form of their secret while also introducing Kazuya's ex Mami. Feel's like there's more to her than her base personality. Been a while since i heard Aoi Yuki's voice so its nice to hear her again in this series.
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Jul 17, 2020 12:57 PM

Mar 2019
The episode was so good .Ii hope this show keeps getting better at each episode.

As a manga reader I am really looking for the beach episode . it is damn good, believe it !

Btw , this faces always gets me XD

Jul 17, 2020 12:58 PM

Mar 2019
Kougeru said:
This guy is such a loser lol. I hope he grows as a character. He REALLY needs to appreciate what Chizuru-hime is doing for him

Also wtf is with the subs translating "Hime" as "angel" instead of Princess

haha ....just watch the next episode and say that again my friend

Jul 17, 2020 1:00 PM

Feb 2016
I can't take this simp trash any longer. This is so cringe inducing is unreal.

"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jul 17, 2020 1:13 PM
May 2019
I hate that girl so bad, and the mc to for going back to her, like bruh..
Jul 17, 2020 1:13 PM

Apr 2018
I don't understand Mami at all, what's her goal ? that's so weird, and Kazu is the ultimate cuck.
Jul 17, 2020 1:14 PM

Jan 2020
Jesus, that second half has awkward as hell. The first half of the op kinda reminded me of Wotakoi with all those hand dances. Looks like we’re gonna get the inevitable beach episode, and more drama between Mami and Chizuru next episode.
EightSevenJul 17, 2020 1:32 PM
Jul 17, 2020 1:18 PM
Feb 2017
This is a polished version of hajimate no gal. all of these characters are terrible to themselves and each other. i'm out.
Jul 17, 2020 1:20 PM

May 2019
I really like this anime so far. I thought this anime would be trash at first. Yeah it seems very predictable but it's fun to watch and both Kazu and Chizu are lovely mains. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be every single girl on the block falling for the MC (and doing fanservice) kind of story.

Also for Mami: Begone!

JULES_WK said:
All right .. another week and the second episode of Kanojo Okarishimasu (probably THE shoujo of the season excluding Oregairu)

But...... neither of them are shoujo, fam...
If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend.
Jul 17, 2020 1:22 PM
Jul 2020
Ashhk said:
I don't understand Mami at all, what's her goal ? that's so weird, and Kazu is the ultimate cuck.

Exactly! And what the hell is point in inviting you're ex to your house just after you insulted in front of his current gf? I mean that's probably just a drunk thing but still don't understand what mami is up to. Though it'll be clear in the next ep i guess. I hope kazuya apologizes to Chizuru and not go to mami's house.
Jul 17, 2020 1:23 PM

Jan 2014
She's a bitch. Not really sure how to feel about this series yet. It's not really funny to me at all tbh. So far at least.
Jul 17, 2020 1:30 PM
Dec 2019
Thats a drop for me
Jul 17, 2020 1:41 PM
Mar 2010
Before I started watching this anime I thought that I'll like it. I usually like anime like this. But somehow all characters annoy me. I guess I'll stick for a few more episodes, maybe it'll grow on me.
Jul 17, 2020 1:44 PM

Feb 2007
Ah, Mami-chan... If I should ever decide to drop this series, you know it'll be because of you.
Jul 17, 2020 1:47 PM

Sep 2013
MC takes the crown haha.

Jul 17, 2020 1:59 PM
Oct 2017
shit was pretty funny lol this bitch manipulating his ass doe hundo
Jul 17, 2020 2:03 PM
Mar 2015
Our boy has a noodle for a spine
Jul 17, 2020 2:08 PM

Jul 2010
Mami looks like demon lord from another world
Jul 17, 2020 2:13 PM

Apr 2016
I didn't like Kazuya this episode, how do you can’t react to that brat? I'm still judging Chizuru, I don’t if I like or dislike her. Let’s see how things will be. The art is very good.
I’m thinking to read the manga, honestly.
Jul 17, 2020 2:18 PM

Apr 2015
They go to the same College, but it doesn't stop there, they are also Neighbors, how's this even possible that they didn't know they were living next to each other this whole time...

The shots of the girls posing for the camera and holding on the camera during the OP was pretty amazing, loved those visuals!

Well that was very awkward, Kazuya is digging himself deeper and deeper into this hole he put himself into. He's so hard to watch sometimes.

The girls are interesting, I wonder what Mami's deal is. I feel like she has already realised what actually is going on. I do feel sorry for Chizuru for having to put up this act for so much longer.

Beach episode already next week, that sure didn't take long!
CeddyyBearrJul 17, 2020 2:27 PM
Jul 17, 2020 2:21 PM
Apr 2020
Finally it's really starting huh but I can't wait for the other characters especially Sumi-chan.

They've done a great job with the anime adaptation again it was very precise and on point. It was really annoying reading this chapter in the manga thanks to the MC but in the anime it was less boring and here I didn't really notice the MC being annoying maybe also thanks to the sfx and music.

I hope I can see more killer/jelousy eyes of Mami-chan in the future hehe.
Jul 17, 2020 2:21 PM
Feb 2020
I kinda want to kill Mami, maybe give Chizuru her skin. (but then..)
My question now is why did Kazuya start dating her in the first place?
Jul 17, 2020 2:25 PM
May 2020
zamandzoe said:
I think the anime makes Kazuya more sympathetic compared to how the manga portrayed him (in the chapters adapted thus far).

I don't think either interpretation is worse than the other though, so far at least.

This won't be the best show of the season, but it's likely what I'll look forward to the most week after week.

Side note, the OP, both visually and song-wise is a bop. Best of the season in my opinion.
The full version of the song is out, and it's even better than I imagined.

I think Aimer (Spark Again) earned that one.
Jul 17, 2020 2:25 PM

Aug 2019
this shit is more depressing than a NTR doujinshi but at this point I just want to see how bad it’ll get more than anything lmao
Jul 17, 2020 2:26 PM
Jul 2019
Well then for Chizuru tell Kazuya to not tell anybody about her secret job wasn't a surprise......Cu'z she can still be considered working as a Ho, though not the kind were you pay to bang in the US where there were college girls who work part-time as strippers.

Geeezzzz why the fuck did Chizuru change her mind when Kazuya was about to tell the truth to his obasan that he never had a girlfriend after Mami ended their relationship????

OMG, look like Kazuya has dug a deeper hole after he chances upon his friends being with Chizuru, oh man Kazuya you Ass wipe could've have just decline their invitation, man after what Mami did for embarrassing you, you didn't stand by with Chizuru, oh yes she only a rental girlfriend , either way by letting Mami back to your life , man you're just pretty much a wuss.
Jul 17, 2020 2:27 PM
May 2020
Bastiono said:
I kinda want to kill Mami, maybe give Chizuru her skin. (but then..)
My question now is why did Kazuya start dating her in the first place?

Maybe we will find out in future. If I had to take a guess, he was just desperate or something like that.
Jul 17, 2020 2:28 PM
Jul 2020
Though I like the episode. I just can't stand the MC. He has no spine. Please tell me it gets better cause the show looks promising but I can't bear to cringe every time I watch a new episode
Jul 17, 2020 2:29 PM
May 2020
The small dance sequences in the OP reminded me of Wotakoi.
Jul 17, 2020 2:47 PM

Jan 2016
Another strong episode for Kanojo Okarishimasu, Kazuya got Chizuru to do a favor for him again so he could continue the sweet lie.
Seems like he got his ex: Mami a bit jealous and she is trying to break them off but Chizuru unexpectedly defends him a lot.
And that ending, woah, let's see what's Mami-chan up to next week!

Jul 17, 2020 3:12 PM

Jun 2017
Asukatard117 said:
This is a polished version of hajimate no gal. all of these characters are terrible to themselves and each other. i'm out.

Naaah, only Mami is a legit shit character in this story so far. (although she didn't pop up in the manga for ages now but I expect her to return anytime and stir shit up like the bitch she is xD)
Jul 17, 2020 3:14 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I don't know why I'm watching this. I cringe too many times in each episode. The MC is so incredibly...I don't even know how to put it into words to be honest. I'm not too crazy about the expression "simp" due to some of the implications it has, but there really is no other way to call this loser.
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There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 17, 2020 3:21 PM

Jul 2020
MomoSinX said:
Asukatard117 said:
This is a polished version of hajimate no gal. all of these characters are terrible to themselves and each other. i'm out.

Naaah, only Mami is a legit shit character in this story so far. (although she didn't pop up in the manga for ages now but I expect her to return anytime and stir shit up like the bitch she is xD)

Ikr how could they do Komachi like but, she quite terrible. this is one of the few anime's where I have actually read the manga, wont spoil anything but Mami is certainly someone to be afraid of she gives no fucks.

on another note, I m glad with the anime going easy on Kazuya. Believe it or not he is much worse in the start of the manga, but probly if they did the anime in that way most people would rage quit from cringe or server rage of how terrible Kazuya is.
FR0GMANJul 17, 2020 3:44 PM
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