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Dec 8, 2019 12:31 AM

Nov 2007
Haha! I am not even gonna say how ridiculous this chapter turned out to be. Now I feel happy this is ending within a few weeks.
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Dec 8, 2019 1:34 AM
Jan 2018
I'm looking forward for this chapter 114 I can't wait to read it
Dec 8, 2019 2:11 AM

Jan 2018
Haha! I am not even gonna say how great this chapter turned out to be. Now I feel sad this is ending within a few weeks.
Dec 8, 2019 4:47 AM
Jul 2017
SethBigBoss said:
Haha! I am not even gonna say how great this chapter turned out to be. Now I feel sad this is ending within a few weeks.

I'm looking forward to the chapter when it comes out translated.
I also expect Yotsuba to go martyr again. How it goes after this, I really am curious to know.
"You are the result of 4 billion years of evolution. Act like it."
"Why don't you eat make up? Then you can be beautiful on the inside too."
"'Sick'? Call me 'twisted'. 'Sick' makes it sound like there's a cure."
"What's messed up isn't my thinking, what's messed up is this god damn world."
"The world isn't perfect, but its out there doing the best it can for us. That's what makes it so damn beautiful."
Dec 8, 2019 5:43 AM

Jan 2018
Yots confirmed to be the final girl huh now I would love to see the face of those mf who always said that itsuki is gonna be the end girl huh.

Happy that yots is slap on those bitches who said itsuki gonna win but really sad Nino, Miku lost.
Dec 8, 2019 2:38 PM

Jan 2018
#teamyotsuba since day 1! Fuck yeah! ♡
Dec 8, 2019 10:56 PM
Jul 2017
So it's been confirmed.
Yotsuba is the bride. I don't get Fuutarou's reason since they didn't exactly have a lot of romantic moments but I get the feeling that you want to be with the one who supported you the most.
In a way, Fuu made a very good choice.
Now what will we get in the next few chapters?
But the manga feels rushed at this point. Not the last few chapters, but the arc overall.
I mean come on, he changed his mind way too quickly and we deserve a college arc.
"You are the result of 4 billion years of evolution. Act like it."
"Why don't you eat make up? Then you can be beautiful on the inside too."
"'Sick'? Call me 'twisted'. 'Sick' makes it sound like there's a cure."
"What's messed up isn't my thinking, what's messed up is this god damn world."
"The world isn't perfect, but its out there doing the best it can for us. That's what makes it so damn beautiful."
Dec 9, 2019 12:37 AM

Nov 2018
Run away Yotsuba while Fuutarou chasing Yotsuba, I rather called it "catch me if you can" and Fuutarou confess true feelings to Yotsuba is the biggest moment in this manga series.. Just like what happened to "ToraDora! Anime series", I would be saying it this chapter "I'm crying speechless"... And I would to saying it loud: Congratulations Fuutarou, you are choosing a right and perfect girl.. So get the engagement ring, wedding gown (male,female) bring the wedding ring, go to the church and you say it "I DO"...
Dec 9, 2019 1:21 AM

Jul 2014
It's official, Yotsuba won.

I used to be Miku supporter but after she became too aggressive with her approach she fell off my radar.

But hey the main girl didn't win in the end, I feel like Itsuki's whole character just a BIG bait lol.
Dec 9, 2019 1:23 AM

Jul 2014
Congintive said:
Yots confirmed to be the final girl huh now I would love to see the face of those mf who always said that itsuki is gonna be the end girl huh.

Happy that yots is slap on those bitches who said itsuki gonna win but really sad Nino, Miku lost.

No one cares about Ichika xD
Dec 9, 2019 1:29 AM
Jul 2018
So looks like this chapter finally confirmed Fuutarou's choice, good thing that there are no more twists in the story. Really hope that he will explain his perspective now as the "romance" here didn't quite work really.
Dec 9, 2019 1:36 AM

Oct 2017
HOLY DAMN...Yotsuba really won, there's no other twist. My girl really did it, I'm happy af. The confession was priceless.
MegamiRemDec 9, 2019 2:08 AM
Dec 9, 2019 2:41 AM

Nov 2019
This confession was everything i wanted it to be. Funny at first, cute and then super emotional. The panel with Yotsuba and Fuu under the stars (callback to ch.21) is probably my favorite of the whole manga. Man his words killed me, that's the foundation of an healthy long lasting relationship,
Dec 9, 2019 3:16 AM
Apr 2019
Devil_Slayer said:
It's official, Yotsuba won.

I used to be Miku supporter but after she became too aggressive with her approach she fell off my radar.

But hey the main girl didn't win in the end, I feel like Itsuki's whole character just a BIG bait lol.

Feels as though Negi wanted to kill off Miku's character a bit. Like how she is lumped together with Nino as sidekicks. The swimming pool and in the classroom where they hugged
Dec 9, 2019 3:27 AM
Apr 2019
I hope Miku and Nino are not making the wedding cake. I don't need another Nisekoi
Dec 9, 2019 3:32 AM

Apr 2012
Man I remember there was a saying that while the other quints(excluding Itsuki) are chasing Fuutarou, but in Yotsuba case she is the one that Fuutarou chase, can't believe it actually happened, and that confession that basically a callback to ch.21 were amazing. still I don't really want this manga to end soon.
Dec 9, 2019 3:38 AM
Oct 2018
Devil_Slayer said:
Congintive said:
Yots confirmed to be the final girl huh now I would love to see the face of those mf who always said that itsuki is gonna be the end girl huh.

Happy that yots is slap on those bitches who said itsuki gonna win but really sad Nino, Miku lost.

No one cares about Ichika xD

I do but I dont whine like miku and nink fans
Dec 9, 2019 4:01 AM

Jan 2018
Devil_Slayer said:
Congintive said:
Yots confirmed to be the final girl huh now I would love to see the face of those mf who always said that itsuki is gonna be the end girl huh.

Happy that yots is slap on those bitches who said itsuki gonna win but really sad Nino, Miku lost.

No one cares about Ichika xD

I don't hate her but I don't like Ara ara type of character (few exceptions tho) and on the top of that her hairs are too short+actress im mostly neutral towards her.
Dec 9, 2019 5:02 AM
Nov 2015
The mini-drama bothered me a lot! But at least it was solved immediately.
Dec 9, 2019 5:28 AM

Nov 2015
welp,this confirms it, another waifu wars lost, Nino and Miku baking the wedding cake

Negi is just butthurt cuz childhood friends lose all the time smh, he's also a hack js

lowkey still hoping for 5 alternative endings

let's hope at least Tsutsui makes best girl Fumino win
Dec 9, 2019 6:18 AM

Mar 2018
So Yotsuba really won. I was kinda hoping that last chapter was bait but somehow I'm still satisfied. I think Fuutarou picking Yotsuba is a really good choice and it makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Yotsuba was always overworking herself and sacrificing her own fun so other could have fun and Fuutarou notices that. Plus she's the one that Fuutarou first met so for me it makes sense that Yotsuba wins but I can see ppl hating that fact
Dec 9, 2019 6:30 AM

Oct 2015
its here bois

now to dance on the grave of everyone who say yotsuba would have never win just cause she didnt get enough screentime and theyre too dumb to see this development which was gonna happen from miles away

8 or 7 more chapters down to the romance
which im guessing is probably just gonna be
they go on a date and fail cause they both just cant
and stuff happens blah blah
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Dec 9, 2019 7:19 AM

Sep 2017
still cant believe neither Nino nor Miku won the race, this pain still remain and always be

grats to you, yotsuba
Dec 9, 2019 7:26 AM
Jul 2018
What a good choice. All I can say now is that I'm sad for Ichika.
Dec 9, 2019 8:01 AM

Sep 2018
Damn you Author-san! Even thou Miku is my number one im just so happy for Yotsuba!!!
well that's just my opinion.....
Dec 9, 2019 8:05 AM

Mar 2015
wtf, i tough it was fuutarou supposed to be confessing in this arc. i swear if negi bait me again, i will went mad. i don't even care about which girl will be the winner anymore.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Dec 9, 2019 9:46 AM

Nov 2019
Kuma said:
wtf, i tough it was fuutarou supposed to be confessing in this arc. i swear if negi bait me again, i will went mad. i don't even care about which girl will be the winner anymore.

he confessed tho.........
Dec 9, 2019 10:11 AM

Jan 2009
Can't say i'm surprised how yotsuba acted, considering her self sacrificing mindset, i was always rooting for yotsuba so this ending has been quite nice for me, with double points for the fact that negi played both the "i want my beloved to be happy" and "love martyr" tropes straight only for the love martyr to actually be the victor.
Dec 9, 2019 10:16 AM

Jun 2017
YES I KNEW...No switch or bait. Pretty good chapter ;-;
Dec 9, 2019 10:16 AM
Mar 2015
Fuu confesses to Yotsuba and she finally says yes
Dec 9, 2019 10:19 AM

Jun 2015
I don't hate this. Yotsuba has been supporting everyone for so long. I do feel bad for the other girls because in the end they are all really great in their own way.
Dec 9, 2019 10:25 AM

Oct 2013
Now I just need to wait and see how correct I was about the series losing popularity because their girl not winning
But yeah Im glad for Yotsuba. I prefer Miku personally but I know how strong childhood love can be so makes sense to me even if they changed during the years they spent away from each other since certain connections and memories are what makes you who you are in the present
Dec 9, 2019 11:34 AM
Feb 2016
This isn't really settling well with me. Miku, Nino, and even Itsuki did a lot more in the early chapters of the manga and had really big moments that made them stick out. Yotsuba was kinda in the background until chapter 90, and then we're suddenly supposed to care about her.

She's the "first girl" (in chronological order of appearance since she met him first as a child) and "childhood friend" trope, and Negi didn't really do anything new and go with Miku or Nino, since both don't fall in these tropes and have had more character growth. This just doesn't bode well with me really.

And I remember Negi said he was gonna give us an ending that would satisfy almost all the fans, but I don't really see this being the case for majority unless he's devising a harem ending (hopefully, I don't want Miku and Nino to be sad anymore).

Anyways, good win anyways Yotsubro's (even if it's because of cliche tropes). I'm gonna go think my life choices and most likely abandon reading harem manga's in general anymore, because each just have the same story each time and almost pick one of the least interesting girl of the bunch.
Dec 9, 2019 11:55 AM

Mar 2016
I can’t even complain. I was a Miku supporter all along but Yotsuba must have grown on me bit by bit because I don’t have any issues with this choice. I’m happy even.

AZY-sama said:
welp,this confirms it, another waifu wars lost, Nino and Miku baking the wedding cake

Negi is just butthurt cuz childhood friends lose all the time smh, he's also a hack js

lowkey still hoping for 5 alternative endings

let's hope at least Tsutsui makes best girl Fumino win

Nah, what I want is for Tsutsui to take the daring route and crown Mafuyu the winner. Now that would truly be trope-breaking.

Although I will accept a Fumino end. Anything but an Ogata or Uruka end.
Dec 9, 2019 12:52 PM

Jan 2009
Judgment526 said:
I can’t even complain. I was a Miku supporter all along but Yotsuba must have grown on me bit by bit because I don’t have any issues with this choice. I’m happy even.

AZY-sama said:
welp,this confirms it, another waifu wars lost, Nino and Miku baking the wedding cake

Negi is just butthurt cuz childhood friends lose all the time smh, he's also a hack js

lowkey still hoping for 5 alternative endings

let's hope at least Tsutsui makes best girl Fumino win

Nah, what I want is for Tsutsui to take the daring route and crown Mafuyu the winner. Now that would truly be trope-breaking.

Although I will accept a Fumino end. Anything but an Ogata or Uruka end.

Personally i'm wanting a fumino end at this point, as reading the manga that seems the most organic pairing, that said a mafuyu ending would be a interesting twist.

My problem with ogata and uruka end is that in both cases, i see it as unhealthy for everyone involved, ogata would rely too much on nariyuki if they ended up together (thus rendering all of her hard work pointless) and uruka would potentially risk losing her dream if she ended up with him, in the end any ending with those 2 seems to be destined for disaster, while with fumino i see them both being someone they can rely on and trust, not to mention that unlike uruka and ogata, i could definitely see nariyuki and fumino needing each other to push ahead with their dreams.
Dec 9, 2019 12:58 PM
Jun 2011
Supersky said:
This isn't really settling well with me. Miku, Nino, and even Itsuki did a lot more in the early chapters of the manga and had really big moments that made them stick out. Yotsuba was kinda in the background until chapter 90, and then we're suddenly supposed to care about her.

She's the "first girl" (in chronological order of appearance since she met him first as a child) and "childhood friend" trope, and Negi didn't really do anything new and go with Miku or Nino, since both don't fall in these tropes and have had more character growth. This just doesn't bode well with me really.

And I remember Negi said he was gonna give us an ending that would satisfy almost all the fans, but I don't really see this being the case for majority unless he's devising a harem ending (hopefully, I don't want Miku and Nino to be sad anymore).

Anyways, good win anyways Yotsubro's (even if it's because of cliche tropes). I'm gonna go think my life choices and most likely abandon reading harem manga's in general anymore, because each just have the same story each time and almost pick one of the least interesting girl of the bunch.
I been reading the whole manga chapters so far and itsuki never had any romance feelings towards futtaru at all
Dec 9, 2019 1:08 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Supersky said:
This isn't really settling well with me. Miku, Nino, and even Itsuki did a lot more in the early chapters of the manga and had really big moments that made them stick out. Yotsuba was kinda in the background until chapter 90, and then we're suddenly supposed to care about her.

She's the "first girl" (in chronological order of appearance since she met him first as a child) and "childhood friend" trope, and Negi didn't really do anything new and go with Miku or Nino, since both don't fall in these tropes and have had more character growth. This just doesn't bode well with me really.

And I remember Negi said he was gonna give us an ending that would satisfy almost all the fans, but I don't really see this being the case for majority unless he's devising a harem ending (hopefully, I don't want Miku and Nino to be sad anymore).

Anyways, good win anyways Yotsubro's (even if it's because of cliche tropes). I'm gonna go think my life choices and most likely abandon reading harem manga's in general anymore, because each just have the same story each time and almost pick one of the least interesting girl of the bunch.

Yeah I agree to a certain point. The author didn't really develop Yotsuba as a character until late, when we were deep into the manga, and ,any of the other girls were already fleshed out. It feels kind of an odd pairing whichever way you cut it. Not to mention that she has that weird childish design compared to the other twins.
At least I commend the author for not chickening out from a definitive ending. There's no doubts about this one.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 9, 2019 1:09 PM
Jan 2019
Congintive said:
Yots confirmed to be the final girl huh now I would love to see the face of those mf who always said that itsuki is gonna be the end girl huh.

Happy that yots is slap on those bitches who said itsuki gonna win but really sad Nino, Miku lost.

I wanted it to be Nino, thought it would be Miku, and expected it to be Itsuki. I am utterly defeated, but hey, at least it wasn't Ichika am I right?
Dec 9, 2019 1:23 PM
Feb 2016
elior1 said:
Supersky said:
This isn't really settling well with me. Miku, Nino, and even Itsuki did a lot more in the early chapters of the manga and had really big moments that made them stick out. Yotsuba was kinda in the background until chapter 90, and then we're suddenly supposed to care about her.

She's the "first girl" (in chronological order of appearance since she met him first as a child) and "childhood friend" trope, and Negi didn't really do anything new and go with Miku or Nino, since both don't fall in these tropes and have had more character growth. This just doesn't bode well with me really.

And I remember Negi said he was gonna give us an ending that would satisfy almost all the fans, but I don't really see this being the case for majority unless he's devising a harem ending (hopefully, I don't want Miku and Nino to be sad anymore).

Anyways, good win anyways Yotsubro's (even if it's because of cliche tropes). I'm gonna go think my life choices and most likely abandon reading harem manga's in general anymore, because each just have the same story each time and almost pick one of the least interesting girl of the bunch.
I been reading the whole manga chapters so far and itsuki never had any romance feelings towards futtaru at all

Yeah, Itsuki didn't have any real romantic feelings, but I was mentioning how she had more screen time and interactions with him than Yotsuba imo. this just doesn't really feel right. And I know in Japan, Miku and Nino were pretty popular compared to the rest, so I'm wondering how they're reacting to all this
Dec 9, 2019 1:49 PM

Jan 2009
Farabeuf said:
Supersky said:
This isn't really settling well with me. Miku, Nino, and even Itsuki did a lot more in the early chapters of the manga and had really big moments that made them stick out. Yotsuba was kinda in the background until chapter 90, and then we're suddenly supposed to care about her.

She's the "first girl" (in chronological order of appearance since she met him first as a child) and "childhood friend" trope, and Negi didn't really do anything new and go with Miku or Nino, since both don't fall in these tropes and have had more character growth. This just doesn't bode well with me really.

And I remember Negi said he was gonna give us an ending that would satisfy almost all the fans, but I don't really see this being the case for majority unless he's devising a harem ending (hopefully, I don't want Miku and Nino to be sad anymore).

Anyways, good win anyways Yotsubro's (even if it's because of cliche tropes). I'm gonna go think my life choices and most likely abandon reading harem manga's in general anymore, because each just have the same story each time and almost pick one of the least interesting girl of the bunch.

Yeah I agree to a certain point. The author didn't really develop Yotsuba as a character until late, when we were deep into the manga, and ,any of the other girls were already fleshed out. It feels kind of an odd pairing whichever way you cut it. Not to mention that she has that weird childish design compared to the other twins.
At least I commend the author for not chickening out from a definitive ending. There's no doubts about this one.
Maybe it's because i've been rooting for yotsuba for a while but i saw alot of development for her, the problem is it wasn't direct, it was usually during other people's arcs, helping her sisters etc, tbh the fact i didn't see this coming is kind of embarassing for me, the signs have been there since the early chapters that negi picked yotsuba from the beginning, and her interactions and dynamic with her sisters explained a ton about her personality and self doubt, heck even the bell ringer scene, when i went back to look at it, was undoubtably yotsuba, since none of the other sisters except yotsuba have made that facial expression in the series.

Speaking of that scene, considering the bell ringer is the bride and yotsuba was tecnically the first quint fuutarou could pick out, there's no doubt in my mind he knew then it was yotsuba, which means story wise, his mind was probably made up for a while, hence the "sorry for the wait" comment last chapter, this is also probably why they showed that scene at the beginning of the chapter, as their grandfather said it was "love" that made it so he could pick them out.
Dec 9, 2019 2:01 PM
Jul 2014
It gives a mixed feeling vibe. Throughout most of the story, it seemed like Yotsuba was pretty much out of the competition and got the least romantic scenes. Therefore I think majority of people were rooting for Miku( like me) or Nino because of the development. That said, the more you think about it the better you can understand Fuutarou's choice, as the latest chapters showed the past (Yotsuba being the childhood friend and fuutarous motivation, her hard work and so on). It seems she loved him for a long time, hiding the feelings quite well. So in the end, pretty good choice :) .
Dec 9, 2019 2:53 PM

Nov 2007
@Supersky: Yotsuba has always been the second most popular in Japan overall but Nino was always pretty close. Nino's popularity waned over the course of the manga, or stagnated since the growth with the anime onlies because the anime didn't do her much favor and Negi stopped developing her character in the manga.

Miku, despite of her immense popularity, ended up becoming the reason for her own loss. The way she was made into a Miku-Nino pair in the later chapters was quite glaring.

Ichika's character was strangled to death immediately after the start of the race, so there was no comeback for her.

Itsuki didn't even have a proper growth, just like Yotsuba.

Who knew this would come handy:

shanimebib said:
1. Miku
2. Yotsuba
3. Ichika

Yotsuba was my second favourite for a huge duration of the manga and probably still was when she was made into an emotional sandbag. I am more disappointed because of the way it happened than the actual outcome. It seems super rushed and it seems like Negi was really burnt out as many predicted based on the answers of his interview published a few weeks back.


On another note:

Also, people should stop comparing Uruka with Yotsuba just because they have several things in common a) Genki b) having a common past with the MC and c) the reason for the MC's change. But the similarities ends there for the MC of the present.

Uruka has been at the forefront of all the emotions sentiment of Nariyuki of the present. You cannot deny those chapters. Yotsuba wasn't in the case of Fuutarou. Everything happened in Yotsuba's monologues. The other girls evoked those sentimental feelings for Fuutarou.

If people don't like Uruka's character then it is one thing. But saying that she doesn't have what it takes to end up with Nariyuki is wrong. The manga gave more hints than ever. Even the latest volume cover, which could be the one before the penultimate volume, proves that she is different from the other girls to Tsutsui.
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Dec 9, 2019 3:09 PM

Feb 2008
So that chap. is legit ?, because when I read it I felt as if it were written by a 5y old from tumblr, and the art, it looked much worse than what the series presented earlier.

Still congrats for Yotsuba
Dec 9, 2019 3:54 PM
Oct 2019
The Yotsubros have won. No switcheroos from here.
Dec 9, 2019 4:36 PM

Mar 2015
noelX said:
Kuma said:
wtf, i tough it was fuutarou supposed to be confessing in this arc. i swear if negi bait me again, i will went mad. i don't even care about which girl will be the winner anymore.

he confessed tho.........

he didn't confess his love to yotsuba, that's the one irk me off...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Dec 9, 2019 4:53 PM
Dec 2018
It is a realistic choice so I'm happy that we didn't get any cheap plot twists and ended up with something that appears to be logical. Yotsuba was, pretty much, everyone's 2nd choice and the fact that she was supportive of him throughout was there for all to see. She didn't need the 'development' of the other characters, which looked more like a crush to me, she was a constant the whole time and always had his back. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would respond to a crush, more like someone who would appreciate support and someone who was reliable.

Happy to see a decent choice, for a change, in one of these stories. So many end in baffling and illogical choices, choosing people who have not been particularly good to the main character.
Dec 9, 2019 5:39 PM

Jan 2018
Yotsuba confessing her love at the end was really cute ^^
Dec 9, 2019 6:20 PM

Nov 2018
AZY-sama said:
welp,this confirms it, another waifu wars lost, Nino and Miku baking the wedding cake

Negi is just butthurt cuz childhood friends lose all the time smh, he's also a hack js

lowkey still hoping for 5 alternative endings

let's hope at least Tsutsui makes best girl Fumino win

Don't worry about Author Tsusui it's because his favorite character will be Fumino Furuhashi... While Author Negi didn't mentioned who's the favorite character..
That's why the story that created from Author Negi was suspicious and full of bait characters except character Yotsuba (in short he is the author lots if logic) even the author give some hint with a twisting story scene in every chapter that he released it..
Dec 9, 2019 6:27 PM

Jan 2018
@shanimebib so in short.

a) Genki b) having a common past with the MC and c) the reason for the MC's change. Is going to become the new trend in harem.
Dec 9, 2019 6:31 PM

Nov 2007
Congintive said:
@shanimebib so in short.

a) Genki b) having a common past with the MC and c) the reason for the MC's change. Is going to become the new trend in harem.

Two in 100 years doesn't make a trend.
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