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Jan 1, 2014 10:33 PM

Aug 2012
Awesome divine sword, and it used solar energy before it was cool. Loved the interactions between Shichika and Togame, she's smart indeed o_o

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Jan 7, 2014 12:10 PM

Aug 2013
Emonzaemon picked my interrest. He's really cool and pretty powerful too, he killed that turtle without any saber. Also, did I heard right that those guns were one of the katana's?

That episode was really good. Shichika changed a lot since the beginning and now he just seem to have understand that he's not only a katana but a human too. That puppet was also kinda sad, she almost looked like a human. She was really strong too.

Princess Hitei look like a real bitch. I don't understand why Togame sent her Kanzashi, she's her enemy, no?

Also, I already like Togame, but she just grew in respect for me there. She was really clever to understand how the robot worked just by looking at it.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Mar 21, 2014 12:54 PM
Sep 2013
This serie does a lot of interesting stuff. Though the main characters are starting to annoy me. They have many quirks.

Also guns, in shows centered on swords it always means that bad shit will go down.
Jun 8, 2014 8:30 AM

Apr 2013
Another "Maniwani" got screwed in this episode. The greeting part was hilarious.
Jul 26, 2014 8:14 AM

Dec 2013
Great episode. Cool oponent. Emonzaemon is badass. So Shichika is a true human now?
The kiss in the preview? wut

Jimb0 said:
Togame w/ short hair > Togame w/ long hair
1st OP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd OP

...and so begins another long month of waiting

Sep 13, 2014 4:32 PM

Jan 2014
Shichika completely accepted that he is a human...Such developments every episode...
Oct 11, 2014 3:25 AM

Nov 2011
"I may be a sword, but at the same time, I have a human soul!"

This is the embodiment of Shichika's character development. The interesting part is how this line relates to the Deviant Blades, which were themselves said to be imbued with human souls. In becoming both human and blade, Shichika has surpassed the excellence of the Deviant Blades and has become the perfect sword. He is both sword and swordsman, cutting and deciding what to cut. It was a pretty brilliant moment, to be honest. It also solidified his devotion to Togame, who is now his partner rather than his master.

Speaking of which, the romance in this anime has been handled far better than it even has in some I've seen that are totally devoted to romance. The changes in interaction each episode are subtle, but, as in the ED, Shichika and Togame grow closer and closer with each episode. If the narrative continues as well as it has been, they'll likely be my first favorite anime couple.

Really, though, I'm just marveling at Shichika's development. Who would have expected it from a semi-formulaic anime like this? This is such excellent writing, and right after that wham episode just before it, too. How cannot more people appreciate this?

Ah, but perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. There are still four more episodes, after all. However, at this point I'm thoroughly impressed.
Dec 14, 2014 7:44 PM

Aug 2013
Hahaha.. it's refreshing to seesome humor again after the last episode.
Togame look more serious with her new short hairstyle.. but can still cute when she acts childish.
It was funny the way she wanted a piggy back but was too embarrassed to do so.. damn you lightbulb.
Emonzaemon isn't just some pushover character it seems.. can't wait to see him in full power.
I see the main focus this time is Shichika finally found his human soul as a sword.
They seem to be getting pretty intimate.. Shichika discovered the art of teasing.
I'm just glad the artstyle is back like before.. thank heavens for that.
Owh the next episode seems like my cup of tea. Cheerio !
Jan 3, 2015 10:21 PM

Jun 2014
I'm still pissed off at the spoiler i read in the last thread, and im now VERY reluctantly trudging my way though the rest of this series.
Still a beautiful show, with beautiful visuals and interesting ideals and conversations, quick but cool fight scenes and plenty of cuteness.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Feb 7, 2015 8:15 PM
Jan 2012
This show keeps topping itself episode after episode. The fight in this one was so good (Shichika vs. the Doll) and I loved the soundtrack that played during part of the fight. The Doll was quite amazing, probably my favorite sword so far. I am also loving Shichika's personality. While justified, he was quite bland in the beginning and he has become way more likable after eight episodes and so has Togame, although I think she will eventually betray Shichika or something.
May 12, 2015 5:22 PM

Sep 2013
Whenever I hear ALI I think of Rozen Maiden. This op doesnt belong to Katanagatari. NOPE.jpg
May 20, 2015 8:39 PM

Oct 2013
That character development. One of the strongest episodes.
Jun 8, 2015 10:42 AM

Jan 2013
werrston said:
You guys all really missed the two best screenshots of this episode.

"I am not letting you sleep tonight"

Anyone notice that she is wearing nothing?

Yeah I laughed when she said that, "I'm not letting you sleep tonight"
Togame and Shichika are just the best together <3
Jul 5, 2015 9:36 PM

Jul 2014
Togame and Shichika were too adorable this episode<3
it seems Shichika is finally recognizing himself as a human.
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Jul 10, 2015 3:19 AM

Dec 2013
Great episode. Really liked Shichika's development in this episode.

"I'm not letting you sleep tonight" lol
Aug 4, 2015 7:48 AM

Jun 2015
This new opening really remind me another´s.

Why did the princess have two guns? Is really strange .-.
Dec 20, 2015 2:18 PM

Jul 2014
Seeing Shichika and Togame teasing each other was cute.

May 10, 2016 12:07 PM

Jul 2015
Still cant get used to Togame with short hair, it bother me a lot
May 18, 2016 12:27 PM

Jul 2013
I like Shicika's development so far. He now consider himself not only a sword, but also a human being and have accepted that he has soul and it's not only a disposable object. Really liked the battle against Biyorigo, probably the uniquest Deviant Blade seeing so far. And togame's plan worked there.
I also felt some pity for the doll at the end, strangely.

And... another Maniwa died. It seems the series has something against them or something :/ Emonzaemon was badass though.

I like princess Hitei. She has a bitchy personality, but in a very entertaining way. Her greeting with Togame was funny. Without counting the Deviant Blade of Hitei (those guns), Togame and Shichika only have three swords to find for the moment. Let's see how the story will go.
Jun 6, 2016 10:34 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Yanoflies said:

The blacksmith is kewl, he was thinking about global warming etc. Solar power is the way to go.

Best comment :>

On a serious note, Shichika definitely received good character development in this episode, and it's easy to see the change in his and Togame's relationship here as well. Idk though, I'm not a fan of the way Shichika's epiphany was shown, it was just so straightforward. And perhaps that's intentional, given that it's a very Shichika type of thing to say, as he did in the first step when out of nowhere he states that he had fallen for Togame. Still, I'd prefer if the delivery was a bit more subtle. I also still don't personally feel the chemistry between the two.
Jul 6, 2016 7:23 AM

Jan 2016
That trap idea looked like something team rocket would come up with
Just as effective too lol

For real, a doll is a sword now? I found it weird when an armor was a sword but a mechanic doll? At this point Princess Hitei probably has a sword too, and it's her Louis Vuitton fan

Good episode nonetheless. I love the humor this show has and how Togame and Shichika are much closer now, it gives more development to their friendship :)
Aug 22, 2016 12:45 AM

Jan 2010

Hello Ali Project and farewell to summer.

With this eighth episode, we have the continued growth of our main pair, a few uncoverings of background plotting, and information about Houhou apparently not being a pushover compared to all the other Maniwa Ninja Corp heads. As previous stories were closed, new mysteries keep arising, raising new questions about where this story is all going. I'll keep my guesses to myself, but if I may raise an observation, I'll assume that the character designs of Togame and Hitei will come into play later on in the anime. I'm still trying to figure out what Togame's eye change is supposed to mean beyond indicating when she's being either analytical, serious, or cunning. This was made even more pondrous when Shichika compared Togame to Hitei. Something's going on.

Anyways, this marks the beginning of the last third of Katanagatari. It's hard to believe it has been 8 months since I started watching this, but despite being the final stretch, four months is a long time.
Sep 6, 2016 10:25 AM

Mar 2015
Eamonzaemon is pretty badass it's gonna be epic when he eventually faces Shichika which he obviously will since princess Hitei obviously has one of the 12
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Feb 15, 2017 5:58 AM

May 2015
Fight with a doll was really good.

I laughed about Togame's house. :D
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
May 11, 2017 10:38 AM
Jul 2016
I dunno, I didn't really like how this one was animated.
Jul 23, 2017 6:05 PM

Jun 2013
Togame might just prove to be a lot more useful in the second half if this trend continues. I loved the juxtaposition of Shichika with the doll, and he made a great point about the last episode, how he wouldn't have been able to defeat Nanami if he hadn't acted on his own volition. A sword that thinks for itself is better than one that doesn't, obviously.

Hitei and Eamon's dynamic is pretty fun, acting as a foil for Togame and Shichika. Now I really want to know why Eamon is so loyal to her. Surely he wouldn't put up with her sass without a good reason.
Aug 15, 2017 8:07 AM

Sep 2015
It was about time they introduced that smarmy Princess. Or you know had her and Togame interact face to face. I still don't really get her goal. Or why she hates Togame so much. But their interactions this episode were priceless. I'm guessing purely based on the brevity of the series. That the Hime-sama will not have a change of heart. And will be bitter enemies with Togame until the end. But their interactions are interesting. And seems reminiscent to me of some will-they-won't-they tsundere type relationships where they argue but actually like each other. Couldn't say with certainty yet though.

The sword of this episode was one of the most interesting. Not because they were a sentinel robot. You get used to such anachronisms in this series. But because of how they used the robot as a clear metaphor for Shichika. And perhaps more importantly how far Shichika has come. In the beginning when he was trained only to be a sword he was like a lifeless doll. Created specifically for one purpose. But now he can think for himself and feel his own feelings and make his own judgments. Shichika's growth as a human is a rather obvious part of the series to track from the jump. But this episode really drove it into you.
Sep 19, 2017 1:20 AM

Oct 2012
Another Maniwa bites the dust xD

Doesn't matter what Shichika thinks of himself
He's always a human, only have pretty weird emotions.. since he have to learn them by himself
Or.. That's how you define this anime, "Katanagatari"
If that's what it means.. then it's pretty clever.. I guess that's obvious xD

Please let me take that box, they're golds right? xD
"Signature removed"
Dec 20, 2017 7:23 PM

Apr 2016
Shichika and Togame are getting closer and closer.
Their interactions in this episode are very cute! (≧◡≦)
Apr 25, 2018 5:54 PM

Aug 2007
It's nice to see Shichika build more personality. I think this is the first episode I was interested in his reactions.

May 15, 2018 4:58 AM

Aug 2015
These deviant blades never fails to amaze me with their weirdness, as for this one to run by solar power and can detect & separate human presence to other lifeforms, I must say it's way too advanced for the era this "blade" was created but who gives a fck just my small nitpick.

Anyway as usual Shichika and Togame's interactions in this ep never fail to amaze me, especially with the one with Emonzaemon like that dude just smile at how sweet these 2 are.

Man just seeing Shichika self-reflect on who he was before as he see himself with the doll is the icing to this ep, I'm glad that he finally learned what it means to be human.

Also kinda agree with this dude
Togame w/ short hair > Togame w/ long hair
1st OP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd OP

May 18, 2018 5:12 AM

May 2016
Shichika has reached that point of humanity that he managed to sympathize with a fellow sword, specifically a doll who follows absolute commands without considering other moral factors, as something he used to be just like. Just 3 Maniwani left tho.

The greetings between Princess Hitei and Togame made Shichika further discover the enigma of woman interaction. Despite their clever schemes, how they managed to miss both the gun swords and the golden blades made me die a little inside at their potential loss.

All signs point towards Togame not wearing anything down there except for the delicate parts of her dress. Her hair won't be able to cover anything once another scene happens so she's have to rely on convenient background elements from now on lmao

Oct 5, 2018 10:59 PM

Dec 2016
Another awesome episode!
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 17, 2019 9:00 AM

Sep 2017
Another awesome episode indeed !

I feel like this episode was different from the others however, but in a good way

As usual, the scenery and the backgrounds are gorgeous, and the character development in this episode is really great
The animation quality increased too, and the fight with the doll was really impressive, the best so far in this anime
Nice OST too, and, unlike what seems the vast majority of people here, I really like the 2nd OP. Ali Projects fits really well with the tone of the series. 2nd OP has stunning visuals too !

I'm currently catching up with the anime, but I'm not watching it really fast tbh and I appreciate that rhythm
Waiting a month between each episode would be too long, but I started watching the anime at the end of June, so I'll be finishing it within the next week I think. It will have taken me 2 months to watch the anime, that makes 6 eps per month so more or less 1.5 eps per week. That's a nice rhythm I think, if I watched it too fast I couldn't have had this "journey" sensation alongside the Togame and Shichika !
Sep 7, 2019 5:52 AM

May 2018
I laugh when Shichika's talk bad bout Togame' house. The new opening was good, better than the first opening. Togame and Hitei's greeting was way to long than I expected. Togame has a cute side too, when Emonzaemon looks it makes me smile. Biyorigou's appearance is not what I expected, I thought it would be sea creature or something like that, other than that it looks cool having four swords and it is the 8th sword. Maniwa Umigame has lost against Smonzaemon who looks like is out for a revenge against Maniwa corps, it was a quick fight amd was easy for Emonzaemon. Shichika seeing an image of him on the 8th sword is nice, along how he compare it to the past and present him. The battle between them is basically about who can endure the fight longer, but since the doll loses fuel it loses.
Dec 10, 2019 8:14 PM

Aug 2017
pls don't die Togame, pls don't die Togame, pls don't die Togame.

BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jul 4, 2020 5:08 AM

Apr 2014
How... how could Togami have possibly predicted that the robot is also a helicopter? There's a point at which a character "predicting" things gets too ridiculous to ignore, and frankly its below what I would expect from such a well-regarded author.
Aug 21, 2020 5:00 PM

Jun 2020
Magmafrost said:
How... how could Togami have possibly predicted that the robot is also a helicopter? There's a point at which a character "predicting" things gets too ridiculous to ignore, and frankly its below what I would expect from such a well-regarded author.

idk bro the show is super unrealistic and surreal but i guess thats why i like it
Aug 28, 2020 8:29 AM

Jan 2014
I thought this was the best episode in a while! Shichika has come so far I’m astounded T.T him and Togane are wayyy too cute together

btw was anyone else HELLA creeped out by that doll?! reminded me of that deformed thing from toy story lmao
Dec 5, 2020 6:13 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
Another one of my beloved Maniwani bites the dust. The beloved Turtle..... makes me miss the awesome Insect Squad. Oh well..... maybe I can hang with the
Aug 24, 2022 2:14 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Am losing interest in this show fast and actually skipped a lot of this episode when I realize I was neither caring nor actually paying attention to what anyone was saying; it just drags out for too long. Really it hasn't necessarily declined in quality by any significant means, but I mean once you have a rather climatic event in that of fighting your sister was like the most powerful character in the show, everything else to me at least just feels lacklustre now. I kind of see what that one guy meant when he said it's only good for about half of the show. I think it would've been absolutely fine to watch this in monthly increments as that's how it was released while it was airing. But I'm watching this from day to day, and it just feels like it's beginning to stretch on for a bit too long at parts.

I'm going to finish the rest of this series still, but not exactly. I'll be skipping ahead in 5 second or so increments with my handy dandy right arrow key and just trying to get the general idea by reading whatever comes in on the subtitles. And I think that will be pretty easy, because unless I'm wrong, the writing style is actually so basic that one character can say one line of dialogue and they just hammer in on that one line and talk about nothing else for the next five minutes. Like legit give me one line of dialogue every five minutes and you could basically watch the whole episode without having to watch all this other stuff that makes it drag on. Maybe I'm completely wrong but that's just how it feels to me at this point.

The last post on this discussion thread was literally in 2020; I think it's safe to say that not a lot of people are watching this and that it will be quite some time before anyone comes across, let alone READ this. And if and when that time comes and you the reader happen to be triggered by anything I said, well idgaf. I'll have moved on and be long gone by then with Katanagatari sent far back into the recesses of my distant faded memory.

Anyway, time to "watch" the remaining 4 episodes.

whiskey tango foxtrot

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