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Apr 11, 2020 6:21 AM

Nov 2011
Ah, Arte is now a disciple. That means responsibility and it didn't take long for her to get a task assigned.

I think her chemistry with Angelo is interesting especially since he is an apprentice. I gotta admire Arte's determination to work herself. She's still got a lot to learn though.
Apr 11, 2020 7:57 AM

Feb 2019
Yay let’s go. Packed Saturday’s with this Kaguya, Bookworm II, Yesterday wo utatte, bakarina, Digimon and Toonami dubs. Been waiting all week for more Arte.

So weird seeing universal logo before an anime

Aw poor Angelo, such a good kid for helping out Arte and cleaning her up, only to get left lol.

Growing up with all women no wonder he’s so nice to girls. It’s only natural for him to be a simp

You go girl! Put your back into it and get those bags to the storage room. So proud of her

Angelo’s definitely starting to get the message by having his family try things on their own and not just doing it because they’re women. You can’t really fault him for being that way in Renaissance Italy. What Arte’s doing is a totally foreign concept for everyone, but he’s adjusting and I ship them. Great episode. My day’s off to a great start
Apr 11, 2020 8:04 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode again, I'm loving this.

It always puts a grin on my face when Arte shows up everyone who admonish her for being a girl. I'm glad Leo treats her fairly.

It was also really nice to see Arte's influence on Angelo at the end.
Apr 11, 2020 8:30 AM
Sep 2015
I'm biologically a man but I can't do heavy work at all! And thanks that I was born in this age where not all peasant men are required to do heavy work!

While Angelo feels like an ikemen, I still prefer DILF character like Leo.
Apr 11, 2020 8:35 AM

Dec 2014
Arte is so inspiring to watch...I really like her determination...
Apr 11, 2020 8:43 AM

Jun 2019
I can see her pain just to be a painter. I like the development Arte and Leo's chemistry.
Apr 11, 2020 8:51 AM

Jan 2013
another good episode. loving this strong woman in a man’s world approach. Arte’s goofy ass smile when showing that workshop up is great

ahhh Angelo. in today’s climate, a fine lad like him would be seen as what kids these days called...a simp. his spoiled sisters are annoying tho
Apr 11, 2020 8:52 AM

Nov 2016
Arte discovered the benefits of deadlifting xD

Was such a nice episode again. Arte still as lovely as one can get and she would indeed make a great shounen heroine.

And lol at poor Angelo, life with so many sisters must be exhausting and turned him into a "simp". Good for him that he was able learn a lesson from Arte.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 11, 2020 8:57 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, Arte's determination is the real deal. Such a pure and inspiring lass, keep it up!

Good thing she didn't injure her back carrying those 10 heavy bags though, I was thinking she might be unable to sit even but not getting her hands to move must've been quite the toll for her nonetheless. Couldn't help but smile like an idiot when the owner gave her the approval to visit the atelier on a later note.

Some sweet development for Leo-san and Arte's relationship too, that little bit at the very end of him spotting her hands and offering to help was beautiful. I feel like he should be a little bit more lenient though, who leaves someone to literally make up their own roof? She's got some extraordinary talent in that field too, on that note.

Arte's influence on Angela was a nice little treat. Found the bits before their reunion fairly hilarious, lol.

This is turning out to be glorious, hyped for more!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Apr 11, 2020 9:01 AM

Feb 2020
Angelo borderline simp.. but I think he realizing it props to him. Arte is a certified swole mama now, love her smile great ep again :D

Apr 11, 2020 9:19 AM

Mar 2019
Not gonna lie, I came in here for the Historical Romance, Stayed because of Ezio Auditore da Firenze.. he showed me all of Florence before Arte! and the way she's is in the rooftop is just a plus!
Apr 11, 2020 9:47 AM

Dec 2016
This isn't getting any better :/

I get it that Arte is meant to be a character to create awarenes in gender equitity, but it really gets tiresome when everyone and their cat have to throw in the phrase "it's because you're a woman"

I thought we had already filled in the quota of impossible feats to beat with episode 1 and Arte made all those 20 tempera planks, yet again, we have to see that she's some freak of nature and she can "repair" her shed and make it look better than new in just a week without any experience in carpentry or carry 20 sacks of clay that even 2 guys had a hard time carrying them around, but she miraculously finds a way to move all 20 of them without suffering from fatigue or any real toll on all her workout (cept for losing her grip obviously)

Angelo isn't much better. Yeah sure, his SIMP-like behaviour is backed up for his family that completely rely on him doing all the work, but the message from the author is just too blatant, yeah we get it, extremes are bad and not every girl is a damsel in distress, but it felt like this episode couldn't stop beating on a dead horse on these two particular subjects.

Hope episode 3 gets better now that Angelo had his sudden character development and possibly there will be more background characters that don't run on the same hivemind mentaility toiwards Arte.
Apr 11, 2020 9:57 AM

Aug 2019
Kimurah said:
This isn't getting any better :/

I get it that Arte is meant to be a character to create awarenes in gender equitity, but it really gets tiresome when everyone and their cat have to throw in the phrase "it's because you're a woman"

I thought we had already filled in the quota of impossible feats to beat with episode 1 and Arte made all those 20 tempera planks, yet again, we have to see that she's some freak of nature and she can "repair" her shed and make it look better than new in just a week without any experience in carpentry or carry 20 sacks of clay that even 2 guys had a hard time carrying them around, but she miraculously finds a way to move all 20 of them without suffering from fatigue or any real toll on all her workout (cept for losing her grip obviously)

Angelo isn't much better. Yeah sure, his SIMP-like behaviour is backed up for his family that completely rely on him doing all the work, but the message from the author is just too blatant, yeah we get it, extremes are bad and not every girl is a damsel in distress, but it felt like this episode couldn't stop beating on a dead horse on these two particular subjects.

Hope episode 3 gets better now that Angelo had his sudden character development and possibly there will be more background characters that don't run on the same hivemind mentaility toiwards Arte.

i mean thats kinda how it was back then. points for realism.
Apr 11, 2020 10:09 AM
Apr 2016
Teodrik said:
It's great anime, but for the God's sake Japan it's about Renaissance Italy touching someone's hand wasn't accident, they could accidentally sleep togheter at those times.

Yeah, I mean, I'm liking this anime but as an Italian myself this feels WAAAAAY too much Japanese.
It really chips away from my enjoyement of the series, the author went a long way to depict historical facts about living in Florence during the Renaissance and then put Japanese people in there, it's just not good writing at this point.
Things like bowing should been a given, Arte does it a lot and it just screams WRONG. She also does it right during the episode at a certain point (holding her dress and kneeling a little) which makes me ask why the hell she does it the japanese way in every other occasion.

I'm really hoping it gets better later on, this stuff kind of breaks the immersion for me.
Apr 11, 2020 10:22 AM

Jun 2013
I'm a fucking idiot so I don't know much but I didn't know that dowries existed in Europe back then. I learned about dowries while studying about Indian culture in school back when I was a kid in California, I don't recall much though. I was surprised it was mentioned twice. There is so much to learn.

Anyways, I think it's funny how many people, including myself, called Angelo a simp. He really is simping but others would call it being a decent human or gentleman-like. I hope his sisters didn't torment him for telling them to learn how to do things on their own.

I know this takes place during the Renaissance and all and yes, the idea is that it's rare for women to do the things Arte is doing but seriously? I am fucking tired of hearing every single male character (and even many of the female characters) in the series tell her she can't do something because she's a woman. It gets tiring just as much as a female character saying, "Don`t underestimate me just because I'm a girl" over and over again. We fucking get it!

For some reason, Arte is more of a shoujo character than a seinen character. Like others have said, she is very Japanese shoujo rather than acting like a European teenage girl.

I'm going to skim through the manga to see if it gets any better.
Apr 11, 2020 10:41 AM

Oct 2012
God, I love this so much.

I don't get why people are complaining about the fact that she's a woman being pointed out all the time? I mean, she should be the one complaining, not you guys lmao. Seriously, women face sexism even now. The anime is simply realistic.

Anyway! I don't think I've ever seen an anime that touched in the sexism subject so well. And Arte is such a genki girl I can never get enough of it... The accomplishment feeling she was talking about... Ahh, so easy to relate to that.

I don't know what I expected from it, but I definitely did not expect it to be so good! I think I liked this episode more than the first one. Arte is truly doing it not just to become an artisan, but to change her destiny as a woman. She's slowly changing people around her... I laughed so much when everyone was asking the guy why he was so nice to girls and then he went home and we found out he lived with 5 of them lol And Arte using her brain to think about how to carry the things... Jesus, I love her so much.
Apr 11, 2020 10:42 AM

Jan 2014
Arte is a such a loveable and determined person you just cannot help but root for.
Apr 11, 2020 10:46 AM

Aug 2012
Like please, we get it already... If they keep this ''oh you can't do this/that because you're a girl'', i'm gonna half my score from 8 to 4...
Apr 11, 2020 10:46 AM

Oct 2017
Watching Arte work so hard but getting mistreated just cause she's a girl was frustrating. I really like her and my love and respect for her is growing with each episode.
Apr 11, 2020 10:59 AM

Jul 2017
ok well I thought at least this episode was gonna tone down on the "bcuz ur a gurl hurhur" theme but I guess gotta wait till next week. Now all we need is for this to become a lesbian romance to complete the holy trinity :P

at least Angello x Arte was kinda cute, shame he's probably gonna get tossed aside for Leo because of his "idc if you're a girl" attitude but oh well. And while I get Arte's mentality of wanting to do things herself, there's nothing wrong with getting help from others. It's weird because I like all the characters in this, but man they really want to get that message across

fuckgendo said:
Kimurah said:
This isn't getting any better :/

I get it that Arte is meant to be a character to create awarenes in gender equitity, but it really gets tiresome when everyone and their cat have to throw in the phrase "it's because you're a woman"

I thought we had already filled in the quota of impossible feats to beat with episode 1 and Arte made all those 20 tempera planks, yet again, we have to see that she's some freak of nature and she can "repair" her shed and make it look better than new in just a week without any experience in carpentry or carry 20 sacks of clay that even 2 guys had a hard time carrying them around, but she miraculously finds a way to move all 20 of them without suffering from fatigue or any real toll on all her workout (cept for losing her grip obviously)

Angelo isn't much better. Yeah sure, his SIMP-like behaviour is backed up for his family that completely rely on him doing all the work, but the message from the author is just too blatant, yeah we get it, extremes are bad and not every girl is a damsel in distress, but it felt like this episode couldn't stop beating on a dead horse on these two particular subjects.

Hope episode 3 gets better now that Angelo had his sudden character development and possibly there will be more background characters that don't run on the same hivemind mentaility toiwards Arte.

i mean thats kinda how it was back then. points for realism.

eh, the general "women can't become painters" attitude maybe yea, but having every single man (apart from the main male mc ofc) using the "because you're a girl" in an obvious antagonistic way? Don't really see the 'realism' there. Then again, this is the renaissance era, so it's not like we have sufficient documentation anyway to determine what's "realistic" or not lmao
Apr 11, 2020 11:11 AM

Sep 2010
DaGrigo said:

I'm really hoping it gets better later on, this stuff kind of breaks the immersion for me.

Honestly it would be fine if it at least characters had some personality, but nope - default cheerful hardworking girl, default good guy, default good uncles suddenly spawning around. And let me guess why it was animated - as long as it's medieval Europe setting the most bland, uninspired story will sale good enough. And here I was hoping it was something decent -_-
Apr 11, 2020 11:15 AM

Sep 2009
I really love anime like this <3 Where the MC is a girl... trying her best for the things she wanted to do while making everyone around her feel that she's amazing or something.. lol i'm not really good at words
Apr 11, 2020 11:34 AM

Dec 2015
Another great episode. I wonder why the score is that low on MAL? (The other anime with the bookworm girl seems to have higher score ... weird.) Mabe it is anti feminists voting it down on purpose? (Because they don't want a strong girl in historic setting because it is "unrealistic".)

I like the development. With Angelo they introduced a possible love interest for Arte at her age. Other guy that gave her the "impossible task" was nice too.

Pacing seems fast if she is supposed to do only chores and helping out ... getting to draw at the other masters workshop (which seems a bit bigger) already. Preview and episode title of next episode hint at the first small real job possible in next episode.

I just did not like the sisters and mother of Angelo making him do stuff. They seem a bit lazy. They could have done housework stuff and helping out at other households as servants to earn money ... if they can't hire own servants. (Clothes like nobildy but the father only some civil official somewhere if I understood it correctly.)
Apr 11, 2020 11:39 AM

Jul 2017
The soundtrack continues to be pleasant, that's about the only thing I was entertained with about this episode. I admire the realistic takes they're taking but in general, was pretty bored by this. Didn't think the art was great either.
Apr 11, 2020 12:03 PM

Jul 2015
I kinda get the theme.. (probablycuzitsforced) about gender equality.. and I somewhat agree that even now in such a modern time. there is a problem of gender inequality so I can only imagine how it would've been in the past...
HOWEVER! excluding the excessive use of "you are a woman!" , there is something called being a human.. and humans have restrictions.. but Arte doesn't.. (probably) cuz no normal human can lift 2-3 bags of clay.. which from the prespective of needing 2 adult man to pick up with a bit difficulty... So how the hell can Arte pick not just 1 or even 2.. but freaking 10! bags! Arte belonged to somewhat of a noble family so she had a pretty "luxurious" childhood.. it would've made sense if Arte was 20-24 aged.. but she isn't.. she is 15 years old.. a freaking trained 24 year aged adult man may be able to pick 10 freaking bags.. but then.. he would be lying on ground after that, tired and probably unconscious.. or atleast unable to do any lifting for a brief period of time..
Apr 11, 2020 12:22 PM

May 2018
Well then Angelo Parker just showed up, WTF , he has an Italian first name and an English surname in an Italian setting.....

Ya know you could really feel Arte's determination around this anime and quite frankly it was nice to see that Angelo for the first time telling his spoiled sisters to get their asses hauling......
Apr 11, 2020 12:45 PM

Jun 2017
I may be wrong in this, please don't take my word for it, I'm not absolutely sure and I'm open to correction in this regard - but I think I'm beginning to perceive some subtle hints that gender equality may come to play a significant part at some point in this series. But of course I may be mistaken.

Apr 11, 2020 1:15 PM

Apr 2018
Never thought I'd be so emotional watching a character lifting bags...

I have no idea bout the source mats, but I hope there are more in depth technical stuff about arts, I love educational content.
Apr 11, 2020 2:02 PM

Jul 2015
The smile when your hard work and effort pays off

A Candidate for non sequel AOTS for me
Apr 11, 2020 2:18 PM

Dec 2016
Luthandorius said:
Another great episode. I wonder why the score is that low on MAL? (The other anime with the bookworm girl seems to have higher score ... weird.)

Sorry, but this is just ridiculous. "7.24" is really good score, I watched many good anime that has little over 6/10 but definitely should have higher score and you complain about good score and good popularity.
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.113/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.205/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Apr 11, 2020 2:25 PM

Mar 2008
Very disappointing, not just technically, but mostly how they changed even the little things and threw away everything that made the manga good!
What the hell happened?!

This is very sad, I'm a great fan of the manga, but this adaptation I can't recommend.
And having Wave and Yesterday adapted with such incredible quality in the same season just makes me even more bitter.
Apr 11, 2020 2:56 PM

Jul 2016
Honestly, I don't even really dislike the story, but I'm dropping this here. I can pretty much guess what's gonna happen, and I can't see it grabbing me any time soon.

Also, the visual design just isn't that good. I don't like the pale colour palette, the basic-ass character designs or the fact that Angelo has such a more vibrant colour scheme from the rest of the cast that he looks like he wandered in from a completely different show.

Arte is like the definition of a hard 'meh.'
Apr 11, 2020 3:25 PM

Apr 2015
UkRs said:
I kinda get the theme.. (probablycuzitsforced) about gender equality.. and I somewhat agree that even now in such a modern time. there is a problem of gender inequality so I can only imagine how it would've been in the past...
HOWEVER! excluding the excessive use of "you are a woman!" , there is something called being a human.. and humans have restrictions.. but Arte doesn't.. (probably) cuz no normal human can lift 2-3 bags of clay.. which from the prespective of needing 2 adult man to pick up with a bit difficulty... So how the hell can Arte pick not just 1 or even 2.. but freaking 10! bags! Arte belonged to somewhat of a noble family so she had a pretty "luxurious" childhood.. it would've made sense if Arte was 20-24 aged.. but she isn't.. she is 15 years old.. a freaking trained 24 year aged adult man may be able to pick 10 freaking bags.. but then.. he would be lying on ground after that, tired and probably unconscious.. or atleast unable to do any lifting for a brief period of time..

My thoughts exactly. That's insane. I also love to see a girl overcoming obstacles, but that's crazy. I have never seen an ordinary girl lift as much weight as an ordinary guy in a gym. It's impossible for a rich girl who never worked out in her life lift 10 bags of clay by herself. And the perfect shed she rebuilt was also too much for me.
Apr 11, 2020 3:51 PM

Sep 2011
I liked Angelo. It isn't like he was looking down on Arte. He was just kind of conditioned to act like that by his family, and it was way better than the way others treat her. Though he still can't compare to Leo-san since he is still the only one who treats her as an individual in her own right before treating, or dismissing, her as a girl. Angelo's master though, I bet he would be happy if he had managed to "teach her her place" with that task, but she succeeded. And he was a jerk, but not beyond salvation since he changed his attitude after seeing just how serious she could get. And I also like the positive effect Arte had on Angelo already. I don't know if his sisters and mother are going to be happy to do stuff themselves, but it certainly is going to be good for them. I also wonder if what she did with her dress so it wouldn't get in her way was really, really scandalous for the time period, or if just a bit. lol
Apr 11, 2020 4:07 PM

Nov 2015
Arte is super cute, I'd smash ngl

Luthandorius said:
Another great episode. I wonder why the score is that low on MAL? (The other anime with the bookworm girl seems to have higher score ... weird.) Mabe it is anti feminists voting it down on purpose? (Because they don't want a strong girl in historic setting because it is "unrealistic".)

never take MAL's scores seriously, it's really sad how some actually do and it's making it harder when I'm trying to recommend stuff to some of my friends, cause they always check the scores, this show is highkey one of the best this season so far
I get how some of the manga readers might feel salty about it not being adapted the way they wished it to be, but as an anime-only, I think it's a pretty good watch
also, the anti-feminists are just as cancerous as the feminists, js, thinking this show is promoting feminism is utter nonsense
AZY-samaApr 12, 2020 6:55 AM
Apr 11, 2020 5:46 PM

Jul 2013
My arms hurt watching this episode.
Apr 11, 2020 6:16 PM

Oct 2008
Now that's a mindset of a tough girl! whoever man she marries is gonna be lucky!

Apr 11, 2020 7:14 PM

Aug 2015
Angelo's a simp𝅸𝅳𝅸𝅳𝅸𝅳𝅸𝅳𝅸𝅳
Apr 11, 2020 7:25 PM

Sep 2018
I'm liking this so far, having her overcome adversity in that era is enjoyable. 9/10 episode.
Apr 11, 2020 8:40 PM
Feb 2018
My only problem with this is that it's weird that in 16th century Florence, not more people (outside of angelo) are gentleman with gallantry being an especially big thing at the time, particularly in the art community.

Short_Circut said:
ok well I thought at least this episode was gonna tone down on the "bcuz ur a gurl hurhur" theme but I guess gotta wait till next week. Now all we need is for this to become a lesbian romance to complete the holy trinity :P

at least Angello x Arte was kinda cute, shame he's probably gonna get tossed aside for Leo because of his "idc if you're a girl" attitude but oh well. And while I get Arte's mentality of wanting to do things herself, there's nothing wrong with getting help from others. It's weird because I like all the characters in this, but man they really want to get that message across

fuckgendo said:

i mean thats kinda how it was back then. points for realism.

eh, the general "women can't become painters" attitude maybe yea, but having every single man (apart from the main male mc ofc) using the "because you're a girl" in an obvious antagonistic way? Don't really see the 'realism' there. Then again, this is the renaissance era, so it's not like we have sufficient documentation anyway to determine what's "realistic" or not lmao

Arte's way of thinking is more what would be deemed weird actually. The fact that everyone thought this way was a pretty normal thing at the time. The fact that being a gentleman and gallantry was so big during that time always showed that idea that the men had to protect the feeble woman which would put in everyone's head that women can't do this and that because men do everything for them. And women would think this way as well since everything would be done for them.

So yeah it is quite realistic, the ony thing is that Arte might be too advanced in her way of thinking to actually be from the 16th century.

I mean the fact that she doesn't want any help at all just because she doesn't want to feel helpless and be a bad image for women is not something that woman thought off until at least a few hundreed years later

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenApr 12, 2020 2:49 AM
Apr 11, 2020 9:15 PM

Jul 2017
supernicolasman said:
Short_Circut said:
ok well I thought at least this episode was gonna tone down on the "bcuz ur a gurl hurhur" theme but I guess gotta wait till next week. Now all we need is for this to become a lesbian romance to complete the holy trinity :P

at least Angello x Arte was kinda cute, shame he's probably gonna get tossed aside for Leo because of his "idc if you're a girl" attitude but oh well. And while I get Arte's mentality of wanting to do things herself, there's nothing wrong with getting help from others. It's weird because I like all the characters in this, but man they really want to get that message across

eh, the general "women can't become painters" attitude maybe yea, but having every single man (apart from the main male mc ofc) using the "because you're a girl" in an obvious antagonistic way? Don't really see the 'realism' there. Then again, this is the renaissance era, so it's not like we have sufficient documentation anyway to determine what's "realistic" or not lmao

Arte's way of thinking is more what would be deemed weird actually. The fact that everyone thought this way was a pretty normal thing at the time. The fact that being a gentleman and gallantry was so big during that time always showed that idea that the men had to protect the feeble woman which would put in everyone's head that women can't do this and that because men do everything for them. And women would think this way as well since everything would be done for them.

So yeah it is quite realistic, the ony thing is that Arte might be too advanced in her way of thinking to actually be from the 16th century.

I mean the fact that she doesn't want any help at all just because she doesn't want to feel helpless and be a bad image for women is not something that woman thought off until at least a few hundreed years later

Well yeah, I won’t deny the general gentlemeness/gallantry was predominant during those times (at least based on what we know though, ancient history is never going to be 100% accurate) and that it was common for the female to play the more passive role, but the whole everybody except for the main male lead is spouting the exact same lines, in the exact same antagonistic ways is what breaks that immersion, because that kind of mob mentality only really happens in extreme cases (like witch hunts) afaik

But like I said, we can never know exactly for sure, primary sources from these times and before are so flawed yet it’s all we can go off of. Maybe this is exactly how people acted back then idk? Either way it’s a good message the creator is trying to prove, but horrendous execution
Apr 11, 2020 9:24 PM
Mar 2015
Glad she is willing to put in the work
Apr 11, 2020 9:33 PM

Dec 2016
fuckgendo said:

i mean thats kinda how it was back then. points for realism.

Realism jumped out the window when a 15 year old girl was able to lift up 50+Kg clay sacks and moved 10 of them without getting fatigue or sored muscles (aside from her grip) when it actually it was needed two bulky guys to move those around

Realism also shot itself on the head and fell into it's casket when it made a 15 year old teenager that knows nothing or has any experience about carpentry, and allowed her to do a complete shed from the ground up.

MaahHeim said:
God, I love this so much.

I don't get why people are complaining about the fact that she's a woman being pointed out all the time? I mean, she should be the one complaining, not you guys lmao. Seriously, women face sexism even now. The anime is simply realistic.

Because basically the author is indirectly telling their audience that they are idiots and they need to be reminded every 2 minutes that because Arte is a girl, she couldn't do any men's work. We got the message from the very first episode and from the beginning of this second episode, it's completely unnecesary to make the side characters and background character sing the same tune the whole episode. Who knows how many times the same literal message will it be thrown on to the audience in the next episodes. A good writer would make use of "show don't tell" rather than make all the characters "tell" the same message over and over.
KimurahApr 11, 2020 9:53 PM
Apr 11, 2020 9:48 PM
Feb 2018
Short_Circut said:
supernicolasman said:

Arte's way of thinking is more what would be deemed weird actually. The fact that everyone thought this way was a pretty normal thing at the time. The fact that being a gentleman and gallantry was so big during that time always showed that idea that the men had to protect the feeble woman which would put in everyone's head that women can't do this and that because men do everything for them. And women would think this way as well since everything would be done for them.

So yeah it is quite realistic, the ony thing is that Arte might be too advanced in her way of thinking to actually be from the 16th century.

I mean the fact that she doesn't want any help at all just because she doesn't want to feel helpless and be a bad image for women is not something that woman thought off until at least a few hundreed years later

Well yeah, I won’t deny the general gentlemeness/gallantry was predominant during those times (at least based on what we know though, ancient history is never going to be 100% accurate) and that it was common for the female to play the more passive role, but the whole everybody except for the main male lead is spouting the exact same lines, in the exact same antagonistic ways is what breaks that immersion, because that kind of mob mentality only really happens in extreme cases (like witch hunts) afaik

But like I said, we can never know exactly for sure, primary sources from these times and before are so flawed yet it’s all we can go off of. Maybe this is exactly how people acted back then idk? Either way it’s a good message the creator is trying to prove, but horrendous execution

It's not really similar to witch craft or mob mentality though.
It's more like they don't want to admit that woman can do this and that because of how they saw the world since they were born where woman always played the passive role and so they can't see or comprehend women doing the same thing as them.
Hence why we alaways get the same response from each person in that anime, it's just that they all think the same way that women can only play one part and are unable to do another thing. Maybe in history they weren't as antagonistic as much as here but they would definitely laugh it off as a joke because they just can't see it as reality or possible.
Apr 11, 2020 9:49 PM

Oct 2012
Kimurah said:
fuckgendo said:

i mean thats kinda how it was back then. points for realism.

Realism jumped out the window when a 15 year old girl was able to lift up 50+Kg clay sacks and moved 10 of them without getting fatigue or sored muscles (aside from her grip) when it actually it was needed two bulky guys to move those around

Realism also shot itself on the head and fell into it's casket when it made a 15 year old teenager that knows nothing or has any experience about carpentry, and allowed her to do a complete shed from the ground up.

MaahHeim said:
God, I love this so much.

I don't get why people are complaining about the fact that she's a woman being pointed out all the time? I mean, she should be the one complaining, not you guys lmao. Seriously, women face sexism even now. The anime is simply realistic.

Because basically the author is indirectly telling their audience that they are idiots and they need to be reminded every 2 minutes that because Arte is a girl, she couldn't do any men's work. We got the message from the very first episode and from the beginning fo this second episode, it's completely unnecesary to make the side characters and background character sing the same tune the whole episode. Who knows how many times the same literal message will it be thrown on to the audience in the enxt episodes. A good writer would make use of "show don't tell" rather than make all the characters "tell" the same message over and over.

I feel like the point of the anime is to show how the injustice/sexism works, though. Arte *is* reminded all the time that she's a girl. She doesn't want to be and just wants to do her stuff, but people keep coming and reminding her of that.
Apr 11, 2020 10:45 PM

Jul 2017
supernicolasman said:
Short_Circut said:

Well yeah, I won’t deny the general gentlemeness/gallantry was predominant during those times (at least based on what we know though, ancient history is never going to be 100% accurate) and that it was common for the female to play the more passive role, but the whole everybody except for the main male lead is spouting the exact same lines, in the exact same antagonistic ways is what breaks that immersion, because that kind of mob mentality only really happens in extreme cases (like witch hunts) afaik

But like I said, we can never know exactly for sure, primary sources from these times and before are so flawed yet it’s all we can go off of. Maybe this is exactly how people acted back then idk? Either way it’s a good message the creator is trying to prove, but horrendous execution

It's not really similar to witch craft or mob mentality though.
It's more like they don't want to admit that woman can do this and that because of how they saw the world since they were born where woman always played the passive role and so they can't see or comprehend women doing the same thing as them.
Hence why we alaways get the same response from each person in that anime, it's just that they all think the same way that women can only play one part and are unable to do another thing. Maybe in history they weren't as antagonistic as much as here but they would definitely laugh it off as a joke because they just can't see it as reality or possible.

Nah witch craft was just me saying a case where this antagonistic view would make sense lol
But I do think it can be considered mob mentality though. Even the explanation you gave is pretty much what it is, their whole life they’ve seen women in a passive role so they become critical when a woman tries to do something out of the norm

See if they did laugh it off or showed other ways of dismissing Arte because she was a woman other than outright saying it, then I would’ve had no issues with it cause it would’ve been easily believable (I won’t say ‘realistic’ cause again, we’ll never know for sure). It’s precisely because of the overly antagonistic manor that seems to serve more of a purpose of putting Arte on some imaginary pedestal than to emulate the actions of people in the era, that makes the whole situation more laughable rather than representative
Apr 11, 2020 11:05 PM
Apr 2018
This anime IS A GEM. Arte being a strong, independent woman we all should admire. And Angelo is such a sweet boy. I liked that he said that to his siblings.

Junya Enoki is everywhere and I'm happy for him!
Apr 11, 2020 11:23 PM

Mar 2014
I fear for Arte's lumbar muscles...

I enjoyed the episode quite a lot, Arte determination enhances my previous thoughts that it feels like a sports anime, at least structurally, she's a lovable and inspiring character, it seems that characterization might one of this animes biggest strengths. Also i love the Ending's melodies, put's me on a mellow mood.

On the downside i can agree with those that posted before me that there is no need to repeat "...but you are a woman" so much in the span of a single episode. The author could use other ways besides dialog to imply that or at least pace it better. Not enough to throw me off, looking forward to the next episodes.
Apr 11, 2020 11:29 PM

Jun 2012
I'm surprised Arte haven't injured her hands yet despite being a complete amateur with woodcrafting. Oh well, it's her determination that matters to be shown.
Apr 12, 2020 12:41 AM

Jan 2016

Man, I'm really loving this anime so far. Probably my favorite Historical anime yet (cause it's my only one lol). I really did feel frustrated whenever they pointed out she was a woman, and I also felt frustrated with Angelo whenever he did that as well (without realizing it). Thank god for Leo.

Also, I checked, and unsurprisingly, all the users for this episode that complain about the "Because you're a girl" part are all males. I guess this says a lot about their character ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Doesn't mean females will like it though.

AZY-sama said:
also, the anti-feminists are just as cancerous as the feminists, js, thinking this show is promoting femimism is utter nonsense

Honestly if it was promoting that it would have been set in a modern setting, not a 16th century setting where the males being "superior" was a norm.
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