Lover of Anime, Games, and Music alike.
I'am a Marathoner I usually watch shows after they finish airing for the season unless i'm really hyped for it, bored, or if they are long with 50+ episodes.
Favorite Lines, Quotes, and Sayings
The more you learn, The more you know. The more you know, The more you forget. The more you forget, The less you know. So why learn?
Love until you Hate. Then, Learn to Hate your Love. Then, Forgive your Hate for Loving it.
You're Dumb, But You're not Stupid!
When asked how did he feel in making thousand's of failures in trying to create the light bulb Thomas Edison Replied -
I didn't fail. I just found 2,000 ways how not to make a light bulb. I only needed to find one way to make it work.
I think we are lost because I swear we were just here. I don't think so and I would know I have a Pornographic memory. uhhh don't you mean Photographic? NO!...... I DON'T!!!
Hey how did you get in here? I think the better question is, how did HERE! Get in ME!?
One day all this will be over.
The war to end all wars will be won
by one side or the other.
The guns will rust. Grass will grow
and they'll be nothing left of any of this.
The land will heal itself, as everything does in the end.
We'll be long gone by then
but maybe not forgotten.
History only remembers one in a thousand of us
then the future will be filled with stories of who we were and what we did.
How we lived, how we fought, how we died.
When this is all over and the war is won
they will remember us.
But until that day comes, we will stand, we will look death in the eye
and we will fight!
We the Unwilling, led by the Unqualified to kill the Unfortunate, die for the Ungrateful.
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