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Jan 12, 2020 5:36 PM
Jul 2018
Sheesh, this anime was an intense ride throughout. Glad I gave it a shot, I'm surprised it's not on more people's recommendation lists.

Then again, this anime isn't for the weakhearted and I like finding underrated gems lol
Jan 22, 2020 6:22 AM
Sep 2019
Wicker_Senpai93 said:
I don't really understand who the soldier trying to save Sara was. I guess it's implied he's the father, although there's no actual evidence to conclude that. And if he is then it's mighty convenient he happened to stumble across her. I mean, he came out of nowhere. Did the editors forget to add in a plot critical scene? I had a theory that maybe he was from her world and knew her, but I guess we'll never know. At least he did something heroic.
He was one of the many soldiers who gang raped multiple times before she killed the one soldier and escaped and who is very much implied to be the father of her rape baby, there was even a scene a few episodes again when they met again and he basically said no one would care about a broken pregnant little girl outside of himself
Feb 22, 2020 12:12 PM
Jan 2018
Oh boy, what a train wreck...
Mar 25, 2020 10:33 PM

May 2017
This was one of the hardest anime to watch. ever.

Not because of the dark and gruesome themes the show tried to explore but of how ridiculously trash it was. Oh my god why did I force myself through this.

This pile of trash was somehow ultra slow pace and rushed at the same time. Some scenes were just extremely hard to look at because of how slow they were. It actually irritated me at some parts. And the ending is just an absolute rushed mess. Good job.

Hilarious characters with zero depth. The only two characters I somewhat liked were Nabuca and Boo. But they had very limited screen time and weren't relevant to the plot at all.

The main character was an absolute joke. This guy gets transported to another world, gets cruelly tortured and is somehow mentally unscathed by all of it. Never did he question himself what the hell this place is, and never did he think of any potential ways to get back to this old world. Like what? Yea ok sure let me just go on with life and just don't question any of it. Lala Ru is also the 2nd contender for "the worst character of the anime" What the hell.. Are you trying to make me empathize with this girl? She barely said a sentence. She was an empty shell. I do not give a single F about this character.

This show tried to explore the depths and the horrors humans can be capable of. Rape, Mass murder, torture, slavery. It tried to convey the psychology of insanity and sanity. What's right? what is wrong? This was mainly portrayed through Nabuca but as I said his character unfortunately had no relevancy to the plot at all.

I would love to go out of this and say "Okay I respect this anime for trying to tell this sort of story, they might have missed some crucial beats and the pacing was lacking but it was a decent watch overall"

Instead I'm going out of this with a sense of relieve. The burden of having to watch this anime is finally gone. I am a free man.
shayed__Mar 25, 2020 10:37 PM
Mar 26, 2020 6:54 AM

Dec 2015
@shayed__ "Are you trying to make me empathize with [Lala Ru]?" Nobody was trying to do that.
Apart from that, fun text. ^^
Rei_IIIMar 30, 2020 6:37 AM
Mar 30, 2020 6:45 AM

May 2017
Rei_III said:
@shayed__ "Are you trying to make me empathize with [Lala Ru]?" Nobody was trying to do that.
Apart from that, fun text. ^^

Idk the ending sequence where she disappeared left me the impression that the creators wanted me to feel a certain way about her sacrifice. MIGHT be wrong though!
Apr 1, 2020 2:04 PM

Dec 2013
After Lala's magic i feel kinda bad for the guy who sacrifice himself to save that child. Great scene, great series overall.
Jun 11, 2020 9:19 PM
Jun 2020
I have to say that I was really happy to see this thread and that people are still talking about this show 20 years later.

We go way back, this show and I. I caught the first couple episodes at Otakon in 2002-2003 and enjoyed it, and my girlfriend at the time bought me the DVDs for my birthday so I could finish it off. I remember being a bit disappointed with the ending at the time, but somehow this show always has managed to pop back in my mind every now and then, and over the years I've rewatched it 3-4 times. Every few years I'll get the itch and binge it again, and every time it feels like I get something new from it. To be honest, I don't really watch a lot of Anime anymore, but something recently made me think of this show and I pulled out the DVDs that I've been toting around with me from place to place for the last two decades.

Having read through the last several pages of this thread, I agree with much of the criticism. I'd love to have more backstory on many of the characters, for instance. Why is Hamdo so crazy? Why is Abelia so obedient to an obvious lunatic? How is it that they've mastered time travel but they can't find and/or create water? In fact, the time travel tech is really the *only* "futuristic" technology in the show. I also agree that many of the characters are fairly one-dimensional, and that the ending seems rushed. I also think the beginning seems somewhat rushed as well -- they waste no time introducing you to Shu or LaLa-Ru and you are dumped right into the story.

Still, despite its flaws, it seems to be a show that has had a profound effect on me. I keep coming back to it for some reason. It's definitely powerful, and although the message seems much more spoon-fed to me now than it did when I first watched it in my teenage years, I still consider it to be very well done given the constraint of 13 episodes. I'm really glad to see the community is still talking about it.
Aug 16, 2020 6:03 AM

Aug 2017
Sara ended up saying the same phrase that Shu did, but now for children...she even found the one captured by Nabuca back then

That shot with Sara's first rapist getting flushed away got repeated during the flood.

I think before helping that kid (one might call it a convenient coincidence) Kazam took the side of the prisoners..?

Anyway, a very well-made show. Obviously people complain about the "unexplored" world and all that...but was it really necessary? The anime told everything it needed to. Though I expected Sara to die, actually. And maybe Shu.

What's also interesting is that it's unclear till the end who's the real father of Sara's child. Kazam, because he handed over a child to her, which might imply he's the father? Or that first rapist? Maybe my guess that Kazam asking Sara's name meant that he didn't end up raping her was correct... Or maybe the father is some soldier that was not shown, because we actually don't know for sure how many cycles of rape has Sara endured. Many things are left ambiguous, and that's...good? Though I understand people who wanted more explanations about the world and technology (and characters' decisions/backgrounds)

People *still* having that abortion holywar is just fascinating.

-Lala-Ru basically killed all of humanity except whoever survived the Hellywood. It seemed to me that the flying ship was submerged in water because the water covered the Earth to that height. This seems to be the meaning behind the sudden appearances of grand waterfalls and islands where there were mountains and canyons. There are other villages and nations full of drowned people that are no doubt under an ocean now as the show ends with a Noah’s Ark style ethnic cleansing. Yet, Shu, the guy who won’t let a teen girl abort a baby resulting from rape, has absolutely no comment on this Holocaust.

I don't think I realized it while watching. Neither did Shu, probably. Maybe the water level wasn't high enough to drown everyone.

P.S. Hamdo's speeches during the previews really had some ecological message about rejuvenation of Earth at everyone's expense...why does every crazy ruler in war anime has to "save" Earth from an ecological catastrophe? I think I've seen it somewhere...

P.P.S. I wonder if Shu's return to "the past" (given that the show takes places on Earth of the future) will create a time paradox (he influenced the events in the future after all).
Also interesting that an inspiration for the show was...Rwanda?
St0rmbladeAug 16, 2020 11:59 AM
Oct 20, 2020 3:53 PM

Mar 2012
Very interesting show, watched the first ep and was hooked so I marathoned it. Reminded me of muv luv a bit
Jan 2, 2021 12:33 PM

Sep 2012
St0rmblade said:

P.P.S. I wonder if Shu's return to "the past" (given that the show takes places on Earth of the future) will create a time paradox (he influenced the events in the future after all).
Also interesting that an inspiration for the show was...Rwanda?

Time paradoxes are incoherent and unfortunate relics of substance metaphysics. If you assume essences of beings then it might seem as if you were transporting something from the past to the future or vice versa. An example of such mistake is a cliche of changing the future upon being seen by your past self. This whole idea is predicated on the assumption of the "sameness" of one object and the other: "you" being substantially same "you" across time. Philosophically it it a very dubious idea, and accepting such version of substance metaphysics would postulate a very far-fetched idea, that in the universe we can have only one object of a certain kind - it is a hard reading of the "soul idea" on the basis of similarity.

More plausible reading of time travel is a reading that incorporates relativity principle. In this sense going to the past/future is not much different from going to the other "place." Problem is that as far as we know, speed of causation is limited by the speed of light (or at the very least it supervenes on it). There is (pragmatically) no way to enter into causal relation with something that exceedes speed of light, as it is outside of causal range.
What time travel would mean is that, we break the limit between causal spaces of possibilities - we manage to substract "object" (person) from one state of affairs and inject it into some other state (that would otherwise be causally unavailable). In this sense the problem is a fact that you make a certain amount of reality (energy) disappear from one spatio-temporal state of affairs and appear in other, that was not available from it. Meaning that energy distribution in the universe becomes uneven, and so the propagation of causality changes. But it doesnt create chaos or contradiction ontologically speaking, only a disorder - disorder in human terms of being-hard-to-grasp. And as far as I know, something being difficult to grasp has no bearing on the laws of nature. Meaning we are not entitled to postulate paradox on this ground.
Past-future are still causally unavailable (as they were before) so nothing changes here - it simply means that one region has "one-person-worth-of-reality" more to work with, while other has one-person less. There is no possibility of paradox, only the distribution of reality between states of affairs changes. Since they were unavailable to each other in the first place there is no apparent difference in universe's working. Only thing that happens in this case is that one causal region suddenly lost certain amount of energy, and the other gained it.

You wouldn't contradict a pond in relation to earth, just because you have thrown a rock in it - the rock changing place can't cause a paradox. So if time travel is postulated as a possibility - person moving between separate states of affairs, does not contradict the universe's working. This person would be like a rock thrown in a pond, just in relation to the whole causal states of affairs. Unless we want to stubbornly stick to substance metaphysics - but there is no reason to assume any contradiction.

As for the anime it was very in-your-face with what it wanted to present. Depiction of violance didn't make it any more (or less) profound. Writing was very often embarrasing (Hamdo...) and plot seemed like an abbreviation of itself. It had some genuine moments, but just because it conteins violence doesn't make it any more mature. Even Taku Iwasaki didn't help much, producing 1-2 more unique and engaging tracks (which corresponds with the amount of memorable moments). It's 5-6/10 from me.
GaerledJan 2, 2021 12:42 PM
Mar 30, 2021 4:51 PM
Apr 2019
I give this show 10/10 simply for my enjoyment of seeing yall cry from the "pro life message"
May 28, 2021 3:19 PM

Oct 2017
Wow...... this was an amazing series.

I don't even remember why I picked it up in the first place but I'm glad I did it. I didn't expect this at all and what I got was just beautiful (in a messed up way). I do think that the ending was a bit rushed, would like to see one more sequence with Shu after he returned to his world but other than that, no complaints. Just amazing, it was really amazing, loved it.
Jun 27, 2021 12:15 AM

Dec 2020
Usually I'm not into the isekai genre but when it's done this well I might just keep an eye out for others.
"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out If I'm really alive."
Jul 11, 2021 12:26 PM

Mar 2020
I loved this series. Reminded me of book "long way gone" about child soldiers in sierra leone. plus the sci fi

definitley one of the best isekai there is. partly cause the mc doesnt have any superpowers, he's just in unfortunate circumstances like many other people in that world, and the suffering he comes through doesn't need artificial means such as time loop or magical item x that makes him insane or causes him pain.
KuroNekoAlchemyJul 11, 2021 12:29 PM
Jul 12, 2021 12:39 PM
May 2012
I like the music at least....
Oct 18, 2021 4:26 PM
Aug 2020
great ending, glad I gave the anime a shot <3

Jan 9, 2022 6:51 AM

Oct 2020
Finished it at last. 9/10.

I will never watch this anime again and I am utterly drained after sitting through it.

Mar 12, 2022 9:19 PM

Mar 2020
i lost brain cells everytime the mc yelled LALARU
Floyd Mayweather English Tutor
Mar 12, 2022 10:02 PM
Mar 2022
I remember seeing this series years ago. And I’m just watching it again for (I don’t know how many times now) 20th(?) time. I’m just really hooked on this series. And I feel it’s relevant to this day, especially with the recent event going on.

There’s something I’ve been wondering lately, why did Sara chose to keep her unborn child? Obviously, she’s rather too young for that kind of responsibility of taking care of her child, and many others that were in Sis’s care. And I was under the impression that most rape victims wouldn’t even consider keeping their unborn child after that kind of ordeal. And the last time I looked on this thread before recently joining, I saw that many users here had complained about this series having a pro life message in it.

Anyway, great series. I’d give it a 9.5 out of 10. I feel that this series is very underrated and very overlooked.
Jun 17, 2022 9:41 PM

May 2019
BlufaceBaby said:
i lost brain cells everytime the mc yelled LALARU

lol i would choose to do a drink game over this.

Both of us would end disabled.

MC is too stupid, that japanese ideal of stupid good hero but that is just pathetic.

Lalaru just tried to kill everyone on the ship by the end and disapear lol. Sara and the kids just survived by luck.

This anime has an interesting message, but some cliche, in special towards the MC, ruined a lot of it.
Jul 16, 2022 12:01 AM
Jul 2015
I started watching this show extremely excited about the idea and the lore. For the first three episodes I was pretty sure it would be at least 9/10

But then everything went downhill. None of the deaths really mattered, except maybe Boo's. I say this referring to impact the series.

Initially, Shu was an MC who made the story happen and was interesting to watch, but then he became an annoying teenager, in a dystopian war zone, basically telling a brutally raped teenager to stop complaining because things were daijobu.

I couldn't care less about Nabuka's death, it had no meaning, the character seemed to be thrown into the middle of the story for nothing. None of the villains had a fair end. The king just died. The annoying kid who killed Nabuka? Who cares, right?

You could also replace Lala Ru for my seven month old niece's cute frog socks and no one would know the difference. She meant nothing, did nothing, wanted nothing. So, for me, her sacrifice was nothing.

I watched the whole series expecting more to happen, and also, because I was obsessed with Sara's role on the plot and honestly, it was horrendous.

For me, she was the character who delivered the strongest and most impactful scenes. And the author really hates her, because girl went through hell only to be bullied by the very people who were supposed to be her allies and show some empathy for her.

Now, I am a girl who also went through the same pain as her. Over and over, brutally. The difference being, I still couldn't get pregnant at that time. For me, seeing the way her trauma was handled was sickening.

I could certainly ignore the plot holes and give the story at least an 8, but it's impossible to face a piece of media that uses a girl's rape as a narrative resource to shock, and then decides to start some pro birth agenda, giving zero fcks about the raped girl, herself. By the moment Sara discovered her pregnancy, not a single soul besides that good doctor showed SARA any empathy. It was all about "oh you can hate the rapist but you can't reject the baby"

Like??? It's like the anime is screaming at our survivors faces that out trauma and choices are the least important thing in the situation.

Plus, i wanna highlight the fact that Shu, the daijobu boy, was allowed to return home, but Sara, the raped-for-the-plot girl, is the one choosing to stay?

So the thing is, this show has 3 important female characters.

Lala Ru - does nothing, is useless and sacrifice herself

Abelia - is obsessed for NO REASON by a pathetic dude

Sara - the "rape in order to shook" girl, bullied, raped, deprived of her own choice, and the end they decide for her is to give up her own life and take care of some starving children?

At no time did they think of at least letting her come back home, taking the kids with her?

Of course not, why would she deserve a decent end, right?

Pathetic. That's the word.
Jul 21, 2022 9:35 PM

Jan 2011
Andynyxx said:
I started watching this show extremely excited about the idea and the lore. For the first three episodes I was pretty sure it would be at least 9/10

But then everything went downhill. None of the deaths really mattered, except maybe Boo's. I say this referring to impact the series.

Initially, Shu was an MC who made the story happen and was interesting to watch, but then he became an annoying teenager, in a dystopian war zone, basically telling a brutally raped teenager to stop complaining because things were daijobu.

I couldn't care less about Nabuka's death, it had no meaning, the character seemed to be thrown into the middle of the story for nothing. None of the villains had a fair end. The king just died. The annoying kid who killed Nabuka? Who cares, right?

You could also replace Lala Ru for my seven month old niece's cute frog socks and no one would know the difference. She meant nothing, did nothing, wanted nothing. So, for me, her sacrifice was nothing.

I watched the whole series expecting more to happen, and also, because I was obsessed with Sara's role on the plot and honestly, it was horrendous.

For me, she was the character who delivered the strongest and most impactful scenes. And the author really hates her, because girl went through hell only to be bullied by the very people who were supposed to be her allies and show some empathy for her.

Now, I am a girl who also went through the same pain as her. Over and over, brutally. The difference being, I still couldn't get pregnant at that time. For me, seeing the way her trauma was handled was sickening.

I could certainly ignore the plot holes and give the story at least an 8, but it's impossible to face a piece of media that uses a girl's rape as a narrative resource to shock, and then decides to start some pro birth agenda, giving zero fcks about the raped girl, herself. By the moment Sara discovered her pregnancy, not a single soul besides that good doctor showed SARA any empathy. It was all about "oh you can hate the rapist but you can't reject the baby"

Like??? It's like the anime is screaming at our survivors faces that out trauma and choices are the least important thing in the situation.

Plus, i wanna highlight the fact that Shu, the daijobu boy, was allowed to return home, but Sara, the raped-for-the-plot girl, is the one choosing to stay?

So the thing is, this show has 3 important female characters.

Lala Ru - does nothing, is useless and sacrifice herself

Abelia - is obsessed for NO REASON by a pathetic dude

Sara - the "rape in order to shook" girl, bullied, raped, deprived of her own choice, and the end they decide for her is to give up her own life and take care of some starving children?

At no time did they think of at least letting her come back home, taking the kids with her?

Of course not, why would she deserve a decent end, right?

Pathetic. That's the word.

i think this is one of those comments that might stay in my mind for some time, for years i was interested on hearing an opinion from someone who might ve had a similar experience to that which is shown in this anime. am i wrong for liking it? is this anime just stupid an its me who knows nothing about these type of situations? is ot just shock value no different than your average Elfen Lied wannabe? am i wrong for liking Sarahs story, even her final decision? cant say that actually hearing such a blunt opinion has made me change my opinion completelly but i guess im seeing some cracks that werent there before an even though i feel like defending some things... gotta say somehow i feel that i should better keepmy mouth shut about it, still thanks for posting your opinion, as i said before, i wanted to hear an opinion from that particular perspective
Jul 22, 2022 4:55 AM
Jul 2015
silversaint said:
Andynyxx said:
I started watching this show extremely excited about the idea and the lore. For the first three episodes I was pretty sure it would be at least 9/10

But then everything went downhill. None of the deaths really mattered, except maybe Boo's. I say this referring to impact the series.

Initially, Shu was an MC who made the story happen and was interesting to watch, but then he became an annoying teenager, in a dystopian war zone, basically telling a brutally raped teenager to stop complaining because things were daijobu.

I couldn't care less about Nabuka's death, it had no meaning, the character seemed to be thrown into the middle of the story for nothing. None of the villains had a fair end. The king just died. The annoying kid who killed Nabuka? Who cares, right?

You could also replace Lala Ru for my seven month old niece's cute frog socks and no one would know the difference. She meant nothing, did nothing, wanted nothing. So, for me, her sacrifice was nothing.

I watched the whole series expecting more to happen, and also, because I was obsessed with Sara's role on the plot and honestly, it was horrendous.

For me, she was the character who delivered the strongest and most impactful scenes. And the author really hates her, because girl went through hell only to be bullied by the very people who were supposed to be her allies and show some empathy for her.

Now, I am a girl who also went through the same pain as her. Over and over, brutally. The difference being, I still couldn't get pregnant at that time. For me, seeing the way her trauma was handled was sickening.

I could certainly ignore the plot holes and give the story at least an 8, but it's impossible to face a piece of media that uses a girl's rape as a narrative resource to shock, and then decides to start some pro birth agenda, giving zero fcks about the raped girl, herself. By the moment Sara discovered her pregnancy, not a single soul besides that good doctor showed SARA any empathy. It was all about "oh you can hate the rapist but you can't reject the baby"

Like??? It's like the anime is screaming at our survivors faces that out trauma and choices are the least important thing in the situation.

Plus, i wanna highlight the fact that Shu, the daijobu boy, was allowed to return home, but Sara, the raped-for-the-plot girl, is the one choosing to stay?

So the thing is, this show has 3 important female characters.

Lala Ru - does nothing, is useless and sacrifice herself

Abelia - is obsessed for NO REASON by a pathetic dude

Sara - the "rape in order to shook" girl, bullied, raped, deprived of her own choice, and the end they decide for her is to give up her own life and take care of some starving children?

At no time did they think of at least letting her come back home, taking the kids with her?

Of course not, why would she deserve a decent end, right?

Pathetic. That's the word.

i think this is one of those comments that might stay in my mind for some time, for years i was interested on hearing an opinion from someone who might ve had a similar experience to that which is shown in this anime. am i wrong for liking it? is this anime just stupid an its me who knows nothing about these type of situations? is ot just shock value no different than your average Elfen Lied wannabe? am i wrong for liking Sarahs story, even her final decision? cant say that actually hearing such a blunt opinion has made me change my opinion completelly but i guess im seeing some cracks that werent there before an even though i feel like defending some things... gotta say somehow i feel that i should better keepmy mouth shut about it, still thanks for posting your opinion, as i said before, i wanted to hear an opinion from that particular perspective

Hi! Well, by no means do I think you're wrong for liking the series. most of the things I mentioned there were things I can't tolerate as a survivor, but I understand that people who haven't been through it often won't be affected by the same feeling.

I don't tend to be triggered by series that depict abuse, I often tend to project myself overcoming trauma in the same way the women in these animes did, and I stay away from anime that I know will portray abuse as empty entertainment, like the one we all know which is. The thing is that now and then caught me off guard, I never thought I would see in this anime so much neglect and lack of empathy with a victim.

For example, Sis says "a lot of women here went through the same thing, sara will get over it" It just seemed so tough and mean to me, you know? It's a war zone, but Sara is also a 13yo child.

Anyway, anyone has the right to like this anime, I myself managed to see good things for a while and anyway I know my opinion won't matter to most people. Although, I wish that regardless of their opinions, people in this thread and in the world would show more empathy for survivors.

About all other technical aspects, for me the anime got lost in its own story, but it had a lot of potential
Jul 22, 2022 6:54 PM

Jan 2011

the thing is words like "a lot of women here went through the same thing, sara will get over it" reminds me of stuff i saw while studying genocides, like the Yazidi genocide, as horrible as it can be some people do start to get use to these horrible crimes while those who cant do that often become casualties themselves "better her than me" becomes a typical deflection, obviously no one is facing an ending of the world scenario like the one in this anime but for real life persecuted people during a genocide, the world might as well be ending for them... though once again im merelly refering to some attitudes from some characters in here, i wont dare to give an opinion on a subject that i havent personally experienced such as abuse
as for empathy towards victims i am going to go ahead an say i do have it, since a previous partner from mine was conceived from rape, yet that didnt stop her mother as well as me from loving her
as i said before your comment will stay in my mind for some time since i wanted to hear this type of opinion which comes from a very particular situation
Sep 1, 2022 9:11 PM

Mar 2020
KyosukeMagami said:

Having read through the last several pages of this thread, I agree with much of the criticism. I'd love to have more backstory on many of the characters, for instance. Why is Hamdo so crazy? Why is Abelia so obedient to an obvious lunatic? How is it that they've mastered time travel but they can't find and/or create water? In fact, the time travel tech is really the *only* "futuristic" technology in the show. I also agree that many of the characters are fairly one-dimensional, and that the ending seems rushed. I also think the beginning seems somewhat rushed as well -- they waste no time introducing you to Shu or LaLa-Ru and you are dumped right into the story.

It was hinted that Hamdo wasn't crazy until his world conquest failed and hellywood got stranded until the middle of nowhere. Through the series, he has several moments of relative sanity and competence, before he devolves into drooling over Lalaru

Not having much futuristic technology in their kinda apocalyptic situation makes sense. Though, I'd say they had two futuristic techs- one was time/dimension travel, the other was being able to turn water into a source of energy.
Also, their power of said time travel was wonky, they seemed unable to sustain the portal for prolonged period of time and most certainly weren't using it in a way it was intended to be used.

KyosukeMagami said:

Those who choose to commit murder of unarmed civilians are to be held accountable, and I consider Nabuca just as culpable as Hamdo who gives the order, Abelia who passes down the order, and Tabool who happily follows the order.

Sorry for responding 4 years later, but you should read about civil wars in uganda or sierra leone that inspired this show. In reality, children were forced to kill civilians indeed. The rebel faction of sierra leone war, described in the memoir "a long way gone" among other places, would force child soldiers to kill their family and co-villagers before recruiting them. they'd also give them a shitload of drugs to ensure lack of conscience and obedience, and brand them in a visible place with a sign to ensure they won't desert(since everyone will know who they were and will kill them on sight)
KuroNekoAlchemySep 1, 2022 9:20 PM
Dec 8, 2022 3:44 AM
Dec 2015
brought the show to an end, not in a thought out meaningful way, but it tried to do it with some heart.
Jan 4, 2023 7:37 PM

Jan 2023
One of the better anti-war anime that I have found compelled me to see it to the end. I liked the show more in the way that how it delivered the "don't give up" theme throughout. And as well the characters always stayed true to themself. However, it saddens me more how little epilogue we could see.
Jan 14, 2023 7:03 PM
Jul 2019
I love how the mc talk no jutsus everything and has room temperature iq yet still manages to get away with everything without any consequences. Honestly he's the true antagonist of this anime. 

Feb 3, 2023 2:48 PM

May 2018
Kind of sad how lonely the ending was, Shu just travelled to experience harships and lose friendships.
Mar 30, 2023 11:49 PM

Dec 2022
So many deaths this episode, so no reason to mention them individually. Seeing Hamdo's corpse just float around in the water was funny though, I'll admit. The spy soldier isn't heartless, and sacrificed himself for one of the kids. Lala Ru used up her remaining energy to destroy the Hellywood, but she got to view the sunset one more time, so it's quite bittersweet. Moreover, looks like Sara decides to keep the rape baby. She didn't use the transporter herself, and let Shu use it instead, then lets Abellia live too. I'm surprised Abelia lives, considering she's the real main antagonist, and the one doing all the heavy lifting. Hamdo didn't do much other than go on unhinged rants, and wouldn't be able to do anything without her. Didn't expect this sort of generosity from Sara at all, given what she's been through.

An extremely gripping anime with memorable characters, an ominous universe, captivating scenery, tense and enthralling moments throughout, and a welcome hope spot at the end.
Archean-ReturnAug 11, 2023 10:53 AM

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Apr 14, 2023 2:31 PM

Jun 2015
This was so sad. I though Sara would go back and forget about this horrible experience and take the kids with her.

I really wanted Abelia to shoot Hamdo so bad. She is the reason he was that powerful. Literally a kid with a stick was enough to defeat him. Well I think she was the one who locked him to drown.

Lala Ru disappearing in the end was such a sad moment.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Apr 16, 2023 12:52 PM

Jun 2022
I feel a bit conflicted about this episode, it seemed that a lot of characters didn't get any sort of conclusion and were just nonchalantly killed off, even Hamido and Tabool's deaths were over in a blink of an eye. I get that life is cheap in this universe but still. As someone who is personally pro-life I was happy that Sara decided to keep the baby, that said I feel that her character development was way too rushed these final few episodes, she went from helpless rape victim → bitter escapee → surrogate mother heroine in like 20 minuets of screen time. Also, if they have the power to teleport people back to their home, why wouldn't Sara just go back to the USA and take the kids with her? They probably would have a better future there than that desert hellhole. I also didn't like the redemption thing they pulled on Abelia, that was way too quick for who is the most wicked characters of the series after Hamido and Tabool.

All that said I still appreciate this anime for what it was. It told a story about war and pulled no punches, all the brutality and immorality of conflict was on full display. It's been one of the most emotionally taxing and depressing animes I've seen recently, even more so than Texhnolyze. I do have some gripes with it, but overall it was well worth the watch. Maybe I'll bump it up to an 8 in the future but for now I'm giving it a 7/10.
Jun 21, 2023 5:30 PM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
Very glad I picked this up. Start to finish I was pretty much onboard. Visuals top notch, music hooked, and the plot itself feels almost like a fever dream to Shuu afterwards, it came so fast yet impacted greatly.

Sara staying in the world felt like an interesting choice. It would have been nice to know a little bit about her previous life to understand why she's making a decision but in the grand scheme, there's a lot of questions that can be asked at the end here and it really doesn't change the outcome.

The dub was solid too, maybe I'll try the sub upon rewatch just so I can witness them both but Shuu line to Sara at the end might be the thing that stays with me the longest:

"No matter where you are, whatever troubles you face, as long as you got your life something good is bound to happen."

Sep 19, 2023 1:39 PM

May 2021
Mediocre show, still far better than NGE or NHK! but mediocre nonetheless, there were a bunch of ideas in thr plot but they didn't know how to build/back-up them appropiately, anyways 3/10.
Oct 1, 2023 2:57 PM
Apr 2022
Great series, but I never understood Abelia's slavish devotion to Hamdo.
Jul 1, 2024 6:08 PM

Nov 2014
The sheer relentless unchanging stupidity of the characters (particularly the protagonist) makes it impossible to like this show. It's made worse by the grimdark nature of the material - the pairing of such extreme and traumatic topics and imagery with this unbelievably simplistic kid's cartoon morality is utterly repellent.

People have compared this show to Victory Gundam, but the gulf of sophistication in character writing between the two shows is absolutely vast.
Sep 10, 2024 5:53 PM

Aug 2019
We lost so many good people throughout the course of this anime. Sis was such a kind and strong person I wish she had survived but I guess Sara is going to take on the mantle. However, I don't know how to feel about the baby situation since in my opinion I feel it was wrong of her to tell her to keep it since it was the result of rape and I don't think a victim was to be reminded of the event.

It’s quite ironic that the king died drowning in water, the water that he desired so much ended up being the dead of him.

The final moment of Lala Ru and Shu was heartbreaking since they got themselves into this situation while viewing a sunset.

Solid story.
Nov 11, 2024 9:18 AM

Apr 2015
Well, Seemed like a good ending to me. Most stuff was resolved except the part about the time travelling machine. Wish they explained that about but all in all this was a solid watch and I'm glad I binge watched it because this is a story which is better in the binge format. 8/10.
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