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May 20, 2018 5:10 AM

Jun 2009
I really didn't care about this one. At all. Enjoyment was 5/10 but that feels a bit too harsh and the animation was nice at times, so 6/10 it is.
May 21, 2018 10:18 AM

Jul 2009
Pretty decent ending episode I thought, really showing the growth of Akira and Kondou with them both pursuing their "dreams". Plus seeing some more of Akira's past with Haruka was nice too :3 Pretty open-ended ending as well but a really positive note, I admit the "Akira running to hug Kondou" scene felt a bit awkward though XD Overall I'd say it was a solid close to the series!

Overall, I thought this show had amazing visuals and cinematography, and the subject matter was handled pretty well too. Really felt like I was watching a movie at times lol XD The characters had a quite a bit of depth to them and the development was quite well done. Music was pretty good as well and as I've said above, I liked the ending. However I guess something about the show just didn't really "click" for me, because even though I think I liked it and the episodes always went by pretty quickly I don't find myself wanting to rate it that highly. I'd probably give this a 7.5 as it felt a little better than a 7, but alas, I'll have to round down :P Still a solid score: 7/10
May 21, 2018 10:48 AM

Apr 2012
aikaflip said:
The envisioned hug at the end made me gasp. That was stunning.

It was really satisfying to see Tachibana and Kondou getting back on track with their lives. However, I can't help but feel some slight (only slight) disappointment with the change in focus. What began as a forbidden romance ended as a story about pursuing dreams. While a part of me was hoping that Tachibana and Kondou didn't get too close, my curiosity was held by the possibility that they might. The ending, however, leaves a lot of possibilities open.

As a whole, I really liked After the Rain. The story was delightfully engaging; the animation was gorgeous; and there was a pertinent message about not succumbing to discouragement. Further, I'm glad that the story resisted diving too deep into melodrama, misunderstandings, and other tiresome romance tropes. Instead, it opted to keep things simple, and uplift rather than frustrate us.

literally how I felt about the show too especially the drama with the kitchen staff member glad that didn't go more than it did.
May 23, 2018 5:23 PM

Mar 2010
My faith has been 100% reaffirmed in anime.

Rip my heart out and stomp on it, but make me love it.
Show me Nirvana, let me see it twice then blind me.

I am gonna die.
plutomuttMay 23, 2018 5:29 PM
May 25, 2018 10:45 PM

Apr 2016
Akira running into Kandous arm hit me so hard haha

I feel the show ended really well. I honestly couldn't have hoped for anything more.

Gonna get to the manga now :}

Oh and Studio Wit.

Holy shit bruh.
May 25, 2018 10:50 PM

Apr 2016
UglyBarnacle said:
I'll admit, watching Akira attempts at winning Kondo's heart in the first half of the show was what made me love this show in the first place. It maybe creepy and uncomfortable from a neutral person's perspective, but I couldn't help but buy into this angelic girl's forbidden romance simply because of how delicate and tastefully the show handled their relationship. So admittedly, I was a bit disappointed when the show suddenly began switching gears after the insanely beautiful emotional climax in episode 7.

But now, I can confidently say that I love the 2nd half even more than the first.

A problem I have with a lot of anime is that characters simply don't get enough room to just stop and breath. I feel this is a result of studios and creators not trusting the audience to appreciate anything but constant, exciting plot progression (and to be fair, thats what a lot of viewers think they want). But these moments of introspection and self-reflection are so incredibly important for developing characters and getting the audience invested in them.

Thankfully, the people behind this show understand this idea.

There is no need to force overdramatic conflicts or problems into the plot for the sake of stimulating character growth when all that is needed is simply a small window into each character's daily life and watching them doing their own things at their own pace. Everything was just handled so naturally and smoothly. From Akira and Kondo's interactions at work, at the library and at the book fair, to Akira's subdued conflict with Haruka, and to Kondo's reunion with his old writing friend. All of these interpersonal relationships serving to bring the characters to a clearer understanding of themselves and reigniting the old flames they thought had permanently gone out. The way it all quietly comes to a head in the final episode is simply beauty. Pure beauty.

I don't have to feel sad that they dont end up together because at that moment, what they receive from each other is more meaningful than anything else in the world. The rain shelter they built is a source of precious memories and encouragement, but after the rain has settled, they will be ready to freely fly the way they were meant to all along.
I couldn't agree more <3
Aug 9, 2018 9:17 PM

May 2012
Pretty amazing ending if you ask me, even though it's an half open ending it was still very lovely if you ask me!

Had a very lovely touch and would personally love a sequel but in general this ending is a good closure for his series as a whole as the viewer can imagine what would happen next!

All in all I quite enjoyed watching this series and the more in dept feelings that were presented in it.
Aug 18, 2018 3:51 PM

Dec 2015
I really enjoyed this anime from the first episode till the end
this episode had beautiful scenery like the whole anime episodes I really enjoyed the animation and the OSTs.
The hug scene at the end that was truly beautiful.
Sep 2, 2018 10:01 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
I got misty eyed at the run back and hug.... and that was fine. This was such a soft anime. It never seemed that it had to hit me over the head to make a point. Sometimes it was just a raindrop or an umbrella falling that said what needed to be said. The art was fantastic as was the music. I felt like from the first episode that there could be no "good" ending and I wasn't fully ecstatic with it. However, not everything in art has to be fulfilling to be wonderful for me. I feel enriched having watched this anime.......10/10.
Sep 9, 2018 9:18 AM

Jan 2018
Ok, this was truly lovely anime. Characters, story-line and music background were simply masterpiece. It supposed to be as 10/10... but because romantic soul as me didn't get kissu at the very end, which was very disappointing.... So 9/10, but i really enjoyed this anime.
Sep 22, 2018 6:54 PM

Nov 2015
Disliked the ending , I like the ship tho
But disliked how it was Shoujo-Romance then it completely turned to Seinen , I prefer the shoujo romance part
Sep 25, 2018 5:47 PM

Mar 2013
Not gonna lie I'm a little disappointed we didn't see more romance between the main characters but it doesn't matter that much because that was a really beautiful way to end it. Such a sweet, heartwarming and relaxing series from start to end. Visually stunning and musically like no other. I really loved every moment between Kondou and Tachibana even if they weren't much. Seems like this wasn't a love story but more of a story of two people claiming back their lost passions, and I'm fine with that. 7/10
Oct 7, 2018 3:02 PM

Jun 2011
So underwhelming.. "I will remember the one who led me to my future" that's the problem, I don't recall any moments that they've helped each other decide to continue working with their passions.. it would've been better if they decided to actually develop the relationship between the manager and Akira, and not romantically but platonic relationship. By the end of the series I don't even feel like they both have any sort of relationship with each other, beyond one having crush on another. They still speak politely with each other, like how they would with just about everyone else.

There are series where you can really tell that people around them have actually affected their decision on certain subjects, unfortunately this is not one of them. The anime paints itself beautifully, it looks great, it sounds great, the idea for the overall story seems to be very inspiring, but the actual product is lackluster, the show would rather spend screen time on making Akira look as sensual as possible, "dem legs" or making her look really pretty on screen / on bed instead of making use of those time to make the story more impactful. The series ended up being really hollow.

I am not even going to lie, I absolutely dislike the young x old romance, it's not that I couldn't accept it at all, I came into the series with an open mind, but manager-san is everything that's wrong with this series. He's 45 but he's being led around by someone who's 17.. stop smiling like that all the time, manager, it just seem so fake, especially after we've been revealed to who he actually is in the past. Him being reminded of his youth and passion is a great way to start the series with, the idea is amazing but the execution is so poor. If only he didn't fall in love with Akira, I feel like a friendship between them could've worked out EVEN better. The romance is what have been holding their relationship from actually progressing forward. It is also weird asf with the 28 years age difference. I am not against age difference myself, like, my parents are 12 years apart, but 29 is just weird man. People usually have kids when they're around 24 or 25, she's young enough to be your daughter.. that's just legit kind of creepy.

but even tho the idea itself is creepy, I am still open to age gap romance if it's written well, which this was not. By the halfway point of the series, I basically started hating their relationship. Akira went over to manager's house when he was sick, and when she arrived, she basically just sat around with her head down, and had the manager sit around doing nothing, while he's freakin sick. Come on.. -.-; Their first date basically started with Akira coercing him into going with her.. when he didn't even say anything to promise her..

The art and directing, and the OST are all pretty good, the story is very disappointing though. The chef sexually harassed Akira but nothing came out of that, the romantic subplot for sub-characters are not interesting at all.. Perhaps if the manager was 15 - 20 years younger it'd be a lot more acceptable, as well as the manager-san acting his age and not like someone who's 15 for the comedy.. maybe this would've turned out to be really great.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Oct 14, 2018 10:36 AM
Jun 2016
Can anybody please help me find a website to watch the live action with eng subs? it came out months ago but i can't find it anywhere!!!! i can only find the 4 ep spin off :((((
Oct 19, 2018 10:45 PM

May 2010
Great visuals, but everything else sucked. Nothing ever happens in this show.
Oct 19, 2018 11:39 PM
May 2014
I'll put my review over here

The anime that came to me at the time I needed it the most.

I just found out about their existence, browsing through anime in amazon video, and I was interested in the title and decided to see, and I could not stop until I finished.

Characters that feel very real, and that play something in you, a perfect ambience of what it is to live in the monotony lived by Akira and Kondo. Call it what you want, but the love that Akira felt for kondo was pure, with details, with disinterests, with respect and without taking advantage of the other.

They learned from each other, lessons they will never forget, because as they have said, "I will not forget, even pass the time, no matter where I am, I will remember the person who taught me about my future, every time I see the sky after the rain ... "They will never forget the person who helped them through that storm, to finally see the sky after the rain.

After wasting an endless number of opportunities that life has given me, after letting go many people, moments and you find yourself with a cloudy head because you think you will not be able to fulfill your passions and dreams, realizing that really It is not as impossible as it looks, that you can mature to face those obstacles and continue doing what you like, finding a person that makes you see that future clearly, is simply invaluable.
Nov 10, 2018 1:12 AM

Jun 2017
Exemplary and fitting finale to a a very meritorious and invaluable show! Even after rewatching the show after a long and eventful 7-8 months, I can say with utmost certainty that I have enjoyed this show equally to the very maximum! It’s just a glorious coming-of-age show that I’ve wanted to rewatch for a long time now and I’m glad I gave it a chance! Almost everything about this show, for the most bit, was just perfection!

Regarding this finale episode firstly, it had its usual moody feel which is great! Yuuto’s return rekindling some of Akira’s desire to run was magnificently conveyed.
What a quote that was from Kondo-san though!
Lol, the co-workers were thinking that the Manager might get a promotion only to hear that he’s actually failed some test to introduce more variety into the mix. Typical of him, really.
Akira sending that message to Haruka in the end was emotional and Haruka’s relief and joy gave off a very happy feel to it. I’m sure this further implies that Akira will be back to running dead sure now!
Moving on, the final scene between the Manager, Kondo, and Akira was very touching. It’s a pity that the hug was but imagination, but again the nature of the show was enough to suggest that route wouldn’t have come to reality unfortunately. It’s pleasing to see both of them head towards their dreams now, what a pivotal message from this astonishing show! Throughout and even to the bitter end, they might not have mutual feelings but I’m sure they’ll remember each other for eternity to come. Such a person in anyone’s life is invaluable, after all. Loved the final few lines when both of the VAs of the two main leads were reciting the same lines, and looks like the title of Kondo-san’s new novel will be “After the Rain”! It’s so beautiful seeing how they saved each other from deviating off from their respective dreams.
Perfect finale, I don’t think there’s many shows out there, even among the top tier ones, that managed to deliver as much as this show did in its final few moments.

As for this show, as a whole:
- Storyline/Plot Development: 9.0/10
It was very simple, per se, but Wit Studio really took the execution of it to the next level. Rearranging events, throwing in anime original scenes and prolonging screentime for certain scenes to give more weigh and importance to the general plot was magnificently done! It’s such a masterful work, to sum it all up.
A drawback in this regard, though, was because of the gradual change in direction towards the second cour. It started off as a taboo romance kind of a show but then gradually changed gears to become something more focused on aspirations of the Characters and such. Of course, it wasn’t bad but this will also resulted in less development in the relationship between the two main leads from the latter half onwards. First few episodes really focused on the relationship after all.
- Characterization/Character Development: 8.5/10
Great department, again! Our main characters received ample ampunt of screentime and it truly was a glorious effort in making us empathise with them. I, for one, could really relate to Kondo-san oddly enough even though I’m only the same age as Akira, 17. I don’t know how and exactly why, but it just goes to show how much this show managed to entertain and draw me in. I’m not a sportsman either, but even the character of Akira resonated to me on some levels. Most importantly, however, is the fact that they felt real! Realism was really the appeal of this show to me and the Characters made it all the more realistic. All those adorable expressions, heartfelt messages and moments, really set this up splendingly. I really like the personal Monologues mostly from Kondo’s side too, it really pumped in reality shots into the fray xD.
However, the other Characters got the short end of the stick here. Many Characters, perhaps a little too many, were introduced and we hardly had any time to get involved and engaged in their lives. Yui was a good character who received some good screentime for us to delve into her character and personality but Yoshizawa is the perfect example of one that sadly didn’t. Along with him, there’s plenty more.
- Art/Animation Scale: 9.75/10
Gorgeous and a mesmerising display, truly! All the vivid background details and the colourful visuals, one notable example is that of the apartment scene in Episode 7(the umbrellas falling was a really nice touch on the vivid detail), accompanied by the interesting character designs was stunning! Many of the scenes were more impactful thanks to the art itself, like seriously!
Kudos to Wit Studio! Honestly, I thought Wit Studio was more into and better at action-oriented shows, but this clearly proves us wrong! Looks like they can do whatever they put their minds into, I hope Vinland Saga delivers too then!
- Sound Department: 9.5/10
Soothing and delightful! Aimer’s single, “Ref:rain” the ED of this show, is one that I’ve yet to grow out of even after 7-8 months. It’s just so good, and even the Op was brilliant! All the varying and sometimes the repetitive soundtracks that played were top-notch, I never grew tired of them throughout! Voice Acting was picture perfect too, especially for Kondo! Maybe even one the best among all anime shows for me.
I really enjoyed this Department of the show and give it a certified rating of a glorious 9.5/10! A little more variety into the soundtracks were missing in my opinion, but that’s about it.
- Personal Enjoyment: 9.5/10
I think it’s obvious by now but I really enjoyed this show through and through! I felt a little gutted for a second that the finale was so open-ended but really that’s the perfect ending! I’d loved to see more of Yui x Yoshizawa beforehand and more of the members of the restaurant though.

-> Overall: 9.2/10!
I’d love to see a second season asap but since it’s not possible, I’ll surely give the manga a go!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Nov 18, 2018 9:05 AM

Aug 2017
Oh, nice ending. Tachibana and Kondou chased their dreams. The shift in focus in the second half was a bit weak but it was well handled.

Overall, I really enjoyed this show and the writing is good. 7/10 for the anime.
NurguburuNov 18, 2018 9:09 AM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jan 9, 2019 2:05 AM

Mar 2015
where's my kiss feelsbadman
Jan 11, 2019 4:57 AM

Nov 2018
I absolutely loved it from start to finish, was such a treat to watch. So much rain, I love rain even tho at times I was like "whoa it sure rains a lot in here" (not that I'm complaining)
10/10 from me idc. It ended on a very positive note such that even if it doesn't get a S2, it could work but say it does, it would only be more treat. Really loved the atmosphere, all the characters were very nice to watch too.
Jan 29, 2019 4:25 AM

Jan 2017
The Romance tag is a bit of a bait - if anything the romantic part was underdeveloped at best. There is neither reason nor conclusion as to why Akira fell for Kondou and it came off as mostly naive, especially for a 17 year old. But then again does it really need any rhyme or reason?

That anime turned out to be so much more in the end. Drifting apart from each other in a struggling friendship, losing a purpose in life and something to strive for, reminiscing about old friendships, times and one's youthful fire that have faded away. It's all too relatable and just authentically portrayed.

Visually it almost has movie quality. So many neat little details (like the hurdle that breaks somewhere in the beginning and is being fixed with tape later on). The soundtrack was great as well, especially the ED obviously. The song actually made me watch it in the first place. Overall the anime was a pleasant surprise. I gave it an 8 cause of some minor flaws (stuff like the underdeveloped romance or the borderline rapey cook story part). The ending was okay - I don't think 2 cours would have really done a favour even though the source materials extends on so many things and has a more satisfactory ending. If an anime is being stuck in my head as long as this one is, then it's definitely a piece quality in my book.
May 4, 2019 6:02 PM
Jul 2018
If I rated anime I would honestly give this a 10. I am a sucker for unconventional romances as it is and this for the most part didn't pan out the way I was expecting it to. The show overall was gorgeous from start to finish, the narrative and characters were done so well. I had a hard time figuring out which anime got booted off my favorite list to add this one. I would love for an OVA where Akira and Kondo meet again a little later in life.
Oct 7, 2019 7:39 AM

Mar 2015
The end of the series feels a bit unresolved, like, the romance didn't really blossom, Tachibana didn't commit to return to running.. hmm. Still ended well tho!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Oct 18, 2019 10:34 AM

Nov 2009
PrincessMeiMei said:
As some have said, the change in direction made me a bit antsy, but that was mostly because I knew the anime was (very sadly) only 12 episodes long, and I really wanted to see the relationship progression between Akira and Kondo. But a favorite for sure, and another one into the "wishful thinking for a second season" category.

Exactly this. Didn't like the shift in direction but still really enjoyed it. Bittersweet feeling really. The animation was stunning. Tachibana looks like an older version of Hotaru Tomoe.
Oct 23, 2019 9:29 AM

Feb 2019
I'll be honest, I'm disappointed. It wasn't bad, it was enjoyable. But I preferred the first half by far. I was really disappointed by the ending. Specifically, how they just went their separate ways. I'm happy that Kondou got back into writing and Akira realised her desire to run, but not about how they didn't end up together. And I was hoping this was an anime-only ending, but people on this forum have said that this is also how the manga ended. Sad.

I'm not against the whole message and reclaiming-your-passion story, I'm just disappointed that the focus completely shifted and in the end the romance didn't lead to actual romantic love (yes, it did change their lives).

First half, it was a candidate to be one of my favourites and almost gave it a 9, but honestly I'm giving it a 7 now. It was good, enjoyable, but nothing more. I was disappointed by how the romance itself ended.

Animation was gorgeous, the sights were amazing, music was great, dialogue was awesome. Was enjoying every minute of it. So yeah, it's a bittersweet feeling. Wish it were different.
Nov 7, 2019 4:35 AM

Apr 2018
I had some doubts about this anime after watching the first episode about a romance between a 17 years old girl and a 45 years old man, but the developpement and their relationship was just perfect, Art was really good and OST too.
I ended up really liking it, 8/10 for this anime
Dec 13, 2019 11:45 PM
Apr 2018
I love how this ended. It's so true to life that it made me tear up a bit. There's tons of ways this could have spiraled but the story is so grounded. Tachibana and Mr. Kondo feel like real people. The ending was so optimistic that I was completely fine with it being over...but an OVA is not unwanted.
Jan 17, 2020 1:12 AM

Aug 2017
That was a really classy anime. And MC was a hot babe. I liked it.
Feb 12, 2020 8:02 AM

Apr 2009
The romance part of the show disappeared on the second half.
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Apr 25, 2020 2:56 AM

Aug 2018
ezaya said:
The romance part of the show disappeared on the second half.

Yes and without it, the show became a chore to watch.
Aug 19, 2020 9:35 AM
Jul 2020
Really good, and get the feel really well, nust hope the last run and hug is real, even when they didnt end up together. Still get hanging for the ending, how the things are in the end
Aug 20, 2020 2:44 PM
Nov 2018
well in the end nothing really happen in this anime, it's more of a poetic kind of anime. for me it was kind of a waste of time though I regret watching it.
Sep 16, 2020 7:19 PM
Jul 2018
Lmfao, this series turned out to be very different from the initial premise. All the people thinking this'd be about a taboo fetish were dead wrong. In the last episode, Akira's crush on the manager wasn't even emphasized, and not once throughout the 12 episodes did the manager even internally consider reciprocating Akira's feelings. [[This is actually praise and a bit of an "F U" to the people who made impulsive conclusions about the series before watching or during the first couple episodes.]]

Now for some criticism:
It's a bit weird how the Tan track team Chick was shown to be a somewhat "important?" recurring character -- sad and longing for Akira for the entire course of the series -- only for nothing to be resolved throughout the 12 episodes between the two until the very final seconds of the 12th episode in which Akira sends her a text. The implication is that the two (will) become friends again, but none of that is actually seen.

Throughout the series, a lot of things we were expecting to happen didn't happen: 1. Akira never rejoined the track team, nor was she shown to even decide to. If the complication was there, it was extraordinarily subtle. 2. Akira and the tan chick never made up after their fight at the festival, nor were they shown to joivally reunite at any point in the series. 3. Further insight on the manager's divorced wife is never provided. A clear reason for the divorce was never shown. Was it that he spent too much time on literature and the wife felt unattended to? (If you ask me, that's not reason enough for a divorce and she's a biotch for divorcing somewhat as gentle as the manager.) 4. The blonde (long-haired) chef that briefly antagonized Akira never made any significant appearances again, and the three other times he appeared after that were all as a neutral or encouraging character. So that's kind of a wasted plotline.

As of now, Akira still works at the cafe and does not have a concrete plan to join the track team again.
That is, unless her text "let's see the wind again" means she really does plan to return to the track field as well as rekindle the friendship... but that was NOT the right way to execute her decision, imo. Too subtle.

If anything, everything that happened in Episode 12 could have been justified if there was a 13th Episode to answer some more questions or give some more closure to the main and recurring characters. Since this wasn't the case though, the final episode was a bit stale. And there were a lot of unutilized opportunities to expand on the series.

Hopefully (if there's a manga or novel -- I didn't actually check yet), the story kind of continues and resolves itself some more.
I can also see a Season 2. I think there's a lot of ways they can make a sequel series work. Although, no announcements have been made since the seasons ending, and it's intuitive for a seasoned anime viewer to assume there won't be any more content.
I reinstate -- this was a stale ending, and a bit of a bummer for a lack of closure. This fact was drowned in a ton of cliche imagery and blaring optimistic music throughout the episodes final moments.

One final observation: deeming this a "seinen" is just stupid. For young adult men? Oh please. There was some unnecessary fanservice but everything about this anime is bubbly and has feminine undertones. Just look at the theme song for crying out loud, what about that states "this series is aimed at young men." This is without a doubt a shojo or josei, regardless of what the production team intended. [[This is an observation, not a complaint.]]

Overall, the first few episodes were a 10/10, and then it shifted to a 9/10, and then an 8/10, and finally a 7/10. This series truly did get progressively worse (and unnecessarily cheesy). Some cheesy animes are warranted, but cheesy scenarios in this anime didn't work because there wasn't enough to back it up or support it. Typically, cheesy moments are better suited for 24-episode series. This one however ended kind of 'cornily,' and left me underwhelmed and disappointed.

A lot of the characters were loveable or somewhat interesting, but the female lead and her tan friend got on my nerves. That's just me though. This is one of those series where I wouldn't hold it against someone for liking. I DO see the appeal. I guess I'm just too forward-thinking and critical to fall victim to the charm.

P.S. This is the 200th MAL entry I completed.
UPDATE: I came upon another post to this forum after typing down all my thoughts. It's VERY perplexing how they had identical thoughts as me. It's like this person is me from an alternate reality. Weird.
Shikkakku said:
I'll be honest, I'm disappointed. It wasn't bad, it was enjoyable. But I preferred the first half by far. I was really disappointed by the ending. Specifically, how they just went their separate ways. I'm happy that Kondou got back into writing and Akira realised her desire to run, but not about how they didn't end up together. And I was hoping this was an anime-only ending, but people on this forum have said that this is also how the manga ended. Sad.

I'm not against the whole message and reclaiming-your-passion story, I'm just disappointed that the focus completely shifted and in the end the romance didn't lead to actual romantic love (yes, it did change their lives).

First half, it was a candidate to be one of my favourites and almost gave it a 9, but honestly I'm giving it a 7 now. It was good, enjoyable, but nothing more. I was disappointed by how the romance itself ended.

Animation was gorgeous, the sights were amazing, music was great, dialogue was awesome. Was enjoying every minute of it. So yeah, it's a bittersweet feeling. Wish it were different.

^ VERY well said. I absolutely agree with everything they said (and don't disagree with any of it) and couldn't have summed up my own viewpoints better than this.
removed-userSep 16, 2020 7:25 PM
Sep 16, 2020 7:28 PM

Feb 2019
AlexanderHD said:
Lmfao, this series turned out to be very different from the initial premise. All the people thinking this'd be about a taboo fetish were dead wrong. In the last episode, Akira's crush on the manager wasn't even emphasized, and not once throughout the 12 episodes did the manager even internally consider reciprocating Akira's feelings. [[This is actually praise and a bit of an "F U" to the people who made impulsive conclusions about the series before watching or during the first couple episodes.]]

Now for some criticism:
It's a bit weird how the Tan track team Chick was shown to be a somewhat "important?" recurring character -- sad and longing for Akira for the entire course of the series -- only for nothing to be resolved throughout the 12 episodes between the two until the very final seconds of the 12th episode in which Akira sends her a text. The implication is that the two (will) become friends again, but none of that is actually seen.

Throughout the series, a lot of things we were expecting to happen didn't happen: 1. Akira never rejoined the track team, nor was she shown to even decide to. If the complication was there, it was extraordinarily subtle. 2. Akira and the tan chick never made up after their fight at the festival, nor were they shown to joivally reunite at any point in the series. 3. Further insight on the manager's divorced wife is never provided. A clear reason for the divorce was never shown. Was it that he spent too much time on literature and the wife felt unattended to? (If you ask me, that's not reason enough for a divorce and she's a biotch for divorcing somewhat as gentle as the manager.) 4. The blonde (long-haired) chef that briefly antagonized Akira never made any significant appearances again, and the three other times he appeared after that were all as a neutral or encouraging character. So that's kind of a wasted plotline.

As of now, Akira still works at the cafe and does not have a concrete plan to join the track team again.
That is, unless her text "let's see the wind again" means she really does plan to return to the track field as well as rekindle the friendship... but that was NOT the right way to execute her decision, imo. Too subtle.

If anything, everything that happened in Episode 12 could have been justified if there was a 13th Episode to answer some more questions or give some more closure to the main and recurring characters. Since this wasn't the case though, the final episode was a bit stale. And there were a lot of unutilized opportunities to expand on the series.

Hopefully (if there's a manga or novel -- I didn't actually check yet), the story kind of continues and resolves itself some more.
I can also see a Season 2. I think there's a lot of ways they can make a sequel series work. Although, no announcements have been made since the seasons ending, and it's intuitive for a seasoned anime viewer to assume there won't be any more content.
I reinstate -- this was a stale ending, and a bit of a bummer for a lack of closure. This fact was drowned in a ton of cliche imagery and blaring optimistic music throughout the episodes final moments.

One final observation: deeming this a "seinen" is just stupid. For young adult men? Oh please. There was some unnecessary fanservice but everything about this anime is bubbly and has feminine undertones. Just look at the theme song for crying out loud, what about that states "this series is aimed at young men." This is without a doubt a shojo or josei, regardless of what the production team intended. [[This is an observation, not a complaint.]]

Overall, the first few episodes were a 10/10, and then it shifted to a 9/10, and then an 8/10, and finally a 7/10. This series truly did get progressively worse (and unnecessarily cheesy). Some cheesy animes are warranted, but cheesy scenarios in this anime didn't work because there wasn't enough to back it up or support it. Typically, cheesy moments are better suited for 24-episode series. This one however ended kind of 'cornily,' and left me underwhelmed and disappointed.

A lot of the characters were loveable or somewhat interesting, but the female lead and her tan friend got on my nerves. That's just me though. This is one of those series where I wouldn't hold it against someone for liking. I DO see the appeal. I guess I'm just too forward-thinking and critical to fall victim to the charm.

P.S. This is the 200th MAL entry I completed.
UPDATE: I came upon another post to this forum after typing down all my thoughts. It's VERY perplexing how they had identical thoughts as me. It's like this person is me from an alternate reality. Weird.
Shikkakku said:
I'll be honest, I'm disappointed. It wasn't bad, it was enjoyable. But I preferred the first half by far. I was really disappointed by the ending. Specifically, how they just went their separate ways. I'm happy that Kondou got back into writing and Akira realised her desire to run, but not about how they didn't end up together. And I was hoping this was an anime-only ending, but people on this forum have said that this is also how the manga ended. Sad.

I'm not against the whole message and reclaiming-your-passion story, I'm just disappointed that the focus completely shifted and in the end the romance didn't lead to actual romantic love (yes, it did change their lives).

First half, it was a candidate to be one of my favourites and almost gave it a 9, but honestly I'm giving it a 7 now. It was good, enjoyable, but nothing more. I was disappointed by how the romance itself ended.

Animation was gorgeous, the sights were amazing, music was great, dialogue was awesome. Was enjoying every minute of it. So yeah, it's a bittersweet feeling. Wish it were different.

^ VERY well said. I absolutely agree with everything they said (and don't disagree with any of it) and couldn't have summed up my own viewpoints better than this.

It's been a while since I wrote that, and though I'm still not fully satisfied with the anime ending, I felt that the manga ending was better. I recommend reading the manga too! I think it just comes down to buildup and all, since the anime had less time. With more buildup, it's not as abrupt as in the anime (the switch from the romantic focus to the reclaiming-your-passion focus). And also I recommend watching the live-action movie which has a slightly different ending (though I think both the anime and manga are better than it, but it wasn't bad).
Sep 17, 2020 2:38 PM

Apr 2017
epidemia78 said:
ezaya said:
The romance part of the show disappeared on the second half.

Yes and without it, the show became a chore to watch.
Ikr. I actually sped up the anime just to finish it. Completely disappointed
Oct 14, 2020 5:36 AM
Jun 2020
it was okay to me tho I don't like the phasing of this 6/10
Nov 5, 2020 4:37 AM

Feb 2020
Wait? what?
How can it end like that??

I'm definitely gonna read the manga now.
Nov 17, 2020 11:17 AM
Aug 2017
So many people here don't get that it was never about romance. she just had a crush and wanted to give her life some goal/direction after all had come crumbling down.
Feb 4, 2021 2:35 PM

Mar 2018
Decent comedy and romance elements provided for a enjoyable show with a nice message that the anime left off with, the rediscovery of one's passion, which was influenced by each other. It did a pretty nice job at approaching the philosophical struggles at their respective ages one would face, a part of me was hoping to see it further the romance aspect of the story but was still a nice anime nonetheless.

Also really beautifully crafted visuals.

Celest__Feb 4, 2021 2:44 PM
Mar 6, 2021 9:57 AM
Jan 2021
Its a unique romance where the ending they not end up together but support each other to fulfill their promise well nc ending for a soL anime but not for romance
i know it kinda impossible for them to be together because of the age gap and if her mother find out it would be more troublesome i mean her mother age and kondou probably almost the same if their married it would be funny bro u know what i mdan

Overall 8/10
The romance 6/10
Mar 18, 2021 4:32 AM
Jan 2021
Just fishing watching this last episode and didn’t realise we won’t get a season 2 until reading the comments below. An unforgettable anime! Felt like the way Akira & kondou parted they promise to always remember and once they reach there goals they’ll meet again be it as friends that has potential to turn to something more once she’s old enough. Thought they had a beautiful relationship together and tbh I really like Kondou’s point of view. Very relatable. It’s bittersweet but realistically it’s hard to justify society between a 17 and a 45yr old so I understand the route the anime took.
Mar 23, 2021 6:27 PM

Mar 2010
That was such a beautiful beautiful anime, in visuals, mood, & writing, it’s definitely in my top ten.

Apr 4, 2021 10:40 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Just finished horimiya yesterday, and now I just got my second case of finishing an anime that has reached the end of its source material in a matter of days. That’s it, no more manga to continue off of, only to see the several chapters that were skipped in the process. But I at the same time I actually do like that we reach the end, it’s a sense of finality that is rare with anime nowadays. And as long as the ending is good, all is, well, good. And I think this ending is pretty decent. Seems like all matters have been for the most part, been wrapped up.

I’m still kind of like, “what?” Who’s vision was that of tachibana sprinting like usain bolt in the sky? Was in BOTH of their minds? Has she gotten over him? Did they make some sort of weird promise to be together LATER?? Or are they just grateful that they each have given direction and light in their life? Are they good now as just friends? Wut the?? Where do they each stand in this odd relationship? Ah whatever I’m just glad that she and her friend are good now thanks to some texting. Maybe I just wanted more actual romance instead of the change in theme and tone from being about this age gap relationship to being about chasing your dreams. I mean I wouldn’t have minded it as much if they didn’t skip so much material and thus make the transition more smooth. Again, what’s the point of the romance other than to draw some suckers in like myself?

Wit studio once again amazes with its crisp and vibrant animation, with a wonderful soundtrack to go along with it. What was the point of the age gap, or the romance in general? Idk. But somewhere along the way both of our main characters got their lives back on track, and friendships have been mended- I think. So at least you get a happy ending, if not just a bit bittersweet. Still don’t exactly get the point, been it’s a pretty looking anime with some nice imagery. And some nice legs. 6/10
BetaMaleUltraApr 4, 2021 10:55 PM

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jul 9, 2021 10:28 PM
Mar 2021
Pretty lame that went with the safe option. Pretty much a bait and switch. The first 7 ep were great due to the taboo romance. Then the last 5 fizzled out due to its absence. Since it went with the safer option, it should never have been advertised as this taboo romance especially since the older male never reciprocated. I guess you could headcanon that they end up together in the future. 7/10 for the visuals, sound, and good first half
Jul 13, 2021 4:11 AM
Jan 2016
I honestly didn't like this. Im a huge romance person and watch this solely for romance even if its a forbidden one and is rather creepy. However finishing it there was very little romance. Which is just a disappointment
Aug 9, 2021 11:30 PM

May 2019
Very MATURE end. People must realize that an middle aged man and a minor would be pure destruction for both.

But they extracted a recovery from this relation, pursuing their real dreams.

The premisse in other author's hand could be a disaster, a forced story or even ridiculous. But this author really made something nice.

Oct 7, 2021 9:39 AM
Mar 2020
Gonna miss this show .. the wholesome and beautiful animation and vibe.
Nov 30, 2021 3:06 PM

Aug 2018
This was such a beautiful journey!
Not gonna lie, I wasn't really happy with the 1st episode, but this anime grew on me so much!
I was a bit confused at first on why they changed the focus of the anime so suddenly, but they I understood the bigger picture, and I must say it's such a good move! Not only that, but they also didn't use those common romance troops that I am kind of tired of, and portrayed a different kind of romance. It's really an unique experience this anime.
And I must say that the message of not letting off of your dreams, or be consumed by the discouragement is something really beautiful and healing, special for me. Not only that, it was beautifully portrayed! The smart metaphors and beautiful animation really helped on that!
For me, this anime really showed how meeting the right person, at the right time, can completely change your life for the better. Sometimes, 2 people need to meet each other to heal one another, and this exactly this case, and we can see this was the true reason of all of that romance!
For me, this is an easy 9/10
Although it wasn't a great hit for me at the beginning, I am totally going to miss that opening, it grew so much on me, and it's now one of my favorite anime openings!

Edit: Fixed some grammar, AND I AM THE 200TH REPLY! That's interesting I guess xD
Mar 22, 2022 9:42 PM

May 2018
Although I was kind of put off with the age gap, it was still an interesting watch overall. Definitely enjoyed the calm and mature vibes of the show. I wouldn't mind watching more episodes of this anime.
Jun 26, 2022 12:37 PM
Feb 2021
NinjaVanish said:
I'm still pretty upset about how it ended even though the writing was on the wall for past few episodes. I don't really understand why people think this is a beautiful ending. What was most important to Akira was her crush on Kondo and then it just fizzled and became nothing. Wow, that's so heartwarming. The romance angle is what hooked me onto the show in the first place. To play it safe and have it die out with no payoff isn't fulfilling to me. Why even have the romance angle in the first place if the story really is about 2 people in different life situations rediscovering their dreams? Just cut the "romance" entirely and focus on the slice-of-life interactions and friendship between the 2 of them which helps them along their paths. If this story didn't devote 7 episodes to the false premise of romance and just focused on the rediscovering dreams aspect, I wouldn't have watched it, because frankly, that's kind of boring.

I guess I'm glad many people here seemed to get something out of it, but it could've been so much more! The story has the depth and explored the inner workings of the 2 main characters, so if the romance was explored in full, it would've been special. It would've been unique. I would've applauded the writer's decision to take that risk rather than playing it safe. After all is said and done, I can only give this anime a 5/10.

Perfect voice of reason review. Classic bait and switch anime with a taboo relationship to grab the viewers attention and then descends into the standard anime, “what is my dream” theme. What even happened to her feelings for him, they didn’t even have the respect to tell us before they switched mid anime. I blame myself because I somewhat expected this. I’ve watched too many “romance” anime that end up with a hand hold or a responsible safe ending which ultimately comes off as unrealistic. If a middle aged man was pursued by an attractive teenage athlete you know what would have happened, especially in Japan. Perhaps they’d wait a year but he wouldn't walk away so easily. Humans make bad and often selfish decisions when it comes to love and relationships. Why is the love story we watched a story worth telling? Theres nothing new, nothing challenging, nothing wrong and nothing exciting. Stories should be a look behind the curtain or a look at what couldn’t/shouldn’t be done in real life, otherwise what’s the point? At the very least if it starts out that way it should end that way.
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