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Nov 16, 2015 12:11 PM

Sep 2012
when will they do season2 i wonder? it really needs more seasons
Sugram22Nov 16, 2015 12:16 PM
Dec 3, 2015 7:16 PM

Apr 2014
Sugram22 said:
when will they do season2 i wonder? it really needs more seasons

Sorry to break it to you, but there won't be a second season.
Reason being is that they kill off one of the characters that play a great role later on in the series (Sakihisa Konoe). And the plot of the anime is a bit different from the novel so...
Dec 23, 2015 9:52 PM

Dec 2014
i feel that the background music made this entire series heart melting..

Mar 2, 2016 5:46 AM

Jul 2008
So I guess season 2 never happened.

This was a whole lot of average to me, not terrible but not great either. 5/10
May 26, 2016 1:02 PM

Apr 2016
this anime ended just like that? There is no season 2?
u'll never understood how the feel to be me. When the boundaries limit me to express or share my feeling. When u want to explain the truth but
you are not allowed to. When u need someone to
talk but u can't say anything
May 27, 2016 3:38 AM

Aug 2013
oda nobuna is male, right? Howcome he change his gender into female?!
"There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever
enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker,
or smarter. Everything is within.
Everything is exists.
Seek nothing outside of yourself
" - Musashi
Jun 15, 2016 9:44 AM

Feb 2015
So, in summary based from what happen in this final arc;

*Ending Song with Bonus Scene*
*After Credit.....*
*Made by Madhouse*
*Cliffhanger = Want to read more ? Go buy the LN you plebs*

GG madhouse!!!
for the second time i got mad by Madhouse splendid cliffhanger in the final episode since No Game No Life, moreover, the fact that i know they won't be making any second season is......making me mad more and more.......

Overall thoughts on the show; it was a really fun, enjoyable, thrilling and cool anime imo xD pretty much focused more on Sagara and Nobuna's relationship and the main plot which Nobuna's goal to conquer/unite Japan. and i really like the reason as of why Nobuna want to unite japan. not only to make a peacfull country, she wants to explore what's outside japan.....that's wha i find very interesting. well, just think about it and try to connect this story leading to World War 2 in real life. it's gonna be awsome if the author continue it to that era am i right ? xD heck, it's even more awsome if the author continue it to our era xD

tbh, there are still many things which confused me from this anime. for more part, i understand. Conquer Mino was her first goal but she only got Viper. and then Imagawa tried to conquered Owari, but failed, instead Nobuna conquered her land ? Then after than conquering Mino arc. Then she went into conquered Kyoto. about 120.000 kan is still confuse me but for most part i understand. Mitsuhide almost betrayed Nobuna but instead, that big lady surrended and became one of Nobuna's general. and then the last arc. The big retreat and the burning mountain. that's all i know. for the detail, it confuse me cause there are so many japanese character name and place name which really really confuse me cause they just literally just said the name without explaining it xD

i might understand the detail if i rewatch it so i will try to watch it if i have times xD

Character and soundtrack overall; very good and great xD Nobuna kinda potray the real Nobunaga character a little bit in Girl ver obviously. and i like how the author changed most of the important character in Sengoku Era into girls. like, i was fucking suprised when i knew Hanbee was actually a little girl xD but i like the author didn't actually made all of the character into girl like what happened in Sengoku Otome xD i mean, he still made girl ratio and guy raito equal.

he changed the character setting of Oda Nobunaga, and i find that very amusing, interesting and cool xD most of the story is still the same as the original story. i like that too. well, some of them has been changed tho, something like; Mitsuhide betrayal. and there are magic in this anime ? Ommyouji ? now that is interesting to add few new interesting elements into the story xD

i really hope the author not only make the story end after Nobuna unite japan, but i want the author to still keep continue to world war 2, cause i think it's gonna be interesting, awsome and cool. Like, this anime just literally changed the history from real world, our histroy xD and imo, it's a fun thing to do. to changed our own history, add some interesting aspect/elements into the story, changed the story and the setting a little bit, and make it into an anime xD

overall, great show imo. 9/10 for this anime. season 2 ? madhouse ? would be the end of the world if they really made one.
Fav Girl :
-Hanbee. Reason: She is cool, and smart.
-Date Masasmune. Reason: Only one word; Cool
Goemon's voice was very weird tho.......but she is cool too xD
So basically, i like those three character because they are cool.

i will try to buy the LN in english ver and read it XD
YizelTroJun 15, 2016 9:53 AM
Jun 15, 2016 1:02 PM

Apr 2014
Tevens said:
So, in summary based from what happen in this final arc;

I don't know if you know this or not, but just letting you know the translation group that translated this novel already translated it up to vol. 14...used to be on Baka-tsuki, but got taken down, BUT the group still translating as of now. It was posted in their facebook group.
Sep 3, 2016 8:59 PM

Oct 2012
That phone must be Nokia, definitely not iphone xD

Kinda ironic that the real Nobunaga Oda is exactly the opposite
"Signature removed"
Oct 12, 2016 11:40 PM

Sep 2013
Really good season....I hope they do another!

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Nov 18, 2016 1:30 AM
Jan 2016
well i think this was a bit late, but this series is good. I liked it so much, I haven't read the LN though so I wonder from which part did the anime differ from the LN?
Nov 22, 2016 10:47 AM

Apr 2014
shi_na said:
well i think this was a bit late, but this series is good. I liked it so much, I haven't read the LN though so I wonder from which part did the anime differ from the LN?

It's late, but to be honest, you might as well read from the beginning since they change the order of event (for example, when he go exchange money to rice and such) and leave out some detail. But if you just want to pick up where the anime left and don't care about details and some other event they took off, then VOL. 5 is where you might want to pick it from. Anime end at VOL. 4 (like I said, they took some event off and add some stuff in and change the order of things so yea...kind of confuse if you don't read from the beginning, but still doable).
Dec 4, 2016 4:30 AM
Aug 2016
hlubkoj2020 said:
Sugram22 said:
when will they do season2 i wonder? it really needs more seasons

Sorry to break it to you, but there won't be a second season.
Reason being is that they kill off one of the characters that play a great role later on in the series (Sakihisa Konoe). And the plot of the anime is a bit different from the novel so...

Bro you made me sad :D But anyway I don't know why did they put that red hair character at the end if they didn't want to make 2nd season, it was kinda stupid and made hope for a lot of people, some of them are still waiting for it.
Dec 17, 2016 7:07 PM
Jan 2016
hlubkoj2020 said:
shi_na said:
well i think this was a bit late, but this series is good. I liked it so much, I haven't read the LN though so I wonder from which part did the anime differ from the LN?

It's late, but to be honest, you might as well read from the beginning since they change the order of event (for example, when he go exchange money to rice and such) and leave out some detail. But if you just want to pick up where the anime left and don't care about details and some other event they took off, then VOL. 5 is where you might want to pick it from. Anime end at VOL. 4 (like I said, they took some event off and add some stuff in and change the order of things so yea...kind of confuse if you don't read from the beginning, but still doable).

yea, I read it from beginning and it was so much differing that I can't even pick up where the anime left it behind like other adaptation lol
May 1, 2017 2:29 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
HandsomeMan said:
No kissu for you! What a tease.

Expected, the whole anime just likes to tease like that, it is in this nature...

A very enjoyable anime overall, I was mostly addicted at the first episodes, since it had been so long I had seen something in such a setting.
Characters were decent, the girls were kinda cute and amusing to see going on beating MC ass.
Action could be better but animation-wise I liked it, plus loved the colours they used, sound was forgetable, but cute ED with some fanservice. The fanservice was one of the reasons that made me enjoy it, but I m glad the plot wasnt too bad, like I seen most of the stuff coming (really the MC is dead, yeah I m just going to believe it).
There are stuff that I disagree with on the series, like Nobuna always calling Sagara, Saruharu... I mean almost every time she calls him Monkey (translated), I just roll my eyes like, sound retarded..


Due to no S2, I guess LN will meet my needs just fine.
May 6, 2017 2:13 AM

Jan 2012
A really enjoyable anime. One of my favorites - especially if you love A. Cute girls B. Japanese history.

Sadly no season 2 in sight (or ever). I need more Mitsuhide fix. She's definitely my favorite character! Nobuna second.. well off to read the novels!

May 6, 2017 3:47 AM

Oct 2013

Too many lolis

And yet I gave it 7/10
May 26, 2017 11:28 AM
Feb 2015
prismheart said:
The visuals for this anime are beautiful. I'm thinking they are going for another season with the way they ended the series.
its because its madhouse madhouse literally has the midas touch every anime they touch is gold
Jul 29, 2017 4:26 AM
Apr 2013
Oh man, this series was amazing.

Loved the romance, the characters, and the plot.

Although the last fight felt somewhat quick imo, it was a nice ending to the series.
Yoshiharu's back, and NOW HAS A GIGANTIC HAREM. What a lucky bastard.

Really hope they make a season 2 though, they've still got more enemies to take down.


Feb 18, 2018 8:57 AM

Sep 2012
Mitsuhide warmed him with her own body

100 points lol

new i'l be W8 Oda to score higher lol
Feb 18, 2018 2:58 PM

Feb 2014
Oh, an anime with a solid enjoyment.

Even though there are more to happen, the end fortunately gave us the feeling of closure, not leaving us with a feeling of empty or unsatisfying end.

Would give this a 7.5/10 if possible. But I'll go with a 7. An 8 would be acceptable, though.

Would gladly watch a second season, but I think it won't happen considering the time that passed by since this season and that there's 0 of repercussion about a second season.
Feb 19, 2018 12:16 AM

Sep 2012
Vi- said:
Oh, an anime with a solid enjoyment.

Even though there are more to happen, the end fortunately gave us the feeling of closure, not leaving us with a feeling of empty or unsatisfying end.

Would give this a 7.5/10 if possible. But I'll go with a 7. An 8 would be acceptable, though.

Would gladly watch a second season, but I think it won't happen considering the time that passed by since this season and that there's 0 of repercussion about a second season.

that's why the cliffhanger is so annoying at the end (cause like us said it wont probably happen) lol
Mar 31, 2018 9:21 AM

Jul 2015
Just finished re-watching, really is an awesome Anime :) Just wish there was a season 2 to continue the ending with the Takeda reveal. Guess i'll have to find the Light Novels somewhere to continue.
Sep 6, 2018 7:16 AM

Sep 2011
Fuck. If only there wasn't a cockblock, I'll give this a higher score.

Still, finally managed to see Mitsuhide's erotic body. Mmmm.

But RIP season 2 although there was a teaser at the end that probably there should be one however it didn't happen.

May 26, 2020 7:27 AM

Apr 2018
The last episodes were really great, overall I really liked this anime, Nobuna is great waifu :)
Dec 1, 2020 1:38 AM

Apr 2009
man this show is a bit overrated and predictable.

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May 5, 2021 1:44 AM

Sep 2012
hlubkoj2020 said:
Sugram22 said:
when will they do season2 i wonder? it really needs more seasons

Sorry to break it to you, but there won't be a second season.
Reason being is that they kill off one of the characters that play a great role later on in the series (Sakihisa Konoe). And the plot of the anime is a bit different from the novel so...

well this series has always hinted that the purple haired guy will be the last enemy so this guy was insufficient first boss

who cares what was in the novel a lot including me like the series as it is

AwakeN77 said:
hlubkoj2020 said:

Sorry to break it to you, but there won't be a second season.
Reason being is that they kill off one of the characters that play a great role later on in the series (Sakihisa Konoe). And the plot of the anime is a bit different from the novel so...

Bro you made me sad :D But anyway I don't know why did they put that red hair character at the end if they didn't want to make 2nd season, it was kinda stupid and made hope for a lot of people, some of them are still waiting for it.

i agree its stupid to put that red hair character at the end if they didn't want to make 2nd season, so i am sure they planned to but will they its another question

Sugram22May 5, 2021 1:51 AM
Nov 20, 2021 3:53 AM

Aug 2020
We aint getting a season 2 of this. Its already 2021. I personally liked the characters. Tho the ending was kinda cliche. They still forgave lots of people and even the enemy survived. Idk if I'll remember this anime in the future but it was a pretty fine historical anime.

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Dec 30, 2021 11:48 AM
Dec 2021
good but got annoyed by the violence of oda a bit
Apr 29, 2022 11:08 AM
Aug 2020
Please got a season 2 I've been waiting a long time and love this anime
Apr 10, 2023 11:06 AM

Jun 2015
Squeeee pigrissssssssssing
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Jun 18, 2023 6:09 AM
May 2021
Loved the art style, animation quality and soundtrack of the anime 🔥🔥. But story felt really rushed throughout the season. But ya 8/10 for me, and no hope for S2 as it's already been 11 years lol
Jan 26, 2024 10:42 PM
Jul 2013
Liked it, really nice
Mar 5, 2024 6:53 PM

Jun 2016
God, I loved the anime, I didn't think it was that good, and the ed definitely became one of my favorites
Jan 10, 6:27 AM

Oct 2014
Rewatching this again: man I forgot how good this thing was.
Like even if things proceeded really fast like the historical parody it was, as far as a story goes, the character development of the characters that receive narrative focus are so endearing and thorough.

I miss these old days when they didn't go wishy washy "trying to be poetic but ends up being empty because the character is actually thin as fck, just wide with words" with characters.
Plus the girls are cute as fck, so...
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