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Apr 1, 2020 10:37 AM

Feb 2018
So, first episode, huh?

It was nice. I really like the way they incorporated the same art as in webtoon. So far, only pacing worries me but time will show, how they will present this series - 79 chapters into 13 episodes? Well, as I said, time will show. I put reading source material on hold only because I found out that serialization is coming but I saw a glimpse of what can I expect. I can''t wait to see some action! The VA was also good.

Also, Kevin Penkin is responsible for the music and I'm really pleased about it - maybe not everyone will be happy about ost but he really has some skills when it comes to conveying the atmosphere. So far, I really liked soundtrack from first episode - I don't know what to say about OP - it was, well, good but nothing special for me.


Yeah, I saw it too. A lot was missing from the beginning of the plot like, for example, Evan and Yuri conversation that actually was important, but I believe that some explanations will be provided later. Guys, it was a fuc*ing first episode. Like, really... I've never been a fan of choosing sides on MAL like "people who actually are able to rate series properly" and "people who don't know shit" but you really shouldn't describe this whole series as something awful - give it a shot - if not, go and read it - it's worth your time!

JudoJD said:
neireatwing said:
Four 10/10 reviews for the first episode of this? Really?
Are we watched the same anime or maybe I saw broken version?

Awful character designs (especially mr. white rabbit), mediocre visuals, generic story (weak protagonist who don't know nothing about world gets super weapon and random asspull luck because reasons), fast pacing (I haven't read original webtoon but it still looks like they adapted 4-5 chapter from it into one episode). What is 10/10 here? I don't get it.
Yeah, soundtrack is pretty good, but that's all.

drop, give back 25 minutes of my life pls
neireatwing said:
Four 10/10 reviews for the first episode of this? Really?
Are we watched the same anime or maybe I saw broken version?

Awful character designs (especially mr. white rabbit), mediocre visuals, generic story (weak protagonist who don't know nothing about world gets super weapon and random asspull luck because reasons), fast pacing (I haven't read original webtoon but it still looks like they adapted 4-5 chapter from it into one episode). What is 10/10 here? I don't get it.
Yeah, soundtrack is pretty good, but that's all.

drop, give back 25 minutes of my life pls

Welcome to the anime community. First time here?

Yeah, that's what I mean.
KurseiApr 1, 2020 10:52 AM
Apr 1, 2020 10:41 AM

Mar 2018
Pretty good start. I read the first couple of chapters of the webtoon around a year ago but stopped cuz of how long it was so hope I like this.
Apr 1, 2020 10:43 AM

Jan 2016
-GilgaSmash- said:
If the comments on this episode do not show how full of idiots MAL is nothing will

Couldn't agree more
Apr 1, 2020 10:44 AM

Sep 2014
When I learned that it was going to be only one cour plus the fact that SIU isn't supervising the adaptation and didn't have many meetings with the studio which is adapting it, I knew that I should not have high expectations. Important stuff that others have already mentioned were left out and wasn't fan of the direction either. The transition between the scenes and the fast pacing felt awkward to me. At least it looked beautiful and the voice-acting was also stellar though I'm not into Baam's voice so far.
Apr 1, 2020 10:46 AM

Nov 2011
Seemed pretty rushed.
Apr 1, 2020 10:53 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
Oh wow, the first 4 reviews are 10/10.

I know your favorite manhwa is getting adapted and you're creaming your pants right now just by the thought of it but jesus, calm down. I know the reviews on MAL are irrelevant and they will most likely gonna be deleted soon but still, that's dumb to see. It's just the first episode.
Apr 1, 2020 10:54 AM

Nov 2019
Why are there so many people complaining about the animation?
Apr 1, 2020 10:56 AM
Jul 2019
For me, animation is ok, but opening with black screen is not a very good idea.
Apr 1, 2020 10:57 AM

May 2015
I'll never understand why people jump into a hyped series and expect to immediately see why it gets so much praise. What people hype up could happen later on, yet no one wants to acknowledge that for some reason. I don't think this episode was some masterpiece either, but saying it's overhyped based on 1 episode is pretty stupid.

Apr 1, 2020 10:57 AM

Jun 2014
The setting lacks a proper presentation, I have no f* idea what's going on beyond some guy following a girl into some kind of transdimensional tower that people supposedly climb to become god? wtf

It better improves a lot if it wants to live up to the hype that I've seen built around this.
Cazador75Apr 1, 2020 11:10 AM
Apr 1, 2020 11:03 AM

Oct 2018
The OP was...kinda lackluster, switching back and forth between Bam and a black background with nothing but text. Clearly not a lot of thought was put into design. BUT HEY, KEVIN PENKIN

Apr 1, 2020 11:08 AM

May 2019
a good first episode

they skip some details here and there but overall was good

the animation and the soundtracks were very good

op meh
nice ed

”A fight isn't won once a victor is decided, it's won when someone loses.” – Izayoi Sakamaki

I don’t even know the real names of the two… no, three that I killed back then. I just closed my eyes, put my hands over my ears and tried to forget it all.” – Kirito

Apr 1, 2020 11:10 AM
Dec 2019
Animation is pretty mediocre.
Pacing is not too bad but they skipped some scenes and dialogues.
Opening song is ok.
Opening animation is lame af.

Overall 3/5 for for me
Apr 1, 2020 11:14 AM

May 2014
The first episode is so vague that it is impossible to decipher what this show is about. I am up for a mystery show, but I'd prefer at least establishing more concrete premises and boundaries. Now it is about seemingly arbitrary things happening on-screen.
Apr 1, 2020 11:14 AM

Jan 2015
Gosh peeps, calm down! It was a pretty good pilot episode honestly. Yeah, some details were left out but it didn't seem that rushed. Please give it time to develop the world. You explore the tower with Bam and learn more about it along with him. Give it a few episodes and decide whether you like it or not.

Apr 1, 2020 11:17 AM

Oct 2017
cchigu said:
I remember dropping ToG very early because of how bad it was. Let's see if it's anime adaptation can sway my opinion.


With this adaptation I don't think it will lolz. Also I dunno how far u read but you should have stuck with TOG cause it gets really amazing later on. If OP is considered the god of mangas then TOG is the god of manwha/webtoons.
Apr 1, 2020 11:18 AM

Jun 2011
JudoJD said:
I knew it. I just knew it. EVERY TIME something gets so much hype from such a large loud crowd it always turns out to be some mediocre cliche-ridden generic battle shounen or iisekai type deal. I hate the anime community so much. Please overhype at least somewhat interesting series. Some creators are actually trying out here ugh anyways..
If you want some validity to your point at least wait out to see why the fans love the series so much.. the fans didn't hype the series because of the pilot episodes/chapters, you know that much at least, right? But well, I can already tell that you came into the series looking to hate another popular series. What's new for MAL?

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
DeadlyRavenApr 10, 2020 7:52 AM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Apr 1, 2020 11:20 AM
Jun 2017
TheDeedsOfMen said:
The first episode is so vague that it is impossible to decipher what this show is about. I am up for a mystery show, but I'd prefer at least establishing more concrete premises and boundaries. Now it is about seemingly arbitrary things happening on-screen.

Like others have said, the reason it's a bit confusing right now is
1. It's supposed to be: we, like Bam, are new to the Tower of God and know very little about it. As the plot progresses, we will learn more about this world alongside Bam.
2. Some details were unfortunately left out of this episode. See my post quoted below:

Azaroth_of_Dale said:
Shadzzo said:
Ehh... So princess gives the mc who is a total stranger at this point some family heirloom legendary sword. And somehow MC activates it cuz "he has a cute face lul". I dont know how to feel about this. No explanation or introduction for anything either. I didn't read the original work so i can't compare but this felt like it had some directing errors...

Yeah, they cut out part of the explanation for why that happened. Some explanation of things that were cut out for people who haven't read the webtoon:

I'll add more to this if I remember any other details.

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
DeadlyRavenApr 10, 2020 7:52 AM
Apr 1, 2020 11:24 AM

May 2016
DruMzTV said:
Azaroth_of_Dale said:

Whether or not you watch the anime, you should definitely read the Webtoon. It starts off a bit slow, but both the art and the story just keep getting better and better as it goes on (especially by the time it hits season 2). I'm personally going to keep watching the anime as well, this episode wasn't as good as I hoped, but I feel like its main problem (the removal of a decent chunk of exposition / world-building that was in the Webtoon) can be easily fixed if they're planning on just weaving it in throughout later episodes.

yeah i finished S1 a long time ago and wasnt really impressed. And peoples opinion differ where s1 left off. one person above you said everything after S1 is mediocre while others claim it gets amazing, which is why i´m conflicted

(For clarity, i rated the first season an 8/10 which doesnt sound that bad at first, but if it comes to manga for me, if it doesnt have a 10 or a 9 its not reaally good. Everythinng 7 or below is bad or dropworthy (like Neverland, gotoubun, sun ken rock or dungeon meshi for me, which are 7 or below)

Yeah, it's a mix. A key point is that S2 does the art and the action a lot better, and it has a VERY strong start that lasts well into the season. But there are later arcs that really drag. If you didn't like the writing of S1, I think it's really a toss up of whether or not you'd like S2.
Apr 1, 2020 11:24 AM
Jan 2017
Back when this series was announced, I wasn't sure if I should give it a chance, but now that I watched, I'm glad I did. Sure, the beginning is a bit slow and the episode just gives you a lot of scenes and pictures without proper context, but everything slowly comes together as the story moves forward. Bam has a pretty good relatability factor: he is clueless, out of his depth and lacks any confidence in himself, but he is forced to rapidly mature and make quick decisions. All in all, I'm comfortable in saying that this was a good beginning and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Apr 1, 2020 11:24 AM

May 2017
pretty decent imo. the concept of the plot is pretty basic so I'm interested to find out what all the hype is about.

OP/ED by Stray Kids didn't really impress me even though I'm a big fan of them, well the visual of the op was pretty boring and the ED was just credits so that didn't help.

Will def continue this.
Apr 1, 2020 11:25 AM

Jan 2019
Honestly, the Korean op sounded better than the Japanese one, which is weird cuz I'm no kpop fan
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Apr 1, 2020 11:25 AM

Mar 2017
Hype hype hype! The art is incredible, especially the character designs. That Op was fire and the rest of the soundtrack was also awesome. I like that no time was wasted beating around the bush; the action started pretty early on.

Bam didn't really make an impression but I mean, it's episode one so hopefully he'll develop into an amazing MC. I'm totally hooked!

Inferno792 said:
Gosh peeps, calm down! It was a pretty good pilot episode honestly. Yeah, some details were left out but it didn't seem that rushed. Please give it time to develop the world. You explore the tower with Bam and learn more about it along with him. Give it a few episodes and decide whether you like it or not.

I've noticed with so many anime that people judge so negatively... I really don't get what people want from an anime anymore. Also, manga readers need to remember that the story and events need to jiggled about in order to adapt for an anime.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenApr 10, 2020 7:20 AM
Apr 1, 2020 11:36 AM

May 2014
Azaroth_of_Dale said:
TheDeedsOfMen said:
The first episode is so vague that it is impossible to decipher what this show is about. I am up for a mystery show, but I'd prefer at least establishing more concrete premises and boundaries. Now it is about seemingly arbitrary things happening on-screen.

Like others have said, the reason it's a bit confusing right now is
1. It's supposed to be: we, like Bam, are new to the Tower of God and know very little about it. As the plot progresses, we will learn more about this world alongside Bam.

They wouldn't have to infodump about the tower or even Bam right away, but they should start dropping hints that indicate what the general purpose of the story is. Which genres are we talking about? What are the themes?

The hints don't even have to be honest. I am all for misleading the audience, but at least give some hints. They can't betray my expectations if I don't have any.
Apr 1, 2020 11:40 AM
Apr 2019
Honestly, I don't know what to think about it so far. I will give it the benefit of the doubt, and say it's an 8/10 for me SO FAR. The op isn't really my thing, but I didn't hate it as much as everyone here seems to. It kinda resembles a movie opening scene, or something. I hope it gets better so we can laugh at the people who dropped it because they didn't like the art. Personally, I thought it looked nice even if the lines were a little strange. I heard the Webtoon art improved drastically, so hopefully the anime art will too. The colors were vibrant, and the character designs were appealing. So, we're off to a pretty good start. I hope it lives up to the source material. Also, my boi Kevin Penkin is doing the music, hell yeah.
Apr 1, 2020 11:46 AM

Dec 2012
ToG25thBaam said:
JudoJD said:
I knew it. I just knew it. EVERY TIME something gets so much hype from such a large loud crowd it always turns out to be some mediocre cliche-ridden generic battle shounen or iisekai type deal. I hate the anime community so much. Please overhype at least somewhat interesting series. Some creators are actually trying out here ugh anyways..
If you want some validity to your point at least wait out to see why the fans love the series so much.. the fans didn't hype the series because of the pilot episodes/chapters, you know that much at least, right? But well, I can already tell that you came into the series looking to hate another popular series. What's new for MAL?

His point was made valid by watching the first episode; it was mediocre as hell.
Apr 1, 2020 11:48 AM
Jul 2018
I feel like the episode was rushed, there's a lot of things that could have been added for the first episode but It's really nice how the animation was similar to that of the drawing style in the manhwa.
removed-userApr 1, 2020 11:55 AM
Apr 1, 2020 11:51 AM
Nov 2017
Kazuma must really like that riffle from Konosuba movie. He took it with him to the tower of god after all :-)
Apr 1, 2020 11:52 AM
May 2019
First episode bored me down. It seems rushed. I hope it lives down to its hype but this first episode feels so mediocre with common tropes of an OP char
Apr 1, 2020 11:53 AM

Jul 2016
Yeah, that's a no from me. Everything felt like it was moving just a little too fast so I had no way to latch on emotionally. Animation looked a bit weird in places too. Still, a helluva lot more interesting than Tamayomi, though that's not really a high bar to clear. Felt like these guys were tryin' a little too hard to be artsy, especially in the opening scene.
Apr 1, 2020 11:53 AM

Nov 2010
JudoJD said:
I knew it. I just knew it. EVERY TIME something gets so much hype from such a large loud crowd it always turns out to be some mediocre cliche-ridden generic battle shounen or iisekai type deal. I hate the anime community so much. Please overhype at least somewhat interesting series. Some creators are actually trying out here ugh anyways..

The writing so far aside, at least the soundtrack's great and I quite enjoy the visual direction (can't speak for everyone by the looks of it). Like the OP and ED - the songs specifically but that's probably the kpop trash within me talking lol - they're nice. Would be cool if the sequences provided the visuals to match.but my playlist will be happy.
Hopefully, the strengths in production can maintain my interest cause the story and characters don't. seem to be the selling points.

There was no characterization going on, so I'm not sure how you are able to rate the characters.
The only character that got some characterization was Yuri, and we only got to see her brash side, without any context about her position or how she usually behaves.
Bam (or Yoru) is basically a dear in the headlights so far and the only other characterization was for the people shown at the start of the second test and was very flimsy at best.

Tower of God is a slow build up story, and they had to decide if they went the fast route or the slow route and they picked the rocket route for episode 1. I would have preferred the show as a slow burn similar to something like Ascendance of a Bookworm, but for that approach they clearly needed more than 12-13 episodes and that was probably a risk that was too expensive for them to take.
Apr 1, 2020 11:54 AM

May 2015
good first episode, the quick cut between scenes reminded me a little bit of monogatari xD I like that they didn't change the art style but it looks weird when you see it animated.

We got a glimpse of all the main characters which was nice... hopefully people who haven't read the source material give this a chance! and pleeease let the pacing be good for once!
Apr 1, 2020 11:55 AM

May 2015
El-Random said:
ToG25thBaam said:
If you want some validity to your point at least wait out to see why the fans love the series so much.. the fans didn't hype the series because of the pilot episodes/chapters, you know that much at least, right? But well, I can already tell that you came into the series looking to hate another popular series. What's new for MAL?

His point was made valid by watching the first episode; it was mediocre as hell.

Don't see how judging an entire series off of one episode is valid, but ok.

Apr 1, 2020 11:56 AM

Dec 2012
TsukuyomiREKT said:
El-Random said:

His point was made valid by watching the first episode; it was mediocre as hell.

Don't see how judging an entire series off of one episode is valid, but ok.

Tell that to the people giving it 10/10 in the reviews.
Apr 1, 2020 11:56 AM
Nov 2014
I think the low-res-esque art style tries to be faithful to its roots but it feels cheap and distracting, I personally would've preferred cleaner aesthetics and slightly-adapted-but-improved character designs to make the story shine, TOG's forte was always the world-building and character development, specially towards the S1 webcomic finale where the "true beginning" is.

The pacing feels way too rushed, like watching a mid-season recap, if I was an anime-only watcher I would've felt lost enough to drop the show at once.

Making a focus on being as-faithful-as-possible on not-so-great-art while making sacrifices on storytelling seems like a terrible approach to this adaptation.

I wasn'y really hyped, even so I'm a big fan of the webcomic, but at least I wanted to like the show a little, it would've sufficed to have a 3.5/5 ep, sadly for me it's 2/5 and hope it picks up somewhere along the way at least pace-wise.
Apr 1, 2020 11:57 AM

May 2016
Yeah this was rushed after all, not a surprise. Glad I kept my expectations in check. The first episode was a 7 at best imo, mostly due to writing problems including pacing and characterization. The art was okay. Wish they didn't use S1 art style as a base.

No doubt I'll keep watching out of curiosity. I've never watched a webtoon adaptation before. Hopefully they don't run the anime into the ground in rushing it.
Apr 1, 2020 11:58 AM

Sep 2011
Pretty much what I expected, nothing spetacular, but I liked it.
The webtoon itself has a really slow start, I only started liking ToG on the second season and only turned into an amazing series by the end of the same season... I'm talking hundreds of chapters here. The animation is not amazing, but as it is now, I would certainly recomend new readers to start with the anime, it's just better in every way. Sure, Yuri happeared a little out of nowhere unlike in the webtoon, some talk irregulars(or un-regular in the anime... doesn't have a ring to it) was cut out, but it's nothing that you will not learn in more detail in the future. Also noticed that the VAs they chose, specially to the main trio, fit their characters amazingly well.
The opening absolutly sucks though(the song is cool, though) xD

Veldin461Apr 1, 2020 12:11 PM
Apr 1, 2020 11:59 AM

Oct 2018
How come this episode is so lowly rated, yet the anime is at 8.22?
Apr 1, 2020 11:59 AM

May 2015
El-Random said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

Don't see how judging an entire series off of one episode is valid, but ok.

Tell that to the people giving it 10/10 in the reviews.

Immediately shitting on it is just as bad as immediately treating it like a masterpiece. I believe both are stupid.

Apr 1, 2020 12:04 PM

Dec 2012
TsukuyomiREKT said:
El-Random said:

Tell that to the people giving it 10/10 in the reviews.

Immediately shitting on it is just as bad as immediately treating it like a masterpiece. I believe both are stupid.

Probably. I'm not gonna shit on the whole series because of one episode, but sure as hell imma shit on the fanboys treating episode 1 as a masterpiece when it was trash. I don't need to finish the series (and I won't, there are more interesting stuff out there) to do that.
Apr 1, 2020 12:05 PM

Jun 2011
El-Random said:
His point was made valid by watching the first episode; it was mediocre as hell.
Yeah his point was "every time a series is being hyped to heavens it's generic" based on the first episode and I told him that fans didn't hype the series because of the first chapters. His point would be valid if people told him the first episode would be godly or some shit. Hunter x Hunter is hyped to heaven and most fans probably didn't even like the series until it reaches Yorknew, which is like what, 40 episodes in? Tower of God is probably 1.5x as long as Hunter x Hunter now manga chapter wise.. One Piece fans hype the series up and even then, they would tell you the series didn't really start until Arlong Park came in, which is like 30 episodes in.

Yeah, no. He doesn't have a point. Yall can think the episode was mediocre without bringing up the hype which is unrelated to the pilot episode and more so for the events to come. Imagine coming to the first episode of the series and complain about how it hasn't met the hype that the fans had for the series. All stories take time to develop, that much should be given.

edit: also the reviewers who gave the series 10/10 probably already read the manhwa, the reviews are dumb since it's meant for the anime but at least they know what to expect going forward, vs people who claim this is bad, that is bad but don't know the context yet for things they're criticizing, likely for the sake of criticizing.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
DeadlyRavenApr 10, 2020 7:15 AM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Apr 1, 2020 12:06 PM

May 2016
Veldin461 said:
I would certainly recomend new readers to start with the anime, it's just better in every way. Sure, Yuri happeared a little out of nowhere unlike in the webtoon, some talk irregulars(or un-regular in the anime... doesn't have a ring to it) was cut out, but it's nothing that you will not learn in more detail in the future.

Definitely still too early to say any of this. We have no idea about future episodes. What they'll cut next, what details they'll change, if the story will suffer, etc
Apr 1, 2020 12:07 PM
Feb 2018
zwolf12 said:
JudoJD said:
I knew it. I just knew it. EVERY TIME something gets so much hype from such a large loud crowd it always turns out to be some mediocre cliche-ridden generic battle shounen or iisekai type deal. I hate the anime community so much. Please overhype at least somewhat interesting series. Some creators are actually trying out here ugh anyways..

The writing so far aside, at least the soundtrack's great and I quite enjoy the visual direction (can't speak for everyone by the looks of it). Like the OP and ED - the songs specifically but that's probably the kpop trash within me talking lol - they're nice. Would be cool if the sequences provided the visuals to match.but my playlist will be happy.
Hopefully, the strengths in production can maintain my interest cause the story and characters don't. seem to be the selling points.

There was no characterization going on, so I'm not sure how you are able to rate the characters.
The only character that got some characterization was Yuri, and we only got to see her brash side, without any context about her position or how she usually behaves.
Bam (or Yoru) is basically a dear in the headlights so far and the only other characterization was for the people shown at the start of the second test and was very flimsy at best.

Tower of God is a slow build up story, and they had to decide if they went the fast route or the slow route and they picked the rocket route for episode 1. I would have preferred the show as a slow burn similar to something like Ascendance of a Bookworm, but for that approach they clearly needed more than 12-13 episodes and that was probably a risk that was too expensive for them to take.

The attempts at characterization were so bad people are actually saying there was none lmao I'm dying
The reviews are right 10/10. masterpiece
Apr 1, 2020 12:16 PM

Dec 2012
ToG25thBaam said:
edit: also the reviewers who gave the series 10/10 probably already read the manhwa, the reviews are dumb since it's meant for the anime but at least they know what to expect going forward, vs people who claim this is bad, that is bad but don't know the context yet for things they're criticizing, likely for the sake of criticizing.

If the show didn't bother giving us that context then why should I actively look for it? Do I have to do that for every show?

I won't judge the entire series and based on the 1st episode, and from what I've seen in episode 1, I won't be moving forward with it, I don't have the time nor the interest of keeping up with a show because of the promise that it might get good a few episodes down the line.

With that being said the 1st episode was a mess; cliche as fuck story, non-existent character background, laughable dialogue, bad art designe. Or wait... do I need to finish the series to say that too?
Apr 1, 2020 12:16 PM

Jun 2017
So they translated Bam to Yoru. I get it, the anime is Japanese not Korean, but I still have to get used to it after reading the manhwa for so many years. XD
Apr 1, 2020 12:18 PM

Nov 2012
6 chapter covered in one episode huh.

Guess they will cover all of "season 1" (78 chapters) in 13 episodes.

Right now the only thing I'm worried about is the production of this series, first episode are usually one of the better looking episodes in series but this one was just ok, not surprised though, this project probably is low budget and the animation quality will only continue to decline with each episode.

Apr 1, 2020 12:23 PM

Sep 2011
-Blue_Bird- said:
Veldin461 said:
I would certainly recomend new readers to start with the anime, it's just better in every way. Sure, Yuri happeared a little out of nowhere unlike in the webtoon, some talk irregulars(or un-regular in the anime... doesn't have a ring to it) was cut out, but it's nothing that you will not learn in more detail in the future.

Definitely still too early to say any of this. We have no idea about future episodes. What they'll cut next, what details they'll change, if the story will suffer, etc

I literally said "as it is now", implying that yes, it is not a done deal yet. If you didn't purposly take out the context out of my quote, it would be best...

But whatever. Let's see how it goes.
Apr 1, 2020 12:23 PM

Jun 2011
El-Random said:
ToG25thBaam said:
edit: also the reviewers who gave the series 10/10 probably already read the manhwa, the reviews are dumb since it's meant for the anime but at least they know what to expect going forward, vs people who claim this is bad, that is bad but don't know the context yet for things they're criticizing, likely for the sake of criticizing.

If the show didn't bother giving us that context then why should I actively look for it? Do I have to do that for every show?

I won't judge the entire series and based on the 1st episode, and from what I've seen in episode 1, I won't be moving forward with it, I don't have the time nor the interest of keeping up with a show because of the promise that it might get good a few episodes down the line.

With that being said the 1st episode was a mess; cliche as fuck story, non-existent character background, laughable dialogue, bad art designe. Or wait... do I need to finish the series to say that too?
Nope, just don't go around claiming the hype is unjustified because you've seen like, 3 episodes max. People have different opinion and that's perfectly fine, just don't go at the fans who've read at least the entire first saga vs your opinion based on the entirety of 2 chapters worth. If you've read the entire first saga and still think it's trash, that's your opinion but at least it's far more valid than thinking the series is trash after watching 1 episode, don't you think?

Mod Edit: Removed baiting.
DeadlyRavenApr 10, 2020 7:14 AM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Apr 1, 2020 12:26 PM

Sep 2019
Tower of God is probably one of the most anticipated anime of spring 2020. I had zero expectations when starting the first episode but I have to say. I wanna see more. The beginning was actually very solid and the anime has the potential to be very interesting. Also liked the OST but nothing else was expected since the soundtrack is made by Kevin Penkin.
Apr 1, 2020 12:28 PM
Jun 2015
Dogshit! Death games are boring af and only Fate Zero is an exception 0/10. Next!
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Poll: » Kami no Tou Episode 13 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

SingleH - Jun 24, 2020

483 by -Vaisravana- »»
Jan 6, 8:45 PM

Poll: » Kami no Tou Episode 12 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

KANLen09 - Jun 17, 2020

468 by -Vaisravana- »»
Jan 6, 7:49 PM

Poll: » Kami no Tou Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

KANLen09 - Jun 10, 2020

212 by -Vaisravana- »»
Jan 6, 7:06 PM

Poll: » Kami no Tou Episode 10 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Kyle_Kirchner - Jun 3, 2020

263 by -Vaisravana- »»
Jan 6, 6:20 PM

Poll: » Kami no Tou Episode 9 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Red - May 27, 2020

292 by -Vaisravana- »»
Jan 6, 5:17 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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