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Dec 28, 2019 7:36 PM

Oct 2015
remember all the threads about the opm2 animations ? opm2 > this
Dec 28, 2019 7:45 PM
Feb 2017
ttcchen said:
BlakexEkalb said:

I don’t get it, since Magne is a guy he’s a “he”.
magne is a woman, a MTF, Male to Female transgender.

Oh so you sorta mean like cosplaying?
Dec 28, 2019 7:55 PM

Jul 2016
So much mad respect for my man Mirio. He resisted like a boss while protecting Eri.

Pretty good episode overall. Unlike Tamaki and Kirishima's cases in their respective fights, I really liked how the narrative aspect was handled this time.
Dec 28, 2019 7:58 PM
Nov 2016
So I finally watched the episode and while the episode wasn't bad the fight scene was laughable to BNHA standards, seriously, this fight was BAD, it was mostly still shots and little animation. This is the fight that needed to deliver this season and it was crap, almost no choreography at all, man fuck this.

This season is making fucking One Punch Man S2 look good and that itself is laughable.

I dropped the rating on this shit.
Dec 28, 2019 8:21 PM

Feb 2016
Well that was disappointing. Won't deny the "heart" of the fight was exciting but god damn, this is My Power Point Academia now. I can't believe there are people who actually defends this downgrade, when for starters MHA always delivered tons of impact from it's sakuga moments.

DespoAMV said:
good episode, but I think lacked the "oomph" from previous seasons. Maybe I'm not quite feeling it, but I'm quite bummed out by the whole "Mirio losing his Quirk"-thing. Would it have been that bad for Eri to get shot by her own bullet?

I was thinking the exact same thing. They heroes know they have bullets that eliminates quirks, it wouldn't be that bad for Eri to get hit by it. A really OOF moment from Mirio
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Dec 28, 2019 8:50 PM

Nov 2015
JustOppais said:
Ljw said:

I mean in the Manga we didn’t see Endeavor kill the Black Nomu during that stain arc, but they added it in and it looked great- the show has obviously lost its most talented people to the film and I’m just hoping Dekus fight looks better overall (and please no CG)
we know it's going to be CG. ๐Ÿ˜”

There was already CG in the previous seasons. Uraraka’s floating cgi rocks in the Tournament arc
HACKs! ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ
Dec 28, 2019 8:55 PM

Apr 2018
Geez I was on the edge of my seat the whole time during that episode. I'm glad that at least Mirio didn't die before help arrived. I was really worried that was the path that this episode was going. It's a load off my mind.
Dec 28, 2019 9:15 PM

Jan 2016
Old_School_Akira said:
JustOppais said:
we know it's going to be CG. ๐Ÿ˜”

There was already CG in the previous seasons. Uraraka’s floating cgi rocks in the Tournament arc

well there is a big difference between CG rocks/objects and CG """""thing"""" (i'm trying really hard not to give spoilers)
Dec 28, 2019 9:23 PM

Jul 2017
Mirio should have inherited one for all, just saying.
His quirk is not for fighting, he is just a normal guy who trained like hell. While Midoriya is also a normal guy who did shit until he got a quirk and used it as an excuse to do so.

Simply badass. At least. And an iron mind and body that Midoriya lack so much.
akiraicDec 28, 2019 9:26 PM
Dec 28, 2019 9:32 PM

Aug 2017
Chrizzl said:
remember all the threads about the opm2 animations ? opm2 > this

What I remember from OPM2 is that despite the constant controversy about the supposed decline of the animation, the season itself was still heavily watched & popular because the audience has grown invested enough that they don't mind the loss of sakuga as long as things don't look terrible.

The same is happening here.

akiraic said:
Mirio should have inherited one for all, just saying.
His quirk is not for fighting, he is just a normal guy who trained like hell. While Midoriya is also a normal guy who did shit until he got a quirk and used it as an excuse to do so.

Simply badass. At least. And an iron mind and body that Midoriya lack so much.

Not exactly a 1:1 comparison. Mirio actually had a quirk he can work with & worked around it's limitations to his advantage. Deku had nothing he could use to help make him a hero. If Mirio didn't have his quirk then he never would have become a hero either.
SlimcoderDec 28, 2019 9:39 PM
I used to be a watchmaker.
Dec 28, 2019 9:42 PM

Jul 2017
[quote=Slimcoder message=58878679]
Chrizzl said:

Not exactly a 1:1 comparison. Mirio actually had a quirk he can work with & worked around it's limitations to his advantage. Deku had nothing he could use to help make him a hero. If Mirio didn't have his quirk then he never would have become a hero either.

as I said, training his own body and having a strong mind has nothing to do with having a quirk or not. It doesn't matter if both didn't have a quirk, Mirio was already one million when he was a kid, while Midoriya was a frustrated cry baby.

Also, 1 single episode showing how one million truly feels, and just a few flashbacks and expressions, and I was frozen in my chair.
While 70+ episodes later I still can't empathize with Midoriya. His fights are amazing but him having this quirk just feels like a waste.
akiraicDec 28, 2019 9:45 PM
Dec 28, 2019 9:52 PM

Aug 2017
[quote=akiraic message=58878702]
Slimcoder said:
Chrizzl said:

Not exactly a 1:1 comparison. Mirio actually had a quirk he can work with & worked around it's limitations to his advantage. Deku had nothing he could use to help make him a hero. If Mirio didn't have his quirk then he never would have become a hero either.

as I said, training his own body and having a strong mind has nothing to do with having a quirk or not. It doesn't matter if both didn't have a quirk, Mirio was already one million when he was a kid, while Midoriya was a frustrated cry baby.

Also, 1 single episode showing how one million truly feels, and just a few flashbacks and expressions, and I was frozen in my chair.
While 70+ episodes later I still can't empathize with Midoriya. His fights are amazing but him having this quirk just feels like a waste.

It doesn't matter if his quirk was "million to 1" because he still had one which gives him an innate advantage over Deku. You cannot become a hero without a quirk, that is an ironclad rule within the shows inner logic. If Mirio didn't have a quirk then no amount of training would have made him a hero because he would have nothing to work off of.

And even then Mirio's been working at this for years now. Of course he's better, that's logical from someone with more experience compared to Deku who's still very green.
I used to be a watchmaker.
Dec 28, 2019 10:05 PM

Sep 2017
despite those original slideshow, this episode was an emotional especially when mirio got shot and his will to protect eri till the end.. also the ost at the end was great!

this shot was cool tho
zalapenoDec 28, 2019 10:09 PM
Dec 28, 2019 10:27 PM
Nov 2019
JustOppais said:
Ljw said:

I mean in the Manga we didn’t see Endeavor kill the Black Nomu during that stain arc, but they added it in and it looked great- the show has obviously lost its most talented people to the film and I’m just hoping Dekus fight looks better overall (and please no CG)
we know it's going to be CG. ๐Ÿ˜”

Wait, there will have CGI in Deku vs Chisaki fight?!?!?!

zalapeno said:
despite those original slideshow, this episode was an emotional especially when mirio got shot and his will to protect eri till the end.. also the ost at the end was great!

this shot was cool tho

Yeah, Mirio knows that the best girl(Eri-chan) needs protection against the villains!
Buy Bitcoins and others cryptos(like Monero), the great crisis is coming!
Also don't forget, taxation is theft!
Dec 29, 2019 12:00 AM

Aug 2016
These people are not satisfied with anything ... the only thing they are going to achieve is that they change to a company to be 1000 times worse animation as they did with nanatsu no taizai, the animation was excellent, stop crying like girls for wanting more and more ... bones does what it can to give us boku no hero and we should thank that.
Dec 29, 2019 12:13 AM
Nov 2016
Sacerdotisa said:
the animation was excellent

You call still shots and slide shots in this fight excellent? dude your standard for animes are way too low.
Dec 29, 2019 12:24 AM

Sep 2017
anyone know what was the ost played at the end?
Dec 29, 2019 1:04 AM

Mar 2013
VitorLeiteAncap said:

Yeah, Mirio knows that the best girl(Eri-chan) needs protection against the villains!

The way you said it sounded very ecchi desu. We don't need to give people weird idea to make h doujinshi. Calling the squad team :D
Fuwa_sanDec 29, 2019 1:13 AM
MALoweenโœŸMansion (2024) Candy Basket ๐ŸŽƒ:
Dec 29, 2019 2:41 AM
Jul 2016
Old_School_Akira said:
virg0 said:

the best and most emotional moment in the fight (united states) was sakuga, and even so, i dont think that with good animation the fights would be better in this season. they just feel emotionless when compared to the previous seasons

It’s emotionless because all might is not in the story anymore.


They work on more than one anime. The best animators went to mob psycho season 2. Like in 2016 when MHA season 1 came out.

Nope both were having different staffs so that doesn’t make any sense
Dec 29, 2019 3:35 AM
Oct 2019
I liked the way he fought even his quirk was erased...
My Candies:
Bonus Candies:

Dec 29, 2019 3:54 AM

Mar 2010
Mirio determination is the best there is, I think everyone woukd have gotten cold feet and despair after losing thier quirk, like what did happen with Kirishima before (he got over it and became my fav badass) but not Mirio he still rushes towards a guy who could kill him with one touch and engage in a fist fight while protecting a young girl.

Mirio mental state is a true form of what a hero should be.
Dec 29, 2019 4:12 AM

Feb 2014
Ahhh the moment that lasted an eternity. Lemillion, a true hero till the end. Never faltering, never unyielding.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Dec 29, 2019 5:16 AM

May 2015
Wow, they put a fucking slideshow at the end. Like really...
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Dec 29, 2019 5:30 AM

Aug 2018
Chisaki surely thought a hero's born with his power but a true hero doesn't need anything besides a titanium will : Mirio didn't give up any second after he lost his power, like a true hero
Dec 29, 2019 5:43 AM

Apr 2018
Toga and Twice duo is amazing lmao. Damn, didn't think Togata to be this cool. This is definitely the best season of BnHA so far.
Dec 29, 2019 6:25 AM
Dec 2019
Good episode, the fight should have been properly animated, the emotions were there, there was comedy, I still really love Toga and Twice and their interactions together. 4/5
Dec 29, 2019 6:29 AM

Nov 2014
That was amazing. It's rare for me to actually root for someone in fight and get excited over it. Pobably because Mirio is side character and can simply die, but it still was a great fight. Him getting shot was easy to predict the moment they showed those bullets much earlier, but him going on after shot was a surprise, epic one at that.

As for animation... wow, people have weird priorities. Animation is a tool to express the story. If desired result can be achieved by a black panel in manga or slideshow in anime, then that's they way to do it.
And I'm not even BNHA fan -before someone jumps on me with "fanboy" arguments.
Dec 29, 2019 7:25 AM
Aug 2018
Do you ever get the feeling when you can't like something as much as you want to no matter how hard you tried. That's how I feel with this season. It's not bad by any means but compared to the story it has it could have easily been to level of season 3 if not better but it's currently around season 1 level. I really do hope s 5 is better and same with the movie.
Dec 29, 2019 7:31 AM

Sep 2014
This was amazing. I felt Mirios spirit. Absolutely destroying all 3 of them together while protecting a massive handycap and even keeping up after loosing his quirk. Wow.

MVP. What a man. What a hero.

Now imagine him with one for all (Should be possible to spread the quirk but that probably wont happen because Midorya plot mc)

Though wtf was the slideshow. It can work. Totally. But maybe dont give us filler fights if it means cheaping out on this.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Dec 29, 2019 8:15 AM
Nov 2019
xkazutox said:
VitorLeiteAncap said:

Yeah, Mirio knows that the best girl(Eri-chan) needs protection against the villains!

The way you said it sounded very ecchi desu. We don't need to give people weird idea to make h doujinshi. Calling the squad team :D

Holy, you mind is very corrupted dude, lol Eri-chan is the best girl of BNHA like Nezuko is the best of Kimetsu no Yaiba, nothing "Fire Force" or "High School DxD" related xd
Buy Bitcoins and others cryptos(like Monero), the great crisis is coming!
Also don't forget, taxation is theft!
Dec 29, 2019 8:26 AM

Mar 2017
Well shit, that hurt me even though i knew it was coming! I've had a lump in my throat this whole season, just waiting for this moment and now that it's happened i can't help crying. Mirio has tried so hard all his life and had so much potential to become an incredible hero but it's all gone...

This episode really highlighted how alike Mirio, All Might and Midoriya really are. They're all so selfless, determined and compassionate. Not only does Midoriya have to do this All Might now, but also for Mirio!

Dec 29, 2019 9:12 AM
Oct 2018
Good episode but didn't like the fact that they turned the fight into a slideshow
Dec 29, 2019 9:32 AM

Nov 2014
BlakexEkalb said:
ttcchen said:
magne is a woman, a MTF, Male to Female transgender.

Oh so you sorta mean like cosplaying?
no. Just go google "transgender".
Dec 29, 2019 9:37 AM
Jan 2019
All the hype from manga readers and this is what we got? I'm so disappointed lmao.
Dec 29, 2019 9:45 AM
Jul 2014
Florent3571 said:
Devil_Food said:

So pretty much everyone complaining about this is an idiot.

Yeah we're complaining that the anime adaptation of one of MHA's best moment was only a coloring of manga panel without any improvement from the medium when previous fights fully took advantage of it.

Don't call people idiots for no reasons.

Hey dumbass! That sequence wasn't in the manga.
Dec 29, 2019 9:47 AM

Feb 2019
Nobody5464 said:
TheOmnivert said:
wtf, that great fight was shown in a slideshow manner
how great would it have been, how powerful it have been if the studio decided to bring the old director back and animate that precious fight
i am angry but the emotions were super high in this one
3/5 for not giving us proper animation
hey Horikoshi didn’t even give that fight panels so be happy we got what we did

not a manga reader so this was a surprise but i expect the anime creators to do more than this
but its justified considering there were no panels i think (my heart still wants the proper animated fight but its okay)
Dec 29, 2019 9:48 AM

Mar 2018
Devil_Food said:
Florent3571 said:

Yeah we're complaining that the anime adaptation of one of MHA's best moment was only a coloring of manga panel without any improvement from the medium when previous fights fully took advantage of it.

Don't call people idiots for no reasons.

Hey dumbass! That sequence wasn't in the manga.

Hey dumbass ! I'm talking about the whole fucking fight.
Dec 29, 2019 9:59 AM
Feb 2017
ttcchen said:
BlakexEkalb said:

Oh so you sorta mean like cosplaying?
no. Just go google "transgender".

Ah so it’s like believing they are something they are not? It’s like cosplaying but you actually believe you’re that thing.
Dec 29, 2019 10:01 AM
Jul 2018
Well, this episode makes me wonder if there could of been a plot twist.
The villain aimed at Eri, knowing full well that Togata would try to protect Eri. He preyed on Togata's weakness (his desire to protect Eri)...and Togata ultimately "took the bait"..

But it makes me wonder if there could of been an alternative plot twist..If Togata would of dodged the bullet...while attempting to protect Eri...It seems like MHA wanted Midoriya, Nighteye, and the others to come along...and rescue Eri and Togata..since they are in a desperate situation.
Dec 29, 2019 10:10 AM

Nov 2014
BlakexEkalb said:
ttcchen said:
no. Just go google "transgender".

Ah so it’s like believing they are something they are not? It’s like cosplaying but you actually believe you’re that thing.
it's not a mere belief. It's a fact. If you're a troll please don't reply. Also don't reply if ur too young too understand this.
Dec 29, 2019 10:35 AM

Nov 2015
JustOppais said:
Old_School_Akira said:

There was already CG in the previous seasons. Uraraka’s floating cgi rocks in the Tournament arc
Nigga that was 1 to 2 second we're talking about a episode and a half smh.

There was CGI backgrounds in some parts of the previous seasons too and don’t call me the N word. ๐Ÿคฆ‍โ™‚๏ธ
HACKs! ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ
Dec 29, 2019 10:59 AM
Apr 2012
Yeah, my first thought was "This guy deserves one for all" Mad respect for him.

Sldieshow is going to bog down this anime score. Mirio still the best.
Dec 29, 2019 11:31 AM
Nov 2019
Luchia said:
Well, this episode makes me wonder if there could of been a plot twist.
The villain aimed at Eri, knowing full well that Togata would try to protect Eri. He preyed on Togata's weakness (his desire to protect Eri)...and Togata ultimately "took the bait"..

But it makes me wonder if there could of been an alternative plot twist..If Togata would of dodged the bullet...while attempting to protect Eri...It seems like MHA wanted Midoriya, Nighteye, and the others to come along...and rescue Eri and Togata..since they are in a desperate situation.

To be fair, Eri's quirk is the most OP utility quirk on BNHA... Spoiler below: can revive everyone for every kind of death! In a sense Mirio just got a ticket to have his quirk back later on.
VitorLeiteAncapDec 29, 2019 11:40 AM
Buy Bitcoins and others cryptos(like Monero), the great crisis is coming!
Also don't forget, taxation is theft!
Dec 29, 2019 11:48 AM
Dec 2019
Can't wait for the next episode! Amazing episode with a huge cliffhanger ass always. Sad times for Mirio but I think he'll somehow manage to keep relevancy in the series.
Dec 29, 2019 11:56 AM

Sep 2017
Well feels like a waste of Togata's character if they are not going to kill him off. I mean what's he gonna do without his quirk? Not much that's for sure. If we finally had a good guy die we could have some really powerful stuff happen. As it is I'm guessing Togata won't do much of anything in the next arcs to come. Well what could be cool is if they work out a way to get his quirk back with lots of effort.
Dec 29, 2019 11:59 AM

May 2018
That fight was well 'animated', even with the slideshows it was still pretty tense
Dec 29, 2019 12:01 PM

May 2018
BlakexEkalb said:
ttcchen said:
no. Just go google "transgender".

Ah so it’s like believing they are something they are not? It’s like cosplaying but you actually believe you’re that thing.

As they say, if there's a hole then there's a way
Dec 29, 2019 12:12 PM

Jul 2017
ttcchen said:
BlakexEkalb said:

Ah so it’s like believing they are something they are not? It’s like cosplaying but you actually believe you’re that thing.
it's not a mere belief. It's a fact. If you're a troll please don't reply. Also don't reply if ur too young too understand this.

Actually, it is a belief. It is a fact for them, and social morality force it to be ok. It is ok, really. But it is just a belief. Nothing more. But this is not the place to discuss this anyway, let's cut here. If you wanna continue, we can PM. Unless your intention is to be the MAL SJW, then there are forums for that here too.
Dec 29, 2019 1:23 PM

Dec 2014
zok mirio is really something...true respect for the guy
Dec 29, 2019 1:50 PM

Oct 2018
BNHA has the budget for good animation, and the writing was good, so why does the animation have to be a slideshow? D:
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