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Jul 14, 2020 9:44 AM
Jul 2018
I have seen many people bashing on the show to be uninteresting and being an Attack on Titan rip - off , though originally I thought that it might be similar to Attack on Titan thus I have been putting it off since its initial airdate , this is very much different and better than my expectations while I don't really see anything bad about it , why are people talking so much negative about it ?
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jul 14, 2020 11:27 AM
Jul 2018
Dragonland04 said:
though originally I thought that it might be similar to Attack on Titan thus I have been putting it off since its initial airdate

You literally answered your own question.
Jul 14, 2020 11:36 AM
May 2019
Hey, thanks for posting. I personally am enjoying it and looking forward to how it unfolds. Perhaps it's similar to Attack on Titan in certain ways but I think a lot of anime are inspired by one another. Best to sit back and enjoy it for what it is.
Jul 14, 2020 5:51 PM
Jun 2017
How on earth is being like AoT a bad thing? It's one of the most popular anime ever. You'd think that would make people *want* to watch it.

But I guess there are a lot of snobs in anime. "I can't like AoT because it's popular and I'm special, therefore if this show is like AoT it must cater to (shudder) normies and casuals."
Jul 14, 2020 11:00 PM
Jul 2018
Zexus95 said:
Dragonland04 said:
though originally I thought that it might be similar to Attack on Titan thus I have been putting it off since its initial airdate

You literally answered your own question.

But I said that in reality it is not like AOT
Jul 14, 2020 11:15 PM
Jul 2018
Dragonland04 said:
Zexus95 said:

You literally answered your own question.

But I said that in reality it is not like AOT

But you were putting it off before watching it since you thought it is similar to it and now, you only realise it after watching it, which means you did give a try. Not everyone is going to give that try
Jul 14, 2020 11:27 PM
Jul 2018
Zexus95 said:
Dragonland04 said:

But I said that in reality it is not like AOT

But you were putting it off before watching it since you thought it is similar to it and now, you only realise it after watching it, which means you did give a try. Not everyone is going to give that try

Thanks for explaining but still I wasn't saying negative things about it as I didn't even knew it's content , how do people form such negative opinion about it without even watching a single episode
Jul 15, 2020 1:18 AM
Jul 2018
Dragonland04 said:
Zexus95 said:

But you were putting it off before watching it since you thought it is similar to it and now, you only realise it after watching it, which means you did give a try. Not everyone is going to give that try

Thanks for explaining but still I wasn't saying negative things about it as I didn't even knew it's content , how do people form such negative opinion about it without even watching a single episode

I never said that you were saying negatives about the show. Apparently, MAL community doesn't really look forward to original shows, they are more into adaptations. Now, I didn't check, but my friend said that the anime was taken much more positively in reddit than here, so it is probably just the MAL community. Moreover, Kabanerri was shit, so the AOT fans thought like Deca might go the same route as that, even though it is really stupid to think like that, atleast when you haven't even watched the show.
Jul 15, 2020 3:04 AM
Jul 2018
Because people bash everything. Why do you even care?
I just wait until it ends and then I binge it.
Jul 15, 2020 5:35 AM
Apr 2016
Stop giving fuel to the troll bashing this anime with this kind of post.
Jul 15, 2020 11:21 AM

Aug 2013
Because episode 2 proves that modern anime watchers are too lazy to try understand what they're watching anymore and would just slapdash some absurd comparison with popular gimmicks from other shows their brain most familiar with as a form of "criticism".

I mean for example, take the VRMMO commentaries in the discussion thread. The show blatantly tells us that it isn't a VR but surprise, surprise, people here still think that the world is just like SAO or shit like that.
Jul 16, 2020 3:18 AM

Apr 2011
Honestly after 2nd episode it gives me more Psycho-Pass and Summer Wars vibes...
Jul 16, 2020 3:48 AM

Aug 2019
loved the first episode. one of the few times i like the sci-fi genre, i liked the worldbuilding, i liked the character designs and quirks, i liked the animation, it was a well rounded first episode.

and then 2nd episode suddenly it's a game?? and different animation and a completely different story??? it wasn't in the pv nor the description, it's not what everyone signed up for. they just pulled the rug from under out feet and gave us a completely different anime
Jul 16, 2020 5:43 AM

Apr 2015
I think some people didn't get, but they are almost all real humans there, this is not SAO it is more like Avatar movie. You can see in the beginning the spaceship above earth the aliens need humans to be alive. And our main character tried to kill him self because he thinks all this sucks. Until he find someone that is not controlled by there system and want to see where this goes.
Jul 16, 2020 6:10 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
This is getting ridiculous, all the reviews are just about how they felt betrayed by the twist and doesn't look like a generic anime all the time now lmao.

(and one of them think its an isekai or something lmao)

Jul 16, 2020 6:41 AM
Jan 2018
Yeah, it's strange. First people bashed it 'cause they thought it was an AoT rip off.

Now people bash it because it isn't an AoT rip off.
Jul 16, 2020 6:55 PM
Jul 2011
I completely understand why people are bashing this. The PV, the art, the description, even ep1 pointed out to this being a post-apocalyptic fantasy anime. Then came ep2, which completely changes the art, the premise, the themes, everything people wanted to see from this. Of course there was going to be backlash. It disappointed people by giving them false expectations. I'm surprised the ratings aren't below 6 after this to be honest.

I am one of those people that came here for what the anime promised and I REALLY got frustrated when I saw the twist. However, after moving forward from the shock, I realised that the ''new'' plot still interested me, so I'll stay for the ride. My expectations have been lowered, but who knows, maybe it'll be even better in the end (which is why I REALLY don't get people who rate anime without completing them, and especially after only 2 eps, but maybe that's just me).

However, I understand that not everyone has the patience or time to give a chance to something that already disappointed them (and so early, too), so I completely understand why people are dropping and bashing it. They came here for a reason, and that reason was not served as promised. Not everyone is like me or you, some people may only like the type of show this pretended to be or may not like the type of show it turned out to be, so of course they will feel betrayed in a sense.

tldr; It's completely understandable for people to bash this anime, as it betrayed the expectations it had set, so I can't see why most comments here are mad or surprised that it happened. That said, I'll personally choose to give this a chance, and who knows, maybe it'll turn out good.
Jul 22, 2020 10:02 PM

Jan 2009
I just don't get the "rip-off" problem, most popular shows nowadays are rip-offs anyway, why does it matter? In fact, I was looking forward to this show because of its similarity to AoT.

That being said, I think people have the right to be angry because of the false advertisement, I feel like I was tricked into a videogame setting and I hate these, but well, I'll still give it a chance.
Jul 22, 2020 11:25 PM

Aug 2013
DiabloMask said:
I just don't get the "rip-off" problem, most popular shows nowadays are rip-offs anyway, why does it matter? In fact, I was looking forward to this show because of its similarity to AoT.

That being said, I think people have the right to be angry because of the false advertisement, I feel like I was tricked into a videogame setting and I hate these, but well, I'll still give it a chance.

Fun fact: It's NOT a video game setting.
Jul 23, 2020 1:51 AM

Jan 2009
PaleBlue said:
DiabloMask said:
I just don't get the "rip-off" problem, most popular shows nowadays are rip-offs anyway, why does it matter? In fact, I was looking forward to this show because of its similarity to AoT.

That being said, I think people have the right to be angry because of the false advertisement, I feel like I was tricked into a videogame setting and I hate these, but well, I'll still give it a chance.

Fun fact: It's NOT a video game setting.

Thanks for the brief explanation, it's an interesting setting but it still has videogame-like mechanics, or at least that seems to be the appeal of it.
I still prefer if they stuck with the original setting, but of course I'm not judging yet.
Jul 23, 2020 2:13 AM

Aug 2012
Dragonland04 said:
I have seen many people bashing on the show to be uninteresting and being an Attack on Titan rip - off , though originally I thought that it might be similar to Attack on Titan thus I have been putting it off since its initial airdate , this is very much different and better than my expectations while I don't really see anything bad about it , why are people talking so much negative about it ?

First episode made it seem it was just a clone show of other shows (different people had different theories which). Ep#2 and #3 showed is actually original
Jul 23, 2020 2:17 AM
Jul 2018
nightcrawlercyp said:
Dragonland04 said:
I have seen many people bashing on the show to be uninteresting and being an Attack on Titan rip - off , though originally I thought that it might be similar to Attack on Titan thus I have been putting it off since its initial airdate , this is very much different and better than my expectations while I don't really see anything bad about it , why are people talking so much negative about it ?

First episode made it seem it was just a clone show of other shows (different people had different theories which). Ep#2 and #3 showed is actually original

that is true , I started this forum post first episode , I have yet to see episode 3 , any better than episode 2 ?
Jul 23, 2020 2:33 AM

Aug 2012
Dragonland04 said:
nightcrawlercyp said:

First episode made it seem it was just a clone show of other shows (different people had different theories which). Ep#2 and #3 showed is actually original

that is true , I started this forum post first episode , I have yet to see episode 3 , any better than episode 2 ?
Not necessary better but it expands the background of the universe and the main characters in an organic way.
Jul 23, 2020 2:34 AM
Jul 2018
nightcrawlercyp said:
Dragonland04 said:

that is true , I started this forum post first episode , I have yet to see episode 3 , any better than episode 2 ?
Not necessary better but it expands the background of the universe and the main characters in an organic way.

okay , thank you though I would prefer if they put a bit more focus on the setting seen in the 1st episode
removed-userJul 23, 2020 2:54 AM
Jul 23, 2020 2:52 AM

Aug 2012
Dragonland04 said:
nightcrawlercyp said:
Not necessary better but it expands the background of the universe and the main characters in an organic way.

okay , thank you though I would prefer if they put a bit more focus on the setiing seen in the 1st episode
what do you mean? they put focus on a lot of things
Jul 23, 2020 2:56 AM
Jul 2018
nightcrawlercyp said:
Dragonland04 said:

okay , thank you though I would prefer if they put a bit more focus on the setiing seen in the 1st episode
what do you mean? they put focus on a lot of things

I meant as in the 2nd episode , the focus was put on the avatr setting living in the A.I world but I woul;d like to to see the setting as seen in the first episode regarding the design of the physical world
Jul 23, 2020 2:57 AM

Aug 2012
Dragonland04 said:
nightcrawlercyp said:
what do you mean? they put focus on a lot of things

I meant as in the 2nd episode , the focus was put on the avatr setting living in the A.I world but I woul;d like to to see the setting as seen in the first episode regarding the design of the physical world
ep3 is mainly on the real humans region
Jul 23, 2020 5:16 AM

Dec 2015
I don't like that crap design. Simple, primitive and very cheap like almost all modern western cartoons. I never asked for this.
Jul 23, 2020 8:17 AM
Mar 2019
When I look at the shows from this season alone that are ranked higher than Deca-Dence, I remember that MAL ratings have very little correlation to quality, and I shouldn’t take them that seriously. Also, criticizing something for being a rip-off of another thing has no value to me, unless literally everything done well in one show is done in the same way and better in another show. I mostly just judge a show based on how much it can stand on its own merits, divorced from the context it came out in.
Jul 23, 2020 8:59 AM

Mar 2017
For me personally, the childish art style chosen to animate the cyborgs is one thing that I really dislike about this anime; it makes it hard to take them seriously and is so far in contrast with the other art style and tone of the anime that it makes no sense. However, if you ignore that it's actually a pretty decent anime.
Jul 25, 2020 4:45 AM

May 2009
Gunnerz- said:
Because it is garbage. Plain and simple.

Cowards who hide their lists and ratings have no ground in calling anything a garbage.
Jul 25, 2020 7:46 AM

May 2015
I think because of AoT fans who claimed it to be a ripoff of it AND episode 2 that surprised everyone and led the majority to a rushed judgement, but here we are, episode 3, and this anime proved once again that it's more original than anyone thought it was and now I won't be surprised if it kept that up with the upcoming episodes, it has potential and it's definitely the underdog of this season. I am glad I picked it up and I am loving it so far.
About E02, it's like a lot of people who complained about it being an AoT ripoff complained again about it being NOT an AoT ripoff once they realized it wasn't, ironic.
Jul 27, 2020 8:05 PM

Mar 2009
TheBerserker said:
I think because of AoT fans who claimed it to be a ripoff of it AND episode 2 that surprised everyone and led the majority to a rushed judgement, but here we are, episode 3, and this anime proved once again that it's more original than anyone thought it was and now I won't be surprised if it kept that up with the upcoming episodes, it has potential and it's definitely the underdog of this season. I am glad I picked it up and I am loving it so far.
About E02, it's like a lot of people who complained about it being an AoT ripoff complained again about it being NOT an AoT ripoff once they realized it wasn't, ironic.

Agreeded. Goes to show how toxic anime fans really are.

I for one love the twist. Im more interested now than ever. So many theories pop in my head where this could go next.

Jul 27, 2020 10:16 PM

Aug 2019
Can't believe how people got pissed or felt betrayed because they were "sold something", but the show delivered something else.
The surprise is precisely the REASON they didn't show anything about the twist in PVs or images.
It's so good to be surprised by a movie, series, anime, book or etc, specially when the twist is good like this one.
Weebs have issues with some animes for wrong or dumb reasons tbh.
KrattzJul 27, 2020 10:23 PM
Jul 28, 2020 2:08 AM
Jun 2020
Because it appears this anime inspired Attack On Titan and they're too prideful to admit it.
Jul 28, 2020 2:51 AM

Jun 2020
It's far from an AoT ripoff and even if it was, I wouldn't mind that aspect of it.

That said, this is still my least favourite show among the ones I'm following this season, and I'm watching Peter Grill this season, so make what you can of it.
This anime shit is addictive
Jul 28, 2020 2:55 AM
Jul 2018
Gunnerz- said:
Because it is garbage. Plain and simple.

People won't stop badmouthing about something unique , huh ? at least give your explanation , not just that saying it is bad . List me what you think is bad about it
Jul 28, 2020 3:16 AM
Jul 2018
Gunnerz- said:
bastek66 said:

Cowards who hide their lists and ratings have no ground in calling anything a garbage.
Oh boohoo did I hurt your feelings because I called your cartoon garbage? Grow up, getting triggered over a cartoon lmao

Oh boohoo did you not see my post above it and just give us your opinion without any explanation and saying it is plain bad like a 4 year old ? Grow up , presenting baseless opinions lmao , Also if you have the courtesy of teasing his post then why did you open up your profile ? Scared now , are you ?
Jul 28, 2020 3:19 AM
Jul 2018
Gunnerz- said:
Dragonland04 said:

Oh boohoo did you not see my post above it and just give us your opinion without any explanation and saying it is plain bad like a 4 year old ? Grow up , presenting baseless opinions lmao
its garbage, plain and simple. I don’t care if I have to give an explanation just because your feelings are hurt lmao.

jeez , are we handling with a 4 year old to not even having an explanation , call your parents for me
also answer my second part of the post - Also if you have the courtesy of teasing his post then why did you open up your profile ? Scared now , are you ?
Jul 28, 2020 3:20 AM
Jul 2018
Gunnerz- said:
Dragonland04 said:

jeez , are we handling with a 4 year old to not even having an explanation , call your parents for me
No I don’t want to waste my time with people with mental illness. Have a good day, I’m off.

ironic for you to be the one saying it
Also if you have the courtesy of teasing his post then why did you open up your profile ? Scared now , are you ?
Jul 28, 2020 3:30 AM
Jul 2018
Gunnerz- said:
Dragonland04 said:

ironic for you to be the one saying it
Also if you have the courtesy of teasing his post then why did you open up your profile ? Scared now , are you ?
Abe rehne de na bhai, mazaak kar raha tha

thike chhod , par kuch bata to do critisize kyu kar raha hain show ko ?
removed-userJul 28, 2020 3:35 AM
Jul 28, 2020 3:44 AM
Jul 2018
Gunnerz- said:
Dragonland04 said:

thike chhod , par kuch bata to do critisize kyu kar raha hain show ko ?
Second episode plot twist ruined the show bro, that’s it

I think that made it more original than anything though I am myself not that big fan of the plot twist i am excited to see where it goes , you can try giving it a second chance though that alone is not reason enough for calling it trash imo
Jul 28, 2020 8:45 AM

May 2009
Gunnerz- said:
Dragonland04 said:

thike chhod , par kuch bata to do critisize kyu kar raha hain show ko ?
Second episode plot twist ruined the show bro, that’s it

It's not a plot twist, it's set up. It was still showed at the end of first episode, to establish how does world of this anime works.
Jul 28, 2020 8:56 AM

Jun 2016
Seems like many people dislike the show because they're incapable of putting one and one together. If you're capable of paying attention then there should really be no confusion here. It's ok if someone doesn't like the show because certain aspects don't appeal to them but many complaints I've seen thus far are just nonsense. The direction of the show itself thus far has been extremely predictable:

Me after episode one: "These robots / AI things are actually in charge of everything."
Episode two: "These robots / AI things are actually in charge of everything."
Me after episode two: "Episode three will be a training episode."
Episode three: "This is a training episode."

Not saying that being predictable is necessarily a bad thing but it undermines all the silly complaints about how the "twist" in episode two comes "out of nowhere".
NoumuJul 28, 2020 9:01 AM
Aug 7, 2020 11:25 PM
May 2020
Hey all, I have been digging this show since ep 1. However Kaburagi looks a lot like Heybot. And I'm waiting for a Vocab battle in robot land.

Aug 7, 2020 11:50 PM
May 2019
I came in cuz AoT is my favorite show and stayed cuz its not an exact replica of AoT. Really like the dynamic between the main 2 protagonists and quite like the fact that the twist is actually the premise of the show given how early on its revealed. I just hope the tone becomes a bit darker since thats the tone I expected when I learned that its a post apocalyptic setting. This season has quite a few popular shows(this show also drops the same day as rezero) so people gloss over this. Imo it might be the dark horse although this show can get from 100 to a 0 real quick.
Aug 9, 2020 1:35 AM

Jan 2019
I don’t hate it but I really don’t like the whole
. It’s fucking dumb
Aug 9, 2020 1:44 AM

Jul 2009
Kalvus said:
I don’t hate it but I really don’t like the whole
. It’s fucking dumb

It's a game only for the cyborgs. For every human this is a real threat and they are really losing their lives, not knowing that they're a part of the game. Imo there's nothing dumb about it, it's a very interesting idea.
Aug 9, 2020 1:46 AM

Jan 2019
ame-furi said:
Kalvus said:
I don’t hate it but I really don’t like the whole
. It’s fucking dumb

It's a game only for the cyborgs. For every human this is a real threat and they are really losing their lives, not knowing that they're a part of the game. Imo it's a very interesting idea.
it’s interesting but I just don’t like the little robo dudes and I don’t like the idea that oh there’s a bunch of aliens and they just gamin. I rather just have everyone be a human. Also I don’t really feel like a debate rn, I understand where you’re coming from and it’s definitely interesting. I just personally don’t like it.
Aug 9, 2020 1:59 AM

Jul 2009
Kalvus said:
ame-furi said:

It's a game only for the cyborgs. For every human this is a real threat and they are really losing their lives, not knowing that they're a part of the game. Imo it's a very interesting idea.
it’s interesting but I just don’t like the little robo dudes and I don’t like the idea that oh there’s a bunch of aliens and they just gamin. I rather just have everyone be a human. Also I don’t really feel like a debate rn, I understand where you’re coming from and it’s definitely interesting. I just personally don’t like it.

They're not aliens, they're cyborgs, technically humans who have been turned into cyborgs by the corporation.
I believe the different style of graphics with the robo dudes (colorful, peaceful, cartoonish, fake and artificial) is just used as a concept that separates the harsh and hard-to-live world of humans from the free and ideal world of cyborgs, which in reality isn't free and ideal.

I think the show has a lot of interesting and unique concepts and ideas, you just need to have an open mind and pay attention to details. But I understand that not everyone appreciates it, since everyone has their own taste.
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